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  • I am sebastian-palma on github.
  • I am lagartijaseb ( on keybase.
  • I have a public key ASBmZgPLA1uYNO_lseJTDIX34oKC-eUGHCPJLC_EeVvkcQo

To claim this, I am signing this object:

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# frozen_string_literal: true
module RuboCop
module Cop
module Custom
# Looks for the require of the rails_helper or spec_helper and raises
# a warning as those files are set to be included through the .rspec
# file.
# On auto correction it just deletes those lines.
Director.create(first_name: "Martin Scorsese", date_of_birth: "17/11/1942", id: 2)
Director.create(first_name: "Michael Bay", date_of_birth: "17/02/1965", id: 3)
Director.create(first_name: "George Lucas", date_of_birth: "14/05/1944", id: 1)
Movie.create(name: "Star Wars: Epizoda IV – Nová naděje", release_date: "25/05/1977", description: "", director_id: 1)
Movie.create(name: "Star Wars: Epizoda III – Pomsta Sithů", release_date: "15/05/2005", description: "", director_id: 1)
Movie.create(name: "Skrytá identita", release_date: "06/10/2006", description: "", director_id: 2)
Movie.create(name: "Mizerové", release_date: "07/04/1995", description: "", director_id: 3)
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[1] pry(main)> Site.includes(:site_links).where.not(site_links: { active: true })
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[2] pry(main)> Site.includes(:site_links).where.not(" = true")
Site Load (1.0ms) SELECT "sites".* FROM "sites"
set -x PATH $HOME/.rbenv/bin $PATH
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