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Forked from chriseidhof/TypedExpr.swift
Created January 31, 2016 13:36
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Typed Expressions in Swift
// Variables just contain an integer. We can have a maximum of `Int.max` variables in our program. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
private struct Var {
static var freshVarIx = 0
let ix: Int
init() {
ix = Var.freshVarIx
// Expressions are untyped. We only expose `TExpr` construction functions that allow us to build well typed terms.
private indirect enum Expr {
case Literal(x: Any)
case Variable(x: Var)
case Abs(x: Var, f: Expr)
case App(x: Expr, y: Expr)
// Evaluation. This is what a closure looks like: it contains a context (the variables it closes over), the variable we need to substitute, and the body of the closure.
private struct Closure {
let context: [Int:Any]
let variable: Var
let body: Expr
// Because the public interface only allows us to construct well-typed terms, the ! and fatalError are safe here.
extension Expr {
private func eval(context: [Int:Any]) -> Any {
switch self {
case .Literal(let x): return x
case .Variable(let ix): return context[ix.ix]!
case let .Abs(variable, body): return Closure(context: context, variable: variable, body: body)
case let .App(lhs, rhs):
let r = rhs.eval(context)
guard let closure = lhs.eval(context) as? Closure else { fatalError("Expected a lambda") }
var newContext = closure.context
newContext[closure.variable.ix] = r
return closure.body.eval(newContext)
// The public facing type. Note that it can only be constructed using the functions below.
public struct TExpr<T> {
private let expr: Expr
// A simple literal
public func literal<A>(value: A) -> TExpr<A> {
return TExpr(expr: Expr.Literal(x: value))
// Creating lambda's
public func lambda<A,B>(f: TExpr<A> -> TExpr<B>) -> TExpr<A -> B> {
let var_ = Var()
let variable = TExpr<A>(expr: Expr.Variable(x: var_))
return TExpr(expr: .Abs(x: var_, f: f(variable).expr))
// An apply function. Maybe we could use subscript syntax instead?
public func apply<A,B>(f: TExpr<A -> B>, _ arg: TExpr<A>) -> TExpr<B> {
return TExpr(expr: .App(x: f.expr, y: arg.expr))
// Evaluating the expr. Again, because it's well-typed, we know we can safely cast. The exception: if T is a function type, we will crash.
extension TExpr {
public func eval() -> T {
return expr.eval([:]) as! T
// The first lambda forgets the first parameter, the second lambda forgets the second parameter. The type annotations are optional: Swift will infer it for us.
let hello: TExpr<String> = apply(apply((lambda { x in lambda { y in y } }), literal(1)), literal("Hello"))
let one: TExpr<Int> = apply(apply((lambda { x in lambda { y in x } }), literal(1)), literal("Hello"))
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