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Last active August 6, 2017 15:08
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Eye is much improved but still very sensitive to the light of the computer monitor. But no longer hurting from light and no longer sensitive to the light of the headlight of car or overhead light in the room. Over the weekend, any light at all was very painful for the eye. My guess is the wound has reduced to 2 - 3mm by now. Hopefully will be less 2mm on Thursday's checkup.

Last year I had noticed that the blue light from the monitor was wearing out my eyes. So I had adjusted the color temperature of my display to warm sunlight and supplemented with lutein and zeaxthanine. Also adjusted my text editor and programming editor to use off-white text on a dark grey background. That was a big improvement, but with this eye injury I can see just how harsh the white emitted background during web browsing and PDFs is for my eyes. It really hurts (even not sharp pain as it was over the weekend, I can feel the extreme strain on the eyes)! So imagine how much we are bombarding our healthy eyes, even though our eyes complain less, we are still damaging them with that emitted light.

Contrary to research stating that eye strain is same with backlit monitors versus non-blacklit E-ink displays (probably some BS junk science funded by the monitor industry!), our eyes are evolved to reflected light. I am looking at a printed page versus similar size font on white background on my computer monitor. Even if I adjust my computer monitor for warm white temperature (less blue light), to get the same contrast, I sense much more light entering my eyes from the monitor han from the reflected light of the printed page. Perhaps this is because the reflected light is reflected at many different angles (i.e. diffused) by the rough surface of the paper. Whereas, the emitted light is highly polarized. The polarized light is highly absorbed in the blue sprectrum. I found this:

Imagine a skipping rope is a light wave travelling through space. If you move the rope from side to side, the wave you make is horizontally polarised. But if you shake it up and down you create a vertically polarised wave. Generally, light is a mixture of polarisations, but sometimes – for example in parts of the sky, on your computer screen and in reflections from water or glass – a large percentage of the waves are oscillating in the same orientation. This light is described as being strongly polarised.

You will probably have come across technology that is built around polarised light before. For example, “Polaroid” sunglasses work by blocking out polarised light which is reflected from shiny surfaces such as car bonnets or the surface of water. This is possible because light reflected into our eyes from horizontal surfaces is horizontally polarised and the sunglasses have a structure like a picket fence, so they only let in vertically polarised oscillations, blocking out the horizontally polarised bright reflections.

Blue light which is oscillating parallel to these pigment molecules is strongly absorbed. White light, which is depleted in blue, appears yellow, which explains the yellow bow-tie effect.

Also found this:

Unpolarized light can be polarized by reflection at an angle from a dielectric surface. If the incident light is polarized with the E field in the plane of incidence, then at Brewsters angle no light is reflected. All the light is transmitted.

Check your calculator: the blacks are good, but the whites are very bad. This happens because the LCD is good at blocking light, not very good at letting it through. You don't notice this in normal LCD screens because the manufacturer can just ramp up the backlight until the whites are acceptable. Since eReaders are meant to imitate paper, bad whites are a big problem.

If you think about how LCDs produce images, this makes a lot of sense: light always passes through a polarizing filter that absorbs a lot of light, leaving only the "correctly" polarized part. The result is less light being reflected.

I think I should blog about this finding!

So I have added the following Chrome extension and theme to achieve black backgrounds with white text:

Those additional improvements are very helpful, but I am also contemplating whether I would I want a large E-ink device for doing research (and note some also have a web browser). Not for coding as the display response is too slow, but for reading and possibly even writing/composing technical, promotional, and other documents (which seems to become more of my work lately).

The newest Sony DPT-RP1 13.3" is the best in terms of size and not needing to scroll around an A4 (8.5" x 11") page: ← c.f. versus 7.8" Kobo Aura ONE

But the software is very limited without typing, annotation, pinch-zoom, and web browser because Sony now has better security (than Android?) and/or to create their own OS platform:

The prior model DPT-S1 had really cool annotation features (not sure if the Kobo has all the same) and even apparently a web browser (which the Kobo also has). Apparently the scrolling and zooming on the Kobo can be improved. The Kobo Aura ONE is also difficult to purchase.

Looks like the new Onyx BOOX Max Carta 13.3" Flexible E Ink 2200x1650 has the improved resolution of the latest Sony with similar features of the prior model Sony and even can be run as a second monitor (see in the linked video), plus it appears to be Android based so I can assume can install any Android app similar to the lower spec Good eReader 13.3. But apparently it doesn’t have the capacitive finger touch capability (thus no two point features such as pinch-zoom nor fast finger typing although presumably can use a bluetooth keyboard). There is discussion in the comments of it having a slower CPU than the Sony and that the lack of driver update restricts to version 4 of Android.

The reMarkable purportedly has the best frictional feel for pen writing and drawing, but I think I would do more typing than handwriting.

And here come the cheap Android clone e-ink devices from China.

Tangentially, I wrote the following comment today on Quora in response to a 67- year old female polio victim whose ambulation is degrading as she ages: (screen capture)

Some vaccines are very necessary in any case, with polio being one of those. The HPV vaccines forced on the youth are dubious. Apparently it is the aluminum they are putting in vaccines that may be causing the problems.

I have been through a lot of suffering with 6 years of TB. But I empathize with your suffering with is worse than mine with a more difficult prognosis. I understand very much that you want to prevent that suffering for others. And I can only hope that we continue to advance technology to maybe offer you more hope within your lifetime.

I believe science can solve any problem eventually. As we are moving into the post-industrial knowledge age, post-scarcity then we have the resources for more youth to work on science. Now we just need to fix our education system to stop lying to youth that they can earn a living in non-STEM fields as automation displaces most other forms of (non-creative) work. (screen capture)

Have you tried AHCC to boost the immune response? Also N-Acetyl Cysteine to boost gluthione production to protect the myelin. Also eat a lot of steamed spinach or kale as the dark greens are very helpful against M.S. which is similar degradation of myelin. Also 10,000 IU daily of Vitamin D3 (or getting a lot of sunshine every day on all your skin) restores vigor. Absolutely eliminate sweetened drinks and food because they deplete the body of minerals necessary to maintain myelin. Whole fruits (not juices!) contain fiber and minerals which balance the negative effects of the fructose. Not as a cure, but maybe to slow it down. Also any exercise you could do with remaining muscles to increase body production of HGH which is stimulates the body’s regenerative capabilities. Fight if you still can!

Progressivism Is Inseparable From Marxism

Just as being half-pregnant is impossible. The following is why civil war is coming to the USA in a few years and there will be dis—integration where the conservatives (for small government, traditional family structure) and progressives (for large intrusive government, liberated “family” structure, c.f. What socialism destroyed) fight to split apart in States or regions. This has already begun with California restricting “employee” travel to certain other States. Those who are a mix of conservative and progressive (e.g. religious ideologues who think equality of females is compatible with a successful society) are going to be confused as to which side of the split to support and this will exacerbate the problem as it will lend more power to the progressives than they would otherwise have. There are not enough anti-progressives to maintain a majority against the progressives. Sanders would have beat Trump if Clinton not stolen California with corruption. Yet the anti-progressives are armed and capable of for example shutting off the food and water supply to the West coast. I think it is likely the anti-progressives will refuse to allow the progressive fake-conservatives into their side. So the fake-conservatives (e.g. those who do not support a patriarchal organization of society) who are really wolves-in-sheepskin progressives, are likely to have to side with the Left but ultimately that means into the gas chambers again.

Progressive Immigrants Undermine Anti-Progressivism (screen capture)

Refute the theory of aluminum toxicity due to the aluminum added to some vaccines.

Refute the sometimes permanent debilitating side-effects of the HPV vaccines, with dubious efficacy and given that the body normally clears out HPV infections on its own.

I agree public health is very important and is horrendous in many developing countries. But that does not mean there is not corruption.

There is corruption all over the place in any top-down power vacuum political structure.

Your use of the word dumb is the pot calling the kettle black.

See also my replies to Judith Manske.

Seems you do not understand the Bill of Rights. In the America of my ancestors (apparently probably long before yours arrived in the USA), we respected the individual and state sovereignty with limitations of the infringement power of the government, so as to avoid the totalitarianism that we escaped from in England. If you do not respect the Constitution, then why do you think you are entitled to claim you are American?

Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.

GTFO if you do not like liberty and its concomitant right of dissent!

Probably if the government had not tried to start forcing mandatory dubious vaccines (e.g. HPV) on the youth (often via the corrupt education system), then such anti-vaccine fears would be much more subdued. The HPV vaccine as well as injectable multiple years of infertility are the way to encourage irresponsible promiscuity of teens snd early 20s which further degrades the society into a clusterfuck of the False Life Plan vs. Patriarchal Societal Organization. Some conservatives may prefer to view HPV as an affliction of the promiscuous, and protest the slippery slope towards mandatory vaccinations of their children.

Slavery always is an economic phenomenon, i.e. the South had slavery until the invention of the cotton gin because it was the only economic way to compete. Debt slavery continues now which most Millennials have been forced into by the boomers who wanted to borrow from the future and thus pulled incomes forward 30 years and caused everything to be too expensive (when you can borrow 30 years of income, then houses are 30X more expensive than they would be … ditto when you can borrow for an education).

Foolish Pride of Useful Idiot Socialist/Progressive Ideologues (screen capture)

Hahaha, and when those socialist policies result in total economic collapse over the next few years … (screen capture)

And when your socialist nirvana collapses economically, then you maybe you will understand why conservatives in the USA fight against those socialist programs. When the woman does not need the man any more (because the government pays for everything or empowers her to take everything in divorce), then she will more often follow the False Life Plan vs. Patriarchal Societal Organization.

That is not to say we succeeded as the USA has been overrun by progressives and debt driven excess. (screen capture)

@Andy Dickens regurgitated:

This has to be one of the craziest comments I have ever seen on Quora. Your right wing nutjob theories don’t work in developed countries.

Finland, like most of the rest of the developed world outside of USA, has managed to run their ‘socialist nirvana’s’ for generations, through poor and good economic times.

Looking after your neighbors and community is viewed as a good thing everywhere else outside of GOPland. Republicans have successfully brainwashed their supporters to view ultra-wealth and ‘each man for himself’, as the pinnacle of success, treading on the bodies of those you crush on the way up the ladder. If you can snatch healthcare coverage from 1000 sick babies on the way, in order to reduce property taxes on your Malibu beach house, that’s even better. Hey, while we are at it, lets repeal all the regulations that keep people safe, like protection of waterways, clean air, food standards, healthcare, safety in the workplace so those billionaires can get even richer!

2017 Republican Party is twisted and evil. History is going to be extremely unkind to them.

Ignorant pride of useful Marxist/progressive idiot ideologues cometh before thy falleth to dispensible under a boot on your throat:

Cronyism of Climate Change, Anthropogenic Global Warming, and the Eurozone

Swallowing the bitter pill of reality is going to be hard for Marxists like yourself. Assuming your attitude is representative of the voting majority in Finland then it is indicative of why Finland can’t likely BREXIT out of the corrupt morass. What had worked for Scandinavia without EU corruption, will fail at power vacuum scale. Also as the birthrate collapses due to False Life Plan vs. Patriarchal Societal Organization, then demographic problems set in over a couple of generations (i.e. right about now).

Anti-progressivists aren’t arguing against charity-by-individual-choice. A government enforced wealth redistribution is a power vacuum that is always captured by the most corrupt and thus the entire society collapses into an abyss.

It also drives up costs by spreading wealth around too much enabling everyone to pull income forward decades with debt thus per capita debt is higher than the USA. Scandinavian countries also benefit from a more homogeneous culture and demographics (and perhaps that can be partially attributed to intervention with immigrants making sure they integrate and not import than inferior habits but is that failing with Merkel’s rapefugees?), yet still their private sector is not socialized in Scandinavia but that won’t remain the case with the EU anti-competitive corruption. Essentially you willful suckers have let the banksters in through the back door and you are oblivious to the fact that they are raping your Nordic model. And in turn, y’all rape the foreigners who visit your kleptomania, socialist EU kleptocracy in at least Finland, Denmark, France, United Kingdom, Japan, and Italy. At least some of America fights back against this.

Essentially the rule of law in Western civilization has collapsed (except Trump is trying to restore it by appointing two Supreme Court justices in the mold of Scalia but the Left—empowered by the banksters DEEP STATE which via their control over Wikileaks (and leakers in the national security apparatus of the Five Eyes countries) installed Trump on purpose to foment extremism from both sides—will likely regain power by 2019 and usurp the Constitution) to the totalitarianism of the universal subjugation of rights, corruption, cronyism, kleptocracy, subjugated Parliaments, and meaningless puppet Parliaments (typo: ‘now’ should be ‘no’) to fool sheepeople— with corrupt Communist China now vying to be the best possible choice of stability for parking money. However, I do believe the future parking place for money will not be sovereign bonds but rather cryptocurrency/blockchains because the latter subsumes everything and can be more trustworthy, stable, liquid, global, and permissionless, assuming someone (such as myself) resolves the remaining problems with Bitcoin which make it a winner-take-all power vacuum and thus manipulable. I will surely blog about this as my solution comes closer to implemented.

@Malin Eriksson wrote:

I agree EU has brought on its own sets of challenges. But otherwise I do not agree at all. And I work as a social worker so I see the system in action.

Which of the facts I provided do you dispute? Do you dispute that 70% of the migrants into Europe are males which gatekeeper Wikipedia cleverly obfuscates by failing to add half of the 25% of minors as males to the 58% of non-minors who are males? Do you dispute that a significant percentage of them are not from Syria but rather economic migrants from all over coming to parasite on whites? Do you dispute that migrants carry up to an 80% incidence of latent Tuberculosis (which can activate on contagious coughing spontaneously especially due to stress of relocation) and other infectious diseases— which as a documented fact (see also) is fomenting another megadeath public health disaster as predicted by the pandemic supercycle? Is it coming as a repeat of the war in Crimea as Armstrong hypothesized about potential spread via troops. And do you deny that Merkel is secretly planning (in a deal with despot dictator in Turkey) to increase rapefugee immigration?

Do you dispute the fact that as a female you are entirely incapable of hard logic and instead will judge matters emotionally and with your hindbrain which ends up as a clusterfuck.

I am actually for making sure you as a female are as happy as you could possibly be (see the link in my writings for the FALSE LIFE PLAN), and perhaps if you had more children, you would not have the emotional deficit that ostensibly causes you to want to be empathetic to a culture which will destroy your children. Instead the birthrate of your own culture has been decimated by empowering your “mind” with nonsense.

Fact check again:

Foolish Pride of Useful Idiot Socialist/Progressive Ideologues — Steemit

And thus the productive will leave the USA and the immigrants with inferior habits/culture will overrun it and it collapses to a 3rd world country. Coming soon …

I appreciate you sharing about the benefits from your perspective of a more natural child birthing experience.

What is hell is going on in Europe with rapefugees policy, unsustainable socialism that has cratered the birth rate as most youth follow the FALSE LIFE PLAN (

Trump represents the conservatives fighting back in the USA trying to prevent socialism from resulting in total economic collapse as per what is coming to Europe.

Agreed the worldwide taxation policy is nutty and will result in the productive abandoning their USA citizenship and the country will be overrun by immigrants and others who favor socialism and progressivism eventually resulting in a 3rd world country status.

Asia is the region with a bright future, because of the youthful demographics, minimal socialism (e.g. retirement plans and other welfare liabilities) as measured per capita over whole Asian population.

Upper middle class not middle class:

A Portrait Of America's Middle Class, By The Numbers (

What happens to that upper middle class if the USA economic engine falters? I expect those in STEM fields to successfully seek greener pastures even if virtual work over the Internet. But a significant chunk may fall through the cracks or have to leave for Asia (if possible) to maintain their status. What do for example doctors indoctrinated in progressivism do when progressivism has bankrupted the USA? Do they realign their ideology pragmatically or go down with the Titanic?

It is the progressive ideological indoctrination promulgated in the institutions of the upper middle class that is most damning for the future of the upper middle class:

The Enlightenment debunked (

Patriarchal Societal Organization Vs. False Life Plan

Education is never free. Your kids are indoctrinated with the ideology and exposed to what the State decides is best. Perhaps you are happy with that, until you realize it was a huge mistake …

The goal is soft genocide. Unless stopped, the outcome will be hard genocide. (

Why we need the double standard

“Manchester will not be divided” (

Why female status limits fertility (

Why feminists support Islamic Rape Jihad (

The future belongs to those that show up (

When the rot set in ( due to feminism (

The false life plan (

The cause of population decline (

The cure for IQ shredders (

Believing in male supremacy will make you more attractive to women. (

Lancelot, Guinevere, romance, and the red, blue, purple, black, and white pills. (

The solution we do not want. (

You will notice that these features of Christianity support a world where truth is spoken, promises are kept, and science is actually scientific. Which is a big part of why it was Christians that made the scientific and Industrial Revolutions, not Jews and not Muslims, why it will be Christians that settle space and conquer the universe. (Maybe atheists are better at building rocket ships, but they will not have the children to fly those rocket ships to new worlds and settle them.)

What we need to do is import the good parts of Islam into Christianity: Patriarchy, repression of women, execution of homosexuals, holy war, intolerance of sacrilege, intolerance of heresy, and intolerance of apostacy. Retain the good bits of Christianity …

If we are openly ditching the first amendment, what about the second? Well, it turns out it is mighty difficult to deny organized hostile groups arms, so you might as well allow your support base to carry arms, as in Iraq. Ideas are more powerful than guns. The dictator Sadam Hussein of Iraq did not allow his people ideas, but he did allow them full auto military style weapons. Looks like he knew what he was doing.

All married property owning men, all soldiers, all cops, all authorized mercenaries, all rentacops, and all security watchmen should be allowed to keep and bear arms, because in a well functioning society, that is the ruler’s base of support. He looks after them, and they look after him. The rest, probably not. Not single men, nor men without property, because they have nothing to lose, and therefore will likely fail to defend society and uphold order. Guards and suchlike have been vetted that they will protect protect property and order, so should be allowed to keep and bear arms even if they do not have wives and property.

Implementing Patriarchy without the state. (

Alt-Right in Europe is quite weak, far too progressive/soft/effeminate, and unrealistic.

Cronyism of Climate Change, Anthropogenic Global Warming, and the Eurozone

Agreed that coal waste releases more radioactivity (and other toxins) than nuclear power. But Merkel (Germany) has vowed to shut down all their nuclear plants and thus be importing carbon based fuels from Russia and pipeline from the Middle East (which is what much of the Middle East war is about).

Renewables are perhaps not yet economic (total costs analysis including social costs of toxic waste):

But if they are or even they are not, then the way to make them adopted is to make the world wealthier and make adoption opt-in (to avoid the clusterfuck of top-down socialism which makes us poor, c.f., because wealthy people prioritize their health. As electricity cost becomes an insignificant proportion of our income and costs, then Jim’s logic linked above falls away. Yet we have Europe self-imposing a coming horrific economic collapse due to socialism which you applaud. Also Merkel and the EU imposing rapefugees on all member states. The EU was even destroying industries with silly regulation and taxes in order to prevent competition, which is one of the reasons for BREXIT.

Agreed Asia is the future. Read my other comments under other answers for more on that.

Millennials do not understand macro economics. They believe politics can change economics. Never!

Renewables are not yet economic because the world is simply anchored in carbon based fuels. That makes the latter economical, including social costs, because society is just another cost in economics. That is true for any new technology - it’s hella expensive for everyone until people decide it’s the way to go, or until it’s the only option left. It’s all economics really; no need to even include social costs - it works the way it works.

Umm… of course economics can change because of politics. Economics are ruled by law and law is governed by politics. Economics likewise are governed by paradigms, and so are politics, and since both are not exclusive to each other, then a big enough political paradigm shift will change economic paradigms as well.

Miguel I am sorry but you flunked Economics 101 and Political Science 101. Politics can create Coasian costs but the underlying economic forces do not change and instead the free market routes away from the inefficient Coasian barriers.

In summary, Germany is bankrupting Europe and will destroy all of the economies of the EU.

Let me dig into some details to explain why this is so.

Germany (and other countries in the EU such as Spain) are charging consumers and small businesses (and preventing them from running their own solar at lower costs, by taxing solar installations on rooftops) all the excess cost of renewables so they can subsidize their favorite industries so the electricity cost is as low as that generated by carbon fuels else where in the world:

How small German power consumers subsidize industry

Clearly of the renewables, only the “Bioenergy’ (aka biomass or burning of wood and organic matter, i.e. a carbon-based fuel) is generating decent ROI:

This is a transfer of wealth from the people to the cronies of the EU. And this will worsen as these countries are forcing everyone to plug-in grid charged electric cars, which means electrical use will skyrocket, as all carbon fuel driven electrical generation will be phased out:

Energy in Germany - Wikipedia

Which means Germans will be paying 4 times the cost of electricity as those in countries with coal or nuclear power generation. Which is a big deal when electricity becomes your transportation fuel. This is just another hidden tax to transfer wealth to the elite away from the people. Thus while the German electric bill is lower than the USA for the moment because Germans currently use 1/3 the electricity:

German power bills are low compared to US average

As I wrote previously all the shit such as the wars in the Middle East and the brainwashing of your dumb ass Europeans by your mass media w.r.t. to for example Trump is all designed to enslave you. You fuckers are so ignorant yet you claim to have good education. You “dumbplings” sheepeople are going to get the slavery and totalitarianism that you deserve.

Germany via the EU and the EURO is forcing this sort of corrupt system throughout the Eurozone and even finding ways to make the PIIGS dependent by denominating their loans in Euros instead of their phased out local currencies and then refusing to devalue the Euro.

The power elite are playing a game of chess against the people of the world and most of you are willing suckers.

The free market is going to run away from the EU and the EU is going to collapse into the economic abyss. Besides the global elite are playing with old industrial age crap and the new economy is high-tech and we are racing away from the archaic fucktards so fast they do not even yet grasp what is going on.

Note this was all enabled/facilitated by lying to the (sheep)people about climate change and global warming:

Climate Change and Anthropogenic Global Warming Junk Non-Science

And this corruption is already a plausible cause of numerous needless deaths.

If you are not a “science-ignorant conspiracy theorist.. and common crank...” then I was obviously not directing that exaggerated warning to anything about you personally. How could I?

I did not accuse you of making a slur against my person. The slur is a verbatim politically correct meme always directed towards those protesting the junk AGW climate non-science. You could have copied it directly from gatekeepers such as Wikipedia or numerous other government controlled sources which are dictating that narrative— thus an echo chamber and not an expert peer reviewed published work. And do you know the political reason for this corruption? They even admitted it recently:

Global Warming is About Destroying Capitalism? (

And here is an example of the cronyism it enables in Europe:

Note that Kathryn Berck, former US Diplomat and Consular Officer at U.S. Department of State deleted the entire comment trail above after I made this reply (one of the things she would not be able to do on a blockchain hosted discussion platform).

What I find interesting in your comment is that immigrants who work hard, value family, culture, and quality of life, will increasing look at other alternatives to the USA. So it seems to me the USA will continue to receive a huge influx of the most desperate immigrants with the least desirable habits and background. As well as a small number of highly skilled workers on work visas.

I continue to find more and more evidence that the USA hurtling towards 3rd world status over the next 2 decades.

Your answer further confirms my comment under Nguyễn Vĩnh Hằng (’s answer.

This is going to be a shock for you as a female Asian, but here begins your learning about the reality of things that matter.

Sadly there is not really a route to the USA via education, except for a small elite crop of work visas. The only way is if you are wealthy then you can come on a tourist visas and make investments, then obtain a green card. Instead by the millions the least educated flow over the land border and plant anchor babies, thus creating an unworkable public welfare and health care debacle (unless we adopt a two-tier system that gives misfits the low quality of health care they deserve, on par with the countries they immigrated from, so they are disincentivized from immigrating to leech on the productive members of the society). Which is why Trump wants to build the wall and allow more educated immigration instead, yet Europeans (and many from developing countries who do not understand and love Obama’s skin color) are brainwashed into thinking Trump is bad. Europe is duplicating USA’s mistake by allowing Islamic rapefugees to immigrate over their land borders en masse (which is going to turn Europe into a clusterfuck given white women only make 1.5 children (below replacement rate) on average and Islamic women make 3 - 6 children):

The only good Muslim is a bad Muslim (

The USA used to take in Europeans who were keen on learning English and adopting our world beating applied science and creative out-of-the-box-thinking educational and work culture. But now we are being overrun by immigrants who want to retain their inferior culture of origin, thus the entire melting pot is being degraded into a clusterfuck.

If you read my other comments (click my name), you will learn about the anti-progressive movement named the Dark Enlightment. We white men (and note I also have a smidgen of Cherokee native American ancestry, i.e. my grandmother was light brown) are angry (as opposed to those progressivist idiots who abandoned the qualities of a man) and this is going to cause the USA to split apart and civil war is coming.

Renounce while you still can. It will only get worse in the future.

Very well summarized. See my comments on other answers for my thoughts in more detail, which seem jibe with your overall theme.

I am surprised to read these thoughts from you given you appear to be a boomer. I thought all boomers are in denial. I am Gen X (age 52).

Short-sighted. See Gordon Steen (’s answer for why and my comments.

Lots of others immigrating to Denmark to avail of the government welfare. The problem is eventually you “run out of other productive people’s money” as the productive people leave for less taxed jurisdictions that have more growth.

That is not to say I think the USA is any better. Asia is the future, but pretty much closed off to Westerners in terms of investment and upper middle class employment. In short, as a white man we’re clusterfucked by our own collectivist insanity.

And you think that military spending is the primary reason the national debt is exploding? If so, you are ignorant of the elephant in the bedroom called socialism and unfunded welfare liabilities.

You do not understand George Carlin. His point is environmentalist retards think they can Save the Planet their minds have been indoctrinated by the rich fuckers who control the education system and ramming that “big fat red white and blue dick up our a$$” every day.

Military spending is a corporate-fascist model, not socialism. It does integrate with socialism because humans are cows as explained below. We use our military to impose the will of supranational corporations and global elite who control the DEEP STATE behind the Five Eyes group of core power nations + Germany (USA, UK, Germany, Australia, and Canada). Merkel has secretively brought the East German Stasi into play in Western Germany. The Euro was designed to enslave the rest of Europe in an unpayable debt model (as the local economies can not devalue their currencies as German industry outcompetes and instead denominates all debt in Euros).

As Carlin said in the video of his you quoted from, “they got you by the balls”.

But in response, most of you respond the way you have been indoctrinated to think with complete BS such as environmentalism, global warming (we are actually headed into a mini-ice age by 2030), universal health care, etc..

Trump’s healthcare plan (

Fixing healthcare (

Congressman Steve King’s solution to healthcare (

Why Ryancare will not work (

The cost disease (

The cost disease part 2 (

I have numerous comments under other answers on this thread, which go into more detail.

People need to get their head out of their a$$ and wake up, but they never will. Thus slavery is alive and well, and the slaves are those who claim they eliminated slavery in their lifetime, lol. Humans are cows and their brains are easily programmed with BS so they march, protest, fight for, and applaud their own slavery. The Millennials fight against the free markets, because they think this will be some weapon against the slavery imposed upon them, but they are playing right into the control structure that enslaves them.

Climate Change and Anthropogenic Global Warming Junk Non-Science

Try reading 50 junk science books funded by the rich fuckers who indoctrinate your dumb ass. My comments under other answers contain the details.

Let’s start with global warming junk science:

Cronyism of Climate Change, Anthropogenic Global Warming, and the Eurozone

Armed and Dangerous (

global warming " Jim’s Blog ( global warming - Google Search ( maunder minimum - Google Search (

2017 – The Year Without an Arctic Summer?

The second link above is the 160 IQ genius writer who created the term ‘open source’ and explained its economics. Then click my name and read my other comments to find refutations of all the BS they indoctrinate you with junk science (including lying with statistics and other manipulations) to enslave you. You have actually have to take time read the numerous blogs I have linked for you in detail, to be exposed to the data and logic will shows beyond any reasonable doubt that you’ve been fed junk science. Pay special attention to the recently found backtested model of the sun spots which indicates a Maunder Minimum mini-ice age is coming 2030 (with decreasing temperatures already underway since the turn of the century).

See also:

Here follows a discussion I had with @ArticMine from

[quote=ArticMine] First I have to disagree with the premise that greenhouse gases and not just carbon dioxide are a very serious environmental problem. The sun theory is simply orthogonal to this issue. There are two trends a cyclical one caused by the sun and a systemic rising one caused by human activity. So yes it is quite possible that a low in sunspot activity can mask for a short period of time the impact of greenhouse gases on climate. In fact after reviewing the sun spot data and lack of sun activity leading to a Maunder minimum one can conclude that many of the climate models are in fact wrong in that they [b]underestimate[/b]the impact of greenhouse gases on climate change especially if they do not account for the cooling effect of approaching Maunder minimum in the current data. The impact of this is that when the sun spot cycle goes back towards a maximum the climate change impact will actually be far worse that predicted by the climate models. In this sense the criticism of the Paris accord by Nicaragua that it is far too weak may in fact be valid. Nothing here vindicates the climate deniers and their corporate sponsors, it simple postulates that they are far more wrong that many in the green / environmental movements currently believe. Quite apart from the climate change argument there is the issue of carbon dioxide toxicity to humans as the concentration in the atmosphere rises. Here is an interesting study.

and a site for carbon dioxide levels in the atmosphere predicted under various scenarios

The key is that levels over 600ppm are predicted and these kind of levels have adverse effects on humans even for a relatively short term exposure. In spite of the above I am actually an optimist, simply because solar photovoltaic prices are falling drastically and are already competitive with "dirty" coal which is the cheapest fossil fuel form of electricity generation.

The following quote is very significant.

The draft national electricity plan also indicated that no new coal-fired power stations were likely to be required to meet Indian energy needs until at least 2027

Seriously cut the cost of solar panels by a fact of 80% and increase the efficiency by a factor of 2-3x, and where does this leave coal? I will leave you with the Trump's administration response to all of this.

I guess if one wants to protect the coal industry tariffs on solar panels is the way to go. This kind of protectionism will fail badly. [/quote]

@ArticMine I remember you are scientist from Canada.

Well how interesting to see how the fraud insanity will be perpetuated and justified inspite of the coming Maunder Minimum ice age.

These climate “scientists” can not even predict the weather with their models nor the recent reversal of the direction of the north magnetic pole, yet they tell us that their models of doom and required top-down stomping on the free market are justifiable.

Absolute insanity.

There is absolutely no way that any of you can predict all of this. Nature and the free market is in control, and you are only fooling (and destroying) yourselves.

Sorry and with respect where respect is warranted. I know you understand complex technological subject matter. But that does not mean you understand anything about economics and prediction.

This discussion continued. And this is what I think based on my understanding of economics and science...

Subject: The “logic” of collectivists

[quote=ArticMine] [quote=myself] [/quote]

He misses the point. One simply shifts the tax burden from productivity, by taxing income or sales, to waste, by taxing pollution. One does not need to increase the overall tax burden. Taxing products that have significant negative health effects makes way more sense than taxing productivity (income). This is especially the case if the costs associated with the negative heath effects are socialized while the profits form the un healthy products are privatized. Most environmental issues can be reduced to ensuring that if the profit is privatized the risks and costs are also privatized so that there in no free lunch from companies aiming to privatize the profit and socialize the costs and risks.

By the way road tolls are a terrible idea because they are horribly in efficient to collect. The simplest way to have road pricing and user pay for roads is to tax motor fuels, gas diesel etc. [/quote]


There is no shifting, just more and more stealing by those who buy off the government.

You entirely fail to comprehend so many things such as Armstrong's point about the complexity of the economy, and also you do not seem to appreciate that collectivism and governance is a winner-take-all power vacuum.

Your simplistic reasoning is naive at best.

The local communities have to deal with regulating industry decentralized. The more top-down managed the economy, the more you will destroy the economy. Collectivists will never understand economics only anneal dynamically because they are complex relativistic systems. The fact of the universe is that if top-down omniscience was plausible, we could not exist because the speed-of-light could not be quantized (not quite analogous to saying finite) because information would have to be communicated from every remote occurrence to the top-down decider in instantaneous real-time. This is why ice anneals with less cracks if we cool it slowly because the top-down forced cooling interferes less with the local DECENTRALIZED fitness optimization of the molecules to the changing environment. Top-down prescriptions are hubris and naivete combined.

[quote=ArticMine] The proper way to analyze the impact of greenhouse gases on climate is to take into account the Maunder Minimum and look at the DIFFERENCE in temperature due to human activity. This is a very basic scientific principle. One takes into account all the external factors and isolates what one is going to measure.

I stand by my position. If the Maunder Minimum is not taken into account the result is to underestimate the impact of greenhouse gases on climate. So you are making a case that the climate scientists are wrong. It is just that they are wrong in the opposite direction you want them to be.

This is not about Capitalism vs Communism. It is about fraud pure and simple. Companies wanting to be capitalist when it comes to their profits and communist when it comes to their costs and risks. It is very simple if you wish to externalize costs and risks by polluting then you must be prepared to pay for these costs and risks instead of going to the state as a corporate environmental welfare bum and asking for a handout.

I understand economics very well especially when someone is looking for a free lunch by externalizing costs and risks. [/quote]

The economy and nature is much too complex to make such simplistic theories such as merely subtracting differences. Linear relationships do not hold in a relativistic model. As if you fail to entirely understand the universe is relativistic and yet I think you are a physicist? What are they teaching these days at universities?

It is strawman to claim that because collectivism created welfare then it must also top-down manage the way that business game the collectivism. You are just refusing to recognize that collectivism is a clusterfucked winner-take-all power vacuum and thus the West must disintegrate so that collectivism can be minimized. This is the reason there will be civil war in the USA because collectivists never know when to downsize their collectivism. They always double-down on more of the same thing that got them into the problem in the first place.

Asia has a much lower level of collectivism (i.e. no massive unfunded welfare and retirement obligations), thus Asia does not need to downsize the collectivism yet. Thus Asia up, the West down.

It is entirely about Marxism (collectivism) vs. free markets. And the former loses every time.

An no guns to defend yourself if your government becomes totalitarian which is looking more plausible as the Millennials lurch towards Communism under Corbyn (UK’s version of Bernie Sanders).

And if the BREXIT is undermined by this lurch left, UK will collapse along with Europe with socialism (aka Communism in disguise) as the cause.

Yet my comments under other answers make it clear I do not think the prognosis is great for the USA. I expect Europe to collapse in totalitarianism and USA to enter civil war and dis—integrate as the minority of non-progressives wage war for their sovereignty from the USA clusterfuck of progressivism (trying to copy Europe but not as completely sort of like being half-pregnant):

Violence, repression, and freedom (

Progressive Immigrants Undermine Anti-Progressivism is one of the causes of why civil war is coming to the USA in a few years and there will be dis—integration. See Progressivism Is Inseparable From Marxism for more on this.

Universal Health CareDebacle

Note I added a link to my prior comment, and I will refer you to three of my other comments to help you confirm that I am indeed a lunatic in the eyes of progressivists, but I will just let you experience how it turns out in the end (Hitler was an extension of Wiemar Republic socialism bringing universal health care and state funded jobs programs until the State had to cull the weak because universal health care was bankrupt). Welcome to the Dark Enlightenment:

Trump’s healthcare plan (

Fixing healthcare (

Congressman Steve King’s solution to healthcare (

Why Ryancare will not work (

The cost disease (

The cost disease part 2 (

@Liam Crowleigh naively proclaimed:

A health care ‘system’ should not be optimized to let the weakest members of society die

But universal health care always end up as genocide, because it bankrupts society to give unlimited (or first class) health care to the unproductive.

So you always end up with some form of rationing, whether it be long wait times in the UK which harm people, or the more overt form such as the Nazi universal health “care”.

The Foolish Pride of Useful Idiot Socialist/Progressive Ideologues will of course proudly proclaim that it is different this time (but it never is).

The USA system is also not a free market. It is captured market of the powers that be that capture the government. This is not an indictment of free markets, but rather of the power vacuum of collectivism and the lie of democracy.

@Andrea Pargel opined:

Expanding Medicare in my opinion is the most logical approach to resolve this healthcare mess.

Single payer is foolishly jumping from the frying pan of USA’s medical fascism to the gulag of Stalin’s rationing or Hilter’s universal health “care”. Free markets are best, but we can never get those in “democracies”.

How First-World Civilization Always Collapses

Martin Armstrong wrote:

The British Empire did not die of HYPERINFLATION. The pound collapsed in value. It did not inflate into oblivion. The British Empire simply rolled over and died. The decline of the sterling silver penny of England was no different a path than the decline and fall of Rome. The United States will follow the same path and that means there is a risk that it will break apart into regional sections ONLY AFTER the dollar is hit very hard following Europe and then Japan.

The very word “suburbium” is what the Romans called it. People left the cities fleeing taxes. The population of Rome itself just collapsed. No city ever matched that size again until the Victorian era in London. This is how empires die. The cost of government always rises oppressing the private sector since the public sector is like a drunk – it just consumes and has the hand out claiming he needs money to eat instead of drink. The people either leave or revolt in their struggle to cope with the persistent unpredictable demands of government that historically NEVER lives within its means.

He also wrote:

A number of people have asked what does the future really hold with the civil unrest/war cycle turning up next year. Government NEVER collapses because of revolution. Let’s get this one very straight. Any government as long as it is strong will crush into dust all resistance. The key to the collapse of empires is the die from inside normally by their own hand. Communism fell of its own accord. We did not do a damn thing. Communism was economically unsustainable. As that worked its way through the veins of power, their economies simply imploded.

This is why I am warning that socialism is collapsing. Government is hunting down every penny it can find. It will destroy the economy in the process and that is the ultimate irony. Western governments are simply unsustainable. We cannot constantly confiscate assets and pour them into interest payments and pensions of state employees to sustain government. The economy grows weaker and the revenues decline as government becomes more and more aggressive.

The Barbarians were at the gates of Rome for more than a century. They could not make any headway until the 3rd century when the finances of Rome were imploding. Undermine the economy, you weaken the government, and then it falls. The rise of people to arms is NEVER the actual event the changes the cycle. That is the final act that completes the cycle. The cycle is already declining and then when the people cannot take it any more, they will rise up. They get the credit, but in fact, the government is declining…

See also Taxes Alter Behavior; and also how first-world nations (aka socialism) convert the pension of marriage into the False Life Plan of a bankrupting government pension kleptocracy— which is reflected in 70% of attitudes.

History repeats because human nature doesn’t change. History is not a conspiracy theory.

I quote below myself and a Brit I was conversing with a couple of weeks ago …

They stopped winning.


The point is that the entire centralized arrangement had outgrown itself and conquest could not continue funding the paradigm. That is what I mean when I say we can not top-down manage economics. Brits should be much less concerned about idealistic things and more focused on how to become lean and efficient again so they can compete in the new economy.

I do not send to incite more debate, this is just FYI. Here is a chart of the population of Rome in Italy:

Here is one that depicts Rome depopulated with farm animals grazing:

FYI only, the silver chart he constructed:

And here is some chart for the British silver penny and long-term British pound expressed in dollars since the 1800s:

He recently vote the following in reaction to the no confidence vote and hung Parliament:

Note commentary about the probable future of the pound in that last linked blog post.

Read my sources in detail else you will not have an objective data set to make any rational judgement. David Icke is a conspiracy nut case who talks about reptilians and other non-scientific delusions. My source above for example managed the $2 trillion Japanese Postal Fund in the 1980s. His work is backed up by a $billion of historical data (the largest data set in the world). He was framed by DEEP STATE when their intervention in Russia blew up. The rabbit hole goes deep on that one and he has all evidence. I could dig up a link to that detailed exposition on his blog, but I doubt you will bother reading it so why should I bother. You’d prefer to remain blissfully indoctrinated by the rich fuckers who are ramming their dick up your ass. And when the boot is on your throat, it will be too late to admit I was correct.

You would have thought that those traitors in the colonies …

Legal history lesson for you:

How Empires Collapse - A Orderly Path to Conclusion? (

Legal Reform - Learning From the Mistakes of the Past (

Perry Guilty or Innocent? Does it Matter? (

Prima Noctum (jus primae noctis) (First Night) = Modern Day Marriage License (

Who are “The People”? (

It has been the technological accomplishments of both the British First Industrial Revolution and the American Second Industrial Revolution and First Computer Revolution that have made us the two greatest nations on earth:

Jews have made many important contributions to science, and we would be poorer and less powerful without them, but to technology and applied science, not so much. Like the classic Greeks they theorize without getting their own hands dirty. For this reason I am inclined to doubt the Jewish nuclear force. Feynman made a big contribution to the Manhattan project, but he never actually laid hands on an actual piece of plutonium. The kind of person who could actually build successful nuclear weapons, rather than merely theorize about them, would insist on actually testing them. That Israel has not tested any nukes inclines me to doubt it has the kind of people who could successfully build them.

There is deep and wide hostility in the government to technological civilization, to commercial application of technology, to technology applied and developed to create wealth and power, to what makes white civilization powerful and importantly different from past civilizations. Not all Jews are hostile to technological civilization, Feynman certainly was not, and not everyone hostile to technological civilization is Jewish, but it is a disproportionately Jewish characteristic. Not all Jews are like that, but that is the way to bet. Blacks will tell us “You did not build that” and tell us “we wuz Kangs” and whites stole all our stuff from them, and history taught at our best universities tells us they were Kangs and we stole all our stuff from them, but Jews, unlike blacks, will condescend that actually building stuff is for menials and inferiors. Blacks would like to be capable of techno-commercial civilization, but are not. Jews snear and condescend at techno-commercial civilization. Which is irritating, but not usefully addressed by gassing them.

Liberal arts has been all deception and enslavement BS:

Useful culture is patriarchal social organization supported by society-wide religion or other mechanism of preventing defect-defect into a clusterfuck of what is now Western civilization (socialism, feminism, environmentalism, hedonism, etc):

Secondary to the prevalence of progressivism (which Europe has swallowed more completely), the underbelly of the unproductive in the USA is part of the problem of for example fixing health care explained in links contained in the following comment (highly recommended to read it as it pertains to my further point below):

However, most of Europe is importing an underbelly (e.g. rapefugees) now and the universal health care system will sink either into rationing (e.g. genocide a la Hitler’s universal health care failure) and/or even more horrendous taxes than Europe already has (furthering the sovereign debt/fiscal crisis that is going to send Europe in a 3rd world region in coming 2 decades):

Pride cometh before thy falleth: (c.f. my reply to his comment)

I do not know to what extent Ireland has bought into progressivism and giving high quality universal health care to unproductive bums, and that will determine whether Ireland sinks into a 3rd world region along with the EU and the USA over the next 2 decades.

Rejecting feminism is absolutely essential to avoid sinking into a 3rd world nation. If you’re men aren’t taking control of you, then you’re headed into poverty:

former US Diplomat,

That is a touching example that human relations on a community level with a common culture exhibit bonds (love?) that transcends the machinations of higher-level power structure.

Note a common culture is important. Please apply that stipulation when you delve into my shocking (not misogynist!) comments about the Dark Enlightment and my perspective on power structure in Europe (north especially) and North America.

A ‘published work’ is a book, or an article on a specific subject that the writer has expertise in, in a respectable and appropriate journal or magazine, preferably one that fact-checks before it accepts anything for inclusion. It is not an informal personal opinion expressed in a group like Quora, or even an answer with some correct knowledge behind it.

Or a published work could be one that is recognized by peer review of experts in some other decentralized form of publishing. Stay tuned for the disruption of corrupt top-down control structures by blockchains …

… of course. As long as those experts are actual experts (as opposed to, say, science-ignorant conspiracy theorists and common cranks)

Science-ignorant is not the same as refuting junk science funded by corruption. The science is on my side:

And the detailed scientific arguments require a massive amount of assimilation which I am not going to be able to entirely summarize here (nor am I an expert, so I defer to others who are).

Climate modeling is not a proper science any way, as it can not be falsified (and if you are trying to falsify then all the predictions of the AGW cartel have failed).

There is now a backtested peer reviewed model of the sun which predicts a Maunder Minimum (ice age) in 2030, not global warming.

This doesn’t belong with this far simpler question.

Agreed, except you injected the “as opposed to, say, science-ignorant conspiracy theorists and common cranks”, which is an implication that requires some discernment. And afaics, the most common levy of that stereotype lately is against climate change skeptics (with the politically correct term being “deniers”). Skepticism (and falsifiability) is required for the process of expert peer review and the scientific method to function properly. When all the climate “scientists” are on the payroll of those who demand we have a global tax on carbon, then there is no one officially ”qualified” to be a skeptic. Yet there are many scientists who are knowledgeable enough to speak out on the junk science and even catch the numerous frauds that have been perpetuated such as doctoring the temperature data (as now admitted by NOAA) and the prior climategate scandals.

When a career and reputation hinge on denying the truth, then the truth be damned.

Any way, I did not want to go all the way there in your answer. I just wanted to challenge your narrow definition of publishing which does not necessarily require a top-down control of the curation process. In the future, people might choose who they wish to follow as experts, and the people decide who they certify for their perspective. Physics tells us that our reality is relativistic. We could not even exist if our existence was not relativistic because the light cones of relativity would collapse the past and future into undifferentiated, i.e. a static non-life where everything is certain and entropy does not increase (contrary to the Second Law of Thermodynamics, which even Einstein admitted was fundamental).

This doesn’t belong with this far simpler question X2.

You continue to miss the point of logic; which it was you who injected tangential slurs into my simple correction. I responded to the tangential discussion you initiated. And you apparently want to retain some control by acting authoritarian as if you are my mother. You do not have that power here (or if you do, you certainly will not on blockchains where there will be no one to call to have something censored). It is a discussion forum. If you can dish it out, then you can take it.

That being said, I prefer amicable relations based in logic and the scientific method. But those who attempt to suppress me with peer pressure and groupthink, then I will fight for the truth.

In open discussion, you win your argument based on the merits. The readers decide what they read and what gets curated from their view.

If you are not a “science-ignorant conspiracy theorist.. and common crank...” then I was obviously not directing that exaggerated warning to anything about you personally. How could I?

I did not accuse you of making a slur against my person. The slur is a verbatim politically correct meme always directed towards those protesting the junk AGW climate non-science. You could have copied it directly from gatekeepers such as Wikipedia or numerous other government controlled sources which are dictating that narrative— thus an echo chamber and not an expert peer reviewed published work. And do you know the political reason for this corruption? They even admitted it recently:

Global Warming is About Destroying Capitalism? (

And here is an example of the cronyism it enables in Europe:

Note that Kathryn Berck, former US Diplomat and Consular Officer at U.S. Department of State deleted the entire comment trail above after I made this reply (one of the things she would not be able to do on a blockchain hosted discussion platform).

Yet another positive opinion I have read today from a mother who delivered with a midwife. I commented earlier today thanking a lady for sharing her comparison of her experience with hospital and mid-wife birthing. Thank you because this is something you understand better than men do, but it makes sense to me. I might be fathering a child again at my late age (52), so this is helpful for me. In late 2011, I helped (financially, providing a room in my home, transportation) a lady who was in desperate poverty (in the Philippines where I am) to deliver her first baby at a mid-wife and it seemed everything went smoothly (not mine and she had been kidnapped and raped by a filipino man after her father was murdered or so she claimed). Last I heard, she had married an American and moved to Corpus Christi, Texas with her son.

I could never imagine helping a female this way in the USA because of the legal risks of being a good Samaritan (although I guess the State takes care of it anyway). You’d have to basically refer it to an institution instead and donate to a charity, i.e. ripe for top-down corruption.

Very important to mention such caveats (for their functional importance as well as legal precaution). I was thinking it would also be wise to have a hospital nearby and functional 9-11 service for fetching an ambulance. Or as you allude, have the doctors in the same building. But I presume a bona fide (licensed?) midwife would suggest such precautions.

Yet the State always wants a monopoly on licensing or regulatory oversight, which is invariably a power vacuum. What if we were free to choose and rate licensing companies. The goal is to give the best information with the least opportunity of large scale corruption. Of course without State enforcement individuals are free to ignore the best information and harm themselves (and their unborn infant), but that is a free market. Yet the State hates free markets, because monopolies are more lucrative (at least for those who control the purse strings and those who ride their coattails). Oh yeah, none of this belongs on this simple answer because discussion that logically follows is not top-down controlled.

Such as for example how doctors wanted to prescribe me highly toxic Fluoroquinolones (with significant incidence of serious permanent side-effects such as peripheral neuropathy, ruptured tendons, etc) instead of sublingual Oregano oil for an MRSA infection when in fact the latter has been shown to be as effective as any antibiotic and does not create resistant strains. A free market on information is superior to a corrupt FDA (which finally put a warning on Fluoroquinolones but not as revealing as the strict ban in Europe except in exceptional cases).

Got to trust those doctors and the State though. Laws require it.

@Adam Hu wrote:

China definitely has better infrastructure and safety. That’s just objective fact.

You must be applauding the poisoned infant baby formula, the high incidence of communicable diseases such as Tuberculosis, the construction workers living in squalor nearby the shiny new condominiums, the straw mixed in concrete leading to collapsed bridges, etc..

China and India are developing countries and both have growing middle and upper middle classes with regions that are ultra-modern, yet not ubiquitous for the majority of the population. And afaik public safety is still far behind that of the West, but probably improving.

I had posted the following response to the following response of @Adam Hu, but he deleted my reply somehow and made it impossible to reply again to his following response, so I insert it here as follows.

@Adam Hu wrote:

I’m applauding nothing.

You seem to confuse living standards (GDP per capita) with infrastructure and safety.

No moron would argue living standards in China are higher. That’s objectively false.

Just as no one can possibly argue that the US has better infrastructure than China:

The US has an objectively failing infrastructure system, as per your own engineers. A bridge I drove on with some regularity on the I-5 simply collapsed a few years back, killing 1 and injuring dozens. A major bridge in Philly was on verge of collapse if not for two civil engineer who happened to grab a cheese steak at a restaurant under the bridge.

Now you might say that’s two cases but actually 40,000+ bridges received lower scores than the one north of Seattle.

China has the most kilometers of real high speed rail, more than the rest of the world combined, capable of dispensing 1.5 billion cross country trips in the span of a week. The US has 0km.

The busiest human corridor - the Eastern seaboard (outside of China and India) - is connected by…Amtrak.

China has the most kilometers of paved highway, with only half the habitable area of the US.

Most kma of intra-city subway systems.

You get the idea.

Now safety. Yes, food safety is objectively worse. But those criminals are dead now, and I do applaud that.

On the other hand, people are safe from bankrupcy stemming from medical illness due to universal healthcare. Lower preventable deaths per capita (impressive for a developing country) than the US.

Lower crime - overall! So of course per capita.

Lower drug crime, less rape, less violent crime of other sorts - overall! And of course per capita.

Less incarceration - overall! So of course per capita.

But if you're too lazy to Google statistics, at least check Quora “is China safe” and see what other Westerners think. Outside of Singapore, there’s probably no safer place than a city in China (where a big majority of Chinese live). In the villages, you're in danger from wild animals and feral dogs more than people.

Infrastructure and safety - not GDP per capita, not EPA, not FDA. Well maybe by November 2019, the US won’t have those either.

You’re backsplaining.

I explicitly mentioned the new ultra-modern infrastructure in China, but you have not refuted that it is not ubiquitous for all the people in China (and India which was included in the original comment you replied to). Although the USA has decaying, aging infrastructure (which Trump wants to upgrade in a massive building program but idiotic progressivist Europeans hate Trump because they are brainwashed by their mass media) at least it is more ubiquitously distributed (at least it was last time I was there in 2006 and I am never going back!).

not GDP per capita, not EPA, not FDA. Well maybe by November 2019, the US won't have those either.

Ah I see you are one of the progressivist idiots, which is another reason I would not choose China for the future of my PATRIARCHAL tribe (click my name and read my other comments if you want to learn how to be a man and not a betamale with the State’s dick up your ass). The EPA and FDA are corrupt as hell and Trump is attempting to reform to sane public safety roles, not the progressivist insanity which is destroying the West.

Food safety and public communicable disease health is the most critically important aspect of public safety there is. And per capita GDP interacts with that regardless of any universal health care system. I know given that I am recovering from a 6 year TB infection I acquired in the Philippines where there is an 80% latent TB infection rate and they do not even treat latent TB which is the similar in India and up until recently in most of China and still the case in rural villages in China. The major bird flu outbreaks have regularly been in China (Chinese eat and congregate with all sorts of strange animals).

Unless it has changed in the past 5 years, there were still 1000s of riots in China per year that do not make the international news.

China is improving rapidly and by 2032, they will take the throne as the financial capita of the world, but per capita they have a long ways to go and thus their safety and public health is not perfect. India even worse.

The USA has horrible crime in the inner-cities where all the people of color live. Compare a mostly white area of Minnesota or Massachusetts and the indicators are analogous to the best Scandinavian countries.

I am not arguing to choose USA over China. But given I have a high IQ, I would never raise my kids in Asia, because of the lack of creative and applied thinking in the education system:

Apple Didn’t Locate in Ireland For Access to Educated Geeks

Note Europe is now importing a public health crisis with rapefugee immigration over their land borders. For China’s universal health care system to not eventually bankrupt China then China must also limit immigration to those who are educated and productive. Giving bums high-quality health care bankrupts the society:

Universal Health CareDebacle

Apple Didn’t Locate in Ireland For Access to Educated Geeks

@Peter Murton wrote:

Nope. The idea that “Apple moved to Ireland because US taxes are too high” is complete BS. Talking about Apple (because I’m much more familiar with that example than Google), they still have their head office and engineering/design experts in California. They also still pay taxes in the US on their business there. The famous “offshore tax hoard” comes from their global (outside the US) business. For that large portion, their tax lawyers basically outsmarted the tax men in Europe (temporarily) by exploiting loopholes in different countries to avoid paying any tax on most of their global revenue. Nested shell corporations did the trick, along with a particularly stupid loophole in Irish tax law.

You can read more about that here: Double Irish arrangement - Wikipedia

The bottom line is, the business didn’t move to Ireland. Apple kept the core of the company in California where the talent is, and the manufacturing in China where the cheap labour is. To add a veneer of legitimacy to the shell corporation deal (and probably as a kickback to the Irish government) they set up an Irish office… But if you google “Apple jobs Ireland” you won’t find any high-profile, high-salary, high-tech jobs there. They’re doing accounting, customer account management, and IT support.

I suppose there are probably a few exceptions where corporations did truly move to Ireland, but Google isn’t one of them. Mega-corporations don’t want to leave the US - They just claim they do to blackmail American taxpayers into footing even more of the bill for the benefits the corporations find there.

Apple built a massive campus in Cupertino so they could consolidate and expand in one location. They want their core talent in the same location where there are synergies and tight control over intellectual property. It is also a cultural and lifestyle unification which is part of the Apple ethos.

Ireland is a tax avoidance strategy and if there is any exceptional talent found there, they will be encouraged to relocate to Cupertino.

To land a job in Silicon valley fresh out of the university or even possibly as an intern while still completing your degree, Stanford is a no brainer choice if you can get in.

American education like American culture is very applied and focuses on out-of-the-box creativity, not just theoretical and book smarts. So being in the culture of America is necessary in order to prepare yourself to achieve within this world beating culture.

However, the entire Western civilization has become infected with progressivism which now even infects high-tech companies such as Apple with its environmentalism and security theater, Uber, etc.., that the entire Western civilization is about to be co-opted by the pragmatic Chinese coupled with the West’s inability to continue spendng other people’s money.

Autodidacts and self-made entrepreneurs such as myself will continue to excel. The progressivist West can fuck off as far as I am concerned. Expecting a decadent society to take care of your kids, then you deserve all the idiotic failure you’re going to get.

Click my name and read some of my other comments for more details on my opinions.

Peter Murton wrote:

How sad it is when “progress” becomes a slur.

I am not expecting you to agree with this follow on comment. These things we refer to as men have not already performed a coup d’etat or revolution in order put an end to the IQ shredding. And they applaud the State removing their ability to do so. Such weaklings are eventually overrun like a hot knife through butter. All the slutty women will have their legs open as the Barbarians march in. And the faithful women who hitched onto these weak men and weak societies will not be protected when TSHTF.

Some long-term investors such as Warren Buffett prefer the long-term income generating businesses for consistent compounding because eventually every speculator loses everything. Yet even though he enjoins the opinion of majority of the youth demanding social justice and willing to bankrupt themselves to get an omniscient, top-down control over the goal of non-existent perfection by aiding and abetting corruption via taxing the carbon that creates food and life, Warren is incorrect to claim the solution to the damage caused by socialism such as the socialistic educational system (and the winner-take-all corruption of governance it entails which ends in totalitarianism and self-imposed civil chaos) is to double-down on more socialism. The West simply must dis—integrate, there is no other market based solution because the damage can not be undone any other way. So those who are only focused on speculation and not on real solutions, will eventually of course lose everything. Those who focus on correct fundamentals may find a way through the coming mess. Everyone who thinks I am Chicken Little, may want to remember Warren’s vindication when they said that about him before the bubble burst, yet he laments missing out on Google and Amazon so my point remains those investors who focus on fundamental value in our sector will ultimately prevail.

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