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Created August 31, 2017 06:12
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Kottans Front End 2017 — test assignment

Kottans Front End 2017 — test assignment

Hello and welcome to the next step of our selection process. The goal is to determine if we are a good match.


mini GitHub API client

First screen: owner (organization or user) name input and submit button.

Treat organizations as users: unconditionally use /users/${owner}/repos API.

On submit: show cards with repositories, filters, and sorting.

Only public repos of the owner are shown. Do not waste your time on auth.

Pagination: render "Load more" button at the bottom.

On card click: dialog with repo details is shown.


Pretty much resembles GitHub's repositories tab:

  • repo name
  • description
  • is repo a fork?
  • stars count
  • updated date
  • language


Multiple filters can be selected at the same time: they are applied in conjunction (&&). All filters should be implemented on the client, without using type parameter.

  • has open issues

For the sake of future compatibility, use ${prop}_count instead of ${prop}. Example: prefer open_issues_count over open_issues.

  • has topics

As of August 2017, the topics property for repositories is available in preview. You have to provide a custom media type in the Accept header: application/vnd.github.mercy-preview+json.

  • starred >= X times
  • updated after X date
  • type (all, forks, or sources)
  • language

Only one language can be selected at the time.

Do not hardcode language options: they should be determined using downloaded dataset and stay in sync.


Order: ascending or descending. Only one of the following can be selected. Sorting should be implemented on the client, without using sort parameter.

  • repo name
  • stars count
  • open issues count
  • updated date


  • link to repo on
  • link to fork's source on (only if repo is a fork)
  • contributors table (username | contributions) of the most active (top <= 3) contributors, with profile links
  • languages table (language | Kb) of the most used languages (more than 1Kb)
  • list of the most commented (top <= 5, only currently open) PRs, with links


We expect to receive at least 250 submissions. Our resources are quite limited, and reviewing tasks is extremely boring. With that said, we will ignore submissions that do not satisfy the following requirements:

  • source should contain source code of the app
  • source should be default branch
  • master should contain built app
  • master should be hosted with GitHub Pages
  • should include a link to hosted app (somewhere at the top)

Browser support

Apps will be tested only in latest stable Google Chrome with default feature flags. While it is not the way web apps should be shipped, we would like to see how good you are with new APIs. Surely you can include couple shims if you are up to.


September 5, 2017 16:00 (Kiev time)

We will ignore submissions that have major code changes after the deadline.

Bonus points

The list below is quite extensive: we want to give you space to show your motivation and current skill level. Also, sections below will make reviewing process more transparent.

User experience

  • long repo descriptions are nicely trimmed
  • progress indicator (for slow connections)
  • network failures are handled in user-friendly way
  • date can be entered in user-preferred locale or with datepicker
  • relative date (updated) formatting
  • languages control allows both selecting from the list and typing in
  • stars count is nicely rounded (5627 => 5.6k)
  • repos languages are hidden when filtering by language
  • repos forks statuses are hidden when filtering by sources or forks type


  • color contrast ratio is acceptable
  • owner name input is accessible with screen reader
  • submit button is pressed with "Enter" key
  • progress indicator is accessible with screen reader
  • when tabbing, focus order is sensible
  • focus ring (outline) is distinguishable
  • dialog is accessible with keyboard and screen reader
  • pie chart is read by screen reader
  • icons are read by screen reader


URL should precisely reflect application state:

  1. owner was selected


  1. sorting was enabled


  1. sorting order was reversed


  1. filter was applied


  1. another filter was applied


  1. scrolled to the next page


Other considerations:

  • router ignores opening link in a new tab (with keyboard or context menu)
  • application state is restored after reloading
  • history navigation is sensible
  • History API is used


  • total app size (HTML + CSS + JS) <= 14Kb (including dependencies, minified & gzipped)
  • when getting top <= X, use query parameter to limit payload size
  • PWA, near 💯 Lighthouse scores


  • modern HTML/CSS (semantic markup, flex/grid)
  • ES6, new browser APIs
  • no direct DOM manipulation
  • data access layer for GitHub API


End-to-end and (or) unit tests is a huge 👍. GitHub API imposes rate limiting (60 rph), so make sure you cache requests (for example, with service worker). Headless Chrome is the best option for running integration tests.


Not less important improvements, just uncategorized.

  • master is automatically rebuilt on every commit to source
  • neat commits: small, targeted, with good messages
  • the app is served over https://
  • infinite scroll instead of "Load more"
  • languages table is replaced with pie chart
  • works in all evergreen browsers
  • fancy UI

Have fun and learn something new!

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