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Created October 18, 2018 21:46
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# exit if there are any errors
set -e
# pretty output
info() {
local green="\033[1;32m"
local normal="\033[0m"
echo "[${green}INFO${normal}] $1"
# pretty errors
error() {
local red="\033[1;31m"
local normal="\033[0m"
echo "[${red}ERROR${normal}] $1"
# check ImageMagick
command -v convert >/dev/null 2>&1 || { error >&2 "The ImageMagick is not installed. Please use brew to install it first."; exit -1; }
DIR="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )"
# ensure that the path points to a valid file.
if [ ! -f "$BASE" ]
echo "Invalid path to base file."
exit 1
# takes in the dimension of the icon (it assumes the icon is a square) and the name of the file to save the icon to.
convert "$BASE" -resize ${iconDimension}x${iconDimension}^ -gravity center -extent ${iconDimension}x${iconDimension} $OUTPUT/$iconName
info 'Generating app icons ...'
info '20pt iPhone Notification 2x'
createIconImage 40 icon-40.png
info '20pt iPhone Notification 3x'
createIconImage 60 icon-60.png
info '29pt Settings/Spotlight 2x'
createIconImage 58 icon-58.png
info '29pt Settings/Spotlight 3x'
createIconImage 87 icon-87.png
info '40pt Spotlight 2x'
createIconImage 80 icon-80.png
info '40pt Spotlight 3x'
createIconImage 120 icon-121.png
info '60pt iPhone app 2x'
createIconImage 120 icon-120.png
info '60pt iPhone app 3x'
createIconImage 180 icon-180.png
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