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serejahh /
Created August 31, 2017 06:12
Kottans Front End 2017 — test assignment

Kottans Front End 2017 — test assignment

Hello and welcome to the next step of our selection process. The goal is to determine if we are a good match.


mini GitHub API client

First screen: owner (organization or user) name input and submit button.

serejahh / TypedExpr.swift
Created January 31, 2016 13:36 — forked from chriseidhof/TypedExpr.swift
Typed Expressions in Swift
// Variables just contain an integer. We can have a maximum of `Int.max` variables in our program. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
private struct Var {
static var freshVarIx = 0
let ix: Int
init() {
ix = Var.freshVarIx