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Ahmed Aboshanab shanab

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anonymous /
Created August 19, 2015 18:34

I would like to tell my story of burnout at Amazon, considering the fact that there is so many stories out there on both sides of the issue. My story is also on both sides of the issue, and I've had a lot of time to think about why people can see the same culture but come away with completely different conclusions. This is a throwaway because I still work there and I don't plan on changing that, and I don't exactly trust the company to take this in good faith, despite the fact that I mean this as a purely constructive criticism for a company that I really do like.

I am an autodidact (my formal education only tangentially describes what I can do), and a polymath (capable of holding my own amongst PhD-level Operations Researchers, Statisticians, Econometricians, Data Scientists, Computer Scientists, as well as Software Engineers). I love to solve real world problems, and in many ways am the perfect type of person for Amazon's culture. I started in a level 5 position, but felt from the beginning that I warrant

bpierre /
Last active February 15, 2024 18:40
Switch To Vim For Good

Switch To Vim For Good

NOTE: This guide has moved to

This guide is coming from an email I used to send to newcomers to Vim. It is not intended to be a complete guide, it is about how I switched myself.

My decision to switch to Vim has been made a long time ago. Coming from TextMate 1, I wanted to learn an editor that is Open Source (so I don’t lose my time learning a tool that can be killed), cross platform (so I can use it everywhere), and powerful enough (so I won’t regret TextMate). For these reasons, Vim has always been the editor I wanted to learn, but it took me several years before I did it in a way that works for me. I tried to switch progressively, using the Janus Vim distribution for a few months, then got back to using TextMate 2 for a time, waiting for the next attempt… here is what finally worked for me.

Original gist with comments:

# config/routes.rb
resources :documents do
scope module: 'documents' do
resources :versions do
post :restore, on: :member
resource :lock