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Created September 11, 2012 02:58
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ScalikeJDBC Left Join Query Example
libraryDependencies ++= Seq(
"com.github.seratch" %% "scalikejdbc" % "[1.3,)",
"org.slf4j" % "slf4j-simple" % "1.6.4",
"org.hsqldb" % "hsqldb" % "[2,)"
import scalikejdbc._
// settings
ConnectionPool.singleton("jdbc:hsqldb:mem:test", "", "")
GlobalSettings.loggingSQLAndTime = LoggingSQLAndTimeSettings(enabled = true, logLevel = 'info)
// prepare database
DB autoCommit { implicit s =>
try {
SQL("create table users(id bigint primary key not null, name varchar(255), group_id bigint)").execute.apply()
SQL("insert into users values ({id}, {name}, {groupId})").bindByName('id -> 1, 'name -> "Andy", 'groupId -> 1).update.apply()
SQL("insert into users values ({id}, {name}, {groupId})").bindByName('id -> 2, 'name -> "Brian", 'groupId -> 999).update.apply()
SQL("create table groups(id bigint primary key not null, name varchar(255))").execute.apply()
SQL("insert into groups values ({id}, {name})").bindByName('id -> 1, 'name -> "Team A").update.apply()
} catch { case e => println(e.getMessage) }
// generated by mapper-generator
class Group(val id: Long, val name: String)
class User(val id: Long, name: String, val groupId: Long)
object User {
val * = (rs: WrappedResultSet) => new User(rs.long("id"), rs.string("name"), rs.long("group_id"))
// created for join query
class UserWithGroup(val user: User, val group: Option[Group])
object UserWithGroup {
val * = (rs: WrappedResultSet) => new UserWithGroup(
user = User.*(rs),
group = rs.longOpt("g_id").map(id => new Group(id, rs.string("g_name")))
def all()(implicit s: DBSession) : List[UserWithGroup] = {
SQL("select users.*, as g_id, as g_name from users left join groups on users.group_id =").map(*).list.apply()
implicit val session = DB.autoCommitSession
UserWithGroup.all.foreach ((e) => println( + "," +
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