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Last active August 10, 2023 19:05
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an ontology for the illicit antiquities trade
@prefix ex: <#> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
# Classes
ex:AUCTIONHOUSE rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ARTIFACT rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:PERSON rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:MUSEUM rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ORGANIZATION rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:GALLERY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ART_WORK rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:AUTHORITY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION rdf:type rdfs:Class .
# Object Properties
ex:auctions rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:sells_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:has_possession_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:buys rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:donates_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:MUSEUM .
ex:works_with rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:employed_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ORGANIZATION .
ex:controls rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ORGANIZATION .
ex:spouse_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:buys_at rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:AUCTIONHOUSE .
ex:obtains_from rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:is_instance_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ART_WORK ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:repatriates rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
# Data Properties
ex:name rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:city rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:country rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:from_culture rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:dates_from rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:domain ex:ART_WORK ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:enforced_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:AUTHORITY .
ex:seized_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:AUTHORITY .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:authenticated_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:cultural_heritage rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:repatriated_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:COUNTRY .
@prefix ex: <#> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
# Classes
ex:AUCTIONHOUSE rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ARTIFACT rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:PERSON rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:MUSEUM rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ORGANIZATION rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:GALLERY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ART_WORK rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:AUTHORITY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION rdf:type rdfs:Class .
# Object Properties
ex:auctions rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:sells_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:has_possession_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:buys rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:donates_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:MUSEUM .
ex:works_with rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:employed_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ORGANIZATION .
ex:controls rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ORGANIZATION .
ex:spouse_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:buys_at rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:AUCTIONHOUSE .
ex:obtains_from rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:is_instance_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ART_WORK ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:repatriates rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
# Data Properties
ex:name rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:city rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:country rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:from_culture rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:dates_from rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:domain ex:ART_WORK ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:enforced_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:AUTHORITY .
ex:seized_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:AUTHORITY .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:authenticated_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:cultural_heritage rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:repatriated_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:COUNTRY .
# Instances
ex:Aidonia_Treasure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Mycenaean" ;
ex:dates_from "15th century BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greece" ;
ex:repatriated_to "Greece" .
ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Michael Ward Gallery" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Michael_Ward rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Ward" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery ;
ex:controls ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery .
ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Greek Archaeological Service" ;
ex:country "Greece" ;
ex:repatriates ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Cambridge_Centre_for_Precious_Metal_Research rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Cambridge Centre for Precious Metal Research" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Jack_Ogden rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jack Ogden" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Cambridge_Centre_for_Precious_Metal_Research .
ex:John_Betts rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Betts" ;
ex:works_with ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery .
ex:Ricardo_Elia rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ricardo Elia" ;
ex:works_with ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:James_Wright rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "James Wright" ;
ex:works_with ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:Society_for_the_Preservation_of_the_Greek_Heritage rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:donates_to ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:US_District_Court_Southern_District_of_New_York rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US District Court, Southern District of New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure ;
ex:seized_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
# Object Properties
ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery ex:has_possession_of ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Michael_Ward ex:employed_by ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery .
ex:Michael_Ward ex:controls ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery .
ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service ex:repatriates ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Cambridge_Centre_for_Precious_Metal_Research ex:authenticated_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Jack_Ogden ex:employed_by ex:Cambridge_Centre_for_Precious_Metal_Research .
ex:John_Betts ex:works_with ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery .
ex:Ricardo_Elia ex:works_with ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:James_Wright ex:works_with ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:Society_for_the_Preservation_of_the_Greek_Heritage ex:donates_to ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:US_District_Court_Southern_District_of_New_York ex:enforced_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:US_District_Court_Southern_District_of_New_York ex:seized_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure .# Instances
ex:Antonine_Wall rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Antonine Wall"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "142 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Roman Empire World Heritage Site"^^xsd:string .
ex:Rough_Castle_Axehead rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Rough Castle Axehead"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Roman Empire"^^xsd:string .
ex:Falkirk_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Falkirk Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Falkirk"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Scotland"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Rough_Castle_Axehead .
ex:Historic_Scotland rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Historic Scotland"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Scotland"^^xsd:string .
ex:Strathclyde_Police rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Strathclyde Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Scotland"^^xsd:string .
ex:Peel_Park rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Peel Park"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "East Dumbartonshire"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Scotland"^^xsd:string .
ex:East_Dunbartonshire_Council rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "East Dunbartonshire Council"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Scotland"^^xsd:string .
# Relationships
ex:Antonine_Wall ex:enforced_by ex:Historic_Scotland .
ex:Antonine_Wall ex:seized_by ex:Strathclyde_Police .
ex:Rough_Castle_Axehead ex:authenticated_by ex:Falkirk_Museum .
ex:Historic_Scotland ex:works_with ex:Strathclyde_Police .
ex:Historic_Scotland ex:works_with ex:East_Dunbartonshire_Council .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:AubinTonalamatl rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Aubin Tonalamatl"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Nahuatl"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "19th Century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mexican"^^xsd:string .
# Persons
ex:LorenzoBoturiniBenaduci rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Lorenzo Boturini Benaduci"^^xsd:string .
ex:CarlNebel rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Carl Nebel"^^xsd:string .
ex:JeanFredericWaldek rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jean-Frédéric Waldek"^^xsd:string .
ex:JosephMariusAlexisAubin rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Joseph Marius Alexis Aubin"^^xsd:string .
ex:CharlesEugeneEspidonGoupil rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Charles Eugène Espidon Goupil"^^xsd:string .
ex:JoseLuisCastañedaDelValle rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "José Luis Castañeda del Valle"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:AubinTonalamatl ;
ex:donates_to ex:INAH .
# Organizations
ex:BibliothèqueNationale rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:INAH rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Mexico City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:MexicanAttorneyGeneralsOffice rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Mexican Attorney General's Office"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:BibliothèqueNationale ex:has_possession_of ex:AubinTonalamatl .
ex:JoseLuisCastañedaDelValle ex:obtains_from ex:BibliothèqueNationale .
ex:INAH ex:has_possession_of ex:AubinTonalamatl .# Instances
ex:Ban_Chiang rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Ban Chiang"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Ban Chiang culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "3600 BC to 200 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Thailand"^^xsd:string .
ex:Thai_Fine_Arts_Department rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Thai Fine Arts Department"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Thailand"^^xsd:string .
ex:University_of_Pennsylvania_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "University of Pennsylvania Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Philadelphia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Chester_Gorman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Chester Gorman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:University_of_Pennsylvania_Museum .
ex:UNESCO rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "UNESCO"^^xsd:string .
ex:US_Federal_Agents rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US Federal Agents"^^xsd:string .
ex:Bangkok_Collectors rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Bangkok Collectors"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Bangkok"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Thailand"^^xsd:string .
ex:California_Dealers rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "California Dealers"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "California"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Thai_Fine_Arts_Department ex:repatriates ex:Ban_Chiang .
ex:University_of_Pennsylvania_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Ban_Chiang .
ex:Chester_Gorman ex:works_with ex:Thai_Fine_Arts_Department .
ex:Bangkok_Collectors ex:buys ex:Ban_Chiang .
ex:California_Dealers ex:buys ex:Ban_Chiang .
ex:US_Federal_Agents ex:seized_by ex:Ban_Chiang .
# Data Properties
ex:Ban_Chiang ex:repatriated_to "Thailand"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Batán Grande
ex:BatánGrande rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Batán Grande"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Sicán/Lambayeque"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Middle Sicán period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string .
# Izumi Shimada
ex:IzumiShimada rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Izumi Shimada"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:BatánGrande .
# Walter Alva
ex:WalterAlva rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Walter Alva"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:BatánGrande .
# Aurich Family
ex:AurichFamily rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Aurich Family"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:BatánGrande ;
ex:obtains_from ex:BatánGrande .
# Juan José Aurich Pastor
ex:JuanJoséAurichPastor rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Juan José Aurich Pastor"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:BatánGrande .
# Edmundo Aurich Bonilla
ex:EdmundoAurichBonilla rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Edmundo Aurich Bonilla"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:BatánGrande ;
ex:spouse_of ex:OswaldoAurichBonilla .
# Oswaldo Aurich Bonilla
ex:OswaldoAurichBonilla rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Oswaldo Aurich Bonilla"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:BatánGrande ;
ex:spouse_of ex:EdmundoAurichBonilla .
# Denis Garcia
ex:DenisGarcia rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Denis Garcia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:EdmundoAurichBonilla ;
ex:works_with ex:OswaldoAurichBonilla .
# Manual Bacigalupo Remy
ex:ManualBacigalupoRemy rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Manual Bacigalupo Remy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:BatánGrande ;
ex:works_with ex:EdmundoAurichBonilla .
# Julio Tello
ex:JulioTello rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Julio Tello"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:BatánGrande .
# Museo de Arqueología Peruana
ex:MuseodeArqueologíaPeruana rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo de Arqueología Peruana"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Lima"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:BatánGrande .
# Museo Oro del Peru
ex:MuseoOrodelPeru rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Oro del Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Lima"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:BatánGrande .
# Sípan backflap
ex:SípanBackflap rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Sípan backflap"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Sicán/Lambayeque"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Middle Sicán period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:ManualBacigalupoRemy .# Instances
ex:Christies_New_York rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Temple_Relief rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Late Period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:Christine_Favard_Meeks rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Christine Favard-Meeks"^^xsd:string .
ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Supreme Council of Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:US_Customs_and_Immigration_Enforcement rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Customs and Immigration Enforcement"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies_New_York ex:auctions ex:Temple_Relief .
ex:Temple_Relief ex:authenticated_by ex:Christine_Favard_Meeks .
ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities ex:works_with ex:US_Customs_and_Immigration_Enforcement .
ex:Temple_Relief ex:seized_by ex:US_Customs_and_Immigration_Enforcement .
ex:Temple_Relief ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
# Data Properties
ex:Temple_Relief ex:dates_from "Late Period"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:BelitungShipwreck rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Belitung Shipwreck" ;
ex:from_culture "Arab" ;
ex:dates_from "9th Century CE" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Arab and Chinese" .
# Person
ex:TilmanWalterfang rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tilman Walterfang" ;
ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Germany" .
ex:DrMichaelFlecker rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. Michael Flecker" ;
ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:JulianRaby rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Julian Raby" ;
ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
# Organization
ex:SeabedExplorations rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Seabed Explorations" ;
ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Germany" .
ex:SentosaLeisureGroup rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Sentosa Leisure Group" ;
ex:city "Singapore" ;
ex:country "Singapore" .
ex:SingaporeTourismBoard rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Singapore Tourism Board" ;
ex:city "Singapore" ;
ex:country "Singapore" .
ex:SingaporeNationalHeritageBoard rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Singapore National Heritage Board" ;
ex:city "Singapore" ;
ex:country "Singapore" .
# Museum
ex:AsianCivilizationsMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Asian Civilizations Museum" ;
ex:city "Singapore" ;
ex:country "Singapore" .
ex:SacklerGallery rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Sackler Gallery" ;
ex:city "Washington D.C." ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Government Agency
ex:RepublicOfIndonesia rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Republic of Indonesia" ;
ex:country "Indonesia" .
# Object Properties
ex:TilmanWalterfang ex:employed_by ex:SeabedExplorations .
ex:DrMichaelFlecker ex:works_with ex:SeabedExplorations .
ex:JulianRaby ex:employed_by ex:SacklerGallery .
ex:SentosaLeisureGroup ex:buys ex:BelitungShipwreck .
ex:SingaporeTourismBoard ex:works_with ex:AsianCivilizationsMuseum .
ex:SingaporeTourismBoard ex:works_with ex:SingaporeNationalHeritageBoard .
ex:AsianCivilizationsMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:BelitungShipwreck .
ex:SacklerGallery ex:has_possession_of ex:BelitungShipwreck .
ex:RepublicOfIndonesia ex:repatriates ex:BelitungShipwreck .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:BenghaziTreasure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Benghazi Treasure" ;
ex:from_culture "Cyrenaica" ;
ex:dates_from "5th and 6th centuries BC, Hellenistic period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Libya" .
# Person
ex:OsamaElKetaf rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Osama El-Ketaf" ;
ex:employed_by ex:NationalCommercialBank .
ex:MohammedElShelmany rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mohammed El-Shelmany" ;
ex:employed_by ex:DepartmentOfAntiquities .
ex:HafedWalda rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Hafed Walda" .
ex:AhmedBuzaian rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ahmed Buzaian" ;
ex:employed_by ex:BenghaziUniversity .
# Organization
ex:NationalCommercialBank rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "National Commercial Bank" ;
ex:city "Benghazi" ;
ex:country "Libya" .
ex:DepartmentOfAntiquities rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Department of Antiquities" ;
ex:city "Benghazi" ;
ex:country "Libya" .
ex:BenghaziUniversity rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Benghazi University" ;
ex:city "Benghazi" ;
ex:country "Libya" .
# Government Agency
ex:name "UNESCO" .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:BenghaziTreasure ex:authenticated_by ex:DepartmentOfAntiquities .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:BenghaziTreasure ex:seized_by ex:DepartmentOfAntiquities .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:BenghaziTreasure ex:repatriated_to "Libya" .# Instances
ex:Bijbels_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Bijbels Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Amsterdam"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Netherlands"^^xsd:string .
ex:Christies_New_York rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie’s New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:US_Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Immigration and Customs Enforcement"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Art_Loss_Register rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Art Loss Register"^^xsd:string .
ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Egypt"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
# Relationships
ex:Christies_New_York ex:auctions ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
ex:Bijbels_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
ex:US_Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement ex:repatriates ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 ex:authenticated_by ex:Art_Loss_Register .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 ex:seized_by ex:US_Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts# Instances and Data
ex:BrooklynMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Brooklyn Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:CopticArt rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Coptic"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "3rd to 8th Centuries AD"^^xsd:string .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Louvre rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Louvre"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:SheikhIbadaGroup rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Coptic"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Post World War II"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:RecklinghausenMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Recklinghausen museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Recklinghausen"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string .
ex:CopticMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Coptic Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Cairo"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:JohnBeckwith rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Beckwith"^^xsd:string .
ex:GaryVikan rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gary Vikan"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:BrooklynMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:CopticArt .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:CopticArt .
ex:Louvre ex:has_possession_of ex:CopticArt .
ex:BrooklynMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:SheikhIbadaGroup .
ex:RecklinghausenMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:SheikhIbadaGroup .
ex:CopticMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:SheikhIbadaGroup .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:CopticArt ex:authenticated_by ex:JohnBeckwith .
ex:SheikhIbadaGroup ex:authenticated_by ex:GaryVikan .# Instances
ex:SanAndresChurch rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "San Andrés de Machaca Church" ;
ex:city "San Andrés de Machaca" ;
ex:country "Bolivia" .
ex:ArtLossRegister rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Art Loss Register" .
ex:BolivianEmbassyLondon rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Bolivian Embassy in London" ;
ex:country "United Kingdom" .
ex:WashingtonArtDealer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:city "Washington" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:AmericanCollector rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:MarioAndradeMorales rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mario Andrade Morales" ;
ex:country "Bolivia" .
ex:FelipePerezPaco rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Felipe Perez Paco" ;
ex:country "Bolivia" .
ex:NicomedesBlancoPaco rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nicomedes Blanco Paco" ;
ex:country "Bolivia" .
ex:SantaRosaPainting rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Santa Rosa de Viterbo" ;
ex:from_culture "Bolivian" ;
ex:dates_from "Colonial period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Bolivian" .
ex:SanAgustinPainting rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "San Agustín" ;
ex:from_culture "Bolivian" ;
ex:dates_from "Colonial period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Bolivian" .
# Object Properties
ex:WashingtonArtDealer ex:works_with ex:AmericanCollector .
ex:AmericanCollector ex:buys ex:SantaRosaPainting ;
ex:buys ex:SanAgustinPainting .
ex:SantaRosaPainting ex:authenticated_by ex:ArtLossRegister ;
ex:seized_by ex:BolivianEmbassyLondon ;
ex:repatriated_to "Bolivia" .
ex:SanAgustinPainting ex:authenticated_by ex:ArtLossRegister ;
ex:seized_by ex:BolivianEmbassyLondon ;
ex:repatriated_to "Bolivia" .
ex:MarioAndradeMorales ex:works_with ex:FelipePerezPaco ;
ex:works_with ex:NicomedesBlancoPaco .
ex:FelipePerezPaco ex:works_with ex:NicomedesBlancoPaco .
ex:MarioAndradeMorales ex:has_possession_of ex:SantaRosaPainting ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SanAgustinPainting .
ex:FelipePerezPaco ex:has_possession_of ex:SantaRosaPainting ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SanAgustinPainting .
ex:NicomedesBlancoPaco ex:has_possession_of ex:SantaRosaPainting ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SanAgustinPainting .# Instances
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:RupertWace rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rupert Wace"^^xsd:string .
ex:PIASA rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "PIASA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:SCA rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:DuckVessel1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "12th Dynasty"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:DuckVessel2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "12th Dynasty"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:DuckVessel1 .
ex:RupertWace ex:has_possession_of ex:DuckVessel2 .
ex:PIASA ex:has_possession_of ex:DuckVessel2 .
ex:SCA ex:repatriates ex:DuckVessel1 ;
ex:repatriates ex:DuckVessel2 .
# Data Properties
ex:DuckVessel1 ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:DuckVessel2 ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:Korban rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Korban"^^xsd:string .
ex:Wilson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Wilson"^^xsd:string .
ex:Zietz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Zietz"^^xsd:string .
ex:PeterMimpriss rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Mimpriss"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:AllenAndOvery .
ex:MarquessOfNorthampton rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marquess of Northampton"^^xsd:string .
ex:PhilipWilson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Philip Wilson"^^xsd:string .
ex:TomWilson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tom Wilson"^^xsd:string .
ex:RamizRizk rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ramiz Rizk"^^xsd:string .
ex:GeoffreyJenkinson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Geoffrey Jenkinson"^^xsd:string .
ex:ArthurHoughton rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Arthur Houghton"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:GettyMuseum .
# Organizations
ex:AllenAndOvery rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Allen and Overy"^^xsd:string .
ex:AbrahamTrust rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Abraham Trust"^^xsd:string .
# Museum
ex:GettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum"^^xsd:string .
# Artifacts
ex:GeometricPlate rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Geometric Plate"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Lebanese"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1981"^^xsd:string .
ex:HippolytusSitulae rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Hippolytus situlae"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Lebanese"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1981"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Korban ex:obtains_from ex:LebaneseFarmWorkers ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae ;
ex:sells_to ex:Wilson, ex:Zietz .
ex:Wilson ex:buys ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae ;
ex:works_with ex:PeterMimpriss, ex:Zietz ;
ex:employed_by ex:AbrahamTrust .
ex:Zietz ex:buys ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae ;
ex:works_with ex:Wilson, ex:PeterMimpriss ;
ex:employed_by ex:AbrahamTrust .
ex:PeterMimpriss ex:works_with ex:Wilson, ex:Zietz, ex:MarquessOfNorthampton .
ex:MarquessOfNorthampton ex:buys ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae ;
ex:employed_by ex:AbrahamTrust .
ex:AbrahamTrust ex:has_possession_of ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae .
ex:GeoffreyJenkinson ex:works_with ex:AbrahamTrust ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae .
ex:GettyMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae .
ex:ArthurHoughton ex:works_with ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:RamizRizk ex:works_with ex:PeterMimpriss .
ex:PhilipWilson ex:employed_by ex:AbrahamTrust .
ex:TomWilson ex:employed_by ex:AbrahamTrust .# Instances and Data
# Artifacts
ex:SevsoTreasure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Sevso Treasure"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD"^^xsd:string .
ex:HuntingPlate rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Hunting (or Sevso) Plate"^^xsd:string ;
ex:is_instance_of ex:SevsoTreasure ;
ex:dates_from "mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD"^^xsd:string .
ex:AchillesPlate rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Achilles Plate"^^xsd:string ;
ex:is_instance_of ex:SevsoTreasure ;
ex:dates_from "mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD"^^xsd:string .
ex:GeometricEwer rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Geometric Ewer"^^xsd:string ;
ex:is_instance_of ex:SevsoTreasure ;
ex:dates_from "mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD"^^xsd:string .
# Persons
ex:AntonTkalec rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Anton Tkalec"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Vienna"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Austria"^^xsd:string .
ex:HalimKorban rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Halim Korban"^^xsd:string .
ex:MansurMokhtarzade rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mansur Mokhtarzade"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:PeterWilson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Wilson"^^xsd:string .
ex:RainerZietz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rainer Zietz"^^xsd:string .
# Organizations
ex:ArtConsultancy rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Art Consultancy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Guernsey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
# Transactions
ex:AntonTkalec ex:sells_to ex:ArtConsultancy .
ex:ArtConsultancy ex:buys ex:GeometricEwer .
ex:ArtConsultancy ex:buys ex:HuntingPlate .
ex:ArtConsultancy ex:buys ex:AchillesPlate .
# Employment
ex:PeterWilson ex:employed_by ex:ArtConsultancy .
ex:RainerZietz ex:employed_by ex:ArtConsultancy .
# Collaboration
ex:AntonTkalec ex:works_with ex:HalimKorban .
ex:AntonTkalec ex:works_with ex:MansurMokhtarzade .
ex:HalimKorban ex:works_with ex:MansurMokhtarzade .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:Northampton rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Northampton" .
ex:Peter_Mimpriss rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Mimpriss" .
ex:Korban rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Korban" .
ex:Tkalec rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tkalec" .
ex:Rizk rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rizk" .
# Organizations
ex:Abraham_Trust rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Abraham Trust" .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Allen_and_Overy rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Allen and Overy" .
# Artifacts
ex:Sevso_Treasure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "fourth-century AD" .
ex:Geometric_Ewer rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "fourth-century AD" .
ex:Hippolytus_Situla rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "fourth-century AD" .
ex:Animal_Ewer rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "fourth-century AD" .
ex:Meleager_Plate rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "fourth-century AD" .
# Object Properties
ex:Northampton ex:buys ex:Geometric_Ewer ;
ex:buys ex:Hippolytus_Situla ;
ex:buys ex:Animal_Ewer ;
ex:buys ex:Meleager_Plate ;
ex:buys_at ex:Sothebys ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Korban ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Tkalec ;
ex:works_with ex:Peter_Mimpriss ;
ex:sued_by ex:Lebanon ;
ex:sued_by ex:Yugoslavia ;
ex:sued_by ex:Croatia ;
ex:sued_by ex:Hungary .
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:Sevso_Treasure ;
ex:sells_to ex:Northampton .
ex:Peter_Mimpriss ex:employed_by ex:Allen_and_Overy .
ex:Korban ex:sells_to ex:Northampton .
ex:Tkalec ex:sells_to ex:Northampton .
ex:Rizk ex:works_with ex:Northampton .
# Government Agencies
ex:Lebanon rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Lebanon" ;
ex:country "Lebanon" .
ex:Yugoslavia rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Yugoslavia" ;
ex:country "Yugoslavia" .
ex:Croatia rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Croatia" ;
ex:country "Croatia" .
ex:Hungary rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Hungary" ;
ex:country "Hungary" .
# Repatriation
ex:Hungary ex:repatriates ex:Sevso_Treasure .
# Cultural Heritage
ex:Sevso_Treasure ex:cultural_heritage "Roman Empire" .# Instances and Data
ex:HuacaRajada rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Huaca Rajada"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Moche"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1 to 700 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:SipanSite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Sipán Site"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Moche"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1 to 700 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:ErnilBernal rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ernil Bernal"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanSite .
ex:SamuelBernal rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Samuel Bernal"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:ErnilBernal ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanSite .
ex:WalterAlva rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Walter Alva"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:ErnilBernal ;
ex:works_with ex:SamuelBernal .
ex:PeruvianPolice rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Peruvian Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:repatriates ex:SipanSite .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby’s"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:auctions ex:SipanSite .
ex:BourneCollection rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Bourne Collection"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanSite .
ex:SwetnamDrewKellyRing rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Swetnam/Drew/Kelly smuggling ring"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanSite .# Instances
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby’s Auction House" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:David_Bernstein rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "David Bernstein" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Alva rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Alva" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:Raul_Apesteguia rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Raúl Apesteguía" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:Peruvian_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Peru" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:US_Customs rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US Customs" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Bruening_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Brüning Museum/Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipán" ;
ex:city "Lambayeque" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
# Artifacts
ex:Lot7 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Late Chavin Gold Head Bead" ;
ex:from_culture "Chavin" ;
ex:dates_from "700–400 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:Lot10 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Early Mochica Gold and Turquoise Effigy Ear Ornament" ;
ex:from_culture "Mochica" ;
ex:dates_from "300–100 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:Lot11 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Late Chavin Gold and Turquoise Necklace" ;
ex:from_culture "Chavin" ;
ex:dates_from "700–400 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:Lot17 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Early Mochica Turquoise and Gold Necklace" ;
ex:from_culture "Mochica" ;
ex:dates_from "300–100 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:Lot18 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Early Mochica Gold Ornament" ;
ex:from_culture "Mochica" ;
ex:dates_from "300–100 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
# Relationships
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:Lot7 ;
ex:auctions ex:Lot10 ;
ex:auctions ex:Lot11 ;
ex:auctions ex:Lot17 ;
ex:auctions ex:Lot18 .
ex:David_Bernstein ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot7 ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot11 ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot17 .
ex:Lot7 ex:seized_by ex:US_Customs ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .
ex:Lot11 ex:seized_by ex:US_Customs ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .
ex:Lot17 ex:seized_by ex:US_Customs ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .
ex:Bruening_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot7 ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot11 ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot17 .
ex:Raul_Apesteguia ex:obtains_from ex:Lot7 ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Lot10 ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Lot11 ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Lot17 ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Lot18 .# Instances
ex:LaCorona rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "La Corona" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "mid 1960s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peten region of Guatemala" .
ex:SiteQ rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Site Q" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "mid 1960s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peten region of Guatemala" .
ex:ArtInstituteOfChicago rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Art Institute of Chicago" ;
ex:city "Chicago" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:WalterRandall rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Walter Randall" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:PeterMatthews rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Matthews" .
ex:Yale rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Yale" .
ex:ElPeru rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "El Perú" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
ex:IanGraham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham" .
# Object Properties
ex:ArtInstituteOfChicago ex:has_possession_of ex:LaCorona .
ex:WalterRandall ex:sells_to ex:ArtInstituteOfChicago .
ex:PeterMatthews ex:works_with ex:Yale .
ex:PeterMatthews ex:authenticated_by ex:Yale .
ex:LaCorona ex:authenticated_by ex:Yale .
ex:SiteQ ex:authenticated_by ex:Yale .
ex:ElPeru ex:authenticated_by ex:Yale .# Instances
ex:SlackFarm rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Slack Farm"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Caborn-Welborn culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1400 to 1650 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mississippian culture"^^xsd:string .
ex:SlackFamily rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Slack Family"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SlackFarm .
ex:NewOwner rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SlackFarm .
ex:TenantFarmers rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SlackFarm .
ex:Looters rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:obtains_from ex:TenantFarmers ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SlackFarm .
ex:SergeantMilesHart rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Sergeant Miles Hart"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:KentuckyStatePolice .
ex:KentuckyStatePolice rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Kentucky State Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Frankfort"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:UnionCountyGrandJury rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Union County Grand Jury"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Morganfield"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:NativeAmericanGroups rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:works_with ex:StateMedicalExaminer .
ex:StateMedicalExaminer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "State Medical Examiner"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:KentuckyStateGovernment .
ex:KentuckyStateGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Kentucky State Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Frankfort"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
# Relations
ex:SlackFarm ex:enforced_by ex:SergeantMilesHart ;
ex:seized_by ex:KentuckyStatePolice ;
ex:repatriated_to "Kentucky"^^xsd:string .
ex:SlackFamily ex:sells_to ex:NewOwner .
ex:NewOwner ex:leases_to ex:TenantFarmers .
ex:TenantFarmers ex:sells_to ex:Looters .
ex:Looters ex:works_with ex:NewOwner ;
ex:works_with ex:TenantFarmers .
ex:NativeAmericanGroups ex:buys ex:SlackFarm ;
ex:donates_to ex:StateMedicalExaminer .
ex:StateMedicalExaminer ex:works_with ex:NativeAmericanGroups ;
ex:works_with ex:KentuckyStateGovernment .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:RobertOlson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Olson" .
ex:JonathanMarkell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jonathan Markell" .
ex:CariMarkell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Cari Markell" .
ex:ArmandLabbé rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Armand Labbé" .
ex:BarryMacLean rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Barry MacLean" .
ex:JoelMalter rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Joel Malter" .
ex:SusanLerer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Susan Lerer" .
ex:RoxannaBrown rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Roxanna Brown" .
# Organizations
ex:BobbyoImports rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Bobbyo Imports" .
ex:SilkRoadsGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Silk Roads Gallery" ;
ex:city "Los Angeles" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:MalterGalleries rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Malter Galleries" ;
ex:city "Encino" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Museums
ex:LACMA rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Los Angeles County Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "Los Angeles" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:BowersMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Bowers Museum" ;
ex:city "Santa Ana" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:PAM rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Pacific Asia Museum" ;
ex:city "Pasadena" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:MingeiInternationalMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Mingei International Museum" ;
ex:city "San Diego" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:SoutheastAsianCeramicsMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Southeast Asian Ceramics Museum" ;
ex:city "Bangkok" ;
ex:country "Thailand" .
# Government Agencies
ex:IRS rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Internal Revenue Service" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:ICE rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Immigration and Customs Enforcement" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Artifact
ex:BanChiangArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ban Chiang" ;
ex:dates_from "3000 BC to 300 AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Thailand" .
# Relationships
ex:RobertOlson ex:employed_by ex:BobbyoImports .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:works_with ex:CariMarkell .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:employed_by ex:SilkRoadsGallery .
ex:CariMarkell ex:employed_by ex:SilkRoadsGallery .
ex:RobertOlson ex:sells_to ex:JonathanMarkell .
ex:RobertOlson ex:sells_to ex:CariMarkell .
ex:RobertOlson ex:sells_to ex:BarryMacLean .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:donates_to ex:LACMA .
ex:RobertOlson ex:buys ex:BanChiangArtifacts .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:buys ex:BanChiangArtifacts .
ex:RobertOlson ex:has_possession_of ex:BanChiangArtifacts .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:has_possession_of ex:BanChiangArtifacts .
ex:RobertOlson ex:works_with ex:ArmandLabbé .
ex:RobertOlson ex:works_with ex:JoelMalter .
ex:RobertOlson ex:works_with ex:SusanLerer .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:works_with ex:RoxannaBrown .
ex:BanChiangArtifacts ex:seized_by ex:ICE .
ex:BanChiangArtifacts ex:enforced_by ex:IRS .# Instances and Data
# Person
ex:Tom_Hoyt rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tom Hoyt" .
ex:Robert_Olson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Olson" .
ex:Jonathan_Markell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jonathan Markell" .
ex:Cari_Markell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Cari Markell" .
ex:Barry_MacLean rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Barry MacLean" .
ex:Michael_Malter rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Malter" .
ex:Robert_Perez rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Perez" .
ex:Roxanna_Brown rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Roxanna Brown" .
# Museum
ex:Bowers_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Bowers Museum" .
ex:PAM_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "PAM Museum" .
ex:Mingei_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Mingei Museum" .
ex:Berkeley_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Berkeley Museum" .
ex:Art_Institute_of_Chicago rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Art Institute of Chicago" .
# Gallery
ex:Malter_Galleries rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Malter Galleries" .
# Object Properties
ex:Tom_Hoyt ex:buys ex:Robert_Olson ;
ex:donates_to ex:Bowers_Museum ;
ex:donates_to ex:PAM_Museum ;
ex:buys ex:Jonathan_Markell ;
ex:buys ex:Cari_Markell ;
ex:donates_to ex:Mingei_Museum ;
ex:donates_to ex:Berkeley_Museum .
ex:Barry_MacLean ex:buys ex:Robert_Olson .
ex:Robert_Perez ex:works_with ex:Michael_Malter .
ex:Jonathan_Markell ex:works_with ex:Roxanna_Brown .
# Data Properties
ex:Tom_Hoyt ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Robert_Olson ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Jonathan_Markell ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Cari_Markell ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Barry_MacLean ex:city "Chicago" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Michael_Malter ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Robert_Perez ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Roxanna_Brown ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Bowers_Museum ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:PAM_Museum ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Mingei_Museum ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Berkeley_Museum ex:city "Berkeley" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Art_Institute_of_Chicago ex:city "Chicago" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Malter_Galleries ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "USA" .# Instances and Data
# Artifact Instances
ex:LeatherSledgeStraps rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Antarctic Exploration" ;
ex:dates_from "1902" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:AntarcticTreatySystem .
ex:CandleLantern rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Antarctic Exploration" ;
ex:dates_from "1902" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:AntarcticTreatySystem .
ex:CoatHook rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Antarctic Exploration" ;
ex:dates_from "1912" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:AntarcticTreatySystem .
ex:Beaker rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Antarctic Exploration" ;
ex:dates_from "1912" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:AntarcticTreatySystem .
ex:Bottles rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Antarctic Exploration" ;
ex:dates_from "1912" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:AntarcticTreatySystem .
# Person Instances
ex:JohnClaydon rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Claydon" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:LeatherSledgeStraps, ex:CandleLantern, ex:CoatHook, ex:Beaker, ex:Bottles ;
ex:obtains_from ex:DiscoveryHut, ex:CapeEvansCamp .
# Organization Instances
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "United Kingdom" ;
ex:auctions ex:LeatherSledgeStraps, ex:CandleLantern, ex:CoatHook, ex:Beaker, ex:Bottles .
ex:AntarcticHeritageTrust rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Antarctic Heritage Trust" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" ;
ex:controls ex:CapeEvansCamp, ex:DiscoveryHut .
# Authority Instances
ex:AntarcticTreatySystem rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Antarctic Treaty System" ;
ex:country "International" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:LeatherSledgeStraps, ex:CandleLantern, ex:CoatHook, ex:Beaker, ex:Bottles .
# Museum Instances
ex:DiscoveryHut rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Discovery Hut" ;
ex:city "Ross Island" ;
ex:country "Antarctica" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:LeatherSledgeStraps, ex:CandleLantern .
ex:CapeEvansCamp rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Cape Evans Camp" ;
ex:city "Ross Island" ;
ex:country "Antarctica" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:CoatHook, ex:Beaker, ex:Bottles .# Instances
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's"^^xsd:string .
ex:NicholasLambourn rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nicholas Lambourn"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Christies .
ex:ScottPolarResearchInstitute rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Scott Polar Research Institute"^^xsd:string .
ex:UniversityOfCambridge rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "University of Cambridge"^^xsd:string .
ex:Claydon rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Claydon"^^xsd:string .
ex:PolarArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Polar"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:PolarArtifacts ;
ex:sells_to ex:Claydon .
ex:Claydon ex:has_possession_of ex:PolarArtifacts ;
ex:donates_to ex:ScottPolarResearchInstitute .
ex:NicholasLambourn ex:works_with ex:Claydon .
ex:ScottPolarResearchInstitute ex:employed_by ex:UniversityOfCambridge .
# Data Properties
ex:Christies ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:UniversityOfCambridge ex:city "Cambridge"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:PolarArtifacts ex:dates_from "1901"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Polar"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# The State Hermitage Museum
ex:StateHermitageMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "State Hermitage Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "St Petersburg"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Russian Federation"^^xsd:string .
# Larisa Zavadskaya
ex:LarisaZavadskaya rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Larisa Zavadskaya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:StateHermitageMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:StolenArtifacts .
# Nikolay Zavadsky
ex:NikolayZavadsky rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nikolay Zavadsky"^^xsd:string ;
ex:spouse_of ex:LarisaZavadskaya ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:StolenArtifacts .
# Stolen Artifacts
ex:StolenArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Russian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Russian Federation"^^xsd:string ;
ex:enforced_by ex:RussianAuthority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:StateHermitageMuseum .
# Russian Authority
ex:RussianAuthority rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Russian Authority"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:StolenArtifacts .
# Alexander Yerofeyev
ex:AlexanderYerofeyev rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Alexander Yerofeyev"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:StolenArtifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:LarisaZavadskaya .
# The Stolen Artifacts were repatriated to the Russian Federation
ex:StolenArtifacts ex:repatriated_to "Russian Federation"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
ex:Hermitage rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Hermitage" ;
ex:city "St. Petersburg" ;
ex:country "Russia" .
ex:NikolayZavadsky rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nikolay Zavadsky" .
ex:Zavadskaya rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Zavadskaya" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Hermitage .
ex:MotherOfGodSign rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Mother of God 'Sign'" ;
ex:from_culture "Russian" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Russian" .
ex:VladimirPutin rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Vladimir Putin" ;
ex:controls ex:RussianGovernment .
ex:RussianGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Russian Government" ;
ex:country "Russia" .
ex:RussianStateArchiveOfLiteratureAndArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Russian State Archive of Literature and Art" ;
ex:city "Moscow" ;
ex:country "Russia" .
ex:YakovChernikov rdf:type ex:ART_WORK ;
ex:name "Drawings by Yakov Chernikov" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" .
ex:RedMafia rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Red Mafia" .
ex:Solntsevskaya rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Solntsevskaya" ;
ex:city "Moscow" ;
ex:country "Russia" .
# Object Properties
ex:Hermitage ex:has_possession_of ex:MotherOfGodSign .
ex:NikolayZavadsky ex:buys ex:MotherOfGodSign .
ex:RussianGovernment ex:repatriates ex:MotherOfGodSign .
ex:Zavadskaya ex:works_with ex:NikolayZavadsky .
ex:YakovChernikov ex:is_instance_of ex:RussianStateArchiveOfLiteratureAndArt .
ex:RedMafia ex:works_with ex:Solntsevskaya .# Instances
ex:Cancuen rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Cancuen"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Teobert_Maler rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Teobert Maler"^^xsd:string .
ex:Harvard_Archaeological_Team rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Harvard Archaeological Team"^^xsd:string .
ex:Cancuen_Palace rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Cancuen Palace"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Cancuen_Ballcourt_Marker rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Cancuen Ballcourt Marker"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Guatemalan_Authorities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Authorities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Cancuen_Panel rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Cancuen Panel"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Private_Museum_Guatemala rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Private Museum Guatemala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
# Relationships
ex:Harvard_Archaeological_Team ex:has_possession_of ex:Cancuen_Palace .
ex:Guatemalan_Authorities ex:repatriates ex:Cancuen_Ballcourt_Marker .
ex:Private_Museum_Guatemala ex:has_possession_of ex:Cancuen_Panel .# Instances and Data
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Bonhams rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Bonhams" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:ShamshiAdadVStele rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Neo-Assyrian" ;
ex:dates_from "Neo-Assyrian period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Syrian" .
ex:BritishMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "British Museum" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:GenevaOwner rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:city "Geneva" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:ShamshiAdadVStele .
ex:GenevaOwner ex:has_possession_of ex:ShamshiAdadVStele .
ex:Bonhams ex:auctions ex:ShamshiAdadVStele .
ex:BritishMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:ShamshiAdadVStele .
# Assuming the German archaeological expedition is an organization
ex:GermanArchaeologicalExpedition rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "German Archaeological Expedition" ;
ex:country "Germany" .
# Assuming the scholarly journal is an expertise institution
ex:ScholarlyJournal rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Scholarly Journal" .
ex:ShamshiAdadVStele ex:authenticated_by ex:ScholarlyJournal .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:EnricoPoli rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Enrico Poli" .
ex:Pereda rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Pereda" .
ex:FredDrew rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Fred Drew" .
ex:DavidSwetnam rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "David Swetnam" .
ex:MiguelDeOsmaBerckemeyer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Miguel de Osma Berckemeyer" .
ex:MichaelKelly rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Kelly" .
ex:BenjaminBishopJohnson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Benjamin Bishop Johnson" .
ex:GastonWallace rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gaston Wallace" .
ex:CharlesCraig rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Charles Craig" .
# Artifacts
ex:SipanArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Moche" ;
ex:dates_from "1987" .
# Organizations
ex:FineArtsServices rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Fine Arts Services" .
ex:ArtCollectionsConservationNetwork rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Art Collections Conservation Network" .
# Museum
ex:SantaBarbaraMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Santa Barbara Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "Santa Barbara" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Government Agency
ex:USCustoms rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "United States Customs" .
# Object Properties
ex:EnricoPoli ex:buys ex:SipanArtifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Pereda .
ex:FredDrew ex:buys ex:SipanArtifacts ;
ex:works_with ex:DavidSwetnam .
ex:DavidSwetnam ex:works_with ex:FredDrew ;
ex:works_with ex:MichaelKelly .
ex:MiguelDeOsmaBerckemeyer ex:works_with ex:DavidSwetnam ;
ex:works_with ex:FredDrew .
ex:MichaelKelly ex:works_with ex:DavidSwetnam ;
ex:works_with ex:BenjaminBishopJohnson .
ex:BenjaminBishopJohnson ex:buys ex:SipanArtifacts ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ArtCollectionsConservationNetwork .
ex:SantaBarbaraMuseumOfArt ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanArtifacts .
ex:USCustoms ex:seized_by ex:SipanArtifacts .
# Data Properties
ex:SipanArtifacts ex:enforced_by ex:USCustoms ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .# Instances and Data from the text
# Person
ex:DavidSwetnam rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "David Swetnam"^^xsd:string .
ex:JacquelineSwetnam rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jacqueline Swetnam"^^xsd:string ;
ex:spouse_of ex:DavidSwetnam .
# Artifact
ex:SipanArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Sipán"^^xsd:string .
# Actions
ex:DavidSwetnam ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanArtifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:UnknownPerson .
# Legal Proceedings
ex:DavidSwetnam ex:charged_by ex:USGovernment ;
ex:sentenced_by ex:USCourt ;
ex:sentence "6 months in prison"^^xsd:string .
ex:USGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Government"^^xsd:string .
ex:USCourt rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US Court"^^xsd:string .
# Note: The text does not provide specific information about the museum where the artifacts were displayed, the person from whom David Swetnam obtained the artifacts, or the specific charges. These details are represented as "UnknownMuseum", "UnknownPerson", and "charges" respectively.# Instances and Data
ex:ToiMoko rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Māori" ;
ex:dates_from "1770" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "New Zealand" .
ex:JosephBanks rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Joseph Banks" ;
ex:buys ex:ToiMoko .
ex:HoratioGordonRobley rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Major-General Horatio Gordon Robley" ;
ex:buys ex:ToiMoko ;
ex:sells_to ex:AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory .
ex:AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "American Museum of Natural History" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ToiMoko .
ex:SothebysLondon rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's London" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" ;
ex:auctions ex:ToiMoko .
ex:MarquisOfTavistock rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marquis of Tavistock" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ToiMoko ;
ex:sells_to ex:SothebysLondon .
ex:BonhamsLondon rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Bonham's London" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" ;
ex:auctions ex:ToiMoko .
ex:DalvaniusPrime rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dalvanius Prime" ;
ex:obtains_from ex:BonhamsLondon ;
ex:donates_to ex:NewZealandGovernment .
ex:NewZealandGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "New Zealand Government" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" ;
ex:repatriates ex:ToiMoko .
ex:GeneralSirRalphDarling rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "General Sir Ralph Darling" ;
ex:controls ex:NewSouthWalesGovernment .
ex:NewSouthWalesGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "New South Wales Government" ;
ex:country "Australia" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:GeneralSirRalphDarling .# Instances
ex:TattooedHeads rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Māori"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .
ex:ShaneTeRuki rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Shane Te Ruki"^^xsd:string .
# Data
ex:TattooedHeads ex:dates_from "mid-nineteenth century"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:ShaneTeRuki ex:has_possession_of ex:TattooedHeads .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:TattooedHeads ex:repatriated_to "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .# Instances and data from the text
ex:Toi_moko rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maori"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .
ex:Te_Herekiekie_Herewini rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Te Herekiekie Herewini"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Te_Papa .
ex:Te_Papa rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Te Papa"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Wellington"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "New Zealand"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Toi_moko .
ex:New_Zealand_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "New Zealand Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "New Zealand"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:Toi_moko .
ex:Prime rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Prime"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:Te_Herekiekie_Herewini .
# Assuming "Prime" is a person who contributed to the repatriation efforts
ex:Toi_moko ex:repatriated_to "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Museums
ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Toledo Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Toledo"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
# Artifacts
ex:EtruscanKalpis rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Etruscan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Pre-1981"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italy"^^xsd:string .
# Persons
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:UrsulaBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ursula Becchina"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:KHaug rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "K. Haug"^^xsd:string .
# Organizations
ex:AntikeKunstPalladion rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Antike Kunst Palladion"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Basel"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Switzerland"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:EtruscanKalpis ex:authenticated_by ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt ;
ex:obtains_from ex:GianfrancoBecchina ;
ex:obtains_from ex:GiacomoMedici ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:GianfrancoBecchina ex:works_with ex:UrsulaBecchina ;
ex:works_with ex:GiacomoMedici ;
ex:buys ex:EtruscanKalpis ;
ex:sells_to ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt ;
ex:employed_by ex:AntikeKunstPalladion .
ex:GiacomoMedici ex:sells_to ex:GianfrancoBecchina .
ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt ex:buys ex:EtruscanKalpis ;
ex:donates_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:KHaug ex:controls ex:AntikeKunstPalladion .# Instances
ex:Bonhams rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Bonhams" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:EgyptianTombRelief rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian" ;
ex:dates_from "Late Period, 26th Dynasty, circa 665–525 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Tomb of Mutirdis at Thebes" .
ex:AustralianCollector rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Australian private collector" ;
ex:country "Australia" .
ex:SonOfAustralianCollector rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:country "Australia" .
ex:MetropolitanMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:SupremeCouncilOfAntiquities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Supreme Council of Antiquities" ;
ex:country "Egypt" .
# Object Properties
ex:Bonhams ex:auctions ex:EgyptianTombRelief .
ex:AustralianCollector ex:has_possession_of ex:EgyptianTombRelief .
ex:SonOfAustralianCollector ex:has_possession_of ex:EgyptianTombRelief .
ex:SupremeCouncilOfAntiquities ex:repatriates ex:EgyptianTombRelief .
# Data Properties
ex:EgyptianTombRelief ex:repatriated_to "Egypt" .# Instances
ex:VikingAgeSilver rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Viking"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "12th century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Estonia"^^xsd:string .
ex:GermanAuctionHouse rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Unnamed German Auction House"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Dortmund"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:VikingAgeSilver .
ex:EstonianNationalHeritageBoard rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Estonian National Heritage Board"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Estonia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:VikingAgeSilver .
ex:UniversityOfTallinn rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITITION ;
ex:name "University of Tallinn"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Estonia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:VikingAgeSilver .
ex:WalterAugsburger rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Walter Augsburger"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:GermanAuctionHouse .
ex:MaidoKättmann rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Maido Kättmann"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Estonia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:VikingAgeSilver ;
ex:obtains_from ex:WalterAugsburger ;
ex:employed_by ex:GermanAuctionHouse .
ex:EstonianDefenceLeague rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Estonian Defence League"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Estonia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:MaidoKättmann .
ex:InstituteOfHistoryTallinn rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Institute of History in Tallinn"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Tallinn"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Estonia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:VikingAgeSilver .
# Relationships
ex:MaidoKättmann ex:works_with ex:WalterAugsburger .
ex:WalterAugsburger ex:works_with ex:MaidoKättmann .
ex:UniversityOfTallinn ex:works_with ex:EstonianNationalHeritageBoard .
ex:EstonianNationalHeritageBoard ex:works_with ex:UniversityOfTallinn .
ex:EstonianNationalHeritageBoard ex:repatriated_to "Estonia"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Uigwe
ex:Uigwe rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Uigwe" ;
ex:from_culture "Joseon Dynasty, Korea" ;
ex:dates_from "1600s-1900s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Korea" .
# Bibliothèque nationale de France
ex:BibliothèqueNationaleDeFrance rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Bibliothèque nationale de France" ;
ex:city "Paris" ;
ex:country "France" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Uigwe .
# French Naval Forces
ex:FrenchNavalForces rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "French Naval Forces" ;
ex:country "France" .
# François Mitterrand
ex:FrançoisMitterrand rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "François Mitterrand" ;
ex:country "France" .
# Nicholas Sarkozy
ex:NicholasSarkozy rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nicholas Sarkozy" ;
ex:country "France" .
# South Korea
ex:SouthKorea rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "South Korea" ;
ex:country "South Korea" .
# Cultural Action
ex:CulturalAction rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Cultural Action" ;
ex:country "South Korea" .
# Itō Hirobumi
ex:ItōHirobumi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Itō Hirobumi" ;
ex:country "Japan" .
# Imperial Household Agency
ex:ImperialHouseholdAgency rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Imperial Household Agency" ;
ex:country "Japan" .
# Kan Naoto
ex:KanNaoto rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Kan Naoto" ;
ex:country "Japan" .
# Noda Yoshihiko
ex:NodaYoshihiko rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Noda Yoshihiko" ;
ex:country "Japan" .
# Object Properties
ex:FrenchNavalForces ex:seized_by ex:Uigwe .
ex:BibliothèqueNationaleDeFrance ex:has_possession_of ex:Uigwe .
ex:FrançoisMitterrand ex:repatriates ex:Uigwe .
ex:NicholasSarkozy ex:repatriates ex:Uigwe .
ex:SouthKorea ex:repatriated_to ex:Uigwe .
ex:CulturalAction ex:works_with ex:SouthKorea .
ex:ItōHirobumi ex:has_possession_of ex:Uigwe .
ex:ImperialHouseholdAgency ex:has_possession_of ex:Uigwe .
ex:KanNaoto ex:repatriates ex:Uigwe .
ex:NodaYoshihiko ex:repatriates ex:Uigwe .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:Uigwe_Japan rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Uigwe returned by Japan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Joseon"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "South Korean Cultural Heritage"^^xsd:string .
ex:Uigwe_France rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Uigwe from France"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Joseon"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:South_Korean_Cultural_Heritage_Administration rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "South Korean Cultural Heritage Administration"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "South Korea"^^xsd:string .
# Repatriation
ex:South_Korean_Cultural_Heritage_Administration ex:repatriates ex:Uigwe_Japan .
# Cultural Heritage
ex:Uigwe_Japan ex:cultural_heritage "South Korean Cultural Heritage"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:UmaMaheshwar rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Hindu"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "12th century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Nepal"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseumFurIndischeKunst rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum für Indische Kunst"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Berlin"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:UmaMaheshwar .
ex:GermanArtDealer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:city "Wiesbaden"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:MuseumFurIndischeKunst .
ex:LainSBangdel rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:works_with ex:JurgenSchick .
ex:JurgenSchick rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:works_with ex:LainSBangdel .
ex:RiddiPradhan rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:employed_by ex:DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal .
ex:DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Department of Archaeology"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Nepal"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:UmaMaheshwar .
ex:PatanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Patan Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Patan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Nepal"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:UmaMaheshwar .
# Relationships
ex:UmaMaheshwar ex:authenticated_by ex:LainSBangdel ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:JurgenSchick ;
ex:seized_by ex:DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal ;
ex:repatriated_to "Nepal"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseumFurIndischeKunst ex:buys ex:UmaMaheshwar ;
ex:obtains_from ex:GermanArtDealer .
ex:GermanArtDealer ex:sells_to ex:MuseumFurIndischeKunst .
ex:DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal ex:repatriates ex:UmaMaheshwar .
ex:PatanMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:UmaMaheshwar .# Instances
ex:ValdiviaFigurine rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Valdivia Culture" ;
ex:dates_from "2300 BC to 2000 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Ecuador" .
ex:EmilioEstrada rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Emilio Estrada" ;
ex:employed_by ex:EcuadorianArchaeology .
ex:BettyMeggers rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Betty Meggers" ;
ex:employed_by ex:ArchaeologyInstitution .
ex:MuseoBancoCentral rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Banco Central" ;
ex:city "Quito" ;
ex:country "Ecuador" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ValdiviaFigurine .
ex:EcuadorianArchaeology rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Ecuadorian Archaeology" .
ex:ArchaeologyInstitution rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Archaeology Institution" .
ex:SanIsidro rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "San Isidro" ;
ex:buys ex:ValdiviaFigurine ;
ex:buys_at ex:LocalMarket .
ex:LocalMarket rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Local Market" ;
ex:city "San Isidro" ;
ex:country "Ecuador" ;
ex:auctions ex:ValdiviaFigurine .
ex:ValdiviaCulture rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Valdivia Culture" ;
ex:country "Ecuador" .
ex:ValdiviaSite rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Valdivia Site" ;
ex:country "Ecuador" .
ex:ValdiviaForgery rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Valdivia Culture" ;
ex:dates_from "1950s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Ecuador" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ForgeryExpert .
ex:ForgeryExpert rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Forgery Expert" .
# Relationships
ex:EmilioEstrada ex:works_with ex:BettyMeggers .
ex:SanIsidro ex:obtains_from ex:LocalMarket .
ex:MuseoBancoCentral ex:buys ex:ValdiviaFigurine .
ex:ValdiviaSite ex:seized_by ex:EcuadorianAuthority .
ex:EcuadorianAuthority rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Ecuadorian Authority" .
ex:ValdiviaFigurine ex:enforced_by ex:EcuadorianAuthority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ArchaeologyInstitution .
ex:ValdiviaForgery ex:enforced_by ex:EcuadorianAuthority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ForgeryExpert .# Instances
ex:VamanGhiya rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Vaman Ghiya" ;
ex:city "Jaipur" ;
ex:country "India" .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:JinaFigure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Indian" ;
ex:dates_from "12th century" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Vilasgarh temple" .
ex:ArchaeologicalSurveyOfIndia rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Archaeological Survey of India" ;
ex:country "India" .
ex:CapeLionLogging rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Cape Lion Logging" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:Megavena rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Megavena" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:ArtisticImportsCorporation rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Artistic Imports Corporation" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:BrendanLynch rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Brendan Lynch" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Sothebys .
ex:PeterWatson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Watson" .
# Object Properties
ex:VamanGhiya ex:buys ex:JinaFigure ;
ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys ;
ex:sells_to ex:Christies ;
ex:controls ex:CapeLionLogging ;
ex:controls ex:Megavena ;
ex:controls ex:ArtisticImportsCorporation .
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:JinaFigure ;
ex:buys_from ex:VamanGhiya ;
ex:employed_by ex:BrendanLynch .
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:JinaFigure ;
ex:buys_from ex:VamanGhiya .
ex:JinaFigure ex:seized_by ex:ArchaeologicalSurveyOfIndia ;
ex:repatriated_to "India" .
ex:CapeLionLogging ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys .
ex:Megavena ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys .
ex:ArtisticImportsCorporation ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys .
ex:BrendanLynch ex:works_with ex:VamanGhiya .
ex:PeterWatson ex:works_with ex:VamanGhiya .# Instances
ex:Cancuen rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "2001"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:BallcourtMarker rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "796 CE"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Demarest rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Arthur Demarest"^^xsd:string .
ex:VanderbiltUniversity rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Vanderbilt University"^^xsd:string .
ex:UniversidadDelValle rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Universidád del Valle"^^xsd:string .
ex:GuatemalanMinistryOfCulture rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Ministry of Culture"^^xsd:string .
ex:ServiciosDeInvestigacionCriminal rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Servícios de Investigación Criminal"^^xsd:string .
ex:MarcWolf rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marc Wolf"^^xsd:string .
ex:AntiquitiesDealer rdf:type ex:PERSON .
ex:NationalMuseumOfArchaeology rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Museum of Archaeology"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Guatemala City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Demarest ex:employed_by ex:VanderbiltUniversity .
ex:Demarest ex:works_with ex:UniversidadDelValle .
ex:Demarest ex:works_with ex:GuatemalanMinistryOfCulture .
ex:Demarest ex:works_with ex:MarcWolf .
ex:Demarest ex:obtains_from ex:AntiquitiesDealer .
ex:AntiquitiesDealer ex:has_possession_of ex:BallcourtMarker .
ex:NationalMuseumOfArchaeology ex:has_possession_of ex:BallcourtMarker .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:BallcourtMarker ex:seized_by ex:ServiciosDeInvestigacionCriminal .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:BallcourtMarker ex:authenticated_by ex:Demarest .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:BallcourtMarker ex:repatriated_to "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:JoseLuisVarezFisa rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "José Luis Várez Fisa" .
ex:NationalArchaeologicalMuseumSpain rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Archaeological Museum of Spain" ;
ex:city "Madrid" ;
ex:country "Spain" .
ex:SothebysNewYork rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's New York" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:JeromeEisenberg rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jerome Eisenberg" .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici" .
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina" .
# Artifacts
ex:Artifact1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ancient Egypt" ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Times" .
ex:Artifact2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ancient Italy" ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Times" .
ex:Artifact3 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ancient Greece" ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Times" .
ex:Artifact4 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ancient Spain" ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Times" .
# Relationships
ex:JoseLuisVarezFisa ex:donates_to ex:NationalArchaeologicalMuseumSpain .
ex:JoseLuisVarezFisa ex:buys ex:Artifact1 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact2 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact3 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact4 .
ex:JoseLuisVarezFisa ex:buys_at ex:SothebysNewYork .
ex:JeromeEisenberg ex:sells_to ex:JoseLuisVarezFisa .
ex:JeromeEisenberg ex:buys ex:Artifact1 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact2 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact3 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact4 .
ex:JeromeEisenberg ex:buys_at ex:SothebysNewYork .# Instances
ex:VibiaSabinaStatue rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "2nd century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:MFA_Boston rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Boston Museum of Fine Arts"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Boston"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:VibiaSabinaStatue .
ex:NikolasKoutoulakis rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nikolas Koutoulakis"^^xsd:string .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:NikolasKoutoulakis .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:VibiaSabinaStatue ;
ex:sells_to ex:MFA_Boston .
ex:FritzBurki rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Fritz Bürki"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht .
ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Ministry of Culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:VibiaSabinaStatue .
# Relationships
ex:MFA_Boston ex:buys ex:VibiaSabinaStatue ;
ex:donates_to ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture .
ex:RobertHecht ex:obtains_from ex:NikolasKoutoulakis ;
ex:employed_by ex:FritzBurki .
ex:VibiaSabinaStatue ex:authenticated_by ex:GiacomoMedici ;
ex:seized_by ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Romano-British"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Iron Age and Roman period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Wanborough Temple, Surrey, England"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:Metal_Detector_Users rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Metal Detector Users"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts ;
ex:buys ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Wanborough_Temple_Site .
ex:Dealers_On_Site rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dealers On Site"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Metal_Detector_Users .
ex:Treasure_Hunters rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Treasure Hunters"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts ;
ex:buys ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Wanborough_Temple_Site .
ex:Well_Wisher rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Well-Wisher"^^xsd:string ;
ex:donates_to ex:Surrey_Archaeological_Society .
# Museum
ex:Guildford_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Guildford Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Guildford"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "England"^^xsd:string .
# Organization
ex:Surrey_Archaeological_Society rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Surrey Archaeological Society"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Surrey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "England"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts .
# Government Agency
ex:UK_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "UK Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts .
# Authority
ex:UK_Police rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "UK Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts .
# Expertise Institution
ex:Coroners_Inquest rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Coroner's Inquest"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts .# Instances
ex:Christies_New_York rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie’s New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Marble_Relief_Panel rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Chinese"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "10th Century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Chinese Five Dynasties tomb of Wang Chuzhi"^^xsd:string .
ex:US_Customs rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Customs"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Chinese_Authorities rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Chinese Authorities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "China"^^xsd:string .
ex:MnC_Gallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "M&C Gallery"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Hong Kong"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Hong Kong"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies_New_York ex:auctions ex:Marble_Relief_Panel .
ex:MnC_Gallery ex:has_possession_of ex:Marble_Relief_Panel .
ex:Marble_Relief_Panel ex:seized_by ex:US_Customs .
ex:Marble_Relief_Panel ex:enforced_by ex:Chinese_Authorities .
ex:Marble_Relief_Panel ex:repatriated_to "China"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:WearyHerakles rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Weary Herakles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Late Antonine period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:JaleInan rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jale Inan"^^xsd:string .
ex:ShelbyWhite rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Shelby White"^^xsd:string .
ex:LeonLevy rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Leon Levy"^^xsd:string .
ex:CorneliusCVermeuleIII rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Cornelius C. Vermeule III"^^xsd:string .
ex:ThomasHoving rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Thomas Hoving"^^xsd:string .
ex:RobertPMitchell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert P Mitchell"^^xsd:string .
# Museum
ex:MuseumOfFineArts rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Fine Arts, Boston"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Boston"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:WearyHerakles .
ex:AntalyaMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Antalya Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Antalya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:WearyHerakles .
# Government Agency
ex:TurkishGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Turkish Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:WearyHerakles .
# Object Properties
ex:LeonLevy ex:donates_to ex:MuseumOfFineArts .
ex:ShelbyWhite ex:works_with ex:LeonLevy .
ex:JaleInan ex:works_with ex:TurkishGovernment .
ex:RobertPMitchell ex:employed_by ex:MuseumOfFineArts .
ex:ThomasHoving ex:authenticated_by ex:WearyHerakles .
ex:CorneliusCVermeuleIII ex:employed_by ex:MuseumOfFineArts .
ex:WearyHerakles ex:repatriated_to "Turkey"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
ex:Mexican_Shaft_Tomb_Tradition rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Mexican Shaft Tomb Tradition"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture &