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What's the URL of your prototype?

What is on your backlog for shipping?

I need to figure out a feedback form and a smoother way to organize the documents for a lower nominal fee than similar sites out there. Also need to navigate the legal and security avenues for that.

What date are you aiming for the launch of this version of your product?

It depends. I'm not really interested in much of a development career seeing as I want to enter academia.

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<title>Dual Citizen: A Guide for Eligible Americans for an Irish Passport</title>
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Product Name



This website helps people who are eligible for a second passport (my main point of focus now is Ireland, where one grandparents born there is required) and would like to navigate what materials and connections to family are needed without the complications and issues of dealing with poorly-laid out government websites. Users will be able to pick a drop down menu of what country they're eligible to become a citizen in, which will give way to what family connections are needed at minimum to apply, the paperwork that needs to be attained, and contact information for the relevant consulates and government offices to which to send materials.

Key Users

Product Name



This website helps people who are eligible for a second passport (my main point of focus now is Ireland, where one grandparents born there is required) and would like to navigate what materials and connections to family are needed without the complications and issues of dealing with poorly-laid out government websites. Users will be able to pick a drop down menu of what country they're eligible to become a citizen in, which will give way to what family connections are needed at minimum to apply, the paperwork that needs to be attained, and contact information for the relevant consulates and government offices to which to send materials.

Key Users

sfdevlin /
Last active August 29, 2015 14:22


When I thought about the demographic of who would use my site, I determined I needed to expand my product out a bit. While I work with the Irish community primarily, I felt I should include other ancestral groups in my site to streamline documents for second citizenship by descent.

Keeping this in mind, I decided to extend my tool to apply to Americans of Irish, British, German, Italian, and French descent. I decided to do this because each of these countries is an EU member with relatively similar citizenship by descent laws.

My demographic is for Americans, most of whom I expect to be second generation Americans. There's a sense of romanticism about "old country" life within these demographics, and the market for a product to make the process easier and cheaper has yet to be produced. Additionally, with today's world, it's often a good thing to have a passport other than American one when traveling the world, if possible. This gives my product value for this demo.

The process of find

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Last active August 29, 2015 14:19
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Last active August 29, 2015 14:18
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