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Created July 16, 2012 20:58
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function buildSetString($arguments)
if (count($arguments) == 0)
return "";
$query = 'SET ';
$parts = array();
foreach ($arguments as $key => $value)
$parts[] = " $key = :$key";
return "SET " . implode(",", $parts);
function buildWhereString($arguments)
if(count($arguments) == 0)
return "";
$namedConditions = array();
foreach($arguments as $key => $value)
$namedConditions[] = "$key = :$key";
$namedParamsValues[":$key"] = $value;
$where = "WHERE " . implode(" && ", $namedConditions);
return $where;
function fetchOneQuery($table, $where = array())
return executeQuery($table, array(), "SELECT * FROM", $where, "one");
function fetchAllQuery($table, $where = array())
return executeQuery($table, array(), "SELECT * FROM", $where, "all");
function executeInsertQuery($table, $arguments)
return executeQuery($table, $arguments, "INSERT INTO");
function executeUpdateQuery($table, $arguments, $where)
return executeQuery($table, $arguments, "UPDATE", $where);
function executeQuery($table, $arguments, $method, $where = array(), $type = "execute")
$namedParams = array();
$namedParamsValues = array();
foreach($arguments as $key => $value)
$namedParamsValues[":$key"] = $value;
foreach($where as $key => $value)
$namedParamsValues[":$key"] = $value;
$where = buildWhereString($where);
$set = buildSetString($arguments);
$sql = "$method $table $set $where";
// echo $sql;
// var_dump($namedParamsValues);
return getDatabase()->{$type}($sql, $namedParamsValues);
class Card
public static function register()
getApi()->get("/cards", array("Card", "index"), EpiApi::external);
getApi()->get("/cards/(\d+)", array("Card", "get"), EpiApi::external);
getApi()->get("/cards/(\d+)/votes", array("Card", "votes"), EpiApi::external);
getApi()->post("/cards/(\d+)/votes", array("Card", "addVote"), EpiApi::external);
getApi()->put("/cards/(\d+)", array("Card", "put"), EpiApi::external);
getApi()->post("/cards", array("Card", "post"), EpiApi::external);
public static function index($where = array())
return fetchAllQuery("card", $where);
public static function get($id, $where = array())
$where['id'] = $id;
return fetchOneQuery("card", $where);
public static function put($id)
parse_str(file_get_contents('php://input'), $values);
$card = array(
"creatorID" => $values['creatorID'],
"question" => $values['question'],
"response" => $values['response'],
"isBad" => 0
$result = executeUpdateQuery("card", $card, array("id" => $id));
public static function post()
$card = array(
"id" => null,
"creatorID" => $_POST['creatorID'],
"question" => $_POST['question'],
"response" => $_POST['response'],
"isBad" => 0
$result = executeInsertQuery("card", $card);
public static function votes($id)
return Vote::index(array("cardID" => $id));
public static function addVote($id)
$vote = array(
"vote" => $_POST['vote'],
"cardID" => $id,
"userID" => $_POST['userID']
$result = executeInsertQuery("card_vote", $vote);
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