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Last active December 4, 2023 08:33
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"""use pydantic version 2"""
import enum
from typing import Generic, TypeVar
from pydantic import Field, BaseModel
from fastapi.encoders import jsonable_encoder
T = TypeVar("T")
class ApiStatus(enum):
class PaginatedContent(BaseModel, Generic[T]):
""" Content data type for lists with pagination"""
data: T
total_count: int = 0
limit: int = 100
offset: int = 0
class ApiResponseHeader(BaseModel, Generic[T]):
""" Header type of APIResponseType"""
status: int = Field(..., description=str(list(ApiStatus)))
message: str = "Success"
class APIResponseType(BaseModel, Generic[T]):
an api response type for using as the api's router response_model
header: ApiResponseHeader
content: T
class APIResponse(Generic[T]):
Custom reponse class for apis
Adds custom header, messages to reponses
header: ApiResponseHeader
content: dict | list[dict] | None = None
def __init__(
data: T,
msg_code: int = 0,
msg_status: ApiStatus = ApiStatus.SUCCESS,
) -> None:
self.header = ApiResponseHeader(
if isinstance(data, BaseModel):
self.content = data.model_dump()
self.content = jsonable_encoder(data)
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