Security Advisory for CVE-2017-6513
CVE ID: CVE-2017-6513:
- 2017-03-06 01:00 CET: Sebastian discovered the vulnerability while using the software provided by IP Interactive UG. He tried to estimate the consequences of this issue.
- 2017-03-06 02:00 CET: Sebastian contacted IP Interactive UG, because he thought it's an issue in their specific installation.
- 2017-03-06 before 14:15 CET: IP Interactive UG contacted Softaculous and received a patch for this issue. He reported this to Sebastian and the issue could not be reproduced anymore.
- 2017-03-06 14:20 CET: During a discussion with Julian we found out that this issue needs a CVE-ID and a public announcement. Sebastian tried to gather information. He asked IP Interactive UG and tried to install the software locally.