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$ git clone
$ npm install
npm WARN Invalid name: "sam-safe middleware with blog sample harness"
$ # Edit package.json, changing the name field to "sam-safe" in package.json (my npm doesn't like spaces)
$ npm install
$ npm start
> sam-safe@1.0.0 start /Users/user/src/sam-safe
> node server-model.js
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, text, div, input)
import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput, on)
import String
main =
beginnerProgram { model = "", view = view, update = update }
$ build/lueve -e examples/todomvc-compact.eve
1: #{ } -> #{ variable<object-13-31>, variable<todo>}
object{binding{ENTITY -> variable<object-13-31>}, binding{tag -> todo-item}, binding{todo -> variable<todo>}, }
2: #{ }|ANY:#{ variable<todo>} -> #{ variable<todo>}
expression =(a = variable<todo>, b = variable<todo>)
3: #{ }|ANY:#{ variable<object-13-67>, variable<todo>} -> #{ variable<todo>, variable<object-13-67>}
expression =(a = variable<todo>, b = variable<object-13-67>)
4: #{ } -> #{ variable<object-13-31>, variable<object-13-7>}
import Html exposing (Html, Attribute, text, div, input, button)
import Html.App exposing (beginnerProgram)
import Html.Attributes exposing (..)
import Html.Events exposing (onInput, onClick)
import String
main =
beginnerProgram { model = ["", "", ""], view = view, update = update }
module Group where

import List.Extra exposing (span)

countingGroupBy : (a -> b) -> List a -> List (b, Int)
countingGroupBy key xs' =
    eq a b = key a == key b
shamrin / ffmerge
Last active December 9, 2016 09:30
ffmerge and ffrebase: merge in fast-forward-only single-commit workflow
#!/usr/bin/env fish
set branch (git symbolic-ref -q --short HEAD)
or exit 1
if test $branch = "master"
echo "error: can't ffmerge master to master, switch to feature branch first"
exit 2
shamrin / First.elm
Last active April 7, 2017 15:07
Multiple Elm main modules
module First where
import Html exposing (span, text)
main = span [ ] [text "Hello First!"]
shamrin /
Last active March 29, 2020 19:26
Install OsmoNITB with SMPP

Quick Osmocom OpenBSC installation


  • Ubuntu Trusty (previous LTS and in between versions should work too)
  • sudo apt-get install gcc make git autoconf libtool pkg-config build-essential automake libortp-dev python libsqlite3-dev


shamrin / angle.js
Created May 11, 2023 14:30
Angle math functions in JavaScript
* `n` modulo `d` (because JavaScript `%` remainder operator is useless when `n < 0`)
* @see
* @param {number} n
* @param {number} d
export function mod(n, d) {
return ((n % d) + d) % d

Technical documentation philosophy

A couple of thoughts on technical documentation.

(By "documentation" I mean everything except the source code. Blog posts, API documentation, specifications, code comments, pull request descriptions, commit messages, code review comments, ticket descriptions and comments, videos, pictures, diagrams, presentations etc. etc.)

  1. The best documentation is no documentation. For example, prefer refactoring the code to make it self-explanatory if it allows removing the source code comment.

  2. By default assume nobody reads documentation. Extra effort is needed to make documentation easy to find and engaging enough so that people would want to read it.