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Created January 31, 2012 02:32
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// IE6~9で、コンボボックスが二回目のドロップダウンで画面左上に張り付くバグ対応版
Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.field.ComboBox2', {
extend: 'Ext.form.field.ComboBox',
alias: 'widget.combobox2',
requires: ['Ext.form.field.ComboBox'],
alternateClassName: ['Ext.form.ComboBox2', 'Ext.form.ComboBox2'],
* Override of alignment issue where dropdown appears in the top-left corner of the page.
doAlign: function () {
var me = this,
picker = me.picker,
aboveSfx = '-above',
// Ext version uses inputEl, but this (in IE8) has an position of 0,0
// This grabs the input element from our child div.
var el = Ext.get(me.getEl().child('div'));
// If we're in an old version of IE, set an offset (since it's a bit off it seems)...
// IE6 seems fine though, funnily enough.
if (Ext.isIE7 || Ext.isIE8) {
if (!me.pickerOffset) {
me.pickerOffset = [-2, 0]; // Y-coordinate does not appear to do anything
me.picker.alignTo(el, me.pickerAlign, me.pickerOffset);
// add the {openCls}-above class if the picker was aligned above
// the field due to hitting the bottom of the viewport
isAbove = picker.el.getY() < el.getY();
me.bodyEl[isAbove ? 'addCls' : 'removeCls'](me.openCls + aboveSfx);
picker[isAbove ? 'addCls' : 'removeCls'](picker.baseCls + aboveSfx);
// yyyyMMdd、yyyy/MM/ddの両方の形式で入力できるように拡張した日付フィールド
// 既存のExt.form.field.Dateをもとに変更したもの。
Ext.define('Ext.ux.form.field.Date11', {
alias: 'widget.datefield11',
requires: ['Ext.picker.Date'],
alternateClassName: ['Ext.form.DateField11', 'Ext.form.Date11'],
* @cfg {String} format
* The default date format string which can be overriden for localization support. The format must be valid
* according to {@link Ext.Date#parse}.
format : "Y/m/d",
* @cfg {String} altFormats
* Multiple date formats separated by "|" to try when parsing a user input value and it does not match the defined
* format.
altFormats: "Ymd|Y/n/j|n/j",
* @cfg {String} disabledDaysText
* The tooltip to display when the date falls on a disabled day.
disabledDaysText : "Disabled",
* @cfg {String} disabledDatesText
* The tooltip text to display when the date falls on a disabled date.
disabledDatesText : "Disabled",
* @cfg {String} minText
* The error text to display when the date in the cell is before {@link #minValue}.
minText : "このフィールドの日付は{0}か、それ以降でなけれはなりません.",
* @cfg {String} maxText
* The error text to display when the date in the cell is after {@link #maxValue}.
maxText : "このフィールドの日付は{0}か、それ以前でなければなりません.",
* @cfg {String} invalidText
* The error text to display when the date in the field is invalid.
invalidText : "{0}は不正です.{1}形式で入力してください.",
* @cfg {String} [triggerCls='x-form-date-trigger']
* An additional CSS class used to style the trigger button. The trigger will always get the class 'x-form-trigger'
* and triggerCls will be **appended** if specified (default class displays a calendar icon).
triggerCls : Ext.baseCSSPrefix + 'form-date-trigger',
* @cfg {Boolean} showToday
* false to hide the footer area of the Date picker containing the Today button and disable the keyboard handler for
* spacebar that selects the current date.
showToday : true,
* @cfg {Date/String} minValue
* The minimum allowed date. Can be either a Javascript date object or a string date in a valid format.
* @cfg {Date/String} maxValue
* The maximum allowed date. Can be either a Javascript date object or a string date in a valid format.
* @cfg {Number[]} disabledDays
* An array of days to disable, 0 based. Some examples:
* // disable Sunday and Saturday:
* disabledDays: [0, 6]
* // disable weekdays:
* disabledDays: [1,2,3,4,5]
* @cfg {String[]} disabledDates
* An array of "dates" to disable, as strings. These strings will be used to build a dynamic regular expression so
* they are very powerful. Some examples:
* // disable these exact dates:
* disabledDates: ["03/08/2003", "09/16/2003"]
* // disable these days for every year:
* disabledDates: ["03/08", "09/16"]
* // only match the beginning (useful if you are using short years):
* disabledDates: ["^03/08"]
* // disable every day in March 2006:
* disabledDates: ["03/../2006"]
* // disable every day in every March:
* disabledDates: ["^03"]
* Note that the format of the dates included in the array should exactly match the {@link #format} config. In order
* to support regular expressions, if you are using a {@link #format date format} that has "." in it, you will have
* to escape the dot when restricting dates. For example: `["03\\.08\\.03"]`.
* @cfg {String} submitFormat
* The date format string which will be submitted to the server. The format must be valid according to {@link
* Ext.Date#parse} (defaults to {@link #format}).
// in the absence of a time value, a default value of 12 noon will be used
// (note: 12 noon was chosen because it steers well clear of all DST timezone changes)
initTime: '12', // 24 hour format
initTimeFormat: 'H',
matchFieldWidth: false,
* @cfg {Number} startDay
* Day index at which the week should begin, 0-based (defaults to Sunday)
startDay: 0,
initComponent : function(){
var me = this,
isString = Ext.isString,
min, max;
min = me.minValue;
max = me.maxValue;
me.minValue = me.parseDate(min);
me.maxValue = me.parseDate(max);
me.disabledDatesRE = null;
initValue: function() {
var me = this,
value = me.value;
// If a String value was supplied, try to convert it to a proper Date
if (Ext.isString(value)) {
me.value = me.rawToValue(value);
// private
initDisabledDays : function(){
var dd = this.disabledDates,
len = dd.length - 1,
re = "(?:";
Ext.each(dd, function(d, i){
re += Ext.isDate(d) ? '^' + Ext.String.escapeRegex(d.dateFormat(this.format)) + '$' : dd[i];
if (i !== len) {
re += '|';
}, this);
this.disabledDatesRE = new RegExp(re + ')');
* Replaces any existing disabled dates with new values and refreshes the Date picker.
* @param {String[]} disabledDates An array of date strings (see the {@link #disabledDates} config for details on
* supported values) used to disable a pattern of dates.
setDisabledDates : function(dd){
var me = this,
picker = me.picker;
me.disabledDates = dd;
if (picker) {
* Replaces any existing disabled days (by index, 0-6) with new values and refreshes the Date picker.
* @param {Number[]} disabledDays An array of disabled day indexes. See the {@link #disabledDays} config for details on
* supported values.
setDisabledDays : function(dd){
var picker = this.picker;
this.disabledDays = dd;
if (picker) {
* Replaces any existing {@link #minValue} with the new value and refreshes the Date picker.
* @param {Date} value The minimum date that can be selected
setMinValue : function(dt){
var me = this,
picker = me.picker,
minValue = (Ext.isString(dt) ? me.parseDate(dt) : dt);
me.minValue = minValue;
if (picker) {
picker.minText = Ext.String.format(me.minText, me.formatDate(me.minValue));
* Replaces any existing {@link #maxValue} with the new value and refreshes the Date picker.
* @param {Date} value The maximum date that can be selected
setMaxValue : function(dt){
var me = this,
picker = me.picker,
maxValue = (Ext.isString(dt) ? me.parseDate(dt) : dt);
me.maxValue = maxValue;
if (picker) {
picker.maxText = Ext.String.format(me.maxText, me.formatDate(me.maxValue));
* Runs all of Date's validations and returns an array of any errors. Note that this first runs Text's validations,
* so the returned array is an amalgamation of all field errors. The additional validation checks are testing that
* the date format is valid, that the chosen date is within the min and max date constraints set, that the date
* chosen is not in the disabledDates regex and that the day chosed is not one of the disabledDays.
* @param {Object} [value] The value to get errors for (defaults to the current field value)
* @return {String[]} All validation errors for this field
getErrors: function(value) {
var me = this,
format = Ext.String.format,
clearTime = Ext.Date.clearTime,
errors = me.callParent(arguments),
disabledDays = me.disabledDays,
disabledDatesRE = me.disabledDatesRE,
minValue = me.minValue,
maxValue = me.maxValue,
len = disabledDays ? disabledDays.length : 0,
i = 0,
value = me.formatDate(value || me.processRawValue(me.getRawValue()));
if (value === null || value.length < 1) { // if it's blank and textfield didn't flag it then it's valid
return errors;
svalue = value;
value = me.parseDate(value);
if (!value) {
errors.push(format(me.invalidText, svalue, me.format));
return errors;
time = value.getTime();
if (minValue && time < clearTime(minValue).getTime()) {
errors.push(format(me.minText, me.formatDate(minValue)));
if (maxValue && time > clearTime(maxValue).getTime()) {
errors.push(format(me.maxText, me.formatDate(maxValue)));
if (disabledDays) {
day = value.getDay();
for(; i < len; i++) {
if (day === disabledDays[i]) {
fvalue = me.formatDate(value);
if (disabledDatesRE && disabledDatesRE.test(fvalue)) {
errors.push(format(me.disabledDatesText, fvalue));
return errors;
rawToValue: function(rawValue) {
return this.parseDate(rawValue) || rawValue || null;
valueToRaw: function(value) {
return this.formatDate(this.parseDate(value));
* @method setValue
* Sets the value of the date field. You can pass a date object or any string that can be parsed into a valid date,
* using {@link #format} as the date format, according to the same rules as {@link Ext.Date#parse} (the default
* format used is "m/d/Y").
* Usage:
* //All of these calls set the same date value (May 4, 2006)
* //Pass a date object:
* var dt = new Date('5/4/2006');
* dateField.setValue(dt);
* //Pass a date string (default format):
* dateField.setValue('05/04/2006');
* //Pass a date string (custom format):
* dateField.format = 'Y-m-d';
* dateField.setValue('2006-05-04');
* @param {String/Date} date The date or valid date string
* @return {Ext.form.field.Date} this
* Attempts to parse a given string value using a given {@link Ext.Date#parse date format}.
* @param {String} value The value to attempt to parse
* @param {String} format A valid date format (see {@link Ext.Date#parse})
* @return {Date} The parsed Date object, or null if the value could not be successfully parsed.
safeParse : function(value, format) {
var me = this,
utilDate = Ext.Date,
result = null;
if (utilDate.formatContainsHourInfo(format)) {
// if parse format contains hour information, no DST adjustment is necessary
result = utilDate.parse(value, format);
} else {
// set time to 12 noon, then clear the time
parsedDate = utilDate.parse(value + ' ' + me.initTime, format + ' ' + me.initTimeFormat);
if (parsedDate) {
result = utilDate.clearTime(parsedDate);
return result;
// @private
getSubmitValue: function() {
var format = this.submitFormat || this.format,
value = this.getValue();
return value ? Ext.Date.format(value, format) : '';
* @private
parseDate : function(value) {
if(!value || Ext.isDate(value)){
return value;
var me = this,
val = me.safeParse(value, me.format),
altFormats = me.altFormats,
altFormatsArray = me.altFormatsArray,
i = 0,
if (!val && altFormats) {
altFormatsArray = altFormatsArray || altFormats.split('|');
len = altFormatsArray.length;
for (; i < len && !val; ++i) {
val = me.safeParse(value, altFormatsArray[i]);
return val;
// private
formatDate : function(date){
return Ext.isDate(date) ? Ext.Date.dateFormat(date, this.format) : date;
createPicker: function() {
var me = this,
format = Ext.String.format;
return Ext.create('Ext.picker.Date', {
pickerField: me,
ownerCt: me.ownerCt,
renderTo: document.body,
floating: true,
hidden: true,
focusOnShow: true,
minDate: me.minValue,
maxDate: me.maxValue,
disabledDatesRE: me.disabledDatesRE,
disabledDatesText: me.disabledDatesText,
disabledDays: me.disabledDays,
disabledDaysText: me.disabledDaysText,
format: me.format,
showToday: me.showToday,
startDay: me.startDay,
minText: format(me.minText, me.formatDate(me.minValue)),
maxText: format(me.maxText, me.formatDate(me.maxValue)),
listeners: {
scope: me,
select: me.onSelect
keyNavConfig: {
esc: function() {
onSelect: function(m, d) {
var me = this;
me.fireEvent('select', me, d);
* @private
* Sets the Date picker's value to match the current field value when expanding.
onExpand: function() {
var value = this.getValue();
this.picker.setValue(Ext.isDate(value) ? value : new Date());
* @private
* Focuses the field when collapsing the Date picker.
onCollapse: function() {
this.focus(false, 60);
// private
beforeBlur : function(){
var me = this,
v = me.parseDate(me.getRawValue()),
focusTask = me.focusTask;
if (focusTask) {
if (v) {
* @hide
* @cfg {Boolean} grow
* @hide
* @cfg {Number} growMin
* @hide
* @cfg {Number} growMax
* @hide
* @method autoSize
// コンボボックスでのカスタムリストの使い方
var instCombo = Ext.create('Ext.ux.form.field.ComboBox2', {
fieldLabel: '対象施設',
forceSelection: true,
triggerAction: "all",
emptyText: "施設を選択します",
selectOnFocus: true,
labelWidth: 130,
labelAlign: 'right',
store: instStore,
queryMode: 'local',
editable: false,
allowBlank: false,
displayField: 'name',
valueField: 'instno',
listConfig: {
itemSelector: 'div.combo-item',
itemTpl: '<tpl for="."><div class="combo-item">{instno} {[Ext.util.Format.htmlEncode(]}</div></tpl>'
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