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Last active September 26, 2019 21:02
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Hyperapp V2 computed properties
Implements computed properties for Hyperapp#v2
It's not recomended approach to use
unless you really know what you're doing
Usage examples:
// action is triggered whenever updated*
const action = state => {
// some compute code
init: {
property: true
subscriptions: state => [
computed(state, 'property')(action)
* please notice, you have to double Object.assign to invoke 'property' setter,
const propUpdate = (state, value) =>
Object.assign({}, Object.assign(state, { property: value }))
const effect = ({ target, prop, action }, dispatch) => {
let value = target[prop]
Object.defineProperty(target, prop, {
get: () => value,
set: update => {
value = update
setTimeout(() => dispatch([action, value]), 0)
return () => {}
const computed = (target, prop) => action =>
({ target, prop, action, effect })
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