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Created December 26, 2011 15:50
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Save sebfisch/1521467 to your computer and use it in GitHub Desktop.
Lazy functions on lists with parallel and sequential composition using standard type classes.
module ListTransformer where
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding ( id, (.) )
data ListConsumer a b
= Done b
| Continue b (a -> ListConsumer a b)
consumeList :: ListConsumer a b -> [a] -> b
consumeList (Done b) _ = b
consumeList (Continue b _) [] = b
consumeList (Continue _ f) (x:xs) = consumeList (f x) xs
instance Functor (ListConsumer a) where
fmap f g = pure f <*> g
instance Applicative (ListConsumer a) where
pure x = Done x
Done f <*> Done x = Done $ f x
Done f <*> Continue x xs = Continue (f x) (\a -> Done f <*> xs a)
Continue f fs <*> Done x = Continue (f x) (\a -> fs a <*> Done x)
Continue f fs <*> Continue x xs = Continue (f x) (\a -> fs a <*> xs a)
headC :: ListConsumer a a
headC = Continue (error "head of empty list") Done
takeC :: Int -> ListConsumer a [a]
takeC n | n <= 0 = Done []
| otherwise = Continue [] (\x -> (x:) <$> takeC (n-1))
foldl'C :: (b -> a -> b) -> b -> ListConsumer a b
foldl'C f e = Continue e (\x -> foldl'C f $! f e x)
sumC :: Num n => ListConsumer n n
sumC = foldl'C (+) 0
lengthC :: Num n => ListConsumer a n
lengthC = foldl'C (const . (+1)) 0
averageC :: Fractional n => ListConsumer n n
averageC = (/) <$> sumC <*> lengthC
idC :: ListConsumer a [a]
idC = Continue [] (\x -> (x:) <$> idC)
data ListTransformer a b
= Cut
| Put b (ListTransformer a b)
| Get (a -> ListTransformer a b)
transformList :: ListTransformer a b -> [a] -> [b]
transformList Cut _ = []
transformList (Put b t) xs = b : transformList t xs
transformList (Get _) [] = []
transformList (Get f) (x:xs) = transformList (f x) xs
instance Category ListTransformer where
id = Get (\x -> Put x id)
Cut . _ = Cut
Put x t . u = Put x (t . u)
Get _ . Cut = Cut
Get f . Put x t = f x . t
t@(Get _) . Get f = Get (\x -> t . f x)
instance Functor (ListTransformer a) where
fmap _ Cut = Cut
fmap f (Put x t) = Put (f x) (fmap f t)
fmap f (Get g) = Get (fmap f . g)
instance Applicative (ListTransformer a) where
pure x = Put x $ pure x
Cut <*> _ = Cut
_ <*> Cut = Cut
Put f t <*> Put x u = Put (f x) (t <*> u)
Get f <*> Get g = Get (\x -> f x <*> g x)
t@(Put _ _) <*> Get g = Get (\x -> t . Put x id <*> g x)
Get f <*> t@(Put _ _) = Get (\x -> f x <*> t . Put x id)
instance Arrow ListTransformer where
arr f = f <$> id
first t = (,) <$> t . arr fst <*> arr snd
pairsT :: ListTransformer a (a,a)
pairsT = Get (\x -> Get (\y -> Put (x,y) pairsT))
chunksT :: Int -> ListTransformer a [a]
chunksT n = grab n
grab 0 = Put [] (chunksT n)
grab m = Get (\x -> grab (m-1) >>> Get (\xs -> Put (x:xs) id))
tailT :: ListTransformer a a
tailT = Get $ const id
takeT :: Int -> ListTransformer a a
takeT n | n <= 0 = Cut
| otherwise = Get (\x -> Put x (takeT (n-1)))
dropT :: Int -> ListTransformer a a
dropT n | n <= 0 = id
| otherwise = Get $ const (dropT (n-1))
takeWhileT :: (a -> Bool) -> ListTransformer a a
takeWhileT p = Get (\x -> if p x then Put x (takeWhileT p) else Cut)
dropWhileT :: (a -> Bool) -> ListTransformer a a
dropWhileT p = Get (\x -> if p x then dropWhileT p else Put x id)
filterT :: (a -> Bool) -> ListTransformer a a
filterT p = Get (\x -> if p x then Put x (filterT p) else filterT p)
infixr 4 <.
(<.) :: ListConsumer b c -> ListTransformer a b -> ListConsumer a c
Done c <. _ = Done c
Continue c _ <. Cut = Done c
Continue _ f <. Put x t = f x <. t
Continue c f <. Get g = Continue c (\a -> Continue c f <. g a)
{-# LANGUAGE FlexibleInstances #-}
{-# OPTIONS_GHC -fno-warn-orphans #-}
import ListTransformer
import Control.Applicative
import Control.Arrow
import Control.Category
import Prelude hiding ( id, (.) )
import Test.QuickCheck
import Test.QuickCheck.Function
import Data.List ( isPrefixOf )
-- Functor laws for ListConsumer
propCFunctorId :: ListConsumer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propCFunctorId c l =
consumeList (fmap id c) l ==
consumeList c l
propCFunctorComp :: Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Int
-> ListConsumer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propCFunctorComp (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) c l =
consumeList (fmap (f . g) c) l ==
consumeList ((fmap f . fmap g) c) l
propCFunctorMorph :: Fun Int Int -> ListConsumer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propCFunctorMorph (Fun _ f) c l =
consumeList (fmap f c) l ==
fmap f (consumeList c) l
-- Applicative Laws for ListConsumer
propCAppId :: ListConsumer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propCAppId c l =
consumeList (pure id <*> c) l ==
consumeList c l
propCAppPure :: Fun Int Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propCAppPure (Fun _ f) x l =
consumeList (pure f <*> pure x) l ==
consumeList (pure (f x)) l
propCAppFMap :: Fun Int Int -> ListConsumer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propCAppFMap (Fun _ f) c l =
consumeList (pure f <*> c) l ==
consumeList (fmap f c) l
propCAppAssoc :: ListConsumer Int (Int -> Int)
-> ListConsumer Int (Int -> Int)
-> ListConsumer Int Int
-> [Int] -> Bool
propCAppAssoc x y z l =
consumeList (x <*> (y <*> z)) l ==
consumeList (pure (.) <*> x <*> y <*> z) l
propCAppSwap :: ListConsumer Int (Int -> Int) -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propCAppSwap c x l =
consumeList (c <*> pure x) l ==
consumeList (pure ($x) <*> c) l
propCAppMorphPure :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propCAppMorphPure x l =
consumeList (pure x) l ==
pure x l
propCAppMorphApply :: ListConsumer Int (Int -> Int)
-> ListConsumer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propCAppMorphApply x y l =
consumeList (x <*> y) l ==
(consumeList x <*> consumeList y) l
-- Examples for ListConsumer
propHeadC :: [Int] -> Property
propHeadC l =
not (null l) ==>
consumeList headC l ==
head l
propTakeC :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTakeC n l =
consumeList (takeC n) l ==
take n l
propSumC :: [Int] -> Bool
propSumC l =
consumeList sumC l ==
sum l
propLengthC :: [Int] -> Bool
propLengthC l =
consumeList lengthC l ==
length l
propAverageC :: [Double] -> Property
propAverageC l =
not (null l) ==>
consumeList averageC l ==
sum l / fromIntegral (length l)
propIdC :: [Int] -> Bool
propIdC l =
consumeList idC l ==
-- Category laws for ListTransformer
propTCatIdL :: ListTransformer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTCatIdL c l =
transformList (id . c) l ==
transformList c l
propTCatIdR :: ListTransformer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTCatIdR c l =
transformList (c . id) l ==
transformList c l
propTCatAssoc :: ListTransformer Int Int
-> ListTransformer Int Int
-> ListTransformer Int Int
-> [Int] -> Bool
propTCatAssoc x y z l =
transformList ((x . y) . z) l ==
transformList (x . (y . z)) l
propTCatMorphId :: [Int] -> Bool
propTCatMorphId l =
transformList id l ==
id l
propTCatMorphComp :: ListTransformer Int Int
-> ListTransformer Int Int
-> [Int] -> Bool
propTCatMorphComp x y l =
transformList (x . y) l ==
(transformList x . transformList y) l
-- Functor laws for ListTransformer
propTFunctorId :: ListTransformer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTFunctorId t l =
transformList (fmap id t) l ==
transformList t l
propTFunctorComp :: Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Int
-> ListTransformer Int Int
-> [Int] -> Bool
propTFunctorComp (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) t l =
transformList (fmap (f . g) t) l ==
transformList ((fmap f . fmap g) t) l
propTFunctorMorph :: Fun Int Int -> ListTransformer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTFunctorMorph (Fun _ f) t l =
transformList (fmap f t) l ==
fmap (map f) (transformList t) l
-- Applicative laws for ListTransformer
propTAppId :: ListTransformer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTAppId t l =
transformList (pure id <*> t) l ==
transformList t l
propTAppPure :: Fun Int Int -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTAppPure (Fun _ f) x l =
take 100 (transformList (pure f <*> pure x) l) ==
take 100 (transformList (pure (f x)) l)
propTAppFMap :: Fun Int Int -> ListTransformer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTAppFMap (Fun _ f) t l =
transformList (pure f <*> t) l ==
transformList (fmap f t) l
propTAppAssoc :: ListTransformer Int (Int -> Int)
-> ListTransformer Int (Int -> Int)
-> ListTransformer Int Int
-> [Int] -> Bool
propTAppAssoc x y z l =
transformList (x <*> (y <*> z)) l ==
transformList (pure (.) <*> x <*> y <*> z) l
propTAppSwap :: ListTransformer Int (Int -> Int) -> Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTAppSwap t x l =
transformList (t <*> pure x) l ==
transformList (pure ($x) <*> t) l
propTAppMorphPure :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTAppMorphPure x l =
take 100 (transformList (pure x) l) ==
take 100 (pure (repeat x) l)
propTAppMorphApply :: ListTransformer Int (Int -> Int)
-> ListTransformer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTAppMorphApply x y l =
transformList (x <*> y) l ==
(zipWith ($) . transformList x <*> transformList y) l
-- Applicative/Category laws for ListTransformer
propTAppCatConst :: ListTransformer Int Int -> [Int] -> Property
propTAppCatConst t l =
expectFailure $ -- Put (const 1) Cut <*> id /= Put 1 Cut
transformList (pure const <*> t <*> id) l ==
transformList t l
propTAppCatDup :: ListTransformer Int (Int -> Int -> Int) -> [Int] -> Bool
propTAppCatDup t l =
transformList (t <*> id <*> id) l ==
transformList (pure dup <*> t <*> id) l
dup :: (a -> a -> b) -> a -> b
dup f x = f x x
propTAppCatArrPure :: Fun Int Int -> ListTransformer Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTAppCatArrPure (Fun _ f) t l =
transformList (arr f . t) l ==
transformList (pure f <*> t) l
propTAppCatArrDistr :: ListTransformer Int (Int -> Int)
-> ListTransformer Int Int
-> Fun Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTAppCatArrDistr u v (Fun _ f) l =
transformList ((u <*> v) . arr f) l ==
transformList (u . arr f <*> v . arr f) l
-- Arrow laws for ListTransformer
propTArrId :: [Int] -> Bool
propTArrId l =
transformList (arr id) l ==
transformList id l
propTArrComp :: Fun Int Int -> Fun Int Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTArrComp (Fun _ f) (Fun _ g) l =
transformList (arr (f . g)) l ==
transformList (arr f . arr g) l
propTArrFirstComp :: ListTransformer Int Int -> ListTransformer Int Int
-> [(Int,Int)] -> Property
propTArrFirstComp f g l =
expectFailure $ -- first (Put 1 id) . first Cut /= first (Put 1 id . Cut)
transformList (first (f . g)) l ==
transformList (first f . first g) l
propTArrFirstArr :: Fun Int Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> Bool
propTArrFirstArr (Fun _ f) l =
transformList (first (arr f)) l ==
transformList (arr (f `cross` id)) l
cross :: (a -> c) -> (b -> d) -> (a,b) -> (c,d)
(f `cross` g) (x,y) = (f x, g y)
propTArrFirstArrSwap :: ListTransformer Int Int
-> Fun Int Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> Bool
propTArrFirstArrSwap f (Fun _ g) l =
transformList (first f . arr (id `cross` g)) l ==
transformList (arr (id `cross` g) . first f) l
propTArrDropFirst :: ListTransformer Int Int -> [(Int,Int)] -> Property
propTArrDropFirst f l =
expectFailure $ -- arr fst . first (Put 0 Cut) /= Put 0 Cut . arr fst
transformList (arr fst . first f) l ==
transformList (f . arr fst) l
propTArrFirstAssoc :: ListTransformer Int Int -> [((Int,Int),Int)] -> Bool
propTArrFirstAssoc f l =
transformList (first f . arr assoc) l ==
transformList (arr assoc . first (first f)) l
assoc :: ((a,b),c) -> (a,(b,c))
assoc ((x,y),z) = (x,(y,z))
-- Examples for ListTransformer
propTailT :: [Int] -> Property
propTailT l =
not (null l) ==>
transformList tailT l ==
tail l
propTakeT :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propTakeT n l =
transformList (takeT n) l ==
take n l
propDropT :: Int -> [Int] -> Bool
propDropT n l =
transformList (dropT n) l ==
drop n l
propTakeWhileT :: Fun Int Bool -> [Int] -> Bool
propTakeWhileT (Fun _ p) l =
transformList (takeWhileT p) l ==
takeWhile p l
propDropWhileT :: Fun Int Bool -> [Int] -> Bool
propDropWhileT (Fun _ p) l =
transformList (dropWhileT p) l ==
dropWhile p l
propFilterT :: Fun Int Bool -> [Int] -> Bool
propFilterT (Fun _ p) l =
transformList (filterT p) l ==
filter p l
-- Composition of Consumer and Transformer
propConsTrans :: ListConsumer Int Int
-> ListTransformer Int Int
-> [Int] -> Bool
propConsTrans c t l =
consumeList (c <. t) l ==
(consumeList c . transformList t) l
-- Incrementality of transformers
propTransIncr :: ListTransformer Int Int -> [Int] -> [Int] -> Bool
propTransIncr t xs ys =
transformList t xs `isPrefixOf` transformList t (xs++ys)
-- all tests
main :: IO ()
main = do
putStrLn "checking Functor laws for ListConsumer.."
quickCheck propCFunctorId
quickCheck propCFunctorComp
quickCheck propCFunctorMorph
putStrLn "\nchecking Applicative laws for ListConsumer.."
quickCheck propCAppId
quickCheck propCAppPure
quickCheck propCAppFMap
quickCheck propCAppAssoc
quickCheck propCAppSwap
quickCheck propCAppMorphPure
quickCheck propCAppMorphApply
putStrLn "\nchecking Examples for ListConsumer.."
quickCheck propHeadC
quickCheck propTakeC
quickCheck propSumC
quickCheck propLengthC
quickCheck propAverageC
quickCheck propIdC
putStrLn "\nchecking Category laws for ListTransformer.."
quickCheck propTCatIdL
quickCheck propTCatIdR
quickCheck propTCatAssoc
quickCheck propTCatMorphId
quickCheck propTCatMorphComp
putStrLn "\nchecking Functor laws for ListTransformer.."
quickCheck propTFunctorId
quickCheck propTFunctorComp
quickCheck propTFunctorMorph
putStrLn "\nchecking Applicative laws for ListTransformer.."
quickCheck propTAppId
quickCheck propTAppPure
quickCheck propTAppFMap
quickCheck propTAppAssoc
quickCheck propTAppSwap
quickCheck propTAppMorphPure
quickCheck propTAppMorphApply
putStrLn "\nchecking Applicative/Category laws for ListTransformer.."
quickCheck propTAppCatConst
quickCheck propTAppCatDup
quickCheck propTAppCatArrPure
quickCheck propTAppCatArrDistr
putStrLn "\nchecking Arrow laws for ListTransformer.."
quickCheck propTArrId
quickCheck propTArrComp
quickCheck propTArrFirstComp
quickCheck propTArrFirstArr
quickCheck propTArrFirstArrSwap
quickCheck propTArrDropFirst
quickCheck propTArrFirstAssoc
putStrLn "\nchecking Examples for ListTransformer.."
quickCheck propTailT
quickCheck propTakeT
quickCheck propDropT
quickCheck propTakeWhileT
quickCheck propDropWhileT
quickCheck propFilterT
putStrLn "\nchecking composition of consumer and transformer.."
quickCheck propConsTrans
putStrLn "\nchecking incrementality of transformers.."
quickCheck propTransIncr
-- boilerplate
instance Show (ListConsumer Int Int) where
show (Done b) = "(Done " ++ show b ++ ")"
show (Continue b _) =
"(Continue " ++ show b ++ " " ++ "..." ++ ")"
instance Show (ListConsumer Int (Int -> Int)) where
show (Done _) = "(Done " ++ "..." ++ ")"
show (Continue _ _) =
"(Continue " ++ "..." ++ " " ++ "..." ++ ")"
instance Show (ListTransformer Int Int) where
show Cut = "Cut"
show (Put b t) = "(Put " ++ show b ++ " " ++ show t ++ ")"
show (Get _) = "(Get " ++ "..." ++ ")"
instance Show (ListTransformer Int (Int -> Int)) where
show Cut = "Cut"
show (Put _ t) = "(Put " ++ "..." ++ " " ++ show t ++ ")"
show (Get _) = "(Get " ++ "..." ++ ")"
instance Show (ListTransformer Int (Int -> Int -> Int)) where
show Cut = "Cut"
show (Put _ t) = "(Put " ++ "..." ++ " " ++ show t ++ ")"
show (Get _) = "(Get " ++ "..." ++ ")"
instance (CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (ListConsumer a b) where
arbitrary =
frequency [(1,Done <$> arbitrary),
(1,Continue <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary)]
shrink (Done x) = [Done y | y <- shrink x]
shrink (Continue x f) = Done x : shrink (Done x) ++
[Continue y g | y <- shrink x, g <- shrink f]
instance (CoArbitrary a, Arbitrary b) => Arbitrary (ListTransformer a b) where
arbitrary =
frequency [(1,pure Cut),
(1,Put <$> arbitrary <*> arbitrary),
(1,Get <$> arbitrary)]
shrink Cut = []
shrink (Put x t) = t : shrink t ++ [Put y u | y <- shrink x, u <- shrink t]
shrink (Get f) = [Get g | g <- shrink f]
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