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Last active May 21, 2021 20:13
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((d % 2) ? squareColorBlack : squareColorWhite) \n : (!(d % 2) ? squareColorBlack : squareColorWhite))\n .style(\"stroke\", \"none\")\n .attr(\"x\", d => (d % 8) * squareTotal)\n .attr(\"y\", d => Math.floor(d / 8) * squareTotal)\n .attr(\"width\", squareWidth)\n .attr(\"height\", squareWidth); \n return svg;\n}","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":11,"value":"function getDefsForSVG(svg){\n const defs =\n .append(\"defs\");\n \n const filter = defs.append(\"filter\")\n .attr(\"filterUnits\", \"userSpaceOnUse\")\n\t\t.attr(\"id\",\"glow\");\n\n // glow filter as proposed by Nadieh Bremer\n\tfilter.append(\"feGaussianBlur\")\n\t\t.attr(\"class\", \"blur\")\n\t\t.attr(\"stdDeviation\",\"4.5\")\n\t\t.attr(\"result\",\"coloredBlur\");\n\n const feMerge = filter.append(\"feMerge\");\n feMerge.append(\"feMergeNode\")\n .attr(\"in\",\"coloredBlur\");\n feMerge.append(\"feMergeNode\")\n .attr(\"in\",\"SourceGraphic\");\n \n // simple alternative glow filter\n const filter2 = defs.append(\"filter\")\n .attr(\"filterUnits\", \"userSpaceOnUse\")\n\t\t.attr(\"id\",\"glow2\");\n\n\tfilter2.append(\"feGaussianBlur\")\n\t\t.attr(\"class\", \"blur\")\n\t\t.attr(\"stdDeviation\",\"4.5\");\n \n const filter3 = defs.append(\"filter\")\n .attr(\"filterUnits\", \"userSpaceOnUse\")\n\t\t.attr(\"id\",\"glow3\");\n\n\tfilter3.append(\"feGaussianBlur\")\n\t\t.attr(\"class\", \"blur3\")\n\t\t.attr(\"stdDeviation\",\"4.5\");\n \n /*\n filter2.append(\"feColorMatrix\")\n .attr(\"type\", \"matrix\")\n .attr(\"values\", \"1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1 0 0 0 0 0 1.5 0\");\n */\n \n defs\n .append('marker')\n .attr('id', 'arrowhead')\n .attr('viewBox', '-0 -5 10 10')\n // .attr('viewBox', '-0 0 10 15')\n .attr('refX', 13)\n .attr('refY', 0)\n .attr('orient', 'auto')\n .attr('markerWidth', 13)\n .attr('markerHeight',13)\n .attr('xoverflow','visible')\n .append('svg:path')\n .attr('d', 'M 0,-5 L 10 ,0 L 0,5')\n .attr('fill', '#999')\n .style('stroke','none');\n \n return svg;\n}","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":19,"value":"function squareToPosition(square) { \n const letters = [\"a\",\"b\",\"c\",\"d\",\"e\",\"f\",\"g\",\"h\"];\n const x = (letters.indexOf(square.charAt(0))) * (squareWidth + squarePadding) + squarePadding + squareWidth / 2;\n const y = (7 - (Number(square.charAt(1)) - 1)) * (squareWidth + squarePadding) + squarePadding + squareWidth / 2;\n return {x: x, y: y};\n}","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":25,"value":"piecePositions = {\n const myMap = new Map();\n let str = \"\";\n let pos = {};\n for (let [key, ar] of pieceMoves) {\n str = \"\";\n ar.forEach( function(ele, index) {\n pos = squareToPosition(ele.square);\n if (index === 0) {\n str += \"M \" + pos.x + \" \" + pos.y;\n } else {\n str += \" L \" + pos.x + \" \" + pos.y;\n }\n myMap.set(key, str);\n });\n };\n return myMap;\n}","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":27,"value":"pieceMoves = {\n const myMap = new Map();\n \n // initialize\n const pieces = [\"wRa1\", \"wNb1\", \"wBc1\", \"wQd1\", \"wKe1\", \"wBf1\", \"wNg1\", \"wRh1\", \n \"wPa2\", \"wPb2\", \"wPc2\", \"wPd2\", \"wPe2\", \"wPf2\", \"wPg2\", \"wPh2\",\n \"bRa8\", \"bNb8\", \"bBc8\", \"bQd8\", \"bKe8\", \"bBf8\", \"bNg8\", \"bRh8\", \n \"bPa7\", \"bPb7\", \"bPc7\", \"bPd7\", \"bPe7\", \"bPf7\", \"bPg7\", \"bPh7\"\n ];\n let obj, ar;\n \n for (let p of pieces) {\n ar = [];\n obj = {\"square\": p.slice(-2), moves: 0.5, isCaptured: false, \n hasCaptured: false, hasCapturedPiece: \"\", hasEval: 0, hasTimeSpent: 0};\n ar.push(obj);\n myMap.set(p, ar);\n }\n \n // populate with game moves\n let value = {};\n let newValue = {};\n for (let move of currentGame) {\n for (let [key, ar] of myMap) {\n value = ar[ar.length - 1];\n newValue = {};\n if (value.isCaptured) continue; // piece does not exist any more\n if (move.color !== key.charAt(0)) { // wrong color\n if ( === value.square) {\n value.isCaptured = true;\n } else {\n value.moves = value.moves + .5;\n }\n ar[ar.length - 1] = value;\n myMap.set(key, ar);\n } else { //same color\n if (move.from === value.square) {\n Object.assign(newValue, obj);\n newValue.square =;\n if (move.captured) {\n newValue.hasCaptured = true;\n newValue.hasCapturedPiece = move.captured.toUpperCase();\n }\n ar.push(newValue);\n } else {\n value.moves = value.moves + .5;\n ar[ar.length - 1] = value;\n }\n myMap.set(key, ar);\n }\n } // end for .. myMap\n } // end for .. game1\n \n return myMap;\n}","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":35,"value":"currentGame = {\n const chess = new myChess();\n chess.load_pgn(anyPgn);\n \n /*\n // make some moves\n chess.move('e4');\n chess.move('c5');\n chess.move('Nf3');\n chess.move('Nc6');\n chess.move('d4');\n chess.move('cxd4');\n */\n \n return chess.history({ verbose: true });\n}","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":36,"value":"anyPgn = { \n let lichessAPI;\n let ret;\n let params = new URLSearchParams(;\n const game = params.get(\"g\"); \n \n if (!game) {\n if (typeof myGame.message !== \"undefined\") {\n lichessAPI = \"\" + myGame.message.substr(20, 8);\n ret = d3.text(lichessAPI);\n } else {\n ret = myGame;\n }\n } else {\n lichessAPI = \"\" + game.slice(-8);\n ret = d3.text(lichessAPI);\n }\n return ret;\n}","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":48,"value":"colorOfPieces = { \n const myMap = new Map();\n myMap.set(\"pw\", \"#9ecae1\");\n myMap.set(\"rw\", \"#636363\");\n myMap.set(\"nw\", \"#3182bd\");\n myMap.set(\"bw\", \"#a1d99b\");\n myMap.set(\"qw\", \"#31a354\");\n myMap.set(\"kw\", \"#bdbdbd\");\n \n myMap.set(\"kb\", \"#fdae6b\");\n myMap.set(\"qb\", \"#e6550d\");\n myMap.set(\"bb\", \"#bcbddc\");\n myMap.set(\"nb\", \"#756bb1\");\n myMap.set(\"rb\", \"#fc9272\");\n myMap.set(\"pb\", \"#de2d26\");\n return myMap;\n }","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":452,"value":"colorOfPieces2 = { \n const myMap = new Map();\n myMap.set(\"pw\", \"#9ecae1\");\n myMap.set(\"rw\", \"#31a354\");\n myMap.set(\"nw\", \"#756bb1\");\n myMap.set(\"bw\", \"#e6550d\");\n myMap.set(\"qw\", \"#de2d26\");\n myMap.set(\"kw\", \"#fdae6b\");\n \n myMap.set(\"kb\", \"#fdae6b\");\n myMap.set(\"qb\", \"#de2d26\");\n myMap.set(\"bb\", \"#e6550d\");\n myMap.set(\"nb\", \"#756bb1\");\n myMap.set(\"rb\", \"#31a354\");\n myMap.set(\"pb\", \"#9ecae1\");\n return myMap;\n }","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":490,"value":"colorOfPieces3 = { \n const p = \"#e41a1c\";\n const r = \"#377eb8\";\n const n = \"#4daf4a\";\n const b = \"#984ea3\";\n const q = \"#ff7f00\";\n const k = \"#ffff33\";\n \n const myMap = new Map();\n /*\n myMap.set(\"pw\", \"#9ecae1\");\n myMap.set(\"rw\", \"#31a354\");\n myMap.set(\"nw\", \"#756bb1\");\n myMap.set(\"bw\", \"#e6550d\");\n myMap.set(\"qw\", \"#de2d26\");\n myMap.set(\"kw\", \"#fdae6b\");\n \n myMap.set(\"pb\", \"#9ecae1\"); \n myMap.set(\"rb\", \"#31a354\");\n myMap.set(\"nb\", \"#756bb1\");\n myMap.set(\"bb\", \"#e6550d\");\n myMap.set(\"qb\", \"#de2d26\");\n myMap.set(\"kb\", \"#fdae6b\");\n */\n myMap.set(\"pw\", p);\n myMap.set(\"rw\", r);\n myMap.set(\"nw\", n);\n myMap.set(\"bw\", b);\n myMap.set(\"qw\", q);\n myMap.set(\"kw\", k);\n \n myMap.set(\"pb\", p); \n myMap.set(\"rb\", r);\n myMap.set(\"nb\", n);\n myMap.set(\"bb\", b);\n myMap.set(\"qb\", q);\n myMap.set(\"kb\", k);\n \n return myMap;\n }","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":539,"value":"function positionAt(moveNr) {\n const chess = new myChess(); \n currentGame.forEach((e, i) => { if (i < moveNr) { chess.move(e.san); } });\n \n const rows = [1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8];\n const cols = [\"a\", \"b\", \"c\", \"d\", \"e\", \"f\", \"g\", \"h\"];\n \n let piece, square;\n const prefix = \"\";\n const pieces = [];\n \n for(let r = 0; r < rows.length; r++){\n for(let c = 0; c < cols.length; c++){\n square = cols[c] + rows[r];\n piece = chess.get(square);\n if (piece) { \n let p = {pieceLink: prefix + [piece.color] + piece.type.toUpperCase() + \".png\"\n , piece: piece.type + piece.color\n , x: squareToPosition(square).x\n , y: squareToPosition(square).y};\n pieces.push(p);\n }\n }\n }\n \n return pieces;\n}","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":254,"value":"function rotate(d) {\n const xFrom = squareToPosition(d.from).x;\n const xTo = squareToPosition(;\n if (xTo < xFrom) { \n const rx = xTo + ((xFrom - xTo) / 2);\n const yFrom = squareToPosition(d.from).y;\n const yTo = squareToPosition(;\n const ry = (yTo > yFrom) \n ? yFrom + ((yTo - yFrom) / 2)\n : yTo + ((yFrom - yTo) / 2);\n return 'rotate(180 ' + rx + ' ' + ry + ')';\n }\n else {\n return 'rotate(0)';\n }\n}","pinned":false,"mode":"js"},{"id":347,"value":"function version8() { \n // const svg = drawChessboard();\n const svg = drawChessboard({\"white\": \"white\", \"black\": \"lightgrey\"});\n const dataArray = currentGame;\n \n // paths\n const sel1 =\n .selectAll(\"path.piece-move\")\n .data(dataArray);\n \n sel1.join(\"path\")\n .attr(\"class\", \"piece-move\")\n .attr(\"d\", (d, i) => {\n let str = {};\n const dx = (i % 2) ? -2 : 2;\n const dy = (i % 2) ? -2 : 2;\n str = \"M \" + (squareToPosition(d.from).x + dx) + \" \" + (squareToPosition(d.from).y + dy);\n str += \" L \" + (squareToPosition( + dx) + \" \" + (squareToPosition( + dy);\n return str;\n })\n //.style(\"stroke\", (d, i) => (i % 2) ? \"steelblue\" : \"orange\")\n .style(\"stroke\", (d, i) => (i % 2) ? \"white\" : \"black\")\n .style(\"stroke-width\", squareWidth / 60 * 7)\n .style(\"stroke-linejoin\", \"round\")\n .style(\"opacity\", (d,i) => (i > 40 && i < 45) ? 0.9 : 0.2)\n .style(\"fill\", \"none\");\n \n sel1.join(\"path\")\n .attr(\"class\", \"piece-move\")\n .attr(\"d\", (d, i) => {\n let str = {};\n const dx = (i % 2) ? -2 : 2;\n const dy = (i % 2) ? -2 : 2;\n str = \"M \" + (squareToPosition(d.from).x + dx) + \" \" + (squareToPosition(d.from).y + dy);\n str += \" L \" + (squareToPosition( + dx) + \" \" + (squareToPosition( + dy);\n return str;\n })\n .style(\"stroke\", (d, i) => (i % 2) ? \"black\" : \"white\")\n .style(\"stroke-width\", squareWidth / 60 * 5)\n .style(\"stroke-linejoin\", \"round\")\n .style(\"opacity\", (d,i) => (i > 40 && i < 45) ? 0.9 : 0.2)\n .style(\"fill\", \"none\");\n \n \n // pieces from, to\n const sel2 =\n .selectAll(\"circle\")\n .data(dataArray);\n \n sel2\n .join(\"circle\")\n .attr(\"class\", \"piece-square from\")\n .style(\"fill\", (d, i) => (i % 2) ? \"black\" : \"white\")\n .attr(\"cx\", (d, i) => {\n const dx = (i % 2) ? -2 : 2;\n return squareToPosition(d.from).x + dx;\n })\n .attr(\"cy\", (d, i) => {\n const dy = (i % 2) ? -2 : 2;\n return squareToPosition(d.from).y + dy;\n })\n .attr(\"r\", squareWidth / 60 * 8); \n\n sel2\n .join(\"circle\")\n .attr(\"class\", \"piece-square to\")\n .style(\"fill\", (d, i) => d.captured ? ((i % 2) ? \"white\" : \"black\") : (i % 2) ? \"black\" : \"white\")\n .style(\"stroke\", (d, i) => d.captured ? ((i % 2) ? \"black\" : \"white\") : \"none\")\n .style(\"stroke-width\", 6)\n .attr(\"cx\", (d, i) => {\n const dx = (i % 2) ? -2 : 2;\n return squareToPosition( + dx;\n })\n .attr(\"cy\", (d, i) => {\n const dy = (i % 2) ? -2 : 2;\n return squareToPosition( + dy;\n })\n .attr(\"r\", squareWidth / 60 * 8); \n \n const imageWidth = squareWidth * .7;\n const sel3 =\n .selectAll(\"image\")\n .data(dataArray);\n \n sel3\n .join(\"image\")\n //.filter(d => d.piece === \"b\")\n .attr(\"class\", \"piece-square from\")\n .attr(\"xlink:href\", (d, i) => {\n const prefix = \"\";\n const piece = prefix + d.color + d.piece.toUpperCase() + \".png\";\n return piece;\n })\n .style(\"opacity\", (d,i) => (i > 40 && i < 45) ? 0.9 : 0.2)\n .attr(\"x\", d => squareToPosition(d.from).x - imageWidth / 2)\n .attr(\"y\", d => squareToPosition(d.from).y - imageWidth / 2)\n .attr(\"height\", imageWidth)\n .attr(\"width\", imageWidth);\n\n \n\".piece-move\")\n // .style(\"filter\",\"url(#glow)\");\n .style(\"filter\",\"url(\" + window.location + \"#glow)\");\n \n return svg;\n}","pinned":false,"mode":"js"}]}
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