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Last active August 10, 2023 19:05
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an ontology for the illicit antiquities trade
@prefix ex: <#> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
# Classes
ex:AUCTIONHOUSE rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ARTIFACT rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:PERSON rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:MUSEUM rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ORGANIZATION rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:GALLERY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ART_WORK rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:AUTHORITY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION rdf:type rdfs:Class .
# Object Properties
ex:auctions rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:sells_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:has_possession_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:buys rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:donates_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:MUSEUM .
ex:works_with rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:employed_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ORGANIZATION .
ex:controls rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ORGANIZATION .
ex:spouse_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:buys_at rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:AUCTIONHOUSE .
ex:obtains_from rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:is_instance_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ART_WORK ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:repatriates rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
# Data Properties
ex:name rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:city rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:country rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:from_culture rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:dates_from rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:domain ex:ART_WORK ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:enforced_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:AUTHORITY .
ex:seized_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:AUTHORITY .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:authenticated_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:cultural_heritage rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:repatriated_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:COUNTRY .
@prefix ex: <#> .
@prefix rdfs: <> .
@prefix rdf: <> .
@prefix xsd: <> .
# Classes
ex:AUCTIONHOUSE rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ARTIFACT rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:PERSON rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:MUSEUM rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ORGANIZATION rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:GALLERY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:ART_WORK rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:AUTHORITY rdf:type rdfs:Class .
ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION rdf:type rdfs:Class .
# Object Properties
ex:auctions rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:sells_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:has_possession_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:buys rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:donates_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:MUSEUM .
ex:works_with rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:employed_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ORGANIZATION .
ex:controls rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:ORGANIZATION .
ex:spouse_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:buys_at rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:AUCTIONHOUSE .
ex:obtains_from rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:range ex:PERSON .
ex:is_instance_of rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ART_WORK ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:repatriates rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:range ex:ARTIFACT .
# Data Properties
ex:name rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:city rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:country rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:MUSEUM ;
rdfs:domain ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
rdfs:domain ex:PERSON ;
rdfs:domain ex:ORGANIZATION ;
rdfs:domain ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
rdfs:domain ex:GALLERY ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:from_culture rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:dates_from rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:domain ex:ART_WORK ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:enforced_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:AUTHORITY .
ex:seized_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:AUTHORITY .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:authenticated_by rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:cultural_heritage rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range xsd:string .
ex:repatriated_to rdf:type rdf:Property ;
rdfs:domain ex:ARTIFACT ;
rdfs:range ex:COUNTRY .
# Instances
ex:Aidonia_Treasure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Mycenaean" ;
ex:dates_from "15th century BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greece" ;
ex:repatriated_to "Greece" .
ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Michael Ward Gallery" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Michael_Ward rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Ward" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery ;
ex:controls ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery .
ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Greek Archaeological Service" ;
ex:country "Greece" ;
ex:repatriates ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Cambridge_Centre_for_Precious_Metal_Research rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Cambridge Centre for Precious Metal Research" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Jack_Ogden rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jack Ogden" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Cambridge_Centre_for_Precious_Metal_Research .
ex:John_Betts rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Betts" ;
ex:works_with ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery .
ex:Ricardo_Elia rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ricardo Elia" ;
ex:works_with ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:James_Wright rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "James Wright" ;
ex:works_with ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:Society_for_the_Preservation_of_the_Greek_Heritage rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Society for the Preservation of the Greek Heritage" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:donates_to ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:US_District_Court_Southern_District_of_New_York rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US District Court, Southern District of New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure ;
ex:seized_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
# Object Properties
ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery ex:has_possession_of ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Michael_Ward ex:employed_by ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery .
ex:Michael_Ward ex:controls ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery .
ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service ex:repatriates ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Cambridge_Centre_for_Precious_Metal_Research ex:authenticated_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:Jack_Ogden ex:employed_by ex:Cambridge_Centre_for_Precious_Metal_Research .
ex:John_Betts ex:works_with ex:Michael_Ward_Gallery .
ex:Ricardo_Elia ex:works_with ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:James_Wright ex:works_with ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:Society_for_the_Preservation_of_the_Greek_Heritage ex:donates_to ex:Greek_Archaeological_Service .
ex:US_District_Court_Southern_District_of_New_York ex:enforced_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure .
ex:US_District_Court_Southern_District_of_New_York ex:seized_by ex:Aidonia_Treasure .# Instances
ex:Antonine_Wall rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Antonine Wall"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "142 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Roman Empire World Heritage Site"^^xsd:string .
ex:Rough_Castle_Axehead rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Rough Castle Axehead"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Roman Empire"^^xsd:string .
ex:Falkirk_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Falkirk Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Falkirk"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Scotland"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Rough_Castle_Axehead .
ex:Historic_Scotland rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Historic Scotland"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Scotland"^^xsd:string .
ex:Strathclyde_Police rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Strathclyde Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Scotland"^^xsd:string .
ex:Peel_Park rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Peel Park"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "East Dumbartonshire"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Scotland"^^xsd:string .
ex:East_Dunbartonshire_Council rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "East Dunbartonshire Council"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Scotland"^^xsd:string .
# Relationships
ex:Antonine_Wall ex:enforced_by ex:Historic_Scotland .
ex:Antonine_Wall ex:seized_by ex:Strathclyde_Police .
ex:Rough_Castle_Axehead ex:authenticated_by ex:Falkirk_Museum .
ex:Historic_Scotland ex:works_with ex:Strathclyde_Police .
ex:Historic_Scotland ex:works_with ex:East_Dunbartonshire_Council .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:AubinTonalamatl rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Aubin Tonalamatl"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Nahuatl"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "19th Century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mexican"^^xsd:string .
# Persons
ex:LorenzoBoturiniBenaduci rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Lorenzo Boturini Benaduci"^^xsd:string .
ex:CarlNebel rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Carl Nebel"^^xsd:string .
ex:JeanFredericWaldek rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jean-Frédéric Waldek"^^xsd:string .
ex:JosephMariusAlexisAubin rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Joseph Marius Alexis Aubin"^^xsd:string .
ex:CharlesEugeneEspidonGoupil rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Charles Eugène Espidon Goupil"^^xsd:string .
ex:JoseLuisCastañedaDelValle rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "José Luis Castañeda del Valle"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:AubinTonalamatl ;
ex:donates_to ex:INAH .
# Organizations
ex:BibliothèqueNationale rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Bibliothèque Nationale de Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:INAH rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Mexico City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:MexicanAttorneyGeneralsOffice rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Mexican Attorney General's Office"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:BibliothèqueNationale ex:has_possession_of ex:AubinTonalamatl .
ex:JoseLuisCastañedaDelValle ex:obtains_from ex:BibliothèqueNationale .
ex:INAH ex:has_possession_of ex:AubinTonalamatl .# Instances
ex:Ban_Chiang rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Ban Chiang"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Ban Chiang culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "3600 BC to 200 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Thailand"^^xsd:string .
ex:Thai_Fine_Arts_Department rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Thai Fine Arts Department"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Thailand"^^xsd:string .
ex:University_of_Pennsylvania_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "University of Pennsylvania Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Philadelphia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Chester_Gorman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Chester Gorman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:University_of_Pennsylvania_Museum .
ex:UNESCO rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "UNESCO"^^xsd:string .
ex:US_Federal_Agents rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US Federal Agents"^^xsd:string .
ex:Bangkok_Collectors rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Bangkok Collectors"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Bangkok"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Thailand"^^xsd:string .
ex:California_Dealers rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "California Dealers"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "California"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Thai_Fine_Arts_Department ex:repatriates ex:Ban_Chiang .
ex:University_of_Pennsylvania_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Ban_Chiang .
ex:Chester_Gorman ex:works_with ex:Thai_Fine_Arts_Department .
ex:Bangkok_Collectors ex:buys ex:Ban_Chiang .
ex:California_Dealers ex:buys ex:Ban_Chiang .
ex:US_Federal_Agents ex:seized_by ex:Ban_Chiang .
# Data Properties
ex:Ban_Chiang ex:repatriated_to "Thailand"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Batán Grande
ex:BatánGrande rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Batán Grande"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Sicán/Lambayeque"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Middle Sicán period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string .
# Izumi Shimada
ex:IzumiShimada rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Izumi Shimada"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:BatánGrande .
# Walter Alva
ex:WalterAlva rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Walter Alva"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:BatánGrande .
# Aurich Family
ex:AurichFamily rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Aurich Family"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:BatánGrande ;
ex:obtains_from ex:BatánGrande .
# Juan José Aurich Pastor
ex:JuanJoséAurichPastor rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Juan José Aurich Pastor"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:BatánGrande .
# Edmundo Aurich Bonilla
ex:EdmundoAurichBonilla rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Edmundo Aurich Bonilla"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:BatánGrande ;
ex:spouse_of ex:OswaldoAurichBonilla .
# Oswaldo Aurich Bonilla
ex:OswaldoAurichBonilla rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Oswaldo Aurich Bonilla"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:BatánGrande ;
ex:spouse_of ex:EdmundoAurichBonilla .
# Denis Garcia
ex:DenisGarcia rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Denis Garcia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:EdmundoAurichBonilla ;
ex:works_with ex:OswaldoAurichBonilla .
# Manual Bacigalupo Remy
ex:ManualBacigalupoRemy rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Manual Bacigalupo Remy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:BatánGrande ;
ex:works_with ex:EdmundoAurichBonilla .
# Julio Tello
ex:JulioTello rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Julio Tello"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:BatánGrande .
# Museo de Arqueología Peruana
ex:MuseodeArqueologíaPeruana rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo de Arqueología Peruana"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Lima"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:BatánGrande .
# Museo Oro del Peru
ex:MuseoOrodelPeru rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Oro del Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Lima"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:BatánGrande .
# Sípan backflap
ex:SípanBackflap rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Sípan backflap"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Sicán/Lambayeque"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Middle Sicán period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:ManualBacigalupoRemy .# Instances
ex:Christies_New_York rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Temple_Relief rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Late Period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:Christine_Favard_Meeks rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Christine Favard-Meeks"^^xsd:string .
ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Supreme Council of Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:US_Customs_and_Immigration_Enforcement rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Customs and Immigration Enforcement"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies_New_York ex:auctions ex:Temple_Relief .
ex:Temple_Relief ex:authenticated_by ex:Christine_Favard_Meeks .
ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities ex:works_with ex:US_Customs_and_Immigration_Enforcement .
ex:Temple_Relief ex:seized_by ex:US_Customs_and_Immigration_Enforcement .
ex:Temple_Relief ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
# Data Properties
ex:Temple_Relief ex:dates_from "Late Period"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:BelitungShipwreck rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Belitung Shipwreck" ;
ex:from_culture "Arab" ;
ex:dates_from "9th Century CE" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Arab and Chinese" .
# Person
ex:TilmanWalterfang rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tilman Walterfang" ;
ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Germany" .
ex:DrMichaelFlecker rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. Michael Flecker" ;
ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:JulianRaby rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Julian Raby" ;
ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
# Organization
ex:SeabedExplorations rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Seabed Explorations" ;
ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Germany" .
ex:SentosaLeisureGroup rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Sentosa Leisure Group" ;
ex:city "Singapore" ;
ex:country "Singapore" .
ex:SingaporeTourismBoard rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Singapore Tourism Board" ;
ex:city "Singapore" ;
ex:country "Singapore" .
ex:SingaporeNationalHeritageBoard rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Singapore National Heritage Board" ;
ex:city "Singapore" ;
ex:country "Singapore" .
# Museum
ex:AsianCivilizationsMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Asian Civilizations Museum" ;
ex:city "Singapore" ;
ex:country "Singapore" .
ex:SacklerGallery rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Sackler Gallery" ;
ex:city "Washington D.C." ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Government Agency
ex:RepublicOfIndonesia rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Republic of Indonesia" ;
ex:country "Indonesia" .
# Object Properties
ex:TilmanWalterfang ex:employed_by ex:SeabedExplorations .
ex:DrMichaelFlecker ex:works_with ex:SeabedExplorations .
ex:JulianRaby ex:employed_by ex:SacklerGallery .
ex:SentosaLeisureGroup ex:buys ex:BelitungShipwreck .
ex:SingaporeTourismBoard ex:works_with ex:AsianCivilizationsMuseum .
ex:SingaporeTourismBoard ex:works_with ex:SingaporeNationalHeritageBoard .
ex:AsianCivilizationsMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:BelitungShipwreck .
ex:SacklerGallery ex:has_possession_of ex:BelitungShipwreck .
ex:RepublicOfIndonesia ex:repatriates ex:BelitungShipwreck .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:BenghaziTreasure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Benghazi Treasure" ;
ex:from_culture "Cyrenaica" ;
ex:dates_from "5th and 6th centuries BC, Hellenistic period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Libya" .
# Person
ex:OsamaElKetaf rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Osama El-Ketaf" ;
ex:employed_by ex:NationalCommercialBank .
ex:MohammedElShelmany rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mohammed El-Shelmany" ;
ex:employed_by ex:DepartmentOfAntiquities .
ex:HafedWalda rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Hafed Walda" .
ex:AhmedBuzaian rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ahmed Buzaian" ;
ex:employed_by ex:BenghaziUniversity .
# Organization
ex:NationalCommercialBank rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "National Commercial Bank" ;
ex:city "Benghazi" ;
ex:country "Libya" .
ex:DepartmentOfAntiquities rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Department of Antiquities" ;
ex:city "Benghazi" ;
ex:country "Libya" .
ex:BenghaziUniversity rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Benghazi University" ;
ex:city "Benghazi" ;
ex:country "Libya" .
# Government Agency
ex:name "UNESCO" .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:BenghaziTreasure ex:authenticated_by ex:DepartmentOfAntiquities .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:BenghaziTreasure ex:seized_by ex:DepartmentOfAntiquities .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:BenghaziTreasure ex:repatriated_to "Libya" .# Instances
ex:Bijbels_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Bijbels Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Amsterdam"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Netherlands"^^xsd:string .
ex:Christies_New_York rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie’s New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:US_Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Immigration and Customs Enforcement"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Art_Loss_Register rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Art Loss Register"^^xsd:string .
ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Egypt"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
# Relationships
ex:Christies_New_York ex:auctions ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
ex:Bijbels_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
ex:US_Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement ex:repatriates ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 ex:authenticated_by ex:Art_Loss_Register .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts
ex:Egyptian_Artefact_1 ex:seized_by ex:US_Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement .
# ... repeat for all seven artefacts# Instances and Data
ex:BrooklynMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Brooklyn Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:CopticArt rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Coptic"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "3rd to 8th Centuries AD"^^xsd:string .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Louvre rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Louvre"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:SheikhIbadaGroup rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Coptic"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Post World War II"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:RecklinghausenMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Recklinghausen museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Recklinghausen"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string .
ex:CopticMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Coptic Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Cairo"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:JohnBeckwith rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Beckwith"^^xsd:string .
ex:GaryVikan rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gary Vikan"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:BrooklynMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:CopticArt .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:CopticArt .
ex:Louvre ex:has_possession_of ex:CopticArt .
ex:BrooklynMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:SheikhIbadaGroup .
ex:RecklinghausenMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:SheikhIbadaGroup .
ex:CopticMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:SheikhIbadaGroup .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:CopticArt ex:authenticated_by ex:JohnBeckwith .
ex:SheikhIbadaGroup ex:authenticated_by ex:GaryVikan .# Instances
ex:SanAndresChurch rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "San Andrés de Machaca Church" ;
ex:city "San Andrés de Machaca" ;
ex:country "Bolivia" .
ex:ArtLossRegister rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Art Loss Register" .
ex:BolivianEmbassyLondon rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Bolivian Embassy in London" ;
ex:country "United Kingdom" .
ex:WashingtonArtDealer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:city "Washington" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:AmericanCollector rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:MarioAndradeMorales rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mario Andrade Morales" ;
ex:country "Bolivia" .
ex:FelipePerezPaco rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Felipe Perez Paco" ;
ex:country "Bolivia" .
ex:NicomedesBlancoPaco rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nicomedes Blanco Paco" ;
ex:country "Bolivia" .
ex:SantaRosaPainting rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Santa Rosa de Viterbo" ;
ex:from_culture "Bolivian" ;
ex:dates_from "Colonial period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Bolivian" .
ex:SanAgustinPainting rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "San Agustín" ;
ex:from_culture "Bolivian" ;
ex:dates_from "Colonial period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Bolivian" .
# Object Properties
ex:WashingtonArtDealer ex:works_with ex:AmericanCollector .
ex:AmericanCollector ex:buys ex:SantaRosaPainting ;
ex:buys ex:SanAgustinPainting .
ex:SantaRosaPainting ex:authenticated_by ex:ArtLossRegister ;
ex:seized_by ex:BolivianEmbassyLondon ;
ex:repatriated_to "Bolivia" .
ex:SanAgustinPainting ex:authenticated_by ex:ArtLossRegister ;
ex:seized_by ex:BolivianEmbassyLondon ;
ex:repatriated_to "Bolivia" .
ex:MarioAndradeMorales ex:works_with ex:FelipePerezPaco ;
ex:works_with ex:NicomedesBlancoPaco .
ex:FelipePerezPaco ex:works_with ex:NicomedesBlancoPaco .
ex:MarioAndradeMorales ex:has_possession_of ex:SantaRosaPainting ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SanAgustinPainting .
ex:FelipePerezPaco ex:has_possession_of ex:SantaRosaPainting ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SanAgustinPainting .
ex:NicomedesBlancoPaco ex:has_possession_of ex:SantaRosaPainting ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SanAgustinPainting .# Instances
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:RupertWace rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rupert Wace"^^xsd:string .
ex:PIASA rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "PIASA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:SCA rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Egyptian Supreme Council of Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:DuckVessel1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "12th Dynasty"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:DuckVessel2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "12th Dynasty"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:DuckVessel1 .
ex:RupertWace ex:has_possession_of ex:DuckVessel2 .
ex:PIASA ex:has_possession_of ex:DuckVessel2 .
ex:SCA ex:repatriates ex:DuckVessel1 ;
ex:repatriates ex:DuckVessel2 .
# Data Properties
ex:DuckVessel1 ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:DuckVessel2 ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:Korban rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Korban"^^xsd:string .
ex:Wilson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Wilson"^^xsd:string .
ex:Zietz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Zietz"^^xsd:string .
ex:PeterMimpriss rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Mimpriss"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:AllenAndOvery .
ex:MarquessOfNorthampton rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marquess of Northampton"^^xsd:string .
ex:PhilipWilson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Philip Wilson"^^xsd:string .
ex:TomWilson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tom Wilson"^^xsd:string .
ex:RamizRizk rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ramiz Rizk"^^xsd:string .
ex:GeoffreyJenkinson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Geoffrey Jenkinson"^^xsd:string .
ex:ArthurHoughton rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Arthur Houghton"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:GettyMuseum .
# Organizations
ex:AllenAndOvery rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Allen and Overy"^^xsd:string .
ex:AbrahamTrust rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Abraham Trust"^^xsd:string .
# Museum
ex:GettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum"^^xsd:string .
# Artifacts
ex:GeometricPlate rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Geometric Plate"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Lebanese"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1981"^^xsd:string .
ex:HippolytusSitulae rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Hippolytus situlae"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Lebanese"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1981"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Korban ex:obtains_from ex:LebaneseFarmWorkers ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae ;
ex:sells_to ex:Wilson, ex:Zietz .
ex:Wilson ex:buys ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae ;
ex:works_with ex:PeterMimpriss, ex:Zietz ;
ex:employed_by ex:AbrahamTrust .
ex:Zietz ex:buys ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae ;
ex:works_with ex:Wilson, ex:PeterMimpriss ;
ex:employed_by ex:AbrahamTrust .
ex:PeterMimpriss ex:works_with ex:Wilson, ex:Zietz, ex:MarquessOfNorthampton .
ex:MarquessOfNorthampton ex:buys ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae ;
ex:employed_by ex:AbrahamTrust .
ex:AbrahamTrust ex:has_possession_of ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae .
ex:GeoffreyJenkinson ex:works_with ex:AbrahamTrust ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae .
ex:GettyMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:GeometricPlate, ex:HippolytusSitulae .
ex:ArthurHoughton ex:works_with ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:RamizRizk ex:works_with ex:PeterMimpriss .
ex:PhilipWilson ex:employed_by ex:AbrahamTrust .
ex:TomWilson ex:employed_by ex:AbrahamTrust .# Instances and Data
# Artifacts
ex:SevsoTreasure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Sevso Treasure"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD"^^xsd:string .
ex:HuntingPlate rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Hunting (or Sevso) Plate"^^xsd:string ;
ex:is_instance_of ex:SevsoTreasure ;
ex:dates_from "mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD"^^xsd:string .
ex:AchillesPlate rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Achilles Plate"^^xsd:string ;
ex:is_instance_of ex:SevsoTreasure ;
ex:dates_from "mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD"^^xsd:string .
ex:GeometricEwer rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Geometric Ewer"^^xsd:string ;
ex:is_instance_of ex:SevsoTreasure ;
ex:dates_from "mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD"^^xsd:string .
# Persons
ex:AntonTkalec rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Anton Tkalec"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Vienna"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Austria"^^xsd:string .
ex:HalimKorban rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Halim Korban"^^xsd:string .
ex:MansurMokhtarzade rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mansur Mokhtarzade"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:PeterWilson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Wilson"^^xsd:string .
ex:RainerZietz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rainer Zietz"^^xsd:string .
# Organizations
ex:ArtConsultancy rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Art Consultancy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Guernsey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
# Transactions
ex:AntonTkalec ex:sells_to ex:ArtConsultancy .
ex:ArtConsultancy ex:buys ex:GeometricEwer .
ex:ArtConsultancy ex:buys ex:HuntingPlate .
ex:ArtConsultancy ex:buys ex:AchillesPlate .
# Employment
ex:PeterWilson ex:employed_by ex:ArtConsultancy .
ex:RainerZietz ex:employed_by ex:ArtConsultancy .
# Collaboration
ex:AntonTkalec ex:works_with ex:HalimKorban .
ex:AntonTkalec ex:works_with ex:MansurMokhtarzade .
ex:HalimKorban ex:works_with ex:MansurMokhtarzade .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:Northampton rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Northampton" .
ex:Peter_Mimpriss rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Mimpriss" .
ex:Korban rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Korban" .
ex:Tkalec rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tkalec" .
ex:Rizk rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rizk" .
# Organizations
ex:Abraham_Trust rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Abraham Trust" .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Allen_and_Overy rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Allen and Overy" .
# Artifacts
ex:Sevso_Treasure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "fourth-century AD" .
ex:Geometric_Ewer rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "fourth-century AD" .
ex:Hippolytus_Situla rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "fourth-century AD" .
ex:Animal_Ewer rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "fourth-century AD" .
ex:Meleager_Plate rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "fourth-century AD" .
# Object Properties
ex:Northampton ex:buys ex:Geometric_Ewer ;
ex:buys ex:Hippolytus_Situla ;
ex:buys ex:Animal_Ewer ;
ex:buys ex:Meleager_Plate ;
ex:buys_at ex:Sothebys ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Korban ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Tkalec ;
ex:works_with ex:Peter_Mimpriss ;
ex:sued_by ex:Lebanon ;
ex:sued_by ex:Yugoslavia ;
ex:sued_by ex:Croatia ;
ex:sued_by ex:Hungary .
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:Sevso_Treasure ;
ex:sells_to ex:Northampton .
ex:Peter_Mimpriss ex:employed_by ex:Allen_and_Overy .
ex:Korban ex:sells_to ex:Northampton .
ex:Tkalec ex:sells_to ex:Northampton .
ex:Rizk ex:works_with ex:Northampton .
# Government Agencies
ex:Lebanon rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Lebanon" ;
ex:country "Lebanon" .
ex:Yugoslavia rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Yugoslavia" ;
ex:country "Yugoslavia" .
ex:Croatia rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Croatia" ;
ex:country "Croatia" .
ex:Hungary rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Hungary" ;
ex:country "Hungary" .
# Repatriation
ex:Hungary ex:repatriates ex:Sevso_Treasure .
# Cultural Heritage
ex:Sevso_Treasure ex:cultural_heritage "Roman Empire" .# Instances and Data
ex:HuacaRajada rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Huaca Rajada"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Moche"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1 to 700 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:SipanSite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Sipán Site"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Moche"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1 to 700 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:ErnilBernal rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ernil Bernal"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanSite .
ex:SamuelBernal rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Samuel Bernal"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:ErnilBernal ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanSite .
ex:WalterAlva rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Walter Alva"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:ErnilBernal ;
ex:works_with ex:SamuelBernal .
ex:PeruvianPolice rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Peruvian Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:repatriates ex:SipanSite .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby’s"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:auctions ex:SipanSite .
ex:BourneCollection rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Bourne Collection"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanSite .
ex:SwetnamDrewKellyRing rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Swetnam/Drew/Kelly smuggling ring"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:HuacaRajada ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanSite .# Instances
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby’s Auction House" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:David_Bernstein rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "David Bernstein" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Alva rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Alva" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:Raul_Apesteguia rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Raúl Apesteguía" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:Peruvian_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Peru" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:US_Customs rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US Customs" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Bruening_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Brüning Museum/Museo Tumbas Reales de Sipán" ;
ex:city "Lambayeque" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
# Artifacts
ex:Lot7 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Late Chavin Gold Head Bead" ;
ex:from_culture "Chavin" ;
ex:dates_from "700–400 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:Lot10 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Early Mochica Gold and Turquoise Effigy Ear Ornament" ;
ex:from_culture "Mochica" ;
ex:dates_from "300–100 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:Lot11 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Late Chavin Gold and Turquoise Necklace" ;
ex:from_culture "Chavin" ;
ex:dates_from "700–400 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:Lot17 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Early Mochica Turquoise and Gold Necklace" ;
ex:from_culture "Mochica" ;
ex:dates_from "300–100 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:Lot18 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Early Mochica Gold Ornament" ;
ex:from_culture "Mochica" ;
ex:dates_from "300–100 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
# Relationships
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:Lot7 ;
ex:auctions ex:Lot10 ;
ex:auctions ex:Lot11 ;
ex:auctions ex:Lot17 ;
ex:auctions ex:Lot18 .
ex:David_Bernstein ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot7 ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot11 ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot17 .
ex:Lot7 ex:seized_by ex:US_Customs ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .
ex:Lot11 ex:seized_by ex:US_Customs ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .
ex:Lot17 ex:seized_by ex:US_Customs ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .
ex:Bruening_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot7 ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot11 ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Lot17 .
ex:Raul_Apesteguia ex:obtains_from ex:Lot7 ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Lot10 ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Lot11 ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Lot17 ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Lot18 .# Instances
ex:LaCorona rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "La Corona" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "mid 1960s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peten region of Guatemala" .
ex:SiteQ rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Site Q" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "mid 1960s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peten region of Guatemala" .
ex:ArtInstituteOfChicago rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Art Institute of Chicago" ;
ex:city "Chicago" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:WalterRandall rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Walter Randall" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:PeterMatthews rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Matthews" .
ex:Yale rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Yale" .
ex:ElPeru rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "El Perú" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
ex:IanGraham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham" .
# Object Properties
ex:ArtInstituteOfChicago ex:has_possession_of ex:LaCorona .
ex:WalterRandall ex:sells_to ex:ArtInstituteOfChicago .
ex:PeterMatthews ex:works_with ex:Yale .
ex:PeterMatthews ex:authenticated_by ex:Yale .
ex:LaCorona ex:authenticated_by ex:Yale .
ex:SiteQ ex:authenticated_by ex:Yale .
ex:ElPeru ex:authenticated_by ex:Yale .# Instances
ex:SlackFarm rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Slack Farm"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Caborn-Welborn culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1400 to 1650 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mississippian culture"^^xsd:string .
ex:SlackFamily rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Slack Family"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SlackFarm .
ex:NewOwner rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SlackFarm .
ex:TenantFarmers rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SlackFarm .
ex:Looters rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:obtains_from ex:TenantFarmers ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SlackFarm .
ex:SergeantMilesHart rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Sergeant Miles Hart"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:KentuckyStatePolice .
ex:KentuckyStatePolice rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Kentucky State Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Frankfort"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:UnionCountyGrandJury rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Union County Grand Jury"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Morganfield"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:NativeAmericanGroups rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:works_with ex:StateMedicalExaminer .
ex:StateMedicalExaminer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "State Medical Examiner"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:KentuckyStateGovernment .
ex:KentuckyStateGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Kentucky State Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Frankfort"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
# Relations
ex:SlackFarm ex:enforced_by ex:SergeantMilesHart ;
ex:seized_by ex:KentuckyStatePolice ;
ex:repatriated_to "Kentucky"^^xsd:string .
ex:SlackFamily ex:sells_to ex:NewOwner .
ex:NewOwner ex:leases_to ex:TenantFarmers .
ex:TenantFarmers ex:sells_to ex:Looters .
ex:Looters ex:works_with ex:NewOwner ;
ex:works_with ex:TenantFarmers .
ex:NativeAmericanGroups ex:buys ex:SlackFarm ;
ex:donates_to ex:StateMedicalExaminer .
ex:StateMedicalExaminer ex:works_with ex:NativeAmericanGroups ;
ex:works_with ex:KentuckyStateGovernment .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:RobertOlson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Olson" .
ex:JonathanMarkell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jonathan Markell" .
ex:CariMarkell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Cari Markell" .
ex:ArmandLabbé rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Armand Labbé" .
ex:BarryMacLean rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Barry MacLean" .
ex:JoelMalter rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Joel Malter" .
ex:SusanLerer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Susan Lerer" .
ex:RoxannaBrown rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Roxanna Brown" .
# Organizations
ex:BobbyoImports rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Bobbyo Imports" .
ex:SilkRoadsGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Silk Roads Gallery" ;
ex:city "Los Angeles" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:MalterGalleries rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Malter Galleries" ;
ex:city "Encino" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Museums
ex:LACMA rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Los Angeles County Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "Los Angeles" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:BowersMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Bowers Museum" ;
ex:city "Santa Ana" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:PAM rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Pacific Asia Museum" ;
ex:city "Pasadena" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:MingeiInternationalMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Mingei International Museum" ;
ex:city "San Diego" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:SoutheastAsianCeramicsMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Southeast Asian Ceramics Museum" ;
ex:city "Bangkok" ;
ex:country "Thailand" .
# Government Agencies
ex:IRS rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Internal Revenue Service" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:ICE rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Immigration and Customs Enforcement" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Artifact
ex:BanChiangArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ban Chiang" ;
ex:dates_from "3000 BC to 300 AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Thailand" .
# Relationships
ex:RobertOlson ex:employed_by ex:BobbyoImports .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:works_with ex:CariMarkell .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:employed_by ex:SilkRoadsGallery .
ex:CariMarkell ex:employed_by ex:SilkRoadsGallery .
ex:RobertOlson ex:sells_to ex:JonathanMarkell .
ex:RobertOlson ex:sells_to ex:CariMarkell .
ex:RobertOlson ex:sells_to ex:BarryMacLean .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:donates_to ex:LACMA .
ex:RobertOlson ex:buys ex:BanChiangArtifacts .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:buys ex:BanChiangArtifacts .
ex:RobertOlson ex:has_possession_of ex:BanChiangArtifacts .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:has_possession_of ex:BanChiangArtifacts .
ex:RobertOlson ex:works_with ex:ArmandLabbé .
ex:RobertOlson ex:works_with ex:JoelMalter .
ex:RobertOlson ex:works_with ex:SusanLerer .
ex:JonathanMarkell ex:works_with ex:RoxannaBrown .
ex:BanChiangArtifacts ex:seized_by ex:ICE .
ex:BanChiangArtifacts ex:enforced_by ex:IRS .# Instances and Data
# Person
ex:Tom_Hoyt rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tom Hoyt" .
ex:Robert_Olson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Olson" .
ex:Jonathan_Markell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jonathan Markell" .
ex:Cari_Markell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Cari Markell" .
ex:Barry_MacLean rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Barry MacLean" .
ex:Michael_Malter rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Malter" .
ex:Robert_Perez rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Perez" .
ex:Roxanna_Brown rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Roxanna Brown" .
# Museum
ex:Bowers_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Bowers Museum" .
ex:PAM_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "PAM Museum" .
ex:Mingei_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Mingei Museum" .
ex:Berkeley_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Berkeley Museum" .
ex:Art_Institute_of_Chicago rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Art Institute of Chicago" .
# Gallery
ex:Malter_Galleries rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Malter Galleries" .
# Object Properties
ex:Tom_Hoyt ex:buys ex:Robert_Olson ;
ex:donates_to ex:Bowers_Museum ;
ex:donates_to ex:PAM_Museum ;
ex:buys ex:Jonathan_Markell ;
ex:buys ex:Cari_Markell ;
ex:donates_to ex:Mingei_Museum ;
ex:donates_to ex:Berkeley_Museum .
ex:Barry_MacLean ex:buys ex:Robert_Olson .
ex:Robert_Perez ex:works_with ex:Michael_Malter .
ex:Jonathan_Markell ex:works_with ex:Roxanna_Brown .
# Data Properties
ex:Tom_Hoyt ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Robert_Olson ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Jonathan_Markell ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Cari_Markell ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Barry_MacLean ex:city "Chicago" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Michael_Malter ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Robert_Perez ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Roxanna_Brown ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:Bowers_Museum ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:PAM_Museum ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Mingei_Museum ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Berkeley_Museum ex:city "Berkeley" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Art_Institute_of_Chicago ex:city "Chicago" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Malter_Galleries ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "USA" .# Instances and Data
# Artifact Instances
ex:LeatherSledgeStraps rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Antarctic Exploration" ;
ex:dates_from "1902" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:AntarcticTreatySystem .
ex:CandleLantern rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Antarctic Exploration" ;
ex:dates_from "1902" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:AntarcticTreatySystem .
ex:CoatHook rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Antarctic Exploration" ;
ex:dates_from "1912" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:AntarcticTreatySystem .
ex:Beaker rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Antarctic Exploration" ;
ex:dates_from "1912" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:AntarcticTreatySystem .
ex:Bottles rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Antarctic Exploration" ;
ex:dates_from "1912" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:AntarcticTreatySystem .
# Person Instances
ex:JohnClaydon rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Claydon" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:LeatherSledgeStraps, ex:CandleLantern, ex:CoatHook, ex:Beaker, ex:Bottles ;
ex:obtains_from ex:DiscoveryHut, ex:CapeEvansCamp .
# Organization Instances
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "United Kingdom" ;
ex:auctions ex:LeatherSledgeStraps, ex:CandleLantern, ex:CoatHook, ex:Beaker, ex:Bottles .
ex:AntarcticHeritageTrust rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Antarctic Heritage Trust" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" ;
ex:controls ex:CapeEvansCamp, ex:DiscoveryHut .
# Authority Instances
ex:AntarcticTreatySystem rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Antarctic Treaty System" ;
ex:country "International" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:LeatherSledgeStraps, ex:CandleLantern, ex:CoatHook, ex:Beaker, ex:Bottles .
# Museum Instances
ex:DiscoveryHut rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Discovery Hut" ;
ex:city "Ross Island" ;
ex:country "Antarctica" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:LeatherSledgeStraps, ex:CandleLantern .
ex:CapeEvansCamp rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Cape Evans Camp" ;
ex:city "Ross Island" ;
ex:country "Antarctica" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:CoatHook, ex:Beaker, ex:Bottles .# Instances
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's"^^xsd:string .
ex:NicholasLambourn rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nicholas Lambourn"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Christies .
ex:ScottPolarResearchInstitute rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Scott Polar Research Institute"^^xsd:string .
ex:UniversityOfCambridge rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "University of Cambridge"^^xsd:string .
ex:Claydon rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Claydon"^^xsd:string .
ex:PolarArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Polar"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:PolarArtifacts ;
ex:sells_to ex:Claydon .
ex:Claydon ex:has_possession_of ex:PolarArtifacts ;
ex:donates_to ex:ScottPolarResearchInstitute .
ex:NicholasLambourn ex:works_with ex:Claydon .
ex:ScottPolarResearchInstitute ex:employed_by ex:UniversityOfCambridge .
# Data Properties
ex:Christies ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:UniversityOfCambridge ex:city "Cambridge"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:PolarArtifacts ex:dates_from "1901"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Polar"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# The State Hermitage Museum
ex:StateHermitageMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "State Hermitage Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "St Petersburg"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Russian Federation"^^xsd:string .
# Larisa Zavadskaya
ex:LarisaZavadskaya rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Larisa Zavadskaya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:StateHermitageMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:StolenArtifacts .
# Nikolay Zavadsky
ex:NikolayZavadsky rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nikolay Zavadsky"^^xsd:string ;
ex:spouse_of ex:LarisaZavadskaya ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:StolenArtifacts .
# Stolen Artifacts
ex:StolenArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Russian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Russian Federation"^^xsd:string ;
ex:enforced_by ex:RussianAuthority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:StateHermitageMuseum .
# Russian Authority
ex:RussianAuthority rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Russian Authority"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:StolenArtifacts .
# Alexander Yerofeyev
ex:AlexanderYerofeyev rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Alexander Yerofeyev"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:StolenArtifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:LarisaZavadskaya .
# The Stolen Artifacts were repatriated to the Russian Federation
ex:StolenArtifacts ex:repatriated_to "Russian Federation"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
ex:Hermitage rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Hermitage" ;
ex:city "St. Petersburg" ;
ex:country "Russia" .
ex:NikolayZavadsky rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nikolay Zavadsky" .
ex:Zavadskaya rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Zavadskaya" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Hermitage .
ex:MotherOfGodSign rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Mother of God 'Sign'" ;
ex:from_culture "Russian" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Russian" .
ex:VladimirPutin rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Vladimir Putin" ;
ex:controls ex:RussianGovernment .
ex:RussianGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Russian Government" ;
ex:country "Russia" .
ex:RussianStateArchiveOfLiteratureAndArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Russian State Archive of Literature and Art" ;
ex:city "Moscow" ;
ex:country "Russia" .
ex:YakovChernikov rdf:type ex:ART_WORK ;
ex:name "Drawings by Yakov Chernikov" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" .
ex:RedMafia rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Red Mafia" .
ex:Solntsevskaya rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Solntsevskaya" ;
ex:city "Moscow" ;
ex:country "Russia" .
# Object Properties
ex:Hermitage ex:has_possession_of ex:MotherOfGodSign .
ex:NikolayZavadsky ex:buys ex:MotherOfGodSign .
ex:RussianGovernment ex:repatriates ex:MotherOfGodSign .
ex:Zavadskaya ex:works_with ex:NikolayZavadsky .
ex:YakovChernikov ex:is_instance_of ex:RussianStateArchiveOfLiteratureAndArt .
ex:RedMafia ex:works_with ex:Solntsevskaya .# Instances
ex:Cancuen rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Cancuen"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Teobert_Maler rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Teobert Maler"^^xsd:string .
ex:Harvard_Archaeological_Team rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Harvard Archaeological Team"^^xsd:string .
ex:Cancuen_Palace rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Cancuen Palace"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Cancuen_Ballcourt_Marker rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Cancuen Ballcourt Marker"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Guatemalan_Authorities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Authorities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Cancuen_Panel rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Cancuen Panel"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Private_Museum_Guatemala rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Private Museum Guatemala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
# Relationships
ex:Harvard_Archaeological_Team ex:has_possession_of ex:Cancuen_Palace .
ex:Guatemalan_Authorities ex:repatriates ex:Cancuen_Ballcourt_Marker .
ex:Private_Museum_Guatemala ex:has_possession_of ex:Cancuen_Panel .# Instances and Data
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Bonhams rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Bonhams" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:ShamshiAdadVStele rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Neo-Assyrian" ;
ex:dates_from "Neo-Assyrian period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Syrian" .
ex:BritishMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "British Museum" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:GenevaOwner rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:city "Geneva" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:ShamshiAdadVStele .
ex:GenevaOwner ex:has_possession_of ex:ShamshiAdadVStele .
ex:Bonhams ex:auctions ex:ShamshiAdadVStele .
ex:BritishMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:ShamshiAdadVStele .
# Assuming the German archaeological expedition is an organization
ex:GermanArchaeologicalExpedition rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "German Archaeological Expedition" ;
ex:country "Germany" .
# Assuming the scholarly journal is an expertise institution
ex:ScholarlyJournal rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Scholarly Journal" .
ex:ShamshiAdadVStele ex:authenticated_by ex:ScholarlyJournal .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:EnricoPoli rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Enrico Poli" .
ex:Pereda rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Pereda" .
ex:FredDrew rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Fred Drew" .
ex:DavidSwetnam rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "David Swetnam" .
ex:MiguelDeOsmaBerckemeyer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Miguel de Osma Berckemeyer" .
ex:MichaelKelly rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Kelly" .
ex:BenjaminBishopJohnson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Benjamin Bishop Johnson" .
ex:GastonWallace rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gaston Wallace" .
ex:CharlesCraig rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Charles Craig" .
# Artifacts
ex:SipanArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Moche" ;
ex:dates_from "1987" .
# Organizations
ex:FineArtsServices rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Fine Arts Services" .
ex:ArtCollectionsConservationNetwork rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Art Collections Conservation Network" .
# Museum
ex:SantaBarbaraMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Santa Barbara Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "Santa Barbara" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Government Agency
ex:USCustoms rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "United States Customs" .
# Object Properties
ex:EnricoPoli ex:buys ex:SipanArtifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Pereda .
ex:FredDrew ex:buys ex:SipanArtifacts ;
ex:works_with ex:DavidSwetnam .
ex:DavidSwetnam ex:works_with ex:FredDrew ;
ex:works_with ex:MichaelKelly .
ex:MiguelDeOsmaBerckemeyer ex:works_with ex:DavidSwetnam ;
ex:works_with ex:FredDrew .
ex:MichaelKelly ex:works_with ex:DavidSwetnam ;
ex:works_with ex:BenjaminBishopJohnson .
ex:BenjaminBishopJohnson ex:buys ex:SipanArtifacts ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ArtCollectionsConservationNetwork .
ex:SantaBarbaraMuseumOfArt ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanArtifacts .
ex:USCustoms ex:seized_by ex:SipanArtifacts .
# Data Properties
ex:SipanArtifacts ex:enforced_by ex:USCustoms ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .# Instances and Data from the text
# Person
ex:DavidSwetnam rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "David Swetnam"^^xsd:string .
ex:JacquelineSwetnam rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jacqueline Swetnam"^^xsd:string ;
ex:spouse_of ex:DavidSwetnam .
# Artifact
ex:SipanArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Sipán"^^xsd:string .
# Actions
ex:DavidSwetnam ex:has_possession_of ex:SipanArtifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:UnknownPerson .
# Legal Proceedings
ex:DavidSwetnam ex:charged_by ex:USGovernment ;
ex:sentenced_by ex:USCourt ;
ex:sentence "6 months in prison"^^xsd:string .
ex:USGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Government"^^xsd:string .
ex:USCourt rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US Court"^^xsd:string .
# Note: The text does not provide specific information about the museum where the artifacts were displayed, the person from whom David Swetnam obtained the artifacts, or the specific charges. These details are represented as "UnknownMuseum", "UnknownPerson", and "charges" respectively.# Instances and Data
ex:ToiMoko rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Māori" ;
ex:dates_from "1770" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "New Zealand" .
ex:JosephBanks rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Joseph Banks" ;
ex:buys ex:ToiMoko .
ex:HoratioGordonRobley rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Major-General Horatio Gordon Robley" ;
ex:buys ex:ToiMoko ;
ex:sells_to ex:AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory .
ex:AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "American Museum of Natural History" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ToiMoko .
ex:SothebysLondon rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's London" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" ;
ex:auctions ex:ToiMoko .
ex:MarquisOfTavistock rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marquis of Tavistock" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ToiMoko ;
ex:sells_to ex:SothebysLondon .
ex:BonhamsLondon rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Bonham's London" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" ;
ex:auctions ex:ToiMoko .
ex:DalvaniusPrime rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dalvanius Prime" ;
ex:obtains_from ex:BonhamsLondon ;
ex:donates_to ex:NewZealandGovernment .
ex:NewZealandGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "New Zealand Government" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" ;
ex:repatriates ex:ToiMoko .
ex:GeneralSirRalphDarling rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "General Sir Ralph Darling" ;
ex:controls ex:NewSouthWalesGovernment .
ex:NewSouthWalesGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "New South Wales Government" ;
ex:country "Australia" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:GeneralSirRalphDarling .# Instances
ex:TattooedHeads rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Māori"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .
ex:ShaneTeRuki rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Shane Te Ruki"^^xsd:string .
# Data
ex:TattooedHeads ex:dates_from "mid-nineteenth century"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:ShaneTeRuki ex:has_possession_of ex:TattooedHeads .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:TattooedHeads ex:repatriated_to "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .# Instances and data from the text
ex:Toi_moko rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maori"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .
ex:Te_Herekiekie_Herewini rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Te Herekiekie Herewini"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Te_Papa .
ex:Te_Papa rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Te Papa"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Wellington"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "New Zealand"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Toi_moko .
ex:New_Zealand_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "New Zealand Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "New Zealand"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:Toi_moko .
ex:Prime rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Prime"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:Te_Herekiekie_Herewini .
# Assuming "Prime" is a person who contributed to the repatriation efforts
ex:Toi_moko ex:repatriated_to "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Museums
ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Toledo Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Toledo"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
# Artifacts
ex:EtruscanKalpis rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Etruscan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Pre-1981"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italy"^^xsd:string .
# Persons
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:UrsulaBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ursula Becchina"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:KHaug rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "K. Haug"^^xsd:string .
# Organizations
ex:AntikeKunstPalladion rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Antike Kunst Palladion"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Basel"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Switzerland"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:EtruscanKalpis ex:authenticated_by ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt ;
ex:obtains_from ex:GianfrancoBecchina ;
ex:obtains_from ex:GiacomoMedici ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:GianfrancoBecchina ex:works_with ex:UrsulaBecchina ;
ex:works_with ex:GiacomoMedici ;
ex:buys ex:EtruscanKalpis ;
ex:sells_to ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt ;
ex:employed_by ex:AntikeKunstPalladion .
ex:GiacomoMedici ex:sells_to ex:GianfrancoBecchina .
ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt ex:buys ex:EtruscanKalpis ;
ex:donates_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:KHaug ex:controls ex:AntikeKunstPalladion .# Instances
ex:Bonhams rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Bonhams" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:EgyptianTombRelief rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian" ;
ex:dates_from "Late Period, 26th Dynasty, circa 665–525 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Tomb of Mutirdis at Thebes" .
ex:AustralianCollector rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Australian private collector" ;
ex:country "Australia" .
ex:SonOfAustralianCollector rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:country "Australia" .
ex:MetropolitanMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:SupremeCouncilOfAntiquities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Supreme Council of Antiquities" ;
ex:country "Egypt" .
# Object Properties
ex:Bonhams ex:auctions ex:EgyptianTombRelief .
ex:AustralianCollector ex:has_possession_of ex:EgyptianTombRelief .
ex:SonOfAustralianCollector ex:has_possession_of ex:EgyptianTombRelief .
ex:SupremeCouncilOfAntiquities ex:repatriates ex:EgyptianTombRelief .
# Data Properties
ex:EgyptianTombRelief ex:repatriated_to "Egypt" .# Instances
ex:VikingAgeSilver rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Viking"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "12th century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Estonia"^^xsd:string .
ex:GermanAuctionHouse rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Unnamed German Auction House"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Dortmund"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:VikingAgeSilver .
ex:EstonianNationalHeritageBoard rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Estonian National Heritage Board"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Estonia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:VikingAgeSilver .
ex:UniversityOfTallinn rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITITION ;
ex:name "University of Tallinn"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Estonia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:VikingAgeSilver .
ex:WalterAugsburger rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Walter Augsburger"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:GermanAuctionHouse .
ex:MaidoKättmann rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Maido Kättmann"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Estonia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:VikingAgeSilver ;
ex:obtains_from ex:WalterAugsburger ;
ex:employed_by ex:GermanAuctionHouse .
ex:EstonianDefenceLeague rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Estonian Defence League"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Estonia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:MaidoKättmann .
ex:InstituteOfHistoryTallinn rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Institute of History in Tallinn"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Tallinn"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Estonia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:VikingAgeSilver .
# Relationships
ex:MaidoKättmann ex:works_with ex:WalterAugsburger .
ex:WalterAugsburger ex:works_with ex:MaidoKättmann .
ex:UniversityOfTallinn ex:works_with ex:EstonianNationalHeritageBoard .
ex:EstonianNationalHeritageBoard ex:works_with ex:UniversityOfTallinn .
ex:EstonianNationalHeritageBoard ex:repatriated_to "Estonia"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Uigwe
ex:Uigwe rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Uigwe" ;
ex:from_culture "Joseon Dynasty, Korea" ;
ex:dates_from "1600s-1900s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Korea" .
# Bibliothèque nationale de France
ex:BibliothèqueNationaleDeFrance rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Bibliothèque nationale de France" ;
ex:city "Paris" ;
ex:country "France" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Uigwe .
# French Naval Forces
ex:FrenchNavalForces rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "French Naval Forces" ;
ex:country "France" .
# François Mitterrand
ex:FrançoisMitterrand rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "François Mitterrand" ;
ex:country "France" .
# Nicholas Sarkozy
ex:NicholasSarkozy rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nicholas Sarkozy" ;
ex:country "France" .
# South Korea
ex:SouthKorea rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "South Korea" ;
ex:country "South Korea" .
# Cultural Action
ex:CulturalAction rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Cultural Action" ;
ex:country "South Korea" .
# Itō Hirobumi
ex:ItōHirobumi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Itō Hirobumi" ;
ex:country "Japan" .
# Imperial Household Agency
ex:ImperialHouseholdAgency rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Imperial Household Agency" ;
ex:country "Japan" .
# Kan Naoto
ex:KanNaoto rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Kan Naoto" ;
ex:country "Japan" .
# Noda Yoshihiko
ex:NodaYoshihiko rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Noda Yoshihiko" ;
ex:country "Japan" .
# Object Properties
ex:FrenchNavalForces ex:seized_by ex:Uigwe .
ex:BibliothèqueNationaleDeFrance ex:has_possession_of ex:Uigwe .
ex:FrançoisMitterrand ex:repatriates ex:Uigwe .
ex:NicholasSarkozy ex:repatriates ex:Uigwe .
ex:SouthKorea ex:repatriated_to ex:Uigwe .
ex:CulturalAction ex:works_with ex:SouthKorea .
ex:ItōHirobumi ex:has_possession_of ex:Uigwe .
ex:ImperialHouseholdAgency ex:has_possession_of ex:Uigwe .
ex:KanNaoto ex:repatriates ex:Uigwe .
ex:NodaYoshihiko ex:repatriates ex:Uigwe .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:Uigwe_Japan rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Uigwe returned by Japan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Joseon"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "South Korean Cultural Heritage"^^xsd:string .
ex:Uigwe_France rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Uigwe from France"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Joseon"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:South_Korean_Cultural_Heritage_Administration rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "South Korean Cultural Heritage Administration"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "South Korea"^^xsd:string .
# Repatriation
ex:South_Korean_Cultural_Heritage_Administration ex:repatriates ex:Uigwe_Japan .
# Cultural Heritage
ex:Uigwe_Japan ex:cultural_heritage "South Korean Cultural Heritage"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:UmaMaheshwar rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Hindu"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "12th century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Nepal"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseumFurIndischeKunst rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum für Indische Kunst"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Berlin"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:UmaMaheshwar .
ex:GermanArtDealer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:city "Wiesbaden"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:MuseumFurIndischeKunst .
ex:LainSBangdel rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:works_with ex:JurgenSchick .
ex:JurgenSchick rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:works_with ex:LainSBangdel .
ex:RiddiPradhan rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:employed_by ex:DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal .
ex:DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Department of Archaeology"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Nepal"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:UmaMaheshwar .
ex:PatanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Patan Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Patan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Nepal"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:UmaMaheshwar .
# Relationships
ex:UmaMaheshwar ex:authenticated_by ex:LainSBangdel ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:JurgenSchick ;
ex:seized_by ex:DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal ;
ex:repatriated_to "Nepal"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseumFurIndischeKunst ex:buys ex:UmaMaheshwar ;
ex:obtains_from ex:GermanArtDealer .
ex:GermanArtDealer ex:sells_to ex:MuseumFurIndischeKunst .
ex:DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal ex:repatriates ex:UmaMaheshwar .
ex:PatanMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:UmaMaheshwar .# Instances
ex:ValdiviaFigurine rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Valdivia Culture" ;
ex:dates_from "2300 BC to 2000 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Ecuador" .
ex:EmilioEstrada rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Emilio Estrada" ;
ex:employed_by ex:EcuadorianArchaeology .
ex:BettyMeggers rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Betty Meggers" ;
ex:employed_by ex:ArchaeologyInstitution .
ex:MuseoBancoCentral rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Banco Central" ;
ex:city "Quito" ;
ex:country "Ecuador" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ValdiviaFigurine .
ex:EcuadorianArchaeology rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Ecuadorian Archaeology" .
ex:ArchaeologyInstitution rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Archaeology Institution" .
ex:SanIsidro rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "San Isidro" ;
ex:buys ex:ValdiviaFigurine ;
ex:buys_at ex:LocalMarket .
ex:LocalMarket rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Local Market" ;
ex:city "San Isidro" ;
ex:country "Ecuador" ;
ex:auctions ex:ValdiviaFigurine .
ex:ValdiviaCulture rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Valdivia Culture" ;
ex:country "Ecuador" .
ex:ValdiviaSite rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Valdivia Site" ;
ex:country "Ecuador" .
ex:ValdiviaForgery rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Valdivia Culture" ;
ex:dates_from "1950s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Ecuador" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ForgeryExpert .
ex:ForgeryExpert rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Forgery Expert" .
# Relationships
ex:EmilioEstrada ex:works_with ex:BettyMeggers .
ex:SanIsidro ex:obtains_from ex:LocalMarket .
ex:MuseoBancoCentral ex:buys ex:ValdiviaFigurine .
ex:ValdiviaSite ex:seized_by ex:EcuadorianAuthority .
ex:EcuadorianAuthority rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Ecuadorian Authority" .
ex:ValdiviaFigurine ex:enforced_by ex:EcuadorianAuthority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ArchaeologyInstitution .
ex:ValdiviaForgery ex:enforced_by ex:EcuadorianAuthority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ForgeryExpert .# Instances
ex:VamanGhiya rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Vaman Ghiya" ;
ex:city "Jaipur" ;
ex:country "India" .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:JinaFigure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Indian" ;
ex:dates_from "12th century" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Vilasgarh temple" .
ex:ArchaeologicalSurveyOfIndia rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Archaeological Survey of India" ;
ex:country "India" .
ex:CapeLionLogging rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Cape Lion Logging" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:Megavena rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Megavena" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:ArtisticImportsCorporation rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Artistic Imports Corporation" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:BrendanLynch rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Brendan Lynch" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Sothebys .
ex:PeterWatson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Watson" .
# Object Properties
ex:VamanGhiya ex:buys ex:JinaFigure ;
ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys ;
ex:sells_to ex:Christies ;
ex:controls ex:CapeLionLogging ;
ex:controls ex:Megavena ;
ex:controls ex:ArtisticImportsCorporation .
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:JinaFigure ;
ex:buys_from ex:VamanGhiya ;
ex:employed_by ex:BrendanLynch .
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:JinaFigure ;
ex:buys_from ex:VamanGhiya .
ex:JinaFigure ex:seized_by ex:ArchaeologicalSurveyOfIndia ;
ex:repatriated_to "India" .
ex:CapeLionLogging ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys .
ex:Megavena ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys .
ex:ArtisticImportsCorporation ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys .
ex:BrendanLynch ex:works_with ex:VamanGhiya .
ex:PeterWatson ex:works_with ex:VamanGhiya .# Instances
ex:Cancuen rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "2001"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:BallcourtMarker rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "796 CE"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Demarest rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Arthur Demarest"^^xsd:string .
ex:VanderbiltUniversity rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Vanderbilt University"^^xsd:string .
ex:UniversidadDelValle rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Universidád del Valle"^^xsd:string .
ex:GuatemalanMinistryOfCulture rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Ministry of Culture"^^xsd:string .
ex:ServiciosDeInvestigacionCriminal rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Servícios de Investigación Criminal"^^xsd:string .
ex:MarcWolf rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marc Wolf"^^xsd:string .
ex:AntiquitiesDealer rdf:type ex:PERSON .
ex:NationalMuseumOfArchaeology rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Museum of Archaeology"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Guatemala City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Demarest ex:employed_by ex:VanderbiltUniversity .
ex:Demarest ex:works_with ex:UniversidadDelValle .
ex:Demarest ex:works_with ex:GuatemalanMinistryOfCulture .
ex:Demarest ex:works_with ex:MarcWolf .
ex:Demarest ex:obtains_from ex:AntiquitiesDealer .
ex:AntiquitiesDealer ex:has_possession_of ex:BallcourtMarker .
ex:NationalMuseumOfArchaeology ex:has_possession_of ex:BallcourtMarker .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:BallcourtMarker ex:seized_by ex:ServiciosDeInvestigacionCriminal .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:BallcourtMarker ex:authenticated_by ex:Demarest .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:BallcourtMarker ex:repatriated_to "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:JoseLuisVarezFisa rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "José Luis Várez Fisa" .
ex:NationalArchaeologicalMuseumSpain rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Archaeological Museum of Spain" ;
ex:city "Madrid" ;
ex:country "Spain" .
ex:SothebysNewYork rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's New York" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:JeromeEisenberg rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jerome Eisenberg" .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici" .
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina" .
# Artifacts
ex:Artifact1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ancient Egypt" ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Times" .
ex:Artifact2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ancient Italy" ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Times" .
ex:Artifact3 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ancient Greece" ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Times" .
ex:Artifact4 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ancient Spain" ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Times" .
# Relationships
ex:JoseLuisVarezFisa ex:donates_to ex:NationalArchaeologicalMuseumSpain .
ex:JoseLuisVarezFisa ex:buys ex:Artifact1 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact2 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact3 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact4 .
ex:JoseLuisVarezFisa ex:buys_at ex:SothebysNewYork .
ex:JeromeEisenberg ex:sells_to ex:JoseLuisVarezFisa .
ex:JeromeEisenberg ex:buys ex:Artifact1 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact2 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact3 ;
ex:buys ex:Artifact4 .
ex:JeromeEisenberg ex:buys_at ex:SothebysNewYork .# Instances
ex:VibiaSabinaStatue rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "2nd century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:MFA_Boston rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Boston Museum of Fine Arts"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Boston"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:VibiaSabinaStatue .
ex:NikolasKoutoulakis rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nikolas Koutoulakis"^^xsd:string .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:NikolasKoutoulakis .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:VibiaSabinaStatue ;
ex:sells_to ex:MFA_Boston .
ex:FritzBurki rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Fritz Bürki"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht .
ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Ministry of Culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:VibiaSabinaStatue .
# Relationships
ex:MFA_Boston ex:buys ex:VibiaSabinaStatue ;
ex:donates_to ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture .
ex:RobertHecht ex:obtains_from ex:NikolasKoutoulakis ;
ex:employed_by ex:FritzBurki .
ex:VibiaSabinaStatue ex:authenticated_by ex:GiacomoMedici ;
ex:seized_by ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Romano-British"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Iron Age and Roman period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Wanborough Temple, Surrey, England"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:Metal_Detector_Users rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Metal Detector Users"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts ;
ex:buys ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Wanborough_Temple_Site .
ex:Dealers_On_Site rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dealers On Site"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Metal_Detector_Users .
ex:Treasure_Hunters rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Treasure Hunters"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts ;
ex:buys ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Wanborough_Temple_Site .
ex:Well_Wisher rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Well-Wisher"^^xsd:string ;
ex:donates_to ex:Surrey_Archaeological_Society .
# Museum
ex:Guildford_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Guildford Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Guildford"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "England"^^xsd:string .
# Organization
ex:Surrey_Archaeological_Society rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Surrey Archaeological Society"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Surrey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "England"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts .
# Government Agency
ex:UK_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "UK Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts .
# Authority
ex:UK_Police rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "UK Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts .
# Expertise Institution
ex:Coroners_Inquest rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Coroner's Inquest"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Wanborough_Temple_Artifacts .# Instances
ex:Christies_New_York rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie’s New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Marble_Relief_Panel rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Chinese"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "10th Century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Chinese Five Dynasties tomb of Wang Chuzhi"^^xsd:string .
ex:US_Customs rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Customs"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Chinese_Authorities rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Chinese Authorities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "China"^^xsd:string .
ex:MnC_Gallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "M&C Gallery"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Hong Kong"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Hong Kong"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies_New_York ex:auctions ex:Marble_Relief_Panel .
ex:MnC_Gallery ex:has_possession_of ex:Marble_Relief_Panel .
ex:Marble_Relief_Panel ex:seized_by ex:US_Customs .
ex:Marble_Relief_Panel ex:enforced_by ex:Chinese_Authorities .
ex:Marble_Relief_Panel ex:repatriated_to "China"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:WearyHerakles rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Weary Herakles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Late Antonine period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:JaleInan rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jale Inan"^^xsd:string .
ex:ShelbyWhite rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Shelby White"^^xsd:string .
ex:LeonLevy rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Leon Levy"^^xsd:string .
ex:CorneliusCVermeuleIII rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Cornelius C. Vermeule III"^^xsd:string .
ex:ThomasHoving rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Thomas Hoving"^^xsd:string .
ex:RobertPMitchell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert P Mitchell"^^xsd:string .
# Museum
ex:MuseumOfFineArts rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Fine Arts, Boston"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Boston"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:WearyHerakles .
ex:AntalyaMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Antalya Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Antalya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:WearyHerakles .
# Government Agency
ex:TurkishGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Turkish Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:WearyHerakles .
# Object Properties
ex:LeonLevy ex:donates_to ex:MuseumOfFineArts .
ex:ShelbyWhite ex:works_with ex:LeonLevy .
ex:JaleInan ex:works_with ex:TurkishGovernment .
ex:RobertPMitchell ex:employed_by ex:MuseumOfFineArts .
ex:ThomasHoving ex:authenticated_by ex:WearyHerakles .
ex:CorneliusCVermeuleIII ex:employed_by ex:MuseumOfFineArts .
ex:WearyHerakles ex:repatriated_to "Turkey"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
ex:Mexican_Shaft_Tomb_Tradition rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Mexican Shaft Tomb Tradition"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Mexican"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "300 BC to 300 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mexican"^^xsd:string .
ex:Vincent_Price rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Vincent Price"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Mexican_Shaft_Tomb_Tradition .
ex:Diego_Rivera rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Diego Rivera"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:Mexican_Shaft_Tomb_Tradition .
ex:Frieda_Kahlo rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Frieda Kahlo"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:Mexican_Shaft_Tomb_Tradition .
ex:Jules_Berman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jules Berman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Mexican_Shaft_Tomb_Tradition .
ex:Kahlua rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Kahlúa"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:Jules_Berman .
ex:Earl_Stendhal rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Earl Stendhal"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:Diego_Rivera ;
ex:sells_to ex:Frieda_Kahlo .
ex:Ralph_C_Altman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ralph C. Atlman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:Diego_Rivera ;
ex:sells_to ex:Frieda_Kahlo .
ex:Los_Angeles_Art_Market rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Los Angeles Art Market"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Los Angeles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:Mexican_Shaft_Tomb_Tradition .
ex:Stendhal_Gallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Stendhal Gallery"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Los Angeles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Mexican_Shaft_Tomb_Tradition .
ex:Altman_Gallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Altman Gallery"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Los Angeles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Mexican_Shaft_Tomb_Tradition .# Instances
ex:MezcalaFigurine rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Mezcala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Preclassic/Formative period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:Xochipala rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Xochipala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Eduardo Neri"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:WilliamNiven rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "William Niven"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:MezcalaFigurine ;
ex:buys_at ex:Xochipala ;
ex:donates_to ex:PeabodyMuseum .
ex:PeabodyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Peabody Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Cambridge"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MezcalaFigurine .
ex:PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Princeton University Art Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Princeton"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:GillettGriffin rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gillett G. Griffin"^^xsd:string ;
ex:donates_to ex:PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum ;
ex:employed_by ex:PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum .
ex:PeterWray rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter G. Wray"^^xsd:string ;
ex:donates_to ex:PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum .
ex:PeterDavidJoralemon rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter David Joralemon"^^xsd:string ;
ex:donates_to ex:PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum ;
ex:employed_by ex:LoweArtMuseum .
ex:LoweArtMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Lowe Art Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Coral Gables"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:ForrestColburn rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Forrest D. Colburn"^^xsd:string ;
ex:donates_to ex:PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum ;
ex:employed_by ex:CityUniversityOfNewYork .
ex:CityUniversityOfNewYork rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "City University of New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Artifacts
ex:Stela3 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 3" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "1920" .
ex:Stela4 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 4" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "1920" .
ex:Stela10 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 10" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "1920" .
ex:Stela12 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 12" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "1920" .
ex:FlatDish rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Flat Dish" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "1974" .
ex:VesselK8007 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Vessel K8007" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" .
# Organizations
ex:CarnegieInstitute rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Carnegie Institute" .
ex:BostonUniversity rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Boston University" .
# Person
ex:WilliamSaturno rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "William Saturno" ;
ex:employed_by ex:BostonUniversity .
# Museum
ex:MuseumOfFineArts rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Fine Arts, Boston" ;
ex:city "Boston" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:MorleyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Morley Museum at Tikal" ;
ex:city "Tikal" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
# Artifact Possession
ex:MuseumOfFineArts ex:has_possession_of ex:FlatDish .
ex:MorleyMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:VesselK8007 .
# Artifact Authentication
ex:Stela3 ex:authenticated_by ex:CarnegieInstitute .
ex:Stela4 ex:authenticated_by ex:CarnegieInstitute .
ex:Stela10 ex:authenticated_by ex:CarnegieInstitute .
ex:Stela12 ex:authenticated_by ex:CarnegieInstitute .
ex:FlatDish ex:authenticated_by ex:MuseumOfFineArts .
ex:VesselK8007 ex:authenticated_by ex:MorleyMuseum .
# Archaeological Work
ex:WilliamSaturno ex:works_with ex:CarnegieInstitute .
ex:WilliamSaturno ex:works_with ex:BostonUniversity .# Instances
ex:Xultun rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Xultun" ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
ex:Stela_3 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 3" ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:Guatemalan_Authority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Carnegie_Institute .
ex:Stela_12 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 12" ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:Guatemalan_Authority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Carnegie_Institute .
ex:Stela_10 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 10" ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:Guatemalan_Authority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Carnegie_Institute .
ex:Aurelino_Aguayo rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Aurelino Aguayo" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
ex:Sylvanus_Morley rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Sylvanus Morley" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Carnegie_Institute ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:Carl_Cuthe rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Carl Cuthe" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Carnegie_Institute ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:Eric_von_Euw rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Eric von Euw" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:Carnegie_Institute rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Carnegie Institute" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:Guatemalan_Authority rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Authority" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
# Relationships
ex:Aurelino_Aguayo ex:works_with ex:Sylvanus_Morley .
ex:Aurelino_Aguayo ex:works_with ex:Carl_Cuthe .
ex:Sylvanus_Morley ex:works_with ex:Carl_Cuthe .
ex:Sylvanus_Morley ex:authenticated_by ex:Stela_3 .
ex:Sylvanus_Morley ex:authenticated_by ex:Stela_12 .
ex:Sylvanus_Morley ex:authenticated_by ex:Stela_10 .
ex:Carl_Cuthe ex:authenticated_by ex:Stela_3 .
ex:Carl_Cuthe ex:authenticated_by ex:Stela_12 .
ex:Carl_Cuthe ex:authenticated_by ex:Stela_10 .
ex:Eric_von_Euw ex:authenticated_by ex:Xultun .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:Yeavering_Bell_Artifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Iron Age"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "first millennium BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Northumberland, UK"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:Lord_Anthony_Hill rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Lord Anthony Hill"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Yeavering_Bell_Artifacts .
# Organization
ex:Northumberland_National_Park rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Northumberland National Park"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:UK_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "UK Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string .
# Authority
ex:UK_Law_Enforcement rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "UK Law Enforcement"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string .
# Expertise Institution
ex:Archaeological_Experts rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Archaeological Experts"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string .
# Relationships
ex:Lord_Anthony_Hill ex:works_with ex:Northumberland_National_Park .
ex:Yeavering_Bell_Artifacts ex:enforced_by ex:UK_Law_Enforcement .
ex:Yeavering_Bell_Artifacts ex:authenticated_by ex:Archaeological_Experts .
ex:UK_Government ex:repatriates ex:Yeavering_Bell_Artifacts .
ex:Yeavering_Bell_Artifacts ex:repatriated_to "UK"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:ProvincesMosaic rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Provinces Mosaic"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "300 BC - 11th Century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Zeugma"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:BelkisAndTilmuseResidents rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:city "Belkis and Tilmuse"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
# Museum
ex:GaziantepMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Gaziantep Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Gaziantep"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ProvincesMosaic .
# Organization
ex:PackardHumanitiesInstitute rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Packard Humanities Institute"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:SouthEastAnatoliaProject rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "South East Anatolia Project (Güneydogῠ Anadolu Projesi – GAP)"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
# Gallery
ex:MenilCollection rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Menil Collection"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Houston"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ProvincesMosaic .
# Object Properties
ex:BelkisAndTilmuseResidents ex:buys ex:ProvincesMosaic .
ex:PackardHumanitiesInstitute ex:works_with ex:BelkisAndTilmuseResidents .
ex:SouthEastAnatoliaProject ex:repatriates ex:ProvincesMosaic .
ex:MenilCollection ex:sells_to ex:BelkisAndTilmuseResidents .
ex:BelkisAndTilmuseResidents ex:donates_to ex:GaziantepMuseum .# Instances
ex:MayaHieroglyphicPanel rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Before 1981"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:NicholasHellmuth rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nicholas Hellmuth"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:FLAAR .
ex:FLAAR rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Foundation for Latin American Anthropological Research"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseoElPrincipeMaya rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo El Príncipe Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Cobán"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MayaHieroglyphicPanel .
# Data
ex:MayaHieroglyphicPanel ex:authenticated_by ex:NicholasHellmuth ;
ex:obtains_from ex:UnknownPerson ;
ex:seized_by ex:UnknownAuthority ;
ex:repatriated_to "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:UnknownPerson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:buys ex:MayaHieroglyphicPanel ;
ex:sells_to ex:MuseoElPrincipeMaya .
ex:UnknownAuthority rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:enforced_by ex:MayaHieroglyphicPanel .# Instances and Data
# Cara Sucia
ex:CaraSucia rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Cara Sucia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Cotzumalhuapa Culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "166 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Salvadoran"^^xsd:string .
# Dr. Santiago Ignacio Barbarena
ex:DrSantiagoIgnacioBarbarena rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. Santiago Ignacio Barbarena"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:CaraSucia .
# Dr. Alberto Luna
ex:DrAlbertoLuna rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. Alberto Luna"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:CaraSucia .
# Herbert J. Spinden
ex:HerbertJSpinden rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Herbert J. Spinden"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:DrAlbertoLuna .
ex:name "National Commission for Culture and Art (CONCULTURA)"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "El Salvador"^^xsd:string .
ex:FUNDAR rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "National Foundation for Archaeology (FUNDAR)"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "El Salvador"^^xsd:string .
# Paul Amaroli
ex:PaulAmaroli rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Paul Amaroli"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:FUNDAR ;
ex:works_with ex:CONCULTURA .
# Stanley Boggs
ex:StanleyBoggs rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Stanley Boggs"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "El Salvador"^^xsd:string .
# Government of El Salvador
ex:GovernmentOfElSalvador rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of El Salvador"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "El Salvador"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:CaraSucia .
# United States
ex:UnitedStates rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "United States"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:CaraSucia .
ex:UNESCO rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "UNESCO"^^xsd:string .
# Cultural Property Implementation Act
ex:CulturalPropertyImplementationAct rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Cultural Property Implementation Act"^^xsd:string ;
ex:enforced_by ex:UnitedStates .
# Memorandum of Understanding
ex:MemorandumOfUnderstanding rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Memorandum of Understanding"^^xsd:string ;
ex:enforced_by ex:UnitedStates .# Instances
ex:MomiaDeCerroElPlomo rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Inka"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Inka Empire"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Chile"^^xsd:string .
ex:GuillermoChaconCarrasco rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Guillermo Chacón Carrasco"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Chile"^^xsd:string .
ex:LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Luis Gerardo Ríos Barrueto"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Chile"^^xsd:string .
ex:JaimeRiosAbarca rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jaime Ríos Abarca"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Chile"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Nacional de Historia Natural"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Santiago"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Chile"^^xsd:string .
ex:DrGreteMostny rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr Grete Mostny"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural .
ex:HumbertoFuenzalida rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Humberto Fuenzalida"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural .
# Object Properties
ex:GuillermoChaconCarrasco ex:works_with ex:LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto ;
ex:works_with ex:JaimeRiosAbarca ;
ex:buys ex:MomiaDeCerroElPlomo ;
ex:sells_to ex:MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural .
ex:LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto ex:works_with ex:GuillermoChaconCarrasco ;
ex:works_with ex:JaimeRiosAbarca ;
ex:buys ex:MomiaDeCerroElPlomo ;
ex:sells_to ex:MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural .
ex:JaimeRiosAbarca ex:works_with ex:GuillermoChaconCarrasco ;
ex:works_with ex:LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto ;
ex:buys ex:MomiaDeCerroElPlomo ;
ex:sells_to ex:MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural .
ex:MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural ex:has_possession_of ex:MomiaDeCerroElPlomo .
ex:DrGreteMostny ex:works_with ex:HumbertoFuenzalida .
ex:HumbertoFuenzalida ex:buys ex:MomiaDeCerroElPlomo ;
ex:works_with ex:DrGreteMostny .# Instances
ex:ItalianCarabinieri rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Carabinieri"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:ClevelandMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Cleveland Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Cleveland"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:JohnCooney rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Cooney"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:ClevelandMuseum .
ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Ministry of Culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:TimothyRub rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Timothy Rub"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:ClevelandMuseum .
ex:SuzanMazur rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Suzan Mazur"^^xsd:string .
ex:JonathanPRosen rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jonathan P. Rosen"^^xsd:string .
ex:LeoMildenberg rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Leo Mildenberg"^^xsd:string .
ex:EAlmagia rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "E. Almagia"^^xsd:string .
ex:CKeep rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "C. Keep"^^xsd:string .
ex:AriellePKozloff rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Arielle P. Kozloff"^^xsd:string .
# Artifacts
ex:RedFigureDuckAskos rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Etruscan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "350 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:SicilianPlasticVase rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "425 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Sicily"^^xsd:string .
ex:ProcessionalCross rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Italian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "14th century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:DonkeyHeadRhyton rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "475 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Greece"^^xsd:string .
ex:ApulianRedFigureLidWithBowl rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Apulian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "4th century BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "South Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:ApulianGnathiaFlatBodiedEpichysis rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Middle Gnathia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "340-320 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:ApulianGnathiaRoundBelliedEpichysis rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Middle Gnathia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "340-320 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:ApulianGnathiaLekythos rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Middle Gnathia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "340-330 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:CampanianRedFigureAcornLekythos rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Campanian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "350-320 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "South Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:CampanianBirdAskos rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Campanian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "310-280 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "South Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:ApulianVoluteKrater rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Italian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "330 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:Warrior rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Sardinian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "9th-8th century BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Sardinia"^^xsd:string .
ex:ColumnKrater rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "600-590 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Greece"^^xsd:string .
ex:BraceletPair rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Etruscan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "6th century BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
# Actions
ex:ItalianCarabinieri ex:repatriates ex:RedFigureDuckAskos ;
ex:repatriates ex:SicilianPlasticVase ;
ex:repatriates ex:ProcessionalCross ;
ex:repatriates ex:DonkeyHeadRhyton ;
ex:repatriates ex:ApulianRedFigureLidWithBowl ;
ex:repatriates ex:ApulianGnathiaFlatBodiedEpichysis ;
ex:repatriates ex:ApulianGnathiaRoundBelliedEpichysis ;
ex:repatriates ex:ApulianGnathiaLekythos ;
ex:repatriates ex:CampanianRedFigureAcornLekythos ;
ex:repatriates ex:CampanianBirdAskos ;
ex:repatriates ex:ApulianVoluteKrater ;
ex:repatriates ex:Warrior ;
ex:repatriates ex:ColumnKrater ;
ex:repatriates ex:BraceletPair .
ex:ClevelandMuseum ex:donates_to ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:RedFigureDuckAskos ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SicilianPlasticVase ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ProcessionalCross ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:DonkeyHeadRhyton ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ApulianRedFigureLidWithBowl ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ApulianGnathiaFlatBodiedEpichysis ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ApulianGnathiaRoundBelliedEpichysis ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ApulianGnathiaLekythos ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:CampanianRedFigureAcornLekythos ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:CampanianBirdAskos ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ApulianVoluteKrater ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Warrior ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ColumnKrater ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:BraceletPair .
ex:JonathanPRosen ex:donates_to ex:ClevelandMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ApulianRedFigureLidWithBowl ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ApulianGnathiaFlatBodiedEpichysis ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ApulianGnathiaRoundBelliedEpichysis ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ApulianGnathiaLekythos ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:CampanianRedFigureAcornLekythos ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:CampanianBirdAskos .
ex:LeoMildenberg ex:donates_to ex:ClevelandMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SicilianPlasticVase .
ex:EAlmagia ex:donates_to ex:ClevelandMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:BraceletPair .
ex:CKeep ex:donates_to ex:ClevelandMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:BraceletPair .# Instances
ex:Corbridge rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Corbridge"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Roman Era"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:EnglishHeritage rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "English Heritage"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:Dobinson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dobinson"^^xsd:string .
ex:Denison rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Denison"^^xsd:string .
ex:SecurityFirm rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Security Firm"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Corbridge ex:enforced_by ex:EnglishHeritage .
ex:Dobinson ex:works_with ex:Denison .
ex:EnglishHeritage ex:employed_by ex:SecurityFirm .
# Data Properties
ex:EnglishHeritage ex:city "London"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:CorinthMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of the Corinth Excavations" ;
ex:city "Corinth" ;
ex:country "Greece" .
ex:ChristiesNewYork rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's New York" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:ASCSA rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "American School of Classical Studies in Athens" .
ex:GreekArchaeologicalService rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Greek Archaeological Service" ;
ex:country "Greece" .
ex:GreekPolice rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Greek Police" ;
ex:country "Greece" .
ex:KarahaliosGang rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Karahalios Gang" .
ex:AnastasiosKarahalios rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Anastasios Karahalios" .
ex:TryfonasKarahaliosSenior rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tryfonas Karahalios Senior" .
ex:TryfonasKarahaliosJunior rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tryfonas Karahalios Junior" .
ex:IoannisLoris rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ioannis Loris" .
ex:WilmaSabala rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Wilma Sabala" ;
ex:city "Miami" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:JeromeEisenberg rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jerome Eisenberg" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:RoyalAthenaGalleries rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Royal Athena Galleries" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:FBI rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Federal Bureau of Investigation" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:GreekMinistryOfCulture rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Greek Ministry of Culture" ;
ex:country "Greece" .
# Artifacts
ex:AtticBlackFigureCups rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Ancient Greek" ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Times" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ASCSA ;
ex:seized_by ex:FBI ;
ex:repatriated_to "Greece" .
# Relationships
ex:AnastasiosKarahalios ex:works_with ex:TryfonasKarahaliosSenior ;
ex:works_with ex:TryfonasKarahaliosJunior ;
ex:works_with ex:IoannisLoris .
ex:WilmaSabala ex:sells_to ex:ChristiesNewYork ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:AtticBlackFigureCups .
ex:JeromeEisenberg ex:buys ex:AtticBlackFigureCups ;
ex:buys_at ex:ChristiesNewYork ;
ex:employed_by ex:RoyalAthenaGalleries ;
ex:donates_to ex:FBI .
ex:ChristiesNewYork ex:auctions ex:AtticBlackFigureCups .
ex:FBI ex:repatriates ex:AtticBlackFigureCups .
ex:GreekMinistryOfCulture ex:has_possession_of ex:AtticBlackFigureCups .# Instances
ex:Aymara_Textiles rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Aymara"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Pre- and post-Conquest"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Bolivia"^^xsd:string .
ex:Coroma rdf:type ex:VILLAGE ;
ex:city "Coroma"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Bolivia"^^xsd:string .
ex:Bolivian_National_Archives rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Bolivian National Archives"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Bolivia"^^xsd:string .
ex:Cristina_Bubba rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Cristina Bubba"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Bolivian_National_Archives .
ex:Steven_Berger rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Steven Berger"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Roger_Cornelius_Russell_Yorke rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Roger Cornelius Russell Yorke"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Canada"^^xsd:string .
ex:Smithsonian_Institution rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Smithsonian Institution"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Washington D.C."^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:United_States_Customs rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "United States Customs"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Royal_Canadian_Mounted_Police rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Royal Canadian Mounted Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Canada"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Cristina_Bubba ex:works_with ex:Coroma .
ex:Steven_Berger ex:has_possession_of ex:Aymara_Textiles .
ex:Roger_Cornelius_Russell_Yorke ex:has_possession_of ex:Aymara_Textiles .
ex:Smithsonian_Institution ex:has_possession_of ex:Aymara_Textiles .
ex:United_States_Customs ex:seized_by ex:Aymara_Textiles .
ex:Royal_Canadian_Mounted_Police ex:seized_by ex:Aymara_Textiles .
ex:Aymara_Textiles ex:repatriated_to "Bolivia"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:CoromaTextiles rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Coroma Textiles" ;
ex:from_culture "Bolivian" ;
ex:dates_from "Pre-1950" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Bolivian" .
# Person
ex:StephenBerger rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Stephen Berger" ;
ex:buys ex:CoromaTextiles .
ex:RogerYorke rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Roger Yorke" ;
ex:buys ex:CoromaTextiles .
# Government Agency
ex:USStateDepartmentCulturalPropertyAdvisory rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US State Department Cultural Property Advisory Committee" ;
ex:repatriates ex:CoromaTextiles .
ex:BolivianGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Bolivian Government" ;
ex:repatriates ex:CoromaTextiles .
# Organization
ex:CanadianGovernment rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Canadian Government" ;
ex:repatriates ex:CoromaTextiles .
# Actions
ex:StephenBerger ex:obtains_from ex:CoromaTextiles .
ex:RogerYorke ex:obtains_from ex:CoromaTextiles .
ex:CoromaTextiles ex:repatriated_to "Bolivia" .
ex:CoromaTextiles ex:seized_by ex:USStateDepartmentCulturalPropertyAdvisory .
ex:CoromaTextiles ex:seized_by ex:BolivianGovernment .
ex:CoromaTextiles ex:seized_by ex:CanadianGovernment .# Instances
ex:Coroma_Textiles rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Bolivian"^^xsd:string .
ex:Bolivian_Law rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:enforced_by ex:Coroma_Textiles .
ex:Coroma_Community rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Coroma_Textiles .
# Data
ex:Coroma_Textiles ex:cultural_heritage "Bolivian"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:SarmizegetusaRegia rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Sarmizegetusa Regia" ;
ex:from_culture "Dacian" ;
ex:dates_from "82 BC - 106 AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains" .
ex:ChristiesNewYork rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's New York" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:AugustinLazar rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Augustin Lazar" ;
ex:employed_by ex:AlbaIuliaCourtOfAppealsProsecutorsOffice .
ex:AlbaIuliaCourtOfAppealsProsecutorsOffice rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Alba Iulia Court of Appeal’s Prosecutor’s Office" ;
ex:country "Romania" .
ex:AdrianIorgulescu rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Adrian Iorgulescu" ;
ex:employed_by ex:MinistryOfCultureAndReligiousAffairsRomania .
ex:MinistryOfCultureAndReligiousAffairsRomania rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Ministry of Culture and Religious Affairs" ;
ex:country "Romania" .
# Object Properties
ex:ChristiesNewYork ex:auctions ex:SarmizegetusaRegia .
ex:AugustinLazar ex:repatriates ex:SarmizegetusaRegia .
ex:AdrianIorgulescu ex:repatriates ex:SarmizegetusaRegia .
# Data Properties
ex:SarmizegetusaRegia ex:enforced_by ex:AugustinLazar ;
ex:seized_by ex:AugustinLazar ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ConstantinescuEtAl ;
ex:repatriated_to "Romania" .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:Bracelets_Sarmizegetusa_Regia rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Dacian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Romanian"^^xsd:string .
# Museum
ex:Romanian_National_History_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Romanian National History Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Bucharest"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Romania"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Bracelets_Sarmizegetusa_Regia .
# Artifact details
ex:Bracelets_Sarmizegetusa_Regia ex:authenticated_by ex:Romanian_National_History_Museum ;
ex:repatriated_to "Romania"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:PhoenixAncientArt rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Phoenix Ancient Art" ;
ex:city "New York City" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:SothebysNewYork rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's New York" ;
ex:city "New York City" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:SouthArabianAlabasterStele rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "South Arabian" ;
ex:dates_from "3rd Century AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Yemen" .
ex:AdenMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Aden Museum" ;
ex:city "Aden" ;
ex:country "Yemen" .
ex:USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Immigration and Customs Enforcement" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Object Properties
ex:PhoenixAncientArt ex:has_possession_of ex:SouthArabianAlabasterStele .
ex:SothebysNewYork ex:auctions ex:SouthArabianAlabasterStele .
ex:USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement ex:seized_by ex:SouthArabianAlabasterStele .
ex:AdenMuseum ex:repatriates ex:SouthArabianAlabasterStele .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:MichaelWebbSenior rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Webb Senior" .
ex:MichaelWebbJunior rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Webb Junior" .
ex:ElizabethSheeTwohig rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. Elizabeth Shee Twohig" ;
ex:employed_by ex:UniversityCollegeCork .
# Organizations
ex:UniversityCollegeCork rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "University College Cork" ;
ex:country "Ireland" .
# Artifacts
ex:DerrynaflanHoard rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Early Irish Church" ;
ex:dates_from "Early Medieval Period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Irish" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:NationalMuseumIreland ;
ex:repatriated_to "Ireland" .
# Museum
ex:NationalMuseumIreland rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Museum of Ireland" ;
ex:city "Dublin" ;
ex:country "Ireland" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:DerrynaflanHoard .
# Government Agency
ex:IrishGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Ireland" ;
ex:country "Ireland" ;
ex:repatriates ex:DerrynaflanHoard .
# Object Properties
ex:MichaelWebbSenior ex:works_with ex:MichaelWebbJunior .
ex:MichaelWebbSenior ex:obtains_from ex:DerrynaflanHoard .
ex:MichaelWebbJunior ex:obtains_from ex:DerrynaflanHoard .
ex:MichaelWebbSenior ex:donates_to ex:NationalMuseumIreland .
ex:MichaelWebbJunior ex:donates_to ex:NationalMuseumIreland .# Instances
ex:DosCabezas rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Moche"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "AD 150 to 550"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:ChristopherDonnan rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Christopher Donnan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:UCLA .
ex:UCLA rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "UCLA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:FernandoIslaMerino rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Fernando Isla Merino"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:LocalGovernment .
ex:LocalGovernment rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Local Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:DireccionRegionalDeCultura rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Dirección Regional de Cultura"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:SteveBourget rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Steve Bourget"^^xsd:string ;
ex:donates_to ex:DosCabezas .
ex:AntonRoeckl rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Anton Roeckl"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:DosCabezas ;
ex:obtains_from ex:UnknownTraffickers .
ex:UnknownTraffickers rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Unknown Traffickers"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:DosCabezas ex:authenticated_by ex:ChristopherDonnan ;
ex:seized_by ex:DireccionRegionalDeCultura ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:ChristopherDonnan ex:works_with ex:SteveBourget .
ex:LocalGovernment ex:works_with ex:DireccionRegionalDeCultura .
ex:AntonRoeckl ex:buys_at ex:UnknownAuctionHouse .
ex:UnknownAuctionHouse rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Unknown Auction House"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:DosCabezas .
# Data Properties
ex:DosCabezas ex:enforced_by ex:DireccionRegionalDeCultura .# Instances
ex:Egypt rdf:type ex:COUNTRY ;
ex:name "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:Egyptian_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Egyptian Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Cairo"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:Tokeley_Parry_Schultz rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Tokeley-Parry/Schultz"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egyptian"^^xsd:string .
ex:Hosni_Mubarak rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Hosni Mubarak"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:Egyptian_Military rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Egyptian Military"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:Ministry_of_Antiquities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Ministry of Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:Zahi_Hawass rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Zahi Hawass"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Ministry_of_Antiquities ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Supreme Council of Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:ICOM rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "International Council of Museums"^^xsd:string .
# Relations
ex:Egyptian_Military ex:controls ex:Ministry_of_Antiquities .
ex:Zahi_Hawass ex:employed_by ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities .
ex:ICOM ex:authenticated_by ex:Tokeley_Parry_Schultz .
ex:Egyptian_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Tokeley_Parry_Schultz .
ex:Tokeley_Parry_Schultz ex:repatriated_to ex:Egypt .# Instances and Data
ex:Egyptian_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Egyptian Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Cairo"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:Archaeological_Institute_of_America rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Archaeological Institute of America"^^xsd:string .
ex:Zahi_Hawass rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Zahi Hawass"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Ministry_of_Antiquities .
ex:Ministry_of_Antiquities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Ministry of Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:University_of_Pennsylvania_Cultural_Heritage_Center rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "University of Pennsylvania's Penn Cultural Heritage Center"^^xsd:string .
ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Supreme Council of Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:International_Council_of_Museums rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "International Council of Museums"^^xsd:string .
ex:National_Museum_of_Egyptian_Civilisation rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Museum of Egyptian Civilisation"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Cairo"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
ex:Statue_of_Akhenaten rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Statue of Akhenaten"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Egypt"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:University_of_Pennsylvania_Cultural_Heritage_Center ;
ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Egyptian_Museum .
ex:Wooden_Sarcophagus rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Wooden Sarcophagus"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Egypt"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:University_of_Pennsylvania_Cultural_Heritage_Center ;
ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Egyptian_Museum .
ex:Emergency_Red_List rdf:type ex:ART_WORK ;
ex:name "Emergency Red List of Egyptian Cultural Objects at Risk"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "2012"^^xsd:string ;
ex:is_instance_of ex:ARTIFACT .
# Object Properties
ex:Zahi_Hawass ex:works_with ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities .
ex:University_of_Pennsylvania_Cultural_Heritage_Center ex:works_with ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities .
ex:International_Council_of_Museums ex:works_with ex:National_Museum_of_Egyptian_Civilisation .
ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities ex:controls ex:Emergency_Red_List .
ex:Archaeological_Institute_of_America ex:works_with ex:Egyptian_Museum .
ex:Statue_of_Akhenaten ex:seized_by ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities .
ex:Wooden_Sarcophagus ex:seized_by ex:Supreme_Council_of_Antiquities .# Instances
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string .
ex:Bonhams rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Bonhams"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string .
ex:NeilKingsbury rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Neil Kingsbury"^^xsd:string .
ex:BritishMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "British Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string .
ex:EgyptianEmbassy rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Egyptian Embassy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string .
ex:RedGraniteRelief rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "2000"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:RedGraniteRelief .
ex:NeilKingsbury ex:sells_to ex:Christies .
ex:NeilKingsbury ex:buys ex:RedGraniteRelief .
ex:NeilKingsbury ex:buys_at ex:Christies .
ex:NeilKingsbury ex:buys_at ex:Bonhams .
ex:EgyptianEmbassy ex:repatriates ex:RedGraniteRelief .
# Data Properties
ex:RedGraniteRelief ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:LeonardoPatterson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Leonardo Patterson" .
ex:OlmecFiguralCarvings rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Olmec" ;
ex:dates_from "1600-1200 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Olmec culture" ;
ex:seized_by ex:Interpol .
ex:ElManati rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Olmec" ;
ex:dates_from "1600-1200 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Olmec culture" .
ex:Interpol rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Interpol" .
ex:name "Instituto Nacional de Antropología e Historia" ;
ex:country "Mexico" .
ex:PoncianoOrtiz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ponciano Ortíz" ;
ex:employed_by ex:INAH .
ex:MariaDelCarmenRodriguez rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Maria del Carmen Rodríguez" ;
ex:employed_by ex:INAH .
# Object Properties
ex:LeonardoPatterson ex:has_possession_of ex:OlmecFiguralCarvings .
ex:OlmecFiguralCarvings ex:authenticated_by ex:INAH .
ex:ElManati ex:authenticated_by ex:INAH .
ex:PoncianoOrtiz ex:works_with ex:MariaDelCarmenRodriguez .
ex:MariaDelCarmenRodriguez ex:works_with ex:PoncianoOrtiz .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:Temple1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Temple 1" ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Late Classic Period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "El Zotz, Guatemala" .
ex:LintelTemple1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Lintel from Temple 1" ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Late Classic Period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "El Zotz, Guatemala" .
ex:VaseA rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Unprovenienced Vase A" ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Late Classic Period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "El Zotz, Guatemala" .
ex:VaseB rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Unprovenienced Vase B" ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Late Classic Period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "El Zotz, Guatemala" .
# Person
ex:MarcoAntonioBailey rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marco Antonio Bailey" .
ex:IanGraham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham" .
ex:GeorgeAndrews rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "George Andrews" .
ex:StephenHouston rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Stephen Houston" .
# Museum
ex:DenverMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Denver Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "Denver" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:MintMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Mint Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "Charlotte" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:NasherMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Nasher Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "Durham" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Government Agency
ex:ProyectoNacionalTikal rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Proyecto Nacional Tikal" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
# Object Properties
ex:Temple1 ex:authenticated_by ex:ProyectoNacionalTikal .
ex:LintelTemple1 ex:authenticated_by ex:ProyectoNacionalTikal .
ex:VaseA ex:authenticated_by ex:StephenHouston .
ex:VaseB ex:authenticated_by ex:StephenHouston .
ex:LintelTemple1 ex:repatriated_to "Guatemala" .
ex:LintelTemple1 ex:repatriates ex:DenverMuseumOfArt .
ex:VaseA ex:has_possession_of ex:MintMuseumOfArt .
ex:VaseB ex:has_possession_of ex:NasherMuseumOfArt .# Instances
ex:El_Zotz_Lintel_1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "550-650 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriated_to "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Denver_Art_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Denver Art Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Denver"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:El_Zotz_Lintel_1 .
ex:Edward_Merrin rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Edward Merrin"^^xsd:string .
ex:Merrin_Gallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Merrin Gallery"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:El_Zotz_Lintel_1 .
ex:Berry_Stark_Associates rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Berry & Stark Associates"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Denver"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Museo_Nacional_de_Arqueología_e_Etnología rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Nacional de Arqueología e Etnología"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Guatemala City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:El_Zotz_Lintel_1 .
# Relationships
ex:Edward_Merrin ex:buys ex:El_Zotz_Lintel_1 ;
ex:sells_to ex:Berry_Stark_Associates .
ex:Berry_Stark_Associates ex:buys ex:El_Zotz_Lintel_1 ;
ex:donates_to ex:Denver_Art_Museum .
ex:Denver_Art_Museum ex:repatriates ex:El_Zotz_Lintel_1 .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:Ian_Graham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:El_Zotz_Lintel_1 .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:Guatemala_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Guatemala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:El_Zotz_Lintel_1 .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:Person1 rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Person from Baqiao District 1" ;
ex:city "Xi'an" ;
ex:country "China" .
ex:Person2 rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Person from Baqiao District 2" ;
ex:city "Xi'an" ;
ex:country "China" .
ex:Person3 rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Person from Qishan County" ;
ex:city "Baoji" ;
ex:country "China" .
# Organizations
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:ChineseEmbassy rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Chinese Embassy in Washington DC" ;
ex:city "Washington DC" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Artifacts
ex:Figurine1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Western Han" ;
ex:dates_from "202 BC - 9 AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "China" .
ex:Figurine2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Western Han" ;
ex:dates_from "202 BC - 9 AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "China" .
# Object Properties
ex:Person1 ex:employed_by ex:Person2 .
ex:Person2 ex:works_with ex:Person1 .
ex:Person3 ex:buys ex:Figurine1 .
ex:Person3 ex:buys ex:Figurine2 .
ex:Person3 ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys .
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:Figurine1 .
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:Figurine2 .
ex:Sothebys ex:has_possession_of ex:Figurine1 .
ex:Sothebys ex:has_possession_of ex:Figurine2 .
ex:ChineseEmbassy ex:works_with ex:Sothebys .
ex:Sothebys ex:repatriates ex:Figurine1 .
ex:Sothebys ex:repatriates ex:Figurine2 .# Instances
ex:EuphroniosKrater1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Etruscan" ;
ex:dates_from "1971" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:ItalianAuthority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Etruscan" ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy" .
ex:EuphroniosKrater2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Etruscan" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:ItalianAuthority ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Etruscan" ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy" .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:EuphroniosKrater1 ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:EuphroniosKrater2 .
ex:Sarrafian rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Sarrafian" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:EuphroniosKrater2 .
ex:BunkerHunt rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Bunker Hunt" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:EuphroniosKrater2 .
ex:Hecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht" ;
ex:buys ex:EuphroniosKrater1 ;
ex:buys ex:EuphroniosKrater2 ;
ex:sells_to ex:MetropolitanMuseum ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Medici .
ex:Levy rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Leon Levy" ;
ex:buys ex:EuphroniosKrater2 ;
ex:donates_to ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:White rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Shelby White" ;
ex:buys ex:EuphroniosKrater2 ;
ex:donates_to ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:Medici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici" ;
ex:sells_to ex:Hecht .
ex:ItalianAuthority rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Italian Authority" ;
ex:seized_by ex:EuphroniosKrater1 ;
ex:seized_by ex:EuphroniosKrater2 .
ex:VillaGiulia rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Villa Giulia" ;
ex:city "Rome" ;
ex:country "Italy" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:EuphroniosKrater1 ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:EuphroniosKrater2 .# Instances and Data
ex:EuphroniosKrater rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Euphronios (Sarpedon) krater"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "515 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greek"^^xsd:string .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:EuphroniosKrater .
ex:Italy rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:EuphroniosKrater .
ex:ThomasHoving rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Thomas Hoving"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:DietrichVonBothmer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dietrich von Bothmer"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:TheodoreRousseau rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Theodore Rousseau"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:MetropolitanMuseum ;
ex:buys ex:EuphroniosKrater .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:RobertHecht ;
ex:buys ex:EuphroniosKrater .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:EuphroniosKrater .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum ex:buys ex:EuphroniosKrater ;
ex:buys_at ex:Sothebys .
ex:RobertHecht ex:obtains_from ex:GiacomoMedici .
ex:EuphroniosKrater ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
ex:Hecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Hecht" .
ex:Sarrafian rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dikran Sarrafian" .
ex:Metropolitan rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Krater rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek" ;
ex:dates_from "Classical period" .
ex:Newman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Muriel Newman" .
ex:Hoving rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Thomas Hoving" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Metropolitan .
# Object Properties
ex:Hecht ex:works_with ex:Sarrafian ;
ex:sells_to ex:Metropolitan ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Krater .
ex:Sarrafian ex:buys ex:Krater ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Krater ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Hecht .
ex:Metropolitan ex:buys ex:Krater ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Krater .
ex:Newman ex:works_with ex:Sarrafian ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Krater .
ex:Hoving ex:employed_by ex:Metropolitan ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Krater .# Instances
ex:SilverHoardEverbeek rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "third century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Flanders"^^xsd:string .
ex:ProvincialArchaeologicalMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Provincial Archaeological Museum at Velzeke"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Velzeke"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Belgium"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SilverHoardEverbeek .
ex:Finder rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SilverHoardEverbeek ;
ex:obtains_from ex:SilverHoardEverbeek ;
ex:donates_to ex:ProvincialArchaeologicalMuseum .
ex:ProvincialGalloRomanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Provincial Gallo-Roman Museum in Tongeren"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Tongeren"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Belgium"^^xsd:string .
ex:FlandersHeritageAgency rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Flanders Heritage Agency"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Belgium"^^xsd:string .
# Relations
ex:Finder ex:works_with ex:ProvincialGalloRomanMuseum .
ex:Finder ex:works_with ex:ProvincialArchaeologicalMuseum .
ex:ProvincialArchaeologicalMuseum ex:buys ex:SilverHoardEverbeek .
ex:SilverHoardEverbeek ex:enforced_by ex:FlandersHeritageAgency .# Instances
ex:FanoBronze rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Fano Bronze"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "300-100 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greek"^^xsd:string .
ex:GettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Los Angeles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:FanoBronze .
ex:GiacomoBarbetti rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Barbetti"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:FanoBronze ;
ex:sells_to ex:ArtemisConsortium .
ex:GiovanniNagni rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giovanni Nagni"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:GiacomoBarbetti .
ex:ArtemisConsortium rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Artemis Consortium"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:FanoBronze ;
ex:sells_to ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:HeinzHerzer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Heinz Herzer"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:ArtemisConsortium ;
ex:buys ex:FanoBronze ;
ex:sells_to ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:BernardAshmole rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Bernard Ashmole"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:BritishMuseum .
ex:BritishMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "British Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string .
ex:ItalianGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:FanoBronze .
# Object Properties
ex:GettyMuseum ex:buys ex:FanoBronze .
ex:GiacomoBarbetti ex:obtains_from ex:FanoFishermen .
ex:ArtemisConsortium ex:buys ex:FanoBronze .
ex:HeinzHerzer ex:works_with ex:BernardAshmole .
ex:BernardAshmole ex:works_with ex:JPaulGetty .
ex:GettyMuseum ex:buys ex:FanoBronze .
ex:ItalianGovernment ex:repatriates ex:FanoBronze .
# Data Properties
ex:FanoBronze ex:authenticated_by ex:BernardAshmole .
ex:FanoBronze ex:seized_by ex:ItalianGovernment .# Instances and Data
# The Haisla First Nation
ex:Haisla_First_Nation rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Haisla First Nation" ;
ex:country "Canada" .
# The G'psgolox Totem Pole
ex:Gpsgolox_Totem_Pole rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Haisla" ;
ex:dates_from "1872" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Haisla First Nation" ;
ex:repatriated_to "Canada" .
# Chief G'psgolox
ex:Chief_Gpsgolox rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Chief G'psgolox" ;
ex:controls ex:Gpsgolox_Totem_Pole .
# The carvers of the totem pole
ex:Humdzeed rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Humdzeed" ;
ex:works_with ex:Wakas .
ex:Wakas rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Wakas" ;
ex:works_with ex:Humdzeed .
# Olof Hansson
ex:Olof_Hansson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Olof Hansson" ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Gpsgolox_Totem_Pole .
# The Museum of Ethnography in Sweden
ex:Museum_of_Ethnography_Sweden rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Ethnography, Sweden" ;
ex:country "Sweden" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Gpsgolox_Totem_Pole .
# The Canadian Department of Indian Affairs
ex:Canadian_Department_of_Indian_Affairs rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Canadian Department of Indian Affairs" ;
ex:country "Canada" .
# Louisa Smith
ex:Louisa_Smith rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Louisa Smith" ;
ex:spouse_of ex:Chief_Gpsgolox .
# Henry Robertson
ex:Henry_Robertson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Henry Robertson" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Haisla_First_Nation .# Instances
ex:Gustafsson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gustafsson"^^xsd:string .
ex:Carvers rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Carvers"^^xsd:string .
ex:Sweden rdf:type ex:COUNTRY ;
ex:name "Sweden"^^xsd:string .
ex:Canada rdf:type ex:COUNTRY ;
ex:name "Canada"^^xsd:string .
ex:Haisla rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Haisla"^^xsd:string .
ex:Museum_of_Ethnography rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Ethnography"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Stockholm"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Sweden"^^xsd:string .
ex:Kitimaat_Village rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Kitimaat Village"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Canada"^^xsd:string .
ex:Totem_Pole rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "First Nations"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "First Nations"^^xsd:string .
ex:Replica_Pole rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "First Nations"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "First Nations"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Carvers ex:works_with ex:Gustafsson .
ex:Carvers ex:has_possession_of ex:Replica_Pole .
ex:Museum_of_Ethnography ex:has_possession_of ex:Replica_Pole .
ex:Haisla ex:repatriates ex:Totem_Pole .
ex:Totem_Pole ex:repatriated_to ex:Canada .
ex:Totem_Pole ex:authenticated_by ex:Haisla .
ex:Replica_Pole ex:authenticated_by ex:Haisla .# Instances
ex:GarlandSarcophagus rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "AD 180"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
ex:EdipTelli rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Edip Telli"^^xsd:string .
ex:DamonMezzacappa rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Damon Mezzacappa"^^xsd:string .
ex:BrooklynMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Brooklyn Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Brooklyn"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:AmericanTurkishSociety rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "American-Turkish Society"^^xsd:string .
ex:IstanbulArchaeologyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Istanbul Archaeology Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Istanbul"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
ex:AntalyaMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Antalya Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Antalya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:EdipTelli ex:sells_to ex:DamonMezzacappa .
ex:DamonMezzacappa ex:buys ex:GarlandSarcophagus ;
ex:donates_to ex:AmericanTurkishSociety .
ex:AmericanTurkishSociety ex:has_possession_of ex:GarlandSarcophagus .
ex:BrooklynMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:GarlandSarcophagus .
ex:IstanbulArchaeologyMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:GarlandSarcophagus .
ex:AntalyaMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:GarlandSarcophagus .# Instances
ex:GEMound rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "GE Mound" ;
ex:from_culture "Hopewell" ;
ex:dates_from "First Century AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Hopewell society" .
ex:MountVernonSite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Mount Vernon Site" ;
ex:from_culture "Hopewell" ;
ex:dates_from "First Century AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Hopewell society" .
ex:GeneralElectric rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "General Electric" .
ex:BoydBrothers rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Boyd Brothers" .
ex:CurtisTomak rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Curtis Tomak" ;
ex:employed_by ex:GeneralElectric .
ex:KirbyWilson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Kirby Wilson" .
ex:JohnWilliamWay rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John William Way" ;
ex:buys ex:GEMound ;
ex:obtains_from ex:BoydBrothers .
ex:JohnDTowery rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John D. Towery" ;
ex:buys ex:GEMound ;
ex:obtains_from ex:JohnWilliamWay .
ex:DannyGGlover rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Danny G. Glover" ;
ex:buys ex:GEMound ;
ex:obtains_from ex:JohnWilliamWay .
ex:ArthurJGerber rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Arthur J. Gerber" ;
ex:buys ex:GEMound ;
ex:obtains_from ex:JohnWilliamWay .
# Object Properties
ex:GEMound ex:enforced_by ex:GeneralElectric ;
ex:seized_by ex:CurtisTomak ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:CurtisTomak .
ex:MountVernonSite ex:enforced_by ex:GeneralElectric ;
ex:seized_by ex:CurtisTomak ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:CurtisTomak .
ex:KirbyWilson ex:works_with ex:JohnWilliamWay ;
ex:works_with ex:JohnDTowery ;
ex:works_with ex:DannyGGlover ;
ex:works_with ex:ArthurJGerber .
ex:JohnWilliamWay ex:works_with ex:KirbyWilson ;
ex:works_with ex:JohnDTowery ;
ex:works_with ex:DannyGGlover ;
ex:works_with ex:ArthurJGerber .
ex:JohnDTowery ex:works_with ex:KirbyWilson ;
ex:works_with ex:JohnWilliamWay ;
ex:works_with ex:DannyGGlover ;
ex:works_with ex:ArthurJGerber .
ex:DannyGGlover ex:works_with ex:KirbyWilson ;
ex:works_with ex:JohnWilliamWay ;
ex:works_with ex:JohnDTowery ;
ex:works_with ex:ArthurJGerber .
ex:ArthurJGerber ex:works_with ex:KirbyWilson ;
ex:works_with ex:JohnWilliamWay ;
ex:works_with ex:JohnDTowery ;
ex:works_with ex:DannyGGlover .# Instances and Data
ex:Gerber rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gerber"^^xsd:string .
ex:Hanson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Randall R. Hanson"^^xsd:string .
ex:Seeman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mark Seeman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Indiana_Department_of_Natural_Resources .
ex:Indiana_Department_of_Natural_Resources rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Indiana Department of Natural Resources"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:GE_Mound_Artifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Hopewell"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Seeman ;
ex:seized_by ex:Indiana_Department_of_Natural_Resources .
ex:US_Court_of_Appeals rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US Court of Appeals"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:US_Supreme_Court rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US Supreme Court"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
# Relationships
ex:Gerber ex:has_possession_of ex:GE_Mound_Artifacts ;
ex:works_with ex:Hanson ;
ex:controlled_by ex:US_Court_of_Appeals ;
ex:controlled_by ex:US_Supreme_Court .
ex:Hanson ex:has_possession_of ex:GE_Mound_Artifacts ;
ex:works_with ex:Gerber ;
ex:controlled_by ex:US_Court_of_Appeals .
ex:Seeman ex:works_with ex:Indiana_Department_of_Natural_Resources .
ex:Indiana_Department_of_Natural_Resources ex:repatriates ex:GE_Mound_Artifacts .# Instances
ex:Getty_Aphrodite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Getty Aphrodite" ;
ex:from_culture "Greek" ;
ex:dates_from "425–400 BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greek" .
ex:J_Paul_Getty_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum" ;
ex:city "Los Angeles" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Orazio_di_Simone rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Orazio di Simone" .
ex:Robin_Symes rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robin Symes" .
ex:Renzo_Canavesi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Renzo Canavesi" .
ex:Morgantina rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Morgantina" ;
ex:from_culture "Greek" ;
ex:dates_from "5th-1st century BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greek" .
ex:Italy rdf:type ex:COUNTRY ;
ex:name "Italy" .
ex:Giuseppe_Mascara rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giuseppe Mascara" .
ex:Museum_of_Aidone rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Aidone" ;
ex:city "Aidone" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
# Object Properties
ex:J_Paul_Getty_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Getty_Aphrodite .
ex:Orazio_di_Simone ex:has_possession_of ex:Getty_Aphrodite .
ex:Robin_Symes ex:buys ex:Getty_Aphrodite ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Renzo_Canavesi .
ex:Renzo_Canavesi ex:has_possession_of ex:Getty_Aphrodite .
ex:J_Paul_Getty_Museum ex:buys ex:Getty_Aphrodite ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Robin_Symes .
ex:Italy ex:repatriates ex:Getty_Aphrodite .
ex:Museum_of_Aidone ex:has_possession_of ex:Getty_Aphrodite .# Instances and Data
# The Getty kouros
ex:GettyKouros rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Getty Kouros"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Sixth-century BC or modern"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greek"^^xsd:string .
# The J. Paul Getty Museum
ex:JPaulGettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Los Angeles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GettyKouros .
# Gianfranco Becchina
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:JPaulGettyMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GettyKouros .
# Jiri Frel
ex:JiriFrel rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jiri Frel"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:JPaulGettyMuseum ;
ex:buys ex:GettyKouros ;
ex:obtains_from ex:GianfrancoBecchina .
# Jean Lauffenberger
ex:JeanLauffenberger rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jean Lauffenberger"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GettyKouros .
# Marion True
ex:MarionTrue rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marion True"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:JPaulGettyMuseum .
# Jeffrey Spier
ex:JeffreySpier rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jeffrey Spier"^^xsd:string .
# Fernando Onore
ex:FernandoOnore rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Fernando Onore"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:GianfrancoBecchina .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:GettyKouros ex:authenticated_by ex:JiriFrel ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:MarionTrue ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:JeffreySpier .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:GettyKouros ex:seized_by ex:JPaulGettyMuseum .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:GettyKouros ex:repatriated_to "Greece"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
# Auction House
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby’s London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
# Artifact
ex:Sarcophagus rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Italian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italian"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:Medici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Medici"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Rome"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
# Organization
ex:EditionsServices rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Editions Services"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:Carabinieri rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Carabinieri"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:Sarcophagus ;
ex:sells_to ex:Medici .
ex:Medici ex:buys ex:Sarcophagus ;
ex:buys_at ex:Sothebys ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Sarcophagus ;
ex:employed_by ex:EditionsServices ;
ex:controls ex:EditionsServices .
ex:EditionsServices ex:has_possession_of ex:Sarcophagus .
ex:Carabinieri ex:seized_by ex:Sarcophagus ;
ex:repatriates ex:Sarcophagus .
# Repatriation
ex:Sarcophagus ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:ChristianBoursaud rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Christian Boursaud"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Switzerland"^^xsd:string .
ex:AntiquariaRomana rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Antiquaria Romana"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Rome"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:HydraGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Hydra Gallery"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Geneva"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Switzerland"^^xsd:string .
ex:SothebysLondon rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string .
ex:EuphroniosKrater rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classical period"^^xsd:string .
ex:OnesimosKylix rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classical period"^^xsd:string .
ex:GettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Los Angeles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:GiacomoMedici ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht ;
ex:works_with ex:ChristianBoursaud ;
ex:buys ex:EuphroniosKrater ;
ex:sells_to ex:RobertHecht ;
ex:employed_by ex:AntiquariaRomana ;
ex:employed_by ex:HydraGallery ;
ex:buys_at ex:SothebysLondon .
ex:ChristianBoursaud ex:works_with ex:GiacomoMedici ;
ex:sells_to ex:SothebysLondon ;
ex:employed_by ex:HydraGallery .
ex:RobertHecht ex:buys_from ex:GiacomoMedici .
ex:AntiquariaRomana ex:has_possession_of ex:EuphroniosKrater .
ex:HydraGallery ex:sells_to ex:GettyMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:OnesimosKylix .
ex:GettyMuseum ex:buys ex:OnesimosKylix .
ex:SothebysLondon ex:auctions ex:EuphroniosKrater ;
ex:auctions ex:OnesimosKylix .# Instances and Data
# Person
ex:Medici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Medici" .
ex:Marion_True rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marion True" .
ex:Robert_Hecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht" .
# Organization
ex:Italian_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Government" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
# Artifact
ex:Medici_Artefacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Italian" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italy" .
# Relationships
ex:Medici ex:has_possession_of ex:Medici_Artefacts .
ex:Italian_Government ex:repatriates ex:Medici_Artefacts .
# Prosecution
ex:Medici ex:works_with ex:Marion_True ;
ex:works_with ex:Robert_Hecht .
ex:Marion_True ex:employed_by ex:Italian_Government ;
ex:controls ex:Medici .
ex:Robert_Hecht ex:employed_by ex:Italian_Government ;
ex:controls ex:Medici .# Instances
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:Ashmolean rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Ashmolean"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:Louvre rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Louvre"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:BostonMuseumOfFineArts rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Boston Museum of Fine Arts"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Princeton University Art Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Toledo Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:JPaulGettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:GeorgeOrtiz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "George Ortiz"^^xsd:string .
ex:LeonLevy rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Leon Levy"^^xsd:string .
ex:ShelbyWhite rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Shelby White"^^xsd:string .
ex:MerrinGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Merrin Gallery"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:NoriyoshiHoriuchi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Noriyoshi Horiuchi"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Japan"^^xsd:string .
ex:DietrichVonBothmer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dietrich von Bothmer"^^xsd:string .
ex:MarioBruno rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mario Bruno"^^xsd:string .
ex:ElieBorowsky rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Elie Borowsky"^^xsd:string .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:AnnaSpinello rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Anna Spinello"^^xsd:string .
ex:Carabinieri rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Carabinieri"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:PasqaleCamera rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Pasqale Camera"^^xsd:string .
ex:PaestanRedFigureKrater rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Paestan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Greece"^^xsd:string .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string .
ex:RaffaeleMonticelli rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Raffaele Monticelli"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:RosieBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rosie Becchina"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Switzerland"^^xsd:string .
ex:AntikeKunstPalladion rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Antike Kunst Palladion"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Switzerland"^^xsd:string .
ex:BaselFreeport rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Basel Freeport"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Switzerland"^^xsd:string .
ex:USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Immigration and Customs Enforcement"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:AtticRedFiguredSitula rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Attic"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Greece"^^xsd:string .
ex:AtticRedFiguredPelike rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Attic"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Greece"^^xsd:string .
ex:MarbleJaniformHead rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient Rome"^^xsd:string .
ex:BeverlyHillsGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Beverly Hills Gallery"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
# Relationships
ex:GianfrancoBecchina ex:sells_to ex:Ashmolean ;
ex:sells_to ex:Louvre ;
ex:sells_to ex:BostonMuseumOfFineArts ;
ex:sells_to ex:MetropolitanMuseum ;
ex:sells_to ex:PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum ;
ex:sells_to ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt ;
ex:sells_to ex:JPaulGettyMuseum ;
ex:sells_to ex:GeorgeOrtiz ;
ex:sells_to ex:LeonLevy ;
ex:sells_to ex:ShelbyWhite ;
ex:sells_to ex:MerrinGallery ;
ex:sells_to ex:NoriyoshiHoriuchi ;
ex:sells_to ex:DietrichVonBothmer ;
ex:works_with ex:MarioBruno ;
ex:works_with ex:ElieBorowsky ;
ex:buys_at ex:Sothebys ;
ex:buys_at ex:Christies ;
ex:controls ex:AntikeKunstPalladion ;
ex:spouse_of ex:RosieBecchina .
ex:JPaulGettyMuseum ex:buys ex:PaestanRedFigureKrater ;
ex:donates_to ex:Italy .
ex:ToledoMuseumOfArt ex:donates_to ex:Italy .
ex:USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement ex:seized_by ex:AtticRedFiguredSitula ;
ex:seized_by ex:AtticRedFiguredPelike ;
ex:seized_by ex:MarbleJaniformHead .
ex:BeverlyHillsGallery ex:has_possession_of ex:AtticRedFiguredSitula ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:AtticRedFiguredPelike .
ex:Carabinieri ex:repatriates ex:PaestanRedFigureKrater ;
ex:repatriates ex:AtticRedFiguredSitula ;
ex:repatriates ex:AtticRedFiguredPelike ;
ex:repatriates ex:MarbleJaniformHead .
ex:PaestanRedFigureKrater ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italian"^^xsd:string .
ex:AtticRedFiguredSitula ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greek"^^xsd:string .
ex:AtticRedFiguredPelike ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greek"^^xsd:string .
ex:MarbleJaniformHead ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Roman"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:GoldenHorns rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Golden Horns of Gallehus"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Bronze Age"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "5th Century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Denmark"^^xsd:string .
ex:Heidenreich rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Niels Heidenreich"^^xsd:string .
ex:Kunstkammer rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Kunstkammer"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Copenhagen"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Denmark"^^xsd:string .
ex:NationalMuseumDenmark rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Museum of Denmark"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Copenhagen"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Denmark"^^xsd:string .
ex:RoyalJellingMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Royal Jelling Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Denmark"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Heidenreich ex:has_possession_of ex:GoldenHorns .
ex:Kunstkammer ex:has_possession_of ex:GoldenHorns .
ex:Heidenreich ex:obtains_from ex:Kunstkammer .
ex:NationalMuseumDenmark ex:has_possession_of ex:GoldenHorns .
ex:RoyalJellingMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:GoldenHorns .# Instances
ex:GrolierCodex rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Grolier Codex"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "AD 1230 ± 130"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Maya"^^xsd:string .
ex:Saenz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. Josué Saenz"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:GrolierCodex ;
ex:obtains_from ex:UnnamedPerson .
ex:UnnamedPerson rdf:type ex:PERSON .
ex:MichaelCoe rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Coe"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:Saenz .
ex:MuseoNacional rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Nacional de Antropología"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Mexico City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GrolierCodex .
ex:GrolierClub rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Grolier Club"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:MexicanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Mexican Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:GrolierCodex .
# Relationships
ex:Saenz ex:donates_to ex:MuseoNacional .
ex:MichaelCoe ex:employed_by ex:GrolierClub .
ex:GrolierCodex ex:authenticated_by ex:ExpertInstitution ;
ex:seized_by ex:MexicanGovernment .
ex:ExpertInstitution rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION .
# Note: The text does not provide enough information to create instances for the "AUTHORITY" class or the "enforced_by" property.# Instances
ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "HMS Duke of Albany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "British"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1916"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "British Military Heritage"^^xsd:string .
ex:Duncan_Keates rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Duncan Keates"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Leicestershire"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany ;
ex:buys ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany .
ex:MDP rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Ministry of Defence Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany .
ex:Kirkwall_Sheriff_Court rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Kirkwall Sheriff Court"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string ;
ex:enforced_by ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany .
ex:Protection_of_Military_Remains_Act_1986 rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Protection of Military Remains Act 1986"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany .
# Relationships
ex:Duncan_Keates ex:obtains_from ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany .
ex:MDP ex:seized_by ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany .
ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany ex:repatriated_to "UK"^^xsd:string .
ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany ex:authenticated_by ex:Protection_of_Military_Remains_Act_1986 .
ex:HMS_Duke_of_Albany ex:enforced_by ex:Kirkwall_Sheriff_Court .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:CaptainTrang rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Captain Trang" .
ex:DrTrinhCaoTuong rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr Trinh Cao Tuong" ;
ex:employed_by ex:VietnameseInstituteOfArchaeology .
ex:OngSooHin rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ong Soo Hin" ;
ex:controls ex:SagaHorizon .
ex:MensunBound rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mensun Bound" ;
ex:employed_by ex:OxfordUniversity .
# Organizations
ex:VietnameseInstituteOfArchaeology rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Vietnamese Institute of Archaeology" ;
ex:country "Vietnam" .
ex:SagaHorizon rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Saga Horizon" ;
ex:country "Singapore" .
ex:OxfordUniversity rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Oxford University" ;
ex:country "United Kingdom" .
# Government Agencies
ex:VietnameseSalvageAgency rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Vietnamese Salvage Agency" ;
ex:country "Vietnam" .
ex:VietnameseMinistryOfCulture rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Vietnamese Ministry of Culture" ;
ex:country "Vietnam" .
# Auction Houses
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "United Kingdom" .
ex:Butterfields rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Butterfields" ;
ex:city "San Francisco" ;
ex:country "United States" .
# Artifacts
ex:HoiAnShipwreck rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Vietnamese" ;
ex:dates_from "1430-1480" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Vietnamese" .
# Actions
ex:SagaHorizon ex:auctions ex:HoiAnShipwreck .
ex:OngSooHin ex:buys ex:HoiAnShipwreck .
ex:OngSooHin ex:sells_to ex:Butterfields .
ex:Butterfields ex:auctions ex:HoiAnShipwreck .
ex:CaptainTrang ex:has_possession_of ex:HoiAnShipwreck .
ex:DrTrinhCaoTuong ex:works_with ex:VietnameseMinistryOfCulture .
ex:OngSooHin ex:works_with ex:VietnameseSalvageAgency .
ex:MensunBound ex:works_with ex:SagaHorizon .
ex:HoiAnShipwreck ex:authenticated_by ex:OxfordUniversity .
ex:VietnameseMinistryOfCulture ex:repatriates ex:HoiAnShipwreck .# Instances and Data
# Person
ex:Ong rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ong"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Perth"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Australia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:HoiAnWreck ;
ex:sells_to ex:Butterfields .
# Artifact
ex:HoiAnWreck rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Thai"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "15th to 19th century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "South-East Asian trading port"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Bound .
# AuctionHouse
ex:Butterfields rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Butterfields"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:HoiAnWreck .
# Person
ex:Bound rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Bound"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:Ong ;
ex:employed_by ex:Butterfields .
# ExpertiseInstitution
ex:Bound rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Bound"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:HoiAnWreck .
# Artifact
ex:SouthChinaSeaTradition rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "South-East Asian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "250 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "South China Sea Tradition"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Flecker .
# Person
ex:Flecker rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Flecker"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:Bound ;
ex:employed_by ex:UNESCO .
# Organization
ex:UNESCO rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "UNESCO"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:Flecker .
# GovernmentAgency
ex:VietnamGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Vietnam Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Vietnam"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:HoiAnWreck .
# Authority
ex:UNESCOConvention rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "UNESCO Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage 2001"^^xsd:string ;
ex:enforced_by ex:HoiAnWreck ;
ex:seized_by ex:HoiAnWreck .# Instances
ex:HuacaMalena rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Huaca Malena"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Wari"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "700-1100 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:JulioTello rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Julio Tello"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:ToribaMejiaXesspe rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Toriba Mejia Xesspe"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:RommelAngelesFalcon rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rommel Angeles Falcon"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:AdoptATextile rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Adopt-a-Textile"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:HuacaMalenaMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Huaca Malena Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Asia Valley"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:RommelAngelesFalcon ex:works_with ex:JulioTello ;
ex:works_with ex:ToribaMejiaXesspe ;
ex:employed_by ex:HuacaMalenaMuseum ;
ex:works_with ex:AdoptATextile .
ex:AdoptATextile ex:has_possession_of ex:HuacaMalena .
ex:HuacaMalenaMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:HuacaMalena .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:SevsoTreasure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Sevso Treasure"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Late Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "4th Century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Hungary"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:JozsefSumegh rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "József Sümegh"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Hungary"^^xsd:string .
ex:MarquessOfNorthampton rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marquess of Northampton"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
ex:PeterWilson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Wilson"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
# Organization
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Sotheby's"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:HungarianNationalMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Hungarian National Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Hungary"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:JozsefSumegh ex:has_possession_of ex:SevsoTreasure .
ex:MarquessOfNorthampton ex:buys ex:SevsoTreasure .
ex:PeterWilson ex:works_with ex:MarquessOfNorthampton .
ex:PeterWilson ex:employed_by ex:Sothebys .
ex:HungarianNationalMuseum ex:repatriates ex:SevsoTreasure .
# Data Properties
ex:SevsoTreasure ex:authenticated_by "Archaeological and Historical Evidence"^^xsd:string .
ex:SevsoTreasure ex:seized_by "Hungarian Police"^^xsd:string .
ex:SevsoTreasure ex:repatriated_to "Hungary"^^xsd:string .# Instances and data from the text
# Persons
ex:SezaiPortakalci rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Sezai Portakalci"^^xsd:string .
ex:JoelMalter rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Joel Malter"^^xsd:string .
ex:USAFMajor rdf:type ex:PERSON .
# Organizations
ex:IncirlikAirBase rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Incirlik Air Base"^^xsd:string .
ex:MalterGalleries rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Malter Galleries"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Encino"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agencies
ex:USCustoms rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Customs"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:TurkishPolice rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Turkish Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
# Artifact
ex:TurkishArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Turkish"^^xsd:string .
# Relationships
ex:SezaiPortakalci ex:employed_by ex:IncirlikAirBase ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:TurkishArtifacts ;
ex:sells_to ex:JoelMalter .
ex:JoelMalter ex:buys ex:TurkishArtifacts ;
ex:works_with ex:SezaiPortakalci .
ex:USAFMajor ex:employed_by ex:IncirlikAirBase .
ex:USCustoms ex:works_with ex:TurkishPolice .
ex:TurkishArtifacts ex:seized_by ex:USCustoms ;
ex:seized_by ex:TurkishPolice .# Instances
ex:Stela5 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "AD 800"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:Ixkun rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Preclassic to Postclassic periods"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:RabbitGodK rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rabbit God K"^^xsd:string .
ex:AtlasArqueologico rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Atlas Arqueológico de Guatemala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseoNacional rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:AlfredMaudslay rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Alfred Maudslay"^^xsd:string .
ex:IanGraham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham"^^xsd:string .
ex:EusebioLara rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Eusebio Lara"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Stela5 ex:authenticated_by ex:AtlasArqueologico .
ex:Stela5 ex:has_possession_of ex:MuseoNacional .
ex:Stela5 ex:seized_by ex:AtlasArqueologico .
ex:RabbitGodK ex:controls ex:Stela5 .
ex:AlfredMaudslay ex:works_with ex:Ixkun .
ex:IanGraham ex:works_with ex:Stela5 .
ex:EusebioLara ex:works_with ex:Stela5 .# Instances and Data
# The J. Paul Getty Museum
ex:GettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum" ;
ex:city "Los Angeles" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Italy
ex:Italy rdf:type ex:COUNTRY ;
ex:name "Italy" .
# Artifacts
ex:Kylix rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek" ;
ex:dates_from "5th century BC" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greek" .
ex:MithraStatue rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "2nd century AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Roman" .
ex:DiadoumenosHead rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek" ;
ex:dates_from "2nd century AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greek" .
# Repatriation
ex:Italy ex:repatriates ex:Kylix, ex:MithraStatue, ex:DiadoumenosHead .
# Persons
ex:FriedaTchacos rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Frieda Tchacos" ;
ex:city "Zurich" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:NinoSavoca rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nino Savoca" ;
ex:city "Munich" ;
ex:country "Germany" .
ex:ChristianBoursaud rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Christian Boursaud" ;
ex:city "Geneva" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici" ;
ex:city "Geneva" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:DietrichVonBothmer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dietrich von Bothmer" .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht" .
ex:DyfriWilliams rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dyfri Williams" .
ex:MariaRizzo rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Maria Rizzo" ;
ex:city "Viterbo" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
ex:MarionTrue rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marion True" ;
ex:employed_by ex:GettyMuseum .
# Organizations
ex:GalerieNefer rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Galerie Nefer" ;
ex:city "Zurich" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:HydraGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Hydra Gallery" ;
ex:city "Geneva" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:BritishMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "British Museum" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:ViterboUniversity rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Viterbo University" ;
ex:city "Viterbo" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
# Transactions
ex:GettyMuseum ex:buys ex:Kylix, ex:MithraStatue, ex:DiadoumenosHead .
ex:FriedaTchacos ex:sells_to ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:NinoSavoca ex:sells_to ex:FriedaTchacos .
ex:ChristianBoursaud ex:sells_to ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:GiacomoMedici ex:sells_to ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:DietrichVonBothmer ex:donates_to ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:RobertHecht ex:sells_to ex:DietrichVonBothmer .
ex:GiacomoMedici ex:obtains_from ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:MarionTrue ex:works_with ex:MariaRizzo .# Instances and Data
# The J. Paul Getty Museum
ex:GettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
# The Italian Ministry of Culture
ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Ministry of Culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
# The three artifacts
ex:PaestanKrater rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classical period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:StoneStela rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Classical period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:EtruscanCandelabrum rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Etruscan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Etruscan period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italy"^^xsd:string .
# The people involved
ex:PasqualeCamera rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Pasquale Camera"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:JonathanRosen rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jonathan Rosen"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:MarionTrue rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marion True"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
# The organizations involved
ex:AtlantisAntiquities rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Atlantis Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
# The repatriation
ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture ex:repatriates ex:PaestanKrater .
ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture ex:repatriates ex:StoneStela .
ex:ItalianMinistryOfCulture ex:repatriates ex:EtruscanCandelabrum .
# The possession
ex:GettyMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:PaestanKrater .
ex:GettyMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:StoneStela .
ex:GettyMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:EtruscanCandelabrum .
# The sales
ex:GianfrancoBecchina ex:sells_to ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:AtlantisAntiquities ex:sells_to ex:GettyMuseum .
# The working relationships
ex:RobertHecht ex:works_with ex:JonathanRosen .
ex:RobertHecht ex:works_with ex:GiacomoMedici .
ex:MarionTrue ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht .
# The control
ex:RobertHecht ex:controls ex:AtlantisAntiquities .
ex:JonathanRosen ex:controls ex:AtlantisAntiquities .# Instances
ex:Getty rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Getty"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Los Angeles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Cult_Statue_of_a_Goddess rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1st Century BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:Statue_of_a_Victorious_Youth rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "4th Century BC"^^xsd:string .
ex:Robin_Symes rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robin Symes"^^xsd:string .
ex:Dietrich_von_Bothmer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dietrich von Bothmer"^^xsd:string .
ex:Frieda_Tchacos rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Frieda Tchacos"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:Galerie_Nefer .
ex:Galerie_Nefer rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Galerie Nefer"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Zurich"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Switzerland"^^xsd:string .
ex:Frederick_Schultz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Frederick Schultz"^^xsd:string .
ex:Gordon_McClendon rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gordon McClendon"^^xsd:string .
ex:Gianfranco_Becchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:Antike_Kunst_Palladion .
ex:Antike_Kunst_Palladion rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Antike Kunst Palladion"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Basel"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Switzerland"^^xsd:string .
ex:Fritz_Bürki rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Fritz Bürki"^^xsd:string .
ex:Vasek_Polak rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Vasek Polak"^^xsd:string .
ex:Royal_Athena_Galleries rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Royal Athena Galleries"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Michael_Milken rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Milken"^^xsd:string .
ex:Maurice_Tempelsman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Maurice Tempelsman"^^xsd:string .
# Relationships
ex:Getty ex:has_possession_of ex:Cult_Statue_of_a_Goddess, ex:Statue_of_a_Victorious_Youth .
ex:Robin_Symes ex:sells_to ex:Getty .
ex:Dietrich_von_Bothmer ex:sells_to ex:Getty .
ex:Frieda_Tchacos ex:sells_to ex:Getty .
ex:Frederick_Schultz ex:sells_to ex:Getty .
ex:Gordon_McClendon ex:donates_to ex:Getty .
ex:Gianfranco_Becchina ex:sells_to ex:Getty .
ex:Fritz_Bürki ex:sells_to ex:Getty .
ex:Vasek_Polak ex:donates_to ex:Getty .
ex:Michael_Milken ex:donates_to ex:Getty .
ex:Maurice_Tempelsman ex:sells_to ex:Getty .# Instances and Data
# Artefacts
ex:GriffinsAttackingDoe rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Sculptural group of two griffins attacking a fallen doe" ;
ex:from_culture "Greek" ;
ex:dates_from "4th Century BC" ;
ex:seized_by ex:ItalianCarabinieri ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy" .
# Persons
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici" ;
ex:city "Geneva" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht" ;
ex:city "Paris" ;
ex:country "France" .
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina" ;
ex:city "Basel" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" .
ex:MarionTrue rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marion True" ;
ex:employed_by ex:GettyMuseum .
ex:JasonFelch rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jason Felch" ;
ex:city "Los Angeles" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:RalphFrammolino rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ralph Frammolino" ;
ex:city "Los Angeles" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Organizations
ex:GettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum" ;
ex:city "Los Angeles" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GriffinsAttackingDoe .
# Government Agencies
ex:ItalianCarabinieri rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Carabinieri" ;
ex:country "Italy" ;
ex:repatriates ex:GriffinsAttackingDoe .
# Auction Houses
ex:GenevaFreeport rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Geneva Freeport" ;
ex:city "Geneva" ;
ex:country "Switzerland" ;
ex:auctions ex:GriffinsAttackingDoe ;
ex:sells_to ex:GiacomoMedici .# Instances
ex:Attic_Red_Figured_Kalpis rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Attic" ;
ex:dates_from "Red-Figured period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Medici_Polaroid .
ex:Robin_Symes rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robin Symes" ;
ex:sells_to ex:Attic_Red_Figured_Kalpis .
ex:Apulian_Pelike rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Apulian" ;
ex:dates_from "Gravina Painter period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fritz_Burki .
ex:Fritz_Burki rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Fritz Bürki" ;
ex:sells_to ex:Apulian_Pelike .
ex:Attic_Black_Figured_Zone_Cup rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Attic" ;
ex:dates_from "Black-Figured period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Atlantis_Antiquities .
ex:Atlantis_Antiquities rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Atlantis Antiquities" ;
ex:sells_to ex:Attic_Black_Figured_Zone_Cup .
ex:Cult_Statue_of_a_Goddess rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek" ;
ex:dates_from "Classical period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Robin_Symes .
ex:Renzo_Canavesi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Renzo Canavesi" ;
ex:sells_to ex:Cult_Statue_of_a_Goddess .
ex:Attic_Red_Figured_Calyx_Krater rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Attic" ;
ex:dates_from "Red-Figured period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .
ex:Fleischman_Collection rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Fleischman Collection" ;
ex:sells_to ex:Attic_Red_Figured_Calyx_Krater .
ex:Second_Century_BC_Statuette_of_Tyche rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek" ;
ex:dates_from "2nd century BC" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .
ex:First_Century_AD_Statuette_of_Dionysos rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek" ;
ex:dates_from "1st century AD" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .
ex:Etruscan_Bronze_Mirror rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Etruscan" ;
ex:dates_from "Classical period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .
ex:Etruscan_Antefix rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Etruscan" ;
ex:dates_from "Classical period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .
ex:Apulian_Red_Figured_Bell_Krater rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Apulian" ;
ex:dates_from "Red-Figured period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .
ex:Attic_Black_Figured_Amphora rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Attic" ;
ex:dates_from "Black-Figured period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .
ex:Attic_Red_Figured_Cup rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Attic" ;
ex:dates_from "Red-Figured period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .
ex:Paestan_Squat_Lekythos rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Paestan" ;
ex:dates_from "Classical period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .
ex:Etruscan_Pontic_Amphora rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Etruscan" ;
ex:dates_from "Classical period" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .
ex:Fragment_of_a_First_Century_BC_Roman_Fresco rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman" ;
ex:dates_from "1st century BC" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Fleischman_Collection .# Instances
ex:GettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Los Angeles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:TerracottaHeadOfHades rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "400-300 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Morgantina sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone"^^xsd:string .
ex:MauriceTempelsman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Maurice Tempelsman"^^xsd:string .
ex:RobinSymes rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robin Symes"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseoArcheologico rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Archeologico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Aidone"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:GettyMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:TerracottaHeadOfHades .
ex:MauriceTempelsman ex:buys ex:TerracottaHeadOfHades .
ex:RobinSymes ex:sells_to ex:MauriceTempelsman .
ex:GettyMuseum ex:buys ex:TerracottaHeadOfHades .
ex:GettyMuseum ex:donates_to ex:MuseoArcheologico .
ex:TerracottaHeadOfHades ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:JiriFrel rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jiri Frel"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Czechoslovakia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:GettyMuseum ;
ex:works_with ex:BruceMcNall ;
ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht ;
ex:works_with ex:SyWeintraub ;
ex:works_with ex:JeromeEisenberg .
ex:GettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Getty Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Los Angeles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:FrescoFragments .
ex:BruceMcNall rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Bruce McNall"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:JiriFrel ;
ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht ;
ex:works_with ex:SyWeintraub .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:JiriFrel ;
ex:works_with ex:BruceMcNall .
ex:SyWeintraub rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Sy Weintraub"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:FrescoFragments ;
ex:donates_to ex:GettyMuseum ;
ex:works_with ex:JiriFrel ;
ex:works_with ex:BruceMcNall .
ex:FrescoFragments rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "4th century BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:JiriFrel ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Greek"^^xsd:string .
ex:JeromeEisenberg rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jerome Eisenberg"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:JiriFrel .
# Object Properties
ex:JiriFrel ex:buys ex:FrescoFragments ;
ex:donates_to ex:GettyMuseum ;
ex:works_with ex:BruceMcNall ;
ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht ;
ex:works_with ex:SyWeintraub ;
ex:works_with ex:JeromeEisenberg .
ex:BruceMcNall ex:works_with ex:JiriFrel ;
ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht ;
ex:works_with ex:SyWeintraub .
ex:RobertHecht ex:works_with ex:JiriFrel ;
ex:works_with ex:BruceMcNall .
ex:SyWeintraub ex:buys ex:FrescoFragments ;
ex:donates_to ex:GettyMuseum ;
ex:works_with ex:JiriFrel ;
ex:works_with ex:BruceMcNall .
ex:JeromeEisenberg ex:works_with ex:JiriFrel .
ex:FrescoFragments ex:authenticated_by ex:JiriFrel .# Instances
ex:JiroftTomb rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Jiroft Tomb" ;
ex:from_culture "Jiroft" ;
ex:dates_from "2001" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Iran" .
ex:IranIslamicPolice rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Iran's Islamic Police" ;
ex:country "Iran" .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "United Kingdom" .
ex:FrenchInstitute rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "French Institute" .
ex:IranianCulturalHeritageAndTourismOrganisation rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Iranian Cultural Heritage and Tourism Organisation" ;
ex:country "Iran" .
ex:NationalMuseumTehran rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Museum in Tehran" ;
ex:city "Tehran" ;
ex:country "Iran" .
ex:MayfairGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Mayfair Gallery" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "United Kingdom" .
# Object Properties
ex:JiroftTomb ex:seized_by ex:IranIslamicPolice .
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:JiroftTomb .
ex:FrenchInstitute ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys .
ex:IranianCulturalHeritageAndTourismOrganisation ex:repatriates ex:JiroftTomb .
ex:JiroftTomb ex:repatriated_to "Iran" .
ex:MayfairGallery ex:has_possession_of ex:JiroftTomb .
# Data Properties
ex:JiroftTomb ex:from_culture "Jiroft" .
ex:JiroftTomb ex:dates_from "2001" .
ex:JiroftTomb ex:cultural_heritage "Iran" .# Instances and Data
# John Bourne
ex:JohnBourne rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Bourne" .
# New Mexico History Museum
ex:NewMexicoHistoryMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "New Mexico History Museum" ;
ex:city "Santa Fe" ;
ex:country "United States" .
# Bourne Collection
ex:BourneCollection rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Pre-Conquest" ;
ex:dates_from "1987" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:JohnBourne ;
ex:donates_to ex:NewMexicoHistoryMuseum .
# Walter Alva
ex:WalterAlva rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Walter Alva" ;
ex:works_with ex:FBI .
ex:FBI rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Federal Bureau of Investigation" ;
ex:country "United States" ;
ex:seized_by ex:BourneCollection .
# Ben Johnson
ex:BenJohnson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ben Johnson" ;
ex:sells_to ex:JohnBourne .
# Monkey Head Bead
ex:MonkeyHeadBead rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Moche" ;
ex:dates_from "Pre-Conquest" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:JohnBourne ;
ex:donates_to ex:NewMexicoHistoryMuseum ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .
# Peruvian Government
ex:PeruvianGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Peru" ;
ex:country "Peru" ;
ex:repatriates ex:MonkeyHeadBead .
# Francis Levine
ex:FrancisLevine rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Francis Levine" ;
ex:employed_by ex:NewMexicoHistoryMuseum .
# Karen Durkovitch
ex:KarenDurkovitch rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Karen Durkovitch" ;
ex:employed_by ex:NewMexicoHistoryMuseum .# Instances and Data
# Person
ex:JohnGBourne rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John G. Bourne"^^xsd:string .
# Museum
ex:WaltersArtMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Walters Art Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Baltimore"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
# Artifact
ex:EarSpools rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "North Coast, Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1980s"^^xsd:string .
ex:Ornament rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "North Coast, Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1980s"^^xsd:string .
# Actions
ex:JohnGBourne ex:buys ex:EarSpools .
ex:JohnGBourne ex:buys ex:Ornament .
ex:JohnGBourne ex:donates_to ex:WaltersArtMuseum .
# Possessions
ex:JohnGBourne ex:has_possession_of ex:EarSpools .
ex:JohnGBourne ex:has_possession_of ex:Ornament .
ex:WaltersArtMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:EarSpools .
ex:WaltersArtMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:Ornament .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:Kumluca_Silver rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Kumluca Silver"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Byzantine"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "sixth-century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:John_Thacher rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Thacher"^^xsd:string .
ex:George_Zacos rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "George Zacos"^^xsd:string .
ex:Mrs_Robert_Woods_Bliss rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mrs Robert Woods Bliss"^^xsd:string .
ex:Nizeh_Firath rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nizeh Firath"^^xsd:string .
ex:Orhan_Orguz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Orhan Orguz"^^xsd:string .
# Museum
ex:Dumbarton_Oaks rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Dumbarton Oaks"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Washington, DC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Antalya_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Antalya Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Antalya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
ex:Istanbul_Archaeological_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Istanbul Archaeological Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Istanbul"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:Turkish_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Turkish Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:John_Thacher ex:employed_by ex:Dumbarton_Oaks .
ex:George_Zacos ex:has_possession_of ex:Kumluca_Silver .
ex:Mrs_Robert_Woods_Bliss ex:buys ex:Kumluca_Silver ;
ex:donates_to ex:Dumbarton_Oaks .
ex:Nizeh_Firath ex:employed_by ex:Istanbul_Archaeological_Museum .
ex:Orhan_Orguz ex:employed_by ex:Turkish_Government .
ex:Dumbarton_Oaks ex:has_possession_of ex:Kumluca_Silver .
ex:Antalya_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Kumluca_Silver .
ex:Turkish_Government ex:repatriates ex:Kumluca_Silver .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:Stela1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 1" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Late Classic period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Maya cultural patrimony" .
# Person
ex:LedyardSmith rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ledyard Smith" .
ex:EdwinMShook rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Edwin M. Shook" .
ex:EverettRassiga rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Everett Rassiga" .
ex:ErnestEricson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ernest Ericson" .
ex:IanGraham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham" .
ex:KarlHerbertMayer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Karl-Herbert Mayer" .
# Organization
ex:EricsonFoundation rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Ericson Foundation" .
# Museum
ex:SwedishNationalMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Swedish National Museum" ;
ex:city "Stockholm" ;
ex:country "Sweden" .
ex:FolkensMuseumEtnografiska rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Folkens Museum Etnografiska" ;
ex:city "Stockholm" ;
ex:country "Sweden" .
# Gallery
ex:RassigaGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Everett Rassiga's Gallery" ;
ex:city "New York City" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Government Agency
ex:InstitutodeAntropologiaeHistoria rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Instituto de Antropología e Historia" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
# Object Properties
ex:Stela1 ex:authenticated_by ex:IanGraham .
ex:Stela1 ex:seized_by ex:EdwinMShook .
ex:Stela1 ex:has_possession_of ex:RassigaGallery ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:ErnestEricson ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SwedishNationalMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:FolkensMuseumEtnografiska .
ex:ErnestEricson ex:buys ex:Stela1 ;
ex:donates_to ex:SwedishNationalMuseum .
ex:SwedishNationalMuseum ex:donates_to ex:FolkensMuseumEtnografiska .
ex:Stela1 ex:repatriated_to "Guatemala" .
ex:InstitutodeAntropologiaeHistoria ex:repatriates ex:Stela1 .# Instances
ex:LaMina rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "La Mina" ;
ex:from_culture "Moche" ;
ex:dates_from "1988" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:JohnBourne rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Bourne" ;
ex:buys ex:LaMina .
ex:RaulApesteguia rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Raul Apesteguia" ;
ex:buys ex:LaMina ;
ex:sells_to ex:LeonardoPatterson .
ex:LeonardoPatterson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Leonardo Patterson" ;
ex:buys ex:LaMina ;
ex:sells_to ex:UnnamedCollector .
ex:UnnamedCollector rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:buys ex:LaMina ;
ex:donates_to ex:PeruGovernmentAgency .
ex:PeruGovernmentAgency rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Peruvian Government Agency" ;
ex:repatriates ex:LaMina .
ex:WalterAlva rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Walter Alva" ;
ex:works_with ex:PeruGovernmentAgency .
ex:MichelVanRijn rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michel van Rijn" ;
ex:works_with ex:UnnamedCollector .
ex:YvesDeParceval rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Yves de Parceval" ;
ex:buys ex:LaMina .
# Data Properties
ex:LaMina ex:enforced_by ex:PeruGovernmentAgency ;
ex:seized_by ex:PeruGovernmentAgency ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:WalterAlva ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .
ex:JohnBourne ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Unknown" .
ex:RaulApesteguia ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:LeonardoPatterson ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Costa Rica" .
ex:UnnamedCollector ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:PeruGovernmentAgency ex:city "Lima" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:WalterAlva ex:city "Trujillo" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:MichelVanRijn ex:city "Unknown" ;
ex:country "Netherlands" .
ex:YvesDeParceval ex:city "Paris" ;
ex:country "France" .# Instances
ex:AntonRoeckl rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Anton Roeckl"^^xsd:string .
ex:ICE rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "ICE"^^xsd:string .
ex:Artifact1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "La Mina"^^xsd:string .
ex:Artifact2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Dos Cabezas"^^xsd:string .
ex:Peru rdf:type ex:COUNTRY ;
ex:name "Peru"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Artifact1 ex:has_possession_of ex:AntonRoeckl .
ex:Artifact2 ex:has_possession_of ex:AntonRoeckl .
ex:ICE ex:seized_by ex:Artifact1 .
ex:ICE ex:seized_by ex:Artifact2 .
ex:Artifact1 ex:repatriated_to ex:Peru .
ex:Artifact2 ex:repatriated_to ex:Peru .# Instances and Data
ex:Laguna_de_los_Condores rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Chachapoya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "800 AD - Spanish Conquest"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:Julio_Ullilen rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Julio Ullilén"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Leymebamba"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Laguna_de_los_Condores ;
ex:employed_by ex:Hostel_in_Leymebamba .
ex:Hostel_in_Leymebamba rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Hostel in Leymebamba"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Leymebamba"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:Perus_National_Institute_of_Culture rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Peru's National Institute of Culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:Laguna_de_los_Condores .
ex:Peter_Lerche rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Lerche"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Perus_National_Institute_of_Culture ;
ex:works_with ex:Julio_Ullilen .
ex:Museo_Leymebamba rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Leymebamba"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Leymebamba"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Laguna_de_los_Condores .
ex:Chachapoya_Mummies rdf:type ex:ART_WORK ;
ex:is_instance_of ex:Laguna_de_los_Condores ;
ex:dates_from "800 AD - Spanish Conquest"^^xsd:string .
ex:Local_Police rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:Laguna_de_los_Condores .
ex:Incidental_Looters rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Laguna_de_los_Condores ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Julio_Ullilen .# Instances
ex:LasBocas rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Las Bocas figurine"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Olmec"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1500-400 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mexican"^^xsd:string .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:LasBocas .
ex:NelsonRockefeller rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nelson Rockefeller"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:LasBocas ;
ex:donates_to ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:EverettRassiga rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Everett Rassiga"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:NelsonRockefeller .
ex:MuseumOfPrimitiveArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Primitive Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:LasBocas .
ex:MichaelCoe rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Coe"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:LasBocas .
ex:MariaDeLaCruz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "María de la Cruz Paillés Hernández"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:LasBocas .
ex:RomanPinaChan rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Román Piña Chan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:LasBocas .
ex:NationalMuseumOfAnthropology rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Museum of Anthropology"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Mexico City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:RomanPinaChan .
ex:LasBocasSite rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Las Bocas archaeological site"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Izúcar de Matamoros"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:LasBocas .
ex:MexicanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Mexican Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:LasBocas .
ex:ArtMarket rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Art Market"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Mexico City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:LasBocas .
ex:Intermediaries rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Intermediaries"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys_at ex:ArtMarket ;
ex:sells_to ex:NelsonRockefeller .
ex:DavidFriedel rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "David Friedel"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:LasBocas .
ex:PlaceresSite rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Placeres archaeological site"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:LasBocas .
ex:JaguarChildren rdf:type ex:ART_WORK ;
ex:name "The Jaguar Children"^^xsd:string ;
ex:is_instance_of ex:LasBocas .
ex:CaballoPintadoSite rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Caballo Pintado archaeological site"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:controls ex:LasBocas .
# Instances
ex:LasLimasMonument1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Las Limas Monument 1"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Olmec"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Mesoamerican Middle Formative Period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mexican"^^xsd:string .
ex:Severiano rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Severiano"^^xsd:string .
ex:RosaManuelPascual rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rosa Manuel Pascual"^^xsd:string .
ex:AlfonsoMedellinZenil rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Alfonso Medellín Zenil"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseumOfAnthropologyAtXalapa rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Anthropology at Xalapa"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Xalapa"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:SanAntonioPolice rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "San Antonio Police"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:LasLimasMonument1 ex:authenticated_by ex:AlfonsoMedellinZenil .
ex:LasLimasMonument1 ex:seized_by ex:SanAntonioPolice .
ex:LasLimasMonument1 ex:repatriated_to "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:AlfonsoMedellinZenil ex:works_with ex:Severiano .
ex:AlfonsoMedellinZenil ex:works_with ex:RosaManuelPascual .
ex:AlfonsoMedellinZenil ex:employed_by ex:MuseumOfAnthropologyAtXalapa .
ex:MuseumOfAnthropologyAtXalapa ex:has_possession_of ex:LasLimasMonument1 .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:LomaNegraArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Moche/Vicús" ;
ex:dates_from "1960s and 1970s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
# Museum
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:LomaNegraArtifacts .
# Person
ex:NelsonRockefeller rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nelson Rockefeller" ;
ex:donates_to ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:MichaelRockefeller rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Rockefeller" ;
ex:donates_to ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:AnneLouiseSchaffer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Anne-Louise Schaffer" ;
ex:works_with ex:JulieJones .
ex:JulieJones rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Julie Jones" ;
ex:employed_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:ArnoldGoldberg rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Arnold L. Goldberg" ;
ex:buys ex:LomaNegraArtifacts .
ex:JaneGoldberg rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jane Costello Goldberg" ;
ex:buys ex:LomaNegraArtifacts .
# Gallery
ex:AndreEmmerichGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Andre Emmerich Gallery" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:LomaNegraArtifacts .
# Organization
ex:MuseumOfPrimitiveArt rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Museum of Primitive Art" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:LomaNegraArtifacts .
# Transactions
ex:ArnoldGoldberg ex:buys_at ex:AndreEmmerichGallery .
ex:JaneGoldberg ex:buys_at ex:AndreEmmerichGallery .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum ex:obtains_from ex:MuseumOfPrimitiveArt .# Instances and Data
# Person
ex:Barry_Stern rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Barry Stern"^^xsd:string .
# Museum
ex:Hillwood_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Hillwood Museum"^^xsd:string .
# Auction House
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string .
# Artifact
ex:Egyptian_Artifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Barry_Stern ex:employed_by ex:Hillwood_Museum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Egyptian_Artifacts ;
ex:sells_to ex:Christies ;
ex:buys_at ex:Christies .
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:Egyptian_Artifacts .
# Data Properties
ex:Egyptian_Artifacts ex:dates_from "Ancient Egypt"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egyptian"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:Zeus_Statue rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Hellenistic or Early Roman Imperial" ;
ex:dates_from "1980" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italy" .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:National_Museum_of_Italy rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Museum of Italy" ;
ex:city "Rome" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
ex:Edward_H_Merrin rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Edward H. Merrin" .
ex:Lawrence_Fleischman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Lawrence Fleischman" .
ex:Barbara_Fleischman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Barbara Fleischman" ;
ex:spouse_of ex:Lawrence_Fleischman .
ex:Carabinieri rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Carabinieri" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
# Object Properties
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:Zeus_Statue ;
ex:sells_to ex:Lawrence_Fleischman .
ex:Edward_H_Merrin ex:has_possession_of ex:Zeus_Statue .
ex:Lawrence_Fleischman ex:buys ex:Zeus_Statue ;
ex:buys_at ex:Sothebys ;
ex:donates_to ex:National_Museum_of_Italy .
ex:Barbara_Fleischman ex:has_possession_of ex:Zeus_Statue .
ex:Carabinieri ex:repatriates ex:Zeus_Statue .
# Repatriation
ex:Zeus_Statue ex:repatriated_to "Italy" .# Instances and Data
# Person
ex:EdwardGeorgeJohnson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Edward George Johnson"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:MaadiArtifacts ;
ex:sells_to ex:SueMcGovern ;
ex:employed_by ex:USArmy .
ex:SueMcGovern rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Sue McGovern"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:MaadiArtifacts ;
ex:employed_by ex:SandsOfTimeAntiquities .
ex:JosephGarnish rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Joseph Garnish"^^xsd:string .
# Artifact
ex:MaadiArtifacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Egyptian Predynastic"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "fourth millenium BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Egypt"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriated_to "Egypt"^^xsd:string .
# Auction House
ex:Bonhams rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Bonhams"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "UK"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:MaadiArtifacts .
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:auctions ex:MaadiArtifacts .
# Organization
ex:USArmy rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "US Army"^^xsd:string .
ex:SandsOfTimeAntiquities rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Sands of Time Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Washington DC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:ArtLossRegister rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Art Loss Register"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Immigration and Customs Enforcement"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:MaadiArtifacts .
# Museum
ex:MetropolitanMuseumOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MaadiArtifacts .
# Gallery
ex:WallisGalleryOfAntiquities rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Wallis Gallery of Antiquities"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MaadiArtifacts .
# Expertise Institution
ex:CairoUniversity rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Cairo University"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Egypt"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:MaadiArtifacts .# Instances and Data
ex:Fell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Fell" .
ex:Dwyer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dwyer" .
ex:Alamilla rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jorge Alamilla" .
ex:BrooklynMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Brooklyn Museum" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Emmerich rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "André Emmerich" .
ex:Patterson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Leonardo Patterson" .
ex:Neikrug rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marjorie Neikrug" .
ex:NeikrugGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Neikrug Gallery" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Rittenour rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Glenn Rittenour" .
ex:Hollinshead rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Clive Hollinshead" .
ex:Stela rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" .
# Object Properties
ex:Fell ex:buys ex:Stela .
ex:Dwyer ex:buys ex:Stela .
ex:Fell ex:works_with ex:Dwyer .
ex:Dwyer ex:works_with ex:Fell .
ex:Fell ex:donates_to ex:BrooklynMuseum .
ex:Dwyer ex:donates_to ex:BrooklynMuseum .
ex:Fell ex:sells_to ex:Emmerich .
ex:Dwyer ex:sells_to ex:Emmerich .
ex:Fell ex:sells_to ex:Patterson .
ex:Dwyer ex:sells_to ex:Patterson .
ex:Fell ex:sells_to ex:Neikrug .
ex:Dwyer ex:sells_to ex:Neikrug .
ex:Fell ex:sells_to ex:Rittenour .
ex:Dwyer ex:sells_to ex:Rittenour .
ex:Fell ex:sells_to ex:Hollinshead .
ex:Dwyer ex:sells_to ex:Hollinshead .
ex:Hollinshead ex:has_possession_of ex:Stela .
ex:Hollinshead ex:works_with ex:Alamilla .
ex:Alamilla ex:works_with ex:Hollinshead .# Instances and Data
ex:Machaquila rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "9th century AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
ex:Ian_Graham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham" .
ex:William_Bullard rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. William Bullard" ;
ex:employed_by ex:University_of_Florida .
ex:University_of_Florida rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "University of Florida" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Jorge_Alamilla rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jorge Alamilla" ;
ex:buys ex:Machaquila ;
ex:country "Belize" .
ex:Ed_Dwyer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ed Dwyer" .
ex:Johnnie_Brown_Fell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Johnnie Brown Fell" .
ex:Harry_Brown rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Harry Brown" .
ex:Clive_Hollinshead rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Clive Hollinshead" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Guatemalan_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Government" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
# Relationships
ex:Ian_Graham ex:works_with ex:William_Bullard .
ex:Jorge_Alamilla ex:obtains_from ex:Machaquila .
ex:Ed_Dwyer ex:works_with ex:Johnnie_Brown_Fell ;
ex:works_with ex:Harry_Brown .
ex:Johnnie_Brown_Fell ex:works_with ex:Harry_Brown .
ex:Clive_Hollinshead ex:works_with ex:Ed_Dwyer ;
ex:works_with ex:Johnnie_Brown_Fell ;
ex:works_with ex:Harry_Brown .
ex:Guatemalan_Government ex:repatriates ex:Machaquila .# Instances
ex:TedWiener rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ted Wiener" ;
ex:city "Dallas" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Hollinshead rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Hollinshead" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Fell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Fell" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:HarryBrown rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Harry Brown" ;
ex:city "Helena" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:DenverArtMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Denver Art Museum" ;
ex:city "Denver" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:MachaquilaStela2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
ex:MachaquilaStela5 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
ex:USCourtOfAppeal9thCircuit rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "United States Court of Appeal for the 9th Circuit" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Object Properties
ex:Hollinshead ex:buys ex:MachaquilaStela2 ;
ex:works_with ex:Fell ;
ex:works_with ex:TedWiener ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MachaquilaStela2 .
ex:TedWiener ex:finances ex:Hollinshead .
ex:HarryBrown ex:has_possession_of ex:MachaquilaStela5 .
ex:DenverArtMuseum ex:offered ex:MachaquilaStela5 .
ex:MachaquilaStela2 ex:repatriated_to "Guatemala" .
ex:MachaquilaStela5 ex:repatriated_to "Guatemala" .
ex:USCourtOfAppeal9thCircuit ex:enforces ex:MachaquilaStela2 ;
ex:enforces ex:MachaquilaStela5 .# Instances and Data
# Artifacts
ex:Maithuna1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Western-most Maithuna from Atru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Indian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "9th/10th century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Rajasthan, India"^^xsd:string .
ex:Maithuna2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Eastern-most Maithuna from Atru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Indian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "9th/10th century"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Rajasthan, India"^^xsd:string .
# Persons
ex:JohnEskenazi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Eskenazi"^^xsd:string .
ex:RajanMathai rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rajan Mathai"^^xsd:string .
ex:KiritMankodi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Kirit L. Mankodi"^^xsd:string .
ex:MatthewBogdanos rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Matthew Bogdanos"^^xsd:string .
# Organizations
ex:ASI rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Archaeological Survey of India"^^xsd:string .
ex:Interpol rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Interpol"^^xsd:string .
ex:USICE rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "US Immigration and Customs Enforcement"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agencies
ex:USHomelandSecurity rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Homeland Security"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Maithuna1 ex:authenticated_by ex:ASI .
ex:Maithuna2 ex:authenticated_by ex:ASI .
ex:Maithuna1 ex:seized_by ex:USHomelandSecurity .
ex:Maithuna2 ex:seized_by ex:USHomelandSecurity .
ex:Maithuna1 ex:repatriates ex:USHomelandSecurity .
ex:Maithuna2 ex:repatriates ex:USHomelandSecurity .
ex:JohnEskenazi ex:buys ex:Maithuna2 .
ex:RajanMathai ex:works_with ex:KiritMankodi .
ex:KiritMankodi ex:employed_by ex:ASI .
ex:MatthewBogdanos ex:employed_by ex:USHomelandSecurity .
ex:USHomelandSecurity ex:controls ex:USICE .
# Repatriation
ex:Maithuna1 ex:repatriated_to "India"^^xsd:string .
ex:Maithuna2 ex:repatriated_to "India"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:HaciendaMalagana rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Hacienda Malagana" ;
ex:from_culture "Malagana culture" ;
ex:dates_from "300 BC to 300 AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Colombian" .
ex:IngenioProvidencia rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Ingenio Providencia" .
ex:ColombianArmy rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Colombian Army" ;
ex:country "Colombia" .
ex:name "Instituto Vallecaucano de Investigaciones Científicas" .
ex:name "Instituto Colombiano de Antropología" .
ex:MuseoDelOro rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo del Oro" ;
ex:city "Bogotá" ;
ex:country "Colombia" .
ex:GeorgeOrtiz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "George Ortiz" .
ex:UniversidadNacionalDeColombia rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Universidad Nacional de Colombia" .
ex:FundaciónCulturaMalagana rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Fundación Cultura Malagana" .
# Object Properties
ex:HaciendaMalagana ex:enforced_by ex:ColombianArmy ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:INCIVA ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ICAN ;
ex:repatriated_to "Colombia" .
ex:GeorgeOrtiz ex:buys ex:HaciendaMalagana .
ex:MuseoDelOro ex:has_possession_of ex:HaciendaMalagana .
ex:UniversidadNacionalDeColombia ex:works_with ex:FundaciónCulturaMalagana .# Instances
ex:Christies_New_York rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Marcus_Aurelius_Head rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Late 2nd Century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Algeria"^^xsd:string .
ex:N_Koutoulakis rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "N. Koutoulakis"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:Skikda_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Skikda Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Skikda"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Algeria"^^xsd:string .
ex:Interpol rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Interpol"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:Art_Loss_Register rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Art Loss Register"^^xsd:string .
ex:US_Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Immigration and Customs Enforcement"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies_New_York ex:auctions ex:Marcus_Aurelius_Head .
ex:N_Koutoulakis ex:has_possession_of ex:Marcus_Aurelius_Head .
ex:Skikda_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Marcus_Aurelius_Head .
ex:Marcus_Aurelius_Head ex:authenticated_by ex:Interpol .
ex:Marcus_Aurelius_Head ex:authenticated_by ex:Art_Loss_Register .
ex:Marcus_Aurelius_Head ex:seized_by ex:US_Immigration_and_Customs_Enforcement .
ex:Marcus_Aurelius_Head ex:repatriated_to "Algeria"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:MarionTrue rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Marion True"^^xsd:string .
ex:JPaulGettyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "J. Paul Getty Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Los Angeles"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:JiriFrel rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jiri Frel"^^xsd:string .
ex:GettyAphrodite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "4th century BC"^^xsd:string .
ex:GoldFuneraryWreath rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "4th century BC"^^xsd:string .
ex:BarbaraAndLawrenceFleischmanCollection rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT .
ex:FrancavillaMaritimaFragments rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Italian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1979-1981"^^xsd:string .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:GettyVilla rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Getty Villa"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Malibu"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:ChristosMichaelides rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Christos Michaelides"^^xsd:string .
ex:RobinSymes rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robin Symes"^^xsd:string .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici"^^xsd:string .
ex:GuglielmoCollection rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Italian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "5th century BC"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:MarionTrue ex:employed_by ex:JPaulGettyMuseum ;
ex:works_with ex:JiriFrel ;
ex:buys ex:GettyAphrodite ;
ex:buys ex:GoldFuneraryWreath ;
ex:buys ex:BarbaraAndLawrenceFleischmanCollection ;
ex:buys ex:FrancavillaMaritimaFragments ;
ex:buys_at ex:RobinSymes ;
ex:obtains_from ex:RobertHecht ;
ex:obtains_from ex:GiacomoMedici .
ex:JPaulGettyMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:GettyAphrodite ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GoldFuneraryWreath ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:BarbaraAndLawrenceFleischmanCollection ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:FrancavillaMaritimaFragments .
ex:RobinSymes ex:sells_to ex:MarionTrue .
ex:RobertHecht ex:sells_to ex:MarionTrue .
ex:GiacomoMedici ex:sells_to ex:MarionTrue .# Instances
ex:LeonardoPatterson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Leonardo Patterson" .
ex:WayneAnderson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Wayne Anderson" .
ex:DonaldHales rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Donald Hales" .
ex:PaulClifford rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Paul Clifford" .
ex:ClemencyCoggins rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Clemency Coggins" .
ex:IanGraham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham" .
ex:MayaFresco rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" .
ex:VictoriaNationalGallery rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Victoria National Gallery" .
ex:name "US FBI" .
# Object Properties
ex:LeonardoPatterson ex:buys ex:MayaFresco .
ex:LeonardoPatterson ex:sells_to ex:WayneAnderson .
ex:LeonardoPatterson ex:works_with ex:DonaldHales .
ex:LeonardoPatterson ex:works_with ex:PaulClifford .
ex:LeonardoPatterson ex:donates_to ex:VictoriaNationalGallery .
ex:LeonardoPatterson ex:seized_by ex:USFBI .
ex:MayaFresco ex:authenticated_by ex:DonaldHales .
ex:MayaFresco ex:authenticated_by ex:PaulClifford .
ex:MayaFresco ex:authenticated_by ex:ClemencyCoggins .
ex:MayaFresco ex:authenticated_by ex:IanGraham .
# Data Properties
ex:LeonardoPatterson ex:city "Boston" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:VictoriaNationalGallery ex:city "Melbourne" ;
ex:country "Australia" .
ex:USFBI ex:city "Washington D.C." ;
ex:country "USA" .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:ValEdwards rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Val Edwards"^^xsd:string .
ex:StacyGoodman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Stacy Goodman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Sothebys .
ex:LeonardoPatterson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Leonardo Patterson"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Munich"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string .
ex:IanGraham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham"^^xsd:string .
# Auction House
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby’s New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
# Artifacts
ex:MayaPriestFigure rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Pre-Columbian era"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:IanGraham .
ex:LargeBrazier rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Pre-Columbian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Pre-Columbian era"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:IanGraham .
# Object Properties
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:MayaPriestFigure ;
ex:auctions ex:LargeBrazier ;
ex:sells_to ex:LeonardoPatterson .
ex:LeonardoPatterson ex:buys ex:MayaPriestFigure ;
ex:buys ex:LargeBrazier ;
ex:buys_at ex:Sothebys ;
ex:obtains_from ex:ValEdwards .
ex:ValEdwards ex:works_with ex:LeonardoPatterson ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MayaPriestFigure ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:LargeBrazier .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:MimbresPottery rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Mimbres Pottery" ;
ex:from_culture "Mimbres" ;
ex:dates_from "1000-1150 AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mimbres and Rio Grande Valleys of the Arizona/New Mexico border region" .
# Person
ex:JWalterFewkes rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "J. Walter Fewkes" .
ex:Brody rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Brody" .
ex:JamesQuarrell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "James Quarrell" .
ex:MikeQuarrell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mike Quarrell" .
ex:AaronSera rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Aaron Sera" .
# Organization
ex:SmithsonianInstitution rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Smithsonian Institution" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:MuseumOfTheAmericanIndian rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of the American Indian" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:MimbresFoundation rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Mimbres Foundation" ;
ex:country "United States" .
# Government Agency
ex:USDAForestService rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "USDA Forest Service" ;
ex:country "United States" .
# Object Properties
ex:JWalterFewkes ex:employed_by ex:SmithsonianInstitution .
ex:Brody ex:works_with ex:MimbresFoundation .
ex:JamesQuarrell ex:works_with ex:MikeQuarrell, ex:AaronSera .
ex:MimbresPottery ex:authenticated_by ex:Brody .
ex:MimbresPottery ex:seized_by ex:USDAForestService .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:MimbresPottery ex:repatriated_to "United States" .# Instances
ex:MikeQuarrell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mike Quarrell"^^xsd:string .
ex:CharlesQuarrell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Charles Quarrell"^^xsd:string .
ex:FrankQuarrell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Frank Quarrell"^^xsd:string .
ex:GilaNationalForrest rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Gila National Forrest"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:MimbresSite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Mimbres"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mimbres culture"^^xsd:string .
ex:UnitedStatesMagistrate rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "United States Magistrate"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:MikeQuarrell ex:works_with ex:CharlesQuarrell ;
ex:works_with ex:FrankQuarrell ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MimbresSite .
ex:CharlesQuarrell ex:works_with ex:MikeQuarrell ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MimbresSite .
ex:FrankQuarrell ex:works_with ex:MikeQuarrell .
ex:MimbresSite ex:enforced_by ex:UnitedStatesMagistrate ;
ex:seized_by ex:UnitedStatesMagistrate .
# Note: The text does not provide enough information to create instances for all the classes and properties in the ontology.# Instances
ex:Morgantina_Silver rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Hellenistic"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1000 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Sicily"^^xsd:string .
ex:Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Robert_Hecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string .
ex:Princeton_University rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Princeton University"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Princeton"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:University_of_Virginia rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "University of Virginia"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Charlottesville"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Wesleyan_University rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Wesleyan University"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Middletown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Italian_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art ex:buys ex:Morgantina_Silver .
ex:Robert_Hecht ex:sells_to ex:Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art .
ex:Princeton_University ex:works_with ex:University_of_Virginia .
ex:Princeton_University ex:works_with ex:Wesleyan_University .
ex:Italian_Government ex:repatriates ex:Morgantina_Silver .# Instances
ex:MorgantinaSilver rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Morgantina" ;
ex:repatriated_to "Aidone" .
ex:AcrolithicSculptures rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Morgantina" ;
ex:repatriated_to "Aidone" .
ex:GettyAphrodite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Morgantina" ;
ex:repatriated_to "Aidone" .
ex:MauriceTempelsman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:AcrolithicSculptures ;
ex:name "Maurice Tempelsman" .
ex:AidoneMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:city "Aidone" ;
ex:country "Italy" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MorgantinaSilver ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:AcrolithicSculptures ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GettyAphrodite .
# Relationships
ex:MauriceTempelsman ex:donates_to ex:AidoneMuseum .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:MosaicMask rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Mosaic Mask" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Maya late Post Classic period" .
# Person
ex:MildredBarnsBliss rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mildred Barns Bliss" ;
ex:buys ex:MosaicMask .
ex:RobertWoodsBliss rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Woods Bliss" .
ex:JosueSaenz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. Josué Sáenz" ;
ex:buys ex:MosaicMask ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Gonzales .
ex:Gonzales rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gonzáles" .
ex:JoseLuisFranco rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "José Luis Franco" .
ex:AlphonseJax rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Alphonse Jax" ;
ex:buys ex:MosaicMask ;
ex:sells_to ex:MildredBarnsBliss .
ex:GordonEkholm rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. Gordon Ekholm" .
# Organization
ex:DumbartonOaksResearchLibraryAndCollection rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Dumbarton Oaks Research Library and Collection" ;
ex:city "Washington DC" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Museum
ex:AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "American Museum of Natural History" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Relationships
ex:MildredBarnsBliss ex:spouse_of ex:RobertWoodsBliss .
ex:MildredBarnsBliss ex:employed_by ex:DumbartonOaksResearchLibraryAndCollection .
ex:JosueSaenz ex:works_with ex:JoseLuisFranco .
ex:JosueSaenz ex:works_with ex:AlphonseJax .
ex:AlphonseJax ex:works_with ex:GordonEkholm .
ex:MosaicMask ex:authenticated_by ex:GordonEkholm .
ex:MosaicMask ex:has_possession_of ex:DumbartonOaksResearchLibraryAndCollection .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:Scotty_Kilpatrick rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "J. ’Scotty’ Kilpatrick" .
ex:Maurice_Topine rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Maurice Topine" .
ex:Manukonga rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Manukonga" .
ex:Lance_Entwistle rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Lance Entwistle" .
ex:George_Ortiz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "George Ortiz" .
# Artifacts
ex:Ngati_Rahiri_Taonga rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Māori" ;
ex:dates_from "1800s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Ngati Rahiri" .
ex:Motunui_Panels rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Māori" ;
ex:dates_from "1800s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Te Āti Awa" .
# Museum
ex:Puke_Ariki rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Puke Ariki" ;
ex:city "New Plymouth" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" .
# Auction House
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby’s" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "United Kingdom" .
# Government Agency
ex:New_Zealand_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "New Zealand Government" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" .
# Object Properties
ex:Scotty_Kilpatrick ex:works_with ex:Maurice_Topine .
ex:Scotty_Kilpatrick ex:employed_by ex:New_Zealand_Government .
ex:Maurice_Topine ex:employed_by ex:New_Zealand_Government .
ex:Manukonga ex:sells_to ex:Lance_Entwistle .
ex:Lance_Entwistle ex:buys ex:Motunui_Panels .
ex:Lance_Entwistle ex:sells_to ex:George_Ortiz .
ex:George_Ortiz ex:buys ex:Motunui_Panels .
ex:George_Ortiz ex:buys_at ex:Sothebys .
ex:Ngati_Rahiri_Taonga ex:authenticated_by ex:Puke_Ariki .
ex:Motunui_Panels ex:authenticated_by ex:Puke_Ariki .
ex:Ngati_Rahiri_Taonga ex:donates_to ex:Puke_Ariki .
ex:Motunui_Panels ex:seized_by ex:New_Zealand_Government .
ex:Motunui_Panels ex:repatriated_to "New Zealand" .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:MotunuiPanels rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Motunui Panels"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Māori"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Before 1830"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:RangiKipa rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rangi Kipa"^^xsd:string .
# Organization
ex:TeAtiAwa rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Te Āti Awa"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:MotunuiPanels ex:authenticated_by ex:RangiKipa .
ex:MotunuiPanels ex:repatriated_to "New Zealand"^^xsd:string .
# Data Properties
ex:RangiKipa ex:works_with ex:TeAtiAwa .# Instances and Data
# George Ortiz
ex:GeorgeOrtiz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "George Ortiz" .
# Graziella Ortiz
ex:GraziellaOrtiz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Graziella Ortiz" .
# Sotheby's
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's" .
# The George Ortiz Collection of Primitive Works of Art
ex:GeorgeOrtizCollection rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "The George Ortiz Collection of Primitive Works of Art" ;
ex:from_culture "Primitive" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Sothebys ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GeorgeOrtiz .
# Government of New Zealand
ex:GovtNewZealand rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of New Zealand" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" .
# The panels
ex:Panels rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "The Panels" ;
ex:from_culture "New Zealand" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Sothebys ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GeorgeOrtiz ;
ex:repatriated_to ex:GovtNewZealand .
# Te Papa
ex:TePapa rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Te Papa" ;
ex:city "Wellington" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Panels .
# Te Āti Awa iwi
ex:TeAtiAwa rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Te Āti Awa iwi" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Panels .
# Puke Ariki Museum
ex:PukeAriki rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Puke Ariki Museum" ;
ex:city "New Plymouth" ;
ex:country "New Zealand" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Panels .
# Relationships
ex:GeorgeOrtiz ex:sells_to ex:Sothebys ;
ex:buys_at ex:Sothebys ;
ex:donates_to ex:TePapa .
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:GeorgeOrtizCollection ;
ex:auctions ex:Panels .
ex:GovtNewZealand ex:repatriates ex:Panels .
ex:TePapa ex:donates_to ex:TeAtiAwa .
ex:TeAtiAwa ex:donates_to ex:PukeAriki .# Instances
ex:Moundville_Archaeological_Site rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Moundville Archaeological Site"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Erskine_Ramsey_Archaeological_Repository rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Erskine Ramsey Archaeological Repository"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Moundville"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:University_of_Alabama rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "University of Alabama"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Tuscaloosa"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Jim_Knight rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jim Knight"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:University_of_Alabama .
ex:Margaret_Hardin rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Margaret Hardin"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:University_of_Maine .
ex:Vincas_Steponaitis rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Vincas Steponaitis"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:State_University_of_New_York .
ex:University_of_Maine rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "University of Maine"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:State_University_of_New_York rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "State University of New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:FBI rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Federal Bureau of Investigation"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
# Artifacts
ex:Moundville_Pottery_Vessel_1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Mississippian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "11th to 16th century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Moundville Archaeological Site"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Margaret_Hardin ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:Vincas_Steponaitis ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Erskine_Ramsey_Archaeological_Repository .
# Repeat the above for all 264 stolen vessels
# Theft
ex:Erskine_Ramsey_Archaeological_Repository ex:has_possession_of ex:Moundville_Pottery_Vessel_1 .
# Repeat the above for all 264 stolen vessels
# Recovery
ex:Moundville_Archaeological_Site ex:has_possession_of ex:Moundville_Pottery_Vessel_1 .
# Repeat the above for all recovered vessels# Instances
ex:MuseoNacionalDeAntropologia rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Nacional de Antropología"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Mexico City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:PakalMask rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "683"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:CarlosPerchesTrevino rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Carlos Perches Treviño"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:RamonSardinaGarcia rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ramón Sardina García"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:AlbertoRuzLhuillier rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Alberto Ruz Lhuillier"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:EnriqueAlvarezDelCastillo rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Enrique Alvarez del Castillo"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:SalvadorGutierrez rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Salvador ‘el Cabo’ Gutierrez"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:CarlosPerchesTrevino ex:has_possession_of ex:PakalMask .
ex:RamonSardinaGarcia ex:works_with ex:CarlosPerchesTrevino .
ex:CarlosPerchesTrevino ex:obtains_from ex:MuseoNacionalDeAntropologia .
ex:AlbertoRuzLhuillier ex:authenticated_by ex:PakalMask .
ex:SalvadorGutierrez ex:seized_by ex:PakalMask .
ex:MuseoNacionalDeAntropologia ex:repatriates ex:PakalMask .# Instances
ex:Christies_New_York rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Neo_Assyrian_Gold_Earrings rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Neo-Assyrian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1989"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Nimrud treasure"^^xsd:string .
ex:FBI rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "FBI"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:Iraq rdf:type ex:COUNTRY ;
ex:name "Iraq"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Christies_New_York ex:auctions ex:Neo_Assyrian_Gold_Earrings .
ex:FBI ex:works_with ex:Christies_New_York .
ex:FBI ex:repatriates ex:Neo_Assyrian_Gold_Earrings .
ex:Neo_Assyrian_Gold_Earrings ex:repatriated_to ex:Iraq .# Instances
ex:NokTerracotta rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Nok" ;
ex:dates_from "1000 BC to 500 AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Nigeria" .
ex:BauchiPlateau rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Bauchi Plateau" ;
ex:country "Nigeria" .
ex:BernardFagg rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Bernard Fagg" .
ex:DepartmentOfMines rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Department of Mines" ;
ex:country "Nigeria" .
ex:JosMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Jos Museum" ;
ex:city "Jos" ;
ex:country "Nigeria" .
ex:BortolotDaybreakCorporation rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Bortolot Daybreak Corporation" ;
ex:city "Guilford" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:PatrickDarling rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Patrick Darling" .
ex:MourtalaDiop rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mourtala Diop" .
ex:name "National Commission for Museums and Monuments" ;
ex:country "Nigeria" .
ex:HSI rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Homeland Security Investigations" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:CBP rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Customs and Border Protection" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:ICOM rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "International Council of Museums" .
# Object Properties
ex:JosMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:NokTerracotta .
ex:BernardFagg ex:obtains_from ex:DepartmentOfMines .
ex:BortolotDaybreakCorporation ex:authenticated_by ex:NokTerracotta .
ex:MourtalaDiop ex:has_possession_of ex:NokTerracotta .
ex:NCMM ex:controls ex:NokTerracotta .
ex:HSI ex:seized_by ex:NokTerracotta .
ex:CBP ex:seized_by ex:NokTerracotta .
ex:ICOM ex:enforced_by ex:NokTerracotta .
# Data Properties
ex:NokTerracotta ex:repatriated_to "Nigeria" .# Instances and Data
# Museums
ex:VirginiaMuseumOfFineArts rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Virginia Museum of Fine Arts"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Richmond"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseeDuQuaiBranly rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Musée du quai Branly"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
# Artifacts
ex:SokotoHeadAndTorso rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Sokoto"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "African"^^xsd:string .
ex:NokTerracotta1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Nok"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "African"^^xsd:string .
ex:NokTerracotta2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Nok"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "African"^^xsd:string .
# Persons
ex:JacquesChirac rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jacques Chirac"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Paris"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:SamirBorro rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Samir Borro"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Brussels"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Belgium"^^xsd:string .
# Organizations
ex:UNESCO rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "UNESCO"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:ICOM rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "ICOM"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "France"^^xsd:string .
ex:name "National Commission of Museums and Monuments"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Nigeria"^^xsd:string .
# Transactions
ex:VirginiaMuseumOfFineArts ex:has_possession_of ex:SokotoHeadAndTorso .
ex:MuseeDuQuaiBranly ex:has_possession_of ex:NokTerracotta1 .
ex:MuseeDuQuaiBranly ex:has_possession_of ex:NokTerracotta2 .
ex:JacquesChirac ex:buys ex:NokTerracotta1 ;
ex:buys ex:NokTerracotta2 ;
ex:obtains_from ex:SamirBorro .
ex:SamirBorro ex:sells_to ex:JacquesChirac .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:NokTerracotta1 ex:enforced_by ex:UNESCO ;
ex:enforced_by ex:ICOM ;
ex:enforced_by ex:NCMM .
ex:NokTerracotta2 ex:enforced_by ex:UNESCO ;
ex:enforced_by ex:ICOM ;
ex:enforced_by ex:NCMM .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:NovemberCollection rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "November Collection" ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "1970s or early 1980s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemalan" .
# Person
ex:JohnFulling rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John B. Fulling" ;
ex:city "Florida" ;
ex:country "United States" ;
ex:buys ex:NovemberCollection ;
ex:obtains_from ex:GuatemalanDealers .
ex:LandonClay rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Landon T. Clay" ;
ex:city "Boston" ;
ex:country "United States" ;
ex:buys ex:NovemberCollection ;
ex:donates_to ex:MuseumOfFineArtsBoston ;
ex:employed_by ex:EatonVanceCorporation ;
ex:employed_by ex:ClayMathematicsInstitute .
# Museum
ex:MuseumOfFineArtsBoston rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Fine Arts, Boston" ;
ex:city "Boston" ;
ex:country "United States" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:NovemberCollection .
# Organization
ex:ArtCollectorsOfNovember rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Art Collectors of November, Inc." ;
ex:city "Ft Lauderdale" ;
ex:country "United States" ;
ex:controls ex:JohnFulling .
ex:EatonVanceCorporation rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Eaton Vance Corporation" ;
ex:city "Boston" ;
ex:country "United States" ;
ex:employed_by ex:LandonClay .
ex:ClayMathematicsInstitute rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Clay Mathematics Institute" ;
ex:city "Cambridge" ;
ex:country "United States" ;
ex:employed_by ex:LandonClay .
# Government Agency
ex:GuatemalanCulturalAffairsOffice rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Cultural Affairs Office" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" ;
ex:repatriates ex:NovemberCollection .# Instances
ex:GuatemalanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .
ex:MuseumOfFineArts rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Fine Arts"^^xsd:string .
ex:NovemberCollection rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Guatemalan"^^xsd:string .
ex:NaranjoSite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Guatemalan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string .
ex:SanAgustinAcasaguastlanSite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Guatemalan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string .
ex:TintalSite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Guatemalan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string .
ex:NakbeSite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Guatemalan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:GuatemalanGovernment ex:repatriates ex:NovemberCollection .
ex:MuseumOfFineArts ex:has_possession_of ex:NovemberCollection .
# Data Properties
ex:NovemberCollection ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemalan"^^xsd:string .
# Authorities and Enforcement
ex:NovemberCollection ex:enforced_by ex:GuatemalanGovernment .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:NovemberCollection ex:repatriated_to "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
ex:HighEndAuction rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "High-End Auction" .
ex:OcucajeTextile rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "South American" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Ocucaje" .
ex:GiltCopperHeadband rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "South American" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Loma Negra" .
ex:IcaStone rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Pre-Conquest" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Ocucaje" .
ex:ZeroMostel rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Zero Mostel" .
ex:JavierCabrera rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Javier Cabrera Darquea" .
ex:PabloSoldi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Pablo Soldi" .
ex:CarlosSoldi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Carlos Soldi" .
ex:BasilioUschuya rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Basilio Uschuya" .
ex:IrmaGutierrez rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Irma Gutiérrez de Aparcana" .
ex:ErichVonDaniken rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Erich von Daniken" .
ex:CabreraHomeMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Cabrera Home Museum" ;
ex:city "Ica" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:PeruvianAuthorities rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Peruvian Authorities" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
# Object Properties
ex:HighEndAuction ex:auctions ex:OcucajeTextile ;
ex:auctions ex:GiltCopperHeadband .
ex:HighEndAuction ex:sells_to ex:ZeroMostel .
ex:ZeroMostel ex:buys ex:OcucajeTextile ;
ex:buys ex:GiltCopperHeadband .
ex:JavierCabrera ex:buys ex:IcaStone ;
ex:obtains_from ex:PabloSoldi ;
ex:obtains_from ex:CarlosSoldi ;
ex:works_with ex:PabloSoldi ;
ex:works_with ex:CarlosSoldi .
ex:CabreraHomeMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:IcaStone .
ex:PeruvianAuthorities ex:seized_by ex:IcaStone .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:IcaStone ex:authenticated_by ex:JavierCabrera .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:OcucajeTextile ex:repatriated_to "Peru" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:PeruvianAuthorities .
ex:GiltCopperHeadband ex:repatriated_to "Peru" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:PeruvianAuthorities .
ex:IcaStone ex:repatriated_to "Peru" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:PeruvianAuthorities .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:IcaStones rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Ica Stones" ;
ex:from_culture "Nazca and Paracas" ;
ex:dates_from "20th Century" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peruvian" .
# Person
ex:MaxUhle rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Max Uhle" .
ex:ErnestoMazzei rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. Ernesto Mazzei" .
ex:PabloSoldi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Pablo Soldi" .
ex:PaulTruel rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Paul Truel" .
# Organization
ex:HaciendaOcucaje rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Hacienda Ocucaje" ;
ex:city "Ocucaje" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
# Museum
ex:NationalTextileMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Textile Museum" ;
ex:city "Washington D.C." ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "American Museum of Natural History" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "United States" .
# Object Properties
ex:MaxUhle ex:works_with ex:ErnestoMazzei ;
ex:buys ex:IcaStones .
ex:ErnestoMazzei ex:employed_by ex:HaciendaOcucaje .
ex:PabloSoldi ex:sells_to ex:PaulTruel ;
ex:sells_to ex:NationalTextileMuseum ;
ex:sells_to ex:AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory .
ex:PaulTruel ex:buys ex:IcaStones ;
ex:employed_by ex:HaciendaOcucaje .
ex:NationalTextileMuseum ex:buys ex:IcaStones .
ex:AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory ex:buys ex:IcaStones .# Instances
ex:Operation_Andromeda rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Operation Andromeda"^^xsd:string .
ex:Noriyoshi_Horiuchi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Noriyoshi Horiuchi"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:Elie_Borowski ;
ex:employed_by ex:Miho_Museum ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Gianfranco_Becchina ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Geneva_Freeport_Artefacts .
ex:Elie_Borowski rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Elie Borowski"^^xsd:string .
ex:Miho_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Miho Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Shigaraki"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Japan"^^xsd:string .
ex:Gianfranco_Becchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina"^^xsd:string .
ex:Geneva_Freeport_Artefacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Italian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:Italian_Carabinieri ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:Italian_Carabinieri rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Carabinieri"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:Geneva_Freeport_Artefacts .
ex:Horiuchi_Gallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Horiuchi Gallery"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "London"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United Kingdom"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Geneva_Freeport_Artefacts .
# Relationships
ex:Noriyoshi_Horiuchi ex:works_with ex:Elie_Borowski ;
ex:employed_by ex:Miho_Museum ;
ex:obtains_from ex:Gianfranco_Becchina ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Geneva_Freeport_Artefacts .
ex:Miho_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Geneva_Freeport_Artefacts .
ex:Geneva_Freeport_Artefacts ex:seized_by ex:Italian_Carabinieri ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:Italian_Carabinieri ex:repatriates ex:Geneva_Freeport_Artefacts .# Instances
ex:OperationGeryon rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Operation Geryon"^^xsd:string .
ex:ItalianCarabinieri rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Italian Carabinieri"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:MelfiCastle rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Castle of Melfi"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Melfi"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:GreekVases rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Greek"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Medieval"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ItalianCarabinieri ;
ex:seized_by ex:ItalianCarabinieri ;
ex:repatriated_to "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:AntonioSavoca rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Antonio 'Nino' Savoca"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Munich"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Germany"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:GreekVases ;
ex:obtains_from ex:LuigiCoppola .
ex:LuigiCoppola rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Luigi Coppola"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:PasqualeCamera .
ex:PasqualeCamera rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Pasquale Camera"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:LuigiCoppola ;
ex:employed_by ex:GuardiaDiFinanza .
ex:GuardiaDiFinanza rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Guardia di Finanza"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Italy"^^xsd:string .
ex:FriedaTchacos rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Frieda Tchacos"^^xsd:string .
ex:DaniloZicchi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Danilo Zicchi"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:IllegallyExcavatedArtefacts .
ex:IllegallyExcavatedArtefacts rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:ItalianCarabinieri ;
ex:seized_by ex:ItalianCarabinieri .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici"^^xsd:string .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht"^^xsd:string .
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:Organigram rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Organigram" ;
ex:from_culture "Italian" ;
ex:dates_from "Early 1990s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Italy" .
ex:DaniloZiccho rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Danilo Ziccho" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
ex:PasqualeCamera rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Pasquale Camera" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
ex:RobertHecht rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Hecht" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:NikosKoutoulakis rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nikos Koutoulakis" .
ex:EliBorowsky rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Eli Borowsky" .
ex:FriedaTchacos rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Frieda Tchacos" .
ex:GeorgeOrtiz rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "George Ortiz" ;
ex:country "Bolivia" .
ex:GianfrancoBecchina rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Gianfranco Becchina" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
ex:GiacomoMedici rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Giacomo Medici" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
ex:NinoSavoca rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Nino Savoca" ;
ex:country "Italy" .
# Relationships
ex:RobertHecht ex:works_with ex:NikosKoutoulakis .
ex:RobertHecht ex:works_with ex:EliBorowsky .
ex:RobertHecht ex:works_with ex:FriedaTchacos .
ex:RobertHecht ex:works_with ex:GeorgeOrtiz .
ex:RobertHecht ex:works_with ex:GianfrancoBecchina .
ex:RobertHecht ex:works_with ex:GiacomoMedici .
ex:GianfrancoBecchina ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht .
ex:GiacomoMedici ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht .
ex:NinoSavoca ex:works_with ex:RobertHecht .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:PangbocheHand rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Pangboche Hand" ;
ex:from_culture "Nepali" ;
ex:dates_from "17th century" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Nepali Monastery" .
# Person
ex:JamesStewart rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "James Stewart" .
ex:PeterByrne rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter Byrne" .
ex:WilliamOsmanHill rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "William Osman Hill" .
ex:TomSlick rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tom Slick" .
ex:GeorgeAgogino rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "George Agogino" .
ex:MikeAllsop rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Mike Allsop" .
# Museum
ex:PangbocheMonastery rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Pangboche Monastery" ;
ex:city "Pangboche" ;
ex:country "Nepal" .
ex:HunterianMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Hunterian Museum" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
# Organization
ex:WetaWorkshop rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Weta Workshop" .
# Object Properties
ex:PeterByrne ex:has_possession_of ex:PangbocheHand .
ex:JamesStewart ex:has_possession_of ex:PangbocheHand .
ex:GeorgeAgogino ex:has_possession_of ex:PangbocheHand .
ex:HunterianMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:PangbocheHand .
ex:PeterByrne ex:works_with ex:WilliamOsmanHill .
ex:PeterByrne ex:works_with ex:TomSlick .
ex:PeterByrne ex:works_with ex:JamesStewart .
ex:MikeAllsop ex:works_with ex:WetaWorkshop .
ex:WilliamOsmanHill ex:employed_by ex:HunterianMuseum .
ex:GeorgeAgogino ex:employed_by ex:HunterianMuseum .
ex:JamesStewart ex:buys ex:PangbocheHand .
ex:GeorgeAgogino ex:buys ex:PangbocheHand .
ex:MikeAllsop ex:donates_to ex:PangbocheMonastery .# Instances
ex:YetiHand rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Pangboche"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Pangboche Monastery"^^xsd:string .
ex:Allsop rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Allsop"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:ReturnTheHandWebsite .
ex:ReturnTheHandWebsite rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Return the Hand"^^xsd:string .
ex:LamaGershe rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Lama Gershe"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Kathmandu"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Nepal"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:Allsop ex:obtains_from ex:YetiHand .
ex:Allsop ex:donates_to ex:PangbocheMonastery .
ex:PangbocheMonastery rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Pangboche Monastery"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Pangboche"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Nepal"^^xsd:string .
ex:PangbocheMonastery ex:has_possession_of ex:YetiHand .# Instances
ex:PeruNationalMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Peru National Museum" ;
ex:city "Lima" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:TextileWK319 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Paracas" ;
ex:dates_from "Around 1st Century AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:JulioTello rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Julio Tello" .
ex:AustraliaNationalGallery rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Australia National Gallery" ;
ex:city "Canberra" ;
ex:country "Australia" .
ex:USDealer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:JaneDwyer rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jane Dwyer" ;
ex:employed_by ex:BrownUniversity .
ex:BrownUniversity rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Brown University" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:PeruvianGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Peruvian Government" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:AustralianGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Australian Government" ;
ex:country "Australia" .
# Object Properties
ex:TextileWK319 ex:authenticated_by ex:JaneDwyer ;
ex:enforced_by ex:PeruvianGovernment ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .
ex:PeruNationalMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:TextileWK319 .
ex:AustraliaNationalGallery ex:buys ex:TextileWK319 ;
ex:obtains_from ex:USDealer ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:TextileWK319 .
ex:USDealer ex:sells_to ex:AustraliaNationalGallery .
ex:JaneDwyer ex:works_with ex:PeruvianGovernment .
ex:AustralianGovernment ex:repatriates ex:TextileWK319 .# Instances
ex:Paracas_Textiles rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Paracas Culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "800 BC to 100 BC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peruvian"^^xsd:string .
ex:Julio_Tello rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Julio Tello"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Museum_of_Peruvian_Archaeology .
ex:Museum_of_Peruvian_Archaeology rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Peruvian Archaeology"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Lima"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:Sven_Karell rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Sven Karell"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:Paracas_Textiles ;
ex:employed_by ex:Swedish_Consulate_in_Peru .
ex:Swedish_Consulate_in_Peru rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Swedish Consulate in Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Lima"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string .
ex:Museum_of_World_Culture rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of World Culture"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Göteborg"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Sweden"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Paracas_Textiles .
ex:Peruvian_Government rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:Paracas_Textiles .
# Object Properties
ex:Julio_Tello ex:obtains_from ex:Paracas_Textiles .
ex:Sven_Karell ex:sells_to ex:Museum_of_World_Culture .
ex:Peruvian_Government ex:repatriated_to "Peru"^^xsd:string .# Instances
ex:ParacasMantle rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Peruvian" ;
ex:dates_from "Pre-Columbian era" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
ex:NationalGalleryAustralia rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Gallery of Australia" ;
ex:country "Australia" .
ex:PeruNationalMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Peru's National Museum" ;
ex:country "Peru" .
ex:Tello rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tello" .
ex:LundsUniversitet rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITITION ;
ex:name "Lunds Universitet" .
# Object Properties
ex:ParacasMantle ex:seized_by ex:PeruNationalMuseum ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:LundsUniversitet ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru" .
ex:NationalGalleryAustralia ex:has_possession_of ex:ParacasMantle .
ex:Tello ex:works_with ex:PeruNationalMuseum .# Instances and Data
ex:PersianMummy rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Persian Mummy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Persian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "1996"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Persian"^^xsd:string .
ex:AmanollahRiggi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Amanollah Riggi"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New Jersey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:obtains_from ex:UnknownPakistani ;
ex:sells_to ex:OscarMuscarella .
ex:OscarMuscarella rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Oscar Muscarella"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum ;
ex:buys ex:PersianMummy .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:PersianMummy .
ex:AliAkbar rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ali Akbar"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Karachi"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Pakistan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:works_with ex:WaliMohammadReeki ;
ex:buys ex:PersianMummy .
ex:WaliMohammadReeki rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Wali Mohammad Reeki"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Quetta"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Pakistan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:obtains_from ex:SharifShahBakhi ;
ex:sells_to ex:AliAkbar .
ex:SharifShahBakhi rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Sharif Shah Bakhi"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Iran"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:WaliMohammadReeki .
ex:NationalMuseumPakistan rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Museum of Pakistan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Karachi"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Pakistan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:PersianMummy .
ex:AsmaIbrahim rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Asma Ibrahim"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Pakistan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:NationalMuseumPakistan ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:PersianMummy .
ex:UnknownPakistani rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:country "Pakistan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:sells_to ex:AmanollahRiggi .
ex:PersianMummy ex:authenticated_by ex:AsmaIbrahim ;
ex:seized_by ex:PakistaniPolice .
ex:PakistaniPolice rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:country "Pakistan"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:PersianMummy .
ex:PersianMummy ex:repatriated_to "Pakistan"^^xsd:string .
ex:PersianMummy ex:enforced_by ex:PakistaniPolice .# Individuals
ex:BenjaminJohnson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Benjamin Johnson" .
ex:DavidSwetnam rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "David Swetnam" .
ex:JohnBourne rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Bourne" .
ex:GeorgeRoberts rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "George Roberts" .
ex:NoelKeyes rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Noel Keyes" .
ex:MerylMacklin rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Meryl Macklin" .
ex:JohnMerryman rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Merryman" .
# Organizations
ex:HellerEhrmanWhiteMcAuliffe rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Heller, Ehrman, White & McAuliffe" .
# Auction House
ex:SothebysNewYork rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's New York" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Government Agency
ex:USGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "US Government" .
ex:PeruvianGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Peruvian Government" .
# Artifact
ex:SipanMaterial rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Moche" ;
ex:dates_from "1987" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Peru" .
# Relationships
ex:DavidSwetnam ex:controls ex:SipanMaterial .
ex:BenjaminJohnson ex:buys ex:SipanMaterial ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:SipanMaterial ;
ex:sells_to ex:JohnBourne .
ex:GeorgeRoberts ex:works_with ex:NoelKeyes ;
ex:works_with ex:MerylMacklin .
ex:MerylMacklin ex:employed_by ex:HellerEhrmanWhiteMcAuliffe .
ex:JohnMerryman ex:works_with ex:BenjaminJohnson .
ex:SothebysNewYork ex:auctions ex:SipanMaterial .
ex:USGovernment ex:repatriates ex:SipanMaterial .
ex:PeruvianGovernment ex:repatriates ex:SipanMaterial .# Instances
ex:David_Bernstein rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "David Bernstein"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Dulles_International_Airport rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Dulles International Airport"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Washington DC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Art_Institute_of_Chicago rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Art Institute of Chicago"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Chicago"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Peruvian_Antiquities rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Peruvian"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Pre-Columbian"^^xsd:string .
ex:Richard_Conger rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Richard Conger"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Dulles_International_Airport .
ex:Dr_Clifford_Evans rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr. Clifford Evans"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:Smithsonian_Institution .
ex:Smithsonian_Institution rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Smithsonian Institution"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Washington DC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Peruvian_Embassy rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Peruvian Embassy"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Washington DC"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
ex:Sothebys rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Sotheby's"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "United States"^^xsd:string .
# Object Properties
ex:David_Bernstein ex:sells_to ex:Metropolitan_Museum_of_Art ;
ex:sells_to ex:Art_Institute_of_Chicago ;
ex:buys ex:Peruvian_Antiquities ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Peruvian_Antiquities ;
ex:buys_at ex:Sothebys .
ex:Peruvian_Antiquities ex:authenticated_by ex:Smithsonian_Institution ;
ex:repatriated_to "Peru"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:Dulles_International_Airport .
ex:Sothebys ex:auctions ex:Peruvian_Antiquities .# Instances and Data
# Artifacts
ex:PiedrasNegrasStela5 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 5" ;
ex:from_culture "Piedras Negras" ;
ex:dates_from "1890s" .
ex:PiedrasNegrasStela1 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 1" ;
ex:from_culture "Piedras Negras" .
ex:PiedrasNegrasStela2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 2" ;
ex:from_culture "Piedras Negras" .
ex:PiedrasNegrasStela3 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 3" ;
ex:from_culture "Piedras Negras" .
# Museum
ex:MET rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "MET" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:MinneapolisInstituteOfArts rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Minneapolis Institute of Arts" ;
ex:city "Minneapolis" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:BrooklynMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Brooklyn Museum" ;
ex:city "Brooklyn" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Gallery
ex:StendahlGalleries rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Stendahl Galleries" .
# Person
ex:RobertHuber rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Huber" ;
ex:city "Milwaukee" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Government Agency
ex:GuatemalanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Government" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
# Object Properties
ex:MET ex:has_possession_of ex:PiedrasNegrasStela5 .
ex:MinneapolisInstituteOfArts ex:has_possession_of ex:PiedrasNegrasStela2 .
ex:BrooklynMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:PiedrasNegrasStela3 .
ex:StendahlGalleries ex:sells_to ex:MinneapolisInstituteOfArts .
ex:RobertHuber ex:sells_to ex:BrooklynMuseum .# Instances and Data
# Artifacts
ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_8 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 8" ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" .
ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_9 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 9" ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" .
ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_10 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 10" ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" .
ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_11 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 11" ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" .
ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_25 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 25" ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" .
ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_26 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 26" ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" .
ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_29 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 29" ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" .
# Persons
ex:Maler rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Maler" .
ex:Manichak_Aurance rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Manichak Aurance" .
ex:Jean_Aurance rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jean Aurance" .
ex:Pierre_Langlois rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Pierre Langlois" .
ex:Earl_Stendahl rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Earl Stendahl" .
# Auction House
ex:Millon rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Millon" ;
ex:city "Paris" ;
ex:country "France" .
ex:Drouot rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Drouot" ;
ex:city "Paris" ;
ex:country "France" .
ex:Hotel_des_Ventes rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Hôtel des Ventes" ;
ex:city "Paris" ;
ex:country "France" .
# Museum
ex:Museum_of_Fine_Arts_Houston rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Fine Arts, Houston" ;
ex:city "Houston" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:Museo_Nacional_de_Arqueologia_y_Etnologia rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología" ;
ex:city "Guatemala City" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
ex:Linden_Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Linden-Museum" ;
ex:city "Stuttgart" ;
ex:country "Germany" .
# Object Properties
ex:Millon ex:auctions ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_9 .
ex:Manichak_Aurance ex:buys_at ex:Millon .
ex:Manichak_Aurance ex:obtains_from ex:Pierre_Langlois .
ex:Pierre_Langlois ex:obtains_from ex:Earl_Stendahl .
ex:Museum_of_Fine_Arts_Houston ex:has_possession_of ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_11 .
ex:Museo_Nacional_de_Arqueologia_y_Etnologia ex:has_possession_of ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_25 .
ex:Linden_Museum ex:has_possession_of ex:Piedras_Negras_Stela_25 .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:Stela2 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
# Person
ex:TeobertMaler rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Teobert Maler" .
ex:JAldenMason rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "J. Alden Mason" .
ex:StephenHouston rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Stephen Houston" .
ex:HectorEscobedo rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Hector Escobedo" .
ex:TatianaProskouriakoff rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Tatiana Proskouriakoff" .
ex:GuillermoGonzalez rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Guillermo González" .
ex:CharlesGolden rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Charles Golden" .
# Organization
ex:UniversityOfPennsylvania rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "University of Pennsylvania" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:BrighamYoungUniversity rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Brigham Young University" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:UniversidadDeValleDeGuatemala rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Universidad de Valle de Guatemala" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
ex:HarvardUniversity rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Harvard University" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:MinneapolisInstituteOfArts rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Minneapolis Institute of Arts" ;
ex:city "Minneapolis" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:UniversityOfPennsylvaniaMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "University of Pennsylvania Museum" ;
ex:city "Philadelphia" ;
ex:country "United States" .
# Government Agency
ex:GuatemalanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Government" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" .
# Object Properties
ex:Stela2 ex:has_possession_of ex:MinneapolisInstituteOfArts .
ex:TeobertMaler ex:obtains_from ex:Stela2 .
ex:JAldenMason ex:employed_by ex:UniversityOfPennsylvania .
ex:StephenHouston ex:employed_by ex:BrighamYoungUniversity .
ex:HectorEscobedo ex:employed_by ex:UniversidadDeValleDeGuatemala .
ex:Stela2 ex:repatriates ex:GuatemalanGovernment .
ex:UniversityOfPennsylvaniaMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:Stela2 .
ex:HarvardUniversity ex:has_possession_of ex:PiedrasNegrasPanels1and2 .
ex:GuatemalanGovernment ex:has_possession_of ex:PiedrasNegrasMonuments .
ex:UniversityOfPennsylvaniaMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:PiedrasNegrasStela14andAltar4 .# Instances and Data
# Artifacts
ex:Stela3 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 3" ;
ex:from_culture "Mesoamerican" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
ex:Stela4 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 4" ;
ex:from_culture "Mesoamerican" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
ex:Stela5 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 5" ;
ex:from_culture "Mesoamerican" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
ex:Stela7 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Stela 7" ;
ex:from_culture "Mesoamerican" ;
ex:dates_from "Unknown" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
# Museums
ex:MuseoNacional rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museo Nacional de Arqueología y Etnología" ;
ex:city "Guatemala City" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Stela3, ex:Stela7 .
ex:MuseumOfPrimitiveArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Museum of Primitive Art" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Stela5 .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Stela5 .
ex:RufinoTamayoMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Rufino Tamayo Museum" ;
ex:city "Oaxaca" ;
ex:country "Mexico" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Stela4 .
# Gallery
ex:GalerieJeanneBucher rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Galerie Jeanne Bucher" ;
ex:city "Paris" ;
ex:country "France" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Stela4 .
# Government Agency
ex:GuatemalanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Guatemala" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" ;
ex:repatriates ex:Stela3, ex:Stela7 .
ex:MexicanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Mexico" ;
ex:country "Mexico" ;
ex:repatriates ex:Stela7 .
# Private Collections
ex:PrivateCollectionMerida rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Unnamed Private Collector in Mérida" ;
ex:city "Mérida" ;
ex:country "Mexico" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Stela3 .
ex:PrivateCollectionUnnamed rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Unnamed Private Collector" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:Stela4 .# Instances
ex:PiedrasNegrasStela32 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 32" ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Period" .
ex:PiedrasNegrasStela34 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 34" ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Period" .
ex:PiedrasNegrasStela35 rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Piedras Negras Stela 35" ;
ex:from_culture "Mayan" ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Period" .
ex:ParkeBernertGalleries rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Parke-Bernet Galleries" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:GalerieJeanneBucher rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Galerie Jeanne Bucher" ;
ex:city "Paris" ;
ex:country "France" .
ex:RautenstrauchJoestMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Rautenstrauch-Joest-Museum für Völkerkunde" ;
ex:city "Köln" ;
ex:country "Germany" .
# Object Properties
ex:ParkeBernertGalleries ex:has_possession_of ex:PiedrasNegrasStela32 .
ex:GalerieJeanneBucher ex:has_possession_of ex:PiedrasNegrasStela34 .
ex:RautenstrauchJoestMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:PiedrasNegrasStela35 .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:FremontCultureFigurine rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Fremont Culture Figurine" ;
ex:from_culture "Fremont Culture" ;
ex:dates_from "700-1300 AD" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Utah region" .
# Person
ex:ClarencePilling rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Clarence Pilling" .
ex:GeneveOliver rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Geneve Oliver" .
ex:NeilJudd rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Neil Judd" .
ex:NoelMorss rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Noel Morss" .
ex:BonniePitblado rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Bonnie Pitblado" .
# Museum
ex:Smithsonian rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Smithsonian" ;
ex:city "Washington D.C." ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:PeabodyMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Peabody Museum" ;
ex:city "Cambridge" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:CollegeOfEasternUtahPrehistoricMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "College of Eastern Utah Prehistoric Museum" ;
ex:city "Price" ;
ex:country "USA" .
# Object Properties
ex:ClarencePilling ex:has_possession_of ex:FremontCultureFigurine .
ex:GeneveOliver ex:obtains_from ex:ClarencePilling .
ex:NeilJudd ex:obtains_from ex:GeneveOliver .
ex:NoelMorss ex:obtains_from ex:NeilJudd .
ex:CollegeOfEasternUtahPrehistoricMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:FremontCultureFigurine .
ex:BonniePitblado ex:obtains_from ex:AnonymousPerson .
# Anonymous Person
ex:AnonymousPerson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Anonymous Person" .# Instances
ex:PillingCollection rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Fremont"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Fremont culture"^^xsd:string .
ex:MissingFigurine rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Fremont"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Ancient"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Fremont culture"^^xsd:string .
ex:UtahStateUniversityEasternPrehistoricMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:city "Utah"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string .
ex:MercyhurstCollege rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Mercyhurst College"^^xsd:string .
ex:BrighamYoungUniversity rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Brigham Young University"^^xsd:string .
ex:UtahStateUniversity rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Utah State University"^^xsd:string .
ex:JamesAdovasio rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:employed_by ex:MercyhurstCollege .
ex:SteveNelson rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:employed_by ex:BrighamYoungUniversity .
ex:MollyBoekaCannon rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:employed_by ex:UtahStateUniversity .
# Object Properties
ex:MissingFigurine ex:authenticated_by ex:MercyhurstCollege ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:BrighamYoungUniversity ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:UtahStateUniversity .
ex:UtahStateUniversityEasternPrehistoricMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:PillingCollection ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MissingFigurine .
ex:JamesAdovasio ex:works_with ex:SteveNelson ;
ex:works_with ex:MollyBoekaCannon .
ex:SteveNelson ex:works_with ex:JamesAdovasio ;
ex:works_with ex:MollyBoekaCannon .
ex:MollyBoekaCannon ex:works_with ex:JamesAdovasio ;
ex:works_with ex:SteveNelson .# Instances
ex:PlaceresFacade rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "Late Classic Period"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Mexico"^^xsd:string .
ex:EverettRassiga rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Everett Rassiga"^^xsd:string ;
ex:buys ex:PlaceresFacade ;
ex:obtains_from ex:TreasureHunters ;
ex:sells_to ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:TreasureHunters rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:PlaceresFacade .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Metropolitan Museum of Art"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "New York"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:PlaceresFacade .
ex:ThomasHoving rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Thomas Hoving"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum ;
ex:works_with ex:JosephVeachNoble .
ex:JosephVeachNoble rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Joseph Veach Noble"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:IgnacioBernal rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr Ignacio Bernal"^^xsd:string ;
ex:employed_by ex:NationalMuseumOfAnthropology .
ex:NationalMuseumOfAnthropology rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "National Museum of Anthropology"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Mexico City"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:PlaceresFacade .
ex:MexicanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Mexican Government"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Mexico"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:PlaceresFacade .
# Relationships
ex:EverettRassiga ex:buys ex:PlaceresFacade ;
ex:obtains_from ex:TreasureHunters ;
ex:sells_to ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:TreasureHunters ex:has_possession_of ex:PlaceresFacade .
ex:MetropolitanMuseum ex:has_possession_of ex:PlaceresFacade .
ex:ThomasHoving ex:employed_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum ;
ex:works_with ex:JosephVeachNoble .
ex:JosephVeachNoble ex:employed_by ex:MetropolitanMuseum .
ex:IgnacioBernal ex:employed_by ex:NationalMuseumOfAnthropology .
ex:NationalMuseumOfAnthropology ex:has_possession_of ex:PlaceresFacade .
ex:MexicanGovernment ex:repatriates ex:PlaceresFacade .# Instances and Data
ex:PortRoyal rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Port Royal" ;
ex:from_culture "Tainos" ;
ex:dates_from "1655" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Jamaica" .
ex:RobertMarx rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Robert Marx" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:PortRoyal ;
ex:buys ex:PortRoyal .
ex:PortRoyalMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Port Royal Museum" ;
ex:city "Kingston" ;
ex:country "Jamaica" .
ex:JeremiahDMurphy rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Jeremiah D. Murphy" ;
ex:employed_by ex:RoyalNavy .
ex:RoyalNavy rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Royal Navy" .
ex:AlexiDupont rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Alexi Dupont" ;
ex:buys ex:PortRoyal .
ex:EdwinLink rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Edwin Link" ;
ex:buys ex:PortRoyal .
ex:NormanScott rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Norman Scott" ;
ex:employed_by ex:JamaicanGovernment .
ex:JamaicanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Jamaican Government" .
ex:PhilipMayes rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Philip Mayes" ;
ex:employed_by ex:JamaicanNationalTrustCommission .
ex:JamaicanNationalTrustCommission rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Jamaican National Trust Commission" .
ex:RichardPriddy rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Richard Priddy" ;
ex:employed_by ex:JamaicanNationalTrustCommission .
ex:DonnyHamilton rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Donny Hamilton" ;
ex:employed_by ex:InstituteOfNauticalArchaeology .
ex:InstituteOfNauticalArchaeology rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Institute of Nautical Archaeology" .
ex:TexasAMUniversity rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Texas A&M University" .
ex:JamaicanNationalHeritageTrust rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Jamaican National Heritage Trust" .
# Instances and Data
# Creating instances for the organizations mentioned
ex:UNESCO rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "UNESCO" .
ex:JamaicanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Jamaican Government" .
# Creating instances for the meetings and conventions mentioned
ex:Convention2001 rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "2001 Convention on the Protection of the Underwater Cultural Heritage" .
ex:CaribbeanMeeting2011 rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Caribbean Meeting on the Protection of Underwater Cultural Heritage" ;
ex:city "Port Royal" .
# Creating instances for the site mentioned
ex:PortRoyal rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Latin America and Caribbean" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Underwater Cultural Heritage" .
# Creating instances for the actions mentioned
ex:JamaicanGovernment ex:works_with ex:UNESCO .
ex:JamaicanGovernment ex:controls ex:PortRoyal .
ex:UNESCO ex:recommends ex:JamaicanGovernment .
ex:JamaicanGovernment ex:repatriates ex:PortRoyal .
# Creating instances for the potential World Heritage Site
ex:PotentialWorldHeritageSite rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Potential World Heritage Site" ;
ex:from_culture "Latin America and Caribbean" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Underwater Cultural Heritage" .
# Creating instances for the proposed facilities
ex:Museum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:city "Port Royal" ;
ex:country "Jamaica" .
ex:ArchaeologicalPark rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:city "Port Royal" ;
ex:country "Jamaica" .
# Creating instances for the actions related to the proposed facilities
ex:JamaicanGovernment ex:has_possession_of ex:Museum .
ex:JamaicanGovernment ex:has_possession_of ex:ArchaeologicalPark .# Instances
ex:RioAzul rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Classic Maya period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
ex:TrinidadPech rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Trinidad Pech" ;
ex:employed_by ex:SunOilCompany .
ex:SunOilCompany rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Sun Oil Company" .
ex:UnnamedGuatemalanCollector rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:buys ex:RioAzul ;
ex:employed_by ex:UnnamedGuatemalanMan .
ex:UnnamedGuatemalanMan rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:works_with ex:UnnamedGuatemalanCollector ;
ex:works_with ex:UnnamedUSArchaeologist .
ex:UnnamedUSArchaeologist rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:works_with ex:UnnamedGuatemalanMan .
ex:IanGraham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham" ;
ex:works_with ex:RafaelMorales .
ex:RafaelMorales rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Rafael Morales" ;
ex:employed_by ex:GuatemalanGovernmentTreasury .
ex:GuatemalanGovernmentTreasury rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Government Treasury" ;
ex:repatriates ex:RioAzul .
ex:CorruptArchaeologist rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:works_with ex:UnnamedGuatemalanCollector .
# Data Properties
ex:SunOilCompany ex:country "United States" .
ex:UnnamedGuatemalanCollector ex:country "Guatemala" .
ex:UnnamedGuatemalanMan ex:country "Guatemala" .
ex:UnnamedUSArchaeologist ex:country "United States" .
ex:IanGraham ex:country "United Kingdom" .
ex:RafaelMorales ex:country "Guatemala" .
ex:GuatemalanGovernmentTreasury ex:country "Guatemala" .
ex:CorruptArchaeologist ex:country "United States" .# Instances and Data
# Artifact
ex:MayaMask rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Maya Mask"^^xsd:string ;
ex:from_culture "Maya"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "393 AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Maya"^^xsd:string .
# Person
ex:ZakBalam rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Zak Balam"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:MayaMask .
ex:Richard rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Richard"^^xsd:string .
ex:IanGraham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Ian Graham"^^xsd:string .
# Government Agency
ex:GuatemalaGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Guatemala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Guatemala"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:MayaMask .
# Artifact Authentication
ex:MayaInscription rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Maya Inscription"^^xsd:string ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:MayaMask .
# Artifact Seizure
ex:USAuthority rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "US Authority"^^xsd:string ;
ex:seized_by ex:MayaMask .
# Artifact Repatriation
ex:MayaMask ex:repatriated_to "Guatemala"^^xsd:string .# Instances and Data
ex:RioAzulMask rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Classic Maya funerary mask" ;
ex:from_culture "Classic Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Early Classic Period" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemalan" .
ex:PeterGWray rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter G. Wray" ;
ex:city "Scottsdale" ;
ex:country "United States" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:RioAzulMask .
ex:AndreEmmerichGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Andre Emmerich’s New York Gallery" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "United States" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:RioAzulMask .
ex:DetroitInstituteOfArt rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Detroit Institute of Art" ;
ex:city "Detroit" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:BarbierMuellerMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Barbier-Mueller Pre-Columbian Art Museum" ;
ex:city "Barcelona" ;
ex:country "Spain" ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:RioAzulMask .
ex:GuatemalanGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Guatemala" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" ;
ex:repatriates ex:RioAzulMask .
ex:BarcelonaCourt rdf:type ex:AUTHORITY ;
ex:name "Barcelona Court" ;
ex:country "Spain" ;
ex:enforced_by ex:RioAzulMask .
ex:NationalGeographicMagazine rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "National Geographic Magazine" ;
ex:country "United States" .
ex:GuatemalanInstituteOfAnthropologyAndHistory rdf:type ex:EXPERTISE_INSTITUTION ;
ex:name "Guatemalan Institute of Anthropology and History" ;
ex:country "Guatemala" ;
ex:authenticated_by ex:RioAzulMask .# Instances
ex:WearyHerakles rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Roman"^^xsd:string ;
ex:dates_from "2nd century AD"^^xsd:string ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Roman"^^xsd:string .
ex:BostonMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Boston Museum of Fine Arts"^^xsd:string ;
ex:city "Boston"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "USA"^^xsd:string ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:WearyHerakles .
ex:TurkeyGovernment rdf:type ex:GOVERNMENT_AGENCY ;
ex:name "Government of Turkey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:country "Turkey"^^xsd:string ;
ex:repatriates ex:WearyHerakles .
# Relationships
ex:WearyHerakles ex:repatriated_to "Turkey"^^xsd:string .
# Note: The text does not provide specific individuals or organizations involved in the trade or dispute of the Weary Herakles, so I have not created instances for these.# Instances
ex:ClassicMayaVase rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:name "Classic Maya Vase" ;
ex:from_culture "Maya" ;
ex:dates_from "Late 1970s" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "Guatemala" .
ex:DetroitInstituteOfArts rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Detroit Institute of Arts" ;
ex:city "Detroit" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:AndreEmmerichGallery rdf:type ex:GALLERY ;
ex:name "Andre Emmerich Gallery" ;
ex:city "New York" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:PeterGWray rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Peter G. Wray" ;
ex:city "Scottsdale" ;
ex:country "USA" .
ex:SamSachs rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Sam Sachs" ;
ex:employed_by ex:DetroitInstituteOfArts .
ex:MichaelKan rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Michael Kan" ;
ex:employed_by ex:DetroitInstituteOfArts .
# Object Properties
ex:AndreEmmerichGallery ex:sells_to ex:PeterGWray .
ex:PeterGWray ex:buys ex:ClassicMayaVase .
ex:PeterGWray ex:donates_to ex:DetroitInstituteOfArts .
ex:DetroitInstituteOfArts ex:has_possession_of ex:ClassicMayaVase .
ex:SamSachs ex:works_with ex:MichaelKan .# Instances and Data
# Persons
ex:LordAlistairMcAlpine rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Lord Alistair McAlpine" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:DrIanStead rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Dr Ian Stead" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:DavidKeys rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "David Keys" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:JohnOfSalisbury rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John of Salisbury" ;
ex:city "Salisbury" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:JamesGarriock rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "James Garriock" ;
ex:city "Salisbury" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:StuartNeedham rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Stuart Needham" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:TerryRossiter rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Terry Rossiter" ;
ex:city "Salisbury" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:JohnCummings rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "John Cummings" ;
ex:city "Lincolnshire" ;
ex:country "UK" .
# Organizations
ex:BritishMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "British Museum" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:TheIndependent rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "The Independent" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:HolbornPolice rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Holborn Police" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:Christies rdf:type ex:AUCTIONHOUSE ;
ex:name "Christie's" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" .
ex:DevizesMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "Devizes Museum" ;
ex:city "Devizes" ;
ex:country "UK" .
# Artifacts
ex:SalisburyHoard rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "British Iron Age" ;
ex:dates_from "200 BC" .
# Object Properties
ex:LordAlistairMcAlpine ex:sells_to ex:BritishMuseum .
ex:BritishMuseum ex:buys ex:SalisburyHoard .
ex:JohnOfSalisbury ex:sells_to ex:BritishMuseum .
ex:JamesGarriock ex:obtains_from ex:JohnCummings .
ex:JohnCummings ex:buys ex:SalisburyHoard .
ex:Christies ex:auctions ex:SalisburyHoard .
ex:DevizesMuseum ex:buys ex:SalisburyHoard .
# Employment
ex:DrIanStead ex:employed_by ex:BritishMuseum .
ex:StuartNeedham ex:employed_by ex:BritishMuseum .
ex:DavidKeys ex:employed_by ex:TheIndependent .
# Authentication and Expertise
ex:SalisburyHoard ex:authenticated_by ex:BritishMuseum .
# Cultural Heritage and Repatriation
ex:SalisburyHoard ex:cultural_heritage "British Iron Age" .# Instances and Data
ex:SalisburyHoard rdf:type ex:ARTIFACT ;
ex:from_culture "Iron Age" ;
ex:dates_from "Iron Age" ;
ex:cultural_heritage "British" .
ex:LordMcAlpine rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Lord McAlpine" ;
ex:sells_to ex:BritishMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SalisburyHoard .
ex:BritishMuseum rdf:type ex:MUSEUM ;
ex:name "British Museum" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" ;
ex:buys ex:SalisburyHoard ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SalisburyHoard .
ex:McAlpineAntiquitiesBusiness rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "McAlpine's Antiquities Business" ;
ex:city "London" ;
ex:country "UK" ;
ex:employed_by ex:LordMcAlpine .
ex:Stead rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:name "Stead" ;
ex:employed_by ex:BritishMuseum ;
ex:works_with ex:BritishMuseum .
ex:Landowner rdf:type ex:PERSON .
ex:LandownerDaughter rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:spouse_of ex:Landowner ;
ex:sells_to ex:BritishMuseum ;
ex:has_possession_of ex:SalisburyHoard .
ex:ArtNewspaper rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "The Art Newspaper" .
ex:BritishMuseumTrustee rdf:type ex:PERSON ;
ex:employed_by ex:BritishMuseum .
ex:DepartmentOfPrehistoricAndRomanoBritishAntiquities rdf:type ex:ORGANIZATION ;
ex:name "Department of Prehistoric and Romano-British Antiquities" ;
ex:employed_by ex:Stead .
ex:SalisburyHoardBook rdf:type ex:ART_WORK ;
ex:is_instance_of ex:SalisburyHoard ;
ex:dates_from "Post-Iron Age" .
subject predicate object
AbrahamTrust has_possession_of GeometricPlate
AbrahamTrust has_possession_of HippolytusSitulae
AchillesPlate is_instance_of SevsoTreasure
AchillesPlate dates_from mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD
AcrolithicSculptures from_culture Morgantina
AcrolithicSculptures repatriated_to Aidone
AdenMuseum repatriates SouthArabianAlabasterStele
AdenMuseum city Aden
AdenMuseum country Yemen
AdoptATextile has_possession_of HuacaMalena
AdoptATextile country Peru
AdrianIorgulescu employed_by MinistryOfCultureAndReligiousAffairsRomania
AdrianIorgulescu repatriates SarmizegetusaRegia
AhmedBuzaian employed_by BenghaziUniversity
AidoneMuseum has_possession_of MorgantinaSilver
AidoneMuseum has_possession_of AcrolithicSculptures
AidoneMuseum city Aidone
AidoneMuseum has_possession_of GettyAphrodite
AidoneMuseum country Italy
AidoniaTreasure cultural_heritage Greece
AidoniaTreasure dates_from 15th century BC
AidoniaTreasure repatriated_to Greece
AidoniaTreasure from_culture Mycenaean
Alamilla works_with Hollinshead
AlbaIuliaCourtOfAppealsProsecutorsOffice country Romania
AlbertoRuzLhuillier country Mexico
AlbertoRuzLhuillier authenticated_by PakalMask
AlexanderYerofeyev obtains_from LarisaZavadskaya
AlexanderYerofeyev buys StolenArtifacts
AlexiDupont buys PortRoyal
AlfonsoMedellinZenil works_with RosaManuelPascual
AlfonsoMedellinZenil works_with Severiano
AlfonsoMedellinZenil employed_by MuseumOfAnthropologyAtXalapa
AlfredMaudslay works_with Ixkun
AliAkbar country Pakistan
AliAkbar works_with WaliMohammadReeki
AliAkbar buys PersianMummy
AliAkbar city Karachi
Allsop works_with ReturnTheHandWebsite
Allsop donates_to PangbocheMonastery
Allsop obtains_from YetiHand
AlphonseJax sells_to MildredBarnsBliss
AlphonseJax buys MosaicMask
AlphonseJax works_with GordonEkholm
AltmanGallery country USA
AltmanGallery city Los Angeles
AltmanGallery has_possession_of MexicanShaftTombTradition
Alva country Peru
AmanollahRiggi city New Jersey
AmanollahRiggi sells_to OscarMuscarella
AmanollahRiggi obtains_from UnknownPakistani
AmanollahRiggi country USA
AmericanCollector buys SanAgustinPainting
AmericanCollector buys SantaRosaPainting
AmericanCollector country United States
AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory country USA
AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory country United States
AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory city New York
AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory has_possession_of ToiMoko
AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory buys IcaStones
AmericanTurkishSociety has_possession_of GarlandSarcophagus
AnastasiosKarahalios works_with TryfonasKarahaliosSenior
AnastasiosKarahalios works_with IoannisLoris
AnastasiosKarahalios works_with TryfonasKarahaliosJunior
AndreEmmerichGallery has_possession_of LomaNegraArtifacts
AndreEmmerichGallery country United States
AndreEmmerichGallery country USA
AndreEmmerichGallery sells_to PeterGWray
AndreEmmerichGallery city New York
AndreEmmerichGallery has_possession_of RioAzulMask
AnimalEwer from_culture Roman
AnimalEwer dates_from fourth-century AD
AnneLouiseSchaffer works_with JulieJones
AntalyaMuseum country Turkey
AntalyaMuseum city Antalya
AntalyaMuseum has_possession_of KumlucaSilver
AntalyaMuseum has_possession_of GarlandSarcophagus
AntalyaMuseum has_possession_of WearyHerakles
AntarcticHeritageTrust controls CapeEvansCamp
AntarcticHeritageTrust country New Zealand
AntarcticHeritageTrust controls DiscoveryHut
AntarcticTreatySystem enforced_by CandleLantern
AntarcticTreatySystem country International
AntarcticTreatySystem enforced_by Beaker
AntarcticTreatySystem enforced_by Bottles
AntarcticTreatySystem enforced_by LeatherSledgeStraps
AntarcticTreatySystem enforced_by CoatHook
AntikeKunstPalladion country Switzerland
AntikeKunstPalladion city Basel
AntiquariaRomana has_possession_of EuphroniosKrater
AntiquariaRomana city Rome
AntiquariaRomana country Italy
AntiquitiesDealer has_possession_of BallcourtMarker
AntonineWall enforced_by HistoricScotland
AntonineWall cultural_heritage Roman Empire World Heritage Site
AntonineWall from_culture Roman
AntonineWall dates_from 142 AD
AntonineWall seized_by StrathclydePolice
AntonioSavoca obtains_from LuigiCoppola
AntonioSavoca city Munich
AntonioSavoca has_possession_of GreekVases
AntonioSavoca country Germany
AntonRoeckl buys_at UnknownAuctionHouse
AntonRoeckl buys DosCabezas
AntonRoeckl obtains_from UnknownTraffickers
AntonTkalec works_with HalimKorban
AntonTkalec country Austria
AntonTkalec city Vienna
AntonTkalec works_with MansurMokhtarzade
AntonTkalec sells_to ArtConsultancy
ApulianPelike dates_from Gravina Painter period
ApulianPelike authenticated_by FritzBurki
ApulianPelike from_culture Apulian
ApulianRedFiguredBellKrater dates_from Red-Figured period
ApulianRedFiguredBellKrater from_culture Apulian
ApulianRedFiguredBellKrater authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
ApulianGnathiaFlatBodiedEpichysis from_culture Middle Gnathia
ApulianGnathiaFlatBodiedEpichysis country Italy
ApulianGnathiaFlatBodiedEpichysis dates_from 340-320 BC
ApulianGnathiaLekythos from_culture Middle Gnathia
ApulianGnathiaLekythos country Italy
ApulianGnathiaLekythos dates_from 340-330 BC
ApulianGnathiaRoundBelliedEpichysis dates_from 340-320 BC
ApulianGnathiaRoundBelliedEpichysis from_culture Middle Gnathia
ApulianGnathiaRoundBelliedEpichysis country Italy
ApulianRedFigureLidWithBowl from_culture Apulian
ApulianRedFigureLidWithBowl dates_from 4th century BC
ApulianRedFigureLidWithBowl country South Italy
ApulianVoluteKrater from_culture Italian
ApulianVoluteKrater country Italy
ApulianVoluteKrater dates_from 330 BC
ArchaeologicalExperts country UK
ArchaeologicalInstituteofAmerica works_with EgyptianMuseum
ArchaeologicalPark country Jamaica
ArchaeologicalPark city Port Royal
ArchaeologicalSurveyOfIndia country India
ArnoldGoldberg buys LomaNegraArtifacts
ArnoldGoldberg buys_at AndreEmmerichGallery
ArtInstituteofChicago country United States
ArtInstituteofChicago country USA
ArtInstituteofChicago city Chicago
ArtCollectorsOfNovember controls JohnFulling
ArtCollectorsOfNovember city Ft Lauderdale
ArtCollectorsOfNovember country United States
ArtConsultancy buys GeometricEwer
ArtConsultancy buys AchillesPlate
ArtConsultancy city Guernsey
ArtConsultancy buys HuntingPlate
ArtConsultancy country United Kingdom
ArtemisConsortium sells_to GettyMuseum
ArtemisConsortium buys FanoBronze
ArthurHoughton employed_by GettyMuseum
ArthurHoughton works_with GettyMuseum
ArthurJGerber works_with KirbyWilson
ArthurJGerber works_with JohnWilliamWay
ArthurJGerber obtains_from JohnWilliamWay
ArthurJGerber works_with DannyGGlover
ArthurJGerber works_with JohnDTowery
ArthurJGerber buys GEMound
Artifact1 repatriated_to Peru
Artifact1 dates_from Ancient Times
Artifact1 from_culture La Mina
Artifact1 from_culture Ancient Egypt
Artifact1 has_possession_of AntonRoeckl
Artifact2 from_culture Ancient Italy
Artifact2 has_possession_of AntonRoeckl
Artifact2 repatriated_to Peru
Artifact2 from_culture Dos Cabezas
Artifact2 dates_from Ancient Times
Artifact3 dates_from Ancient Times
Artifact3 from_culture Ancient Greece
Artifact4 from_culture Ancient Spain
Artifact4 dates_from Ancient Times
ArtInstituteOfChicago country USA
ArtInstituteOfChicago has_possession_of LaCorona
ArtInstituteOfChicago city Chicago
ArtisticImportsCorporation country Switzerland
ArtisticImportsCorporation sells_to Sothebys
ArtMarket city Mexico City
ArtMarket country Mexico
ArtMarket auctions LasBocas
Ashmolean country United Kingdom
AsianCivilizationsMuseum city Singapore
AsianCivilizationsMuseum country Singapore
AsianCivilizationsMuseum has_possession_of BelitungShipwreck
AsmaIbrahim employed_by NationalMuseumPakistan
AsmaIbrahim country Pakistan
AsmaIbrahim authenticated_by PersianMummy
AtlantisAntiquities sells_to AtticBlackFiguredZoneCup
AtlantisAntiquities sells_to GettyMuseum
AtlantisAntiquities country USA
AtlasArqueologico country Guatemala
AtticBlackFiguredAmphora from_culture Attic
AtticBlackFiguredAmphora authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
AtticBlackFiguredAmphora dates_from Black-Figured period
AtticBlackFiguredZoneCup authenticated_by AtlantisAntiquities
AtticBlackFiguredZoneCup from_culture Attic
AtticBlackFiguredZoneCup dates_from Black-Figured period
AtticRedFiguredCalyxKrater dates_from Red-Figured period
AtticRedFiguredCalyxKrater authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
AtticRedFiguredCalyxKrater from_culture Attic
AtticRedFiguredCup dates_from Red-Figured period
AtticRedFiguredCup authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
AtticRedFiguredCup from_culture Attic
AtticRedFiguredKalpis authenticated_by MediciPolaroid
AtticRedFiguredKalpis dates_from Red-Figured period
AtticRedFiguredKalpis from_culture Attic
AtticBlackFigureCups authenticated_by ASCSA
AtticBlackFigureCups seized_by FBI
AtticBlackFigureCups dates_from Ancient Times
AtticBlackFigureCups from_culture Ancient Greek
AtticBlackFigureCups repatriated_to Greece
AtticRedFiguredPelike from_culture Attic
AtticRedFiguredPelike repatriated_to Italy
AtticRedFiguredPelike cultural_heritage Greek
AtticRedFiguredPelike dates_from Ancient Greece
AtticRedFiguredSitula repatriated_to Italy
AtticRedFiguredSitula cultural_heritage Greek
AtticRedFiguredSitula dates_from Ancient Greece
AtticRedFiguredSitula from_culture Attic
AubinTonalamatl dates_from 19th Century
AubinTonalamatl from_culture Nahuatl
AubinTonalamatl cultural_heritage Mexican
AugustinLazar employed_by AlbaIuliaCourtOfAppealsProsecutorsOffice
AugustinLazar repatriates SarmizegetusaRegia
AurelinoAguayo country Guatemala
AurelinoAguayo works_with SylvanusMorley
AurelinoAguayo works_with CarlCuthe
AurichFamily has_possession_of BatánGrande
AurichFamily obtains_from BatánGrande
AustraliaNationalGallery city Canberra
AustraliaNationalGallery obtains_from USDealer
AustraliaNationalGallery has_possession_of TextileWK319
AustraliaNationalGallery buys TextileWK319
AustraliaNationalGallery country Australia
AustralianCollector has_possession_of EgyptianTombRelief
AustralianCollector country Australia
AustralianGovernment repatriates TextileWK319
AustralianGovernment country Australia
AymaraTextiles dates_from Pre- and post-Conquest
AymaraTextiles from_culture Aymara
AymaraTextiles cultural_heritage Bolivia
AymaraTextiles repatriated_to Bolivia
BallcourtMarker authenticated_by Demarest
BallcourtMarker repatriated_to Guatemala
BallcourtMarker seized_by ServiciosDeInvestigacionCriminal
BallcourtMarker from_culture Maya
BallcourtMarker cultural_heritage Guatemala
BallcourtMarker dates_from 796 CE
BanChiang dates_from 3600 BC to 200 AD
BanChiang repatriated_to Thailand
BanChiang from_culture Ban Chiang culture
BanChiang cultural_heritage Thailand
BanChiangArtifacts enforced_by IRS
BanChiangArtifacts cultural_heritage Thailand
BanChiangArtifacts from_culture Ban Chiang
BanChiangArtifacts dates_from 3000 BC to 300 AD
BanChiangArtifacts seized_by ICE
BangkokCollectors buys BanChiang
BangkokCollectors city Bangkok
BangkokCollectors country Thailand
BarbaraFleischman spouse_of LawrenceFleischman
BarbaraFleischman has_possession_of ZeusStatue
BarbierMuellerMuseum has_possession_of RioAzulMask
BarbierMuellerMuseum city Barcelona
BarbierMuellerMuseum country Spain
BarcelonaCourt country Spain
BarcelonaCourt enforced_by RioAzulMask
BarryMacLean country USA
BarryMacLean city Chicago
BarryMacLean buys RobertOlson
BarryStern employed_by HillwoodMuseum
BarryStern has_possession_of EgyptianArtifacts
BarryStern buys_at Christies
BarryStern sells_to Christies
BaselFreeport country Switzerland
BatánGrande from_culture Sicán/Lambayeque
BatánGrande cultural_heritage Peru
BatánGrande dates_from Middle Sicán period
BauchiPlateau country Nigeria
Beaker dates_from 1912
Beaker from_culture Antarctic Exploration
Beaker enforced_by AntarcticTreatySystem
BelitungShipwreck dates_from 9th Century CE
BelitungShipwreck from_culture Arab
BelitungShipwreck cultural_heritage Arab and Chinese
BelkisAndTilmuseResidents buys ProvincesMosaic
BelkisAndTilmuseResidents donates_to GaziantepMuseum
BelkisAndTilmuseResidents country Turkey
BelkisAndTilmuseResidents city Belkis and Tilmuse
BenghaziTreasure seized_by DepartmentOfAntiquities
BenghaziTreasure authenticated_by DepartmentOfAntiquities
BenghaziTreasure cultural_heritage Libya
BenghaziTreasure repatriated_to Libya
BenghaziTreasure from_culture Cyrenaica
BenghaziTreasure dates_from 5th and 6th centuries BC, Hellenistic period
BenghaziUniversity city Benghazi
BenghaziUniversity country Libya
BenjaminBishopJohnson buys SipanArtifacts
BenjaminBishopJohnson authenticated_by ArtCollectionsConservationNetwork
BenjaminJohnson sells_to JohnBourne
BenjaminJohnson buys SipanMaterial
BenjaminJohnson authenticated_by SipanMaterial
BenJohnson sells_to JohnBourne
BerkeleyMuseum country USA
BerkeleyMuseum city Berkeley
BernardAshmole works_with JPaulGetty
BernardAshmole employed_by BritishMuseum
BernardFagg obtains_from DepartmentOfMines
BerryStarkAssociates city Denver
BerryStarkAssociates donates_to DenverArtMuseum
BerryStarkAssociates buys ElZotzLintel1
BerryStarkAssociates country United States
BettyMeggers employed_by ArchaeologyInstitution
BeverlyHillsGallery has_possession_of AtticRedFiguredSitula
BeverlyHillsGallery has_possession_of AtticRedFiguredPelike
BeverlyHillsGallery country United States
BibliothèqueNationale city Paris
BibliothèqueNationale has_possession_of AubinTonalamatl
BibliothèqueNationale country France
BibliothèqueNationaleDeFrance has_possession_of Uigwe
BibliothèqueNationaleDeFrance country France
BibliothèqueNationaleDeFrance city Paris
BijbelsMuseum has_possession_of EgyptianArtefact1
BijbelsMuseum country Netherlands
BijbelsMuseum city Amsterdam
BolivianLaw enforced_by CoromaTextiles
BolivianNationalArchives country Bolivia
BolivianEmbassyLondon country United Kingdom
BolivianGovernment repatriates CoromaTextiles
Bonhams country UK
Bonhams auctions EgyptianTombRelief
Bonhams city London
Bonhams auctions MaadiArtifacts
Bonhams auctions ShamshiAdadVStele
BonhamsLondon city London
BonhamsLondon auctions ToiMoko
BonhamsLondon country UK
BonniePitblado obtains_from AnonymousPerson
BortolotDaybreakCorporation city Guilford
BortolotDaybreakCorporation country USA
BortolotDaybreakCorporation authenticated_by NokTerracotta
BostonMuseum country USA
BostonMuseum city Boston
BostonMuseum has_possession_of WearyHerakles
BostonMuseumOfFineArts country United States
Bottles enforced_by AntarcticTreatySystem
Bottles from_culture Antarctic Exploration
Bottles dates_from 1912
Bound works_with Ong
Bound employed_by Butterfields
Bound authenticated_by HoiAnWreck
BourneCollection from_culture Pre-Conquest
BourneCollection has_possession_of SipanSite
BourneCollection has_possession_of HuacaRajada
BourneCollection has_possession_of JohnBourne
BourneCollection donates_to NewMexicoHistoryMuseum
BourneCollection dates_from 1987
BowersMuseum city Unknown
BowersMuseum country USA
BowersMuseum city Santa Ana
BraceletPair dates_from 6th century BC
BraceletPair country Italy
BraceletPair from_culture Etruscan
BraceletsSarmizegetusaRegia repatriated_to Romania
BraceletsSarmizegetusaRegia authenticated_by RomanianNationalHistoryMuseum
BraceletsSarmizegetusaRegia dates_from Unknown
BraceletsSarmizegetusaRegia from_culture Dacian
BraceletsSarmizegetusaRegia cultural_heritage Romanian
BrendanLynch employed_by Sothebys
BrendanLynch works_with VamanGhiya
BrighamYoungUniversity country United States
BritishMuseum has_possession_of SalisburyHoard
BritishMuseum has_possession_of ShamshiAdadVStele
BritishMuseum country UK
BritishMuseum city London
BritishMuseum buys SalisburyHoard
BritishMuseumTrustee employed_by BritishMuseum
Brody works_with MimbresFoundation
BrooklynMuseum city New York
BrooklynMuseum has_possession_of CopticArt
BrooklynMuseum country USA
BrooklynMuseum city Brooklyn
BrooklynMuseum has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasStela3
BrooklynMuseum has_possession_of GarlandSarcophagus
BrooklynMuseum has_possession_of SheikhIbadaGroup
BrownUniversity country United States
BruceMcNall works_with JiriFrel
BruceMcNall works_with SyWeintraub
BruceMcNall works_with RobertHecht
BrueningMuseum has_possession_of Lot11
BrueningMuseum has_possession_of Lot17
BrueningMuseum has_possession_of Lot7
BrueningMuseum country Peru
BrueningMuseum city Lambayeque
BunkerHunt has_possession_of EuphroniosKrater2
Butterfields city San Francisco
Butterfields auctions HoiAnShipwreck
Butterfields auctions HoiAnWreck
Butterfields country United States
CaballoPintadoSite controls LasBocas
CaballoPintadoSite country Mexico
CabreraHomeMuseum city Ica
CabreraHomeMuseum has_possession_of IcaStone
CabreraHomeMuseum country Peru
CairoUniversity authenticated_by MaadiArtifacts
CairoUniversity country Egypt
CaliforniaDealers country United States
CaliforniaDealers city California
CaliforniaDealers buys BanChiang
CambridgeCentreforPreciousMetalResearch authenticated_by AidoniaTreasure
CampanianBirdAskos dates_from 310-280 BC
CampanianBirdAskos country South Italy
CampanianBirdAskos from_culture Campanian
CampanianRedFigureAcornLekythos from_culture Campanian
CampanianRedFigureAcornLekythos country South Italy
CampanianRedFigureAcornLekythos dates_from 350-320 BC
CanadianDepartmentofIndianAffairs country Canada
CanadianGovernment repatriates CoromaTextiles
Cancuen dates_from Classic Maya period
Cancuen from_culture Classic Maya
Cancuen dates_from 2001
Cancuen from_culture Maya
Cancuen cultural_heritage Guatemala
CancuenBallcourtMarker cultural_heritage Guatemala
CancuenBallcourtMarker dates_from Classic Maya period
CancuenBallcourtMarker from_culture Classic Maya
CancuenPalace cultural_heritage Guatemala
CancuenPalace dates_from Classic Maya period
CancuenPalace from_culture Classic Maya
CancuenPanel cultural_heritage Guatemala
CancuenPanel dates_from Classic Maya period
CancuenPanel from_culture Classic Maya
CandleLantern dates_from 1902
CandleLantern from_culture Antarctic Exploration
CandleLantern enforced_by AntarcticTreatySystem
CapeEvansCamp city Ross Island
CapeEvansCamp has_possession_of Beaker
CapeEvansCamp country Antarctica
CapeEvansCamp has_possession_of CoatHook
CapeEvansCamp has_possession_of Bottles
CapeLionLogging country Switzerland
CapeLionLogging sells_to Sothebys
CaptainTrang has_possession_of HoiAnShipwreck
Carabinieri repatriates PaestanRedFigureKrater
Carabinieri country Italy
Carabinieri seized_by Sarcophagus
Carabinieri repatriates AtticRedFiguredSitula
Carabinieri repatriates MarbleJaniformHead
Carabinieri repatriates Sarcophagus
Carabinieri repatriates AtticRedFiguredPelike
Carabinieri repatriates ZeusStatue
CaraSucia cultural_heritage Salvadoran
CaraSucia from_culture Cotzumalhuapa Culture
CaraSucia dates_from 166 BC
CariMarkell country Unknown
CariMarkell city Unknown
CaribbeanMeeting2011 city Port Royal
CariMarkell employed_by SilkRoadsGallery
CarlCuthe country United States
CarlCuthe employed_by CarnegieInstitute
CarlCuthe authenticated_by Stela3
CarlCuthe authenticated_by Stela12
CarlCuthe authenticated_by Stela10
CarlosPerchesTrevino has_possession_of PakalMask
CarlosPerchesTrevino obtains_from MuseoNacionalDeAntropologia
CarlosPerchesTrevino country Mexico
CarnegieInstitute country United States
Carvers works_with Gustafsson
Carvers has_possession_of ReplicaPole
CBP country USA
CBP seized_by NokTerracotta
ChachapoyaMummies is_instance_of LagunadelosCondores
ChachapoyaMummies dates_from 800 AD - Spanish Conquest
CharlesQuarrell has_possession_of MimbresSite
CharlesQuarrell works_with MikeQuarrell
ChesterGorman works_with ThaiFineArtsDepartment
ChesterGorman employed_by UniversityofPennsylvaniaMuseum
ChiefGpsgolox controls GpsgoloxTotemPole
ChineseAuthorities country China
ChineseEmbassy city Washington DC
ChineseEmbassy country USA
ChineseEmbassy works_with Sothebys
ChristianBoursaud employed_by HydraGallery
ChristianBoursaud works_with GiacomoMedici
ChristianBoursaud sells_to GettyMuseum
ChristianBoursaud sells_to SothebysLondon
ChristianBoursaud city Geneva
ChristianBoursaud country Switzerland
Christies city London
Christies auctions EgyptianArtifacts
Christies country UK
Christies auctions SalisburyHoard
Christies country United Kingdom
Christies auctions PolarArtifacts
Christies auctions MaadiArtifacts
Christies city New York
Christies auctions CandleLantern
Christies sells_to Claydon
Christies auctions ShamshiAdadVStele
Christies country USA
Christies buys_from VamanGhiya
Christies auctions JinaFigure
Christies auctions Beaker
Christies auctions Bottles
Christies auctions LeatherSledgeStraps
Christies auctions DuckVessel1
Christies auctions CoatHook
Christies auctions RedGraniteRelief
ChristiesNewYork country USA
ChristiesNewYork auctions TempleRelief
ChristiesNewYork auctions MarbleReliefPanel
ChristiesNewYork auctions MarcusAureliusHead
ChristiesNewYork auctions EgyptianArtefact1
ChristiesNewYork auctions NeoAssyrianGoldEarrings
ChristiesNewYork city New York
ChristiesNewYork auctions AtticBlackFigureCups
ChristiesNewYork auctions SarmizegetusaRegia
ChristopherDonnan works_with SteveBourget
ChristopherDonnan employed_by UCLA
CityUniversityOfNewYork city New York
CityUniversityOfNewYork country USA
CKeep has_possession_of BraceletPair
CKeep donates_to ClevelandMuseum
ClarencePilling has_possession_of FremontCultureFigurine
ClassicMayaVase dates_from Late 1970s
ClassicMayaVase from_culture Maya
ClassicMayaVase cultural_heritage Guatemala
Claydon donates_to ScottPolarResearchInstitute
Claydon has_possession_of PolarArtifacts
ClayMathematicsInstitute country United States
ClayMathematicsInstitute employed_by LandonClay
ClayMathematicsInstitute city Cambridge
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of ApulianGnathiaLekythos
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of ProcessionalCross
ClevelandMuseum country United States
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of CampanianRedFigureAcornLekythos
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of ColumnKrater
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of SicilianPlasticVase
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of ApulianGnathiaFlatBodiedEpichysis
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of ApulianRedFigureLidWithBowl
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of BraceletPair
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of Warrior
ClevelandMuseum city Cleveland
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of CampanianBirdAskos
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of RedFigureDuckAskos
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of ApulianGnathiaRoundBelliedEpichysis
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of ApulianVoluteKrater
ClevelandMuseum has_possession_of DonkeyHeadRhyton
ClevelandMuseum donates_to ItalianMinistryOfCulture
CliveHollinshead works_with EdDwyer
CliveHollinshead country USA
CliveHollinshead works_with HarryBrown
CliveHollinshead works_with JohnnieBrownFell
CoatHook dates_from 1912
CoatHook enforced_by AntarcticTreatySystem
CoatHook from_culture Antarctic Exploration
CollegeOfEasternUtahPrehistoricMuseum country USA
CollegeOfEasternUtahPrehistoricMuseum city Price
CollegeOfEasternUtahPrehistoricMuseum has_possession_of FremontCultureFigurine
ColombianArmy country Colombia
ColumnKrater dates_from 600-590 BC
ColumnKrater country Greece
ColumnKrater from_culture Greek
CONCULTURA country El Salvador
CopticArt authenticated_by JohnBeckwith
CopticArt from_culture Coptic
CopticArt dates_from 3rd to 8th Centuries AD
CopticMuseum city Cairo
CopticMuseum has_possession_of SheikhIbadaGroup
CopticMuseum country Egypt
Corbridge cultural_heritage United Kingdom
Corbridge from_culture Roman
Corbridge dates_from Roman Era
Corbridge enforced_by EnglishHeritage
CorinthMuseum city Corinth
CorinthMuseum country Greece
CorneliusCVermeuleIII employed_by MuseumOfFineArts
Coroma country Bolivia
Coroma city Coroma
Coroma is_type VILLAGE
CoromaCommunity has_possession_of CoromaTextiles
CoromaTextiles cultural_heritage Bolivian
CoromaTextiles from_culture Bolivian
CoromaTextiles seized_by CanadianGovernment
CoromaTextiles repatriated_to Bolivia
CoromaTextiles dates_from Pre-1950
CoromaTextiles seized_by USStateDepartmentCulturalPropertyAdvisory
CoromaTextiles seized_by BolivianGovernment
CoronersInquest authenticated_by WanboroughTempleArtifacts
CorruptArchaeologist works_with UnnamedGuatemalanCollector
CorruptArchaeologist country United States
CristinaBubba employed_by BolivianNationalArchives
CristinaBubba works_with Coroma
Croatia country Croatia
CultStatueofaGoddess from_culture Greek
CultStatueofaGoddess authenticated_by RobinSymes
CultStatueofaGoddess repatriated_to Italy
CultStatueofaGoddess dates_from 1st Century BC
CultStatueofaGoddess from_culture Roman
CultStatueofaGoddess dates_from Classical period
CulturalAction works_with SouthKorea
CulturalAction country South Korea
CulturalPropertyImplementationAct enforced_by UnitedStates
CurtisTomak employed_by GeneralElectric
DalvaniusPrime donates_to NewZealandGovernment
DalvaniusPrime obtains_from BonhamsLondon
DamonMezzacappa buys GarlandSarcophagus
DamonMezzacappa donates_to AmericanTurkishSociety
DaniloZicchi has_possession_of IllegallyExcavatedArtefacts
DaniloZiccho country Italy
DannyGGlover works_with KirbyWilson
DannyGGlover works_with JohnWilliamWay
DannyGGlover obtains_from JohnWilliamWay
DannyGGlover works_with JohnDTowery
DannyGGlover buys GEMound
DannyGGlover works_with ArthurJGerber
DavidBernstein city New York
DavidBernstein city New York City
DavidBernstein has_possession_of Lot11
DavidBernstein has_possession_of Lot17
DavidBernstein sells_to ArtInstituteofChicago
DavidBernstein has_possession_of Lot7
DavidBernstein country United States
DavidBernstein sells_to MetropolitanMuseumofArt
DavidBernstein buys PeruvianAntiquities
DavidBernstein country USA
DavidBernstein buys_at Sothebys
DavidBernstein has_possession_of PeruvianAntiquities
DavidFriedel works_with LasBocas
DavidKeys country UK
DavidKeys city London
DavidKeys employed_by TheIndependent
DavidSwetnam sentenced_by USCourt
DavidSwetnam works_with MichaelKelly
DavidSwetnam sentence 6 months in prison
DavidSwetnam has_possession_of SipanArtifacts
DavidSwetnam obtains_from UnknownPerson
DavidSwetnam controls SipanMaterial
DavidSwetnam charged_by USGovernment
DavidSwetnam works_with FredDrew
DealersOnSite buys WanboroughTempleArtifacts
DealersOnSite obtains_from MetalDetectorUsers
Demarest works_with UniversidadDelValle
Demarest employed_by VanderbiltUniversity
Demarest works_with MarcWolf
Demarest obtains_from AntiquitiesDealer
Demarest works_with GuatemalanMinistryOfCulture
DenisGarcia works_with EdmundoAurichBonilla
DenisGarcia works_with OswaldoAurichBonilla
DenverArtMuseum repatriates ElZotzLintel1
DenverArtMuseum has_possession_of ElZotzLintel1
DenverArtMuseum country United States
DenverArtMuseum city Denver
DenverArtMuseum offered MachaquilaStela5
DenverArtMuseum country USA
DenverMuseumOfArt country USA
DenverMuseumOfArt city Denver
DepartmentOfAntiquities country Libya
DepartmentOfAntiquities city Benghazi
DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal country Nepal
DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal repatriates UmaMaheshwar
DepartmentOfMines country Nigeria
DepartmentOfPrehistoricAndRomanoBritishAntiquities employed_by Stead
DerrynaflanHoard cultural_heritage Irish
DerrynaflanHoard from_culture Early Irish Church
DerrynaflanHoard dates_from Early Medieval Period
DerrynaflanHoard repatriated_to Ireland
DerrynaflanHoard authenticated_by NationalMuseumIreland
DetroitInstituteOfArt city Detroit
DetroitInstituteOfArt country United States
DetroitInstituteOfArts has_possession_of ClassicMayaVase
DetroitInstituteOfArts city Detroit
DetroitInstituteOfArts country USA
DevizesMuseum buys SalisburyHoard
DevizesMuseum city Devizes
DevizesMuseum country UK
DiadoumenosHead dates_from 2nd century AD
DiadoumenosHead cultural_heritage Greek
DiadoumenosHead from_culture Greek
DiegoRivera buys MexicanShaftTombTradition
DietrichvonBothmer sells_to Getty
DietrichVonBothmer employed_by MetropolitanMuseum
DietrichVonBothmer donates_to GettyMuseum
DireccionRegionalDeCultura country Peru
DiscoveryHut has_possession_of CandleLantern
DiscoveryHut city Ross Island
DiscoveryHut has_possession_of LeatherSledgeStraps
DiscoveryHut country Antarctica
Dobinson works_with Denison
DonkeyHeadRhyton from_culture Greek
DonkeyHeadRhyton dates_from 475 BC
DonkeyHeadRhyton country Greece
DonnyHamilton employed_by InstituteOfNauticalArchaeology
DosCabezas from_culture Moche
DosCabezas dates_from AD 150 to 550
DosCabezas repatriated_to Peru
DosCabezas cultural_heritage Peru
DosCabezas seized_by DireccionRegionalDeCultura
DosCabezas enforced_by DireccionRegionalDeCultura
DosCabezas authenticated_by ChristopherDonnan
DrCliffordEvans employed_by SmithsonianInstitution
DrAlbertoLuna country Mexico
DrAlbertoLuna has_possession_of CaraSucia
DrGreteMostny works_with HumbertoFuenzalida
DrGreteMostny employed_by MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural
DrIanStead country UK
DrIanStead employed_by BritishMuseum
DrIanStead city London
DrMichaelFlecker country Unknown
DrMichaelFlecker works_with SeabedExplorations
DrMichaelFlecker city Unknown
Drouot city Paris
Drouot country France
DrSantiagoIgnacioBarbarena has_possession_of CaraSucia
DrTrinhCaoTuong works_with VietnameseMinistryOfCulture
DrTrinhCaoTuong employed_by VietnameseInstituteOfArchaeology
DuckVessel1 repatriated_to Egypt
DuckVessel1 cultural_heritage Egypt
DuckVessel1 dates_from 12th Dynasty
DuckVessel1 from_culture Egyptian
DuckVessel2 from_culture Egyptian
DuckVessel2 dates_from 12th Dynasty
DuckVessel2 cultural_heritage Egypt
DuckVessel2 repatriated_to Egypt
DullesInternationalAirport city Washington DC
DullesInternationalAirport country United States
DumbartonOaks city Washington, DC
DumbartonOaks has_possession_of KumlucaSilver
DumbartonOaks country USA
DumbartonOaksResearchLibraryAndCollection city Washington DC
DumbartonOaksResearchLibraryAndCollection country USA
DuncanKeates has_possession_of HMSDukeofAlbany
DuncanKeates obtains_from HMSDukeofAlbany
DuncanKeates country UK
DuncanKeates city Leicestershire
DuncanKeates buys HMSDukeofAlbany
Dwyer sells_to Hollinshead
Dwyer donates_to BrooklynMuseum
Dwyer sells_to Rittenour
Dwyer buys Stela
Dwyer works_with Fell
Dwyer sells_to Neikrug
Dwyer sells_to Patterson
Dwyer sells_to Emmerich
EAlmagia has_possession_of BraceletPair
EAlmagia donates_to ClevelandMuseum
EarlStendhal sells_to FriedaKahlo
EarlStendhal sells_to DiegoRivera
EarSpools dates_from 1980s
EarSpools from_culture North Coast, Peru
EastDunbartonshireCouncil country Scotland
EatonVanceCorporation employed_by LandonClay
EatonVanceCorporation city Boston
EatonVanceCorporation country United States
EdDwyer works_with JohnnieBrownFell
EdDwyer works_with HarryBrown
EdipTelli sells_to DamonMezzacappa
EditionsServices has_possession_of Sarcophagus
EdmundoAurichBonilla spouse_of OswaldoAurichBonilla
EdmundoAurichBonilla controls BatánGrande
EdwardHMerrin has_possession_of ZeusStatue
EdwardMerrin buys ElZotzLintel1
EdwardMerrin sells_to BerryStarkAssociates
EdwardGeorgeJohnson employed_by USArmy
EdwardGeorgeJohnson sells_to SueMcGovern
EdwardGeorgeJohnson buys MaadiArtifacts
EdwinLink buys PortRoyal
EgyptianArtefact1 repatriated_to Egypt
EgyptianArtefact1 dates_from Ancient Egypt
EgyptianArtefact1 from_culture Egyptian
EgyptianArtefact1 seized_by USImmigrationandCustomsEnforcement
EgyptianArtefact1 authenticated_by ArtLossRegister
EgyptianArtefact1 cultural_heritage Egypt
EgyptianArtifacts dates_from Ancient Egypt
EgyptianArtifacts from_culture Egyptian
EgyptianArtifacts cultural_heritage Egyptian
EgyptianMilitary controls MinistryofAntiquities
EgyptianMilitary country Egypt
EgyptianMuseum city Cairo
EgyptianMuseum has_possession_of TokeleyParrySchultz
EgyptianMuseum country Egypt
EgyptianEmbassy country UK
EgyptianEmbassy repatriates RedGraniteRelief
EgyptianTombRelief repatriated_to Egypt
EgyptianTombRelief dates_from Late Period, 26th Dynasty, circa 665–525 BC
EgyptianTombRelief cultural_heritage Tomb of Mutirdis at Thebes
EgyptianTombRelief from_culture Egyptian
ElZotzLintel1 dates_from 550-650 AD
ElZotzLintel1 cultural_heritage Guatemala
ElZotzLintel1 repatriated_to Guatemala
ElZotzLintel1 from_culture Classic Maya
ElizabethSheeTwohig employed_by UniversityCollegeCork
ElManati cultural_heritage Olmec culture
ElManati authenticated_by INAH
ElManati dates_from 1600-1200 BC
ElManati from_culture Olmec
ElPeru cultural_heritage Guatemala
ElPeru from_culture Maya
ElPeru authenticated_by Yale
EmergencyRedList dates_from 2012
EmilioEstrada employed_by EcuadorianArchaeology
EmilioEstrada works_with BettyMeggers
EnglishHeritage employed_by SecurityFirm
EnglishHeritage country United Kingdom
EnglishHeritage city London
EnricoPoli buys SipanArtifacts
EnricoPoli obtains_from Pereda
EnriqueAlvarezDelCastillo country Mexico
EricvonEuw authenticated_by Xultun
EricvonEuw country United States
ErnestEricson donates_to SwedishNationalMuseum
ErnestEricson buys Stela1
ErnestoMazzei employed_by HaciendaOcucaje
ErnilBernal has_possession_of SipanSite
ErnilBernal has_possession_of HuacaRajada
ErskineRamseyArchaeologicalRepository country USA
ErskineRamseyArchaeologicalRepository has_possession_of MoundvillePotteryVessel1
ErskineRamseyArchaeologicalRepository city Moundville
EstonianDefenceLeague controls MaidoKättmann
EstonianDefenceLeague country Estonia
EstonianNationalHeritageBoard repatriated_to Estonia
EstonianNationalHeritageBoard repatriates VikingAgeSilver
EstonianNationalHeritageBoard country Estonia
EstonianNationalHeritageBoard works_with UniversityOfTallinn
EtruscanAntefix from_culture Etruscan
EtruscanAntefix authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
EtruscanAntefix dates_from Classical period
EtruscanBronzeMirror from_culture Etruscan
EtruscanBronzeMirror dates_from Classical period
EtruscanBronzeMirror authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
EtruscanPonticAmphora from_culture Etruscan
EtruscanPonticAmphora dates_from Classical period
EtruscanPonticAmphora authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
EtruscanCandelabrum from_culture Etruscan
EtruscanCandelabrum dates_from Etruscan period
EtruscanCandelabrum cultural_heritage Italy
EtruscanKalpis obtains_from GianfrancoBecchina
EtruscanKalpis dates_from Pre-1981
EtruscanKalpis obtains_from GiacomoMedici
EtruscanKalpis authenticated_by ToledoMuseumOfArt
EtruscanKalpis has_possession_of ToledoMuseumOfArt
EtruscanKalpis cultural_heritage Italy
EtruscanKalpis repatriated_to Italy
EtruscanKalpis from_culture Etruscan
EuphroniosKrater dates_from Classical period
EuphroniosKrater repatriated_to Italy
EuphroniosKrater cultural_heritage Greek
EuphroniosKrater dates_from 515 BC
EuphroniosKrater from_culture Greek
EuphroniosKrater1 repatriated_to Italy
EuphroniosKrater1 cultural_heritage Etruscan
EuphroniosKrater1 enforced_by ItalianAuthority
EuphroniosKrater1 from_culture Etruscan
EuphroniosKrater1 authenticated_by MetropolitanMuseum
EuphroniosKrater1 dates_from 1971
EuphroniosKrater2 authenticated_by MetropolitanMuseum
EuphroniosKrater2 dates_from Unknown
EuphroniosKrater2 repatriated_to Italy
EuphroniosKrater2 cultural_heritage Etruscan
EuphroniosKrater2 from_culture Etruscan
EuphroniosKrater2 enforced_by ItalianAuthority
EusebioLara works_with Stela5
EverettRassiga buys PlaceresFacade
EverettRassiga sells_to NelsonRockefeller
EverettRassiga sells_to MetropolitanMuseum
EverettRassiga obtains_from TreasureHunters
FalkirkMuseum city Falkirk
FalkirkMuseum country Scotland
FalkirkMuseum has_possession_of RoughCastleAxehead
FanoBronze cultural_heritage Greek
FanoBronze from_culture Greek
FanoBronze dates_from 300-100 BC
FanoBronze seized_by ItalianGovernment
FanoBronze authenticated_by BernardAshmole
FBI country USA
FBI repatriates AtticBlackFigureCups
FBI repatriates NeoAssyrianGoldEarrings
FBI seized_by BourneCollection
FBI works_with ChristiesNewYork
FBI country United States
FelipePerezPaco has_possession_of SanAgustinPainting
FelipePerezPaco country Bolivia
FelipePerezPaco has_possession_of SantaRosaPainting
FelipePerezPaco works_with NicomedesBlancoPaco
Fell sells_to Rittenour
Fell sells_to Patterson
Fell works_with Dwyer
Fell sells_to Neikrug
Fell sells_to Emmerich
Fell sells_to Hollinshead
Fell buys Stela
Fell donates_to BrooklynMuseum
Fell country USA
FernandoIslaMerino controls LocalGovernment
FernandoOnore sells_to GianfrancoBecchina
Figurine1 from_culture Western Han
Figurine1 cultural_heritage China
Figurine1 dates_from 202 BC - 9 AD
Figurine2 dates_from 202 BC - 9 AD
Figurine2 cultural_heritage China
Figurine2 from_culture Western Han
Finder obtains_from SilverHoardEverbeek
Finder works_with ProvincialArchaeologicalMuseum
Finder donates_to ProvincialArchaeologicalMuseum
Finder works_with ProvincialGalloRomanMuseum
Finder has_possession_of SilverHoardEverbeek
FirstCenturyADStatuetteofDionysos dates_from 1st century AD
FirstCenturyADStatuetteofDionysos authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
FirstCenturyADStatuetteofDionysos from_culture Greek
FlandersHeritageAgency country Belgium
FlatDish authenticated_by MuseumOfFineArts
FlatDish from_culture Maya
FlatDish dates_from 1974
Flecker works_with Bound
Flecker employed_by UNESCO
FleischmanCollection sells_to AtticRedFiguredCalyxKrater
FolkensMuseumEtnografiska city Stockholm
FolkensMuseumEtnografiska country Sweden
ForrestColburn donates_to PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum
ForrestColburn employed_by CityUniversityOfNewYork
FragmentofaFirstCenturyBCRomanFresco from_culture Roman
FragmentofaFirstCenturyBCRomanFresco authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
FragmentofaFirstCenturyBCRomanFresco dates_from 1st century BC
FrançoisMitterrand country France
FrançoisMitterrand repatriates Uigwe
FrancavillaMaritimaFragments dates_from 1979-1981
FrancavillaMaritimaFragments from_culture Italian
FrancisLevine employed_by NewMexicoHistoryMuseum
FrankQuarrell works_with MikeQuarrell
FredDrew works_with DavidSwetnam
FredDrew buys SipanArtifacts
FrederickSchultz sells_to Getty
FremontCultureFigurine from_culture Fremont Culture
FremontCultureFigurine dates_from 700-1300 AD
FremontCultureFigurine cultural_heritage Utah region
FrenchInstitute sells_to Sothebys
FrenchNavalForces country France
FrenchNavalForces seized_by Uigwe
FrescoFragments cultural_heritage Greek
FrescoFragments from_culture Greek
FrescoFragments dates_from 4th century BC
FrescoFragments authenticated_by JiriFrel
FriedaKahlo buys MexicanShaftTombTradition
FriedaTchacos controls GalerieNefer
FriedaTchacos sells_to Getty
FriedaTchacos sells_to GettyMuseum
FriedaTchacos city Zurich
FriedaTchacos country Switzerland
FritzBürki sells_to Getty
FritzBurki sells_to ApulianPelike
FritzBurki works_with RobertHecht
FUNDAR country El Salvador
GalerieNefer country Switzerland
GalerieNefer city Zurich
GalerieJeanneBucher has_possession_of Stela4
GalerieJeanneBucher has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasStela34
GalerieJeanneBucher country France
GalerieJeanneBucher city Paris
GarlandSarcophagus from_culture Roman
GarlandSarcophagus cultural_heritage Turkey
GarlandSarcophagus dates_from AD 180
GaziantepMuseum country Turkey
GaziantepMuseum city Gaziantep
GaziantepMuseum has_possession_of ProvincesMosaic
GEMoundArtifacts from_culture Hopewell
GEMoundArtifacts authenticated_by Seeman
GEMoundArtifacts seized_by IndianaDepartmentofNaturalResources
GEMoundArtifacts cultural_heritage USA
GEMoundArtifacts dates_from Unknown
GEMound cultural_heritage Hopewell society
GEMound enforced_by GeneralElectric
GEMound from_culture Hopewell
GEMound seized_by CurtisTomak
GEMound dates_from First Century AD
GEMound authenticated_by CurtisTomak
GeneralSirRalphDarling controls NewSouthWalesGovernment
GenevaFreeportArtefacts repatriated_to Italy
GenevaFreeportArtefacts seized_by ItalianCarabinieri
GenevaFreeportArtefacts from_culture Italian
GenevaFreeport country Switzerland
GenevaFreeport sells_to GiacomoMedici
GenevaFreeport city Geneva
GenevaFreeport auctions GriffinsAttackingDoe
GenevaOwner has_possession_of ShamshiAdadVStele
GenevaOwner city Geneva
GenevaOwner country Switzerland
GeneveOliver obtains_from ClarencePilling
GeoffreyJenkinson has_possession_of HippolytusSitulae
GeoffreyJenkinson has_possession_of GeometricPlate
GeoffreyJenkinson works_with AbrahamTrust
GeometricEwer dates_from fourth-century AD
GeometricEwer from_culture Roman
GeometricEwer is_instance_of SevsoTreasure
GeometricEwer dates_from mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD
GeometricPlate dates_from 1981
GeometricPlate from_culture Lebanese
GeorgeOrtiz buys MotunuiPanels
GeorgeOrtiz buys_at Sothebys
GeorgeZacos has_possession_of KumlucaSilver
GeorgeAgogino has_possession_of PangbocheHand
GeorgeAgogino buys PangbocheHand
GeorgeAgogino employed_by HunterianMuseum
GeorgeOrtiz donates_to TePapa
GeorgeOrtiz country Bolivia
GeorgeOrtiz sells_to Sothebys
GeorgeOrtiz buys HaciendaMalagana
GeorgeOrtizCollection authenticated_by Sothebys
GeorgeOrtizCollection from_culture Primitive
GeorgeOrtizCollection has_possession_of GeorgeOrtiz
GeorgeRoberts works_with MerylMacklin
GeorgeRoberts works_with NoelKeyes
Gerber works_with Hanson
Gerber controlled_by USSupremeCourt
Gerber controlled_by USCourtofAppeals
Gerber has_possession_of GEMoundArtifacts
GermanArchaeologicalExpedition country Germany
GermanArtDealer sells_to MuseumFurIndischeKunst
GermanArtDealer city Wiesbaden
GermanArtDealer country Germany
GermanAuctionHouse country Germany
GermanAuctionHouse city Dortmund
GermanAuctionHouse auctions VikingAgeSilver
Getty has_possession_of StatueofaVictoriousYouth
Getty country USA
Getty city Los Angeles
Getty has_possession_of CultStatueofaGoddess
GettyAphrodite from_culture Greek
GettyAphrodite dates_from 425–400 BC
GettyAphrodite cultural_heritage Greek
GettyAphrodite repatriated_to Aidone
GettyAphrodite from_culture Morgantina
GettyAphrodite dates_from 4th century BC
GettyKouros cultural_heritage Greek
GettyKouros from_culture Greek
GettyKouros authenticated_by MarionTrue
GettyKouros seized_by JPaulGettyMuseum
GettyKouros authenticated_by JiriFrel
GettyKouros authenticated_by JeffreySpier
GettyKouros repatriated_to Greece
GettyKouros dates_from Sixth-century BC or modern
GettyMuseum buys Kylix
GettyMuseum has_possession_of GriffinsAttackingDoe
GettyMuseum country United States
GettyMuseum buys OnesimosKylix
GettyMuseum has_possession_of EtruscanCandelabrum
GettyMuseum has_possession_of PaestanKrater
GettyMuseum has_possession_of GeometricPlate
GettyMuseum country USA
GettyMuseum buys MithraStatue
GettyMuseum buys FanoBronze
GettyMuseum buys DiadoumenosHead
GettyMuseum donates_to MuseoArcheologico
GettyMuseum has_possession_of HippolytusSitulae
GettyMuseum buys TerracottaHeadOfHades
GettyMuseum has_possession_of StoneStela
GettyMuseum has_possession_of FanoBronze
GettyMuseum has_possession_of TerracottaHeadOfHades
GettyMuseum city Los Angeles
GettyMuseum has_possession_of FrescoFragments
GettyVilla city Malibu
GettyVilla country USA
GiacomoBarbetti buys FanoBronze
GiacomoBarbetti obtains_from FanoFishermen
GiacomoBarbetti sells_to ArtemisConsortium
GiacomoMedici buys EuphroniosKrater
GiacomoMedici sells_to MarionTrue
GiacomoMedici works_with ChristianBoursaud
GiacomoMedici sells_to RobertHecht
GiacomoMedici employed_by HydraGallery
GiacomoMedici works_with RobertHecht
GiacomoMedici employed_by AntiquariaRomana
GiacomoMedici buys_at SothebysLondon
GiacomoMedici sells_to GianfrancoBecchina
GiacomoMedici country Italy
GiacomoMedici works_with NikolasKoutoulakis
GiacomoMedici sells_to GettyMuseum
GiacomoMedici city Geneva
GiacomoMedici country Switzerland
GiacomoMedici obtains_from GettyMuseum
GianfrancoBecchina controls AntikeKunstPalladion
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to Getty
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to LeonLevy
GianfrancoBecchina country Switzerland
GianfrancoBecchina works_with UrsulaBecchina
GianfrancoBecchina employed_by AntikeKunstPalladion
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to ShelbyWhite
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to MerrinGallery
GianfrancoBecchina buys_at Christies
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to GeorgeOrtiz
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to MetropolitanMuseum
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to Louvre
GianfrancoBecchina works_with ElieBorowsky
GianfrancoBecchina works_with RobertHecht
GianfrancoBecchina buys EtruscanKalpis
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to Ashmolean
GianfrancoBecchina buys_at Sothebys
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to ToledoMuseumOfArt
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to DietrichVonBothmer
GianfrancoBecchina spouse_of RosieBecchina
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to NoriyoshiHoriuchi
GianfrancoBecchina country Italy
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to GettyMuseum
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to JPaulGettyMuseum
GianfrancoBecchina works_with MarioBruno
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum
GianfrancoBecchina works_with GiacomoMedici
GianfrancoBecchina city Basel
GianfrancoBecchina sells_to BostonMuseumOfFineArts
GianfrancoBecchina has_possession_of GettyKouros
GilaNationalForrest country United States
GillettGriffin donates_to PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum
GillettGriffin employed_by PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum
GiltCopperHeadband enforced_by PeruvianAuthorities
GiltCopperHeadband cultural_heritage Loma Negra
GiltCopperHeadband from_culture South American
GiltCopperHeadband repatriated_to Peru
GiovanniNagni works_with GiacomoBarbetti
GoldenHorns from_culture Bronze Age
GoldenHorns dates_from 5th Century AD
GoldenHorns cultural_heritage Denmark
GoldFuneraryWreath from_culture Greek
GoldFuneraryWreath dates_from 4th century BC
GordonMcClendon donates_to Getty
GovernmentOfElSalvador country El Salvador
GovernmentOfElSalvador repatriates CaraSucia
GovtNewZealand country New Zealand
GovtNewZealand repatriates Panels
GpsgoloxTotemPole cultural_heritage Haisla First Nation
GpsgoloxTotemPole dates_from 1872
GpsgoloxTotemPole repatriated_to Canada
GpsgoloxTotemPole from_culture Haisla
GreekArchaeologicalService country Greece
GreekArchaeologicalService repatriates AidoniaTreasure
GreekMinistryOfCulture has_possession_of AtticBlackFigureCups
GreekMinistryOfCulture country Greece
GreekPolice country Greece
GreekVases repatriated_to Italy
GreekVases seized_by ItalianCarabinieri
GreekVases from_culture Greek
GreekVases dates_from Medieval
GreekVases authenticated_by ItalianCarabinieri
GriffinsAttackingDoe from_culture Greek
GriffinsAttackingDoe repatriated_to Italy
GriffinsAttackingDoe dates_from 4th Century BC
GriffinsAttackingDoe seized_by ItalianCarabinieri
GrolierClub city New York
GrolierClub country USA
GrolierCodex from_culture Maya
GrolierCodex seized_by MexicanGovernment
GrolierCodex authenticated_by ExpertInstitution
GrolierCodex dates_from AD 1230 ± 130
GrolierCodex cultural_heritage Maya
GuardiaDiFinanza country Italy
GuatemalaGovernment country Guatemala
GuatemalaGovernment repatriates ElZotzLintel1
GuatemalaGovernment repatriates MayaMask
GuatemalanAuthorities country Guatemala
GuatemalanAuthorities repatriates CancuenBallcourtMarker
GuatemalanAuthority country Guatemala
GuatemalanGovernment country Guatemala
GuatemalanGovernment repatriates Machaquila
GuatemalanCulturalAffairsOffice repatriates NovemberCollection
GuatemalanCulturalAffairsOffice country Guatemala
GuatemalanGovernment repatriates RioAzulMask
GuatemalanGovernment repatriates Stela3
GuatemalanGovernment has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasMonuments
GuatemalanGovernment repatriates NovemberCollection
GuatemalanGovernment repatriates Stela7
GuatemalanGovernmentTreasury country Guatemala
GuatemalanGovernmentTreasury repatriates RioAzul
GuatemalanInstituteOfAnthropologyAndHistory country Guatemala
GuatemalanInstituteOfAnthropologyAndHistory authenticated_by RioAzulMask
GuglielmoCollection dates_from 5th century BC
GuglielmoCollection from_culture Italian
GuildfordMuseum country England
GuildfordMuseum city Guildford
GuillermoChaconCarrasco works_with JaimeRiosAbarca
GuillermoChaconCarrasco works_with LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto
GuillermoChaconCarrasco buys MomiaDeCerroElPlomo
GuillermoChaconCarrasco sells_to MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural
GuillermoChaconCarrasco country Chile
HaciendaMalagana dates_from 300 BC to 300 AD
HaciendaMalagana authenticated_by INCIVA
HaciendaMalagana authenticated_by ICAN
HaciendaMalagana enforced_by ColombianArmy
HaciendaMalagana cultural_heritage Colombian
HaciendaMalagana from_culture Malagana culture
HaciendaMalagana repatriated_to Colombia
HaciendaOcucaje country Peru
HaciendaOcucaje city Ocucaje
Haisla repatriates TotemPole
HaislaFirstNation country Canada
HalimKorban works_with MansurMokhtarzade
Hanson has_possession_of GEMoundArtifacts
Hanson works_with Gerber
Hanson controlled_by USCourtofAppeals
HarryBrown has_possession_of MachaquilaStela5
HarryBrown country USA
HarryBrown city Helena
HarvardArchaeologicalTeam has_possession_of CancuenPalace
HarvardUniversity has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasPanels1and2
HarvardUniversity country United States
Hecht obtains_from Medici
Hecht sells_to Metropolitan
Hecht has_possession_of Krater
Hecht sells_to MetropolitanMuseum
Hecht buys EuphroniosKrater2
Hecht buys EuphroniosKrater1
Hecht works_with Sarrafian
HectorEscobedo employed_by UniversidadDeValleDeGuatemala
Heidenreich obtains_from Kunstkammer
Heidenreich has_possession_of GoldenHorns
HeinzHerzer buys FanoBronze
HeinzHerzer sells_to GettyMuseum
HeinzHerzer works_with BernardAshmole
HeinzHerzer controls ArtemisConsortium
HenryRobertson employed_by HaislaFirstNation
HerbertJSpinden works_with DrAlbertoLuna
Hermitage has_possession_of MotherOfGodSign
Hermitage country Russia
Hermitage city St. Petersburg
HighEndAuction auctions OcucajeTextile
HighEndAuction sells_to ZeroMostel
HighEndAuction auctions GiltCopperHeadband
HippolytusSitula from_culture Roman
HippolytusSitula dates_from fourth-century AD
HippolytusSitulae dates_from 1981
HippolytusSitulae from_culture Lebanese
HistoricScotland works_with StrathclydePolice
HistoricScotland country Scotland
HistoricScotland works_with EastDunbartonshireCouncil
HMSDukeofAlbany enforced_by KirkwallSheriffCourt
HMSDukeofAlbany repatriated_to UK
HMSDukeofAlbany authenticated_by ProtectionofMilitaryRemainsAct1986
HMSDukeofAlbany from_culture British
HMSDukeofAlbany cultural_heritage British Military Heritage
HMSDukeofAlbany dates_from 1916
HoiAnShipwreck from_culture Vietnamese
HoiAnShipwreck authenticated_by OxfordUniversity
HoiAnShipwreck dates_from 1430-1480
HoiAnShipwreck cultural_heritage Vietnamese
HoiAnWreck dates_from 15th to 19th century
HoiAnWreck authenticated_by Bound
HoiAnWreck from_culture Thai
HoiAnWreck cultural_heritage South-East Asian trading port
HolbornPolice country UK
HolbornPolice city London
Hollinshead works_with TedWiener
Hollinshead country USA
Hollinshead has_possession_of Stela
Hollinshead works_with Fell
Hollinshead buys MachaquilaStela2
Hollinshead works_with Alamilla
Hollinshead has_possession_of MachaquilaStela2
HoratioGordonRobley buys ToiMoko
HoratioGordonRobley sells_to AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory
HoriuchiGallery country United Kingdom
HoriuchiGallery city London
HoriuchiGallery has_possession_of GenevaFreeportArtefacts
HosniMubarak country Egypt
HostelinLeymebamba city Leymebamba
HostelinLeymebamba country Peru
HoteldesVentes country France
HoteldesVentes city Paris
Hoving employed_by Metropolitan
Hoving has_possession_of Krater
HSI country USA
HSI seized_by NokTerracotta
HuacaMalena from_culture Wari
HuacaMalena cultural_heritage Peru
HuacaMalena dates_from 700-1100 AD
HuacaMalenaMuseum city Asia Valley
HuacaMalenaMuseum country Peru
HuacaMalenaMuseum has_possession_of HuacaMalena
HuacaRajada cultural_heritage Peru
HuacaRajada dates_from 1 to 700 BC
HuacaRajada from_culture Moche
HumbertoFuenzalida buys MomiaDeCerroElPlomo
HumbertoFuenzalida works_with DrGreteMostny
HumbertoFuenzalida employed_by MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural
Humdzeed works_with Wakas
HungarianNationalMuseum repatriates SevsoTreasure
HungarianNationalMuseum country Hungary
Hungary country Hungary
Hungary repatriates SevsoTreasure
HunterianMuseum country UK
HunterianMuseum city London
HunterianMuseum has_possession_of PangbocheHand
HuntingPlate is_instance_of SevsoTreasure
HuntingPlate dates_from mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD
HydraGallery has_possession_of OnesimosKylix
HydraGallery city Geneva
HydraGallery sells_to GettyMuseum
HydraGallery country Switzerland
IanGraham authenticated_by ElZotzLintel1
IanGraham works_with WilliamBullard
IanGraham works_with Stela5
IanGraham works_with RafaelMorales
IanGraham country United Kingdom
IcaStone repatriated_to Peru
IcaStone from_culture Pre-Conquest
IcaStone authenticated_by JavierCabrera
IcaStone enforced_by PeruvianAuthorities
IcaStone cultural_heritage Ocucaje
IcaStones dates_from 20th Century
IcaStones from_culture Nazca and Paracas
IcaStones cultural_heritage Peruvian
ICE country USA
ICE seized_by Artifact2
ICE seized_by Artifact1
ICOM country France
ICOM enforced_by NokTerracotta
ICOM authenticated_by TokeleyParrySchultz
IgnacioBernal employed_by NationalMuseumOfAnthropology
IllegallyExcavatedArtefacts seized_by ItalianCarabinieri
IllegallyExcavatedArtefacts authenticated_by ItalianCarabinieri
ImperialHouseholdAgency has_possession_of Uigwe
ImperialHouseholdAgency country Japan
INAH country Mexico
INAH has_possession_of AubinTonalamatl
INAH city Mexico City
IncidentalLooters obtains_from JulioUllilen
IncidentalLooters country Peru
IncidentalLooters has_possession_of LagunadelosCondores
IndianaDepartmentofNaturalResources repatriates GEMoundArtifacts
IndianaDepartmentofNaturalResources country USA
InstituteOfHistoryTallinn city Tallinn
InstituteOfHistoryTallinn country Estonia
InstituteOfHistoryTallinn has_possession_of VikingAgeSilver
InstitutodeAntropologiaeHistoria repatriates Stela1
InstitutodeAntropologiaeHistoria country Guatemala
Intermediaries sells_to NelsonRockefeller
Intermediaries buys_at ArtMarket
InternationalCouncilofMuseums works_with NationalMuseumofEgyptianCivilisation
Interpol country France
IranianCulturalHeritageAndTourismOrganisation country Iran
IranianCulturalHeritageAndTourismOrganisation repatriates JiroftTomb
IranIslamicPolice country Iran
IrishGovernment repatriates DerrynaflanHoard
IrishGovernment country Ireland
IRS country USA
IstanbulArchaeologicalMuseum city Istanbul
IstanbulArchaeologicalMuseum country Turkey
IstanbulArchaeologyMuseum has_possession_of GarlandSarcophagus
IstanbulArchaeologyMuseum city Istanbul
IstanbulArchaeologyMuseum country Turkey
ItōHirobumi has_possession_of Uigwe
ItōHirobumi country Japan
ItalianCarabinieri country Italy
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates GenevaFreeportArtefacts
ItalianGovernment country Italy
ItalianGovernment repatriates MorgantinaSilver
ItalianGovernment repatriates MediciArtefacts
ItalianAuthority seized_by EuphroniosKrater2
ItalianAuthority seized_by EuphroniosKrater1
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates CampanianRedFigureAcornLekythos
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates ColumnKrater
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates SicilianPlasticVase
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates ApulianGnathiaFlatBodiedEpichysis
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates ApulianRedFigureLidWithBowl
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates BraceletPair
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates Warrior
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates CampanianBirdAskos
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates RedFigureDuckAskos
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates ApulianGnathiaRoundBelliedEpichysis
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates ApulianVoluteKrater
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates DonkeyHeadRhyton
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates ApulianGnathiaLekythos
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates ProcessionalCross
ItalianCarabinieri repatriates GriffinsAttackingDoe
ItalianGovernment repatriates FanoBronze
ItalianMinistryOfCulture repatriates StoneStela
ItalianMinistryOfCulture country Italy
ItalianMinistryOfCulture repatriates VibiaSabinaStatue
ItalianMinistryOfCulture repatriates PaestanKrater
ItalianMinistryOfCulture repatriates EtruscanCandelabrum
Italy repatriates EuphroniosKrater
Italy repatriates Kylix
Italy repatriates GettyAphrodite
Italy repatriates MithraStatue
Italy country Italy
Italy repatriates DiadoumenosHead
Ixkun cultural_heritage Guatemala
Ixkun dates_from Preclassic to Postclassic periods
Ixkun from_culture Maya
IzumiShimada works_with BatánGrande
JPaulGettyMuseum city Los Angeles
JPaulGettyMuseum country USA
JPaulGettyMuseum has_possession_of GettyAphrodite
JPaulGettyMuseum buys GettyAphrodite
JPaulGettyMuseum obtains_from RobinSymes
JackOgden employed_by CambridgeCentreforPreciousMetalResearch
JacquelineSwetnam spouse_of DavidSwetnam
JacquesChirac buys NokTerracotta2
JacquesChirac city Paris
JacquesChirac buys NokTerracotta1
JacquesChirac country France
JacquesChirac obtains_from SamirBorro
JaguarChildren is_instance_of LasBocas
JaimeRiosAbarca sells_to MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural
JaimeRiosAbarca country Chile
JaimeRiosAbarca works_with LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto
JaimeRiosAbarca works_with GuillermoChaconCarrasco
JaimeRiosAbarca buys MomiaDeCerroElPlomo
JAldenMason employed_by UniversityOfPennsylvania
JaleInan works_with TurkishGovernment
JamaicanGovernment repatriates PortRoyal
JamaicanGovernment has_possession_of Museum
JamaicanGovernment works_with UNESCO
JamaicanGovernment controls PortRoyal
JamaicanGovernment has_possession_of ArchaeologicalPark
JamesWright works_with GreekArchaeologicalService
JamesAdovasio works_with SteveNelson
JamesAdovasio works_with MollyBoekaCannon
JamesAdovasio employed_by MercyhurstCollege
JamesGarriock obtains_from JohnCummings
JamesGarriock city Salisbury
JamesGarriock country UK
JamesQuarrell works_with AaronSera
JamesQuarrell works_with MikeQuarrell
JamesStewart buys PangbocheHand
JamesStewart has_possession_of PangbocheHand
JaneDwyer works_with PeruvianGovernment
JaneDwyer employed_by BrownUniversity
JaneGoldberg buys_at AndreEmmerichGallery
JaneGoldberg buys LomaNegraArtifacts
JasonFelch country USA
JasonFelch city Los Angeles
JavierCabrera works_with CarlosSoldi
JavierCabrera obtains_from CarlosSoldi
JavierCabrera works_with PabloSoldi
JavierCabrera buys IcaStone
JavierCabrera obtains_from PabloSoldi
JeanLauffenberger has_possession_of GettyKouros
JeremiahDMurphy employed_by RoyalNavy
JeromeEisenberg buys Artifact2
JeromeEisenberg sells_to JoseLuisVarezFisa
JeromeEisenberg buys Artifact1
JeromeEisenberg buys AtticBlackFigureCups
JeromeEisenberg buys_at ChristiesNewYork
JeromeEisenberg employed_by RoyalAthenaGalleries
JeromeEisenberg country USA
JeromeEisenberg city New York
JeromeEisenberg works_with JiriFrel
JeromeEisenberg buys Artifact4
JeromeEisenberg buys Artifact3
JeromeEisenberg donates_to FBI
JeromeEisenberg buys_at SothebysNewYork
JimKnight employed_by UniversityofAlabama
JinaFigure repatriated_to India
JinaFigure cultural_heritage Vilasgarh temple
JinaFigure from_culture Indian
JinaFigure dates_from 12th century
JinaFigure seized_by ArchaeologicalSurveyOfIndia
JiriFrel works_with BruceMcNall
JiriFrel donates_to GettyMuseum
JiriFrel works_with JeromeEisenberg
JiriFrel works_with RobertHecht
JiriFrel employed_by GettyMuseum
JiriFrel employed_by JPaulGettyMuseum
JiriFrel buys GettyKouros
JiriFrel obtains_from GianfrancoBecchina
JiriFrel country Czechoslovakia
JiriFrel buys FrescoFragments
JiriFrel works_with SyWeintraub
JiroftTomb cultural_heritage Iran
JiroftTomb repatriated_to Iran
JiroftTomb seized_by IranIslamicPolice
JiroftTomb from_culture Jiroft
JiroftTomb dates_from 2001
JoelMalter works_with SezaiPortakalci
JoelMalter buys TurkishArtifacts
JohnBetts works_with MichaelWardGallery
JohnThacher employed_by DumbartonOaks
JohnBourne buys LaMina
JohnBourne city Unknown
JohnBourne country Unknown
JohnClaydon obtains_from DiscoveryHut
JohnClaydon has_possession_of Beaker
JohnClaydon has_possession_of Bottles
JohnClaydon country New Zealand
JohnClaydon has_possession_of LeatherSledgeStraps
JohnClaydon has_possession_of CoatHook
JohnClaydon obtains_from CapeEvansCamp
JohnClaydon has_possession_of CandleLantern
JohnCooney employed_by ClevelandMuseum
JohnCummings city Lincolnshire
JohnCummings country UK
JohnCummings buys SalisburyHoard
JohnDTowery works_with KirbyWilson
JohnDTowery works_with JohnWilliamWay
JohnDTowery obtains_from JohnWilliamWay
JohnDTowery works_with DannyGGlover
JohnDTowery buys GEMound
JohnDTowery works_with ArthurJGerber
JohnEskenazi buys Maithuna2
JohnFulling obtains_from GuatemalanDealers
JohnFulling country United States
JohnFulling buys NovemberCollection
JohnFulling city Florida
JohnGBourne donates_to WaltersArtMuseum
JohnGBourne buys EarSpools
JohnGBourne buys Ornament
JohnGBourne has_possession_of Ornament
JohnGBourne has_possession_of EarSpools
JohnMerryman works_with BenjaminJohnson
JohnnieBrownFell works_with HarryBrown
JohnOfSalisbury city Salisbury
JohnOfSalisbury sells_to BritishMuseum
JohnOfSalisbury country UK
JohnWilliamWay works_with ArthurJGerber
JohnWilliamWay obtains_from BoydBrothers
JohnWilliamWay works_with KirbyWilson
JohnWilliamWay works_with DannyGGlover
JohnWilliamWay buys GEMound
JohnWilliamWay works_with JohnDTowery
JonathanMarkell city Unknown
JonathanMarkell country Unknown
JonathanMarkell works_with RoxannaBrown
JonathanMarkell buys BanChiangArtifacts
JonathanMarkell employed_by SilkRoadsGallery
JonathanMarkell has_possession_of BanChiangArtifacts
JonathanMarkell works_with CariMarkell
JonathanMarkell donates_to LACMA
JonathanPRosen has_possession_of CampanianRedFigureAcornLekythos
JonathanPRosen has_possession_of ApulianRedFigureLidWithBowl
JonathanPRosen has_possession_of CampanianBirdAskos
JonathanPRosen donates_to ClevelandMuseum
JonathanPRosen has_possession_of ApulianGnathiaRoundBelliedEpichysis
JonathanPRosen has_possession_of ApulianGnathiaFlatBodiedEpichysis
JonathanPRosen has_possession_of ApulianGnathiaLekythos
JonathanRosen country USA
JonathanRosen controls AtlantisAntiquities
JorgeAlamilla buys Machaquila
JorgeAlamilla country Belize
JorgeAlamilla obtains_from Machaquila
JoseLuisCastañedaDelValle donates_to INAH
JoseLuisCastañedaDelValle buys AubinTonalamatl
JoseLuisCastañedaDelValle obtains_from BibliothèqueNationale
JoseLuisVarezFisa donates_to NationalArchaeologicalMuseumSpain
JoseLuisVarezFisa buys Artifact1
JoseLuisVarezFisa buys_at SothebysNewYork
JoseLuisVarezFisa buys Artifact4
JoseLuisVarezFisa buys Artifact3
JoseLuisVarezFisa buys Artifact2
JosephBanks buys ToiMoko
JosephVeachNoble employed_by MetropolitanMuseum
JosMuseum has_possession_of NokTerracotta
JosMuseum city Jos
JosMuseum country Nigeria
JosueSaenz buys MosaicMask
JosueSaenz works_with AlphonseJax
JosueSaenz works_with JoseLuisFranco
JosueSaenz obtains_from Gonzales
JozsefSumegh country Hungary
JozsefSumegh has_possession_of SevsoTreasure
JPaulGettyMuseum has_possession_of GettyKouros
JPaulGettyMuseum has_possession_of GoldFuneraryWreath
JPaulGettyMuseum has_possession_of FrancavillaMaritimaFragments
JPaulGettyMuseum buys PaestanRedFigureKrater
JPaulGettyMuseum country United States
JPaulGettyMuseum donates_to Italy
JPaulGettyMuseum has_possession_of BarbaraAndLawrenceFleischmanCollection
JuanJoséAurichPastor controls BatánGrande
JulesBerman has_possession_of MexicanShaftTombTradition
JulianRaby city Unknown
JulianRaby employed_by SacklerGallery
JulianRaby country Unknown
JulieJones employed_by MetropolitanMuseum
JulioTello employed_by MuseumofPeruvianArchaeology
JulioTello obtains_from ParacasTextiles
JulioUllilen employed_by HostelinLeymebamba
JulioUllilen city Leymebamba
JulioUllilen country Peru
JulioUllilen has_possession_of LagunadelosCondores
JulioTello country Peru
JulioTello works_with BatánGrande
JurgenSchick works_with LainSBangdel
JWalterFewkes employed_by SmithsonianInstitution
Kahlua works_with JulesBerman
KanNaoto country Japan
KanNaoto repatriates Uigwe
KarenDurkovitch employed_by NewMexicoHistoryMuseum
KentuckyStateGovernment country United States
KentuckyStateGovernment city Frankfort
KentuckyStatePolice country United States
KentuckyStatePolice city Frankfort
KHaug controls AntikeKunstPalladion
KirbyWilson works_with JohnDTowery
KirbyWilson works_with ArthurJGerber
KirbyWilson works_with JohnWilliamWay
KirbyWilson works_with DannyGGlover
KiritMankodi employed_by ASI
KirkwallSheriffCourt enforced_by HMSDukeofAlbany
KirkwallSheriffCourt country UK
KitimaatVillage country Canada
Korban sells_to Zietz
Korban has_possession_of GeometricPlate
Korban sells_to Northampton
Korban has_possession_of HippolytusSitulae
Korban sells_to Wilson
Korban obtains_from LebaneseFarmWorkers
Krater dates_from Classical period
Krater from_culture Greek
KumlucaSilver dates_from sixth-century AD
KumlucaSilver cultural_heritage Turkey
KumlucaSilver from_culture Byzantine
Kunstkammer country Denmark
Kunstkammer city Copenhagen
Kunstkammer has_possession_of GoldenHorns
Kylix cultural_heritage Greek
Kylix dates_from 5th century BC
Kylix from_culture Greek
LACMA city Los Angeles
LACMA country USA
LaCorona authenticated_by Yale
LaCorona cultural_heritage Peten region of Guatemala
LaCorona from_culture Maya
LaCorona dates_from mid 1960s
LagunadelosCondores from_culture Chachapoya
LagunadelosCondores cultural_heritage Peru
LagunadelosCondores dates_from 800 AD - Spanish Conquest
LainSBangdel works_with JurgenSchick
LamaGershe country Nepal
LamaGershe city Kathmandu
LaMina from_culture Moche
LaMina dates_from 1988
LaMina seized_by PeruGovernmentAgency
LaMina cultural_heritage Peru
LaMina enforced_by PeruGovernmentAgency
LaMina authenticated_by WalterAlva
LaMina repatriated_to Peru
LanceEntwistle buys MotunuiPanels
LanceEntwistle sells_to GeorgeOrtiz
LandonClay city Boston
LandonClay buys NovemberCollection
LandonClay employed_by ClayMathematicsInstitute
LandonClay donates_to MuseumOfFineArtsBoston
LandonClay country United States
LandonClay employed_by EatonVanceCorporation
LandownerDaughter has_possession_of SalisburyHoard
LandownerDaughter sells_to BritishMuseum
LandownerDaughter spouse_of Landowner
LargeBrazier from_culture Pre-Columbian
LargeBrazier authenticated_by IanGraham
LargeBrazier dates_from Pre-Columbian era
LarisaZavadskaya employed_by StateHermitageMuseum
LarisaZavadskaya has_possession_of StolenArtifacts
LasBocas from_culture Olmec
LasBocas dates_from 1500-400 BC
LasBocas cultural_heritage Mexican
LasBocasSite country Mexico
LasBocasSite controls LasBocas
LasBocasSite city Izúcar de Matamoros
LasLimasMonument1 authenticated_by AlfonsoMedellinZenil
LasLimasMonument1 cultural_heritage Mexican
LasLimasMonument1 dates_from Mesoamerican Middle Formative Period
LasLimasMonument1 from_culture Olmec
LasLimasMonument1 repatriated_to Mexico
LasLimasMonument1 seized_by SanAntonioPolice
LawrenceFleischman buys ZeusStatue
LawrenceFleischman buys_at Sothebys
LawrenceFleischman donates_to NationalMuseumofItaly
LeatherSledgeStraps dates_from 1902
LeatherSledgeStraps from_culture Antarctic Exploration
LeatherSledgeStraps enforced_by AntarcticTreatySystem
Lebanon country Lebanon
LeoMildenberg has_possession_of SicilianPlasticVase
LeoMildenberg donates_to ClevelandMuseum
LeonardoPatterson buys MayaPriestFigure
LeonardoPatterson seized_by USFBI
LeonardoPatterson country Costa Rica
LeonardoPatterson buys_at Sothebys
LeonardoPatterson country USA
LeonardoPatterson country Germany
LeonardoPatterson sells_to WayneAnderson
LeonardoPatterson buys LaMina
LeonardoPatterson city Munich
LeonardoPatterson has_possession_of OlmecFiguralCarvings
LeonardoPatterson obtains_from ValEdwards
LeonardoPatterson sells_to UnnamedCollector
LeonardoPatterson buys MayaFresco
LeonardoPatterson works_with PaulClifford
LeonardoPatterson donates_to VictoriaNationalGallery
LeonardoPatterson city Unknown
LeonardoPatterson buys LargeBrazier
LeonardoPatterson works_with DonaldHales
LeonardoPatterson city Boston
LeonLevy donates_to MuseumOfFineArts
Levy buys EuphroniosKrater2
Levy donates_to MetropolitanMuseum
LindenMuseum city Stuttgart
LindenMuseum has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasStela25
LindenMuseum country Germany
LintelTemple1 from_culture Classic Maya
LintelTemple1 authenticated_by ProyectoNacionalTikal
LintelTemple1 repatriated_to Guatemala
LintelTemple1 dates_from Late Classic Period
LintelTemple1 cultural_heritage El Zotz, Guatemala
LintelTemple1 repatriates DenverMuseumOfArt
LocalPolice seized_by LagunadelosCondores
LocalPolice country Peru
LocalGovernment works_with DireccionRegionalDeCultura
LocalGovernment country Peru
LocalMarket city San Isidro
LocalMarket auctions ValdiviaFigurine
LocalMarket country Ecuador
LomaNegraArtifacts cultural_heritage Peru
LomaNegraArtifacts dates_from 1960s and 1970s
LomaNegraArtifacts from_culture Moche/Vicús
Looters works_with TenantFarmers
Looters has_possession_of SlackFarm
Looters obtains_from TenantFarmers
Looters works_with NewOwner
LordAnthonyHill works_with NorthumberlandNationalPark
LordAnthonyHill has_possession_of YeaveringBellArtifacts
LordAlistairMcAlpine sells_to BritishMuseum
LordAlistairMcAlpine city London
LordAlistairMcAlpine country UK
LordMcAlpine has_possession_of SalisburyHoard
LordMcAlpine sells_to BritishMuseum
LosAngelesArtMarket country USA
LosAngelesArtMarket city Los Angeles
LosAngelesArtMarket auctions MexicanShaftTombTradition
Lot10 from_culture Mochica
Lot10 dates_from 300–100 BC
Lot10 cultural_heritage Peru
Lot11 seized_by USCustoms
Lot11 cultural_heritage Peru
Lot11 from_culture Chavin
Lot11 repatriated_to Peru
Lot11 dates_from 700–400 BC
Lot17 dates_from 300–100 BC
Lot17 repatriated_to Peru
Lot17 seized_by USCustoms
Lot17 from_culture Mochica
Lot17 cultural_heritage Peru
Lot18 dates_from 300–100 BC
Lot18 from_culture Mochica
Lot18 cultural_heritage Peru
Lot7 cultural_heritage Peru
Lot7 from_culture Chavin
Lot7 repatriated_to Peru
Lot7 seized_by USCustoms
Lot7 dates_from 700–400 BC
LouisaSmith spouse_of ChiefGpsgolox
Louvre city Paris
Louvre country France
Louvre has_possession_of CopticArt
LoweArtMuseum country USA
LoweArtMuseum city Coral Gables
LuigiCoppola works_with PasqualeCamera
LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto works_with JaimeRiosAbarca
LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto works_with GuillermoChaconCarrasco
LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto sells_to MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural
LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto buys MomiaDeCerroElPlomo
LuisGerardoRiosBarrueto country Chile
MaadiArtifacts from_culture Egyptian Predynastic
MaadiArtifacts dates_from fourth millenium BC
MaadiArtifacts cultural_heritage Egypt
MaadiArtifacts repatriated_to Egypt
Machaquila cultural_heritage Guatemala
Machaquila from_culture Maya
Machaquila dates_from 9th century AD
MachaquilaStela2 from_culture Mayan
MachaquilaStela2 repatriated_to Guatemala
MachaquilaStela2 dates_from Unknown
MachaquilaStela2 cultural_heritage Guatemala
MachaquilaStela5 cultural_heritage Guatemala
MachaquilaStela5 dates_from Unknown
MachaquilaStela5 repatriated_to Guatemala
MachaquilaStela5 from_culture Mayan
MaidoKättmann buys VikingAgeSilver
MaidoKättmann works_with WalterAugsburger
MaidoKättmann country Estonia
MaidoKättmann employed_by GermanAuctionHouse
MaidoKättmann obtains_from WalterAugsburger
Maithuna1 cultural_heritage Rajasthan, India
Maithuna1 from_culture Indian
Maithuna1 authenticated_by ASI
Maithuna1 repatriated_to India
Maithuna1 seized_by USHomelandSecurity
Maithuna1 repatriates USHomelandSecurity
Maithuna1 dates_from 9th/10th century
Maithuna2 repatriates USHomelandSecurity
Maithuna2 dates_from 9th/10th century
Maithuna2 authenticated_by ASI
Maithuna2 from_culture Indian
Maithuna2 cultural_heritage Rajasthan, India
Maithuna2 repatriated_to India
Maithuna2 seized_by USHomelandSecurity
MalterGalleries country USA
MalterGalleries city Unknown
MalterGalleries country United States
MalterGalleries city Encino
ManichakAurance obtains_from PierreLanglois
ManichakAurance buys_at Millon
MansurMokhtarzade city London
MansurMokhtarzade country United Kingdom
ManualBacigalupoRemy buys BatánGrande
ManualBacigalupoRemy works_with EdmundoAurichBonilla
Manukonga sells_to LanceEntwistle
MarbleReliefPanel dates_from 10th Century
MarbleReliefPanel enforced_by ChineseAuthorities
MarbleReliefPanel from_culture Chinese
MarbleReliefPanel repatriated_to China
MarbleReliefPanel cultural_heritage Chinese Five Dynasties tomb of Wang Chuzhi
MarbleReliefPanel seized_by USCustoms
MarbleJaniformHead dates_from Ancient Rome
MarbleJaniformHead repatriated_to Italy
MarbleJaniformHead cultural_heritage Roman
MarcusAureliusHead authenticated_by ArtLossRegister
MarcusAureliusHead authenticated_by Interpol
MarcusAureliusHead from_culture Roman
MarcusAureliusHead cultural_heritage Algeria
MarcusAureliusHead repatriated_to Algeria
MarcusAureliusHead dates_from Late 2nd Century AD
MarcusAureliusHead seized_by USImmigrationandCustomsEnforcement
MargaretHardin employed_by UniversityofMaine
MariaDeLaCruz works_with LasBocas
MariaDelCarmenRodriguez works_with PoncianoOrtiz
MariaDelCarmenRodriguez employed_by INAH
MariaRizzo country Italy
MariaRizzo city Viterbo
MarioAndradeMorales has_possession_of SanAgustinPainting
MarioAndradeMorales works_with NicomedesBlancoPaco
MarioAndradeMorales country Bolivia
MarioAndradeMorales has_possession_of SantaRosaPainting
MarioAndradeMorales works_with FelipePerezPaco
MarionTrue employed_by ItalianGovernment
MarionTrue controls Medici
MarionTrue obtains_from GiacomoMedici
MarionTrue buys_at RobinSymes
MarionTrue works_with RobertHecht
MarionTrue works_with MariaRizzo
MarionTrue employed_by GettyMuseum
MarionTrue buys BarbaraAndLawrenceFleischmanCollection
MarionTrue works_with JiriFrel
MarionTrue employed_by JPaulGettyMuseum
MarionTrue obtains_from RobertHecht
MarionTrue buys GettyAphrodite
MarionTrue country USA
MarionTrue buys GoldFuneraryWreath
MarionTrue buys FrancavillaMaritimaFragments
MarquessOfNorthampton country United Kingdom
MarquessOfNorthampton buys SevsoTreasure
MarquessOfNorthampton buys HippolytusSitulae
MarquessOfNorthampton buys GeometricPlate
MarquessOfNorthampton employed_by AbrahamTrust
MarquisOfTavistock sells_to SothebysLondon
MarquisOfTavistock has_possession_of ToiMoko
MatthewBogdanos employed_by USHomelandSecurity
MauriceTempelsman sells_to Getty
MauriceTopine employed_by NewZealandGovernment
MauriceTempelsman buys TerracottaHeadOfHades
MauriceTempelsman has_possession_of AcrolithicSculptures
MauriceTempelsman donates_to AidoneMuseum
MaxUhle works_with ErnestoMazzei
MaxUhle buys IcaStones
MayaFresco authenticated_by ClemencyCoggins
MayaFresco authenticated_by PaulClifford
MayaFresco authenticated_by DonaldHales
MayaFresco authenticated_by IanGraham
MayaFresco from_culture Maya
MayaHieroglyphicPanel repatriated_to Guatemala
MayaHieroglyphicPanel obtains_from UnknownPerson
MayaHieroglyphicPanel authenticated_by NicholasHellmuth
MayaHieroglyphicPanel from_culture Maya
MayaHieroglyphicPanel dates_from Before 1981
MayaHieroglyphicPanel cultural_heritage Guatemala
MayaHieroglyphicPanel seized_by UnknownAuthority
MayaInscription authenticated_by MayaMask
MayaMask repatriated_to Guatemala
MayaMask cultural_heritage Maya
MayaMask dates_from 393 AD
MayaMask from_culture Maya
MayaPriestFigure dates_from Pre-Columbian era
MayaPriestFigure from_culture Maya
MayaPriestFigure authenticated_by IanGraham
MayfairGallery country United Kingdom
MayfairGallery city London
MayfairGallery has_possession_of JiroftTomb
McAlpineAntiquitiesBusiness employed_by LordMcAlpine
McAlpineAntiquitiesBusiness country UK
McAlpineAntiquitiesBusiness city London
MDP repatriates HMSDukeofAlbany
MDP country UK
MDP seized_by HMSDukeofAlbany
Medici has_possession_of MediciArtefacts
Medici controls EditionsServices
Medici city Rome
Medici sells_to Hecht
Medici country Italy
Medici employed_by EditionsServices
Medici works_with MarionTrue
Medici buys Sarcophagus
Medici has_possession_of Sarcophagus
Medici works_with RobertHecht
Medici buys_at Sothebys
MediciArtefacts cultural_heritage Italy
MediciArtefacts from_culture Italian
Megavena country Switzerland
Megavena sells_to Sothebys
MeleagerPlate from_culture Roman
MeleagerPlate dates_from fourth-century AD
MelfiCastle city Melfi
MelfiCastle country Italy
MemorandumOfUnderstanding enforced_by UnitedStates
MenilCollection country USA
MenilCollection has_possession_of ProvincesMosaic
MenilCollection city Houston
MenilCollection sells_to BelkisAndTilmuseResidents
MensunBound employed_by OxfordUniversity
MensunBound works_with SagaHorizon
MerrinGallery country United States
MerrinGallery city New York
MerrinGallery has_possession_of ElZotzLintel1
MerylMacklin employed_by HellerEhrmanWhiteMcAuliffe
MET has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasStela5
MET country USA
MET city New York
MetalDetectorUsers buys WanboroughTempleArtifacts
MetalDetectorUsers has_possession_of WanboroughTempleArtifacts
MetalDetectorUsers obtains_from WanboroughTempleSite
Metropolitan buys Krater
Metropolitan has_possession_of Krater
Metropolitan country USA
Metropolitan city New York
MetropolitanMuseumofArt country United States
MetropolitanMuseumofArt country USA
MetropolitanMuseumofArt city New York City
MetropolitanMuseumofArt buys MorgantinaSilver
MetropolitanMuseumofArt city New York
MetropolitanMuseum has_possession_of CopticArt
MetropolitanMuseum has_possession_of PlaceresFacade
MetropolitanMuseum buys EuphroniosKrater
MetropolitanMuseum has_possession_of Stela5
MetropolitanMuseum country United States
MetropolitanMuseum has_possession_of PersianMummy
MetropolitanMuseum has_possession_of EuphroniosKrater
MetropolitanMuseum country USA
MetropolitanMuseum obtains_from MuseumOfPrimitiveArt
MetropolitanMuseum has_possession_of LomaNegraArtifacts
MetropolitanMuseum city New York
MetropolitanMuseum has_possession_of EuphroniosKrater2
MetropolitanMuseum buys_at Sothebys
MetropolitanMuseum has_possession_of EuphroniosKrater1
MetropolitanMuseum has_possession_of LasBocas
MetropolitanMuseumOfArt city New York
MetropolitanMuseumOfArt has_possession_of MaadiArtifacts
MetropolitanMuseumOfArt country USA
MexicanShaftTombTradition from_culture Mexican
MexicanShaftTombTradition dates_from 300 BC to 300 AD
MexicanShaftTombTradition cultural_heritage Mexican
MexicanAttorneyGeneralsOffice country Mexico
MexicanGovernment country Mexico
MexicanGovernment repatriates Stela7
MexicanGovernment repatriates GrolierCodex
MexicanGovernment repatriates PlaceresFacade
MexicanGovernment repatriates LasBocas
MezcalaFigurine from_culture Mezcala
MezcalaFigurine cultural_heritage Mexico
MezcalaFigurine dates_from Preclassic/Formative period
MFABoston donates_to ItalianMinistryOfCulture
MFABoston country USA
MFABoston has_possession_of VibiaSabinaStatue
MFABoston buys VibiaSabinaStatue
MFABoston city Boston
MichaelMalter city Unknown
MichaelMalter country Unknown
MichaelMilken donates_to Getty
MichaelWard controls MichaelWardGallery
MichaelWard employed_by MichaelWardGallery
MichaelWardGallery country USA
MichaelWardGallery has_possession_of AidoniaTreasure
MichaelWardGallery city New York
MichaelCoe works_with Saenz
MichaelCoe employed_by GrolierClub
MichaelCoe works_with LasBocas
MichaelKan employed_by DetroitInstituteOfArts
MichaelKelly works_with BenjaminBishopJohnson
MichaelKelly works_with DavidSwetnam
MichaelRockefeller donates_to MetropolitanMuseum
MichaelWebbJunior obtains_from DerrynaflanHoard
MichaelWebbJunior donates_to NationalMuseumIreland
MichaelWebbSenior donates_to NationalMuseumIreland
MichaelWebbSenior works_with MichaelWebbJunior
MichaelWebbSenior obtains_from DerrynaflanHoard
MichelVanRijn city Unknown
MichelVanRijn works_with UnnamedCollector
MichelVanRijn country Netherlands
MiguelDeOsmaBerckemeyer works_with DavidSwetnam
MiguelDeOsmaBerckemeyer works_with FredDrew
MihoMuseum has_possession_of GenevaFreeportArtefacts
MihoMuseum country Japan
MihoMuseum city Shigaraki
MikeAllsop works_with WetaWorkshop
MikeAllsop donates_to PangbocheMonastery
MikeQuarrell has_possession_of MimbresSite
MikeQuarrell works_with CharlesQuarrell
MikeQuarrell works_with FrankQuarrell
MildredBarnsBliss buys MosaicMask
MildredBarnsBliss spouse_of RobertWoodsBliss
MildredBarnsBliss employed_by DumbartonOaksResearchLibraryAndCollection
Millon city Paris
Millon country France
Millon auctions PiedrasNegrasStela9
MimbresFoundation country United States
MimbresPottery authenticated_by Brody
MimbresPottery seized_by USDAForestService
MimbresPottery repatriated_to United States
MimbresPottery dates_from 1000-1150 AD
MimbresPottery from_culture Mimbres
MimbresPottery cultural_heritage Mimbres and Rio Grande Valleys of the Arizona/New Mexico border region
MimbresSite from_culture Mimbres
MimbresSite seized_by UnitedStatesMagistrate
MimbresSite enforced_by UnitedStatesMagistrate
MimbresSite dates_from Unknown
MimbresSite cultural_heritage Mimbres culture
MingeiMuseum city Unknown
MingeiMuseum country USA
MingeiInternationalMuseum city San Diego
MingeiInternationalMuseum country USA
MinistryofAntiquities country Egypt
MinistryOfCultureAndReligiousAffairsRomania country Romania
MinneapolisInstituteOfArts country USA
MinneapolisInstituteOfArts country United States
MinneapolisInstituteOfArts has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasStela2
MinneapolisInstituteOfArts city Minneapolis
MintMuseumOfArt country USA
MintMuseumOfArt city Charlotte
MissingFigurine authenticated_by UtahStateUniversity
MissingFigurine from_culture Fremont
MissingFigurine authenticated_by BrighamYoungUniversity
MissingFigurine dates_from Ancient
MissingFigurine cultural_heritage Fremont culture
MissingFigurine authenticated_by MercyhurstCollege
MithraStatue cultural_heritage Roman
MithraStatue from_culture Roman
MithraStatue dates_from 2nd century AD
MnCGallery country Hong Kong
MnCGallery has_possession_of MarbleReliefPanel
MnCGallery city Hong Kong
MohammedElShelmany employed_by DepartmentOfAntiquities
MollyBoekaCannon employed_by UtahStateUniversity
MollyBoekaCannon works_with SteveNelson
MollyBoekaCannon works_with JamesAdovasio
MomiaDeCerroElPlomo from_culture Inka
MomiaDeCerroElPlomo dates_from Inka Empire
MomiaDeCerroElPlomo cultural_heritage Chile
MonkeyHeadBead has_possession_of JohnBourne
MonkeyHeadBead repatriated_to Peru
MonkeyHeadBead dates_from Pre-Conquest
MonkeyHeadBead from_culture Moche
MonkeyHeadBead donates_to NewMexicoHistoryMuseum
Morgantina cultural_heritage Greek
Morgantina dates_from 5th-1st century BC
Morgantina from_culture Greek
MorgantinaSilver cultural_heritage Sicily
MorgantinaSilver dates_from 1000 BC
MorgantinaSilver from_culture Hellenistic
MorgantinaSilver from_culture Morgantina
MorgantinaSilver repatriated_to Aidone
MorleyMuseum country Guatemala
MorleyMuseum has_possession_of VesselK8007
MorleyMuseum city Tikal
MosaicMask has_possession_of DumbartonOaksResearchLibraryAndCollection
MosaicMask dates_from Maya late Post Classic period
MosaicMask from_culture Maya
MosaicMask authenticated_by GordonEkholm
MotherOfGodSign cultural_heritage Russian
MotherOfGodSign from_culture Russian
MotherOfGodSign dates_from Unknown
MotunuiPanels from_culture Māori
MotunuiPanels repatriated_to New Zealand
MotunuiPanels seized_by NewZealandGovernment
MotunuiPanels cultural_heritage Te Āti Awa
MotunuiPanels authenticated_by PukeAriki
MotunuiPanels dates_from 1800s
MotunuiPanels cultural_heritage New Zealand
MotunuiPanels dates_from Before 1830
MotunuiPanels authenticated_by RangiKipa
MoundvilleArchaeologicalSite has_possession_of MoundvillePotteryVessel1
MoundvilleArchaeologicalSite country USA
MoundvillePotteryVessel1 cultural_heritage Moundville Archaeological Site
MoundvillePotteryVessel1 authenticated_by VincasSteponaitis
MoundvillePotteryVessel1 authenticated_by MargaretHardin
MoundvillePotteryVessel1 from_culture Mississippian
MoundvillePotteryVessel1 has_possession_of ErskineRamseyArchaeologicalRepository
MoundvillePotteryVessel1 dates_from 11th to 16th century AD
MountVernonSite cultural_heritage Hopewell society
MountVernonSite enforced_by GeneralElectric
MountVernonSite from_culture Hopewell
MountVernonSite seized_by CurtisTomak
MountVernonSite dates_from First Century AD
MountVernonSite authenticated_by CurtisTomak
MourtalaDiop has_possession_of NokTerracotta
MrsRobertWoodsBliss donates_to DumbartonOaks
MrsRobertWoodsBliss buys KumlucaSilver
MuseeDuQuaiBranly has_possession_of NokTerracotta2
MuseeDuQuaiBranly country France
MuseeDuQuaiBranly has_possession_of NokTerracotta1
MuseeDuQuaiBranly city Paris
MuseoLeymebamba city Leymebamba
MuseoLeymebamba country Peru
MuseoLeymebamba has_possession_of LagunadelosCondores
MuseoNacionaldeArqueologíaeEtnología country Guatemala
MuseoNacionaldeArqueologíaeEtnología has_possession_of ElZotzLintel1
MuseoNacionaldeArqueologíaeEtnología city Guatemala City
MuseoNacionaldeArqueologiayEtnologia country Guatemala
MuseoNacionaldeArqueologiayEtnologia has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasStela25
MuseoNacionaldeArqueologiayEtnologia city Guatemala City
MuseoArcheologico city Aidone
MuseoArcheologico country Italy
MuseoBancoCentral has_possession_of ValdiviaFigurine
MuseoBancoCentral city Quito
MuseoBancoCentral buys ValdiviaFigurine
MuseoBancoCentral country Ecuador
MuseodeArqueologíaPeruana country Peru
MuseodeArqueologíaPeruana city Lima
MuseodeArqueologíaPeruana has_possession_of BatánGrande
MuseoDelOro has_possession_of HaciendaMalagana
MuseoDelOro country Colombia
MuseoDelOro city Bogotá
MuseoElPrincipeMaya has_possession_of MayaHieroglyphicPanel
MuseoElPrincipeMaya country Guatemala
MuseoElPrincipeMaya city Cobán
MuseoNacional country Guatemala
MuseoNacional city Guatemala City
MuseoNacional has_possession_of Stela7
MuseoNacional has_possession_of GrolierCodex
MuseoNacional city Mexico City
MuseoNacional has_possession_of Stela3
MuseoNacional country Mexico
MuseoNacionalDeAntropologia city Mexico City
MuseoNacionalDeAntropologia repatriates PakalMask
MuseoNacionalDeAntropologia country Mexico
MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural has_possession_of MomiaDeCerroElPlomo
MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural country Chile
MuseoNacionalDeHistoriaNatural city Santiago
MuseoOrodelPeru city Lima
MuseoOrodelPeru country Peru
MuseoOrodelPeru has_possession_of BatánGrande
Museum city Port Royal
Museum country Jamaica
MuseumofAidone city Aidone
MuseumofAidone country Italy
MuseumofAidone has_possession_of GettyAphrodite
MuseumofEthnography country Sweden
MuseumofEthnography city Stockholm
MuseumofEthnography has_possession_of ReplicaPole
MuseumofEthnographySweden has_possession_of GpsgoloxTotemPole
MuseumofEthnographySweden country Sweden
MuseumofFineArtsHouston country USA
MuseumofFineArtsHouston city Houston
MuseumofFineArtsHouston has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasStela11
MuseumofPeruvianArchaeology country Peru
MuseumofPeruvianArchaeology city Lima
MuseumofWorldCulture country Sweden
MuseumofWorldCulture city Göteborg
MuseumofWorldCulture has_possession_of ParacasTextiles
MuseumFurIndischeKunst country Germany
MuseumFurIndischeKunst obtains_from GermanArtDealer
MuseumFurIndischeKunst has_possession_of UmaMaheshwar
MuseumFurIndischeKunst buys UmaMaheshwar
MuseumFurIndischeKunst city Berlin
MuseumOfAnthropologyAtXalapa has_possession_of LasLimasMonument1
MuseumOfAnthropologyAtXalapa country Mexico
MuseumOfAnthropologyAtXalapa city Xalapa
MuseumOfFineArts has_possession_of NovemberCollection
MuseumOfFineArts city Boston
MuseumOfFineArts has_possession_of FlatDish
MuseumOfFineArts country USA
MuseumOfFineArts has_possession_of WearyHerakles
MuseumOfFineArtsBoston city Boston
MuseumOfFineArtsBoston has_possession_of NovemberCollection
MuseumOfFineArtsBoston country United States
MuseumOfPrimitiveArt has_possession_of Stela5
MuseumOfPrimitiveArt has_possession_of LomaNegraArtifacts
MuseumOfPrimitiveArt city New York
MuseumOfPrimitiveArt country USA
MuseumOfPrimitiveArt has_possession_of LasBocas
MuseumOfTheAmericanIndian country United States
MuseumOfTheAmericanIndian city New York
NKoutoulakis city Paris
NKoutoulakis has_possession_of MarcusAureliusHead
NKoutoulakis country France
NakbeSite dates_from Unknown
NakbeSite from_culture Guatemalan
NaranjoSite dates_from Unknown
NaranjoSite from_culture Guatemalan
NasherMuseumOfArt city Durham
NasherMuseumOfArt country USA
NationalMuseumofEgyptianCivilisation country Egypt
NationalMuseumofEgyptianCivilisation city Cairo
NationalMuseumofItaly country Italy
NationalMuseumofItaly city Rome
NationalArchaeologicalMuseumSpain country Spain
NationalArchaeologicalMuseumSpain city Madrid
NationalCommercialBank country Libya
NationalCommercialBank city Benghazi
NationalGalleryAustralia country Australia
NationalGalleryAustralia has_possession_of ParacasMantle
NationalGeographicMagazine country United States
NationalMuseumDenmark has_possession_of GoldenHorns
NationalMuseumDenmark country Denmark
NationalMuseumDenmark city Copenhagen
NationalMuseumIreland has_possession_of DerrynaflanHoard
NationalMuseumIreland city Dublin
NationalMuseumIreland country Ireland
NationalMuseumOfAnthropology country Mexico
NationalMuseumOfAnthropology city Mexico City
NationalMuseumOfAnthropology employed_by RomanPinaChan
NationalMuseumOfAnthropology has_possession_of PlaceresFacade
NationalMuseumOfArchaeology country Guatemala
NationalMuseumOfArchaeology city Guatemala City
NationalMuseumOfArchaeology has_possession_of BallcourtMarker
NationalMuseumPakistan country Pakistan
NationalMuseumPakistan city Karachi
NationalMuseumPakistan has_possession_of PersianMummy
NationalMuseumTehran city Tehran
NationalMuseumTehran country Iran
NationalTextileMuseum city Washington D.C.
NationalTextileMuseum buys IcaStones
NationalTextileMuseum country United States
NativeAmericanGroups buys SlackFarm
NativeAmericanGroups works_with StateMedicalExaminer
NativeAmericanGroups donates_to StateMedicalExaminer
NCMM controls NokTerracotta
NCMM country Nigeria
NeikrugGallery country USA
NeikrugGallery city New York
NeilJudd obtains_from GeneveOliver
NeilKingsbury buys_at Christies
NeilKingsbury buys RedGraniteRelief
NeilKingsbury sells_to Christies
NeilKingsbury buys_at Bonhams
NelsonRockefeller donates_to MetropolitanMuseum
NelsonRockefeller buys LasBocas
NeoAssyrianGoldEarrings cultural_heritage Nimrud treasure
NeoAssyrianGoldEarrings dates_from 1989
NeoAssyrianGoldEarrings repatriated_to Iraq
NeoAssyrianGoldEarrings from_culture Neo-Assyrian
NewZealandGovernment country New Zealand
NewZealandGovernment repatriates Toimoko
Newman has_possession_of Krater
Newman works_with Sarrafian
NewMexicoHistoryMuseum country United States
NewMexicoHistoryMuseum city Santa Fe
NewOwner leases_to TenantFarmers
NewOwner has_possession_of SlackFarm
NewSouthWalesGovernment enforced_by GeneralSirRalphDarling
NewSouthWalesGovernment country Australia
NewZealandGovernment repatriates ToiMoko
NgatiRahiriTaonga from_culture Māori
NgatiRahiriTaonga donates_to PukeAriki
NgatiRahiriTaonga authenticated_by PukeAriki
NgatiRahiriTaonga dates_from 1800s
NgatiRahiriTaonga cultural_heritage Ngati Rahiri
NicholasHellmuth employed_by FLAAR
NicholasLambourn works_with Claydon
NicholasLambourn employed_by Christies
NicholasSarkozy country France
NicholasSarkozy repatriates Uigwe
NicomedesBlancoPaco has_possession_of SanAgustinPainting
NicomedesBlancoPaco has_possession_of SantaRosaPainting
NicomedesBlancoPaco country Bolivia
NikolayZavadsky has_possession_of StolenArtifacts
NikolayZavadsky spouse_of LarisaZavadskaya
NikolayZavadsky buys MotherOfGodSign
NinoSavoca city Munich
NinoSavoca works_with RobertHecht
NinoSavoca country Italy
NinoSavoca country Germany
NinoSavoca sells_to FriedaTchacos
NizehFirath employed_by IstanbulArchaeologicalMuseum
NodaYoshihiko country Japan
NodaYoshihiko repatriates Uigwe
NoelMorss obtains_from NeilJudd
NokTerracotta repatriated_to Nigeria
NokTerracotta dates_from 1000 BC to 500 AD
NokTerracotta from_culture Nok
NokTerracotta cultural_heritage Nigeria
NokTerracotta1 enforced_by UNESCO
NokTerracotta1 enforced_by ICOM
NokTerracotta1 dates_from Unknown
NokTerracotta1 enforced_by NCMM
NokTerracotta1 cultural_heritage African
NokTerracotta1 from_culture Nok
NokTerracotta2 dates_from Unknown
NokTerracotta2 enforced_by NCMM
NokTerracotta2 from_culture Nok
NokTerracotta2 cultural_heritage African
NokTerracotta2 enforced_by UNESCO
NokTerracotta2 enforced_by ICOM
NoriyoshiHoriuchi obtains_from GianfrancoBecchina
NoriyoshiHoriuchi has_possession_of GenevaFreeportArtefacts
NoriyoshiHoriuchi employed_by MihoMuseum
NoriyoshiHoriuchi works_with ElieBorowski
NoriyoshiHoriuchi country Japan
NormanScott employed_by JamaicanGovernment
Northampton works_with PeterMimpriss
Northampton sued_by Lebanon
Northampton sued_by Yugoslavia
Northampton sued_by Croatia
Northampton sued_by Hungary
Northampton buys AnimalEwer
Northampton buys HippolytusSitula
Northampton buys MeleagerPlate
Northampton obtains_from Korban
Northampton buys GeometricEwer
Northampton obtains_from Tkalec
Northampton buys_at Sothebys
NorthumberlandNationalPark country UK
NovemberCollection from_culture Guatemalan
NovemberCollection enforced_by GuatemalanGovernment
NovemberCollection dates_from 1970s or early 1980s
NovemberCollection from_culture Classic Maya
NovemberCollection repatriated_to Guatemala
NovemberCollection cultural_heritage Guatemalan
OcucajeTextile from_culture South American
OcucajeTextile enforced_by PeruvianAuthorities
OcucajeTextile cultural_heritage Ocucaje
OcucajeTextile repatriated_to Peru
OlmecFiguralCarvings cultural_heritage Olmec culture
OlmecFiguralCarvings seized_by Interpol
OlmecFiguralCarvings authenticated_by INAH
OlmecFiguralCarvings dates_from 1600-1200 BC
OlmecFiguralCarvings from_culture Olmec
OlofHansson obtains_from GpsgoloxTotemPole
OnesimosKylix from_culture Greek
OnesimosKylix dates_from Classical period
Ong buys HoiAnWreck
Ong city Perth
Ong country Australia
Ong sells_to Butterfields
OngSooHin works_with VietnameseSalvageAgency
OngSooHin buys HoiAnShipwreck
OngSooHin sells_to Butterfields
OngSooHin controls SagaHorizon
OraziodiSimone has_possession_of GettyAphrodite
Organigram from_culture Italian
Organigram cultural_heritage Italy
Organigram dates_from Early 1990s
OrhanOrguz employed_by TurkishGovernment
Ornament from_culture North Coast, Peru
Ornament dates_from 1980s
OsamaElKetaf employed_by NationalCommercialBank
OscarMuscarella city New York
OscarMuscarella country USA
OscarMuscarella employed_by MetropolitanMuseum
OscarMuscarella buys PersianMummy
OswaldoAurichBonilla controls BatánGrande
OswaldoAurichBonilla spouse_of EdmundoAurichBonilla
OxfordUniversity country United Kingdom
PabloSoldi sells_to PaulTruel
PabloSoldi sells_to AmericanMuseumOfNaturalHistory
PabloSoldi sells_to NationalTextileMuseum
PackardHumanitiesInstitute works_with BelkisAndTilmuseResidents
PaestanSquatLekythos dates_from Classical period
PaestanSquatLekythos authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
PaestanSquatLekythos from_culture Paestan
PaestanKrater from_culture Greek
PaestanKrater dates_from Classical period
PaestanKrater cultural_heritage Italy
PaestanRedFigureKrater repatriated_to Italy
PaestanRedFigureKrater dates_from Ancient Greece
PaestanRedFigureKrater from_culture Paestan
PaestanRedFigureKrater cultural_heritage Italian
PakalMask cultural_heritage Mexico
PakalMask dates_from 683
PakalMask from_culture Maya
PakistaniPolice country Pakistan
PakistaniPolice seized_by PersianMummy
PAM city Pasadena
PAM country USA
PAMMuseum city Unknown
PAMMuseum country USA
Panels authenticated_by Sothebys
Panels repatriated_to GovtNewZealand
Panels from_culture New Zealand
Panels has_possession_of GeorgeOrtiz
PangbocheHand from_culture Nepali
PangbocheHand cultural_heritage Nepali Monastery
PangbocheHand dates_from 17th century
PangbocheMonastery country Nepal
PangbocheMonastery city Pangboche
PangbocheMonastery has_possession_of YetiHand
ParacasTextiles dates_from 800 BC to 100 BC
ParacasTextiles from_culture Paracas Culture
ParacasTextiles cultural_heritage Peruvian
ParacasMantle seized_by PeruNationalMuseum
ParacasMantle dates_from Pre-Columbian era
ParacasMantle authenticated_by LundsUniversitet
ParacasMantle from_culture Peruvian
ParacasMantle cultural_heritage Peru
ParacasMantle repatriated_to Peru
ParkeBernertGalleries city New York
ParkeBernertGalleries has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasStela32
ParkeBernertGalleries country USA
PasqualeCamera works_with LuigiCoppola
PasqualeCamera country Italy
PasqualeCamera employed_by GuardiaDiFinanza
PatanMuseum city Patan
PatanMuseum country Nepal
PatanMuseum has_possession_of UmaMaheshwar
PaulAmaroli works_with CONCULTURA
PaulAmaroli employed_by FUNDAR
PaulTruel employed_by HaciendaOcucaje
PaulTruel buys IcaStones
PeabodyMuseum city Cambridge
PeabodyMuseum country USA
PeabodyMuseum has_possession_of MezcalaFigurine
PeelPark city East Dumbartonshire
PeelPark country Scotland
PersianMummy seized_by PakistaniPolice
PersianMummy enforced_by PakistaniPolice
PersianMummy cultural_heritage Persian
PersianMummy repatriated_to Pakistan
PersianMummy from_culture Persian
PersianMummy dates_from 1996
PersianMummy authenticated_by AsmaIbrahim
Person1 country China
Person1 city Xi'an
Person1 employed_by Person2
Person2 country China
Person2 city Xi'an
Person2 works_with Person1
Person3 country China
Person3 buys Figurine2
Person3 sells_to Sothebys
Person3 city Baoji
Person3 buys Figurine1
PeruGovernmentAgency city Lima
PeruGovernmentAgency repatriates LaMina
PeruGovernmentAgency country Peru
PeruNationalMuseum city Lima
PeruNationalMuseum has_possession_of TextileWK319
PeruNationalMuseum country Peru
PerusNationalInstituteofCulture repatriates LagunadelosCondores
PerusNationalInstituteofCulture country Peru
PeruvianAntiquities seized_by DullesInternationalAirport
PeruvianAntiquities authenticated_by SmithsonianInstitution
PeruvianAntiquities dates_from Pre-Columbian
PeruvianAntiquities from_culture Peruvian
PeruvianAntiquities repatriated_to Peru
PeruvianEmbassy country United States
PeruvianEmbassy city Washington DC
PeruvianGovernment country Peru
PeruvianGovernment repatriated_to Peru
PeruvianGovernment repatriates ParacasTextiles
PeruvianAuthorities seized_by IcaStone
PeruvianAuthorities country Peru
PeruvianGovernment repatriates MonkeyHeadBead
PeruvianGovernment repatriates SipanMaterial
PeruvianPolice country Peru
PeruvianPolice repatriates HuacaRajada
PeruvianPolice repatriates SipanSite
PeterLerche works_with JulioUllilen
PeterLerche employed_by PerusNationalInstituteofCulture
PeterMimpriss employed_by AllenandOvery
PeterByrne works_with WilliamOsmanHill
PeterByrne has_possession_of PangbocheHand
PeterByrne works_with TomSlick
PeterByrne works_with JamesStewart
PeterDavidJoralemon employed_by LoweArtMuseum
PeterDavidJoralemon donates_to PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum
PeterGWray country USA
PeterGWray country United States
PeterGWray has_possession_of RioAzulMask
PeterGWray buys ClassicMayaVase
PeterGWray city Scottsdale
PeterGWray donates_to DetroitInstituteOfArts
PeterMatthews authenticated_by Yale
PeterMatthews works_with Yale
PeterMimpriss employed_by AllenAndOvery
PeterMimpriss works_with Wilson
PeterMimpriss works_with MarquessOfNorthampton
PeterMimpriss works_with Zietz
PeterWatson works_with VamanGhiya
PeterWilson employed_by ArtConsultancy
PeterWilson country United Kingdom
PeterWilson employed_by Sothebys
PeterWilson works_with MarquessOfNorthampton
PeterWray donates_to PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum
PhilipMayes employed_by JamaicanNationalTrustCommission
PhilipWilson employed_by AbrahamTrust
PhoenixAncientArt city New York City
PhoenixAncientArt country USA
PhoenixAncientArt has_possession_of SouthArabianAlabasterStele
PIASA country France
PIASA city Paris
PIASA has_possession_of DuckVessel2
PiedrasNegrasStela10 from_culture Mayan
PiedrasNegrasStela11 from_culture Mayan
PiedrasNegrasStela25 from_culture Mayan
PiedrasNegrasStela26 from_culture Mayan
PiedrasNegrasStela29 from_culture Mayan
PiedrasNegrasStela8 from_culture Mayan
PiedrasNegrasStela9 from_culture Mayan
PiedrasNegrasStela1 from_culture Piedras Negras
PiedrasNegrasStela2 from_culture Piedras Negras
PiedrasNegrasStela3 from_culture Piedras Negras
PiedrasNegrasStela32 from_culture Mayan
PiedrasNegrasStela32 dates_from Classic Period
PiedrasNegrasStela34 dates_from Classic Period
PiedrasNegrasStela34 from_culture Mayan
PiedrasNegrasStela35 dates_from Classic Period
PiedrasNegrasStela35 from_culture Mayan
PiedrasNegrasStela5 from_culture Piedras Negras
PiedrasNegrasStela5 dates_from 1890s
PierreLanglois obtains_from EarlStendahl
PillingCollection dates_from Ancient
PillingCollection cultural_heritage Fremont culture
PillingCollection from_culture Fremont
PlaceresFacade from_culture Maya
PlaceresFacade cultural_heritage Mexico
PlaceresFacade dates_from Late Classic Period
PlaceresSite country Mexico
PlaceresSite controls LasBocas
PolarArtifacts cultural_heritage Polar
PolarArtifacts from_culture Polar
PolarArtifacts dates_from 1901
PoncianoOrtiz works_with MariaDelCarmenRodriguez
PoncianoOrtiz employed_by INAH
PortRoyal dates_from 1655
PortRoyal from_culture Latin America and Caribbean
PortRoyal cultural_heritage Jamaica
PortRoyal cultural_heritage Underwater Cultural Heritage
PortRoyal from_culture Tainos
PortRoyalMuseum city Kingston
PortRoyalMuseum country Jamaica
PotentialWorldHeritageSite from_culture Latin America and Caribbean
PotentialWorldHeritageSite cultural_heritage Underwater Cultural Heritage
Prime works_with TeHerekiekieHerewini
PrincetonUniversity city Princeton
PrincetonUniversity works_with UniversityofVirginia
PrincetonUniversity works_with WesleyanUniversity
PrincetonUniversity country USA
PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum country USA
PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum city Princeton
PrincetonUniversityArtMuseum country United States
PrivateMuseumGuatemala has_possession_of CancuenPanel
PrivateMuseumGuatemala city Unknown
PrivateMuseumGuatemala country Guatemala
PrivateCollectionMerida country Mexico
PrivateCollectionMerida has_possession_of Stela3
PrivateCollectionMerida city Mérida
PrivateCollectionUnnamed has_possession_of Stela4
ProcessionalCross country Italy
ProcessionalCross dates_from 14th century AD
ProcessionalCross from_culture Italian
ProtectionofMilitaryRemainsAct1986 controls HMSDukeofAlbany
ProtectionofMilitaryRemainsAct1986 country UK
ProvincesMosaic from_culture Roman
ProvincesMosaic dates_from 300 BC - 11th Century AD
ProvincesMosaic cultural_heritage Zeugma
ProvincialArchaeologicalMuseum city Velzeke
ProvincialArchaeologicalMuseum buys SilverHoardEverbeek
ProvincialArchaeologicalMuseum has_possession_of SilverHoardEverbeek
ProvincialArchaeologicalMuseum country Belgium
ProvincialGalloRomanMuseum city Tongeren
ProvincialGalloRomanMuseum country Belgium
ProyectoNacionalTikal country Guatemala
PukeAriki country New Zealand
PukeAriki city New Plymouth
PukeAriki has_possession_of Panels
RabbitGodK controls Stela5
RafaelMorales country Guatemala
RafaelMorales employed_by GuatemalanGovernmentTreasury
RaffaeleMonticelli country Italy
RainerZietz employed_by ArtConsultancy
RajanMathai works_with KiritMankodi
RalphCAltman sells_to FriedaKahlo
RalphCAltman sells_to DiegoRivera
RalphFrammolino city Los Angeles
RalphFrammolino country USA
RamizRizk works_with PeterMimpriss
RamonSardinaGarcia works_with CarlosPerchesTrevino
RamonSardinaGarcia country Mexico
RangiKipa works_with TeAtiAwa
RassigaGallery country USA
RassigaGallery city New York City
RaulApesteguia obtains_from Lot11
RaulApesteguia obtains_from Lot10
RaulApesteguia country Peru
RaulApesteguia obtains_from Lot7
RaulApesteguia obtains_from Lot18
RaulApesteguia obtains_from Lot17
RaulApesteguia sells_to LeonardoPatterson
RaulApesteguia buys LaMina
RaulApesteguia city Unknown
RautenstrauchJoestMuseum has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasStela35
RautenstrauchJoestMuseum country Germany
RautenstrauchJoestMuseum city Köln
RecklinghausenMuseum country Germany
RecklinghausenMuseum has_possession_of SheikhIbadaGroup
RecklinghausenMuseum city Recklinghausen
RedFigureDuckAskos country Italy
RedFigureDuckAskos from_culture Etruscan
RedFigureDuckAskos dates_from 350 BC
RedGraniteRelief dates_from 2000
RedGraniteRelief cultural_heritage Egypt
RedGraniteRelief repatriated_to Egypt
RedGraniteRelief from_culture Egyptian
RedMafia works_with Solntsevskaya
RenzoCanavesi has_possession_of GettyAphrodite
RenzoCanavesi sells_to CultStatueofaGoddess
ReplicaPole authenticated_by Haisla
ReplicaPole cultural_heritage First Nations
ReplicaPole from_culture First Nations
RepublicOfIndonesia country Indonesia
RepublicOfIndonesia repatriates BelitungShipwreck
RicardoElia works_with GreekArchaeologicalService
RichardConger employed_by DullesInternationalAirport
RichardPriddy employed_by JamaicanNationalTrustCommission
RiddiPradhan employed_by DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal
RioAzul dates_from Classic Maya period
RioAzul cultural_heritage Guatemala
RioAzul from_culture Classic Maya
RioAzulMask cultural_heritage Guatemalan
RioAzulMask dates_from Early Classic Period
RioAzulMask from_culture Classic Maya
Rizk works_with Northampton
RobertHecht sells_to MetropolitanMuseumofArt
RobertHecht controls Medici
RobertHecht employed_by ItalianGovernment
RobertOlson city Unknown
RobertOlson country Unknown
RobertPerez city Unknown
RobertPerez works_with MichaelMalter
RobertPerez country Unknown
RobertHecht works_with FriedaTchacos
RobertHecht city Paris
RobertHecht sells_to DietrichVonBothmer
RobertHecht works_with NikosKoutoulakis
RobertHecht works_with GeorgeOrtiz
RobertHecht sells_to MFABoston
RobertHecht country USA
RobertHecht buys_from GiacomoMedici
RobertHecht works_with JiriFrel
RobertHecht obtains_from NikolasKoutoulakis
RobertHecht works_with GianfrancoBecchina
RobertHecht works_with GiacomoMedici
RobertHecht controls AtlantisAntiquities
RobertHecht obtains_from GiacomoMedici
RobertHecht buys VibiaSabinaStatue
RobertHecht employed_by FritzBurki
RobertHecht works_with JonathanRosen
RobertHecht works_with EliBorowsky
RobertHecht works_with BruceMcNall
RobertHecht sells_to MarionTrue
RobertHecht sells_to MetropolitanMuseum
RobertHecht buys EuphroniosKrater
RobertHecht country United States
RobertHecht country France
RobertHuber sells_to BrooklynMuseum
RobertHuber country USA
RobertHuber city Milwaukee
RobertMarx buys PortRoyal
RobertMarx has_possession_of PortRoyal
RobertOlson works_with SusanLerer
RobertOlson sells_to CariMarkell
RobertOlson sells_to BarryMacLean
RobertOlson employed_by BobbyoImports
RobertOlson sells_to JonathanMarkell
RobertOlson works_with ArmandLabbé
RobertOlson buys BanChiangArtifacts
RobertOlson works_with JoelMalter
RobertOlson has_possession_of BanChiangArtifacts
RobertPMitchell employed_by MuseumOfFineArts
RobinSymes sells_to Getty
RobinSymes obtains_from RenzoCanavesi
RobinSymes buys GettyAphrodite
RobinSymes sells_to AtticRedFiguredKalpis
RobinSymes sells_to MarionTrue
RobinSymes sells_to MauriceTempelsman
RogerCorneliusRussellYorke country Canada
RogerCorneliusRussellYorke has_possession_of AymaraTextiles
RogerYorke obtains_from CoromaTextiles
RogerYorke buys CoromaTextiles
RomanianNationalHistoryMuseum has_possession_of BraceletsSarmizegetusaRegia
RomanianNationalHistoryMuseum country Romania
RomanianNationalHistoryMuseum city Bucharest
RomanPinaChan works_with LasBocas
RommelAngelesFalcon works_with ToribaMejiaXesspe
RommelAngelesFalcon country Peru
RommelAngelesFalcon works_with AdoptATextile
RommelAngelesFalcon employed_by HuacaMalenaMuseum
RommelAngelesFalcon works_with JulioTello
RosieBecchina country Switzerland
RoughCastleAxehead from_culture Roman
RoughCastleAxehead cultural_heritage Roman Empire
RoughCastleAxehead authenticated_by FalkirkMuseum
RoughCastleAxehead dates_from Unknown
RoxannaBrown city Unknown
RoxannaBrown country Unknown
RoyalAthenaGalleries city New York
RoyalAthenaGalleries country USA
RoyalCanadianMountedPolice country Canada
RoyalCanadianMountedPolice seized_by AymaraTextiles
RoyalJellingMuseum has_possession_of GoldenHorns
RoyalJellingMuseum country Denmark
RufinoTamayoMuseum city Oaxaca
RufinoTamayoMuseum has_possession_of Stela4
RufinoTamayoMuseum country Mexico
RupertWace has_possession_of DuckVessel2
RussianAuthority seized_by StolenArtifacts
RussianGovernment repatriates MotherOfGodSign
RussianGovernment country Russia
RussianStateArchiveOfLiteratureAndArt city Moscow
RussianStateArchiveOfLiteratureAndArt country Russia
SípanBackflap from_culture Sicán/Lambayeque
SípanBackflap cultural_heritage Peru
SípanBackflap dates_from Middle Sicán period
SípanBackflap seized_by ManualBacigalupoRemy
SacklerGallery country USA
SacklerGallery has_possession_of BelitungShipwreck
SacklerGallery city Washington D.C.
Saenz buys GrolierCodex
Saenz obtains_from UnnamedPerson
Saenz donates_to MuseoNacional
SagaHorizon country Singapore
SagaHorizon auctions HoiAnShipwreck
SalisburyHoard dates_from 200 BC
SalisburyHoard dates_from Iron Age
SalisburyHoard authenticated_by BritishMuseum
SalisburyHoard from_culture Iron Age
SalisburyHoard cultural_heritage British Iron Age
SalisburyHoard from_culture British Iron Age
SalisburyHoard cultural_heritage British
SalisburyHoardBook dates_from Post-Iron Age
SalisburyHoardBook is_instance_of SalisburyHoard
SalvadorGutierrez seized_by PakalMask
SalvadorGutierrez country Mexico
SamirBorro sells_to JacquesChirac
SamirBorro city Brussels
SamirBorro country Belgium
SamSachs employed_by DetroitInstituteOfArts
SamSachs works_with MichaelKan
SamuelBernal has_possession_of SipanSite
SamuelBernal has_possession_of HuacaRajada
SamuelBernal works_with ErnilBernal
SanAgustinAcasaguastlanSite dates_from Unknown
SanAgustinAcasaguastlanSite from_culture Guatemalan
SanAgustinPainting repatriated_to Bolivia
SanAgustinPainting authenticated_by ArtLossRegister
SanAgustinPainting dates_from Colonial period
SanAgustinPainting seized_by BolivianEmbassyLondon
SanAgustinPainting cultural_heritage Bolivian
SanAgustinPainting from_culture Bolivian
SanAndresChurch city San Andrés de Machaca
SanAndresChurch country Bolivia
SanAntonioPolice country United States
SandsOfTimeAntiquities city Washington DC
SandsOfTimeAntiquities country USA
SanIsidro obtains_from LocalMarket
SanIsidro buys_at LocalMarket
SanIsidro buys ValdiviaFigurine
SantaBarbaraMuseumOfArt city Santa Barbara
SantaBarbaraMuseumOfArt has_possession_of SipanArtifacts
SantaBarbaraMuseumOfArt country USA
SantaRosaPainting authenticated_by ArtLossRegister
SantaRosaPainting repatriated_to Bolivia
SantaRosaPainting seized_by BolivianEmbassyLondon
SantaRosaPainting dates_from Colonial period
SantaRosaPainting cultural_heritage Bolivian
SantaRosaPainting from_culture Bolivian
Sarcophagus dates_from Unknown
Sarcophagus repatriated_to Italy
Sarcophagus cultural_heritage Italian
Sarcophagus from_culture Italian
SarmizegetusaRegia dates_from 82 BC - 106 AD
SarmizegetusaRegia authenticated_by ConstantinescuEtAl
SarmizegetusaRegia cultural_heritage Dacian Fortresses of the Orastie Mountains
SarmizegetusaRegia seized_by AugustinLazar
SarmizegetusaRegia enforced_by AugustinLazar
SarmizegetusaRegia repatriated_to Romania
SarmizegetusaRegia from_culture Dacian
Sarrafian obtains_from Hecht
Sarrafian buys Krater
Sarrafian has_possession_of Krater
Sarrafian has_possession_of EuphroniosKrater2
SCA repatriates DuckVessel2
SCA repatriates DuckVessel1
SCA country Egypt
ScottPolarResearchInstitute employed_by UniversityOfCambridge
ScottyKilpatrick works_with MauriceTopine
ScottyKilpatrick employed_by NewZealandGovernment
SeabedExplorations country Germany
SeabedExplorations city Unknown
SecondCenturyBCStatuetteofTyche dates_from 2nd century BC
SecondCenturyBCStatuetteofTyche authenticated_by FleischmanCollection
SecondCenturyBCStatuetteofTyche from_culture Greek
SecurityFirm country United Kingdom
Seeman works_with IndianaDepartmentofNaturalResources
Seeman employed_by IndianaDepartmentofNaturalResources
SentosaLeisureGroup city Singapore
SentosaLeisureGroup country Singapore
SentosaLeisureGroup buys BelitungShipwreck
SergeantMilesHart employed_by KentuckyStatePolice
SevsoTreasure cultural_heritage Roman Empire
SevsoTreasure dates_from fourth-century AD
SevsoTreasure from_culture Roman
SevsoTreasure cultural_heritage Hungary
SevsoTreasure authenticated_by Archaeological and Historical Evidence
SevsoTreasure repatriated_to Hungary
SevsoTreasure dates_from mid-fourth century AD to early-fifth century AD
SevsoTreasure dates_from 4th Century AD
SevsoTreasure from_culture Late Roman
SevsoTreasure seized_by Hungarian Police
SezaiPortakalci employed_by IncirlikAirBase
SezaiPortakalci sells_to JoelMalter
SezaiPortakalci has_possession_of TurkishArtifacts
ShamshiAdadVStele from_culture Neo-Assyrian
ShamshiAdadVStele cultural_heritage Syrian
ShamshiAdadVStele authenticated_by ScholarlyJournal
ShamshiAdadVStele dates_from Neo-Assyrian period
ShaneTeRuki has_possession_of TattooedHeads
SharifShahBakhi sells_to WaliMohammadReeki
SharifShahBakhi country Iran
SheikhIbadaGroup cultural_heritage Egypt
SheikhIbadaGroup dates_from Post World War II
SheikhIbadaGroup authenticated_by GaryVikan
SheikhIbadaGroup from_culture Coptic
ShelbyWhite works_with LeonLevy
SicilianPlasticVase country Sicily
SicilianPlasticVase from_culture Greek
SicilianPlasticVase dates_from 425 BC
SilkRoadsGallery city Los Angeles
SilkRoadsGallery country USA
SilverHoardEverbeek dates_from third century AD
SilverHoardEverbeek cultural_heritage Flanders
SilverHoardEverbeek enforced_by FlandersHeritageAgency
SilverHoardEverbeek from_culture Roman
SingaporeNationalHeritageBoard city Singapore
SingaporeNationalHeritageBoard country Singapore
SingaporeTourismBoard works_with AsianCivilizationsMuseum
SingaporeTourismBoard city Singapore
SingaporeTourismBoard works_with SingaporeNationalHeritageBoard
SingaporeTourismBoard country Singapore
SipanArtifacts from_culture Moche
SipanArtifacts enforced_by USCustoms
SipanArtifacts dates_from 1987
SipanArtifacts from_culture Sipán
SipanArtifacts repatriated_to Peru
SipanMaterial from_culture Moche
SipanMaterial cultural_heritage Peru
SipanMaterial dates_from 1987
SipanSite cultural_heritage Peru
SipanSite dates_from 1 to 700 BC
SipanSite from_culture Moche
SiteQ from_culture Maya
SiteQ cultural_heritage Peten region of Guatemala
SiteQ dates_from mid 1960s
SiteQ authenticated_by Yale
SkikdaMuseum country Algeria
SkikdaMuseum city Skikda
SkikdaMuseum has_possession_of MarcusAureliusHead
SlackFamily sells_to NewOwner
SlackFamily has_possession_of SlackFarm
SlackFarm seized_by KentuckyStatePolice
SlackFarm enforced_by SergeantMilesHart
SlackFarm from_culture Caborn-Welborn culture
SlackFarm repatriated_to Kentucky
SlackFarm dates_from 1400 to 1650 AD
SlackFarm cultural_heritage Mississippian culture
Smithsonian country USA
Smithsonian city Washington D.C.
SmithsonianInstitution city Washington D.C.
SmithsonianInstitution country United States
SmithsonianInstitution has_possession_of AymaraTextiles
SmithsonianInstitution city Washington DC
SocietyforthePreservationoftheGreekHeritage country USA
SocietyforthePreservationoftheGreekHeritage donates_to GreekArchaeologicalService
SokotoHeadAndTorso cultural_heritage African
SokotoHeadAndTorso from_culture Sokoto
SokotoHeadAndTorso dates_from Unknown
Solntsevskaya country Russia
Solntsevskaya city Moscow
SonOfAustralianCollector has_possession_of EgyptianTombRelief
SonOfAustralianCollector country Australia
Sothebys city New York
Sothebys auctions Lot11
Sothebys buys_from VamanGhiya
Sothebys sells_to LeonardoPatterson
Sothebys auctions Lot10
Sothebys sells_to Northampton
Sothebys auctions Lot7
Sothebys country USA
Sothebys auctions JinaFigure
Sothebys auctions Lot18
Sothebys auctions Lot17
Sothebys auctions JiroftTomb
Sothebys auctions Sarcophagus
Sothebys auctions Figurine1
Sothebys city New York City
Sothebys repatriates Figurine1
Sothebys auctions SevsoTreasure
Sothebys sells_to Medici
Sothebys has_possession_of Figurine1
Sothebys auctions ZeusStatue
Sothebys country UK
Sothebys auctions SipanSite
Sothebys auctions EuphroniosKrater
Sothebys country United Kingdom
Sothebys city London
Sothebys auctions LargeBrazier
Sothebys auctions Panels
Sothebys auctions MayaPriestFigure
Sothebys country United States
Sothebys auctions PeruvianAntiquities
Sothebys auctions Figurine2
Sothebys auctions GeorgeOrtizCollection
Sothebys repatriates Figurine2
Sothebys employed_by BrendanLynch
Sothebys has_possession_of Figurine2
Sothebys auctions HuacaRajada
Sothebys sells_to LawrenceFleischman
SothebysLondon auctions ToiMoko
SothebysLondon auctions EuphroniosKrater
SothebysLondon city London
SothebysLondon country UK
SothebysLondon auctions OnesimosKylix
SothebysNewYork auctions SipanMaterial
SothebysNewYork city New York
SothebysNewYork city New York City
SothebysNewYork country USA
SothebysNewYork auctions SouthArabianAlabasterStele
SouthKoreanCulturalHeritageAdministration repatriates UigweJapan
SouthKoreanCulturalHeritageAdministration country South Korea
SouthArabianAlabasterStele dates_from 3rd Century AD
SouthArabianAlabasterStele cultural_heritage Yemen
SouthArabianAlabasterStele from_culture South Arabian
SouthChinaSeaTradition authenticated_by Flecker
SouthChinaSeaTradition cultural_heritage South China Sea Tradition
SouthChinaSeaTradition from_culture South-East Asian
SouthChinaSeaTradition dates_from 250 AD
SouthEastAnatoliaProject repatriates ProvincesMosaic
SouthEastAnatoliaProject country Turkey
SoutheastAsianCeramicsMuseum city Bangkok
SoutheastAsianCeramicsMuseum country Thailand
SouthKorea country South Korea
SouthKorea repatriated_to Uigwe
StacyGoodman employed_by Sothebys
StanleyBoggs country El Salvador
StateUniversityofNewYork country USA
StateHermitageMuseum country Russian Federation
StateHermitageMuseum city St Petersburg
StateMedicalExaminer works_with NativeAmericanGroups
StateMedicalExaminer employed_by KentuckyStateGovernment
StateMedicalExaminer works_with KentuckyStateGovernment
StatueofaVictoriousYouth from_culture Greek
StatueofaVictoriousYouth dates_from 4th Century BC
StatueofAkhenaten dates_from Ancient Egypt
StatueofAkhenaten cultural_heritage Egyptian
StatueofAkhenaten has_possession_of EgyptianMuseum
StatueofAkhenaten seized_by SupremeCouncilofAntiquities
StatueofAkhenaten from_culture Egyptian
StatueofAkhenaten authenticated_by UniversityofPennsylvaniaCulturalHeritageCenter
StatueofAkhenaten repatriated_to Egypt
Stead works_with BritishMuseum
Stead employed_by BritishMuseum
Stela dates_from Unknown
Stela from_culture Maya
Stela10 enforced_by GuatemalanAuthority
Stela10 dates_from Classic Maya period
Stela10 authenticated_by CarnegieInstitute
Stela10 from_culture Classic Maya
Stela10 country Guatemala
Stela12 dates_from Classic Maya period
Stela12 authenticated_by CarnegieInstitute
Stela12 from_culture Classic Maya
Stela12 country Guatemala
Stela12 enforced_by GuatemalanAuthority
Stela3 enforced_by GuatemalanAuthority
Stela3 authenticated_by CarnegieInstitute
Stela3 dates_from Classic Maya period
Stela3 from_culture Classic Maya
Stela3 country Guatemala
Stela1 has_possession_of SwedishNationalMuseum
Stela1 has_possession_of RassigaGallery
Stela1 dates_from Late Classic period
Stela1 authenticated_by IanGraham
Stela1 cultural_heritage Maya cultural patrimony
Stela1 from_culture Maya
Stela1 has_possession_of ErnestEricson
Stela1 seized_by EdwinMShook
Stela1 repatriated_to Guatemala
Stela1 has_possession_of FolkensMuseumEtnografiska
Stela10 dates_from 1920
Stela10 from_culture Maya
Stela12 dates_from 1920
Stela12 from_culture Maya
Stela2 repatriates GuatemalanGovernment
Stela2 dates_from Classic Period
Stela2 from_culture Classic Maya
Stela2 has_possession_of MinneapolisInstituteOfArts
Stela2 cultural_heritage Guatemala
Stela3 cultural_heritage Guatemala
Stela3 dates_from 1920
Stela3 from_culture Mesoamerican
Stela3 from_culture Maya
Stela3 dates_from Unknown
Stela4 from_culture Maya
Stela4 authenticated_by CarnegieInstitute
Stela4 dates_from Unknown
Stela4 dates_from 1920
Stela4 cultural_heritage Guatemala
Stela4 from_culture Mesoamerican
Stela5 authenticated_by AtlasArqueologico
Stela5 from_culture Maya
Stela5 cultural_heritage Guatemala
Stela5 has_possession_of MuseoNacional
Stela5 dates_from AD 800
Stela5 dates_from Unknown
Stela5 seized_by AtlasArqueologico
Stela5 from_culture Mesoamerican
Stela7 dates_from Unknown
Stela7 cultural_heritage Guatemala
Stela7 from_culture Mesoamerican
StendahlGalleries sells_to MinneapolisInstituteOfArts
StendhalGallery country USA
StendhalGallery city Los Angeles
StendhalGallery has_possession_of MexicanShaftTombTradition
StephenBerger obtains_from CoromaTextiles
StephenBerger buys CoromaTextiles
StephenHouston employed_by BrighamYoungUniversity
SteveBourget donates_to DosCabezas
StevenBerger country United States
StevenBerger has_possession_of AymaraTextiles
SteveNelson employed_by BrighamYoungUniversity
SteveNelson works_with JamesAdovasio
SteveNelson works_with MollyBoekaCannon
StolenArtifacts cultural_heritage Russian Federation
StolenArtifacts dates_from Unknown
StolenArtifacts repatriated_to Russian Federation
StolenArtifacts authenticated_by StateHermitageMuseum
StolenArtifacts from_culture Russian
StolenArtifacts enforced_by RussianAuthority
StoneStela from_culture Greek
StoneStela dates_from Classical period
StoneStela cultural_heritage Italy
StrathclydePolice country Scotland
StuartNeedham city London
StuartNeedham country UK
StuartNeedham employed_by BritishMuseum
SueMcGovern buys MaadiArtifacts
SueMcGovern employed_by SandsOfTimeAntiquities
SunOilCompany country United States
SupremeCouncilofAntiquities country Egypt
SupremeCouncilofAntiquities works_with USCustomsandImmigrationEnforcement
SupremeCouncilofAntiquities controls EmergencyRedList
SupremeCouncilOfAntiquities country Egypt
SupremeCouncilOfAntiquities repatriates EgyptianTombRelief
SurreyArchaeologicalSociety country England
SurreyArchaeologicalSociety has_possession_of WanboroughTempleArtifacts
SurreyArchaeologicalSociety city Surrey
SvenKarell buys ParacasTextiles
SvenKarell sells_to MuseumofWorldCulture
SvenKarell employed_by SwedishConsulateinPeru
SwedishConsulateinPeru city Lima
SwedishConsulateinPeru country Peru
SwedishNationalMuseum city Stockholm
SwedishNationalMuseum country Sweden
SwedishNationalMuseum donates_to FolkensMuseumEtnografiska
SwetnamDrewKellyRing has_possession_of HuacaRajada
SwetnamDrewKellyRing has_possession_of SipanSite
SylvanusMorley authenticated_by Stela12
SylvanusMorley employed_by CarnegieInstitute
SylvanusMorley country United States
SylvanusMorley authenticated_by Stela10
SylvanusMorley works_with CarlCuthe
SylvanusMorley authenticated_by Stela3
SyWeintraub works_with JiriFrel
SyWeintraub buys FrescoFragments
SyWeintraub works_with BruceMcNall
SyWeintraub donates_to GettyMuseum
TattooedHeads cultural_heritage New Zealand
TattooedHeads dates_from mid-nineteenth century
TattooedHeads repatriated_to New Zealand
TattooedHeads from_culture Māori
TeHerekiekieHerewini employed_by TePapa
TePapa city Wellington
TePapa country New Zealand
TePapa has_possession_of Toimoko
TeAtiAwa country New Zealand
TeAtiAwa has_possession_of Panels
TeAtiAwa donates_to PukeAriki
TedWiener finances Hollinshead
TedWiener country USA
TedWiener city Dallas
Tello works_with PeruNationalMuseum
TempleRelief cultural_heritage Egypt
TempleRelief seized_by USCustomsandImmigrationEnforcement
TempleRelief authenticated_by ChristineFavardMeeks
TempleRelief repatriated_to Egypt
TempleRelief dates_from Late Period
TempleRelief from_culture Egyptian
Temple1 cultural_heritage El Zotz, Guatemala
Temple1 dates_from Late Classic Period
Temple1 from_culture Classic Maya
Temple1 authenticated_by ProyectoNacionalTikal
TenantFarmers has_possession_of SlackFarm
TenantFarmers sells_to Looters
TeobertMaler obtains_from Stela2
TePapa has_possession_of Panels
TePapa donates_to TeAtiAwa
TerracottaHeadOfHades repatriated_to Italy
TerracottaHeadOfHades dates_from 400-300 BC
TerracottaHeadOfHades from_culture Greek
TerracottaHeadOfHades cultural_heritage Morgantina sanctuary of Demeter and Persephone
TerryRossiter country UK
TerryRossiter city Salisbury
TextileWK319 dates_from Around 1st Century AD
TextileWK319 from_culture Paracas
TextileWK319 cultural_heritage Peru
TextileWK319 authenticated_by JaneDwyer
TextileWK319 repatriated_to Peru
TextileWK319 enforced_by PeruvianGovernment
ThaiFineArtsDepartment country Thailand
ThaiFineArtsDepartment repatriates BanChiang
TheIndependent country UK
TheIndependent city London
TheodoreRousseau employed_by MetropolitanMuseum
ThomasHoving authenticated_by WearyHerakles
ThomasHoving employed_by MetropolitanMuseum
ThomasHoving works_with JosephVeachNoble
TilmanWalterfang country Germany
TilmanWalterfang employed_by SeabedExplorations
TilmanWalterfang city Unknown
TimothyRub employed_by ClevelandMuseum
TintalSite from_culture Guatemalan
TintalSite dates_from Unknown
Tkalec sells_to Northampton
Toimoko from_culture Maori
Toimoko repatriated_to New Zealand
Toimoko cultural_heritage New Zealand
ToiMoko dates_from 1770
ToiMoko from_culture Māori
ToiMoko cultural_heritage New Zealand
TokeleyParrySchultz cultural_heritage Egyptian
TokeleyParrySchultz dates_from Unknown
TokeleyParrySchultz from_culture Egyptian
TokeleyParrySchultz repatriated_to Egypt
ToledoMuseumOfArt buys EtruscanKalpis
ToledoMuseumOfArt country United States
ToledoMuseumOfArt donates_to Italy
ToledoMuseumOfArt country USA
ToledoMuseumOfArt city Toledo
TomHoyt buys CariMarkell
TomHoyt donates_to BerkeleyMuseum
TomHoyt buys RobertOlson
TomHoyt city Unknown
TomHoyt buys JonathanMarkell
TomHoyt country Unknown
TomHoyt donates_to BowersMuseum
TomHoyt donates_to MingeiMuseum
TomHoyt donates_to PAMMuseum
TomWilson employed_by AbrahamTrust
ToribaMejiaXesspe country Peru
TotemPole cultural_heritage First Nations
TotemPole repatriated_to Canada
TotemPole from_culture First Nations
TotemPole authenticated_by Haisla
TreasureHunters buys WanboroughTempleArtifacts
TreasureHunters has_possession_of WanboroughTempleArtifacts
TreasureHunters obtains_from WanboroughTempleSite
TreasureHunters has_possession_of PlaceresFacade
TrinidadPech employed_by SunOilCompany
TurkeyGovernment repatriates WearyHerakles
TurkeyGovernment country Turkey
TurkishGovernment country Turkey
TurkishGovernment repatriates KumlucaSilver
TurkishArtifacts seized_by TurkishPolice
TurkishArtifacts seized_by USCustoms
TurkishArtifacts from_culture Turkish
TurkishGovernment repatriates WearyHerakles
TurkishPolice country Turkey
UCLA country USA
Uigwe cultural_heritage Korea
Uigwe from_culture Joseon Dynasty, Korea
Uigwe dates_from 1600s-1900s
UigweFrance from_culture Joseon
UigweJapan cultural_heritage South Korean Cultural Heritage
UigweJapan from_culture Joseon
UKGovernment repatriates WanboroughTempleArtifacts
UKGovernment country UK
UKGovernment country United Kingdom
UKGovernment repatriates YeaveringBellArtifacts
UKLawEnforcement country UK
UKPolice seized_by WanboroughTempleArtifacts
UmaMaheshwar authenticated_by JurgenSchick
UmaMaheshwar from_culture Hindu
UmaMaheshwar cultural_heritage Nepal
UmaMaheshwar seized_by DepartmentOfArchaeologyNepal
UmaMaheshwar repatriated_to Nepal
UmaMaheshwar authenticated_by LainSBangdel
UmaMaheshwar dates_from 12th century
UNESCO controls Flecker
UNESCO recommends JamaicanGovernment
UNESCO country France
UNESCOConvention enforced_by HoiAnWreck
UNESCOConvention seized_by HoiAnWreck
UnionCountyGrandJury city Morganfield
UnionCountyGrandJury country United States
UnitedStatesCustoms seized_by AymaraTextiles
UnitedStatesCustoms country United States
UnitedStates repatriates CaraSucia
UnitedStates country United States
UniversidadDeValleDeGuatemala country Guatemala
UniversidadNacionalDeColombia works_with FundaciónCulturaMalagana
UniversityofAlabama city Tuscaloosa
UniversityofAlabama country USA
UniversityofFlorida country USA
UniversityofMaine country USA
UniversityofPennsylvaniaCulturalHeritageCenter works_with SupremeCouncilofAntiquities
UniversityofPennsylvaniaMuseum has_possession_of BanChiang
UniversityofPennsylvaniaMuseum city Philadelphia
UniversityofPennsylvaniaMuseum country United States
UniversityofVirginia city Charlottesville
UniversityofVirginia country USA
UniversityCollegeCork country Ireland
UniversityOfCambridge city Cambridge
UniversityOfCambridge country United Kingdom
UniversityOfPennsylvania country United States
UniversityOfPennsylvaniaMuseum city Philadelphia
UniversityOfPennsylvaniaMuseum has_possession_of PiedrasNegrasStela14andAltar4
UniversityOfPennsylvaniaMuseum country United States
UniversityOfPennsylvaniaMuseum has_possession_of Stela2
UniversityOfTallinn country Estonia
UniversityOfTallinn works_with EstonianNationalHeritageBoard
UniversityOfTallinn authenticated_by VikingAgeSilver
UnknownAuctionHouse auctions DosCabezas
UnknownAuctionHouse country Germany
UnknownAuthority enforced_by MayaHieroglyphicPanel
UnknownPakistani sells_to AmanollahRiggi
UnknownPakistani country Pakistan
UnknownPerson buys MayaHieroglyphicPanel
UnknownPerson sells_to MuseoElPrincipeMaya
UnnamedCollector country UK
UnnamedCollector city London
UnnamedCollector donates_to PeruGovernmentAgency
UnnamedCollector buys LaMina
UnnamedGuatemalanCollector country Guatemala
UnnamedGuatemalanCollector employed_by UnnamedGuatemalanMan
UnnamedGuatemalanCollector buys RioAzul
UnnamedGuatemalanMan works_with UnnamedGuatemalanCollector
UnnamedGuatemalanMan country Guatemala
UnnamedGuatemalanMan works_with UnnamedUSArchaeologist
UnnamedUSArchaeologist country United States
UnnamedUSArchaeologist works_with UnnamedGuatemalanMan
UrsulaBecchina country Italy
USCourtofAppeals country USA
USCustoms country USA
USCustomsandImmigrationEnforcement country USA
USDistrictCourtSouthernDistrictofNewYork enforced_by AidoniaTreasure
USDistrictCourtSouthernDistrictofNewYork seized_by AidoniaTreasure
USDistrictCourtSouthernDistrictofNewYork country USA
USFederalAgents seized_by BanChiang
USImmigrationandCustomsEnforcement country USA
USImmigrationandCustomsEnforcement repatriates EgyptianArtefact1
USSupremeCourt country USA
USAFMajor employed_by IncirlikAirBase
USAuthority seized_by MayaMask
USCourtOfAppeal9thCircuit enforces MachaquilaStela2
USCourtOfAppeal9thCircuit enforces MachaquilaStela5
USCourtOfAppeal9thCircuit country USA
USCustoms seized_by SipanArtifacts
USCustoms country United States
USCustoms works_with TurkishPolice
USDAForestService country United States
USDealer country United States
USDealer sells_to AustraliaNationalGallery
USFBI country USA
USFBI city Washington D.C.
USGovernment repatriates SipanMaterial
USHomelandSecurity controls USICE
USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement seized_by SouthArabianAlabasterStele
USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement country United States
USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement repatriates MaadiArtifacts
USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement country USA
USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement seized_by AtticRedFiguredSitula
USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement seized_by MarbleJaniformHead
USImmigrationAndCustomsEnforcement seized_by AtticRedFiguredPelike
USStateDepartmentCulturalPropertyAdvisory repatriates CoromaTextiles
UtahStateUniversityEasternPrehistoricMuseum has_possession_of MissingFigurine
UtahStateUniversityEasternPrehistoricMuseum country USA
UtahStateUniversityEasternPrehistoricMuseum has_possession_of PillingCollection
UtahStateUniversityEasternPrehistoricMuseum city Utah
ValdiviaCulture country Ecuador
ValdiviaFigurine authenticated_by ArchaeologyInstitution
ValdiviaFigurine from_culture Valdivia Culture
ValdiviaFigurine dates_from 2300 BC to 2000 BC
ValdiviaFigurine enforced_by EcuadorianAuthority
ValdiviaFigurine cultural_heritage Ecuador
ValdiviaForgery enforced_by EcuadorianAuthority
ValdiviaForgery cultural_heritage Ecuador
ValdiviaForgery from_culture Valdivia Culture
ValdiviaForgery dates_from 1950s
ValdiviaForgery authenticated_by ForgeryExpert
ValdiviaSite seized_by EcuadorianAuthority
ValdiviaSite country Ecuador
ValEdwards has_possession_of LargeBrazier
ValEdwards has_possession_of MayaPriestFigure
ValEdwards works_with LeonardoPatterson
VamanGhiya sells_to Christies
VamanGhiya buys JinaFigure
VamanGhiya country India
VamanGhiya city Jaipur
VamanGhiya sells_to Sothebys
VamanGhiya controls ArtisticImportsCorporation
VamanGhiya controls Megavena
VamanGhiya controls CapeLionLogging
VaseA dates_from Late Classic Period
VaseA authenticated_by StephenHouston
VaseA from_culture Classic Maya
VaseA has_possession_of MintMuseumOfArt
VaseA cultural_heritage El Zotz, Guatemala
VaseB authenticated_by StephenHouston
VaseB cultural_heritage El Zotz, Guatemala
VaseB has_possession_of NasherMuseumOfArt
VaseB dates_from Late Classic Period
VaseB from_culture Classic Maya
VasekPolak donates_to Getty
VesselK8007 authenticated_by MorleyMuseum
VesselK8007 from_culture Maya
VibiaSabinaStatue cultural_heritage Italy
VibiaSabinaStatue repatriated_to Italy
VibiaSabinaStatue dates_from 2nd century
VibiaSabinaStatue from_culture Roman
VibiaSabinaStatue seized_by ItalianMinistryOfCulture
VibiaSabinaStatue authenticated_by GiacomoMedici
VictoriaNationalGallery country Australia
VictoriaNationalGallery city Melbourne
VietnameseInstituteOfArchaeology country Vietnam
VietnameseMinistryOfCulture country Vietnam
VietnameseMinistryOfCulture repatriates HoiAnShipwreck
VietnameseSalvageAgency country Vietnam
VietnamGovernment country Vietnam
VietnamGovernment repatriates HoiAnWreck
VikingAgeSilver cultural_heritage Estonia
VikingAgeSilver from_culture Viking
VikingAgeSilver dates_from 12th century AD
VillaGiulia has_possession_of EuphroniosKrater2
VillaGiulia country Italy
VillaGiulia has_possession_of EuphroniosKrater1
VillaGiulia city Rome
VincasSteponaitis employed_by StateUniversityofNewYork
VincentPrice has_possession_of MexicanShaftTombTradition
VirginiaMuseumOfFineArts country USA
VirginiaMuseumOfFineArts city Richmond
VirginiaMuseumOfFineArts has_possession_of SokotoHeadAndTorso
ViterboUniversity country Italy
ViterboUniversity city Viterbo
VladimirPutin controls RussianGovernment
Wakas works_with Humdzeed
WaliMohammadReeki obtains_from SharifShahBakhi
WaliMohammadReeki city Quetta
WaliMohammadReeki country Pakistan
WaliMohammadReeki sells_to AliAkbar
WallisGalleryOfAntiquities has_possession_of MaadiArtifacts
WalterAlva city Trujillo
WalterAlva works_with FBI
WalterAlva works_with BatánGrande
WalterAlva country Peru
WalterAlva works_with ErnilBernal
WalterAlva works_with SamuelBernal
WalterAlva works_with PeruGovernmentAgency
WalterAugsburger works_with MaidoKättmann
WalterAugsburger country Germany
WalterAugsburger sells_to GermanAuctionHouse
WalterRandall country USA
WalterRandall city New York
WalterRandall sells_to ArtInstituteOfChicago
WaltersArtMuseum country United States
WaltersArtMuseum has_possession_of Ornament
WaltersArtMuseum city Baltimore
WaltersArtMuseum has_possession_of EarSpools
WanboroughTempleArtifacts cultural_heritage Wanborough Temple, Surrey, England
WanboroughTempleArtifacts from_culture Romano-British
WanboroughTempleArtifacts dates_from Iron Age and Roman period
Warrior country Sardinia
Warrior dates_from 9th-8th century BC
Warrior from_culture Sardinian
WashingtonArtDealer works_with AmericanCollector
WashingtonArtDealer country United States
WashingtonArtDealer city Washington
WearyHerakles cultural_heritage Turkey
WearyHerakles repatriated_to Turkey
WearyHerakles cultural_heritage Roman
WearyHerakles dates_from 2nd century AD
WearyHerakles from_culture Roman
WearyHerakles dates_from Late Antonine period
WellWisher donates_to SurreyArchaeologicalSociety
WesleyanUniversity country USA
WesleyanUniversity city Middletown
White buys EuphroniosKrater2
White donates_to MetropolitanMuseum
WilliamBullard employed_by UniversityofFlorida
WilliamNiven donates_to PeabodyMuseum
WilliamNiven buys MezcalaFigurine
WilliamNiven buys_at Xochipala
WilliamOsmanHill employed_by HunterianMuseum
WilliamSaturno works_with BostonUniversity
WilliamSaturno works_with CarnegieInstitute
WilliamSaturno employed_by BostonUniversity
WilmaSabala city Miami
WilmaSabala has_possession_of AtticBlackFigureCups
WilmaSabala country USA
WilmaSabala sells_to ChristiesNewYork
Wilson buys GeometricPlate
Wilson buys HippolytusSitulae
Wilson works_with PeterMimpriss
Wilson works_with Zietz
Wilson employed_by AbrahamTrust
WoodenSarcophagus repatriated_to Egypt
WoodenSarcophagus dates_from Ancient Egypt
WoodenSarcophagus cultural_heritage Egyptian
WoodenSarcophagus has_possession_of EgyptianMuseum
WoodenSarcophagus seized_by SupremeCouncilofAntiquities
WoodenSarcophagus from_culture Egyptian
WoodenSarcophagus authenticated_by UniversityofPennsylvaniaCulturalHeritageCenter
Xochipala country Mexico
Xochipala city Eduardo Neri
Xultun dates_from Classic Maya period
Xultun from_culture Classic Maya
Xultun country Guatemala
YakovChernikov is_instance_of RussianStateArchiveOfLiteratureAndArt
YakovChernikov dates_from Unknown
YeaveringBellArtifacts from_culture Iron Age
YeaveringBellArtifacts enforced_by UKLawEnforcement
YeaveringBellArtifacts dates_from first millennium BC
YeaveringBellArtifacts authenticated_by ArchaeologicalExperts
YeaveringBellArtifacts cultural_heritage Northumberland, UK
YeaveringBellArtifacts repatriated_to UK
YetiHand from_culture Pangboche
YetiHand cultural_heritage Pangboche Monastery
Yugoslavia country Yugoslavia
YvesDeParceval city Paris
YvesDeParceval country France
YvesDeParceval buys LaMina
ZahiHawass works_with SupremeCouncilofAntiquities
ZahiHawass employed_by MinistryofAntiquities
ZahiHawass country Egypt
ZahiHawass employed_by SupremeCouncilofAntiquities
ZakBalam has_possession_of MayaMask
Zavadskaya employed_by Hermitage
Zavadskaya works_with NikolayZavadsky
ZeroMostel buys OcucajeTextile
ZeroMostel buys GiltCopperHeadband
ZeusStatue from_culture Hellenistic or Early Roman Imperial
ZeusStatue repatriated_to Italy
ZeusStatue cultural_heritage Italy
Zietz buys HippolytusSitulae
Zietz works_with PeterMimpriss
Zietz employed_by AbrahamTrust
Zietz works_with Wilson
Zietz buys GeometricPlate
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