csrutil disable
Restart computer
In the terminal, type
sudo open /Applications/TextEdit.app /System/Library/LaunchDaemons/com.apple.ManagedClient.enroll.plist
So that the changes take effect
I was struggling with this Remote Management issue.
I own a 2019 Macbook Pro with an Intel CPU that I purchased used from my old college. I upgraded the OS from Ventura to Sonoma 14.3 and received an unavoidable/non-closable popup prompting me to enroll in Remote Management.
I fixed my issues using this thread and wanted to provide the steps that worked. Mainly, I want to provide an alternative to running the script(s) floating around. I was uncomfortable running any script as root in recovery mode. I was uncomfortable both due to security concerns and as I had valuable data on my hard drive that I didn't want to mess up. Also, I haven't read the entire thread so other things might have been addressed above that I am not addressing here.
Here are the steps that worked for me:
to restart your computer and let it boot normally./etc/hosts
file using your favorite editor:sudo vim /etc/hosts
This hopefully stops your computer from accessing these domains on the internet - where the mdm information is stored on Apple's servers.
It is also worth mentioning that I had my internet turned off for the duration of this process. Even if you can get your WiFi turned off before the popup blocks you, that isn't good enough. It is still possible for your Macbook to auto connect to a known WiFi network at boot - even if you have turned that network off. I've heard people say that it can still connect even if you've forgotten the network as well. To be thorough I blacklisted my macbook from accessing the internet from my router's configuration. If your router doesn't have that functionality or you don't want to figure out how to do that, just unplugging your router for the duration of the process would work as well. Again, I'm not sure if completely staying of the internet was necessary but I did it to be safe.
Thank you to all above that contributed, you really saved my butt!