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Last active December 15, 2015 05:19
# API v1.1, HTTPS
# Expected: {\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Bad Authentication data\",\"code\":215}]}
# Raises: EOFError: end of file reached
require 'net/http'
uri = ""
# Expected: {\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Bad Authentication data\",\"code\":215}]}
# Raises: EOFError: end of file reached
require 'net/http'
uri = ""
# API v1.1, HTTP
# Expected: {\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Bad Authentication data\",\"code\":215}]}
# Returns: {\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Bad Authentication data\",\"code\":215}]}
require 'net/http'
uri = ""
# API v1.0, HTTP
# Expected: {\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Bad Authentication data\",\"code\":215}]}
# Returns: {\"errors\":[{\"message\":\"Bad Authentication data\",\"code\":215}]}
require 'net/http'
uri = ""
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sferik commented Mar 20, 2013


  • The issue is reproducible over HTTPS (but not HTTP).
  • The issue is reproducible on Ruby 1.8.7-p371, 1.9.2-p320, and 1.9.3-p392 but not 2.0.0-p0.
  • The issue is reproducible across both Twitter API v1 and v1.1.
  • This is not demonstrated above, but the issue is reproducible with authenticated requests, as well. For example, if you try to find a non-existent user (e.g. user_id=33978).
  • This issue appears to be isolated to Ruby’s Net::HTTP standard library. If you use Typhoeus or Excon, the problem goes away…however, this wasn’t an issue until relatively recently, so I suspect something has changed in the way that errors are served by the Twitter API.
  • This problem was first reported to me 4 months ago. I then received the second report 1 month ago and now two reports in the past 24 hours.

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kurrik commented Mar 20, 2013

I'm trying to figure out what Ruby is doing to send the request. I was able to get the following to work:

1.8.7 :001 > require 'net/https' => true
1.8.7 :002 > uri = URI.parse("") => #<URI::HTTPS:0x10cf8a090 URL:>
1.8.7 :003 > http =, uri.port, "localhost", 8080)
 => #<#<Class:0x10cf80388> open=false>
1.8.7 :004 > http.use_ssl = true
 => true
1.8.7 :005 > http.verify_mode = OpenSSL::SSL::VERIFY_PEER
 => 1
1.8.7 :006 > request = => #<Net::HTTP::Get GET>
1.8.7 :007 > response = http.request(request)
 => #<Net::HTTPBadRequest 400 Bad Request readbody=true>

Note that I'm setting up a proxy using mitmproxy to capture the request. Interestingly, the difference between the request from the snippet above and the failing first example is that the working example sends:

       ← 400 application/json 61B

But the failing ruby test sends:

       ← Blank server response.

Note the http/https difference. It seems like Ruby is sending a non-HTTPS request to and just getting rejected at the SSL handshake part of the request.

Any idea of anything which may have changed recently with regard to how Net::HTTP sends requests?

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