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Last active April 17, 2019 10:02
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chemlambda pred(3): graphviz dot file equivalent to mol file

Generating a graphviz dot file equivalent to the mol file of pred(3) in chemlambda v2: pred_3.mol (original name was erroneous)

The lambda calculus expression for pred(3) (predecessor(3) == 2) is PRED := λn.λf.λx.n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u) (ref wikipedia)

Writing the above expression as nodes in a graph leads to the below graph. The corresponding dot file was written manually and available further below in this gist. An annotated version of pred_3.mol to help compare it to is available further below in this gist.

To generate the dot file automatically from lambda terms, check (a fork from this jsfiddle ). Its current output for pred(3) matches with the manually specified graph below.

Version 4 (2019-04-11): shifted indeces back by 1 (e.g. L1 to L0) to match with the auto-generated graph from here

pred 3 - v4

Compare the above graph to the chemlambda d3.js graph for pred_3.mol here

To experiment with graphviz, use or


  • Version 3 (2019-04-09):
  • Version 2 (2019-04-07):
digraph G {
rankdir = TB;
// defaults for L
node [shape=record, color=red, style=filled];
L0 [label="<lo> u |{<mi> x|L0} | <ro> λu.x"];
L1 [label="<lo> u |{<mi> u|L1} | <ro> λu.u"];
L2 [label="<lo> h |{<mi> h (g f)|L2} | <ro> λh.h (g f)"];
L3 [label="<lo> g |{<mi> λh.h (g f)|L3} | <ro> (λg.λh.h (g f))"];
L4 [label="<lo> x |{<mi> n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)|L4} | <ro> λx.n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)"];
L5 [label="<lo> f |{<mi> λx.n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)|L5} | <ro> λf.λx.n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)"];
L6 [label="<lo> n |{<mi> λf.λx.n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)|L6} | <ro> λn.λf.λx.n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)"];
// defaults for A
node [shape=record, color=green, style=filled];
A0 [label="<li> g |{A0|<mo> (g f)} | <ri> f"];
A1 [label="<li> h |{A1|<mo> h (g f)} | <ri> (g f)"];
A2 [label="<li> n |{A2|<mo> n (λg.λh.h (g f))} | <ri> (λg.λh.h (g f))"];
A3 [label="<li> n (λg.λh.h (g f)) |{A3|<mo> n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x)} | <ri> (λu.x)"];
A4 [label="<li> n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) |{A4|<mo> n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)} | <ri> (λu.u)"];
// other
T [ shape=point ]
FROUT [ style=filled, color=blue ]
//output [ style=filled, color=pink ]
// aesthetics
// {rank=same; L0 A4}
// {rank=same; L1 L4}
// build edges
L0:lo -> T [ label=2 ]
L1:lo -> L1:mi [ label=6 ]
A1:mo -> L2:mi [ label=13 ]
L2:ro -> L3:mi [ label=7 ]
L3:ro -> A2:ri
L6:lo -> A2:li
A2:mo -> A3:li [ label="a03?" ]
L0:ro -> A3:ri [ label=1 ]
L1:ro -> A4:ri [ label=5 ]
A3:mo -> A4:li [ label="a02?a42" ]
A4:mo -> L4:mi [ label=4 ]
L4:ro -> L5:mi [ label=7 ]
L5:ro -> L6:mi [ label="9?" ]
// L5:ro -> FROUT [ label="9?" ]
L6:ro -> FROUT [ label="9?" ]
A0:mo -> A1:ri [ label=11 ]
L2:lo -> A1:li [ label=12 ]
L4:lo -> L0:mi [ label=3 ]
L5:lo -> A0:ri [ label=8 ]
L3:lo -> A0:li [ label=10 ]
//L6:ro -> output
// PRED := λn.λf.λx.n (λg.λh.h (g f)) (λu.x) (λu.u)
L 3 2 1 3:x, 2:u1 L1
T 2 2:u1
L 6 6 5 6:u2
L 4 3 7 3:x L5
L 7 8 9 8:f L6
A 10 8 11 8:f, 10:g A1
A 12 11 13 A2
L 13 12 14 L3
L 14 10 a43
A a42 5 4 A5
A a03 1 a02 A4!
FO a13 a11 a03
A a11 a02 a12
FO a43 a41 a13
A a41 a12 a42 A4?
Not sure: L2, L4, L7? A3, A4?
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shadiakiki1986 commented Apr 12, 2019

The automatic generator of graphs from lambda calculus terms written in javascript is now updated at this link. Its output is currently matching with the manually specified file above (with the exception of the T term). Note that I still haven't tackled your comment above (Apr 9 )

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Btw I published the most recent version on (less clutter from the jsfiddle)

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shadiakiki1986 commented Apr 14, 2019

@mbuliga, I illustrated your Apr 9 comments in this jupyter notebook. Could you take a look and confirm if it makes sense to you?

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mbuliga commented Apr 15, 2019

@shadiakiki1986 thank you! Just now saw this. I shall update this comment after I read it.

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shadiakiki1986 commented Apr 17, 2019

Where can I find the documentation of the 8 re-write steps implemented at ?
I tried to figure the re-writes of the 1st step from the json files pred_2_0.json, pred_2_1.json that are used in that html page,
but I'm finding it very difficult to relate the links section in the two files

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