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Second Datke secondwtq

  • Sichuan University
  • China
View GitHub Profile
(* Implementation of Local Bidirectional Type Inference
* Based on:
* Jones, Simon L. Peyton, Dimitm.
* Tau Type - Monotype
* Rho Type - Tau | Sigma Sigma
* (the second form of Rho is absent in Rank-1 system)
Present & Past
the Matt question
Present perfect and past
the weather question
the camera question
the it ... raining question
the NY question
the I wasn't sure who she was question
the coming to cinema with us question
This file has been truncated, but you can view the full file.
else_if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { sin_angle = 0.0001 }
set_temp_variable = { cos_angle = 0.9999 }
else_if = {
limit = {
check_variable = { sin_angle = 0.0002 }
open Printf
module IntSet = Set.Make(struct type t = int let compare = compare end)
let compute (base: int) (units: int list): IntSet.t =
printf "base: %d, (" base; List.iter (printf "%d, ") units; printf ")\n";
let rec f (digits: IntSet.t) (new_digits: IntSet.t) =
if IntSet.cardinal new_digits = 0
music_directory "~/Documents/music"
playlist_directory "~/Documents/music/playlists"
database {
plugin "simple"
path "/var/lib/mpd/db"
input {
{-# START_FILE ./.gitignore #-}
using _ = Music#Classical
# problem: Type vs. Entry
type HumanStatus =
| Active
| Deceased
# optional property should be allowed in entry & type
entry #Human {
secondwtq / proto_font.padd
Last active April 8, 2018 12:30
Prototyping PADD, the query interface for LCARS.
using _ = personal#olive;
using _f = _#typography;
using _et = _#entityType;
ensure _et#typeface;
lhs isSimilarTo rhs = {
bidirectionalEdge <-similarTo> lhs rhs;


The StarCraft II API is an interface that provides full external control of StarCraft II.

This API exposes functionality for developing software for:

  • Scripted bots.
  • Machine-learning based bots.
  • Replay analysis.