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Forked from jensendarren/tddium_post_build.rake
Last active March 17, 2016 02:14
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Tddium post-build task to deploy into Heroku and notify New Relic
def cmd(c)
system c
namespace :tddium do
desc "post_build_hook"
task :post_build_hook do
# This build hook should only run after CI builds.
# There are other cases where we'd want to run something after every build,
# or only after manual builds.
return unless ENV["TDDIUM_MODE"] == "ci"
return unless ENV["TDDIUM_BUILD_STATUS"] == "passed"
dir = File.expand_path("~/.heroku/")
heroku_email = ENV["HEROKU_EMAIL"]
heroku_api_key = ENV["HEROKU_API_KEY"]
current_branch = `git symbolic-ref HEAD 2>/dev/null | cut -d"/" -f 3-`.strip
app_name = ENV["HEROKU_APP_NAME"]
push_target = "{app_name}.git"
abort "invalid current branch" unless current_branch
FileUtils.mkdir_p(dir) or abort "Could not create #{dir}"
puts "Writing Heroku Credentials", "credentials"), "w") do |f|
f.write([heroku_email, heroku_api_key].join("\n"))
end"~/.netrc"), "a+") do |f|
['api', 'code'].each do |host|
f.puts "machine #{host}"
f.puts " login #{heroku_email}"
f.puts " password #{heroku_api_key}"
puts "Pushing to Heroku: #{push_target}..."
cmd "git push #{push_target} HEAD:master --force" or abort "could not push to #{push_target}"
Bundler.with_clean_env do
puts "Running Heroku Migrations..."
cmd "heroku run rake db:migrate --app #{app_name}" or abort "aborted migrations"
puts "Restarting Heroku..."
cmd "heroku restart --app #{app_name}" or abort "aborted heroku restart"
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The Gist description says it "notifies New Relic" and this page is linked from the Solano help site but there's no reference to New Relic in the code. Does this assume that Heroku is notifying New Relic? Or is something missing in the code? Or is the description just wrong?

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wkj commented Mar 17, 2016

The New Relic notification was removed in a previous version; you can see it by looking at the revision history here. A new version will be posted.

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