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What is Strict Aliasing and Why do we Care?

What is the Strict Aliasing Rule and Why do we care?

(OR Type Punning, Undefined Behavior and Alignment, Oh My!)

What is strict aliasing? First we will describe what is aliasing and then we can learn what being strict about it means.

In C and C++ aliasing has to do with what expression types we are allowed to access stored values through. In both C and C++ the standard specifies which expression types are allowed to alias which types. The compiler and optimizer are allowed to assume we follow the aliasing rules strictly, hence the term strict aliasing rule. If we attempt to access a value using a type not allowed it is classified as undefined behavior(UB). Once we have undefined behavior all bets are off, the results of our program are no longer reliable.

Unfortunately with strict aliasing violations, we will often obtain the results we expect, leaving the possibility the a future version of a compiler with a new optimization will break code we thought was valid. This is undesirable and it is a worthwhile goal to understand the strict aliasing rules and how to avoid violating them.

To understand more about why we care, we will discuss issues that come up when violating strict aliasing rules, type punning since common techniques used in type punning often violate strict aliasing rules and how to type pun correctly, along with some possible help from C++20 to make type punning simpler and less error prone. We will wrap up the discussion by going over some methods for catching strict aliasing violations.

Preliminary examples

Let's look at some examples, then we can talk about exactly what the standard(s) say, examine some further examples and then see how to avoid strict aliasing and catch violations we missed. Here is an example that should not be surprising (live example):

int x = 10;
int *ip = &x;
std::cout << *ip << "\n";
*ip = 12;
std::cout << x << "\n";

We have a int* pointing to memory occupied by an int and this is a valid aliasing. The optimizer must assume that assignments through ip could update the value occupied by x.

The next example shows aliasing that leads to undefined behavior (live example):

int foo( float *f, int *i ) { 
    *i = 1;               
    *f = 0.f;            
   return *i;

int main() {
    int x = 0;
    std::cout << x << "\n";   // Expect 0
    x = foo(reinterpret_cast<float*>(&x), &x);
    std::cout << x << "\n";   // Expect 0?

In the function foo we take an int* and a float*, in this example we call foo and set both parameters to point to the same memory location which in this example contains an int. Note, the reinterpret_cast is telling the compiler to treat the the expression as if it had the type specificed by its template parameter. In this case we are telling it to treat the expression &x as if it had type float*. We may naively expect the result of the second cout to be 0 but with optimization enabled using -O2 both gcc and clang produce the following result:


Which may not be expected but is perfectly valid since we have invoked undefined behavior. A float can not validly alias an int object. Therefore the optimizer can assume the constant 1 stored when dereferencing i will be the return value since a store through f could not validly affect an int object. Plugging the code in Compiler Explorer shows this is exactly what is happening(live example):

foo(float*, int*): # @foo(float*, int*)
mov dword ptr [rsi], 1  
mov dword ptr [rdi], 0
mov eax, 1                       

The optimizer using Type-Based Alias Analysis (TBAA)6 assumes 1 will be returned and directly moves the constant value into register eax which carries the return value. TBAA uses the languages rules about what types are allowed to alias to optimize loads and stores. In this case TBAA knows that a float can not alias and int and optimizes away the load of i.

Now, to the Rule-Book

What exactly does the standard say we are allowed and not allowed to do? The standard language is not straightforward, so for each item I will try to provide code examples that demonstrates the meaning.

What does the C11 standard say?

The C11 standard2 says the following in section 6.5 Expressions paragraph 7:

An object shall have its stored value accessed only by an lvalue expression5 that has one of the following types:88) — a type compatible with the effective type of the object,

int x = 1;
int *p = &x;   
printf("%d\n", *p); // *p gives us an lvalue expression of type int which is compatible with int

— a qualified version of a type compatible with the effective type of the object,

int x = 1;
const int *p = &x;
printf("%d\n", *p); // *p gives us an lvalue expression of type const int which is compatible with int

— a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to the effective type of the object,

int x = 1;
unsigned int *p = (unsigned int*)&x;
printf("%u\n", *p ); // *p gives us an lvalue expression of type unsigned int which corresponds to 
                     // the effective type of the object

See Footnote 12 for gcc/clang extension, that allows assigning unsigned int* to int* even though they are not compatible types.

— a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to a qualified version of the effective type of the object,

int x = 1;
const unsigned int *p = (const unsigned int*)&x;
printf("%u\n", *p ); // *p gives us an lvalue expression of type const unsigned int which is a unsigned type 
                     // that corresponds with to a qualified verison of the effective type of the object

— an aggregate or union type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its members (including, recursively, a member of a subaggregate or contained union), or

struct foo {
  int x;
void foobar( struct foo *fp, int *ip );  // struct foo is an aggregate that includes int among its members so it can
                                         // can alias with *ip

foo f;
foobar( &f, &f.x );

— a character type.

int x = 65;
char *p = (char *)&x;
printf("%c\n", *p );  // *p gives us an lvalue expression of type char which is a character type.
                      // The results are not portable due to endianness issues.

What the C++17 Draft Standard say

The C++17 draft standard3 in section [basic.lval] paragraph 11 says:

If a program attempts to access the stored value of an object through a glvalue of other than one of the following types the behavior is undefined:63 (11.1) — the dynamic type of the object,

void *p = malloc( sizeof(int) ); // We have allocated storage but not started the lifetime of an object
int *ip = new (p) int{0};        // Placement new changes the dynamic type of the object to int
std::cout << *ip << "\n";        // *ip gives us a glvalue expression of type int which matches the dynamic type 
                                  // of the allocated object

(11.2) — a cv-qualified version of the dynamic type of the object,

int x = 1;
const int *cip = &x;
std::cout << *cip << "\n";  // *cip gives us a glvalue expression of type const int which is a cv-qualified 
                            // version of the dynamic type of x

(11.3) — a type similar (as defined in 7.5) to the dynamic type of the object,

int *a[3];
const int *const *p = a;
const int *q = p[1]; // ok, read of 'int*' through lvalue of similar type 'const int*'

(11.4) — a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to the dynamic type of the object,

// Both si and ui are signed or unsigned types corresponding to each others dynamic types
// We can see from this godbolt( the optimizer assumes aliasing.
signed int foo( signed int &si, unsigned int &ui ) {
  si = 1;
  ui = 2;

  return si;

(11.5) — a type that is the signed or unsigned type corresponding to a cv-qualified version of the dynamic type of the object,

signed int foo( const signed int &si1, int &si2); // Hard to show this one assumes aliasing

(11.6) — an aggregate or union type that includes one of the aforementioned types among its elements or nonstatic data members (including, recursively, an element or non-static data member of a subaggregate or contained union),

struct foo {
 int x;

// Compiler Explorer example( shows aliasing assumption
int foobar( foo &fp, int &ip ) {
 fp.x = 1;
 ip = 2;

 return fp.x;

foo f; 
foobar( f, f.x ); 

(11.7) — a type that is a (possibly cv-qualified) base class type of the dynamic type of the object,

struct foo { int x ; };

struct bar : public foo {};

int foobar( foo &f, bar &b ) {
  f.x = 1;
  b.x = 2;

  return f.x;

(11.8) — a char, unsigned char, or std::byte type.

int foo( std::byte &b, uint32_t &ui ) {
  b = static_cast<std::byte>('a');
  ui = 0xFFFFFFFF;                   
  return std::to_integer<int>( b );  // b gives us a glvalue expression of type std::byte which can alias
                                     // an object of type uint32_t

Worth noting signed char is not included in the list above, this is a notable difference from C which says a character type.

Subtle Differences

So although we can see that C and C++ say similar things about aliasing there are some differences that we should be aware of. C++ does not have C's concept of effective type or compatible type and C does not have C++'s concept of dynamic type or similar type. Although both have lvalue and rvalue expressions5, C++ also has glvalue, prvalue and xvalue9 expressions. These differences are mostly out of scope for this article but one interesting example is how to create an object out of malloc'd memory. In C we can set the effective type10 for example by writing to the memory through an lvalue or memcpy11.

// The following is valid C but not valid C++
void *p = malloc(sizeof(float));
float f = 1.0f;
memcpy( p, &f, sizeof(float));  // Effective type of *p is float in C
                                 // Or
float *fp = p;                   
*fp = 1.0f;                      // Effective type of *p is float in C

Neither of these methods is sufficient in C++ which requires placement new:

float *fp = new (p) float{1.0f} ;   // Dynamic type of *p is now float

Are int8_t and uint8_t char types?

Theoretically neither int8_t nor uint8_t have to be char types but practically they are implemented that way. This is important because if they are really char types then they also alias similar to char types. If you are unaware of this it can lead to surprising performance impacts. We can see that glibc typedefs int8_t and uint8_t to signed char and unsigned char respectively.

This would be hard to change since for C++ it would be an ABI break. This would change name mangling and would break any API using either of those types in their interface.

What is Type Punning

We have gotten to this point and we may be wondering, why would we want to alias for? The answer typically is to type pun, often the methods used violate strict aliasing rules.

Sometimes we want to circumvent the type system and interpret an object as a different type. This is called type punning, to reinterpret a segment of memory as another type. Type punning is useful for tasks that want access to the underlying representation of an object to view, transport or manipulate. Typical areas we find type punning being used are compilers, serialization, networking code, etc…

Traditionally this has been accomplished by taking the address of the object, casting it to a pointer of the type we want to reinterpret it as and then accessing the value, or in other words by aliasing. For example:

int x =  1 ;

// In C
float *fp = (float*)&x ;  // Not a valid aliasing

// In C++
float *fp = reinterpret_cast<float*>(&x) ;  // Not a valid aliasing

printf( “%f\n”, *fp ) ;

As we have seen earlier this is not a valid aliasing, so we are invoking undefined behavior. But traditionally compilers did not take advantage of strict aliasing rules and this type of code usually just worked, developers have unfortunately gotten used to doing things this way. A common alternate method for type punning is through unions, which is valid in C but undefined behavior in C++13 (see live example):

union u1
  int n;
  float f;
} ;

union u1 u;
u.f = 1.0f;

printf( "%d\n", u.n );  // UB in C++ n is not the active member

This is not valid in C++ and some consider the purpose of unions to be solely for implementing variant types and feel using unions for type punning is an abuse.

How do we Type Pun correctly?

The standard blessed method for type punning in both C and C++ is memcpy. This may seem a little heavy handed but the optimizer should recognize the use of memcpy for type punning and optimize it away and generate a register to register move. For example if we know int64_t is the same size as double:

static_assert( sizeof( double ) == sizeof( int64_t ) );  // C++17 does not require a message

we can use memcpy:

void func1( double d ) {
  std::int64_t n;
  std::memcpy(&n, &d, sizeof d); 

At a sufficient optimization level any decent modern compiler generates identical code to the previously mentioned reinterpret_cast method or union method for type punning. Examining the generated code we see it uses just register mov (live Compiler Explorer Example).

Type Punning Arrays

But, what if we want to type pun an array of unsigned char into a series of unsigned ints and then perform an operation on each unsigned int value? We can use memcpy to pun the unsigned char array into a temporary of type unsinged int. The optimizer will still manage to see through the memcpy and optimize away both the temporary and the copy and operate directly on the underlying data, Live Compiler Explorer Example:

// Simple operation just return the value back
int foo( unsigned int x ) { return x ; }

// Assume len is a multiple of sizeof(unsigned int) 
int bar( unsigned char *p, size_t len ) {
  int result = 0;

  for( size_t index = 0; index < len; index += sizeof(unsigned int) ) {
    unsigned int ui = 0;                                 
    std::memcpy( &ui, &p[index], sizeof(unsigned int) );

    result += foo( ui ) ;

  return result;

In the example, we take a char* p, assume it points to multiple chunks of sizeof(unsigned int) data, we type pun each chunk of data as an unsigned int, compute foo() on each chunk of type punned data and sum it into result and return the final value.

The assembly for the body of the loop shows the optimizer reduces the body into a direct access of the underlying unsigned char array as an unsigned int, adding it directly into eax:

add     eax, dword ptr [rdi + rcx] 

Same code but using reinterpret_cast to type pun(violates strict aliasing):

// Assume len is a multiple of sizeof(unsigned int) 
int bar( unsigned char *p, size_t len ) {
 int result = 0;

 for( size_t index = 0; index < len; index += sizeof(unsigned int) ) {
   unsigned int ui = *reinterpret_cast<unsigned int*>(&p[index]);

   result += foo( ui );

 return result;

C++20 and bit_cast

In C++20 we may gain bit_cast14 which gives a simple and safe way to type-pun as well as being usable in a constexpr context.

The following is an example of how to use bit_cast to type pun a unsigned int to float, (see it live):

std::cout << bit_cast<float>(0x447a0000) << "\n" ; //assuming sizeof(float) == sizeof(unsigned int)

In the case where To and From types don't have the same size, it requires us to use an intermediate struct15. We will use a struct containing a sizeof( unsigned int ) character array (assumes 4 byte unsigned int) to be the From type and unsigned int as the To type.:

struct uint_chars {
 unsigned char arr[sizeof( unsigned int )] = {} ;  // Assume sizeof( unsigned int ) == 4

// Assume len is a multiple of 4 
int bar( unsigned char *p, size_t len ) {
 int result = 0;

 for( size_t index = 0; index < len; index += sizeof(unsigned int) ) {
   uint_chars f;
   std::memcpy( f.arr, &p[index], sizeof(unsigned int));
   unsigned int result = bit_cast<unsigned int>(f);

   result += foo( result );

 return result ;

It is unfortunate that we need this intermediate type but that is the current contraint of bit_cast.

What is the Common initial sequence

The common initial sequence is defined in the draft standard section [class.mem.general]p23

The draft standard gives the following examples to demonstrate the concept:

struct A { int a; char b; };
struct B { const int b1; volatile char b2; };
struct C { int c; unsigned : 0; char b; };
struct D { int d; char b : 4; };
struct E { unsigned int e; char b; };

The common initial sequence of A and B comprises all members of either class.
The common initial sequence of A and C and of A and D comprises the first member in each case.
The common initial sequence of A and E is empty.

It says that we are allowed to read the non-static data member of the non-active member if it is part of the common initial sequence of the the structs [class.mem.general]p26.

struct T1 { int a, b; };
struct T2 { int c; double d; };
union U { T1 t1; T2 t2; };
int f() {
  U u = { { 1, 2 } };   // active member is t1
  return u.t2.c;        // OK, as if u.t1.a were nominated

So something like the following would be ok:

union U { 
  U(int x) : a{.x=x}{}
  struct { int x; } a; 
  struct { int x; } b;

int f() {
  U u(10);

  u.b.x = 20; // change active member, starts lifetime of b
  u.a.x = 20; // change active member again, starts lifetime of a

  return u.b.x; // ok common initial sequence

int main() {
  int a = f();

Note that this relies on [class.union.general]p6.3.

Which says if the assignment is starting the lifetime of the proper type with limitations such as we are using built-in or trivial assignment operator.

Which means the following example invokes undefined behavior:

union U { 
    U(int x) : a{.x=x}{}
    struct { 
        int x; 
         auto &operator=(int r) {
            x = r ; 
            return *this;
    } a; 
    struct { 
       int x; 
       auto &operator=(int r) {
            x = r ; 
            return *this;
    } b;

int f() {
   U u(10);
   u.b = 20; // Does not change the active member
             // assignment is not trivial 
             // and UB b/c of store to out of lifetime object
   u.a = 20; // Does not change the active member
             // assignment is not trivial 
             // and UB b/c of store to out of lifetime object

   return u.b.x; // still common initial sequence
                 // but we have already invoked UB so not ok

There can be other tricky cases to watch out for:

union A { 
  struct { int x, y; } a;
  struct { int x, y; } b;
int f() {
  A a = {.a = {}};
  a.b.x = 1; // Change active member, starts lifetime of b
             // there is no initialization of y
  return a.b.y; // UB

It Is likely the common initial sequence rule was put in place to allow discriminated union without having the discriminator outside the the union and therefore likely have padding between the discriminator and the union itself e.g.

union { struct { char kind; ... } a; struct { char kind; ... } b; ... };

So the common initial sequence rule would allow us to read the kind discriminator regardless of which member was active.

The common initial sequence rule is not usable in a constant expression context see [expr.const]p5.10 which says:

An expression E is a core constant expression unless ...


  • an lvalue-to-rvalue conversion that is applied to a glvalue that refers to a non-active member of a union or a subobject thereof;


We have seen in previous examples violating strict aliasing rules can lead to stores being optimized away. Violating strict aliasing rules can also lead to violations of alignment requirement. Both the C and C++ standard state that objects have alignment requirements which restrict where objects can be allocated (in memory) and therefore accessed17. C11 section 6.2.8 Alignment of objects says:

Complete object types have alignment requirements which place restrictions on the addresses at which objects of that type may be allocated. An alignment is an implementation-defined integer value representing the number of bytes between successive addresses at which a given object can be allocated. An object type imposes an alignment requirement on every object of that type: stricter alignment can be requested using the _Alignas keyword.

The C++17 draft standard in section [basic.align] paragraph 1:

Object types have alignment requirements (6.7.1, 6.7.2) which place restrictions on the addresses at which an object of that type may be allocated. An alignment is an implementation-defined integer value representing the number of bytes between successive addresses at which a given object can be allocated. An object type imposes an alignment requirement on every object of that type; stricter alignment can be requested using the alignment specifier (10.6.2).

Both C99 and C11 are explicit that a conversion that results in a unaligned pointer is undefined behavior, section Pointers says:

A pointer to an object or incomplete type may be converted to a pointer to a different object or incomplete type. If the resulting pointer is not correctly aligned57) for the pointed-to type, the behavior is undefined. ...

Although C++ is not as explict I believe this sentence from [basic.align] paragraph 1 is sufficient:

... An object type imposes an alignment requirement on every object of that type; ...

An Example

So let's assume:

  • alignof(char) and alignof(int) are 1 and 4 respectively
  • sizeof(int) is 4

Then type punning an array of char of size 4 as an int violates strict aliasing but may also violate alignment requirements if the array has an alignment of 1 or 2 bytes.

char arr[4] = { 0x0F, 0x0, 0x0, 0x00 }; // Could be allocated on a 1 or 2 byte boundary
int x = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(arr);   // Undefined behavior we have an unaligned pointer

Which could lead to reduced performance or a bus error18 in some situations. Whereas using alignas to force the array to the same alignment of int would prevent violating alignment requirements:

alignas(alignof(int)) char arr[4] = { 0x0F, 0x0, 0x0, 0x00 }; 
int x = *reinterpret_cast<int*>(arr);


Another unexpected penalty to unaligned accesses is that it breaks atomics on some architectures. Atomic stores may not appear atomic to other threads on x86 if they are misaligned7.

Catching Strict Aliasing Violations

We don't have a lot of good tools for catching strict aliasing in C++, the tools we have will catch some cases of strict aliasing violations and some cases of misaligned loads and stores.

gcc using the flag -fstrict-aliasing and -Wstrict-aliasing19 can catch some cases although not without false positives/negatives. For example the following cases21 will generate a warning in gcc (see it live):

int a = 1;
short j;
float f = 1.f; // Originally not initialized but tis-kernel caught 
               // it was being accessed w/ an indeterminate value below

printf("%i\n", j = *(reinterpret_cast<short*>(&a)));
printf("%i\n", j = *(reinterpret_cast<int*>(&f)));

although it will not catch this additional case (see it live):

int *p;

printf("%i\n", j = *(reinterpret_cast<short*>(p)));

Although clang allows these flags it apparently does not actually implement the warnings20.

Another tool we have available to us is ASan22 which can catch misaligned loads and stores. Although these are not directly strict aliasing violations they are a common result of strict aliasing violations. For example the following cases23 will generate runtime errors when built with clang using -fsanitize=address

int *x = new int[2];               // 8 bytes: [0,7].
int *u = (int*)((char*)x + 6);     // regardless of alignment of x this will not be an aligned address
*u = 1;                            // Access to range [6-9]
printf( "%d\n", *u );              // Access to range [6-9]

The last tool I will recommend is C++ specific and not strictly a tool but a coding practice, don't allow C-style casts. Both gcc and clang will produce a diagnostic for C-style casts using -Wold-style-cast. This will force any undefined type puns to use reinterpret_cast, in general reinterpret_cast should be a flag for closer code review. It is also easiser to search your code base for reinterpret_cast to perform an audit.

For C we have all the tools already covered and we also have tis-interpreter24, a static analyzer that exhaustively analyzes a program for a large subset of the C language. Given a C verions of the earlier example where using -fstrict-aliasing misses one case (see it live)

int a = 1;
short j;
float f = 1.0 ;

printf("%i\n", j = *((short*)&a));
printf("%i\n", j = *((int*)&f));
int *p; 

printf("%i\n", j = *((short*)p));

tis-interpeter is able to catch all three, the following example invokes tis-kernal as tis-interpreter (output is edited for brevity):

./bin/tis-kernel -sa example1.c 
example1.c:9:[sa] warning: The pointer (short *)(& a) has type short *. It violates strict aliasing
              rules by accessing a cell with effective type int.

example1.c:10:[sa] warning: The pointer (int *)(& f) has type int *. It violates strict aliasing rules by
              accessing a cell with effective type float.
              Callstack: main

example1.c:15:[sa] warning: The pointer (short *)p has type short *. It violates strict aliasing rules by
              accessing a cell with effective type int.

Finally there is TySan26 which is currently in development. This sanitizer adds type checking information in a shadow memory segment and checks accesses to see if they violate aliasing rules. The tool potentially should be able to catch all aliasing violations but may have a large run-time overhead.


We have learned about aliasing rules in both C and C++, what it means that the compiler expects that we follow these rules strictly and the consequences of not doing so. We learned about some tools that will help us catch some misuses of aliasing. We have seen a common use for type aliasing is type punning and how to type pun correctly.

Optimizers are slowly getting better at type based aliasing analysis and already break some code that relies on strict aliasing violations. We can expect the optimizations will only get better and will break more code we have been used to just working.

We have standard conformant methods for type punning and in release and sometimes debug builds these methods should be cost free abstractions. We have some tools for catching strict aliasing violations but for C++ they will only catch a small fraction of the cases and for C with tis-interpreter we should be able to catch most violations.

Thank you to those who provided feedback on this write-up: JF Bastien, Christopher Di Bella, Pascal Cuoq, Matt P. Dziubinski, Patrice Roy, Richard Smith and Ólafur Waage

Of course in the end, all errors are the author's.


1 Undefined behavior described on cppreference
2 Draft C11 standard is freely available
3 Draft C++17 standard is freely available
4 Latest C++ draft standard can be found here:
5 Understanding lvalues and rvalues in C and C++
6 Type-Based Alias Analysis
7 Demonstrates torn loads for misaligned atomics and tweet referencing this example
8 Comment in gcc bug report explaining why changing int8_t and uint8_t to not be char types would be an ABI break for C++ and twitter thread discussing the issue
9 "New” Value Terminology which explains how glvalue, xvalue and prvalue came about
10 Effective types and aliasing
11 “constructing” a trivially-copyable object with memcpy

12 Why does gcc and clang allow assigning an unsigned int * to int * since they are not compatible types, although they may alias and
13 Unions and memcpy and type punning
14 Revision two of the bit_cast<> proposal
15 How to use bit_cast to type pun a unsigned char array
16 bit_cast implementation of pop()
17 Unaligned access
18 A bug story: data alignment on x86
19 gcc documentation for -Wstrict-aliasing
20 Comments indicating clang does not implement -Wstrict-aliasing
21 Stack Overflow questions examples came from
22 ASan documentation
23 The unaligned access example take from the Address Sanitizer Algorithm wiki
24 TrustInSoft tis-interpreter , strict aliasing checks can be run by building tis-kernel
25 Detecting Strict Aliasing Violations in the Wild a paper that covers dos and don't w.r.t to aliasing in C
26 TySan patches, clang: runtime: llvm:

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Interesting detour for today. Thanks a lot for a nice write up. 🥇

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KirillLykov commented Feb 18, 2020

Reference [6] doesn't work anymore. Is it this one By occasion, I met the first author, world is small

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Small typo in one of your examples involving unicode closing quote:
Broken: printf( "%d\n”, u.n ); // UB in C++ n is not the active member
Fixed: printf( "%d\n", u.n ); // UB in C++ n is not the active member

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For type punning arrays, what if we are working with an external library function where we cannot loop over the array and use std::memcpy on a per element basis? Examples that come to mind would involve casting a C-array of std::int32 to an array of floats so it can be used in CBLAS routines that would be agnostic to the values (e.g. cblas_scopy). Would this involve extra machinery such as placement new or std::launder. What if we call a C function in C++; does strict aliasing apply for that function call?

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Type Aliasing by union is widely used in Linux kernel (which is an important user of gcc), especially in Linux network stack, e.g.

The Linux kernel is compiled with -fno-strict-aliasing. Linus justifies this in .

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Insightful article!

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MrToph commented Aug 23, 2020

This article and examples how to do a correct type-pun helped a lot, thanks!

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aaronpuchert commented Oct 13, 2020

You write that

// The following is valid C but not valid C++
void *p = malloc(sizeof(float));
float f = 1.0f;
memcpy( p, &f, sizeof(float));  // Effective type of *p is float in C
// ...

Neither of these methods is sufficient in C++ which requires placement new:

float *fp = new (p) float{1.0f} ;   // Dynamic type of *p is now float

At least since p0593 I think that's no longer true:

  • [intro.object]p1 doesn't require new anymore but also allows "an operation that implicitly creates objects (see below)". Paragraphs 10 & 11 give the details for that and paragraph 13 has an example that's pretty much like yours.
  • []p1 deliberately allows "vacuous initialization" and so the lifetime may begin as soon as "storage with the proper alignment and size for type T is obtained".

So I think the C code is valid in C++ as well.

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Very nice write-up.
Quick question, just for curiosity:
In the example about bit_cast, where sizeof(From) != sizeof(To), why do we need to wrap the temporary array in a struct?
Wouldn't something like this, where the temporary storage is directly a "naked" array, work as well?

char temp[sizeof(unsigned int)];
memcpy (temp, &p[index], sizeof(unsigned int));
unsigned int result = std::bit_cast<unsigned int>(temp);

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Just curious as to a related topic, __restrict seems to offer significant performance improvements in some situations. What's the reason it has not been adopted as part of the C++ standard?

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NN--- commented Jan 31, 2021

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@kennethchiu It is not an easy task.
Some ideas:

Thanks! That was helpful in understanding the issues.

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I would have loved a explanation regarding struct __attribute__((__packed__)) type punned from void* that is (was?) often used to avoid data copy from buffer and to directly match the raw data.

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@kennethchiu It is not an easy task.
Some ideas:

Both GCC and clang already offer the same functionality as compiler-specific extensions so it is definitely possible.

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typo, unsinged should be unsigned

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While optimizing the memcpy or bit_cast away can work with int-sized data, what is the solution for the general, arbitrary-size case?

In particualar, low level communication protocols transfer data from/to byte-array buffers while higher layers may treat it as structures which may be kilobytes in size. How can we write C++ code that is both legal and portable (does not violate strict aliasing rules) and efficient (without buffer copying) in such cases?

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sadko4u commented Jul 15, 2021

#13 - type punning works in GCC as expected when directly accessing union's fields:

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NN--- commented Oct 3, 2021

@kennethchiu It is not an easy task.
Some ideas:

Both GCC and clang already offer the same functionality as compiler-specific extensions so it is definitely possible.

MSVC also has __restrict

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MangaD commented Dec 20, 2021

Found a typo on this line. Should be "a float can not alias an int".

The optimizer using Type-Based Alias Analysis (TBAA)6 assumes 1 will be returned and directly moves the constant value into register eax which carries the return value. TBAA uses the languages rules about what types are allowed to alias to optimize loads and stores. In this case TBAA knows that a float can not alias and int and optimizes away the load of i.

Also, the usage of "cannot" is preferred over "can not". See:

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So great of this post. llvm/llvm-project#68523 this issue is 100% relative with it. And maybe give a C++ case about placement new(but it only break strict alias rule in 64be ilp32)

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matu3ba commented May 28, 2024

The article is helpful, but still incomplete on the basics

  1. The main shortcoming is that it does not specify with quote from standard how C/C++ pointer and reference creation works, since that should have changed over the course of time due to making LTO (pointers to extern symbols etc) properly work.
  2. Pointer storage and padding is not discussed at all, but should at least be mentioned (sizeof)

Q: Does the most recent C/C++ standard specify pointer creation requirements at all?
A: No, pointer creation is unspecified with some hints and this is the overview work trying to sort things out: "n2263: Clarifying Pointer Provenance v4".

Damn, this means that I have to quote all the comparison rules for pointers as hints how things probably should work.

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matu3ba commented Jun 6, 2024

@shafik I've written a summary on what I see as main and unfixable footguns in C, which includes pointer semantics here

My main questions to you or anybody else interested:

  1. So far I've not understood what the standard bodies mean by "provenance based aliasing analysis" with examples in contrast to "typed based aliasing analysis", because from my naive understanding there is no aliasing analysis involved unless pointers have a different "effective type" and all code in C is inside functions and assumes the worst once things are exposed into headers or objects anywhere (exported to dynamic or static library etc).
  2. LLVM and gcc are still broken with pointer to integer conversions and provenance based optimizations leading to introduction of UB by the compiler. Are there other cases, where provenance based optimizations are terribly broken?
  3. I am unaware of any test corpus for provenance based optimizations for frontend (C) or backend (LLVM IR, gcc IR) languages that one could derive meaningful tests to guard against provenance errors.
    Are there other ways to mitigate the strategic risks involved by provenance based optimizations without a simple opt-out?

Thanks for reading/your time.

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@matu3ba, have you read That contains a precise model for provenance-based alias analysis, although it's not necessarily the one defined by the C/C++ standards. To my knowledge discussions about that are still ongoing.

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matu3ba commented Jun 9, 2024

have you read

  1. Yes, all proposals based on cerberus do not clarify terminology on this point other than it is something else than "typed-based aliasing analysis": "Note that this example does not involve type-based alias analysis."

  2. I might take a peek on meaningful pointer ideoms abusing one past the end and int-to-ptr examples, but I would appreciate some filtered output of interesting examples instead of redoing the same work that cerberus did or is doing.

To my knowledge discussions about that are still ongoing.

  1. Is there any sort of status on this matter, in a searchable manner and ideally condensed other than what has been discussed in the workgroup as linked in the Rust RFC ?

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@matu3ba, the paper states precise semantics on pages 17–18, isn't that about as clarifying as it gets?

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Hello. I have a question:

Is there any portable alternative for type punning other then memcpy? While I can know that memcpy can work, it isn't suitable in all situations. There are shortcomings of memcpy as far as I can think of:

  • memcpy isn't available in freestanding environments, and if you are developing an OS kernel, memcpy may be available under a different interface name (such as kmemcpy, or CopyMem), which the compilers won't realize it is functionally equivalent and thus optimization becomes impossible.
  • memcpy doesn't guarantee the write is atomic, and sometime you do need an atomic buffer for the data (the variable might be volatile-qualified).

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@Explorer09, my understanding is that memcpy is just a fancier (and more efficient) way to write a byte-wise copy. Since you're allowed to alias with bytes, this is always allowed, and memcpy is essentially defined as doing byte-wise copy. (For the purposes of the C++ standard, internally it will of course copy larger chunks.)

Apart from that, many compilers have built-in support for memcpy and might be able to lower the call to native instructions even without a C library. For example, GCC and Clang have __builtin_memcpy, and at least Clang can actually transform hand-written copy loops into the builtin via LoopIdiomRecognize.

For atomic operations, just do the operation with the correct type and do the bitcast outside of that. That is, if you want an atomic read, read with the correct type and then reinterpret the local variable, for an atomic write do the reinterpretation first, then write with the correct type, and for an atomic read-modify-write reinterpret before and after the correctly-typed operation.

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@aaronpuchert My point is, you cannot rely on __builtin_memcpy which is compiler specific and not portable. If I have to rely on it, I might as well use the -fno-strict-aliasing option and avoid such a language mess. AFAIK, strict aliasing can do more harm than good for certain real-world code, and it might be impractical for those projects to rework the code to make them more conforming to the language. Thus, I would not advocate following the language standard like lawyers, but focus on real problems instead.

The standard doesn't require memcpy to exist in a freestanding environment, which is a huge problem because codes like bootloaders and OS kernels cannot benefit from the optimizations the compiler could provide with memcpy. A hand-written bytewise copy loop might not optimize to memcpy because this decision is up to the compiler and is unreliable either (note: not all bytewise copy loop can be optimized to memcpy because sometimes it means memmove instead; you should get what I mean).

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First of all back to your original question:

Is there any portable alternative for type punning other then memcpy?

  • In C++20 you can now use std::bit_cast. That is portable and should be available in a freestanding environment.
  • In C you can of course do union type punning.

I think that is actually the preferred option. You need memcpy only if you're on C++17 or earlier.

My point is, you cannot rely on __builtin_memcpy which is compiler specific and not portable.

You can use it behind #ifdef with a fallback to byte-wise copy. Sorry if that wasn't clear.

If I have to rely on it, I might as well use the -fno-strict-aliasing option and avoid such a language mess.

That option is supported by basically the same compilers that also support the builtin. I don't think the standard requires compilers to provide such an option. And if you turn off strict aliasing, you don't get type-based alias analysis and miss out on many optimizations.

The standard doesn't require memcpy to exist in a freestanding environment, which is a huge problem because codes like bootloaders and OS kernels cannot benefit from the optimizations the compiler could provide with memcpy.

Bootloaders and kernels are rarely portable, because they tend to use things like inline assembly. So you might as well rely on builtins. And __builtin_memcpy is available with -ffreestanding and doesn't lower to the library call for a fixed size:

int convert_builtin(float input) {
    int result;
    __builtin_memcpy(&result, &input, sizeof(float));
    return result;

GCC and Clang compile the builtin into movl &input, %eax; movl %eax, &result even with -O0.

(note: not all bytewise copy loop can be optimized to memcpy because sometimes it means memmove instead; you should get what I mean).

Not all, but in the typical bitcast you have local variables, and the compiler knows that they don't overlap. Both GCC and Clang with -O2 compile

int convert_copy(float input) {
    int result;
    for (unsigned offset = 0; offset < sizeof(float); ++offset)
        *(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&result) + offset) = *(reinterpret_cast<char*>(&input) + offset); 
    return result;

as movd %xmm0, %eax; ret, identical to convert_builtin with -O2. Of course this isn't guaranteed, but performance in general isn't guaranteed.

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lsemprini commented Sep 18, 2024

Fantastic article. May I recommend in the first section here (and on StackOverflow) include one simple sentence for those who have not yet learned what kind of "aliasing" the term even refers to. Suggestion: "Aliasing is when two or more values, pointers or references in your code (potentially or actually) refer to the same underlying memory."

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