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Last active September 19, 2022 20:42
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Our overlords don’t want the plebs to know…
  1. Why Bother Trying to Convince “Normies”?
  1. Maladaption Patterns
  1. Why did Satoshi employ double-hashing?
  2. “Official” Bitcoin to be Destroyed, Satoshi’s Legacy Bitcoin to Rise from the Ashes as Rothschild’s Phoenix
  1. Ah $h*t | A Coming World War 2 Disaster — Charlie Munger
  1. Overlords Scripting WW3, Economic Collapse and Monetary Reset
  1. Cultural Differences
  1. Great Reset
  1. New World Order (NWO)
  1. The Holocaust Didn’t Exist

Why Bother Trying to Convince “Normies”?

It’s difficult to overcome readers’ (i.e. your) pre-existing biases and incorrect understandings. There’s a myriad of ways that humans reject information, because they don’t have the available time nor attention span to consume all the information that is presented to them, so they necessarily employ short-cuts such as forming an appraisal of the author’s and/or publisher’s credibility. For most people credibility exists in proximity to the accepted, widely respected, well-established institutions of society. Thus making it nearly impossible for most people to adapt quickly to a situation wherein all the institutions and everything they thought they knew is actually all corrupt and rapidly enslaving the entire world.


People screaming out of their windows after a week of total lockdown

People Are Starving [and Dehydrated] Under Shanghai’s Lockdown


Shanghai Has Fallen

And if you think the notion of governments killing their own people for political leverage died out in the [Colosseum] games of Rome…” — Incontrovertible

For example if your expected reaction to the above video is to feel blessed you’re not in the horrific Chinese situation, then you’ve fallen right into the trap of psychotic virtue signaling — thinking you’re a better person and/or that Chinese (and Ukrainians) are unfortunate victims — i.e. that yours (your culture, your understanding of facts, your political ideology, your demo[n]cracy, etc) insulates you from horrific outcomes.

The urge to save humanity is almost always a false face for the urge to rule it.” — H.L. Mencken

The mirage of delusionary protection will melt away to the actual, painful, uncomfortable, damned reality. Denialism feels a lot better than confronting abhorrent truth. To rectify your mental disease proceed first to the Great Reset section to understand how the enslavement aspect in the video above is also coming to enslave you over the next year or so up to the next three years.

Maybe you won’t be Chinese caged inside high-rises, yet nevertheless you’ll effectively be locked up forevermore in individually assigned (Certificate Of Vassal) IDentity, centrally controlled, fully tracked, electronically-freezable-seizable-by-the-authorities Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) as the sole means of commerce. Cash transactions will be verboten. The 1984 dystopia will soon be fully achieved by our overlords.

Then it compels all, small and great, rich and poor, free men and slaves, to receive a mark […] The purpose of this is that no one should be able to buy or sell unless he bears the mark of the name of the Beast or the number of its name.” — Revelation 13:17


Possible Leaked Roadmap for the Next Phase of the Agenda (website, youtube)

To demonstrate my point in fact I shall cite some relevant Biblical scripture so that you can dismiss this entire document and remain blissfully ignorant of the exponential function which humans are incapable of perceiving.

“and said the Lord, 'You people paid no attention when I called out to you, and now I'll pay no attention when you cry out to me.’” — Zechariah 7:13

So in my fierce anger, I will punish them without mercy and refuse to help them when they cry out to me.” — Ezekiel 8:18

“The people would not listen to Samuel. ‘No!’ they said. ‘We want to be like other nations. We want a king to rule us and lead us in battle.’” — 1 Samuel 8:19-20

The fifth angel poured out his bowl on the throne of the beast, and its kingdom was plunged into darkness. People gnawed their tongues in agony and cursed the God of heaven because of their pains and their sores, but they refused to repent of what they had done.” — Revelation 16:10-11

The typical normie reaction is to declare everything uncomfortable a ‘conspiracy theory.’ That lexicon was ostensibly introduced by the CIA as a disinformation tactic marketed via mass media mind control to the sheeppl as a convenient, memebot excuse to remain comfortable no matter how close to the proverbial Wile E Coyote cliff the collective herd might be. Sheeppl collectively prioritize “point deer, make horse, 指鹿为马” — follow those who have the power to make everyone else follow aka follow the strongest horse. This collective human psychology explains why the most successful deceptions are in telling the biggest lie or conspicuously and ostentatiously “hiding” the inconvenient truth or damned facts in plain sight.

Judge Rules CDC Mask Mandate Unconstitutional

The typical, regurgitated memebot claim is that conspiracies are implausible because of the many people involved someone would ‘spill the beans.’ The fallacy in this is that the ‘beans are spilt,’ yet for the said enumerated reasons normies will never admit, submit and capitulate to that which they’re prefer to not be true. This phenomenon is known as cognitive dissonance. In a real conspiracy many of the pawns are compartmentalized (i.e. such that they can’t piece together the overarching conspiracy) and those who know too much often end up dead, c.f. also. Additionally mass deceptions typically prey on the instinctive, primitive, post-paleozoic, hunter-gatherer hindbrain by stimulating fear, uncertainty and doubt (FUD) which evokes the fight-or-flight adrenaline spike response shutting down the rationality of the pre-frontal cortex.

Excerpt from Irrefutable Controlled Demolitions on 9/11:

Most of us just don’t bother for the same reason we don’t argue with schizophrenics about the radio in their tooth, or tell other people’s children the truth about Santa Claus and the Tooth Fairy.

That’s not a scientific argument. That is junk science. It is the same sort of cognitive dissonant babble attempt at a “retort” that we hear from people who think the fraud of [misanthropic 🚷 anthropogenic-global-warming] AGW is truth. You have not even studied the evidence in detail, because I know for a fact that official story is impossible. And I have dug up evidence that is irrefutable. Y’all are lazy and just assumed you were correct. Analogus to the AGW freakazoids’ presumptious arrogance.


EU-resident Alsadius tells[told] us [on 9/15/2018] not to worry […]

Remember, we won this particular fight. The places where they have the most influence are the places that are already the most SJW-heavy, and those places rarely matter […]

Except now they have enough power to get you fired from your job and kick [you] of[f] social media if you don’t go along. Heck, in your country they have “Human Rights” Commissions […]

One time in a million, yes. And don’t get me wrong, that’s a problem. It’s a gross injustice to the unlucky SOB who gets targeted […] But most people who express rightist views in public do so freely and without harm coming to them.

Why do Europeans forget how quickly economic collapse turns into war and mega-death? They seem to need to repeat it every 80 years or so, as a wake-up call and reality check.

I’m going to be ROTFLMAO when the leftists take control of the elections via immigration and repeat the socialist/Marxist Wiemar Republic mode of self-destruction again.

Looks like I’ve since been vindicated.🤔

Men born to freedom are naturally alert to repel invasion of their liberty by evil-minded rulers. The greatest dangers to liberty lurk in the insidious encroachment by men of zeal, well meaning but without understanding.” — Justice Louis Brandeis

Revisiting “point deer, make horse, 指鹿为马” Curtis Yarvin (alias Mencius Moldbug) wrote in The Cathedral or the Bizarre:

The functional, objective, actual, or real meaning is the perspective of some disinterested historian centuries in the future. The formal, nominal, ceremonial, or official meaning is the current public narrative of the official class, optimized as a political formula.

Sometimes the two match—sometimes the truth is the best propaganda. Otherwise, we are looking at a political illusion. Whenever we think about our world by taking a political illusion at its face value, we might as well not be thinking at all.

Elizabeth II is ceremonially Queen of England, as was Elizabeth I. If we thought about U.K. politics as if Elizabeth II functionally controlled the government, like Elizabeth I—the Queen did this, the Queen decided that—any possible analysis would be useless.

No one today falls for this charade. But England has had a more or less ceremonial monarchy since 1688: old for an illusion. Arguably, functional monarchy in England has been declining monotonically since Henry VII.

Yet for half a millennium, the royal ceremony has not decayed at all. For most of that period, the monarch has been treated ceremonially as an autocrat, but functionally as a mere celebrity—a hereditary Kardashian, with a unique airline honorific.

And for most of that period, Englishmen have taken their mostly ceremonial monarchy with almost complete seriousness. Most seem convinced by the illusion. In 1914 they died in droves for their show-pony King—in a war set up by their invisible Foreign Office.

Perhaps a comparable reality-appearance disparity is affecting our marketplace of ideas, a nominal bazaar, which appears more and more to function as a cathedral? Burnham would want us to ask. And is anything else what it seems to be?

Yet Queen Elizabeth remains a member of the power structure behind the curtain as well, so the ceremonial was actually in concordance with the functional to some extent, although certainly not in the transparent day-to-day operations of the Parliament and presumably the Queen is subservient to greater entrenched capitalist power behind the curtain.

This cathedral hypothesis suggests that the marketplace of ideas becomes a monoculture when it becomes official. Power itself poisons the bazaar—selecting not for true ideas, but for important ideas—for political formulas.


This unpoisoned marketplace of ideas was the agency that our great-grandparents, fed up with their corrupt plutocrats and uncouth politicians, made into a new regime. Yet putting the bazaar in power destroyed the decentralized wisdom of crowds that made it worthy of power. The independent crowd of writers and scholars coordinated itself into a baying herd. The bazaar evolved into a cathedral.


The cathedral hypothesis tells us something important: Our disease of ideas cannot be cured by ideas. The problem is structural. Truth will never beat power on this tilted playing field. The winning ideas will always be the most potent and exciting political formulas, just as vitamin C will never outsell cocaine.


The difference is in the voter’s mind. The populist voter elects the politician as a servant: the follower of the popular will. The monarchist voter elects the politician as a master: the replacement for the popular will. The democratic voter takes power. The monarchist voter gives power.

The West deludes itself with populism and the East deludes itself with monarchy[autocracy aka “benevolent” dic[k]tator for life]. The nuanced differences between those two are the collective lipstick-on-a-pig, ornamental façade for the illusion[normie belief of convenience, i.e. delusion, and coattail surfing subordinate power excuse] that both paradigms aren’t flowing in the direction that harvests the maximum power. Democracy[democrazy] is a (increasingly bizarre) comfort blanket we put on top of to hide the monarchy that’s still in power.

The definition of insanity is repeating a mistake. Bizarre as it seems, human history’s most common form of government by far is still out there—waiting for us to get tired of living the way we live now.

Kudos to the verbally clever Moldbug for repurposing the (dead space, incomplete fitness) metaphorical meaning of the otherwise nearly deprecated word ‘spandrels’.

Jacob Siegel wrote about Yarvin in The Red-Pill Prince:

In Yarvin’s worldview, what keeps American democracy running today is not elections but illusions projected by a set of institutions, including the press and universities, that work in tandem with the federal bureaucracy in a complex he calls the Cathedral. “The mystery of the Cathedral,” Yarvin writes, “is that all the modern world’s legitimate and prestigious intellectual institutions, even though they have no central organizational connection, behave in many ways as if they were a single organizational structure.

“Civilized” Society

Erudite (because there’s no other civilized form of) civilization has been invaded by bestial, ‘nigger’ atrophy of cognitive function — a degenerate effect, independent of race and melanin.

U.S. Preparing for New Migrant Wave as Biden Lifts Title 42

More accurately though civilized society has never and will never exist, because human perception is in most every case formed by beliefs — beliefs directed/formed by ignorance, vested interests, peer acceptance, routine, ritual, familiarity and/or soi-disant “experts” aka priests — not by assiduous, painstaking, autodidact research and debate. Every belief system is actually a religion, whether it be agnosticosis, athiestatic, social just-us, covidiocy, vaccine incontinence, demoncrat, republicum, libertard, etc..

Why is it easier to fool someone than convince them they have been fooled?

Sieving the Adaptable Awake, Not Pounding Sand for the Maladapted

Even for example the highly cohesive Scandinavian societies have been deceived by the priestly “expert” virology junk (aka pseudo-) science and covidiocy groupthink.

So we-the-awake aren’t making a futile attempt to convince the billions of idiots on this planet currently suffering mass psychosis and/or sustenance servitude, that they’ve been deceived about nearly everything they believe. Instead we’re publishing, communicating, debating and participating in discourse to both falsify and check the veracity of our research and network with other individuals worthy of associating with. Mother nature will take care of teaching the rest of the idiots a lesson, probably by suddenly pushing them over the cliff into squalor, deprivation, starvation, pestilence, wanton bestiality and mass suicide as soon as 2025.

The theory of power is such that society moves by Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ in the ruthless direction that maximizes the harvesting of power, which has nothing to do with any ethical consideration. The only hypothetical means for ameliorating the harvesting of power is to make the energy and (human and other forms of) capital unavailable not even via Coasian economic theory substitutable transfer effects — which as best I can ascertain would require everyone walk with nothing (not even a bag) from town-to-town emulating Jesus.

It’s self-evident that all people of all intellects and various assiduousness or lack thereof to the search for truth, have worth to a non-dysfunctional society and moreover to the diversity of the gene pool for the resilience of the human species. Someone wrote not all that much different conceptually to what I had written on Quora within the past few years:

I would like to offer my opinion on a seemingly often overlooked functional utility of many ‘sheeple’ who appear to add little value to the logical refinement of humanity; Although logical intelligence is a widely accepted driving factor in assessing the utility of a typical human, other factors such as honor, physical health, and social adaptiveness are often undervalued productive characteristics which may qualify certain ‘sheep’ as fundamentally valuable.

Yet that doesn’t fully equate with value to the individual(s) attempting to survive and opt-out of the totalitarian, megadeath that forms (often along with mass psychosis gripping the sheeppl) as a decadent society cannibilizes itself as the only vestiges of harvestable, maximum power — although we may be able to exploit the enslaved as surrogates. At such junctures it’s uncontestably reasonable and unequivocally logical to adopt a survival strategy that rejects all those sheeppl complying with and amplying the burgeoning mass psychosis and totalitarianism. It’s these hapless covidiots that you may have to shoot in self-defense in the future when they’re attempting to slaughter you and your family to steal your food reserves. The zombie apocalyspe is not the time to waxxing poetically and empathetically about the cute, bucolic, witless bunny rabbits exhibiting propaganda-and-FUD induced psychosis directed towards self-immolating societalcide.

If the neo-feudal ‘great reset’ is designed to utilize systems theory which aims to quantify and reward legitimate productivity, utility, and social responsibility etc., corruption being comparatively equivalent to a free society, what conditions prevent you from participating in the 'great reset' other than the risk of being immediately culled?...Considering that subsistence living standards seem probable to both slaves and freedom seekers in the future.

I will argue that posited model is incorrect. According to the aformentioned theory of power, corruption can not equally distributed. Of course corruption is ubiquitious in even non-free societies, such as cheating on your spouse. Nature wouldn’t have it any other way. But the perniciousness of power-law distributions and the theory of power are cardinal in effects for our analysis. Most saliently that Western society has ostensibly harvested all the productive capital via a $trillions debt bubble and thus converted productive capital into maladapted slop whose utility in the imminent Minsky Moment will be predominantly harvested as a crap bucket killing fields. So in that way all Westerners even those adapted away from the debt bubble are potentially hitched to the maladaption except that for example Bitcoin arrived and there are emigration options. Western individuality or the ability to defect from the group will now be flexed and filter the adaptable from the maladapted. Probably another reason I am not “married”.

I concede that this question presupposes an unreasonable power distribution within such a centralized system.

Thirty year mortgages centralizes to this inevitable pogrom outcome. What did the hapless AmeriKaans expect?

At this juncture those of us who are truly awake, attempting to offboard from the systemic crab bucket, are essentially at war with the ignorant masses who refuse to learn despite our exhausting best efforts to make the information available to them and must stand aside (from their collateral damage tarpit) to allow the boulder of truth to pulverize them as follows.


Yet there will be no runaway dollar hyperinflation because there isn’t currently and there won’t be a refusal to accept the dollar in transactions. The Fed’s QE “money printing” (actually monetary inflation aka MMT) drives up the value of investment assets by artificially lowering long-term interest rates, yet isn’t dropping money from helicopters into the pockets of the plebs who have no capital to invest. Simultaneously the shortages drive up the prices of sustenance, goods and services. And soon because of the corrupt bureaucracy and/or increasingly impoverished Westerners will turn against the “rich” (i.e. on themselves, lol, c.f. also 1, 2, 3) with their full voting power to futilely resist becoming the have nots as the Western middle-class disappears, the confiscation of capital via egregious taxation and the confiscation via civil asset forfeiture due to unproven allegations that property momentarily touched any facet of illegal activity (e.g. a drug mule walked across your property or your crypto lineage lacked KYC before you obtained it).

We’re just waiting for the next manufactured crisis as the governments are already officially scheduled to roll out 666 central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in all G20 nations between 2023 and 2025 to electronically dole out poverty level universal basic income (UBI) to the bankrupted ‘you will own nothing’ plebs analogous to the trial run of inefficiently mailing stimulus checks (and extended unemployment benefits) during 2020. This will enslave the populace in the encircling technocracy wherein unelected technocrats (e.g. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the WHO, etc) will control the government by way of for example the perpetual pandemics and seasonal vaccines (note the latter cause the former) combined with newly proposed WHO vaccine passport and pandemic treaty to be ratified by all nations replacing their Constitutions and rendering the elected officials entirely impotent.

What the cryptocracy are really orchestrating is pulling down the veil of faux sovereign nations and fake democracies, under the guise of fictional catastrophes, to insert the global, biometric ID, vax credentials, digital currency and social credit, slave system.

Under this system there will be forced medical treatment and forced vaccination. People’s bank accounts can be wiped or frozen, if they don’t get the next depop shot.

Once it’s automated, there’s no turning back. Once we can only purchase food using cards (how easy and dangerous was swiping and tapping??), can’t use cash, we are in an AI prison grid where an algorithm can literally decide who lives and who dies on a daily basis by switching off our ability to access to our money, jobs, food, fuel or shelter. There’s nowhere to run under this system. It’s global.

There are more faux pandemics planned. The temporary relaxing of the lockdowns, and vax passports is a ruse.

The banking-merchant-military cartel have the infrastructure in place where the SMART health card, already rolled out, will morph into your global digital, banking bio-ID.

All that needs to happen next is pull down the internet and the banking system. Once the internet goes down, they can claim they need everyone to sign onto the web using a certification system such as the Qcode on the SMART card or vax papers, or your credit card or Facebook, Apple, Google account to access the web.

Then once the banking system is pulled down in an orchestrated crisis; through a faux market crash or faux cyber pandemic, they can replace cash and currencies with the Central Bank Digital Currency, that links up your Health SMART Card and the Vaccine Credential Initiative.

The infrastructure has already been built. They have simply used the last two years to traumatize and indoctrinate people into complying with their planned, multiple depopulation mechanisms, economic warfare, and global land grab of all property and assets, through the digital technocratic slavery.

The Great Cull has been planned since the 1930’s. Before they orchestrated WWII. It isn’t a new plan.

A point of clarification is the powers-that-be don’t want the Internet offline being that is their surveillance, mind control and paralysis grid. Until they can force most routers and end points to require some identification field on packets coupled with global blacklists and/or whitelist of allowed ids which is a tremendous coordination task that will probably take years to implement, they can only force such control on our ISP accounts. It’s unlikely we lose access to the Internet soon.

It’s useful to note that the Eastern bloc nations won’t be opting out of this technocratic enslavement.

I think we can expect Dow 33k before 2021.

You may be correct after all. It was interesting that Pfizer’s press release about “90% efficacy” against a virus that does not infect humans caused a huge shift in the markets. Just goes to show the power that Rothschild has now. Trump had no chance. They will decide every move Trump can make.

I understand your Rothschild model. Very briefly, in my own words, he’s playing all sides against each other to destroy them all, and every national and state level institution so that the NWO can take over. Well, the countries will probably exist still, but mostly in name only.

Well summarized. Ty.

Exactly. In my model, Rothschild will have them both destroy each other, so that the scorched earth that remains is too weak to challenge the NWO. But Jim ostensibly can‘t think out of his box.

It seems you’re thinking they’re likely to try to starve us all, as you were saying a couple weeks ago. Between starvation, perhaps a pandemic, and a civil war of some sort, everyone, even libertarians, will be begging for the NWO to come save them.

Something like that to induce us to capitulate to being microchipped.

The New World Order (NWO) section disentombs the mystery of leftist[destructionist] singularities and moreover the futility for remediation after society has disembarked into the societal[sui]cide phase that is now gripping the West.

If we stop driving, we can flatten the curve…

Quite to the contrary the optimal strategy for those of us who desire a return to conservatism[conservationism] would be to assist the destructionists in their naive, blissful, arrogant, and exceedingly, robust plot to unwittingly self-immolate. This apocalyptic Parade of horribles alarmism won’t register as an imminent and accelerating reality in the simple minds of the vast majority of the sub-human species which is unremarkably incapable of comprehending the exponential function. Besides never a blackswan 🦢 has this earth seen.rolleyes

Imagine a caretaker that comes to check on his lily pond once a month. It requires 36 visits (i.e. months) for the pond to be completely covered with lily pads. The caretaker is not expecting (and is frankly likely to be exceedingly shocked the first time that) the pond progresses from half covered to fully covered from the 35th to 36th visit.

Be careful with that normalcy bias and the inability that humans have to perceive the exponential function. The caretaker visits his lily pad every week and on the 29th week it is half-covered. He is shocked on the 30th week it is fully covered. Did you expect in January 2020 that by March or April all the toilet paper and drinking water would be sold out? Did I expect before the Texas grid freeze out that all 12 volt inverters and flashlights would suddenly be sold out.

We-the-awake — being as it is antithetical to the ‘wokeness’ mental disease — who value our integrity enough to apply the time and effort to discern fact from FUD must not devalue ourselves by trying to hold the hands of human fecal matter as they cross the Grim Reaper’s street of life or death. Lest we be dragged into their crab bucket mentality pit of festering (at least intellectual) squalor, misery and ultimately meatspace deprivation, hygiene-hypothesis, “viruses”-as-exosomes-miasmatic-terrain-theory pestilence and megadeath. Allow such human waste to be hit by the totalitarian, eugenics, megadeath and pogroms bus that’s the end game prognosis of their mass psychosis religion, or even better exterminate them[disinfect] proactively.🔪 Otherwise their negative self-worth, fecal matter spreads the cholera and dysentery aka “black plague” on everyone who so devalues themself. It’s not cynical nor misanthropic 🚷 to acknowledge there’s no reconciliation with nor rectification of feces — only sullying oneself mucking around in shit, possibly stricken with maladies that thrive in sub-human 🦧💩 fecal matter, instead of expediently flushing the toilet.🚽 Impressionable bunny rabbits (aka sheeppl🚸🐑😷📲) require constant reeducation, meaning they’re continuously susceptible to mass psychosis — there’s no antidote. Civilization aka civilised society only survives among clear-thinking humans capable of frank assessment of unpleasant or inconvenient truths. The memebotic, soundbite, Overturn window compliant normies are essentially a Sybil attack on sane civilization. Westerners have this idealized sanctity-of-life which clouds their objectivity about the worthlessness of most sub-human blobs of protoplasm, No Child Left Behind.” Sub-humans aren’t even an efficient source of protein for cannibals[carnivores]. It’s an insult to the value of cattle to insinuate that normies are the livestock of the elite.

Give not that which is holy unto the dogs, neither cast ye your pearls before swine, lest they trample them under their feet, and turn again and rend you.” — Jesus Matthew 7:6

No facts can overcome their ideological commitment and prior indoctrination. Reminds of the stultifying, intransigent reaction of (ignorant) math professors to Marilyn von Savant’s Monty Hall problem.” — myself

There’s an epidemic of sub-human fecal matter which is currently undergoing disinfection 🧻☢️💉🧪☠️ with the Certificate Of Vaxxified[assal] IDentification[olatry] 💳📲🍯 lithmus test.😷🧎🕳

Sheeppl’s “Logic”

A nation of sheep will beget a government of wolves.” — Edward Murrow

More than 100 sheep die ‘after being frightened to death by dogs

  • Soft consensus, aka fecal matter

    “people” [sheeppl…] are essentially followers […] The intellectual, psychological and emotional cost of maintaining divergent opinions is too much […] “everyone”’s motivation is to reach a consensus[shared hallucination] […] It’s not a lack of critical thinking that makes the populace unable to think critically. It’s a lack of... worth, basically. It’s a lack of that which makes mammals human, mettle, morals, identity, personality, a soul, however you’d call it they don’t have it.

    Guy with an opinion wants no skin in the game. Why? Why would you want no skin in the game? Could it be simply that even the “people”[sheeppl] themselves know their opinions are pointless drivel spawned by worthless subhuman lifeforms? Could it be that the one thing everyone really knows, for keeps this time, is that everyone is full of shit?

    There’s a very simple way to distinguish actual people from non-people. It’s not whether their grandmother was Jewish or their hair is curly, it’s not whether their skin tone is this or that shade of purple, it’s not even if they do well in school, suck cock rapturously, work hard, obey the laws, go to church, respect their elders, floss, whatever the hell else. None of that matters.

    Actual people are always on the lookout for games to put skin in.

    This consensus business has proven itself to be completely off with such regularity that it’s making me laugh.

  • Reaction 101: Priests and warriors

    We are always ruled by priests or warriors.

    Priests are in the business of controlling what people think, warriors in the business of controlling people by hurting them and breaking their toys[fighting on the behalf of priests].

    So who else matters?

    Merchants can control people by offering them[offer] value, hence get targeted due to envy and covetousness[due to the power vacuum they represent], but merchants have no substantial incentive to cohere into guilds [because they have no choice but to align with priests and their armies], whereas priests naturally cohere into priesthoods […] and warriors naturally cohere into armies, because otherwise, likely to die.


    By “priest” we don’t mean someone overtly in the business of making supernatural claims […] we mean what the Chinese call a “knowledge faction”[aka the Cathedral] – a bunch of intellectuals who conspire together to give everyone the same story and use the same shibboleths, so that it sounds more convincing.


    The claim that all men are created equal is transparently supernatural. The Marxist theory of history is the God of nineteenth century Judaism renamed “His[-s]tory”, a thinly disguised supernatural claim. Holocaustianity is the tenth commandment inverted [i.e. thou shall covet], a somewhat better disguised supernatural claim.

    But what makes a priesthood a priesthood is not supernatural claims. Long lived religions usually restrict their supernatural claims to unfalsifiable issues, like transubstantiation and so forth. In the long run, falsifiable claims, claims about this world, claims that conflict with science, lead to problems, as for example the progressive claim that men and women are indistinguishable […] and what makes them a priesthood, a knowledge faction, is that they seek power by controlling what people think.

    To be effective, a priest needs to be [in] a group of priests who back each other up by telling the same story[lie, while having all the sheeppl believe they’re the canonical source (e.g. CNN) of truth, aka “experts”].


    The American position on hot burglary, when a burglar openly and obnoxiously burgles an occupied dwelling, is[was] that it is that it is totally OK to kill the burglar on sight without warning. The British postion is that it is totally and absolutely [illegal and criminal] to do anything violent to the burglar, no matter how violent the burglar is, especially if you are white and the burglar is nonwhite.


    The useful and proper earthly function of the priesthood is to get the ingroup all on the same page of right conduct – to create a synthetic tribe, to get everyone feeling like part of the ingroup, and to promote shared values of right conduct, to get everyone acting like part of the ingroup.[Incorrect because that would require conservation of power! The only function of priests is to maximize the tapping of potential energy for effecting maximum power.]


    Since our current State religion is headed towards suicide and mass murder [i.e. societalcide], we are going to need a replacement, assuming we survive at all.

    The Cathedral cultivates Gramscian damage:

    Americans have never really understood ideological warfare […] We don’t expect ideas to matter — or, when they do, we expect them to matter only because people have been flipped into a vulnerable mode by repression or poverty […] By contrast, ideological and memetic warfare has been a favored tactic for all of America’s three great adversaries of the last hundred years — Nazis, Communists, and Islamists[it’s own elite Gramscian superstructure aka the Cathedral].

    Wikipedia’s Antonio Gramsci page:

    Gramsci is best known for his theory of cultural hegemony, which describes how the state and ruling capitalist class – the bourgeoisie – use cultural institutions to maintain power in capitalist societies. The bourgeoisie, in Gramsci's view, develops a hegemonic culture using ideology, rather than violence, economic force, or coercion. Hegemonic culture propagates its own values and norms so that they become the "common sense" values of all and thus maintain the status quo. Cultural hegemony is therefore used to maintain consent to the capitalist order, rather than the use of force to maintain order. This cultural hegemony is produced and reproduced by the dominant class through the institutions that form the superstructure [aka the Cathedral].

    The American right is deader than God

    Just as you don’t get into Harvard except you can do an adequate simulation of leftism, you don’t get into politics unless you can adequately simulate leftism, even though you have simulate rightism for those hateful despicable disgusting voters. Democrats are the inner party, Republicans the outer party. They are all one party, the party of the state, preaching the religion of the state.

    @‍jim replied:

    Many conservatives stupidly believe that if we provide enough evidence, if we can perfect rhetorical frames, if we could only just explain things simply enough, the scales will fall away from our kin and friends and strangers we contact, and the truth will set us free. The Cathedral is ahead of this kind of process; if it was going to work, we would hear about McCarthy more than FDR. No amount of data or examples will break through the common knowledge bulwark of the Brain and the Voice. Accepting this to be true, we must also begin to consider that there is a finite buffer, a data point stack, that exists for the NPCs. They can carry a lot of cognitive dissonance, more than should be possible. Gramsci Compression is a stunning memetic algorithm. But it should have its limits. I would argue that we saw this limit being approached with Coronatarianism.

    @‍Kunning Drueger: Your religious identity […] is not a set of conscious decisions […being] animalistic, instinctive […] You may have experienced it when you got really hyped with friends. Or from that time you felt very connected with someone. Or hell, around 2 AM on a festival with the right kind of drugs […] There is nothing more powerful in the universe than a strong sense of belonging. Yes, it transcends fear of death. We are pretty good at rationally explaining that, but we have yet to tap into that instinct. Then, we shall have a religion.

    @‍alf: Do people in America care about the state religion? I see people no longer caring about the Covid demon. Have not cared about worshipping the Covid demon for some time. Nobody cares about the climate. Nobody cares about Black Lives Matter. The masses don’t care. Seems like a dying state religion.

    The only people who seem to care are the elites.

    @‍Pooch: It is dying, but far from dead. Its death may come soon, but I fear it may take quite a while.

    @‍clovis added consistent with the aforementioned theory of power:

    We underestimate the extent to which faith in a crucified God undermined the perceived authority of the Roman state. Rome had a lot of carrots to offer people in the form of aqueducts, roads, and baths, but if you questioned Rome’s divine mandate they crucified you. But if God had been crucified and raised and redeemed the world on a cross, it didn’t leave Caesar with a whole lot he could do to you.

    Western Civilization

    Adam Smith showed that capitalism, done right, channels impulses that can be immoral and destructive, into ends that are moral and constructive […] A key feature of Western civilization is that it has always had a lot of nation states, and these nation states tended to have within them subsidiarity, many dispersed powerful people, rather than one king, or one all powerful bureaucracy. This gave rise to competition that mostly peaceful, though far from entirely peaceful, and the from this competition, the best tended to win, and be imitated, and worst tended to lose, and be ignored or replaced. It was not [a consequence of] the rule of law, but rather the rule of law was one of the consequences of subsidiarity, of mostly peaceful competition between powerful people and groups.

  • I replied:

    @‍‍geezerp1982: so you want the American model, where any unhinged, mentally challenged person can own an assault rifle? No thanks.

    @‍‍Michelle Brown: how did unarming themselves work out for Australia? The tyrant leaders turned it back into a penal colony. You and I can never coexist under the same government.

    @‍‍Shelby Moore: true. And what are you blathering about Australia? I live in a country where school shootings are unknown. I live in a country with very few guns. And even less religion, thank god. I know my neighbor is not going to go on a gun rampage if he loses the plot. Because, like me, he doesn't have a gun ,or want one. Do you understand?

    @‍‍Michelle Brown: and you live in penal colony. You are not even allowed to leave your own country (which violates international law) due to a fake cerveza sickness narrative that was a premeditated power grab […] Go ahead with your delusion until the boot is on your throat. You deserve it for being so ignorant.

    @‍‍Shelby Moore: l have been reading back through your posts. You are obviously some ghunn lovin' Rambo wannabe . Grow up.

    @‍‍Michelle Brown: you have not read my posts. I am arguing for everyone to lay down their arms and stop fighting on the behalf of leaders who are intentionally creating this [Ukrainian-Russian civil] war to usher in the NWO.

    I should have replied onomatopoetically, Baaa. Baaa. Baaaa.

    Ignoramus protested that he wasn’t a sheep. At which point I asked him “Then why are you disarmed?” […] I’m not normally a fan of mockery and attacks on a man’s character over reasoned argument. But when the real issue is in fact the man’s character – specifically, when the issue is where he fits in terms of Dave Grossman’s seminal essay on sheep, wolves and sheepdogs – then that’s the level on which the argument has to be conducted.


    And besides being more effective, it’s in a sense a more honest kind of argument, too. Because for many of us the fundamental emotional issue is the same, seen from the other side. Yes, rational consideration of costs and benefits on both individual and social levels amply justifies firearms rights, but for many firearms owners that is surface structure. The substructure is more like this:

    We are not sheep. We will not behave as sheep. We are armed because we refuse to be sheep.


    Will you be a sheep, a peasant, a subject, an endless means for anyone willing to use more force than you? Or not?

    You never know – someday, history might turn on your answer…

  • Sheep Logic

    1. Enormous capacity for reactionary, herding behavior such as envy or “security” through shared, onanistic alarmism (which may be willful denial aka cognitive bias dissonance, or unadulterated hallucination), i.e. the sordid outcome of mutual jealousy over who is most secure. IOW, self-worth lower than the cost of having skin in the game of distinguishing fact from FUD and not owning the damned reality.
    2. Overwhelming fixation on self aka narcissism, which manifests in humans behind a diversionary, scapegoat veil of righteousness, i.e. virtue signaling. IOW, self-worth lower than the value of their integrity.

    The determination to pursue any behavior that meets Hallmark #1 and #2 to absurd ends, even unto death. My worst sheep [mass] suicide story [reminiscent of Jonestown]?

    The first year we kept sheep, we thought it would make sense to set up a hay net in their pen, which keeps the hay off the ground and lets the sheep feed themselves by pulling hay through the very loose loops of the net. Turned out, though, that the loops were so loose that a determined sheep could put her entire head inside the net, and if one sheep could do that, then two sheep could do that. And given how the hay net was hung and how these sheep were sensing each other, they started to move clockwise in unison, each trying to get an advantage over the other, still with their heads stuck in the net. At which point the net starts to tighten. And tighten. And tighten. My daughter found them the next morning, having strangled each other to death, unable to stop gorging themselves or seeking an advantage from the behavior of others. The other sheep were crowded around, stepping around the dead bodies, pulling hay for themselves out of the net. That was a bad day.

  • ‘You will own nothing by 2030, and be our digitally reengineered lobotomybot’
    — Klaus Schwab, Wᴏʀʟᴅ Eᴄᴏɴᴏᴍɪᴄ Fᴏʀᴜᴍ founder

    I am watching this video of his right now... Betazone Davos 2020 | How to survive the 21st century with Yuval Noah Harari […] He said, “when you have enough data you don’t need an army to control a country” this really is the crux of what is so scary about all of this.

    I replied:

    The evil arrogance of these people at the WEF is astounding.

    @‍Plain Jane: I would have preferred if you had wished for AR-15ing all the sheeppl instead, as the true source of the power vacuum which creates the problem in the first place. Really it's not unusual or remarkable at all that ruthlessness fills a power vacuum comprised of idyuks who think good and evil have anything to do with it.

    I replied:

    @‍gymguy25: oh so it’s the devil’s fault and not the power vacuum created by sheeppl, idyuks.🤔

    @‍Kirby Armstrong: the “devil” or evil of human nature and sheeppl, idyuks creating a power vacuum for said evil in defiance of the Lord’s wisdom and admonition in 1 Samuel 8, is thus essentially the same phenomenon. So no need to classify them as distinct with ‘both’. Distill it to the generative essence.

    @‍Els P: virology is a junk pseudoscience, as is climate “science.” I am in the process of documenting all of this in my lengthy Gist document, if anyone is interested in the details.

    @‍Geo Thermal: face diapers exist only to condition the sheeppl to slavery and they presumably increased the incidence of respiratory illness (e.g. pneumonia which can cause shortness of breath) which can then be blamed on the non-existent cerveza sickness virus.

    @‍stunnedmullet: blah The Protocols of the Elders of Zion has been claimed to have been a fake created by the Russian Czar, but I am also reviewing a refutation of that claim.

    I replied:

    Being labeled as crazy or a conspiracy theorist these days is a compliment.

    If CNN doesn’t bottle feed you news than it is not real to you.

    Proud new member of the tin foil hat’s anti-vaxxers association.

    It’s like the only sane people left are the crazy people.

    @‍‍Richard Childs, @‍‍Amber Harrison and @‍Nazareth434: differentiates us from those who are incapable of thinking for themself.

    Someone needs to make a #conspiracytheorist T-shirt.

    @‍Art of Awakening: War is Peace, Freedom is Slavery, Ignorance is Strength

    Declare Ze PANDEMIE a sarcastic opera song about Schwab. There you will find a credible source of news.

    Unfortunately I must say that right now you all need to stop thinking about normal things and understand if you do not take up arms and fight pronto, it will soon be too late. ‘Normie’ will become a cursed classification.

    The European Commission is already unelected. They will now make this the norm in all nation-states. They are preparing a pandemic treaty for all nations to sign, which will transfer full Nazi-like control to the overlords. Voting is absolutely meaningless now on the national level. Russia has a 100 megaton, 500m high tidal wave nuke which can render Florida uninhabitable.

    Seems to me most of you are still stuck in the normie mode of dopamine hits (e.g. music/videos about the personalities) and social activities (e.g. conspiracy theorist Tshirts to show solidarity). Soon you will not have any food.

    I replied:

    Exactly people need too get real and listen up

    @‍Sarah Smith: for your own sake stop deluding yourself about what sheeppl won’t do (lest you remain one of them with irrational hopium) and start prepping for Mad Max. There could be a nuclear holocaust before the end of 2025 and 50 to 75 percent of the population of NATO aligned countries might go “poof it’s gone.” This is not a drill.

    All I need is a MP3 music headset, food, water and an AR-15, then I’m ready for the Big Dance. Age 57 but feeling like 30 (sometimes).

    How anyone could watch this, and not have something quick in their head is extremely troubling. This video alone should be enough to convince every sentient Man woman and child. Sadly though, I think we’re dealing with some sort of possession, or psychosis, and it might not even be possible.

    It's kind of depressing that you could show a brilliant nail-on-the-head video like this to the majority of people and they'll mostly stare blankly and not grasp the seriousness of it.

    They are literally confessing ON CAMERA, and people are STILL in denial. How? No, really, HOW?

    @‍Jay Kundalini, @‍Abusive Gentleman and @‍Luciano Fernandez: the biggest lie is the one that’s the most impossible for sheeppl to parse correctly because to admit it would thrust them into the cold, painful, brute reality of life. They prefer their suck their thumb and be wrapped in a warm, fuzzy blanket of virtual “reality” life and zombified enslavement. That will never change, it is human nature.

    Really scary what they're trying to do and the fact that most people don't seem to care, or just dismiss it as a conspiracy theory. I'm working towards living off grid and I hope that I'll be safe, but who knows what kind of policies they'll come up with, such as abolishing land ownership.

    @‍Red Squirrel: there’s going to be a whole lotta shootin going on soon. Imagine the resentment of those who are awake when they realize these blind sheeppl brought nuclear holocaust and starvation to Amerika.

    I replied:

    @‍Scott Martin, @‍‍Patty Ben Atar, @‍‍rgaufman, @‍‍Melissa Baker and @‍Luke Heidt Wisconsin Hemp Flower: Harari’s FUD scare tactics narrative is (not a helpful, empathetic warning but instead) a pitch for enacting laws regulating the new technologies thus transferring more control to our technocrat overlords, because our laws are always written by them. They’re pushing technocracy, which is governance by technocrats. So yes they want more laws. You are hoodwinked along with the rest of the anti-truther normies, as you attempt to spin it as anything other than another plank of our enslavement. Note Harari could be bluffing and (especially given the virology is a junk pseudoscience) probably do not even have the technology to hack our bodies. But they do excel at propaganda to scare us into thinking they could, thus scaring us into accepting more enslaving laws and regulations.

    @‍rui silva: yes they are scaring us into thinking we need more enslaving laws and regulations. They may not even have the technology to do what they claim can be done.

    The jabs for the cerveza sickness have now been “scientifically proven” to alter our deoxyribonucleic acid [aka DNA] [c.f. also]. This premeditated, intentionally provoked war is also part of the master plan.

    @‍Angel Lombardi: nobody is going to stand together. We are heading into mad max and scorched earth. You might all be killing each other soon after the posited nuclear holocaust. There probably not be any food in Western countries that depend on commercialized farming and distribution systems.

    In the USSR there were people who believed that plants could have socialism applied to them so that they could yield more, grow in winter, etc.

    @‍B B: c.f. the movie Idiocracy as distinct from kakistocracy and/or kleptocracy. “Brawndo, as you may have heard, has electrolytes” — Curtis Yarvin aka Mencius Moldbug

    @‍VoiceOvaGuy: the soi-disant “Black Plague” was really death by pious (aka virtual signaling) societalcide analogous to the religiosity of (aka hate expressed in lockstep with) the contemporaneously foisted/fabricated cerveza sickness propaganda.

    In that era it manifested as bloodletting, blood magic, burning witches at the stake as superstitious reaction and lashing out to the pestilence induced by crop failure, starvation, deprivation resulting from a severe volcanic eruption and extant abject poverty. Europe was so overpopulated and poor that it cost less to have a human pull a plow than a farm animal, which the Black Death rectified, c.f. also 1, 2, 3. The Black Death was literally society going dark into evil spirits mass psychosis and nothing to do with any new disease [although the deprivation and iatrogenic treatments may have weakened immune systems and helped create disease]. Sound familiar? We are destined to repeat historic mistakes because we never learn and our minds are controlled by propaganda priests.

    A Brief History of Bloodletting and Evil Wikia’s Blood Magic

    Evil Wikia’s Witch Hunt, Wikipedia’s Witch Hunt and Top 10 Medieval Outcasts

    I've never heard it described that way. I know propaganda has existed since time immemorial, but how would propaganda lead to the amount of deaths recorded by the plague? Literal ditches full of human bodies as it's told […] How would mass psychosis and a general fixation on the dark arts cause that much death? Are we talking a religious thing? Demon worship leading to the draining of the life force of the people causing death or something?

    @‍VoiceOvaGuy: I think you overlooked the word ‘starvation’ in my comment. And more susceptible to illness from deprivation. And probably compounded by widespread death due to the desperate and/or dark-arts-fixation iatrogenic treatments such as bloodletting, homeopathy and tonics analogous to the use of arsenic in the 19th century and the abuse of ventilators for glassifying lungs since 2020. It’s also important to realize that overpopulation was so severe that a day’s wage was below zero, which as I said the mass death rectified so I wouldn’t be surprised that people were financially motivated to find any demonized excuse to exterminate the human “waste” or “pests.” Many democides and megadeath have been from starvation sometimes as a consequence of war which is more efficient for eugenics than armaments (and no Hitler did not gas millions it is all a lie). The climate was descending from the warm Mongolian expansion epoch into the Maunder Minimum Little Ice Age of the Middle Ages. This was combined with massive volcanic eruptions (which accompany Maunder Minimums) such as the one that set off the black death and the Year Without Summer in 1816. There is more to say about all this in a proper research paper or blog. Note scientists have confirmed we are entering another Maunder Minimum. And we’re making another attempt at mass starvation by intentionally destroying supply chains and forcing Putin into nuclear WW3.

    You're saying that this Maunder Minimum, lack of sunspots causing volcanic issues and lower temperatures, and mass starvation are the real cause of those deaths, and the black plague was the convenient excuse?

    @VoiceOvaGuy: yep also the abject poverty and overpopulation. Or let’s say the perception at that time was of being in the grip of black arts, demons, evil spirits, etc., which they were because they embraced that mass psychosis as the scapegoat. I should reference the theophany in Eric Raymond’s Dancing with the Gods. It was mass insanity and chaos analogous to what we see developing now as the majority are hypnotized by mass media priests. History repeats.

    The non-usurious 600 years Dark Age after the fall of the Western Roman Empire was actually very good for the commoner. But eventually in Middle Ages the people [with help from the “Jewish” banksters who were philosophically exempted from religious anti-usury doctrine] subverted it resulting in a massive bubble (population exploded from 38 to 78 million from 1100 – 1300), maladaption ensued which culminated in the Black Death which rectified the problem in same manner as happening now to us. The Black Death was apparently blood letting, massacre, starvation, etc and not some plague as was claimed. Illness was malnutrition, cholera, dysentery, etc as it was for the American Indians who were forced from their natural habitat into squalid resettlement camps, not some fictional smallpox virus. Sanitation was atrocious in the squalid, overpopulated European cities. The people even suspected a water borne disease and they were dumping the corpses into their drinking water. In Crimea corpses were catapulted over the fortress walls. The bubonic plague only kills about 2 percent, not 30 to 50%. One researcher posited anthrax spores from beef. The 20th century soi-disant “smallpox” outbreaks were DDT poisoning of the population. Other purported viral outbreaks exhibited a predictable pattern of occurring after new iatrogenic, mass vaccination campaigns. The Spanish Flu pandemic was really bacterial pneumonia and was caused by Rockefeller Foundation administering bacterial meningitis vaccines to the millions of soldiers heading off to WW1, which may a substantive, relatively prior art exception to the claim in The Astonishing Hubris of a Global Experimental Vaccine. “never in the history of the world has there been a global push to administer an experimental medicine to all of humanity.”

    Human Efforts to Stop the Plague Were Not Useless

    Milan was already at an advantage over other areas of Europe because they had better hygiene habits and they were not particularly superstitious. The lack of superstition is important because it meant that they did not bleed a person that was sick (and therefore spread the disease) but rather did something far worse for the patient.

    @‍Shelby Moore: The black death is well documented. What book are you quoting?

    @‍J Ttt: cause of death is not correctly documented by the sources you’re ostensibly referring to. Why should I quote such fictional agitprop. Ice core data lends more credibility to the deprivation and sanitation thesis. Analogous to the cause of death is not correctly documented for every death certificate that says “COVID” because there is no such new disease and every such “COVID” death had comorbitities and/or iatrogenic “medical” care terrorism. But faithful should continue on reading fairy tales and believing them. It’s their religion, those books are their bible and the authors are the priests. Why should I interfere with Jonestown-like believers’ desire to be culled? And even if I deluded myself about attempting to interfere, it would be pointless because believers would scorn and vilify me for attempting to mess with their blissful, sheeppl existence.

    I replied:

    @‍Shawn Erickson: Joe Rogan will not Cross the Rubicon, which is our only hopium remaining now. Rogan will continue to placate the normie narratives while trying to shoehorn some half-truths. He and Trump whether wittingly or unwittingly are effectively controlled opposition.

Those (according to our overlords “useless eaters”) sheeppl — too smug, schadenfreude, cocksure, holier-than-thou (c.f. ‘Puritans’ and ‘left singularity’), stigmatized conformist, ingratiating, unfazed, unthreatened, unperturbed, preoccupied, parochial, imprudent, brazen, short time preference, fatalistic, nihilistic, selfish, apathetic, timid, busy, intransigent, prideful, atavistic culture (e.g. Boomers’ steadfast, absolute trust in and inculcated, contemporaneous-era-ethos, post WWII generation Leave it to Beaver allegiance to government institutions and the paradigm of democraczy), ideologically opposed, invoking victimization of desired “reality” (aka identity politics), with vested interests, suffering the Dunning-Kruger effect (aka ‘how to piss me the fuck off’), conditioned with Pavlov’s Dogs training (such as the isolation, face diapering, etc), Stanley Milgram’s pain avoidance such as unwilling to confront and endure traumatic information or for any other reason checked out from the search for truth — thoroughly deserve their forthcoming dire and sordid fate. Said is an enumeration of human nature.

Hey it’s a free market and may everyone reap what they sow from their personal life strategy. And considering the sordid never-ending-war history and ongoing plight of Ukraine, maybe most people have decided (and perhaps justifiably so) that there’s nothing they can do about any of it anyway.

These sheeppl represent and fulfill the devolution of the nation-state because we-the-capable can’t sustain a union with self-destructive idiots — phonetically and semantically aka ‘idyuks.’ Bitcoin arrived to impoverish and destroy them contrary to their disproved hopium. And this Chicken Little and my Parade of horribles won’t be waiting a decade for bittersweet[pyrrhic] vindication.😢💔

And that’s why I continue to strive and work on decentralization technology despite my older age, blindedness and health ailments. I’ve said my peace with that, developing a copacetic, blackpilled attitude towards the collective insanity of humanity. C.f. @32min mark in video discriminating between the heritage of my frontiersman-ethos, selection-event, in-group ‘founding-stock Americans’ such as my lateral ancestor versus the defection culture of late arrivals such as my high school’s 150+ IQ Jewish high school co-valedictorian (or salutatorian?) who vehemently denies everything I write about and thus no longer my friend.

I’ve unselfishly expended years of my time and effort interacting on, educating myself about and compiling research, for the benefit of those who want to confront the truth as a means for survival via foreknowledge. I can lead a horse to water, but I can’t force it to drink. I can only inculcate to those receptive to realistic self-preservation.

This document represents an initial attempt at a compendium of my past several years of salient efforts in this regard.

This is not the culmination — instead only a starting point in attempting to assimilate a giganormous volume of information which may seem unrelated, yet when considered from a holistic, helicopter perspective seems to comprise our overlords’ intertwined NWO masterplan. Others far more gifted/motivated in the verbal IQ realm (than my 620 pre-1994 SAT score) could leverage my effort to greater effect — my passions instead are more focused in engineering, math (740 SAT score), abstraction, philosophy and athletics/nature.

If anything one could take away from the wealth of evidence and logical analysis scattered throughout this chaotic compendium, it’s that overlords exist.

20 Years Later, the Story Behind the Guantánamo Photo That Won’t Go Away

Four months to the day after the [premeditated, false-flag] Sept. 11 attacks, a photographer hoisted a camera above shiny new razor wire and took a picture of 20 prisoners on their knees in orange uniforms, manacled, masked and heads bowed.

Guantánamo Bay: 14 years of injusticetorture

Mass Psychosis and Cognitive Dissonance

As per Desmet, “All that is needed now is a story[i.e. some propaganda] in which the source of cause of [intentionally induced] anxiety is identified and spelled out, while simultaneously providing a strategy[aka the faux “solution”] for addressing and neutralizing that cause.”

This is the Hegelian dialectic modus operandi of tyrants and overlords. It consists of a thesis-antithesis-synthesis which is a manufactured crisis, followed by a “solution” that blames a manufactured boogeyman/scapegoat instead of the entity that created the crisis and then finally implemented. The cerveza sickness scamdemic and the proxy war between the U.S. and Russia in Ukraine are following this Hegelian dialectic script, which I will irrefutably prove in great detail in this document.

After years of blind compliance, people are deeply disturbed once they learn the truth. This is leading people to hide their true feelings, justify their behaviors, and seek out information that aligns with their predetermined conclusion. You stayed in your home for months, maybe years. Your children have fallen behind in school, extracurricular activities, and crucial socialization. You missed weddings, birthdays, holidays, and funerals. You took all the shots and boosters and administered them to your children. Was this all for nothing? It is hard to stomach that the answer to the question is YES.

Mass Psychosis and Totalitarianism (c.f. the video)

“Logic can be met with logic, while illogic cannot—it confuses those who think straight. The Big Lie and monotonously repeated nonsense have more emotional appeal in a cold war than logic and reason. While the enemy is still searching for a reasonable counter-argument to the first lie, the totalitarians can assault him with another.”

We don’t live in the world that YOU “think” we live in. Seemingly random events (e.g. the cerveza sickness scamdemic) are often premeditated.

“When I was a boy of 14, my father was so ignorant I could hardly stand to have the old man around. But when I got to be 21, I was astonished at how much the old man had learned in seven years.” — Mark Twain

Field Marshall Hermann Wilhelm Göring (1893–1946) wrote:

Why, of course, the people don’t want war. Why would some poor slob on a farm want to risk his life in a war when the best that he can get out of it is to come back to his farm in one piece. Naturally, the common people don’t want war; neither in Russia nor in England nor in America, nor for that matter in Germany. That is understood.

But, after all, it is the leaders of the country who determine the policy and it is always a simple matter to drag the people along, whether it is a democracy or a fascist dictatorship or a Parliament or a Communist dictatorship.

With respect to a Democracy they argued, the people have some say in the matter through their elected representatives, and in the United States, only Congress can declare wars.

Göring replied: “Oh, that is all well and good, but, voice or no voice, the people can always be brought to the bidding of the leaders. That is easy. All you have to do is tell them they are being attacked and denounce the pacifists for lack of patriotism and exposing the country to danger. It works the same way in any country.”

Maladaption Patterns

Only the Americans did not relinquish their guns. Americans allowed themselves to become maladapted such as by enthusiastically embracing 30 year mortgages, thus now acutely vulnerable to falling into the Great Reset underway. Yet at least we’re armed to the hilt, which might give us a fighting chance if/when the government tries to force us off the rural lands into enslaved, bubble cities for Agenda 2030.

Liberty has never come from the government. Liberty has always come from the subjects of it. The history of liberty is a history of resistance.” — Woodrow Wilson

Certainly one of the chief guarantees of freedom under any government, no matter how popular and respected, is the right of citizens to keep and bear arms.” — Hubert H. Humphrey

Usury, 30 Year Mortgages

The rich rule over the poor, and the borrower is slave to the lender.” — `Proverbs 22:7

To foretell the future, think like a bank[st]er — Ishkabibble

To extort the maximum value from a population, when one has control of monetary system, leverage the laws of supply and demand. Use deflation, inflation, and hyperinflation all as tools to transfer wealth. All have a place and a purpose.

Thirty year mortgages pull income, thus also home demand, forward by 30 years. Thus pricing homes perhaps an order-of-magnitude higher than in a cash-only market economy (consider the depressive, holistic effects on the entire economy of outlawing usury, c.f 1, 2, 3, 4, 5) — not to mention the pilgrimage of compound-interest bloodletting.

Thirty year mortgages are perniciously, synergistic with another dysfunctional effect, BlackRock Is Not Ruining the U.S. Housing Market:

The real villain isn’t a faceless Wall Street Goliath; it’s your neighbors and local governments stopping the construction of new units.


Through law and custom, the U.S. has encouraged people to buy and cherish their houses. But by asking Americans to see their homes as precious investment vehicles, these laws activate a scarcity mindset and sow the seeds of [not in my back yard] NIMBYism: Don’t dilute my equity with new construction!

That’s a reason to buy homes only where there are no regulations and permitting. Homes are naturally a depreciating asset (due to maintenance and renovation costs). So by forcing the market to value houses as an appreciating asset by pulling income forward for 30 years with 30 year mortgages combined with necessarily limiting new construction, we collectively achieve a ruinous eventual outcome while individually defecting on society.

Tangentially note that BlackRock is helping to destroy the “American Dream” (‘which you must be asleep to believe’) of home ownership but in a much more insidious way, c.f. BlackRock and Going Direct Reset.

What part of being enslaved to debt via collectivized amplication (i.e. contagion) by pulling forward demand with collective debt — because the society collectively choosing to borrow 10 times more money (thus making 10 times more money available as demand for homes) than if everyone had to save first to pay cash, thus driving the prices of homes up by a factor of 10 — does the reader not understand? And that’s not even including the aforementioned, pernicious, synergistic effect. Or more succinctly debt increases the buying power of everyone in unison but at the cost of everyone being smothered in debt — a form of collective insanity that typically busts for the final time into the economic collapse and megadeath stage of the collective insanity. The sheeppl collectively shoot themselves in their proverbial collective feet. Note, not to be conflated with leasing (because unlike investment-at-risk, collective debt privatizes profits and charges risk-free, collective defaults to the public backstop) nor conflated with the necessarity of non-static, relativity of money except for John Nash’s (diabolical?) Ideal Money concept.

When plunder has become a way of life for a group of people living together in society, they create for themselves in the course of time a legal system that authorizes it, and a moral code that glorifies it.” — Frédéric Bastiat.

Millennials seem to have figured this out; well maybe they’re incentivized by being largely excluded from their parents’ imploding, selfish economic model. I had read that the U.S. federal government currently transfers 10 times more on elderly than the youth. It was projected to be 5 times more already by 2010 and is currently 5 times more for those over 65 than the rest of us. Note defense and infrastructure spending aren’t transfers and thus are received as someone’s job and probably much of it is siphoned away as kickbacks and corruption. The $600 billion spent by local and State governments on K-12 education has become a leftist indoctrination clusterfuck (c.f. also 1, DeSantis, 3, 4) and property taxes are passed though to renters.

Millennials and younger Americans are more interested in renting than buying a home. They might not want the commitment to one location, for example, or the upkeep that comes with homeownership.


Despite making up the largest portion of the workforce, millennials controlled just 4.6% of U.S. wealth [people over 58 control 70%…] In 1989, when baby boomers were around the same age as millennials are today, they controlled 21%


Possible Leaked Roadmap for the Next Phase of the Agenda (website, youtube)

World Debt Reset pogrom psy-op or apposite warning:

In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever. The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 [i.e. Q1 2022 as COVID-19 was Q1 2020 or upcoming 2025 SPARS pLandemic?] vaccination schedule, which would provide the individual with unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down (through the use of photo identification referred to as Canada’s HealthPass).


Several committee members also questioned what would happen to individuals if they refused to participate in the World Debt Reset program, or the HealthPass, or the vaccination schedule, and the answer we got was very troubling […] And that over a short period of time as more Canadians transitioned into the debt forgiveness program, the ones who refused to participate would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities. Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.

I commented:

But why should we fight to protect Americans who have enabled this morass? They took out 30 year mortgages thus pulling income forward by 30 years making houses 30X more expensive than they should be. They took out student loans making education much more expensive than it should be. They cheered on a huge military that swings its big dick all over the world. They cheered the War on Terror which was initiated with the 9/11 false flag. Why attempt to reward these idiots by fighting for them?

Much better to let them reap what they have sowed and profit on the economic collapse.

People are capable of making mistakes due to being misinformed and also many American’s have been against the wars and the false flags. I think the ones who will win are the “elites” if we don’t fight.

Nature is culling the herd. It’s just a natural phenomenon. Nature doesn’t give a pass for ignorance.

The elite are just giving the people what they sowed. The elite are created by our weaknesses. Fighting to reward weaknesses is faggotry and failure.

Stand in front of a steaming locomotive and you will get plowed over. Fighting nature is futile.

When society enters a period of egregious excess, then of course there will be a correction. That’s just nature. The elite are just doing what has to be done to punish people so they can learn.

I replied:

“Your comment comes off as racist when you say ‘damn Americans’.”

Nationality is not a racial category.

“Additionally, you pretend that Joe and Jane Doe caused the mess the US is in, which is totally incorrect as all they did was work and provide for their children over the past several decades.”

Disagree. They gorged on debt such as a 30 year mortgage for their home which pulled income forward by 30 years increasing prices of homes by 30X more than if everyone saved enough money to buy a house for cash (should instead live with parents or rent until you can afford as Mexicans do). The Americans (like me) are getting what we deserve for gorging on debt which empowered the globalist banksters. And now we are their slaves as the Bible warns in Proverbs, “Borrower is slave to the lender.“

Mexicans did not gorge on debt and prefer to pay cash. Thus they have a more stable country. And I agree I don’t want all these suburbanite Americans with their Volvos ruining Mexico. Let them stay in Minnesota instead. I also thought the wall was built to keep the Americans locked in when the inevitable debt collapse ensued. First, you’re confusing cause and effect.

It is true that US consumers used 30-year mortgages for their homes, but that was the EFFECT of the banking elites making it available so that many were forced to buy with a mortgage or worry that they’ll be forever left out entirely from buying a home. I believe in “voluntaryism” as Mr. Corbett said, and that “freedom” should always live strong. Do you not believe that consumers should be permitted to make voluntary decisions and suffer the consequences whether good or bad? Or do you believe that the nanny govt should dictate to people how to conduct their financial affairs? I know of TONS of Americans who bought homes on credit and have profited very well, and good for their luck.

“Mexicans did not gorge on debt and prefer to pay cash.”

Good for them! They were smart not to get caught up in the hysteria of the “American Dream” … or was it rather that their economy was that much weaker and fears of corruption and potential bad loans from buyers with low wages (maybe even under the table) kept bankers from providing the loans in the first place?

I again don’t understand the anti-American sentiment. You layer your argument with terms like “suburbanites” driving their “Volvos”. How would that somehow “ruin” Mexico and what’s your issue? That they’ll bring their hard-earned money? That they’ll bring their cars? Oh the horror!! “Let them stay in Minnesota instead.” Really??

Anyway, I liked your previous posts, but your recent comment caused me to decide to ignore when I see you posting as I’m now wondering if you’re a troll for THEM.

I didn’t take out a 30 year mortgage. I moved to the Philippines for half the 55 years I been alive. There were other options such as moving to Mexico, joining the Amish, moving to a rural area, renting, etc.. By enjoining en masse instead of fighting back, they deserve their enslavement. I don’t agree with the moral hazard of making excuses for those who participated in it. Otherwise they’ll never understand it was their fault for not fighting back.

It’s analogous to this coming inflection point with the vaccine. Do we all just go along or do some of us decide it is better to die for liberty than cope as a slave?

They’re free to do what they wanted to do and now they will reap their enslavement reward for what they sowed.

And there is no damn way I am fighting on their behalf. I want them to suffer for their destructive opportunism, so that the incentives for moral activity will be properly meted.

In short, the elite globalists are very ethical and moral. They put the bait out in front of your faces and then you eat the forbidden fruit. They always disclose what they’re going to do if you sin (e.g. the murals at the Denver airport and the Georgia Guidestones).

The demons are inside of each us. Of course we would rather blame the elite for what we are unwilling to admit about ourselves.

Why China's millennials are happy to own nothing

“Two decades ago, Tyler Xiong and his parents had to live in a commune guided by the strict socialist teachings of Mao Zedong.

Today Xiong, a 28-year-old tech entrepreneur, voluntarily lives among 500 hundred people in a co-sharing community near Beijing’s Silicon Valley. Xiong has two pairs of shoes and fewer than 10 outfits. He does not use a car and travels by taxi. His philosophy: if you can rent it, why own it.”

Many Western youth will likely see the above as perfectly normal come 2030.

To quote the WEF: ‘You’ll own nothing and you’ll be happy

Americans didn’t own anything anyway; they were renters and lied to themselves pretending they’re not slaves. The coming readjustment is just about busting delusions and putting the mirror in front of everyone’s face so they can see what they really are. Everything was mortgaged. It was all debt inflated equity which will go poof it’s gone in the ensuring economic collapse.

You argue a “cause and effect“ that is actually Sheep Logic. ← Note how the sheep in their greed and myopia strangle each other to death, not paying attention to the collective plight and only focused on sticking their head through the gaps in the netting to get some food. As the sheep struggle to reach their single-minded goal, they strangle each other to death.

Just like sheep, Americans are oblivious to their inherent actuarial bankruptcy when their debt inflated assets are soon marked-to-market in a rising interest rates, stagflation, economic implosion of Biblical proportions.

I didn’t write anything about the morality of refugees. I don’t prefer suburbanite Americans bringing their destructive culture en masse to Mexico and infecting it with what poisoned the USA. I would prefer that Mexico remain unique and thus a haven for those who like it just the way it is — not Americanized. We need the diversity in this world. The USA is a big enough place with too much underutilized land, so no need for Americans to go somewhere else and turn that other place into the “American Dream” (‘which you must be asleep to believe’). Americans aren’t refugees; they’re spoiled brats who need to realize they’re not self-important anymore (alternative link).

The payback and irony is coming when countries start treating the indulgent USA as the Third World country that it will soon collapse into, as did Spain and Rome collapse from empire to cockroaches scurrying about.

Their system discourages American Dream disease from invading. And they’re successfully invading and turning the USA towards their system as planned [even spiritually]. Looks like they have the dominant system. Americans were living in a lie to themselves.

I employ logic. I’m just try to analyze what is and make the correct observation of reality. What is wrong with being an elite if I could be seems that would better than being a slave? Although I will probably prefer to follow Jesus’ example to the extent I can.

In short, the elite globalists are very ethical and moral.

I was hoping that perhaps I misunderstood your argument and that you just misstated your beliefs, but you write very eloquently with precision, so I know I was wrong in that hope, and I now definitely see that you’re a wolf in sheep’s clothing. Just because the devils write a contract doesn’t make it ethical/moral. They are saying “we’ll give / force you to take a vaccine”…that’s unethical. They are saying that we won’t disclose the toxins/poisons in those vaccines – again unethical. They are then passing laws to release all liability. Again unethical.

How do you not see that being forced to take a vaccine to interact in society which may sicken and kill millions/billions of people, profiting billions/trillions of dollars, and then not having any liability if people are hurt/killed is not ethical?

YOU ARE A MADMAN!, and I’m ashamed that you were born an American. Further, you may want to check your bloodline because I think you may be a Rothschild.

If you ascertain that I refuse to tie my shoelaces together with and to an “in group” of morons who have destroyed themselves by following Sheep Logic, i.e. following the ass of the other sheep in front of them without considering the long-term ramifications, all opportunistically gorging on debt taking out 30 year mortgages to pump up the economy to hollow, astronomical notional values that will (now!) collapse back to the cash-economy value in the coming correction, then I stand guilty as charged.

Americans brought that on themselves by w(h)or(e)shipping Western medicine, lawsuits and politics, thus empowering doctors, lawyers, politicians and bureaucrats. Once you create and empower the infrastructure for your enslavement, then do not complain when it proceeds to enslave you. Americans are reaping what they sowed when they defied the Lord’s admonishment in 1 Samuel 8. When the Lord commanded as punishment in 1 Samuel 15 for all to be slaughtered including women and children, that was moral and ethical because the Lord had warned in 1 Samuel 8 but nobody obeyed.

Even until now so many Americans trust the system and are afraid of the hoax virus or at least erroneously believe it is a real virus that infects humans even though the CDC cites research that says SARS-CoV-2 can’t infect humans. Americans and their “safety porn culture” (c.f. the George Carlin Save the Planet video I linked for you in my prior comment) are sowing this outcome.

Please stop making excuses for indulgent CHRINO (Christians in Name Only) Americans. Stop lying to Americans as Trump is lying to Americans. Trump won’t tell you these truths, he’d prefer to let MAGA continue their delusion until 2022 when the SHTF with assassinations and total chaotic economic collapse, as Americans deserve.

Jesus instructed in Matthew that to be righteous then walk with nothing from town to town, not even a shoulder bag.

You ostensibly share some of the delusions and misconceptions of many Americans. Thus your concomitant (i.e. attendant) cognitive dissonance and inability shift your mindset to appreciate what I’m trying to teach you.

For example most Americans refuse to admit to themselves that Western medicine is mostly an iatrogenic fraud. And refuse admit that the USA has the highest conviction rate on the planet with a corrupt and brutal justice system. And refuse to acknowledge that suing everyone for everything forces everyone (with any wealth, especially small businesses) to hedge against lawsuits with insurance creating an army of vested interests in the economy which profits on maximizing fraud and entrapment.

I could go on and on … but hopefully that’s enough to stimulate your thoughts about how Americans themselves are to blame for what is happening to the now.

What is wrong with being an elite if I could be seems that would better than being a slave?

Yes, I would rather be rich than poor, but I would not want to be rich in order to manipulate, control and enslave others, but rather to have the freedom to live my life the way I want without having others to dictate my fate. From your comment, it’s not clear if you mean that you would rather be an elite like Bill Gates who wants to poison, control and enslave people, or if you just want to be rich to enjoy your freedom. If you mean the former, then that is SCARY…it tells me the only difference between you and THEM is that you were not capable of obtaining that level of power. People like that should be shut down, marginalized, and ostracized from society and taken away from positions of power to the extent legally possible, and I’m hoping that’s not what you meant.

Further, I don’t think you realize the problem with your comments and the person who posted as “southamerica”. From what you and he/she say, it appears that you sincerely don’t want people to be free.

As an example, everyone knows that millions of foreigners have migrated into America. I for one have no problem with that as long as they pay their way – taxes, etc. and aren’t a financial or criminal burden on society. And I love that they bring their culture with them. Imagine if the Japanese didn’t bring their sushi, or the Chinese their Chinese food, or Mexicans their tacos and burritos, Italians their pastas, lasagnas, and pizzas. These are all great things.

And imagine if they come hear with barely knowing a few words of English. Should they be ostracized because they prefer to speak in their native tongue because that’s much easier for them?

Hopefully you see now that comments such as yours and “SouthAmerica” are negative in the sense that you want to control people, instead of letting them voluntarily decide their actions – as long as it doesn’t hurt anyone. In other words, how does a Minnesotan bringing his Volvo to Mexico negatively affect you? Does driving a Volvo show superiority? For most people it’s a car to get around. And what if that person drove a Ferrari instead? Are you implying that you would despise and be jealous and bitter because he had a better car and was asserting his superiority over you? If so, it seems like your inferiority complex is the problem – not his car. And if he prefers to eat a dish normally served in Minnesota, that his parents would cook for him and reminded him of home up north, would you marginalize that person because he didn’t eat burritos while now in Mexico as a refugee?

Hopefully, you see now how your comments are “SCARY” to say the least as you are perhaps subconsciously advocating for uniformity of all people, and that sameness eventually leads to the concentration camps when you get to the end of the rabbit hole.

[Amazing the cognitive dissonance for pain avoidance that sheeppl can compartmentalize their logic, by refusing to connect the dots between uncomfortable facts. Anglo-Saxons prefer an ideological delusion about magical “rights”, “freedom”, “fairness”, “cooperation” as if those don’t depend on other requirements. Thus they entirely miss the point of how economically maladapted they are. They’re completely incapable of recognizing and dealing effectively with the reality and deepshit they are in.]

Afaics neither @‍southamerica nor I spoke against freedom. We both expressed disdain for those Americans who bring with them their slavery philosophy of life and spread that mayonnaise all over the place.

Espousing freedom is why I don’t want the suburbanite American slaves poisoning the well everywhere, because they bring their slavery philosophy of life with them where they go. They don’t even understand how they’re enslaving themselves. Note not all Americans fit this “suburbanite” CHRINO [Christians in Name Only] stereotype. Even @‍southamerica made an exception for the ‘nomads’ (i.e. Americans who attempt to emulate Jesus’ example and instruction on how to be righteous by walking with nothing from town to town). Obviously I’m not speaking for @‍southamerica and presumably he and I may not share identical philosophies and culture.

Either you didn’t watch the George Carlin videos I linked for you or you didn’t glean the characteristics of my intended stereotype from Carlin’s points? Carlin’s stereotypical point had nothing to do with the status symbol of the type of car driven, but instead the “safety porn culture” [and smug ideological and political correctness…‘freedom’ for those who enslaved themselves with debt, lol] that driving a Volvo epitomizes.

You’ve apparently completely misunderstood me. I’m not writing about trivial subtleties of diverse culture. I am writing about the slavery[self-enslavement eventually to become self-immolation] culture that many stereotypical witless and pointless, suburbanite Americans unwittingly promote where ever they go.

Please refer back to what I wrote about the witless American culture in the Great Reset discussion.

Here’s a prime example of these do-gooder Americans who spread mayonnaise on all the interesting bits of cultures outside their own…

@‍Beach Town Reseller commented and I replied with consternation:

The level of professionalism in your videos just keeps going up and up.

Professionalism is like mayonnaise — it smothers the interesting flavors. Americans and their infatuation with antiseptic zones and miles upon miles of the same franchises in strip malls. BORING!

We are instructed to store up our treasures in heaven not in earthly wealth, which is fleeting and troublesome. We should strive to be sovereign independent of any incidental wealth that might be entrusted to us (c.f. the Parable of the Talents).

My point is Americans can’t be free if they disobey the Bible. The Bible has wisdom such as the Lord’s admonishment in 1 Samuel 8 (which nobody follows, especially [not] the CHRINOs) and for example Proverbs which says that the borrower is slave to the lender. Did you know that Romans 13 was incorrectly translated (presumably corrupted by Constantine) from the original Greek. Paul never said the government is always good and should be idolized as so many Americans do.

The elite have God ordained power because they’re sovereign (as was Jesus and anyone who obeys 1 Samuel 8), they don’t disobey 1 Samuel 8, they don’t gorge on debt, etc.. Bill Gates is not a the top of elite food chain. Rothschild is who I have in mind as in the top echelon and possibly highly principled, baiting minions such as Gates and Soros to sin and do the dirty deeds.

However to the extent that the elite disobey some other scriptures such as ignoring the poor or in other ways serving Satan instead of God, then their power comes from Satan and they will presumably suffer the ultimate punishment of eternal fire. God ostensibly employs them to punish us for disobeying the Bible, so in that way even though they may not be entirely morally and ethically pure, their role in punishing us as ordained by God is moral and ethical.

United States History Lesson

I believe there are more instances of the abridgment of the freedom of the people by gradual and silent encroachments of those in power than by violent and sudden usurpations.” — James Madison


I wrote in the section BlackRock and Going Direct Reset:

Wow this is continuance of the scams such as looting the gold from Fort Knox carting it off to the Philippines at the beginning of the 20th century and (starting with the Civil War occupation) disbanding the legitimate State governments, illegimate [thus non-]ratification of (thus invalid) Constitutional admendments and fooling us into being claimed as vassals of the legal fiction United States, Inc. as the main goal of the 1865 Civil War—not for sole purpose of ending slavery which was just the convenient excuse.

Mathematician later autodidact historian and legal scholar Anna Marie Reizinger (also known by her pseudonym Anna von Reitz) explicated her ‘very radically different view of history than we were taught in school’ in an interview American History Lesson (Road to Freedom & Liberty) (youtube).

Mark Description
6:57 Nelson A. Rockefeller who had previously served as the undersecretary of the newly created Department of Health, Education, and Welfare from 1953 to 1955 and admitted paying no income taxes on $480 million income, was allegedly acting first head of newly created federal Department of Education under Rockefeller sycophant president Jimmy Carter, which precipitated the declining tests scores nationwide although the trend had already been underway for a decade and the claimed rise in test scores after that was due to dumbing down the tests.

Rockefeller’s involvement in The Council of State Governments (CSG) and The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments within The United States of America, c.f. also New World Order (NWO).

pg.70,chapter XV,part 1,1937 Book of States
The Declaration of Interdependence of the Governments within The United States of America

“Sadly, it appears that our elected officials are merely puppets and are having their strings pulled by the CSG”

The United States Is Bankrupt Now!

The United States as a Corporation, [22U.S.C.A. 286e, et seq.] and ‘State’ [C.R.S.24-36-104, C.R.S.24-60-1301(b)] had declared ‘insolvency.’ […] A permanent state of ‘emergency’ was instituted, formed and erected within the Union through the contrivances, fraud and avarice of the international financial institutions, organizations, corporations and associations, including the Federal Reserve […] The 1937 Edition of The Book Of The States [c.f. also 1, 2] openly declared that the people engaged in such activities as the Farming/Husbandry Industry had been reduced to mere feudal ‘Tenants’ on their Land[pg. 155].

pg.1,chapter I,part 1,1937 Book of States
Declaration of Interdependence,pg.3,chapter I,part 1,1937 Book of States
Declaration of Interdependence,pg.4,chapter I,part 1,1937 Book of States

pg.11,chapter IV,part 1,1937 Book of States

While it’s clear that the said ‘coordination’ was an insidious, premeditated subterfuge and subsumption of decentralized sovereignty, at the time it could be seen as necessary and justifiable—which is instructive as to how the inertia of good intentions is the eventual enemy of liberty.

pg.294,chapter III,part 2,1937 Book of States

The Simplest Outline [of delegation of authority]:

The People (the Militia)

The Counties

The States

The United States of America (Unincorporated)

The States of America (Unincorporated)

National-level States of State

Territorial United States

Municipal United States

I express my utmost appreciation and we should all honor Anna for her decade or more of righteous, diligent efforts to preserve, protect and restore our sovereign, un-a-lien-able[inalienable], intrinsic birthright as the American State Nationals inhabiting the American ‘estates’ aka States which have always been sovereign nations unto themselves. Anna blazed the trail for each of us lawful persons to unilaterally correct our individual status as sovereigns—a birthright which our forefathers spilled their blood for. Being my ancestors were founding stock Colonists (e.g. laterally descended from Isaac Shelby) I will unashamably chide any eligible American that ignores his or her duty to reclaim this birthright because such apathy and cowardice would be synonomous with shitting on their (and all our) ancestors’ graves.

Unfortunately though in my opinion—and probably the opinion of many given the ostensibly non-robust uptake—Anna’s edification is needlessly dense, discombobulated and scattered—spread out piecemeal across thousands of partially overlapping redundant PDF files on her website making it arduous or implausible for individuals with limited time and/or intellectual powers to locate all the hidden nuggets of requisite background context, key points, references, and assimilate/verify it all. (Ostensibly no one ever informed Anna that opening a PDF file is a security risk, c.f. also 1 and 2. Additionally PDF files can’t be archived at I do realize there are HTML versions of her PDFs on Paul Stramer’s website but I need to link to the canonical source.)

The gist is that naturalized or properly documented by birthright American State Nationals are entirely sovereign (owing to the States only peace and reporting of crimes as customary in Common Law) thus subject to no (unincorporated nor incorporated) authority whatsoever in the Continental (i.e. land and its top soil) jurisdiction of the States of the Union. This sovereignty was achieved via the (Unanimous) Declaration of Independence, Revolutionary War aka War of Independence and affirmed by the Definitive Treaty of Peace, Paris, 1783.

If I am not mistaken this form of individual sovereignty may be unique in the entire world, because it is my limited understanding that for example the 13th century Magna Carta only granted certain enumerated rights to the British subjects (who never defeated their nobility in a war) as contrasted with the individual sovereignty of American State National being absolute until and if some army is foolish enough to test again the gun under every blade of grass on the American soil. The book Freedom... Is More Than Just a Seven-Letter Word by Veronica Chapman* from Chapter 9 forward discusses sovereignty under Common Law in the UK (which is analogous to Common Law points Anna makes in for example her book You Know Something is Wrong When.....: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause) but note afaics the asserted sovereignty lacks the aforementioned American standing against the nobility.

* Chapter 2 Money of this book is delusional, virtue-signaling nonsense/babble. It is the typical mental disease I see from many Anglo-Saxons these days—they can’t seem to admit the bedrock of the reality. I have a difficult time believing the author is an engineer as he/she seems to not understand some basic facts of our physical universe. There is no known paradigm to achieve economies-of-scale and coordinate orders without framework for value that escapes from the coincidence of needs dilemma. Without economies-of-scale civilization doesn’t advance and we would all still be plowing the fields. This utopian Garden of Eden delusion (that we will all live in a wonderful little village of like-mindedness) seems to be pervasive in all those attempting to ‘bug out’ from the Anglo-Saxon totalitarianism. Did all those ancestors who had high level of testosterone already move to the Colonies? The next Great Bifurcation may have already occurred in the diaspora to the Colonies and the sequel incoming for those who will correct their status as explained in this section so they can opt-out of the fast approaching NWO.

I wrote in the Great Clusterfuck? section:

Whereas upwards of 15% of the colonists fought in the Revolutionary War—not the oft-claimed 3%.

That rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” — Benjamin Franklin

This sovereignty ostensibly continued until present day because collectively we-the-people in our unincorporated sovereign authority established by the 1781 Articles of Confederation (and the partial delegation by the subsequent Federal Constitution The Constitution for the united States of America of 19 enumerated powers to incorporated entities liable for providing services to the States and “Territorial functions and business, including control of the Naval Armed Services, Commercial Fleet, Trade Policies, and U.S. Territories split off and delegated to the British Monarch under the Territorial Constitution called The Constitution of the United States of America”) were not involved in the Civil War—a war was waged between usurped, rogue incorporated Federal (and State of State) government entities which were deceptively operating under a foreign authority while misleading so many to believe these were the same as and continuance of the preexisting antebellum, incorporated government institutions that lost their authority to continue operating after secession. The Union’s authority and its oversight powers was rendered inoperable by the impossibility of assembling the requisite quorum after the secession of the southern States from it to the newly formed confederacy dba The Confederate States of America. The previously authorized, incorporated government (e.g. the Congress) correctly recessed without a date to reconvene because it had no authority to continue—which ostensibly remains the situation until present day.

All the “States” which exist in the Western half of the United States of America are not really “States of America” under the Northwest Ordinance because there has been no competent Congress convened since 1860 that is able to grant them such status


The Constitution is NOT the source of any of your rights and material interests. Instead, it restricts the Federal Union and limits it and provides guarantees protecting rights and prerogatives living people already have.


This means that the 13th [misnomered, should be 14th] Amendment onward are not Public Law, only private law affecting the officers and employees of the United States of America, Inc. […] This is why the entire Federal Code including the Internal Revenue Code persists in calling birthright citizens of the Continental United States non-resident aliens.


And, just recently, the UNITED NATIONS (INC.) bought all the DC Municipal franchises and is in the process of renaming them, so that the STATE OF OHIO will be operated by the UNITED NATIONS as “OHIO (pg.76–81, You Know Something is Wrong When.....: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause)

It’s only the Federal Subcontractors that operate under Constitutions. (Quick Start Understanding of Government Structure)

Now, given the foregoing do you see why the Municipality of Washington, DC, is and has always been, a foreign city state on our shores? Operated by a foreign government?

It’s not our Capitol. It’s their Capitol. They built it. They put in all the funky idols and shrines and gee-gaws. (Once More. Slowly)

Even if the northern States had also seceded to constitute a quorum in their own new confederation, they would have had no authority over the said preexisting antebellum, incorporated government institutions which had been providing services for the delegated powers for the American Republic—although Anna argues (actually 11 of) the original founding 13 States had not seceded (yet with 2 more threatening secession). Said delegated powers and incorporated entities should have ceased providing services upon being rendered unauthorized by the secession, but the people were led to believe or simply acquiesced to the same government offices continuing to do business under virtually identical names but deceptively and covertly operating under a foreign authority and thus in a foreign jurisdiction.

Tangential note: this is analogous to the liveness issue in byzantine agreement protocols for proof-of-stake wherein if ⅔+% (i.e. rounded up by one elector) of the stakeholders don’t elect (i.e. unresponsive as unprovably distinct from network latency or network availability) then it’s mathematically impossible to prove that there’s not a (future, unpublished) competing fork of consensus.

The inhabitants of the States have hence until present day been fooled into registering their offspring as fabricated, legal enties (i.e. ‘Legal persons’ aka U.S. Citizens, US CITIZENS, or citizens of the United States (Inc.)) which are Roman Curia corporate vassals in the aforementioned foreign incorporated governments masquerading as our legitimate government. The Counties, States and Federal sphere are entirely inapplicable w.r.t. living, breathing American State Nationals aka the people aka ‘Lawful persons’ aka United States (Unincorporated) Citizens. These foreign jurisdiction Federal, County and State assessors, courts, legislatures, police and regulators have no jurisdiction over American State Nationals nor our property, including land and motor vehicles. For example, the IRS has no authority (not even foreclosure) over bona fide American State Nations. Note said entities might in some instances attempt to claim jurisdiction on property they claim as theirs although all such property can all be traced back as owed to we-the-people.

Anna claims it’s possible for those who qualify to be American State Nations by birthright or naturalization to rectify their status. Historically American State Nationals may optionally function as State citizens but only for one State at a time as States do not allow dual citizenship in other States nor other foreign nationalities or allegiances. Anna wrote:

As part of the Great Fraud they try to pretend that we are all [citizens of their foreign jurisdictions] who are unpaid volunteers working for the Territorial United States and its commercial corporations while temporarily residing in our own country.


What we are doing by reclaiming our birthright political status as American State Nationals and American State Citizens and by expatriating from all presumed [i.e. foreign] Territorial and Municipal citizenship(s) is to lawfully convert Legal Persons back into Lawful Persons.

We are explicitly declaring our political status and officially returning our Good Names, our Trade Names, to the Soil/Land jurisdiction of our actual States of the Union. We are doing this specifically and one by one serving Notice on the Public Records of the commercial corporations operating the Sea and Air jurisdictions so there can be no further “accidentally on purpose” mistaking us for ‘US Citizens’ or ‘Citizens of the United States’ or ‘citizens under the 14th Amendment’[which is erroneously claimed to be the 13th amendment] to the Territorial Constitution reconfigured as the Articles of Incorporation for a Scottish Commercial Corporation that went bankrupt in 1907.

The key to understanding what went down is recognizing that the global elite[mafia] acting through air and sea jurisdictions emanating from the Pope and British were ostensibly attempting to subvert the new American Republic by any means after the American victory in the Revolutionary War. The States’ integration with the interstate and international commerce, treaties and the extant legal, corporate structures required the delegation of 19 enumerated powers from the States’ jurisdiction to both a collective federation of incorporated entities aka the Federal government established by the Constitution for the United States; and delegation to State of State incorporated entities from the State Republics for each of the State goverments established by the respective State Constitutions. These delegated powers were strictly limited by explicit enumeration in the said Constitutions for providing the enumerated contracted services owed to their owners, the delegating authorities. All powers not explicitly delegated to those incorporated entities were retained by the confederation of the Union of States and the State Republics respectively. Yet this delegation created the opportunity for a deceptive coup d’état[switcheroo, ‘a co-option’ or ‘cuckoo bird maneuver’] effectively mothballing the American Republic in voluntary abeyance until the present day. Tsk, tsk Americans you let your sovereignty languish for so long that the ability to resurrect and reconstruct it almost lapsed whilst you were asleep for 160 years!

The interlopers sowed divide-and-conquer over political issues such as slavery (which was probably a red-herring for an underlying a States’ rights issue) in the context of the possible tipping of the balance of electors and political power between the North and South with prospect of forthcoming admission of new States to the Union. The Continential Congress suspicious of potential subterfuge—because of the covert proclamations to undermine the Union by the British monarchy and the Pope via the Treaty of Verona—enacted the fully ratified by 1819 Titles of Nobility (the actual 13th) Amendment that forebade members of the British Accredited Registry (BAR) from holding public office and citizenship. Thus Lincoln as a BAR attorney (esquire) was ineligible to be President of The United States of America (Unincorporated). The interlopers ran him for the office of “President” of the United States (Corporation), a private Delaware commercial company, and didn’t explain the difference to the people. Barack Obama was likewise ineligible to serve as President of the United States of America (Unincorporated), but was able to serve as President of the illegitimate United States (Incorporated).

The original Territorial Constitution The Constitution of the United States of America was also deceitfully reconfigured as the Articles of Incorporation of a the Scottish commercial corporation doing business as “The United States of America, Incorporated.”

There was even a third Constitution explicitly for cordoning the foreign operatives inside WA D.C.:

Finally, a portion of the business was split off and delegated to the Temple Government operated by Westminster, the so-called Inner City of London, which is an independent international city-state and part of the Municipal Government of Rome under the Roman Pontiff and the Holy Roman Empire. The functions of this Municipal Government affiliate were severely limited to the ten miles square of the District of Columbia. This global Jurisdiction of the Air entity received a separate Constitution called The Constitution of the United States (Inc.).

Whereas, the unincorporated union of States that was created by the Declaration of Independence apparently continued (not to be confused with the aforementioned Declaration of Interdependence). Note the Constitution delegated enumerated and limited functions to corporate federal contractors overseen, employed at the behest of said Federation. Any powers not granted to the federal contractors in the Constitution are retained by the States.

The ostensibly quite intentional (i.e. Hegelian dialectic) power vacuum created by the inability of the Union to continue oversight of the federal contractors opened the door for an elaborate hoax perpetrated on the American people. Anna wrote, ‘they attempted to claim your entire country was “abandoned” and open for them to claim.’ The interlopers seized the opportunity in the chaos to continue to operate the government under the illegitimate authority of an incorporated impostor deceptively named United States (Inc.) first registered as a Delaware then Scottish corporation later transitioned to the international jurisdiction granted by the Pope. The illegitimate authority being the martial law of the Lieber code which was illegitimately established by the unconstitutional president Abraham Lincoln’s unconstitutional executive order. The American people none-the-wiser just continued about their interaction with the impostor government unaware that they had been unwittingly forked off into accepting a change in their legal status from the flesh and blood tangible ‘people’ (aka American State Nationals aka ‘Lawful persons’ aka United States (Unincorporated) Citizens) with sovereign, inalienable, birthright land and top soil jurisdiction to ‘persons’ (aka ‘Legal persons’ aka aka U.S. Citizens, US CITIZENS, or citizens of the United States (Inc.)) which are incorporated vassal entities subject to international territorial jurisdiction of the sea and/or municipal jurisdiction of the air (37th “Congress”– Second Session, Chapter 49, Section 68).

Confederation differs from a federation in the powers delegated to a centralized executive authority.The Confederation wasn’t replaced by the Federation because the Confederation retained authority over the Federation and the limited, delegated powers. Thus former Justice Scalia’s opinion that States have no right to secede is ostensibly #NotEvenWrong as the Constitution(s) only apply to dealings between the (foreign jurisdictions and the) federal contractors owed to and under authority of the Union of States aka Confederate States of America. The Federal contractors had no legitimate authority to continue operating (at least not using the credit and good name of the former Federation) when the Federation stopped functioning. Perhaps Scalia et al were correct insofar as the soi-disant “State” referred to is the incorporated municipal impostor populated by (unwitting) ‘Legal persons’ and doesn’t apply to the American State Nationals (and State citizens) which seceded from Union. Thus at the present time the Federation Constitutions don’t even apply to American State Nationals in the southern States that seceded, although they are currently dormant w.r.t. to all States anyway. The Supremecy clause Article VI of the Constitution doesn’t subjugate State powers not explicity enumerated in the Constitution thus certainly doesn’t subjugate the right of secession from a confederation. The Constitution was from its inception onwards contentious and tenuous thus destined for Civil War.


Tangentially they’re pulling the analogous imposter trick on us again with the current “official” Bitcoin being an impostor.

Contrary to erroneous mainstream disinformation claiming insufficient ratification, the Continental Congress passed the Titles of Nobility (the actual 13th) Amendment in 1810 and it was fully ratified in 1819 (c.f. video attestation) which forbade the election to public office and loss of citizenship of ‘titled’ individuals such as esquires, c.f. also related Foreign Emoluments Clauses Article VI in the Articles of Confederation and Article I, Section 9, Clause 8 in the Constitution. All of the so called “courts” inhabited by black robed, BAR member judges and attorneys sporting the title ‘esquire’ are illegitimate and have no authority over the Continental (i.e. land and top soil) jurisdiction of the States (pg.54–56, You Know Something is Wrong When.....: An American Affidavit of Probable Cause). The The Courts Aren’t Courts anymore.

Here It Is, Tied Up With a Bow

The actual international government that delegated the “Delegated Powers” in the first place, The United States of America, was left ineffective and unable to contact and assemble their member States, cut off from its sources of revenue, and its executive officers mercilessly hunted and murdered by British-sympathizers and spies.


The theft was unobservable and unconscionable. On paper, there is no way to tell the difference between the Trade Name of a living man, John Mark Doe, and the name of a Territorial Foreign Situs Trust doing business as “John Mark Doe”. Millions upon millions of Americans were thus kidnapped into the foreign jurisdiction of the British Territorial United States and mis-characterized and impersonated in this fashion without their knowledge or consent.

It was and is a commercial crime of staggering proportions.In order to legalize this theft the then-Congress published its intent as House Joint Resolution 192, enacted Public Law 73-10, UCC 3-104(c) and numerous court cases were fought: Guaranty Trust Co. of New York v. Henwood et al., 307 U.S. 247 (FN3) and Spencer v. Sterling Bank, 63 Cal. Ap. 4th, 1055(1998), and as further proof we have the charges brought to the House Judiciary Committee by then-Co-Chair of the House Banking Sub-Committee, Congressman Louis T. McFadden (still waiting to be heard, but firmly lodged against the bastards nonetheless), and the admissions found in Witkin Negotiable Instruments, Volume III including the 2002 Supplement.

As a result of this outrageous and undisclosed claim by FDR, the assets including the names and property of virtually all Americans were “conscripted” and used as chattel backing the debts of a privately owned and operated governmental services corporation chartered in Delaware by the Roman Catholic Church and calling itself the “United States of America” (Incorporated).


Also, please note, that our actual General Government, The United States of America, was never conquered, never directly involved in any of this ugly commercial squabbling, and not a participant inany “war”—civil or otherwise—related to any of this con game

The typical initial reaction to the above information after overcoming the initial disbelief is to dismiss it as legal theories which won’t have any practical implications in the real world that Americans live. But the alternative of complete enslavement in the NWO (c.f. also) is laid bare now for all to see—the Beast is in-your-face daring you to save your soul—the final Great Bifurcation decision is now presented to each human. Fact is that most people are sheep following the herd and will not deviate from herd behavior regardless of veracity of information presented to them. Thus it’s inarguable that the vast majority of the inhabitants of the States will choose to remain ‘dead, presumbed missing‘, ‘Legal person’ corporatized vassals of the Great Harlot. “America” [as it was originally constituted] was not the Mystery Babylon:

But that is not the worst of it. These videos invariably portray “America” as the problem and as the “Mystery Babylon,” the Great Whore, the Mother of Abominations---- and she is not.

America is, again, being confused and mixed up with her ugly little British step-sister from Hell, the (Territorial) United States. The Statue of Liberty is undoubtedly a representation of the Ancient Babylonian goddess Ishtar foisted off on the good people of New York City as an emblem of “liberty” which they mistakenly thought of as “freedom.”

In fact, liberty is what British sailors are given as a reward when they reach port and nothing resembling true freedom at all. So ‘Lady Liberty’ is an obscene fraud promoted by the P2 FreemasonLodge and their brethren at the Grand Lodge in Paris. An inside joke. A defamation. A Phoenician “road sign” saying, ‘For a good time, stop here!’

So understand very well what has been preordained, why each lawful person must be debt-free and armed to the hilt but legally and peacefully per the State militia regulations, and why we must be both united but decentralized (without definable leaders who can be unwittingly entrapped, assassinated, replaced or corrupted to defeat and subvert our sovereign unity) in our defense (NOT offense!) of our sovereignty. Note seditionists and murderers are not guaranteed a trial.

We all know about the Hessians used against the Americans in The War of Independence, but did you know they were used by the North in the Civil War, too?

Men from Central Europe, from Lithuania to Greece, were imported to fight for the North, but because these “new immigrants” came from diverse places and spoke different languages (and little English in any case) it wasn’t easy to identify them as mercenaries.

Now that we have the immigration records and powerful computer analysis tools it’s easy to see that these men were in fact deliberately imported to fight. This knowledge has led to more research and to finding actual advertisements published in Europe at the time which confirm this.

So Central European mercenaries did indeed fight in the Civil War, and not a small number of them, either. They formed up whole regiments.

Another thing we didn’t know about the Civil War, but which begins to pox-mark the picture when you examine what we would today call the Military Police records, are reports, mostly Southern, of truly horrendous and at the time inexplicable mass murders of Southern troops. In these reports, bodies were found with their faces cut off— making it impossible to identify the victims; even more mysterious, there was very little blood associated with these obvious murders.

We now know that these men were the victims of adrenochrome harvesting. [c.f. also black market organ harvesting]


We cannot imagine the [traumatizing, debilitating] impact this had on the [terrorized] surviving witnesses, much less the dehumanizing effects on the perpetrators.


We have films from the thirties, forties, fifties, sixties and seventies showing well-known Roman Catholic Church Officials, major politicians like FDR and Winston Churchill, movie stars and famous athletes engaged in hideous acts of rape, torture, and murder.

Sovereign Citizens: A Growing Domestic Threat to Law Enforcement

They could be dismissed as a nuisance, a loose network of individuals living in the United States who call themselves “sovereign citizens” and believe that federal, state, and local governments operate illegally.


If someone challenges (e.g., a standard traffic stop for false license plates) their ideology, the behavior of these sovereign-citizen extremists quickly can escalate to violence. Since 2000, lone-offender sovereign-citizen extremists have killed six law enforcement officers. In 2010, two Arkansas police officers stopped sovereign-citizen extremists Jerry Kane and his 16-year-old son Joseph during a routine traffic stop on Interstate 40. Joseph Kane jumped out of the vehicle and opened fire with an AK-47 assault rifle, killing both officers.


The FBI considers sovereign-citizen extremists as comprising a domestic terrorist movement […] While the philosophies and conspiracy theories can vary from person to person, their core beliefs are the same: The government operates outside of its jurisdiction. Because of this belief, they do not recognize federal, state, or local laws, policies, or regulations.

When we become willing to lose everything, they can’t take anything from us.” We have only fear itself to be afraid of. Fear is how they control us. “If you play it safe, you have nothing.” C.f. the following videos I cited in the section Debunking Mark Roberts’ 9/11 Disinformation Tactics:

Related links:

Warning if Americans accept a Second Delaration of Independence they will lose their birthright:

Territorial United States Citizens don’t have a political status related to us [birthright citizens who have restored our status] in the absence of a Constitution, and if they attempt to adopt a “Second” Declaration of Independence, they instantly lose all that was won under The Declaration of Independence.

They become rebels and renegades, stateless and homeless, starting over from Ground Zero, recognizable as international pirates---- and we will still have all our rights and prerogatives intact.

No “Second” Declaration

None of this could have happened without our military (and our intelligence services, too) being compromised from within. And that’s the hard part. Our military was basically commandeered by the Brits and the bankers and used as cheap mercenaries. Our intelligence agencies were put to work as scalpers for commercial interests.


The difference is that the Municipal Government could always count on another crop of corrupt and corruptible politicians springing up like weeds in the spring, but the Military has a contract to fulfill, and if they don’t fulfill the contract, they not only lose their jobs, they are likely to get hacked up in the process.

So, the stakes for the military are a lot higher than for the politicians, and they know it.


but it does mean that they are “Highly Motivated” to correct and (emphasis added) ---to get back into control.

Only this time they want to take it a step beyond just controlling everything behind a storefront of “democracy” and run as a full-fledged military junta. In order to do that legally however, they have to overcome the foundations of our country, and especially, The Declaration of Independence, which is the foundation of our country.

So they have offered you a “Second” Declaration of Independence. If you accept that, and don’t steadfastly cling to the first Declaration, you will lose everything that your Forefathers fought for and won. You will be reduced to having to fight for it all again.


The “Second” Declaration is a British lawyer’s trick, a counter-offer. If you are dumb enough to take it, no matter how good it may sound, you lose. If you stay the course and remain true to the first Declaration, they have to honor their obligations to you.

Once More. Slowly

Well, Trump had sense enough to collapse the Municipal Corporation the Papists chartered for the Territorial Government, but went right back through the revolving door, and is now proposing that the British Territorial U.S. Military should start all over from scratch and fight another whole war of independence at our expense and we, meanwhile, should accept another Cuckoo Bird Substitution of their British-run “Republic” in the place of our American Federal Republic.Oh, right, fool the stupid Americans again, and put the British Government right back into position to act “as” our Federal Republic --- and rob us silly again.


It’s not going to work this time. Too many people know what has gone on here.

Joe Biden has no contract. The Holy Roman Empire is utterly disgraced. The Municipal Corporations are forfeit.

The Brits have one Ace and his name is Donald Trump, but they are not going to pull another round of Cuckoo Bird with us and take over our Federal Republic the same way they substituted their State of State organizations for ours. And we are not going to accept any Second Declaration of Independence and fight another war for what we have already won.

Notwithstanding that I personally will resist the enslavement until my last breath, Anna’s über confidence seems inconsistent with the reality that these overlords have ostensibly never been unsuccessful in their manipulation and deception.

All escaped, as thanks for helping with American Revolution, which was a set up to appease Americans but as can be seen later, they were still being taxed by the Crown (the Crown is NOT the royal family, but a legal entity, which extracts financial funds from the US and the UK, amongst many other countries).


This was all needed to clear the way for Napoleon’s rise.

Check out more about Payseur Family History.

Guide to Reality

Why was the first nation to recognize the American Government—the Kingdom of Morocco? At first glance, that doesn't make a lot of sense, but....Because the French Army bankers known as the Payseurs, who financed much of the cost of the Revolution, are Jewish—and the Jews prefer to do their banking business with Muslim bankers, it was necessary to forge a treaty with a Muslim nation as soon as possible.

It is a sad fact that Muslim bankers are more honest and precise than either Jewish or Christian bankers, so the wise guys do all their banking with Muslim banks. This has been thecase since the Middle Ages and nothing has changed.

So the first Bank Treaty was with the Kingdom of Morocco to allow the Payseurs to directly access Muslim banking services “for” America. This was the beginning of offshore banking after The War of Independence and was set up to expedite the repayment of war debt by the fledgling American Government. Those debts were accrued as a result of services and loans rendered by the French Payseurs on behalf of King George III.

Yes, via an accommodation between the French King and his Jewish military bankers, George III financed both sides of the Revolutionary War. George Washington, who was King George's Cousin, signed the Bank Treaty with Morocco.

Anna is not helping instill confidence in what some might say are “legal theories” with her myriad of unsourced claims such as her debunked claim that no nuclear bombs were dropped on Japan and the alleged reptilian aliens in her averechts “My Cred”. I could imagine some readers thinking, ‘Did she forget to take her meds on the day she wrote that?’ She could possibly be correct but we’d need a proof. The bit pertaining to the her correct summary of actual the structure of universe is thought provoking (and concurs with my understanding) as expected for someone of her intellect.

Picture in your mind the shell of a Chambered Nautilus. These are the large, spiral-shaped shells, where each chamber is the same shape and proportion as the priorchamber, only larger. This is an apt visual representation of this Universe, only instead of the chambers being made of shell, they are made of frequencies and vibrations that form natural octaves of sound, radiance, magnetism, and so on. Each such chamber is a world in and of itself, and, whether you know it or not, you — yourself — exist in a different form in each of these chambers. Your consciousness also occupies a much broader range than you imagine throughout these chambers, and in this world, too […] These are all things that you have yet to discover about yourselves as a race and about yourselves as individuals, but it begins with understanding the physical nature of the Universe you live in and the multi-layered, multi-faceted nature of your own Being within it.

I get it. Anna bases her standing on virtuous correct first principles and convenants and in a higher, interstellar authority, but we need proof of the latter not just her faith, opinion or spiritual beliefs. It seems like an optimism, hopeful bias shoehorned into an soothing alternative reality. Or at least it might help credibility to clearly delineate her faith and spiritual beliefs from alleged, provable facts. Btw, I was quite adept at such “hallucinations” in my younger days and it had the effect of being mercurial and unstable. (Btw, it’s a unique experience for me to encounter a female obviously more intelligent than myself whom I am able to trust and respect because her logic is clearly articulated and makes sense to me. She is speaking to me in a language of virtuous truth, logic and organization of civilization, not in some narrow-minded, hypergamy, marrying-up, allegiance-to-corrupted-status-quo, inefficiency-consumption-as-virtue, devaluing math/science/engineering, evolutionary biology hindbrain, bizarro, manipulative, Machiavellian and shit-testing crap I’ve experienced from too many females.)

I gave him a stern warning about the interstellar consequences of doing anything like that, but it doesn't appear that he is listening and neither are certain Parties on the Majestic side of the Galactic Council. So I will reiterate the facts for everyone again.There is an in-bound Andromedan-Aquarian Alliance Fleet and if they find that any such thing has been done here, they have orders to hunt down and destroy not only the pirates responsible, but the civilizations supporting this genocidal insanity. Meaning all the home worlds, too. Their technology isfar superior and advanced over anything here.

Why did Satoshi employ double-hashing?

Above highly technical post exemplifies my credibility and expertise, notwithstanding the expected barrage of unsubstantiated, maniacal downvotes expected from the “power rangers” and their sycophant brigckade. It’s unfathomable that Satoshi was as sloppy and not astutely, premeditated as “Power Rangers” imbeciles want to believe.

I have ostensibly solved one of the most vexing cryptography mysteries in Bitcoin, explaining Satoshi’s design decision that ostensibly no one else understood for the past 13 years since Bitcoin’s launch.

Why does Bitcoin use two hash functions (SHA-256 and RIPEMD-160) to create an address?

Archived, archived.

“Official” Bitcoin to be Destroyed, Satoshi’s Legacy Bitcoin to Rise from the Ashes as Rothschild’s Phoenix

Click here to view the aforementioned censored link.


Links from the text:

Related links:

Reddit(ard) shadow banning what our overlords don’t want the plebs to know.

Click here to view the aforementioned censored link.

Archived, archived.

Links from the text:


Above image is a compendium of excerpts from my numerous public comments attempting to explain the hypothesis for the posited ANYONECANSPEND (restoration of Nash equilibrium) “attack” forthcominglooming for Bitcoin.

In hindsight, perhaps the most salient “slam dunk” detail I failed to make sufficiently conspicuous in these comments is the fact miners will have no choice about which fork to mine if/when the posited “attack” begins. The user @exstasie in particular couldn’t fathom why miners would have any particular incentive much less be forced to mine the Legacy fork, probably because I didn’t ELI5 the following to him — instead futilely relying on readers to discriminate, discern and assimilate aka “to think”.

Prerequisite ground facts include:

  1. Imagine if gold turned to lead when stolen. If the thief gives it back, it turns to gold again,” — Satoshi Nakamoto 2010

    I commented:

    I think I know why Satoshi wrote that. Because when Bitcoin was soft forked in 2017, the new address format that was created (i.e. variants of pay-to-script-hash) is not recognized by the legacy protocol that existed prior to that so called “soft” fork. Not recognized means that if the legacy protocol were being followed by the miners then any UTXO (unspent transaction output, i.e. Bitcoins people are hodling) can be spent by anyone without the need for the private key.

    So in terms of game theory this diabolical fork (which everyone [erroneously] thinks is the official Bitcoin) has created a 7 million Bitcoins and growing booty (of anyonecanspend UTXO) which could be seized by miners in a 50+% “attack” to finance such an “attack” and restore the legacy protocol. [Note not an attack as argued below.]

    What will happen is the complicit whales with their millions of BTC (e.g. the million BTC Satoshi allegedly mined but has never moved yet) will surreptiously fork the legacy protocol off from the newer protocol, then transfer the free airdrop of Bitcoins which exist on the newly hard forked newer (non-legacy) protocol onto exchanges and dump them crashing the price while shorting. This will likely occur at a nosebleed price level for maximum effect. [Everyone who held their BTC in legacy address format will also be cooperating to sell their free airdropped non-legacy shitcoins before they’re worthless.]

    This will cause the newer protocol Bitcoin chain to slow to a crawl because the difficulty level will be stuck skyhigh (from the high price) but then miners will stop mining because the price will be [suddenly] too low to pay their electricity costs. A new block may only be found once a week or once a month [if any block production at all]. It will require 600[2016] blocks until the difficulty will adjust downward.

  2. Legacy Bitcoin aka The Real Bitcoin (TRB) is not BSV, nor BCH. Rather it’s the immutable Bitcoin protocol Satoshi left us with, including any bug fixes. Immutability is important for a Nash equilibrium hinged on unforgeable costliness because if any entity can mutate the protocol for any reason, there’s the continuing threat of an offer to mutate the token supply aka democraczy.

  3. The game theory and economic reality doesn’t require Craig “Faketoshi” S. Wright’s potential involvement.

  4. It’s a misnomer to characterize as an ‘attack’, the restoration of the Nash equilibrium that was put in limbo by soft fork protocol changes which have piled up the millions ₿ ANYONECANSPEND booty. For Nakamoto proof-of-work, the Nash equilibrium is when the economic majority have no better strategy than to adhere to the protocol.

  5. Requisite stabilization of the Nash disequilibrium created by the malevolent 2017 New York Agreement soft fork (and Gavin’s not widely adopted pay-to-script-hash that preceded it) can only be resolved by eliminating the ANYONECANSPEND booty. Until then the economic majority have a better strategy than adhering to the soft fork protocol proposal (thus in disequilibrium until the better strategy is removed by fulfilling it, as ostensibly Satoshi had planned since 2010). Said proposal is not (and can not be) voted on by the economic majority until there’s a hard fork — i.e. the hard fork is a prerequisite for restoring Nash equilibrium. There’s no other Schelling point nor Nash disequilibrium that enables the economic majority to mutate the protocol! N00b readers must endeavor to understand why Bitcoin’s Nash equilibrium (as opposed to disequilibrium, and c.f. also and also) is vital for being trusted as the intended, new international monetary reserve unit-of-account aka as Economist Magazine’s Phoenix (i.e. the digital gold alluded to in Bitcoin’s whitepaper and not as some silly, economically irrelevant, high volume transactional system for the plebs to buy coffee at Starbucks) given that the dollar as the global reserve system unit-of-account is ostensibly being intentionally destroyed by the cabal of the shadow elite who intentionally instigated this multipolar-world, bifurcation of the financial and economic (e.g. trade) system between West and East starting in Ukraine. Kicking the scammer, malevolent, disequilibrium-creating, booty-offering soft fork protocol off of Satoshi’s protocol (aka legacy) Bitcoin is forcing a vote on the protocol change that has been proposed by the soft fork since 2017 — not a protocol change to the legacy immutable protocol. If 256-bit ECDSA ever becomes exploitable then I explained there would be a Schelling point and Nash equilibrium for a protocol change, because legacy ₿ tokens would become unspendable otherwise — an exception to the asymmetrical economic reality of point #6 below.

  6. The unarguable, invincible, asymmetrical economic reality is such that those who hodl in the legacy address format (i.e. addresses that begin with 1) will retain their legacy ₿ and also receive the (taxable as income at the nosebleed price valuation) free airdrop of Core protocol sh8tcoins (also currently misnomered as ₿, but that will end after the legacy restoration “attack”). Whereas, those n00b snowflakes that hodl in the non-legacy protocol address format (i.e. addresses that begin with 3 or bc1) will receive only the (taxable as income at the nosebleed price valuation) free airdrop of Core protocol sh8tcoins; and have implicitly donated their ANYONECANSPEND legacy ₿ as future restoration funding to the legacy miners when miners start partaking of the donations in blocks, which will force the Core protocol to hard fork (i.e. hard f*ck) off thus creating the said taxable income free airdrop. This economic asymmetry alone (i.e. where one side has double the tokens and can sell the other side’s, thus driving the losing side’s value, trust and reputation lower) as it has been for every case of hard fork of Bitcoin, is enough to guarantee that the legacy fork is economically dominant. But it’s not the only reason…

  7. Further explanation and discussion of the above listed enumeration in the comments of my published Tradingview idea. Amazing how difficult it is for n00bs to holistically assimilate and wrap their mind around these multifarious game theory and economic concepts.

Created in the protocol by adding pay-to-script-hash or P2SH and its derivatives such as those employed by segregated witness (SegWit).

I.e. the 1% not UASF, MASF nor other democrazy nonsense which Bitcoin is destroying.

Miners don’t decide and will be forced by the economic majority to mine the legacy fork because presumably the “attack” will occur at a nosebleed high price with the network hashrate mining difficulty pumped sky high, and to coincide with suddenly dumping million+ ₿ of the free airdropped Core (aka SegWit) sh8tcoins on the exchanges thus cratering the price of the soi-disant “official” Bitcoin fork (which everyone erroneously believes is Bitcoin). The price will be so low compared to the mining difficulty, that miners won’t even recoup a negligible fraction of their electricity costs. The Core sh8tcoin will halt because no blocks will be mined. And the mining difficulty can not be adjusted lower until 2016 blocks are mined — yet since no blocks will be mined because not profitable, then non-legacy (aka Core) protocol blockchain will be stuck and halt. Which of course will cause massive panic selling on the centralized exchanges, which will probably cause exchanges to also halt, lol. Blockstream’s “power rangers” will be forced to ”maintain” their sh8t staining fetish by manually hard forking (i.e. hard f*cking in the butthole and polishing the circlejerk turd of) their mining difficulty, thus rendering their Core sh8tcoin a centralized, sh8t stained security. And then the repeated ‘difficulty bomb‘ attacks will ensue until that sh8tstainedcorn is notionally “valued” ~$0. Let’s suppose human waste has some infinitesimal value to microbes and the antediluvian agricultural economy.

If you don’t understand the egregious significance of the aforelinked mining difficulty non-readjustment (aka ‘difficulty bomb’) attack, then find someone who can teach you. Essentially it means all proof-of-work altcoins will be destroyed.

Whereas at the time of the restoration “attack” the legacy Bitcoin blockchain will not have a high mining difficulty relative to its value, and there will be ANYONECANSPEND booty available in each block mined thus increasing the mining reward. Thus miners will only have the choice to either sell their ASICs or mine on the legacy Bitcoin chain forsaking the sh8t stained protocol fork forevermore.

Readers should forward this information to Michael Saylor and Elon Musk so they don’t lose $billions by hodling their ₿ in the invalid address format that implicitly donates to the miners.

There are multiple reasons why the Core sh8tcoin (aka as the Public Relations Bitcoin “scam”) can’t recover — and the sh8t stain can‘t be indefinitely polished — after the mining difficulty is manually reset with a hard fork:

  1. Aforementioned repetitive, inexorable ‘difficulty bomb’ attacks.
  2. It will no longer be decentralized, having evidenced that it requires centralized hard forks. This also probably makes it a security under the Howey test jurisprudence for U.S. securities law.
  3. The miners will have accumulated many legacy ₿ as ANYONECANSPEND thus have a vested interest in its success, as they probably don’t want to dump all that booty in rush cratering the price.
  4. Everyone will have sold their Core sh8tcoins and scared a.f. of ever touching those kamikaze dive bombing tokens again. Burn me once, but you won’t burn me twice.
  5. Will have destroyed all the snowflakes aspiring to features added by Core that have deleterious effects (i.e. antithetical to value formation) in terms of restandardization of money and game theory of money. Thus no more money to grab from the greater fools with the Core scam — enslavement goal achieved.

Snowflakes can’t fathom why the 1% minority comprising the rich and powerful (i.e. the economic majority) would sacrifice the relatively, poverty-stricken majority? The snowflakes presume that the 1% need the majority else any monetary standard adopted by the wealthy would have no value. These needy, aspirant, ‘nigger’ snowflakes fail to grasp is that the wealthy decide which monetary reserve asset will be used for business, politics, debt, etc.. The sheeppl follow enslaved because they have never had the power to choose anything ever — they’re pacified with self-belief propaganda and blissful, aspirant delusions promoted by Hollyweird and the N(igger)B(arbarian)A(rchetype).

Yet even after this ELI5, the ‘nigger’ stones in between @exstasie’s ears still won’t fathom why the legacy ₿ tokens would have any value, because he ostensibly incorrectly concludes that monetary value is a USAF consensus (aka democrazy) and not embedded in the Nash equilibrium monetary restandardization that organizes/promotes/fosters maximum capital formation via the constant marginal utility of an Ideal Money. Which is an unrelated process to onboarding poverty stricken plebs (c.f. also) in Web 3.0 with transaction scaling.

Above image is a compendium of excerpts from my comments about the posited ANYONECANSPEND (restoration of Nash equilibrium) “attack” looming for Bitcoin, which were posted to my small, private Telegram group discussion.

These comments lack the detailed exposition of the previous exposition.

Click here to view the aforementioned censored link.


Click here to view the aforementioned censored link.


Click here to view the aforementioned censored link.


Timing of posited ANYONECANSPEND donations-to-the-miners Nash Equilibrium restoration “attack”[event]

Obviously the publication of the posited legacy protocol fork (with the taking by the hero miners of the ANYONECANSPEND donations which are illegal in the modified protocol of the soft-fork impostor currently masquerading as the “official” Bitcorn) should ideally occur at a nosebleed price so that the systemic mining difficulty is skyhigh, which will make the impostor fork impossible to mine as the event crashes the price.

In the past I had been trying to fathom how the posited donations event could occur earlier than projected timing of the programmed next halving event and still correspond to Faketoshi Craig S. Wright’s pledge that such an event would correspond to a halving event.

Maybe this isn’t important (and certainly isn’t central to my overall ANYONECANSPEND thesis) yet I believe Craig although not Satoshi (Satoshi wasn’t a single person anyway) is actually an important pawn of the plan Rothschild is foisting on us. I believe somehow Craig’s inane claim to be Satoshi will be leveraged as the scapegoat for dumping on the exchanges of the free airdrop (when the impostor soft-fork is forced to hard fork) of the million ₿ thought to have been mined by Satoshi.

Originally I contemplated that if the legacy fork had surreptitiously forked off after SegWit was activated in 2017, that if the hashrate had been privately, monotonically increased (instead of the non-monotonic, volatile, undulating increase of the market driven public mining difficulty) then the blocks could have been accelerated as compared to an expected ten minute per block average. This is why I had come to believe that the surreptitious fork had plausibly already occurred before 2019 unless the cryptowinter was to be delayed until 2024. Given that it’s only possible to convert or repair your tainted-with-non-legacy-address-lineage tokens to bona fide legacy tokens (i.e. remove the ANYONECANSPEND vulnerability) by spending them to a legacy address and only if you do this before the said, posited, surreptitious fork, I had come to believe that as of 2019 forward that this reparation was no longer possible (contrary to what I had advised before such as in 2018 when I first became aware of this ANYONECANSPEND issue). Thus I had earlier in 2021 (or was is 2020?) in an interaction with AsciiLifeform (who formerly interacted daily in the Btcbase logs with the million ₿ blogger Mircea Popescu) on Curtis Yarvin’s substack blog, I had on my todo list to discuss with him his assertion that such reparation was still available.

In the intervening time in October 2021, I realized that the accelerated halving event that Craig has alluded to, could come from a different method. Specifically the repeating difficulty bomb non-readjustment attacks after the Core developers reset the mining difficult lower with a manual hardfork (thus making the non-legacy sh8tcoin no longer decentralized!) as their only option after the non-legacy (aka Core or SegWit) blockchain’s tokens (aka BTC or ₿) are cratered in price such as with a Tether failure (likely to happen soon due to China’s commercial paper defaults), dumping of a millions ₿ on the exchange (as promised by Craig Wright and Mircea Popescu) and possibly imminent regulations on stablecoins and/or insider attacks on the exchanges — i.e. there are many ways for the elite overlords to crash the price when they are ready to.

With the mining difficult reset so low, a series of difficulty bomb non-readjustment attacks could accelerate the halving! In other words, Core devs set it lower, the bomb attack occurs (which is not the ANYONECANSPEND attack, don’t conflate the two), the mining difficulty is stuck too high again, thus Core devs set it lower again. Repeat over and over again, until the halving results after a very short period of time. Which will also make it clear that the non-legacy blockchain (and all other proof-of-work altcoins) are entirely non-viable and worthless.

However when thinking more about the likely goal of our elite overlord enslavers to ensnare us in unpayable, egregious tax obligations, I realized that the income taxable airdrop at a nosebleed price takes precedence to Craig’s assertion (which may or may not have anything to do with the posited ANYONECANSPEND event). Also it’s not possible to monotonically increase the hash rate surreptitiously without also creating the airdrop prematurely as well. The orthogonality of transactions and block hashes only applies to how the legacy blockchain will be able to continue to add transactions from the non-legacy blockchain even after the fork off event, as long as those transactions share the same UXTO records — thus the ANYONECANSPEND donations will continue as long as the non-legacy blockchain continues. This will continue to finance miners to choose to mine legacy instead of non-legacy, giving non-legacy no chance of survival (although the difficulty bomb non-readjustment attacks are unsurvivable anyway for all proof-of-work altcoins).

Let’s be clear that there are four separate, posited “attacks” and 3 of the 4 do not necessary have to occur at the same juncture:

  1. A surreptitious, posited airdrop
  2. A cliff fall sudden (so PoW mining difficulty can’t readjust) cratering of the cryptocosm to low price levels to kick-off the difficulty bomb non-readjustment attacks
  3. The difficulty bomb non-readjustment attacks
  4. The ANYONECANSPEND donations to the miners for all SegWit proof-of-work blockchains

Additionally, the following invalidates my prior assumption that presuming a goal of maximizing the taxable income harm on the naive Bitcoin maximalist hodlers, the airdrop income would need to occur in a year prior the year of the posited creative destruction, Nash equilibrium restoration event. The airdrop could occur at any higher price in 2022 or beyond, although it’s not a certainty that the airdrop did not already occur.

The main reason I was hypothesizing that the posited, surreptitious fork of Bitcoin would likely to have occurred in 2021 was because I was presuming that capital gains losses could not be carried back to prior years to offset income from the posited airdrop income that said fork would create. I was hypothesizing that the posited ANYONECANSPEND donations event that craters the ₿ price could transpire in a tax year subsequent to the tax year for the posited fork and airdrop income. It matters not whether income is taxed at a higher rate than capital gains (although it typically is in many nations), as the relevant issue is whether income from the posited airdrop could be offset by the capital losses from the posited ANYONECANSPEND “donations” (i.e. tokens “stolen” as taken by the miners but prefer the term ‘swiped’ or ‘commandeered’ to emphasize their heroic efforts to restore the Nash equilibrium that the impostor soft-fork foisted on naive imbeciles).

However, apparently in many (if not most or even all) nations (at least those with taxation on income) the net capital gains losses can’t offset (earned?) income even if they occur in the same year!

For example the USSA is limited to $3000 per year of said offsets. Finland limited to €1,400 total. The UK none:

It is important to note that capital losses cannot be offset against income, they can go only against capital gains (subject to certain very limited exceptions)

Ethereum is also possibly going to have a related airdrop because of the heat death against miners.

Really it is as if this is all well coordinated for the entire cryptocosm. How did they get Vitalik to do this? Was this massaged in by some moles to sway their decision process and timing? Am I too paranoid. This is all very dystopian as if scripted for an episode of the Twilight Zone TV series.

As the above linked post explains, you now have to be concerned with involuntary income taxation due to the airdropped Core tokens at their pre-crash value […] Craig Wright recently warned that global coordination such as via the intergovernmental global agency Financial Action Task Force (FATF) will force the miners to freeze Bitcoins which were involved in crime […] They will destroy us both with income taxes for the involuntary airdrop, the inability to spend [i.e. cash out, during and] after the attack because blocks will be full of donated SegWit tokens, and then later the FATF will declare that all SegWit lineage coins must be frozen […] I realized that FATF need not actually force the miners to censor transactions on the blockchain. Merely establishing that SegWit taint on lineage renders tokens illegal will cause payees to refuse to accept the BTC with tainted, illegal lineage. So the effect is the same, in that we won’t be able to spend nor cash out of those tainted BTC.

The mothership FATF plus the nine (9) regional FATF affiliated groups appears[could be posited] to [be] the 10 Kings in Biblical Revelation […] Ostensibly legacy Bitcoin is how the 66.6% (enslavement by stable, [66.6%] super majority rule) NWO system “will come into view”, c.f. also.


Archived, archived.

I no longer think the FATF could force a change to the Bitcoin protocol, although the nation-states will fight Bitcoin but be unsuccessful except in terms of the collateral damage against their subjects (aka ‘citizens’, ‘nationals’ or for example ‘U.S. persons’) because for example nation-states could prevent their entrapped vassals from cross-integration of their Bitcoin economy participation, into the nation-state’s fiat economy, by enforcing taxation on Bitcoin transactions coupled with regulations on for example proof-of-source-of-funds (PoSoFs) with a ban/phaseout of cash replaced by fully permissioned (i.e. centralized) central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). This would create a two-tier monetary system (c.f. also 1, 2, 3, 4) with the plebs enslaved on CBDCs and the uber wealthy able to jurisdiction hop and transact in Bitcoin. I explained to James A. Donald (alias Jim) the first person to respond to Satoshi Nakamoto on the mailing list where Satoshi had announced Bitcoin in 2008.

The posited Nakamoto proof-of-work ‘blood diamonds’ censorship Schelling point suffers from an egregious myopia about the economics of Bitcoin. Any attempt to censor transactions with less than a majority of the hashrate required to enforce it, thus decreases the available block space for uncensored transactions. Which increases the transaction fees for miners that accept said transactions. As the protocol block reward halves and transaction fees become a larger percentage of the miner’s revenue, the survival-of-the-fittest miners (profitability determines which can buy the latest and most efficient ASICs) will jurisdiction hop to those such as El Salvador which have jettisoned the dying extant global monetary system underpining the FATF and the alleged network effects (SWIFT, etc). All the FATF can do is force a hard fork which will die because nobody will transact on it due to Bitcoin’s entire raison d’être (and thus value proposition) is to be an alternative to undisciplined political fiat systems.

This is how Bitcoin becomes the global settlement and reserve currency in a fragmented monetary system world taking form with the sanctions against Russia (and eventually China et al) — the underlying goal for the war by the entities behind the curtain who are playing the various actors (USG, Cathedral, Russia, etc) off on each other to enslave the profligate nation-states in John Nash’s Ideal Money manifesto paradigm. But eventually only for $billion transactions in a two-tiered monetary system where the plebs are kicked off by the limited block space driving transaction fees to $10,000+. Additionally the destruction of the HTLC scaling paradigms which rely on variants of Gavin Andresen’s pay-to-script-hash (and subsequently the 2017 soft fork) which said UTXO are an ANYONECANSPEND donations-to-the-miners booty in the legacy protocol which will be restored by the game theory and economics of mining — said booty has disrupted the Nash equilibrium until taken by the miners. I could email you my irrefutable ELI5 proof and explanation if you are interested (will not link it publicly yet my permission is granted to paraphrase publicly if you find it worthy). I could really careless if you want to censor the facts it’s your and your readers loss not mine.

The miners are dangerously few, dangerously centralized, and dangerously immobile.

We are going to need proof of stake, where proof rests on secrets, which are harder to find and send goons to than enormous mining rigs.

@‍jim: Proof-of-stake liveness rubberhosed via stake’s power-law distribution resolves to the democrazy power-vacuum — nothing ventured, nothing gained technologically w.r.t. the status quo dire need for a bastion of sovereignty. Proof-of-stake is just slightly obfuscated Weberian fiat. Whereas, the posited liveness attacks on proof-of-work — majority hashrate censorship and mining difficulty rug-pull, non-readjustment attacks — don’t apply to the Moldbug/Sztorc’s One Chain To Rule Them All wherein the power-law distribution of wealth decides which protocol rules win and which lose by selling the free airdrop on the offending fork and using the proceeds to buy the immutable protocol fork. The Cathedral is subservient to the ₿millionaires analogous to your correct point that Information Epoch war vulnerability is proportional to the power-weighted surface area vulnerable to precision (e.g. assassination bounty) attack. The State is very vulnerable, the ₿millionaires invisible. Did you notice that ₿500,000 to ₿millionaire Mircea Popescu drowned himself after predicting it. Did you pay attention when he ruled that Hillary’s campaign would not be allowed to proceed after she threatened to ban encryption (Wikileaks leaks followed soon thereafter [by ‘hero’ hacker Guccifer]). Readers should deduce that the ‘hero’ hacker who leaked was (or was paid by) MP.

Your thesis is the regulatory captured miners will not be allowed to mine the immutable protocol fork, thus it follows they will not be allowed to difficulty bomb attack it either.

These[Your] links indicate will to regulate bitcoin.

They don’t indicate GAE (Global American Empire) awareness of how they could successfully regulate proof of work, let alone successfully regulate proof of stake.

Proof of stake, done correctly (which it usually is not) is controlled by distributed secrets. Cannot be rubber hosed, because each party’s master secret likely only exists as a note in the margins of a certain passage in the family bible, which bible is strangely locked up with probate papers to only be read by executors in the event of the death of the owner.

Big mining rigs with their own power station and building sized cooling towers, easy to rubber hose.

Proof of stake, done correctly, works like shares in a startup. If you own enough shares, you have proportionate influence over the startup.

Thus a proof of stake currency will be managed in accordance with the interests of the whales, as bitcoin is not being managed.

@‍jim: ₿millionaire MP destroyed the GAE threat with a snap of his fingers ostensibly by paying to release the hacked and/or hack the files. He claims the GAE is already subservient to ₿millionaires. MP was, created of funded the DAO (Ethereum) attacker.

Abstract Bitcoin miners as replaceable, powerless delegates of ₿millionaires. They will sprout up as necessary to serve them and prove the immutable protocol chain. Proof-of-stake [at best, e.g. DPoS] delegates stake authority which invalidates spontaneous replacement, thus hose-able.

Periodic stake participation in the block production consensus requires continuous access to the signing key. The individual and/or his signing server can be hosed. Delegation doesn’t alleviate the threat. The power-law distribution dictates that the 1% will control more than 50% of the state. Liveness fails (i.e. no blocks produced) if 33% fail to participate in block consensus. If 50% is unresponsive a quorum can’t even be formed to restart the block chain by abdicating unresponsive stake. Abdicating unresponsive stake can’t be distinguished from an ephemeral network failure or life circumstances event. There are other egregious, insoluble flaws in proof-of-stake such as the lack of internal objectivity (i.e. no proof of work in the chain itself) because no resources are consumed during block production.

You obviously do not know shit from beans about blockchains, and the stuff you link to was not written by or for anyone who knows anything about blockchains.

What your links reveal to me is that Shaniqua is in charge of the attack on crypto currency, and what your posts reveal to me is that Shaniqua is in charge of the bitcoin shills.

[Note the rest of Jim’s discombobulated, circumlocutory, pleonastic, garrulous response isn’t worth reading, just skip to my reply below]

Not if correctly implemented, which it seldom if ever is.

The value, the signing keys for the primary fungible token of the blockchain, is held in a client wallet. For the whales, likely a cold paper wallet located in the margin of a certain passage in the family bible. The human readable and writeable master key can generate the secrets for signing any number of unspent transaction outputs on the blockchain.

All wallets should be client wallets. The client wallets, to transact, initiate a client connection to a host that is a peer on the blockchain. No peer wallets. Peers may only hold transient and frequently erased secret keys, or frequently made public to render signed messages authenticated but unsigned, authenticated to the legitimate recipients of the cleartext because the legitimate recipient received them before publication, but not authenticated to anyone who received them in subsequent leak.

By default, the always up peer that the client wallet uses to perform transactions gets authority to represent the stake. Whales will likely do the non default thing, and nominate a particular peer, which they or their pals probably control, but do not themselves use, using instead other peers that they may well also control. Stake is authority to represent value, and is possessed by a peer identity. That peer identity is again rooted in a client wallet, probably a cold wallet, possibly the same wallet, by a chain of signatures.

So the sometimes changing peer representing the value uses its always changing hot key, which is signed by a somewhat cooler key, which is signed by a cold key, which is signed by a stone cold key on paper locked in a box in someone’s cellar, and the man who has ultimate authority over that peer, because its master key is on paper in his cellar, is probably not the man who owns the key that controls that value. He is the man that the man who actually owns the key that ultimately controls value on the blockchain chose to represent him.

This is, or should be, the blockchain analog of the system implemented by Charles the Second for the publicly traded joint stock corporation, and the human decision making process about blockchain protocol parameters will behind the scene be made in a way similar to that of those corporations, and given effect by the non human decision making process of the peers.

The shareholders of a publicly traded joint stock corporation did not need to show up in person at the business premises.

Which peers get to participate in that non human decision making process will be ultimately and indirectly controlled by ownership of the blockchain’s primary fungible token, which ownership will for larger stakeholders will be enforced through cold client wallets. In the short to medium run, controlled by which peers have the most stake. Stake is not value, not the primary fungible token, but in the long run reflects the decisions of those that hold that token.

The hot keys that prove the peer’s identity, and through which it influences the blockchain consensus, are determined through a chain of keys likely to be ultimately rooted in a cold client wallet.

Value rests in client wallets, for larger values mostly cold client wallets, value controls stake of peers, peer identities rest on client wallets, for peers with substantial stake, mostly cold client wallets.

All secrets that peers have access to are transient, frequently created, frequently erased. There are, or should be, no peer wallets. That was a grave design mistake in the original bitcoin.

Client wallets that hold major value in the form of unspent transaction outputs on the blockchain, or the master key for peers that represent a large amount of stake, are generally cold, and when warmed up for actual use, should never be connected to internet, communicating secrets generated for a particular transaction from their master secrets by showing a QR code on screen, or printing it out, and receiving secrets similarly, requiring sneakernet messages, human transport of messages, for every important transaction.

@‍jim: You’ve transitioned from reasoned argument based on facts and evidence to your priestly function. It would be foolish for me to engage in a competition of sermons against a priest inside his congregation.

I'll offer these and presume you’ll declare them heretical.

[no need to insert the links I already included in context in the prior replies above]

Ostensibly your intended design is to force your adversary to play whac-a-mole against ephemeral delegate ‘peers’. Your presumptions include that your adversary will not find and hose nor bribe nor entrap the 1% whale(s) in control of the 50+% stake ‘primary value’. The functioning of the system such as [for] permissionless transactions depends on the 1% not colluding with, being captured by or actually being the adversary to profit on censoring and/or rent seeking (on the minnows in the system). As one Coase theorem example of how power harvests externalities for optimum economic outcomes consider that the whale can short his own token, temporarily rekt it, collect profits, wash, rinse, repeat. Yarvin had a recent blog about how power can’t be altruistic/virtuous.

Let’s presume as you ostensibly wish that the stable, enduring economic incentives occupied by your fantastic Charles align with forever protecting his minnows at all costs to himself.

  1. As a minnow I have no way to know if that will remain the case. Unlike Bitcoin this is not a trustless system because it lacks a Nash equilibrium (will elaborate this point in a follow-up).

  2. The whac-a-mole game is asymmetrical in favor of the adversary, because every reestablishment of a ‘peer’ can either become equivalent to a live signing key or the blockchain becomes stalled more often than not. Also every said reestablishment is another opportunity to figuratively traceroute the source of the stake authority.

  3. Captured delegated stake have options to do harm other than become unresponsive in the interim time until their scheduled replacement. Without a timer schedule then there’s no consensus objectivity on the timing of the replacement of delegated authority because the entire raison d‘être of blockchain consensus. So your adversary can effectively take control of the blockchain via your ephemeral delegation — but I already told you that before you replied.

Nakamoto proof-of-work’s Nash equilibrium includes the economic reality that miners can’t profit by shorting and rekting their own token because unlike proof-of-stake there are actual burned resources (electricity and Moore’s law h/w depreciation) as well as [non-repurposeable] sunk costs at stake.

I don’t think it’s plausible for the FATF-GAE to impose its will on miners in every patch of earth’s land and ocean (and Musk is working on Mars for the future). Heck a miner could locate with a solar panel in the lawless Sahara desert, because miners only need to receive the hash of the block and reply with the hash attempts (sent to a mining pool) for finding the block solution. Musk’s Starlink may enable that. If necessary steganography can be employed to obscure the nature of the communication.

Russia and China et al are in the process of disconnecting from the FATF-GAE financial system. How are these disparate regimes going to agree on a UXTO black and white list? Bitcoin splits into two forks?

To the extent any said regulation is successful, those will become forks of Bitcoin that have no value, because the only value proposition of Bitcoin is as an independent store-of-value.

The miners who find a way to mine on the immutable Bitcoin protocol will be profitable, and those foolish enough to be entrapped will perish. Survival-of-the-fittest and competition insures that the immutable Bitcoin protocol fork wins and enslaves the GAE.

The miners work for the Bitcoin whales, not vice versa. Those who fail to grok this aren’t worth my nor MP’s time in arguing with. Why should we care about those who refuse or are incapable of grasping the reality?

Note the implication is that the plebs are probably fucked. Because the dysfunctional nation-states although enslaved by the Bitcoin whales, will tax and castrate everyone in the fiat world with the plan to replace cash with centralized central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) — a two-tier monetary system. Ostensibly only those wealthy enough to buy influence and jurisdictional arbitrage will be able to keep their head above the dragnet. Welcome to the NWO. I also have been trying to find an alternative solution but after 9 years of studying blockchains, I’m confident I know more about this than you do and frankly the prospects don’t look good for the plebs.

There’s no benefit for me to continue to argue with you if your replies continue to ignore reality. I commented to try to help you understand, but we can’t force the camel to drink from the oasis of truth.

The security vulnerability of proof-of-stake signing keys coupled with the concentration of stake due to the inviolable power-law distribution and/or delegation (aka Daniel Larimer’s DPoS) is paradigmatic weakness compared to proof-of-work mining which have no signing key. It’s not likely someone can steal a mining farm. I explained:

Proof-of-stake is always an insecure and/or overlord enslavement system because unlike proof-of-work, there’s no cost to attacking and/or (majority stake) controlling it profitably. Did you not read what I linked for you? Here I will quote it for you:

Even if we ignore the security costs of weak subjectivity, the myopic reasoning is still IRREPARABLY flawed:

  1. The initial capital cost of the 50+% attack on proof-of-stake (PoS) is finite and bounded by the token supply. Whereas for proof-of-work (PoW) there’s no limit on the amount of ASIC competition. And given the stock-to-flows and cost-of-production valuation models imply that the valuation matches cost-of-production in proof-of-work, there’s no upper bound on the ASIC competition other than some macroeconomic systemic cannibalization of the economy-at-large.

  2. Because the float is much smaller than the token supply, at large enough scale (i.e. a cartel wanting to take control of the PoS system) bidding up small amount of stake drives up the value of all the stake already purchased, enabling the selling of some of the stake to effectively render the retrospective, purchase cost of the retained stake free or even negative cost. Security deposits cost nothing at sufficient scale — nothing at stake.

  3. With nothing effectively at stake (i.e. no opportunity cost for the security deposits) per #2 then 50+% cartel can for example short the token price on exchanges while effecting some malfeasance with their 50+% control of the consensus algorithm, earning profits at no cost. Whereas, PoW always burns electricity and the depreciation of hardware due to Moore’s law. Thus there’s no security at all at cartel scale for PoS and maintaining the cartel has no ongoing cost because the control only has to be paid for once (and can even be obtained at no cost per #2), whilst a cartel in PoW always has ongoing costs which are burned and competes with ongoing unbounded ASIC participation.

  4. The centralization risk for PoW becomes onerous when the programmed block reward becomes significantly smaller than the transaction fee revenue, because the Nash equilibrium shifts to cartel cooperation to maximize the transaction fee revenue. Thus the end game for Bitcoin is a 666 system of control.

To fully grok the combined effect of #1 – 3, note that proof-of-stake is essentially the way democracy really works not the fiction we delude ourselves with, in that not everyone has an equal vote and the collective resource is a power vacuum that is captured profitably by the most ruthless. The rich and powerful decide the elections, not the citizens. And it’s a fact of natural economic law that all fungible resources become power-law distributed — i.e. that the top few percent of the population actually control 90+% of the actual wealth. Note delusional debt bubbles wherein the middle class is told the lie that they are worth 30X more than they really are may obfuscate the reality that a few globalists own everything, but the eventual correction to the mean always reveals that the slaves (aka “citizens” of demoncrazy) were always actuarially bankrupt anyway.

Thus proof-of-stake is always veiled dictatorship with its controlling oligarchy subject to being conquered by a more powerful force (e.g. the USG can arrest them and take control). Typically the controlling oligarchy maximizes the profitability of their (perhaps obfuscated) controlling stake to extract the most the market can bear or for other overarching goals the oligarchy has.

Proof-of-stake is unable to present any objective, decentralized reality because it costs nothing for the winner of the race to capture control of the system, i.e. no objectively measurable cost such electricity nor Moore’s law depreciation is burned or spent — which in contrast proof-of-work objectively records in the hash solutions for each block.

Note Jim’s incorrect posited ~30% of the systemic hashrate inflection point for his incorrect posited ‘diamond blood’ outcome shouldn’t be conflated with a posited selfish mining attack on Nakamoto proof-of-work which I explained is implausible (archived, archived, c.f. also).

I’ve also contemplated systemic contagion and nation-state taxation. I read the fine print terms-of-service (TOS) for instant electronic banking transfers such as Zelle and essentially the funds can be clawed back from the recipient indefinitely into the future if the payee’s source of funds was criminal or is clawed back for any reason. Imagine how such clawbacks could domino cascade through the financial system. Realize any fragment of the circulating portion of the money supply (regardless that normally the circulating portion is a exceedingly small percentage of the total supply) tends to circulate through numerous transactions thus increasing number of downstream, derivative transactions that will be clawed back in a domino cascade.

Imagine the harm that could result from certain critical transactions being clawed back indefinitely in the future. Your Internet business’ domain, your house/land or perhaps the worst your taxes. Imagine your fully paid taxes are clawed back and now the IRS has grounds to cancel your passport (also Canada and ostensibly also Australia as intent to not pay tax debt would involve a crime against the Commonwealth), arrest you at the border and garnish all your wages and other assets. Passports were invented by Rome as a freedom-of-movement control mechanism to force subjects to pay their taxes. Ostensibly non-payment of taxes in the UK is not criminal, but non-payment of child support is grounds for revoking a passport.

So conducting such critical transactions with irreversible, non-repudiable, physical cash or money order may be the safest. The serial numbers on the cash though could later be claw backed as having been associated with some crime, i.e. destroying the fungibility of money. Bitcoin and gold payments could also suffer such an attack on their fungibility. An cashier’s check instrument drawn on a bank would link any clawbacks on the associated bank account. I can’t say for sure that clawbacks are coming, but why risk it?

IRS: Here’s how taxpayers can pay their taxes

Pay with cash. Taxpayers can make a cash payment at a participating retail partner. Taxpayers can do this at more than 7,000 locations nationwide. Taxpayers can visit for instructions on how to pay with cash.

If the cash comes out of the ATM machine for your bank account, presumably the serial numbers have also been tracked. So I am not 100% sure if this removes the potential threat of clawback.

For the ultra-paranoid to attempt to make the cash untraceable one could go spend cash for very small items at retail stores use the change to pay the IRS. That would suffice unless all cash essentially was clawed back. Many retail stores are now refusing to deal in physical cash. Also that would take a long time though even if you have $100 bills. I guess could buy and then sell up to $10,000 tranches of gold without some dealers reporting to IRS. Could then use this cash to pay the taxes to delink from the original bank account source.

If the world turns so lawless that everything cash is clawed back then the society is probably going to revolt. So this would have to be something sold to the public as only applicable to a segment of the population. Maybe they will only clawback those whose source of funds was cryptocurrency. But if they do that then they should not be able to assess taxes on the gains, except they can argue the realized gain is orthogonal to the anti-fraud activities. And we signed the tax return admitting our culpability.

Related links:

  • IRS Rev. Rul. 2019-24 — 26 CFR 1.61-1: Gross income.(Also §§ 61, 451, 1011.)

    Cryptocurrency from an airdrop generally is received on the date and at the time it is recorded on the distributed ledger.

    Someone disputed this:

    Not sure I 100% follow, but one thing I think(?) I don't quite agree or understand, is that I would think that the block height of the surreptitious fork is not the moment you are thought to get possession of the airdrop, it's the moment when it's made publicly available instead.

    There’s no definitive date for “when made public.” How would you prove this? Also the 2019 IRS document I linked above clarified airdrops and clearly states it is the date on the blockchain when the private keys are thus spendable.

    in court it would be some expert witness that would state when it became public

    Disagree. There would be transactions before any date you could show. It would not be cogent to argue that some people had access to their legacy and others not. You can not prove you did not have secret access whiles others did. Nobody can prove this. How do you prove you do not have access?

    The IRS clearly states that the date is when the private keys are spendable. Period.

    The entire concept of something being a secret is unprovable on an individual basis. Besides how do you know the legacy fork will not be “made public” at the instant they start the attack on the exchanges?

    Also the entire defense is technically invalid, because the non-legacy fork has always been published since Bitcoin was launched. The date at which the non-legacy fork has deviated from the legacy on the non-legacy ledger is the date of the airdrop. The non-legacy fork is perfectly visible.

    So just nevermind that entire thought you had. Do you see how clever Rothschild is? That you claim to not have known that you had an airdrop, is like claiming ignorance of the law. Ignorance is not a valid defense. Claiming you had not knowledge of the timing of an airdrop and that is why you did not sell it, is like to trying to argue to a tax court that the reason you did not sell your business before it had a huge capital gain was because you didn’t know about something. Whose responsibility it is to know and what does that have to do with the tax law? You chose to invest in crazy cryptocurrency.

    No it is not, but if the top 10 largest exchanges for example was ignorant about it as well, a random individual crypto hobbyist can't be expected to have been aware of it.”

    That has nothing to do with the tax law. Read what the tax law says.

    there is ignorance and there is “no way of being aware

    Your obligations under the tax law have nothing to with the specifics of your knowledge of your investment sector. The latter is your problem and has nothing to do with the tax law. Under your own free will you chose to invest in a sector with such obfuscation issues. The tax law does not care. Do not ask for Nanny government. Be responsible for your own decisions. It is not the responsibility for the government to protect you from your own risky investments.

    Obligations do not change, but it could be argued that the date and the price on that day that I got possession of the airdrop couldn't have been somewhere in the past where no exchange was even trading it or no one was aware of it.”

    The blockchain is trading every day on chain, notwithstanding what any exchanges do or don’t do. You will have possession immediately. Being unaware is not the responsibility of the tax law. You choose under your own freewill which sectors to invest in. Socialism is collapsing. Scandinavians (and all EU) will need to learn to not depend on statism.

    The German Finance Ministry (has stepped into the void of prior regional jurisprudence) has recently prepared a draft decree (due to be final before end of 2021!!) that clarified that gift tax income applies to airdrops:

    In the case of private assets, the acquisition is made in exchange for the transfer of data, personal pictures/photos, etc., which is to be qualified as a service of the taxpayer. Other income is therefore deemed to exist. Without consideration, gift tax provisions must be observed.

    That’s a contradiction to the former (ostensibly bad) tax advice provided by German tax advisers:

    Others support the assumption that in cases of Hardforks the user receives cryptocurrencies without having purchased these or having provided any other service in return […] If the user does not provide services, there is also no other income as defined by Section 22 No. 3 EStG. As a result, this also does not constitute a taxable gift.

    The centralized authorities have been told to get their ducks lined up for something?

  • ‘Do you mean to function as a corporate franchisee of the United States, Inc. under Puerto Rican law?’

  • Increased IRS Enforcement of Tax Information Reporting and Withholding Appears to Be Coming

    One area that taxpayers may see an increase in IRS enforcement is the auditing of IRS Forms 1099, 1042 and 1042-S. In addition to dedicating greater resources, the IRS has already increased its focus on these reports and information returns over the past few years […] The IRS has been increasing its use of data analytics to better select tax returns and specific issues to examine for several years now. By (i) further investing in upgrading information technology capabilities and (ii) increasing the amount of information that financial institutions would be required to report annually, the IRS will be better equipped to identify trends and potential tax issues of financial institutions’ account holders.

    Expect the IRS to become very aggressive with its audits of high income investors and probably with crypto investors at top of the list to be audited.

  • 26 U.S. Code § 6050I - Returns relating to cash received in trade or business, etc. The extant tax code before the amendment which will include receipt of cryptocurrency in the statute. This is huge problem because if someone anonymously sent $10+k to your Bitcoin address, you would have no way to not receive it and no way to complete the reporting requirement. The law could send everyone who ever had a Bitcoin address to jail for 5 years, because there’s no technological means in to destroy a Bitcoin address! If you had linked your identity to a Bitcoin address in the past, the address remains available indefinitely to receive transactions. This is an intentional flaw in Bitcoin and it’s unfathomable that Satoshi (i.e. Rothschild) was as sloppy and not astutely, premeditated as “Power Rangers” imbeciles want to believe.

    A failed retort could be that the above statue only applies if transaction received in the course of conducting some ‘trade or business’ but how the heck do you prove it was not if you don’t even know the identity of the payee. And most of us have used at least one of our Bitcoin addresses for some gainful or trade/business related purpose. And the amended statute also makes all payees culpable, regardless even if the recipient failed to request the data.

    If this passes and depending on Treasury Department guidance, I might have to seriously consider renouncing U.S. citizenship[correcting my status as State citizen by birth thus a bona fide American State national].

  • Proof-of-Stake Alliance’s Research Report

    The proposed amendment to Section 6050I states that, in a broad range of scenarios, “any person” who receives over $10,000 in digital assets must verify the sender’s personal information, including Social Security number, and sign and submit a report to the government within 15 days. Failure to comply results in mandatory fines and can be a felony (up to five years in prison).

    […pg 6]

    Only recipients are required to file reports, but the law also creates new crimes for any person who sends digital assets to others. Encouraging recipients not to file Form 8300, giving false personal information to the recipient, and “structuring” transactions to avoid the reporting threshold are also felonies.

    […pg 9]

    The $10,000 threshold applied to physical cash began fifty years ago with the Bank Secrecy Act’s requirement that banks report large currency transactions. As a practical matter, inflation continues to shrink the threshold: $10,000 in 1970 equates to about $65,000 in today’s dollars. Leaving aside how low the limit is and how rapidly it will be eaten away by inflation, the threshold is more complicated than it might seem. And if you want to limit your exposure to the law by keeping your payments and receipts small, you might want to discuss your strategy with a lawyer. As with other reporting statutes, “structuring” transactions — or assisting with structuring, or attempting to structure — is a felony. “Structuring means breaking up a large cash transaction into small cash transactions.”

  • DeFi and the “Digital Asset” Felony Hidden in the Infrastructure Bill

  • Transacting more than $10K in crypto? You may soon have to report that to the government

  • Crypto’s ‘DeFi’ Projects Aren’t Immune to Regulation, SEC’s Gensler Say

    Gary Gensler agrees with my apprehension:

    the bill expanded the definition of a broker to “any person who (for consideration) regularly provides any service responsible for effectuating transfers of digital assets, including any decentralized exchange or peer-to-peer marketplace.” That could include virtually every kind of participant in the industry, from miners and [proof-of-stake block] validators to software developers and node operators.


    Imagine if Congress had classified modem owners as “private delivery service providers” in the 1980s and taxed them on the number of emails they exchanged to make up for the U.S. Postal Service’s lost postage revenue? Or if Internet service providers in the 1990s had to gather detailed information on every person using the web and report the data to the IRS? Only surveillance states like China have that capability.

    Note that law takes effect in 2023. Or 2024?

  • Infrastructure bill, including crypto "broker" rules, becomes law

    It is unclear whether future legislation will be enacted to specifically limit the potentially expansive definition of ‘broker’ in the digital asset space, or whether the IRS and the Treasury Department will use their regulatory authority to do so.

    I doubt that provision can apply to software developers as the ‘regularly’ and ‘for compensation’ seem to preclude culpability — yet anything is possible in a world where the law has been totally corrupted. But it could apply to proof-of-work (PoW) miners and proof-of-stake (PoS) validators, in which case I see Daniel Larmier’s delegated proof-of-stake (DPoS) being employed to position the delegated PoS validators outside the U.S. jurisdiction. And Bitcoin mining industry would be banned in the U.S., so I seriously doubt they are going to include PoW miners in the definition thus it seems it would be a double-standard and violation of the Equal Protection Clause to only include PoS validators and not PoW miners in the application of the law — yet I repeat that anything is possible in a world where the law has been totally corrupted.

    Could they push for new legislation that classifies as brokers those PoW miners and PoS validators that include regulated DeFi transactions in blocks? But PoW miners can’t be identified by the hash that wins the block, although centralized U.S. PoW pools could be regulated. And delegated PoS validators may also prove to be elusive as they could virtualized entities, although maybe the government could target the individual stake hodlers that delegate their stake power and penalize them when they cash out to fiat thus identifying themselves via KYC regulations.

  • DeFi Is Like Nothing Regulators Have Seen Before. How Should They Tackle It?

    Without those pressure points, things will get tricky. “It’s going to be very difficult to regulate DeFi. Much harder than crypto,” says Katherine Kirkpatrick, co-chair of the financial services practice at King & Spalding. “The ultimate question, beyond how to regulate, is how do you enforce the rules? How do you make someone accountable for breaking the rules? It doesn’t make sense to regulate if you have no enforcement mechanism.”


    In other words, trying to regulate DeFi is a bit like trying to parent a super-powered 14-year-old who can fly, teleport and turn invisible at will.

    So aspects of centralization is what they’ll regulate first. But then over the horizon is the Digital Kill Switch — Klaus Schwab’s “vaccinate” the Internet blacklist or whitelist which could come as a result of the inability of government to regulate decentralization:

    Lawyers invented robots,” he says. “The corporation is a legal fiction — it has personhood under the law. We have a very robust series of laws that explain what that means.”


    That means a DAO, like a corporation, could be the target of legal or regulatory judgments, even if it had no formal leaders.


    We’re starting to see that – who’s responsible for decisions made by an AI? Is it a software developer, is it code?” asks Palley. “For it to be a code, you have to recognize legal personhood for software. It sounds goofy and science-fictiony, but it’s not too far over the horizon.”

Archived, archived.

Related links:

  • ECASH & Elizabeth Warren’s Hatred of America Linked to WEF

    It is terminating the Federal Reserve issuance of paper money. The Fed will still be able to create electronic money buying in bonds etc as they do no […] It is the en-run against economic freedom and forces everyone on the [panopticon control] grid […] they will eliminate the cash economy and realize Elizabeth Warren’s wet dream – they will tax absolutely everything!

    It is interesting how our economic freedom made America the #1 world economy and Warren turns to Schwab’s star economist on how to bring America down to its knees. The WEF goal is to end the United States as a superpower. I call that treason.

    Warren’s adviser is not American – but the French Communist [Thomas Pickety] who lurks in the shadows.

    Armstrong is correct this will eliminate the cash economy in the USA.

    I think everyone who eyes glossed over reading this document, is unwilling to admit that this dystopia is accelerating. And once our overlords have a Digital Kill Switch to control who may buy and sell with cash, then how can anyone fight back? An impoverished man blocked from buying or selling anything, thus can not resist.

    So now we know how they plan to shoehorn the incoming 1984 dystopia. We have only a few years of cash remaining.

    THIS WILL BE IN EVERY COUNTRY. And the Ministry of Health[Hell] will be able to turn off your 666 chip if you refuse the cancer-causing morbidity vaccines or if you refuse to memebotically regurgitate the Ministry of [Un]Truth’s propaganda.

    The beast was given a mouth to utter proud words and blasphemies and to exercise its authority for forty-two months. It opened its mouth to blaspheme God, and to slander his name and his dwelling place and those who live in heaven. It was given power to wage war against God’s holy people and to conquer them. And it was given authority over every tribe, people, language and nation […] It also forced all people, great and small, rich and poor, free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hands or on their foreheads, so that they could not buy or sell unless they had the mark, which is the name of the beast or the number of its name. This calls for wisdom. Let the person who has insight calculate the number of the beast, for it is the number of a man. That number is 666.” — Revelation 13:5-7;16-18

    Can you survive this all alone out in the rural hinterlands? How will you buy supplies? Will Agenda2030 outlaw land ownership, non-corporate farming, etc?

    Seems to me that you need to go where the people are who are prepared to shoot their own government in the head. The place where 50% of the population is Armed & Dangerous. And the place where they are already Mad As Hell. There is only one country on earth that I know that has those attributes, even though it is fading, some ~33% rejected the Certificate Of Verified[assal, Great Harlot] IDolatry and some smaller percent are willing to die with their cold gun in their hand and are not going to go live in the city to piss-into-the-wind pretending that everything is normal while their freedom is whittled and pissed away.


    Those who desire peace with their illegitimate government and disarm, end up slaves.

    That hopium aside someone needs to get busy on creating the altcoin that might provide a resilient cryptocurrency alternative to all this madness.

    • ECASH & Biden’s Attack on the Financial Markets

      If enacted the Ecash Act U.S. Congress proposes the central bank digital currency to be fully rolled out within ~3 years. Yet once again Martin Armstrong does not fully understand blockchains nor cryptography. It’s impossible to make bearer hardware secure against double-spends!

      Dragomirescu acknowledges that WhisperCash, like every piece of hardware ever built, can’t offer perfect security. The realistic goal is to make it so expensive and time consuming to hack the chip that no one would bother. Any version of state-backed money will involve restrictions on how much can be stored on a device and how much can be moved in a transaction […] Even if a hacker managed to unlock a digital cash wallet for double spending, it would be hard to actually spend the money, because everyone else’s device would still be capped.

      Once the hardware chip is reverse engineered then anyone could write software to emulate it without limitation and thus double-spend at-will. That is why the Act will need this:

      Because it doesn’t have to connect to a network, it would work even in places with no internet access or in the event of a natural disaster (a prospect that grows ever likelier thanks to climate change) […] In that situation, people would need to be able to make transactions with no internet access, but these transactions would have still have to be periodically uploaded to the central bank.

      So stop the nonsense about it being anonymous. KYC will be required and logged and all of it reported to the central bank. It is at best slightly private to users of the system (i.e. your neighbor doesn’t know you bought a porn video), but nothing private at all w.r.t. to the snooping eyes of the government. Metadata has always been the reason that blockchains are not anonymous for most people, so nothing changes. Blockchains are perfectly anonymous for those who have the ability and resources to obscure all their metadata and traceability.

      This is a way to hand out UBI to poor people to create a network-effect dependency on digital cash. This will open the door for a central bank digital currency (CBDC) for larger transfers in which every transaction is validated against a single (perhaps distributed) ledger.

      Armstrong also blogged:

      Simultaneously, Biden is introducing the “Billionaire Minimum Income Tax,” imposing a 20% minimum tax rate on U.S. households worth more than $100 million, even though they are not billionaires […] “this new minimum tax will eliminate the ability for the unrealized income of ultra-high-net-worth households to go untaxed for decades or generations.” […] That means if you own a company or even a house, and the CURRENT market value rises to whatever the IRS uses, guess what, you will have to pay 20% tax on the value of your stocks, company, or your home.

      Yeah $100 million might not be that high a threshold if there’s rampant MMT inflation over this entire decade. For example, 25% per year (current actual inflation rate) compounded for 10 years is 9.31, thus that $100 million would be only ~$11 million in today’s dollars.

  • Welcoming the New World Order

    We are witnessing the decline and fall of the world economy as we have known it. Those who have hated the dollar, always calling for its crash, will see a future where even cryptocurrencies will not survive. The false belief that somehow crypto will bypass the central banks and end fiat is such a joke. Ukraine’s power plant, the largest nuclear plant in all of Europe, has been captured and is on fire. Crypto is worthless without a power grid.

    Martin Armstrong is a 70-something year old, atavistic, Boomer dinosaur who hasn’t even invested the effort to understand Bitcoin properly. Which is appalling given he claims to be a computer programmer, as I am. Armstrong, Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett and Peter Schiff exude intransigent pride due to their lack of deep, holistic insight which I have explicated in this document.

    1. Legacy Bitcoin (the original protocol with 1 MiB block size and 10 minute block periods) doesn’t require any power grid to operate. One of the most salient innovations of Nakamoto proof-of-work is that it can be highly distributed because the block solution is only a 256-bit (i.e. 32 bytes) cryptographic hash. So Bitcoin miners can operate on solar panels out in the middle of the Sahara desert communicating by satellite or even shortwave radio. Even Bitcoin transactions could be broadcast by shortwave radio.

    2. Legacy Bitcoin isn’t designed to be a high transaction rate system. It was designed by “Satoshi Nakamoto” (i.e. Rothschild’s hidden message I am Nash’ + two Japanese wordsarchived, c.f. also) to be the reserve currency that all central banks will hold, because it will be the only monetary asset suitable for the digital age that is neutral and non-aligned in the multiipolar world that will take form at the conclusion of the WW3 underway. Everything that has been happening to create the Great Reset NWO has all been premeditated by Rothschild et al. Even John Nash explained in his Ideal Money manifesto (upon which Bitcoin is modeled) that gold is not suitable because it can be manipulated by nation-states.

    Martin Armstrong’s ignorance and intransigence is so tiring. I have been emailing these points to him since 2015 and he absolutely refuses to open his eyes. What can you do with Boomers? I guess put them out to pasture, their minds are ossified maybe they drank too much milk in their youth and they have calcification of the brain, lol. 🤦🏻

    I have tried my best to teach Martin and open his mind, but he is more closed-minded than a donkey with its head buried in the ground.

    So welcome the New World Order, but it will be NOTHING as even Schwab expected.

    Oh little, irrelevant Marty is offended because the plan of our overlords is proceeding exactly as premeditated since 1988 and 2010. Pound sand, Marty. Doth protest too much, methinks. Martin could have made himself relevant but no, his useless pride will not allow it.

    In Something is rotten in the Denver airport I elaborated on a posited the ten year cycle for Bitcoin which implicates the overlords.

  • The End of Cryptocurrency Coming?

    I warned on the private blog that cryptocurrencies may end up being suspended. The excuse will be Russia and the news is out now that Biden will sign an Executive Order to regulate cryptos because Russia can use it to circumvent sanctions. Not only is Biden authorizing the regulation of digital currencies, but he is also instructing to move forward with a central bank cryptocurrency. Once that is done, all other cryptocurrencies will be seized and folded into the government’s crypto. There will be no competition. Money historically has also been the Divine Privilege of Kings and Tyrants.


    For all of those who said Bitcoin replaced gold and the dollar, if they didn’t bother to look at a chart, it has been declining since last November when this plot to create a war was hatched.

    Lol. Armstrong deceives the reader with that linear-scaled Bitcoin chart. Whereas, a log-scaled Bitcoin chart clearly visualizes that Bitcoin’s annual returns have continued to be exceptional.

    The Ukrainian people are pawns in this political game for the Great Reset and the dream of a one-world government. They have made it very public. The US will no longer be a superpower, and democracy will be terminated. Already, the EU is the model. The head of state nor the European Commission stand for election – ever. Trudeau in Canada has even publicly committed Canada to Schwab’s Agenda 2030.


    This is all shaping up as intentional. The same agenda I have warned about that, especially Europe can no longer fund its government because of perpetual negative interest rates. I have reported that the top US banks were not accepting European sovereign debt as collateral. The crisis of ver debt in Europe began with the REPO Crisis in August 2019 when US banks would not lend overnight to European banks. That spread to the Sovereign Debt.

    This war is being deliberately orchestrated.

    The US and Europe will become isolated and the world is being torn in half. This is what our computer has been forecasting for post-2032. Our computer has never been wrong on its major forecasts


    You are both correct and incorrect. Can you learn or will you be an obstinate donkey? This is the question. Do you have the ability to accept new information?

    I’m also expecting cryptocurrency to crash this summer after a possible bull trap bounce into April.

    So what is really going on here?

    1. Government can regulate popular use of cryptocurrencies because they have a monopoly of control for the on and off ramps to fiat. And governments can require their citizens to adopt the horrific, incoming 666 central bank digital currencies (CBDCs). You are correct they will destroy cryptocurrencies EXCEPT they will not (be able to) destroy the legacy Bitcoin and let me explain why…

    2. The original Bitcoin (before the 2017 soft fork which modified the protocol) had no (realistic) ability to scale beyond 7 transactions per second. The payment channels Satoshi offered for high frequency transactions are not that realistic for most use cases. Thus the original Bitcoin was designed to be only a reserve currency for the very wealthy such as $billionaires and eventually only for the central banks to hold as a reserve asset. The governments have no need to regulate the original Bitcoin because the transaction fees will eventually rise to ~$10,000 per transaction because of the competition for those 7 transactions per second limit, so it will only be useful for the extremely wealthy and central banks who always report their taxes anyway and/or are above the law. IN OTHER WORDS, BITCOIN IS THE TWO-TIERED CURRENCY you have been expecting. Why can’t you realize this?

    3. The 2017 softfork of Bitcoin create an ANYONECANSPEND attack that will be coming perhaps after the 2023 top, will destroy the “official” Bitcoin that everyone incorrectly thinks is Bitcoin. Only those who are holding in legacy protocol addresses that begin with a 1 instead of a 3 or bc1, will keep their Bitcoin. All the rest will have implicitly donated their new protocol Bitcoins to the miners that will restore Satoshi’s legacy protocol. I have explained the economics and game theory for this in great detail.

    4. Thus you will be gloating in 2023 when Bitcoin crashes from ~$100+k to ~$0. And you will say that cryptocurrencies have been destroyed. But mark my word, you will not realize that the legacy protocol had then risen as Rothschild’s 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix from the ashes of WW3 as it predicted. UNFORTUNATELY BECAUSE OF THIS MASSIVE BLINDSPOT AND INTRANSIGENCE, you are doing your readers a massive disservice. You could learn about all of this from one of those knowledgeable on this topic — myself. But no you obstinately fight all my attempts to help you.

    5. I sent you previously my technological explanation before on why the governments can not shut Bitcoin down. I had refuted your silly ideas. No need to repeat that again here. Yeah governments can regulate their own citizens, but they will not have means to prevent other central banks and $billionaires outside their purview from using Bitcoin as a superior store-of-value to gold. And said wealthy individuals can employ jurisdiction arbitrage. Gold can not be transferred, is easy to confiscate and governments can manipulate the supply of gold by for example confiscating it. It is literally impossible to confiscate Bitcoin held in private wallets!

    • Insane Clusterfuck of the Collapse of Rule-of-law, Eventually to Imprison Most Westerners

    • Government is Tracking All Gold

    • The Threat to Gold

    • Shutting Down the Global Postal System

    • Gold – the Desirable Object – Can it Survive as the Alternative to Electronic Money?

    • Gold is barely usable as money anymore

    • European Tradition of Cancelling the Currency

    • Monetary Devaluations & Cancellations

    • Hodling time

      This time, crypto currency. Gold is being spontaneously demonetized as silver was. In a time short as measured in decades, will fall to its value as an industrial metal, as silver did. Though if the grid goes down and you are stuck in an area where the grid has gone down and stayed down, and have no plans to move, being nestled with like minded and like armed people, gold will be mighty handy. On the other hand, the situation may well arrive when it is move or die, in which case gold will be useless, and crypto currency mighty handy.

      Ignore the remainder of Jim’s misinformed article that follows the above quote.

    • The end of gold

      Currently there is about ten trillion in gold value held in private hands, about one trillion in crypto currency, primarily bitcoin. So gold still dominates crypto currency by capital value. But volume of crypto currency transactions dominates volume of gold transactions, because it is a lot easier and safer to move crypto currency around than to move gold around.

      If technology collapses, if the grid goes down, as well it might, you will be able to buy stuff with gold and you will not be able to buy stuff with crypto currency.

      But you will be able to move to some place where technology has not collapsed, and take your assets with you in your head. Try doing that with gold, and it will be confiscated.


      Well, I have been waiting longer than I expected, but now I see signs of monetary doom. But probably not till 2023, 2025, or so. Could be 2022, but I don’t really expect it in 2022.


      The likely sequence will probably be long drawn out. People who are hanging on to their fiat money waiting for prices to return to “normal” will slowly give up, and when enough of them have given up things will get wild. And after things have been wild for a while the government will take some drastic actions, and announce normality has returned. And enough people will believe them that for a short while it will seem that normality has returned – at a much higher, but seemingly stable, price level. And then roller coaster will suddenly take another dip. After a few such dips, the increasingly frequent announcements of normality will cease to have the desired effect


      The US dollar and British pound have had a very long run – compared to all other fiat currencies. But the life expectancy of fiat currencies is not very good. The anglo social order is ending. What replaces it, is up for grabs.

      @‍jim commented:

      Using the fiat dollar for international transactions is hard, getting harder, and people are being extremely secretive about why some transactions run into difficulties and some do not – the pro forma answer being that you are guilty of something but we will not tell you what you are guilty of.

      Sometimes they just flat out confiscate the money, and threaten to charge you with something if you make a fuss, but will not tell you what they are going to charge you with.

    • Sanctions and crypto currency

      For a long time it has been becoming more and more difficult and dangerous to perform international transactions in fiat money. It has suddenly become a lot more difficult and dangerous.

      Crypto currency is replacing fiat currency. The breakdown of trust and trustworthiness means that there is no alternative.


      Bankers have an incentive to create unsustainable debt bubbles. To prevent this, need to pop term transformation bubbles early and often, and have draconian consequences for bankers that fail. But, because bankers have a lot of pull, and because sovereigns tend to lose control of their bureaucracy, the opposite policy tends to be followed.

      Popping a term transformation bubble is painful and hurts a lot of people, primarily powerful and influential people, so the problem keeps getting kicked down the road until it gets too big to kick.


      In the great depression, and postwar, the US debt bubble was largely nationalized. Additional nationalizations of debt bubbles left outside have occurred since then, most dramatically mortgage backed securities following the great minority mortgage meltdown.

      People keep investing in unsustainable debt bubbles, expecting them to be nationalized when problems happen.

      But even nationalization cannot kick the bubble down the road forever, and the United States dollar is reaching the end of the road.

      Wartime controls will both accelerate its end, and simultaneously extend the pretense that everything is fine and normal, as it is slowly and shockingly discovered that everything is not fine and normal.


      Lots of proposals are floating around to make de-facto nationalization even more de-jure than it already is. The likely result of such measures is that in the end official reality will be completely fine while you are living in the street and eating bugs.


      American government seldom allows the bubble to pop, and if it does pop, the ordinary man is at the back of the line, and the international investor at the front of the line[which causes the plebs to vote for soaking the rich, not realizing they are enslaving themselves by supporting such tyrannical statism]. We have an ever growing pile of unpopped zombie bubbles denominated in American dollars. Biden promises to address this problem by soaking the rich, while the problem exists in large part because certain rich people have far too much state and quasi state influence and power [and more so because the populace goes along with it].

      Those rich are not going to be soaked. The productive rich, such as Musk, will be soaked, but no amount of soaking of anyone is likely to make much of a dent in the problem. It became far too big to be solved by any amount of soaking of anyone long before it became far too big to continue kicking it down the road.

      It is impractical for Russians to receive payment in gold from an unfriendly country, or even from a friendly country with high levels of elite defection, because the gold would be intercepted. And these days every major trading country has high levels of elite defection, particularly China.[my point is that Ukrainian war was in part instigated by the global elite to further the raison d‘etre for Bitcoin, along with accelerating a recession to force the Fed back to hockey stick insane levels of quantative easing to wreck the extant monetary system to usher in Bitcoin as Rothschild’s 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix that rises from the ashes for the old destroyed system which is now rebranded as Klaus Schwab’s WEF Great Reset]

      And impractical for Russians to receive payment in Euros or dollars, because the Euros or dollars would be intercepted on the ground of sanctions.


      Every businessman in every country has one foot in the same boat, since every businessman doing business internationally is evading sanctions, or might well be evading sanctions unknowingly, because there is no clear way of complying with sanctions, or doing business with someone who is evading sanctions, or likely to be accused of attempting to evade sanctions by someone who wants to seize money in transit.

      This is making it very difficult to do business internationally.

      I would like to say “crypto currency to the rescue”, but …

After I returned to the U.S., I obtained a document showing a detailed account of Tether Holdings’ reserves. It said they include billions of dollars of short-term loans to large Chinese companies—something money-market funds avoid. And that was before one of the country’s largest property developers, China Evergrande Group, started to collapse. I also learned that Tether had made loans worth billions of dollars to other crypto companies, with Bitcoin as collateral. One of them is Celsius Network Ltd., a giant quasi-bank for cryptocurrency investors, its founder Alex Mashinsky told me. He said he pays an interest rate of 5% to 6% on loans of about 1 billion Tethers. Tether has denied holding any Evergrande debt, but Hoegner, Tether’s lawyer, declined to say whether Tether had other Chinese commercial paper. He said the vast majority of its commercial paper has high grades from credit ratings firms, and that its secured loans are low-risk, because borrowers have to put up Bitcoin that’s worth more than what they borrow. “All Tether tokens are fully backed, as we have consistently demonstrated,” the company said in a statement posted on its website after the story was published.

Tether’s Chinese investments and crypto-backed loans are potentially significant. If Devasini is taking enough risk to earn even a 1% return on Tether’s entire reserves, that would give him and his partners a $690 million annual profit. But if those loans fail, even a small percentage of them, one Tether would become worth less than $1. Any investors holding Tethers would then have an incentive to redeem them; if others did it first, the money could dry up. The bank run would be on.

The officials who gathered in July at the Treasury Department are discussing regulating Tether like a bank, which would force Devasini to finally show where the money is, or even undermining it by issuing an official U.S. stablecoin. The strange thing is that, at least for now, most participants in the crypto market, including some very large and sophisticated operators, don’t seem to care about any of the risks.

Relevant links:

  • The Game Theory of Money

  • On monetary restandardization

  • Overlords Scripting WW3, Economic Collapse and Monetary Reset

  • Lock Step and Hack Attack in Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 Scenarios for the Future

  • El Salvador’s President Criticizes Canada’s Democracy

    “The real war is not in Ukraine, it’s in Canada, Australia, France, Brussels, England, Germany, Italy… They just want you to look the other way,” El Salvador’s president tweeted on February 13.

  • I was wrong, we need crypto

    This is crazy. Absolutely bonkers. Terrifying.

    I still can't believe that this is the protest that would prove every Bitcoin crank a prophet. And for me to have to slice a piece of humble pie, and admit that I was wrong on crypto's fundamental necessity in Western democracies.

    And that it was the Canadians who brought this on? You might as well have told me that it was really the Care Bears who ran Abu Ghraib.

    Especially since I had some sympathy with fears projected by the US progressive left who spent four years fretting Trump might pull stunts like these. Then it turns out that the worries of an authoritarian overreach would be fulfilled by Trudeau to the North instead?


    I'm sitting with that same feeling here. Even just a few months ago, I would not have found it credible if you said a three-week peaceful protest in Canada could have lead to martial law, frozen bank accounts, and terrorist-financing laws being used to hunt protest donors. Unbelievable then, undeniable now.

    I don't think we have any idea what kind of radicalizing seeds have been planted by Trudeau with these actions. This is one of those world events that you can imagine a documentary of the future opening with: "It all started when...".

  • Destroying the Supply Chain One Mandate at a Time

    The Canada Border Services Agency (CBSA) initially announced that it was eliminating vaccine requirements for truck drivers amid a severe supply and labor shortage. Health Minister Jean-Yves Duclos decided that contributing to inflation by reversing the order was the “right thing to do,” and now unvaccinated truck drivers have “a right of return” but must quarantine for 14 days. So, although Canada cannot ban their citizens from re-entering the country, they can force drivers to submit to tests and quarantines.

  • GoFundMe Freezes Over $4 Million in Funds Raised for Canada’s Truckers (truckers shifted to ₿)

  • Majority of US Democrats Approve of Trudeau Freezing Bank Accounts

    People said that they were surprised these actions could occur in Canada, but they could occur anywhere as there is a collective thought process among liberals who dream of handing their freedoms over to a dictator with a nice smile. A new poll by Trafalgar Group and Convention of States Action show that 65% of Democrats approve of Trudeau’s actions.

    Around 87% of Republicans disapproved of the authoritarian response to the protestors. Of those who did not identify as Republican or Democrat, 74% disapproved. This is a huge contrast to the 17% disapproval rate among Democrat voters. There is hope for the next generation as 100% of people between 25 and 34 years of age disapproved of the blatant tyranny.

  • The Real Politics Behind Ukraine & Taiwan (c.f. video of Klaus Schwab admitting they have all the governments in their back pocket)

  • Canadian Parliament Protects Schwab, Trudeau, & WEF (c.f. video of Canadian parliament shutting down discussion of the fact that a large percentage of them are beholden to Klaus Schwab)

  • Trudeau is a Disgrace as a Head of State & Putin’s Approval Rating is nearly 2x Biden’s

  • India’s Ambassador: Trudeau is an Embarrassment to Canada & India

  • Is Trudeau in Bed with Big Pharma?

@‍Honourary commented:

Then you have countries like the UK, where the second strike capacity requires no codes. At any point all it takes is two people with two keys on a UK submarine to agree that a launch is appropriate and reasonable and that ICBM will launch. No codes from #10 required.

@‍the long warred commented:

This presumes that elites have not set off nuclear war in a sort of arson insurance scheme to rid themselves of their domestic enemies. They seem to be trying hard.

So you may want to accept war whether you desire it or No~ for the Elites desire war and always get what they want.

Survivability of the Imminent WW3 Nuclear Holocaust

Carl Sagan’s nuclear winter hypothesis, and the subsequent attempts to revive the theory, suffer from unrealistic, hyperbolic assumptions even if unleashing the entire global nuclear arsenal. The calculation that nuclear weapons can’t boil the entire Earth’s surface is #NotEvenWrong — their military importance is terrorism, demoralization and adjunct to propaganda against the witless and unprepared.

Because in the aftermath of such a worldwide nuclear fusilade, the subsequent panic, shortage of food, potable water, the destruction of the economy, loss of civil order, loss of government assistance, refugee crisis and radioactive fallout would probably kill 100s of millions if not billions.

Nuclear War Survival Skills is a practical guide on some of the issues that could impact suvivability including the panic and lack of preparation of others. NWSS also available in HTML format. Nukepills’ potassium iodide FAQ may be helpful.

Nuclear War Map - Doomsday Simulations simulates potential attacks and fallout on a map, with 185 million ‘casualties’. Here’s another heatmap for the U.S.A..

Beware the PLOS PLOP

Look around, folks. It is the accepted fact that atomic bombs were dropped on the Japanese cities of Hiroshima and Nagasaki.... but even a first-year Physics student should know that that is a lie. If an atomic bomb were actually dropped on Japan or anywhere else, that target would be completely uninhabitable and show signs of active radiation for thousands of years afterward. There would also be a glass “plate” formed from melted sand throughout the blast zone.

The mainstream claim is the lack of long-term radiation was because ‘detonated so far above the ground’ and small quanity of fissle material distributed over a large area, c.f. also. There’s a claim about some glassification effects, but not the entire surface—presumably because if as claimed detonated far above ground to minimize long-term radiation and non-locality fallout effects while also maximizing radius of destruction. Yet we see a mushroom cloud formed which Anna claims is inconsistent with the absence of radiation effects on the surface. Also Anna reminded me that there’s no record of the EMP burst that would be created if exploded at high altitude but the bombs were not exploded at an altitude high enough for far reaching EMP. Anna offered me an off-the-cuff hypothesis, ‘I believe that what was used on Hiroshima and Nagasaki was a new kind of incendiary bomb which dispersed ionized metallic salts into the air— causing the sickness and burns observed afterward.’ Frankly I think Anna has been debunked on this point. She replied that the technology didn’t exist for detonating in mid-air but apparently the technology did exist. It’s quite ridiculous actually to claim the technology for altimetry didn’t exist when the technology for nuclear fission did.🤦🏻

Deagel 2025 Forecast by Country

Compared to their 2017 levels:

In 2014 wrote:

[…] The "quality" factor is that the death rate could increase to 80-90% in a pandemic scenario […] By the way, no pandemic or nuclear war is included in the forecast.

The key element to understand the process that the USA will enter in the upcoming decade is migration. In the past, specially in the 20th century, the key factor that allowed the USA to rise to its colossus status was immigration with the benefits of a demographic expansion supporting the credit expansion and the brain drain from the rest of the world benefiting the States. The collapse of the Western financial system will wipe out the standard of living of its population while ending ponzi schemes such as the stock exchange and the pension funds. The population will be hit so badly by a full array of bubbles and ponzi schemes that the migration engine will start to work in reverse accelerating itself due to ripple effects thus leading to the demise of the States. This unseen situation for the States will develop itself in a cascade pattern with unprecedented and devastating effects for the economy. Jobs offshoring will surely end with many American Corporations relocating overseas thus becoming foreign Corporations!!!! We see a significant part of the American population migrating to Latin America and Asia while migration to Europe - suffering a similar illness - won't be relevant. Nevertheless the death toll will be horrible. Take into account that the Soviet Union's population was poorer than the Americans nowadays or even then. The ex-Soviets suffered during the following struggle in the 1990s with a significant death toll and the loss of national pride. Might we say "Twice the pride, double the fall"? Nope. The American standard of living is one of the highest, far more than double of the Soviets while having added a services economy that will be gone along with the financial system. When pensioners see their retirement disappear in front of their eyes and there are no servicing jobs you can imagine what is going to happen next. At least younger people can migrate. Never in human history were so many elders among the population. In past centuries people were lucky to get to their 30s or 40s. The American downfall is set to be far worse than the Soviet Union's one. A confluence of crisis with a devastating result.

The Demographic crisis in the former Soviet Union countries has extended for over two decades, if we accept that it ended early in this decade (2010s). The demographic crisis will hit the World in the near future and is projected to last between three and eight decades more or less depending on technological breakthrough and environmental issues. The aftermath is more likely a frozen picture with the population numbers staying the same for a very, very long period of time. The countries forecast population numbers do reflect birth/deaths but also migratory movements. Many countries are going to increase their gross population due to immigration while their native population may shrink.

Over the past two thousand years we have witnessed the Western civilization built around the Mediterranean Sea shifting to Northern Europe and then by the mid 20th century shifting to an Atlantic axis to finally get centered into the States in the past 30 years. The next move will see the civilization being centered in Asia with Russia and China on top. Historically a change in the economic paradigm [c.f. Luddites] has resulted in a death toll that is rarely highlighted by mainstream historians. When the transition from rural areas to large cities happened in Europe many people unable to accept the new paradigm killed themselves. They killed themselves by a psychological factor. This is not mainstream but it is true. A new crisis joins old, well known patterns with new ones.

Sorry to disappoint many of you with our forecast. It is getting worse and worse every year since the beginning of the pre-crisis in 2007. It is already said that this website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government in any way, shape or form. We are not a death or satanic cult or arms dealers as [posited by] some BS is floating around the internet on this topic. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a model whether flawed or correct. It is not God's word or a magic device that allows [someone] to foresee the future.

Sunday, October 26th, 2014

James Corbett at 17:19 claims that the reverse migration thesis is, ‘says a lot without saying anything.’ Is the pleonastic James that willfully blind or ignorant of history that he can’t contemplate the reverse migration effect that was seen for example at the fall of the Rome? (Besides James’ arrogant British analism about grammar given Deagel’s grammar is acceptable albeit perhaps a bit unconventional for those with ossified, inflexible preference for strict canonical formalism of language)

In 2020 wrote:

In 2014 we published a disclaimer about the forecast. In six years the scenario has changed dramatically. This new disclaimer is meant to single out the situation from 2020 onwards. Ta[l]king about the United States and the European Union as separated entities no longer makes sense. Both are the Western block, keep printing money and will share the same fate.

After COVID we can draw two major conclusions:

  1. The Western world success model has been built over societies with no resilience that can barely withstand any hardship, even a low intensity one. It was assumed but we got the full confirmation beyond any doubt.
  2. The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through the so called Great Reset.

The Great Reset; like the climate change, extinction rebellion, planetary crisis, green revolution, shale oil (…) hoaxes promoted by the system; is another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources[i.e. resources that can’t be printed out-of-thin-air like fiat money and if must be rationed to prevent a hyperinflationary collapse of the ruling order] and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system. It can be effective for awhile but finally won’t address the bottom-line problem and will only delay the inevitable. The core ruling elites hope to stay in power which is in effect the only thing that really worries them.

The collapse of the Western financial system - and ultimately the Western civilization - has been the major driver in the forecast along with a confluence of crisis with a devastating outcome. As COVID has proven Western societies embracing multiculturalism and extreme liberalism are unable to deal with any real hardship. The Spanish flu one century ago represented the death of 40-50 million people. Today the world’s population is four times greater with air travel in full swing which is by definition a super spreader. The death casualties in today’s World would represent 160 to 200 million in relative terms but more likely 300-400 million taking into consideration the air travel factor that did not exist one century ago. So far, COVID death toll is roughly 1 million people. It is quite likely that the economic crisis due to the lockdowns will cause more deaths than the virus worldwide.

The Soviet system was less able to deliver goodies to the people than the Western one. Nevertheless Soviet society was more compact and resilient under an authoritarian regime. That in mind, the collapse of the Soviet system wiped out 10 percent of the population. The stark reality of diverse and multicultural Western societies is that a collapse will have a toll of 50 to 80 percent depending on several factors but in general terms the most diverse, multicultural, indebted and wealthy (highest standard of living) will suffer the highest toll. The only glue that keeps united such aberrant collage from falling apart is overconsumption with heavy doses of bottomless degeneracy disguised as virtue. Nevertheless the widespread censorship, hate laws and contradictory signals mean that even that glue is not working any more. Not everybody has to die migration can also play a positive role in this.

The formerly known as second and third world nations are an unknown at this point. Their fate will depend upon the decisions they take in the future. Western powers are not going to take over them as they did in the past because these [Western] countries won’t be able to control their own cities far less likely countries that are far away. If they [the developing countries] remain tied to the former World Order they will go down along Western powers but won’t experience the brutal decline of the late[r and net immigration from those escaping the collapsing West will displace their deaths due to the crisis] because they are poorer and not diverse enough but rather quite homogenous used to deal with some sort of hardship but not precisely the one that is coming. If they switch to China they can get a chance to stabilize but will depend upon the management of their resources.


The situation between the three great powers has changed dramatically. The only relevant achievement of the Western powers during the past decade has been the formation of a strategic alliance, both military and economic, between Russia and China. [Remember Nixon’s singular achievement was to drive a wedge between Russia and China, causing both to become vassals of the Western ponzi financial system, enabling to parasite on their resources and labor to extend and pretend for several more decades, but that’s coming to and end now.] Right now the potential partnership between Russia and the European Union (EU) is dead with Russia turning definitively towards China. That was from the beginning the most likely outcome. Airbus never tried to establish a real partnership but rather a strategy to fade away the Russian aerospace industry. Actually Russia and China have formed a new alliance to build a long haul airliner. Western Europe (not to mention the United States) was never interested in the development of Russia or forming anything other than a master slave relationship with Russia providing raw materials and toeing the line of the West. It was clear then and today is a fact.

Russia has been preparing for a major war since 2008 and China has been increasing her military capabilities for the last 20 years. Today China is not a second tier power compared with the United States. Both in military and economic terms China is at the same level and in some specific areas are far ahead. In the domain of high-tech 5G has been a success in the commercial realm but the Type 055 destroyer is also another breakthrough with the US gaining a similar capability (DDG 51 Flight IIII) by mid of this decade (more likely by 2030). Nanchang, the lead ship of the Type 055 class, was commissioned amid the pandemic and lockdown in China.

Six years ago the likelihood of a major war was tiny. Since then it has grown steadily and dramatically and today is by far the most likely major event in the 2020s. The ultimate conflict can come from two ways. A conventional conflict involving at least two major powers that escalates into an open nuclear war. A second scenario is possible in the 2025-2030 timeframe. A Russian sneak first strike against the United States and its allies with the new S-500, strategic missile defenses, Yasen-M submarines, INF Zircon and Kalibr missiles and some new space asset playing the key role. The sneak first strike would involve all Russian missile strategic forces branches (bombers and ground-based missiles) at the different stages of such attack that would be strategic translation of what was seen in Syria in November 2015. There was no report that the Russian had such a capability of launching a high precision, multiple, combined arms attack at targets 2,000+ kilometers away. Western intelligence had no clue. The irony is that since the end of the Cold War the United States has been maneuvering through NATO to achieve a position to execute a first strike over Russia and now it seems that the first strike may occur but the country finished would be the United States.

Another particularity of the Western system is that its individuals have been brainwashed to the point that the majority accept their moral high ground and technological edge as a given. This has given the rise of the supremacy of the emotional arguments over the rational ones which are ignored or deprecated. That mindset can play a key role in the upcoming catastrophic events. At least in the Soviet system the silent majority of the people were aware of the fallacies they were fed up. We can see the United States claims about G5 being stolen from them by China or hypersonic technology being stolen by Russia as the evidence that the Western elites are also infected by that hubris. Over the next decade it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation. Going to war might seem a quick and easy solution to restore the lost hegemony to finally find them into a France 1940 moment. Back then France did not have nuclear weapons to turn a defeat into a victory. The West might try that swap because the unpleasant prospect of not being Mars and Venus but rather a bully and his dirty bitch running away in fear while the rest of the world is laughing at them.

If there is not a dramatic change of course the world is going to witness the first nuclear war. The Western block collapse may come before, during or after the war. It does not matter. A nuclear war is a game with billions of casualties and the collapse plays in the hundreds of millions.

This website is non-profit, built on spare time and we provide our information and services AS IS without further explanations and/or guarantees. We are not linked to any government. Take into account that the forecast is nothing more than a game of numbers whether flawed or correct based upon some speculative assumptions.

Friday, September 25th, 2020

Again James Corbett at 19:50 claimes that the above highlighted quote is ‘contentless, rhetoric heavy’ [you would think he would know the more vogue term ‘content-free’]. I’m flabberghast that Corbett is ostensibly unable to reason that one of the main reasons for the pLandemic was for our overlords to gain sufficient control to pretend and extend the collapsing financial system by force. And to stoke the flames of international war so they would have a scapegoat to remain in power. That’s in addition to the overarching Hegelian dialectic methodology to advance the plans for a NWO. (Corbett continues to claim Deagel’s writing style is ‘atrocious’ which only exhibits that he’s incapable of comprehending what he’s reading and not any valid condemnation of Deagel’s cogent, more concise style.)

Corbett doesn’t factor into his comprehension that the Spanish Flu was a manufactured pLandemic analogous to COVID. Deagel accurately points out that widespread travel in the age of globalization makes it more impractical to not resist the upcoming WHO pandemic treaty because of the need to fly internationally on the commercial airlines which are beholden to the technocrats. Moreover the implication is that the highly interconnected world will make it nearly impossible for any nation to resist the pLandemics. Corbett needs to up his reading comprehension, reasoning and pattern identification skills employing out-of-band data points, so he can perceive Deagel’s potentially cleverly weaved encoded message for the astute.

Corbett then rambles on for several minutes about how Deagel is scaring us with precise numbers. And I would venture that the 2025 target date is also admitted by Deagel’s disclaimer to be possibly imprecise as it was for Deagel’s prior 2020 prediction. Yet Corbett acknowledges that Deagel disclaims precision of the model calculations, notwithstanding that presumably Deagel’s intended implication is that their descriptive model is apposite.

What sort of cognitive dissonance has crept into Corbett’s attitude that drives him to reject out-of-hand the descriptive model? I already debunked metabunk. Corbett tells us. He says by promulgating Deagel we disarm the truth by gifting those who don’t want to know the truth a convenient excuse to go back to sleep. My noisome vitriol should make it abundantly clear why I don’t believe those sheeppl deserve nor could ever assimilate the truth even if we drilled a hole in their skull and poured the truth in. Even absolutely correct and proven conspiracies such as 9/11 are “debunked” on soi-disant “fact checker”[propaganda] websites. Thus I conclude Corbett is wasting our time with said criteria. Corbett slams the alleged leak about Trudeau/Canada’s obvious involvement in a (global) plan to implement a World Debt Reset pogrom, HealthPass, enslaving digital currencies and ‘you will own nothing and be happy’ new normal; and has the obtuse, fact-free audacity to claim that plan isn’t transpiring, when in fact we can see it forming worldwide. Trudeau, Biden et al did attempt to parlay the nonsensical viral variants narrative, aggressive lockdowns, quarantine camps were even implemented in for example Australia and proposed in law in New York, etc. per the alleged leaked 2021 timeline. But there was pushback and an unwillingness to cooperate worldwide, so our overlords apparently transitioned to the next stage which is evidently international war. At 32:00 Corbett dismisses this as vague correlation to the alleged leaked prediction or psy-op. How does Corbett rationalize that the stimulus checks mailed out directly to Americans for example was not essentially Universal Basic Income (UBI)? We’re just waiting for the next crisis currently being manufactured with international war, for UBI to become fully institionalized along with the CBDCs which are on an official 2023 to 2025 implementation timeline.

Lol then after all that at ~35:00 Corbett admits depopulation is on the agenda and could possibly occur by 2025. He asks what’s the point of Deagel’s descriptive model. As I have and will continue below to explicate, Corbett apparently never even understood Deagel’s points. From 37:30 Corbett says:

It is numbers games being thrown around for your conspiratainment. It does not enlighten us about anything. More to the point, it prepares us to simply accept, to simply go into that good night.

Corbett naively believes that if enough people refuse to cooperate with the NWO then it would be defeated. His stance is analogous to the Luddites in that they also refused to cooperate yet they went extinct because there was no economic paradigm remaining for their continued existence — which is Deagel’s entire descriptive point, duh. Corbett also thinks agorism is viable, lol. The dude is articulate but fails to comprehend the cardinality of the theory of power and thus he’s ostensibly not well tuned into reality of the power-law distribution, markets, how money/commerce scales and economic systems. Corbett suffers from virtue signaling and the typical Anglican focus on ethics and attitude as a solution (ideological masturbation). My prediction is Brits and their “non-Americanized” (or especially north-east coast) Anglican descendents in the U.S. [side note: I’m also Anglo-Saxon with Welsh, Irish, German and French-Italian ancestry but significantly freedom-loving Deep South cultural adapted] will talk a lot and nothing much will happen which is the story of for more than a decade. That being said, I do sometimes appreciate James’ investigative and assimilation efforts. But his British embellishment of the topics becomes a turn off when it results in calls to action for silly, unworkable, ideological fantasies such as agorism. A future decentralized economy may feature righteous violence as one of the key facets of disintermediating centralized political power, e.g. assassination bounties.

Who knows whether Deagel is a psy-op? It might be. But we shouldn’t dismiss the reality of how maladapted the West is, which may support a potential Deagel outcome. Most delude themselves that Deagel’s outcome (if so) would only be because of the WEF et al meddling. Nope the Westerners did it to themselves. The collapse of the West is at our own hands. The WEF is just helping to tip it over the cliff.

Eventual depopulation will likely be via longer-term control over reproduction, not by imminent democide although there could be significant deprivation as well. Bill Gates’ goal has always been to lower fecundity.

Tetanus vaccine may be laced with anti-fertility drug. International / developing countries

So any if any mass emigration and/or democide of Westerners before 2025 would presumably be due to collapsing supply chains due to war and what not along with New Green Deal societalcide. Also potentially a nuclear EMP attack.

Deagel posited it would be a mix of death and emigration. Note a large percentage of Ukraine’s population has emigrated to Poland for example. Note a significant emigration to freedom-loving southern U.S. States since the pLandemic was launched. A somewhat far-fetched scenario if on a timeline for the current decade would be that States secede from the Union of States thus potentially creating the Deagel scenario via emigration-by-secession but on a timeline probably much later than even 2032. Or maybe the 100m survivors will be concentrated in certain freedom-loving States such as Florida, Texas, etc?

I want to avoid catastrophising in a way that causes someone to push themselves into something that is such a poor fit only because of fear of the apocalyptic outcome. For example, as I have discussed on Telegram, my current plan is still to remain in the U.S. yet have plan B in Latin America just in case. Also there are those white, farmer Mennonites in Mexico (ostensibly much less strict than the Mennonites in Belize and Peru) if I really need I can relocate there next to them, c.f. also westward San Javier, Sinaloa, Mexico and the beautiful Mexican ladies in the highlands, central Mexico and slimmer body types with native dialect of Chiapas. Patagonia is gorgeous but the more convenient nexus for me is Mexico because I can drive from U.S..

Mennonite communities in Cuauhtémoc, Chihuahua seem to be very friendly. I had discovered that video on October 9, 2021. Their community is ~150–200 miles south of the dangerous Mormon communities, more populated, ~40 miles west the state capital and even has a Walmart, Sam’s club, Madisson’s Suites and a Microtel Wyndham hotel. 2,060 m (6,760 ft) elevation compared to 1,415 m (4,635 ft) Chihuahua City capitol.

I read recently that Russia prefers to not use its military and prefers to use maximum deterrents to prevent having to use it. Maybe Deagel’s forecast was an implicit threat to the West to not push Russia into a corner where it must deploy the nuclear option.

Deagel is correct. The USSA leads the world as the mecca of consumption. As the overconsumption, debt-satured Western ponzi system can’t be continued (especially not now as Russia has withdrawn its raw materials and China will soon withdraw its productivity and take the entire East out of the West along with them), the movement of talent and resources will reverse in an exodus stampede out of the West. The Anglo-Saxon empire is collapsing. All Empires Die By Deflation – Not Inflation:


This is how empires die. Taxes in Rome kept rising. Its population peaked about 180AD and as corruption began to rise, people began to leave. The higher the taxes, the more people left town. Eventually, people could not afford the taxes and were forced to just abandon their homes. This is the death-spiral of empires. They consume all wealth until none is left.


By the Middle Ages, the Roman Forum, was the grazing grounds for animals. Edward Gibbon wrote the best epitaph:

…This spectacle of the world, how is it fallen! how changed! how defaced! The path of victory is obliterated by vines, and the benches of the senators are concealed by a dunghill. Cast your eyes on the Palatine hill, and seek among the shapeless and enormous fragments the marble theatre, the obelisks, the colossal statues, the porticos of Nero’s palace: survey the other hills of the city, the vacant space is interrupted only by ruins and gardens. The forum of the Roman people where they assembled to enact their laws and elect their magistrates, is now enclosed for the cultivation of pot-herbs, or thrown open for the reception of swine and buffaloes…

Just because there’s no property taxes in Britain, don’t rule out escalating, unwarranted asset forfeiture on trumped up charges under the authority of the Criminal Proceeds Act and Unexplained Wealth Orders. Brits are assuming there will be some normalcy of law and rationality girding them, because there’s no other context in which they have existed in the past couple of centuries at least. What if there is nothing remaining but wanton insanity and confiscation? Exemplified by the two puppet-on-a-string nutcases “running” the motherland and her empire descendant: Boris the Cocaine-Snorting Mophead Clown and Brandon the K9 Scent-stealing Groping Alzheimer Father-of-a-Crackhead. We are only experiencing the tip of the iceberg of the insanity to come. Remember humans don’t perceive correctly the exponential function. The last vestiges of normalcy will melt away, at least from the perspective of those who refuse to acquiesce to the enveloping technocracy and depopulation pogrom. Some others (e.g. Deagel forecasts 15 million for the UK) may get along by serendipity at the pogrom raffle.

C.f. also Collapse of Western Civilization Underway and East vs. West: China to dominate the world.

The Western ponzi financial system now in its death throes is turning against itself as the power structures and ponzi (soon to go poof it’s gone) entitlement attempts to extend and pretend by cannibalizing any remaining assets that are ignorant enough to not escape and instead unwittingly go along with being a victim of the schemes such as the Certificate Of Verified[assal, Great Harlot] IDolatry. Remember humans don’t comprehend the exponential function and after a seemingly neverending wait and many past predictions of doom being averted by kicking the can, the Western ponzi is really unavoidably collapsing this decade but most Westerners will not realize it until the chaos has entirely engulfed them. The brilliant Catherine Austin Fitts explains that circa year 1995 the Western financial elite realized that there was no plausibility of balancing the budget and they shifted to wanton cannibalization with an unrestrained accelerating ponzi debt — they opened the floodgates (c.f. also) on debt and the insanity concomitant with the wanton cannibalization.

As Western jobs cease to exist, the system will put them on permanent unemployment assistance (aka universal basic income (UBI) enforced with the outlawing of cash and establishment of central bank digital currency (CBDC)) and gradually ratchet down the measily rations until enslaved Westerners are effectively starving to death or eating bugs. Hoodwinked Westerners won’t even own control of their bodies and right to travel. Rule of law will cease to function as the power structures cannibalize what’s not yet destroyed. Eventually the system implodes on itself into uncontrolled mayhem or some solvent power conquers the bankrupt power structure. Along the way Westerners will be sliced-and-diced by desperate power structures, little Hitlers (e.g. corrupt judges, local government councils, tax authorities, empowered medical boards and technocrats, etc). Said collateral damage may also be supplemented with (civil and/or international) war along with bottom-up chaos such as roaming hordes.

In the wake of the collapsing Western ponzi rises societies in the East which rely on anarchaic, autocratic, authoritarian forms of government, excepting a few democracies (e.g. the Philippines) which may struggle to transition away from dependence on the Western ponzi system to the Eastern one. C.f. the Power Distance trait of the Hofstede Insights featured in my section on the Philippines. Some Eastern nations exhibit extreme overpopulation, abysmal human rights and supression of individualism. Thus the human value is apportioned (i.e. not individually assigned aka non-apportioned) providing an economic incentive for harvesting humans (as cattle) with technocracy, e.g. pay-to-play controlling who can procreate to reduce overpopulation and COVID-esque medical technocracy[terrorism] acceleration of morbidity among the elderly to prevent the demographic age-stratified pyramid from becoming top-heavy. Thus this juncture in history is ripe for a global rise in enslaving technocracy — the oligarchs in rising Eastern nations have an incentive to harvest their livestock human populations even in an expanding debt financial system, as do the Western power structures given the imploding debt-based, ponzi system. The defiant individualism of Hajnal-line Westerners would rather fight than be enslaved, so the only alternative to incessant war had been to placate individualism with an expanding debt ponzi — which is approaching the waterfall collapse (c.f. also) being already on the other side of its apogee.


So the Western ponzi self-destructs eventually probably back to a Dark Age, warlordism and some technology-based (as opposed to the deprecated agricultural-based) manorialism. The Eastern power structures will guide their billions of blobs of protoplasm through the high-tech technocracy epoch.

Asia will provide more personal security but that incurs the tradeoff of authoritarianism, less human rights, more strictly enforced technocracy and suppression of individuality. Westerners will fight the technocracy (incurring much collateral damage fighting themselves), Africans will ignore it (e.g. widespread Ivermectin instead of COVID vaccines), Asia will most fully comply (e.g. 92% COVID vaxxed in Thailand) and Latin Americans will feign (actually partial, somewhat opt-out) compliance.

Westerners have a decision to make whether they want to stay in their nation as the system self-destructs in a cannibilism societalcide that attempts to cull us. Can you defend yourself and be self-sufficient with counter measures for the various threats? Statistically Deagel points out that our odds are not good especially in the NATO and most especially UK, Ireland, Germany and the USSA — seat of the crumbling Anglo-Saxon/English/NATO empire. France and Spain will also be decimated but Deagel projects not as cataclysmically. Unlike the UK those of us in the USSA can still at least purchase powerful firearms, we have a Constitution and we have jurisdictional arbitrage (with our feet) provided by decentralized governance of States’ rights. Also we have Latin America at our doorstep for a plan B. Alternatively Westerners can head East for those who want to abrogate/subjugate some of their Halnal-line culture.

I replied to a discussion:

Perplexing that Ireland supposedly wants to invite 200,000 Ukrainians into the country when they have a 2017 population of 4.7million (and estimated 10,000 homeless already, together with a housing shortage), only to [as Deagel posits] eradicate 72% of the population by 2025. Whereas Ukraine is set to drop only 29% from 44 million to 31 million. So on one hand there seems to be an agenda to destroy notions of culture, nationhood, the family by creating a forced melting pot, while at the same time another agenda to wipe out most of the population. Or are the remaining populations going to be made up of a tiny number of elites with the remainder a handpicked refugee population, I wonder.

The collapse of the West isn’t sapient. Rather it’s the power structures (and entitlement) on self-preservation auto-pilot feeding on its own carcass. Even the Westerners themselves are clinging to their vacuous, debt-saturated, entitled sense of self-worth (“overconsumption with heavy doses of bottomless degeneracy disguised as virtue”). There’s no plan for a functional outcome — rather only those power structures attempting to cling to power by any means, which at this juncture resembles autosarcophagy.

The wise and wealthy will transfer their assets out (e.g. Bitcoin) and investments East, e.g. Russia continues to pay their periodic $2 billion JP Morgan debt payments [so it’s ridiculous to conclude that Russia is fighting against the NWO and the Great Reset when they’re financed by the players that are complicit in it].

The carcass of the West is a sacrificial, creative destruction for the holistic, technocratic NWO outcome with nation-states subjugated by John Nash’s Ideal Money (i.e. legacy Bitcoin).

I broadly agree [not to deceive ourselves as to our vacuous power attempting activism against the transhumanism movement], as long as we don't lose sight of how we define what humanity is along the way, as the Resetters are attempting with their vision of the Fourth Industrial Revolution. Schwab [or Yuval Noah Harari] wrote, “It is characterized by a range of new technologies that are fusing the physical, digital and biological worlds, impacting all disciplines, economies and industries, and even challenging ideas about what it means to be human.” I will resist that interpretation of technological progress to my dying breath. Maybe I’m a doomed neo-Luddite for the age to come.

Perhaps you should relocate where people actually live in that atavistic manner and not some Bournebright fantasy about ideological Brits learning to regress to mill-horses while their entire economy collapses around them.

Seriously. Brits [as a society] can’t reorganize around a subsistence agricultural society — they [the society-at-large] will cull each other than go back to that which they can not go back to. The inertia can not be reversed. The system isn’t sapient. I do not stand in front of freight trains and expect to not be crushed.

The Scandinavians and East Europeans will probably fare better because they will presumably intensively cooperate with a viable governance, embrace the technocracy and apply almost Eastern style collective sacrifice — everything for and by the group even if as directed by the oligarchs — essentially a more cohesive, homogeneous society. Our Hajnal culture has no economic nor cultural support. Our system rose from conquest, empire then finally a rotting pile of multicultural consumerism — there’s no underlying culture of (not even familial) cooperation. especially as the divisive woke politics and COVID-scam turns (conservatard vs. liberaltard) family members against each other. There’s no engine of stability for us Anglo-Saxons to turn back to; it’s vacated and vacuous. Our Anglo-Saxon ponzi scheme will collapse under our feet. Do you have Latin American subsistence farmers at your land border and invading your country? Maybe those Ukrainian refugees will be a God send if they originated from rural areas and not the Westernized cities.

I had remarked years ago when I first learned about Deagel’s apocalyptic prediction that war and the consequent warlordism, roaming gangs, starvation/deprivation/pestilence and possibly mass emigration would be the only way the U.S.A. could lose 67% of its population in such an accelerated timeframe. Would this be an EOTWAWKI scenario or just a Great Reset buzzcut aka a butch haircut?

What the Progressive Socialist Liberals have in store for Conservative

Who’s on First and Sunni v Shiite Civil War in Islam

I replied:

Every country is a developing country.

Well as the kids are saying these days, “𝘈𝘮𝘦𝘳𝘪𝘤𝘢 𝘪𝘴 𝘯𝘰𝘸 𝘢 𝘵𝘩𝘪𝘳𝘥 𝘸𝘰𝘳𝘭𝘥 𝘤𝘰𝘶𝘯𝘵𝘳𝘺 𝘪𝘯 𝘢 𝘎𝘶𝘤𝘤𝘪 𝘣𝘦𝘭𝘵.”

@‍James Thomason and @‍Alyssa Beth soon every country is going to be a Build Back Better country after the nuclear holocaust.

Although SE Asian countries such as China, Indonesia, Malaysia, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam and the Philippines are not projected to be depopulated by crises, war and economic collapse underway, both struggle to produce enough grains notwithstanding any future threat to fertilizer imports and rely on imports especially for feeding livestock in China but not in Philippines. These countries might suffer some deprivation by the disruption of trade by the incoming WW3 between the U.S., Japan, Australia and South Korea (along with NATO in the European war already underway) versus at least China, North Korea, Russia, Belarus and Iran. However if China is able to push the U.S. and its allies out of the South China Sea to outside the first island chain with its hypersonic missiles, then perhaps China and Russia will form an Asian alternative to NATO to supply and sustain the winterless agriculture in these lush, fecund tropical SE Asian countries via a modernization of the Silk road trade along with China’s Belt & Road initiative. The projected 18%, 22%, 27% and 30% depopulation of Japan, Taiwan, South Korea and Australia seems to implies casualties of war and/or deprivation.

The downside of remaining in Chinacom-dominated Asia from my perspective is that it will presumably, eventually come under and beholden to the social credit score Chinese panopticon. Also there’s the posited turbulent transition phase explicated and pontificated further below.

Related links:

  • The World Bank Covid-19 Strategic Preparedness and Response

    COVID program start date: Apr 2, 2020
    COVID program end date: 31-Mar-2025

  • The SPARS Pandemic 2025 – 2028

    SPARS Pandemic

    • Did John Hopkins University Deliberately Create a Financial Panic?

      John Hopkins has aided in creating this panic with their graphics which gives the impression that all of Europe and China are infected. They have visually greatly exaggerated the spread of this virus and appear to be enjoying the havoc they have caused, as if this were some video game. The total population of China was 1.386 billion in 2017. The total number of cases was 0.01%, yet their red dots make it appear that the entire population is infected.

    • Is Bloomberg Behind the John Hopkins University Virus Map that Has Scared the World?


      We have others claiming the virus will last 18 months to clearly impact the 2020 elections. The threats to our liberty are far worse than an invasion by China or Russia for that matter.

      The red dots of John Hopkins University are outright propaganda and deliberately misleading in my belief. They are not current but historical. They do not disappear with the virus subsiding. Look at China – they make it seem as if the entire country were infected. They are deliberately misleading and make it appear as if whole countries are infected to support stay at home and martial law. This is propaganda on a grand scale that I have never witnessed in my 50 years of experience! John Hopkins University has been promoting the collapse of democracy, justifying the suppression of all freedom and civil liberties. We have governments declaring emergency powers to end democratic processes thanks to this misleading graphic.


      There are some who are starting to question if this is a deliberate coup orchestrated by the left on a global scale because all the socialistic systems they have created are collapsing and will be unsustainable come 2021. The strange coincidence is that Michael Bloomberg has donated $1.8 billion to John Hopkins University. That donation amount would naturally result in them asking how high if they were asked to jump.

      Michael Bloomberg said he had no problem spending $1 billion to defeat Trump. Why does he hate Trump so much?

  • Population Crisis

    Over the next decade into 2032, it will become obvious that the West is falling behind the Russia-China block and the malaise might grow into desperation. Going to war will emerge as politicians, facing revolutions, will constantly point the finger at Russia and China to justify war and retain their power.

  • Population Crisis

    Yes, I have said there remains the risk of a 50% decline in population as the Sixth Wave of the Economic Confidence Model concludes. This is historically standard.


    Our models on sunspot warn of a prolonged solar minimum which will not bottom until around 2050. As the climate cools, there will be a rise in disease due to malnutrition and crop failures.


    Moreover, we are looking at the collapse of governments on a wholesale level. This is the end of Republics as we have known them. These waves produce complete changes in political systems. Even the last 309.6-year wave led to the collapse of monarchies. This time it will be the Republics and hopefully, we will have a new generation of founding fathers who will turn to direct democracy.

  • Deagel organization predicts massive global depopulation of 50 to 80% by 2025

    • WikiLeaks documents revealed that it [Deagel] was legitimately used as a reference material in a Stratfor report on the technological capabilities of the North People's Republic of Korea.
    • Many online researchers have mistakenly confused this site with “” which is owned by Edwin A. Deagle, Jr., Assistant to the Secretary of Defense and Assistant Secretary of Defense. [Edwin Deagle is also listed as an active member of the CFR. Perhaps most telling of all is the interesting fact that Deagle is the Director for International Relations for the Rockefeller Foundation, one of the leading eugenic supporters in the world.]
    • Deagel’s reports, particularly the aforementioned research on North Korea, were also provided to the president during presidential briefings. Deagel thus provides information which is then used by global intelligence communities and governments. Here is a partial list of known Deagel partners and customers, according to their own websites: National Security Agency, North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO), Organization for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD), the Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe (OSCE), the Russian Defense Procurement Agency, Stratfor, the World Bank and the United Nations.
    • To make matters even stranger, a statement on Deagel’s predictions page apparently claims that the population movements are due to suicide[i.e. consistent with my concept ‘societalcide’] and assures us that the organization is not “a merchant of death or satanic worship”
  • Depopulation projections a dystopian fantasy

    As noted previously by AAP FactCheck, the website’s grim forecasts have proved inaccurate. For example, in February 2012, it predicted[forecast] the US population would fall to 248 million by 2020 – when in fact it reached around 330 million.

    Nobody anticipated that the Western ponzi would be a can kicked down the road via such egregious extremes as the COVID scam and Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. The EU banking, negative interest rates, sovereign debt crisis was blowing up in 2019 with the skyrocketing overnight repo crisis as the banks stopped trusting other banks for even overnight loans. The economic collapse should have started before 2020, yet by kicking the can a few more years to much worsen the economic and geopolitical situation, then coming collapse will be all the more cataclysmic approaching apocalyptic. Deagel’s updated 2020 disclaimer explicates this cogently.

    It describes the population decline as the “Great Reset”, which it says is “another attempt to slow down dramatically the consumption of natural resources and therefore extend the lifetime of the current system”.


    The term originated in June 2020 with an initiative launched by Prince Charles and World Economic Forum chief Klaus Schwab to recast the COVID-19 pandemic as a chance to reframe the global economy around sustainable industries.

    The Great Reset promulgates many more facets of Western civilization self-immolation, than just the singular inane, societalcide concept of “sustainable” industries. That soi-disant “fact checker” website can’t even hide its complicity because it must promulgate the partyline 1984 newspeak (aka double-talk) where the word employed (‘sustainable’ in this context) actually has the opposite effect of its accepted definition and intended effect, i.e. averechts. For the uninformed or dimwitted: the pursuit of the so-called ‘sustainable’ economy is going to collapse the economy; and anthropogenic climate change is an intentional, junk science propaganda.

  • Doug Casey on the Shocking 2025 Deagel Forecast… War, Population Reduction and the Collapse of the West

    No. I’m afraid the election of actual Bolsheviks [actually descendents of Trotskyites] in 2020—and I don’t use that term lightly—has sealed its fate.


    In point of fact, the US is on such a self-destructive path that the Chinese don’t have to do anything in order to win. All they need to do is lay back and be quiet. The West is destroying itself.


    There is one thing I question about Deagel’s statement that you quoted: “The COVID crisis will be used to extend the life of this dying economic system through something called the Great Reset.” That’s a very odd statement because the crisis isn’t extending the life of the dying economic system. It’s putting the final nail in its coffin […] The Great Reset has nothing to do with preserving the current economic system; it’s about formalizing a new one.

    C.f. also Related links under World War 3: the USA won’t exist after 2034.

    The COVID scam transferred control from democracy to unelected technocrats that can’t be voted out, e.g. the Bill Gates’ CDC, WHO and Klaus Schwab’s entire EU Commission. In 2019 the free market was about to raise interest rates and the repo crisis was blowing up. The technocrat lockdowns forced the Fed to monetize everything to Pluto and beyond. Thus when it finally does collapse apocalyptically due to extreme deviation from the free market feedback loop, the pretend-and-extend manufactured crises will be the scapegoat to blame instead of the corrupt governance. The aforementioned contemporaneous Bolsheviks intentionally instigated the Ukrainian civil war (which will become WW3 perhaps by 2023) again to crash the economy and force the free markets to abandon interest rate hikes. And overall the plan appears to be destroy the dollar monetary system while transferring the wealth and reserve currency status into legacy Bitcoin.

    The political consequences are evident. The Biden people in Washington, D.C. are exactly the same personality types who took over Russia in 1917 or France in 1789. They aren’t going to let go of the apparatus of power now that they’ve got it. They will find a way to re-install themselves in 2024.


    But let’s get back to what could collapse the populations of North America and Europe by over 50%. Perhaps Deagel is anticipating a serious collapse of complex society because food won’t be grown, processed, and sent to cities. Maybe COVID is seen as just a catalyst. Most people in today’s highly urbanized world, from cubicle dwellers to ghetto rats, are incapable of surviving for more than a week if supply chains break.


    As I said earlier, a war, at least with China, seems inevitable. It will likely be fomented by the US because, as the economy goes bad, governments always look for somebody else, an outsider, to blame.

    At this point—and I recognize this will outrage jingoists and nationalists—the US government is actually the most dangerous force on the face of the planet. Much more dangerous than the Chinese, the Russians, or anybody else. Why? The US government is unique in actively and aggressively looking for trouble absolutely everywhere, sticking its nose into everything. Only the US has troops in a hundred other countries and is fighting hot wars in several more.

    It’s said, for instance, that the Russians are aggressors because they may retake the Crimea and the Donbas region. Most Americans, who can’t even find these places on the map, are unaware that Crimea had been part of Russia since it was taken from the Ottomans in the 18th century and is mostly populated by ethnic Russians.

  • Innovation BIS 2025: A Stepping Stone Towards an Economic ‘New World Order’

    Of greatest concern here is the explicit mention of integrating central bank digital money into a DLT framework. This is something I wrote extensively about in a series of articles in August and September. The rise of distributed ledger, and making the technology compatible with payment systems, is crucial to central banks realising their aims of implementing a cashless society.


    Innovation BIS 2025 is the next step in the quest to harmonise digital technology like distributed ledger with the next generation of payment systems, thus endangering the existence of physical money. As the world grows more unstable both economically and politically, central banks, in league with the private sector, will seek to take advantage of perpetual crisis to achieve their ends.

  • Biden Adminstration Surreptitiously Transporting Illegal Migrants All Over the Country (c.f. the video)

    C.f. also U.S. Preparing for New Migrant Wave as Biden Lifts Title 42

    Let me be bit more descriptive on the future Rothschild has planned for us.

    Our overlords are going to put the entire world into a meat grinder.

    The global economy is going to collapse and they will make it much worse with the junk science climate change fanaticism. The economic collapse will be the excuse for war. There will be international war, civil war, warlordism, roaming gangs, torture, megadeath, starvation, nuclear war, etc..

    Rothschild might make sure Trump 2.0, so the WW3 against China and Russia can be blamed on MAGA Americans. After the CCP sinks a U.S. aircraft carrier in the South China Sea perhaps after blockading Taiwan to provoke and lure the U.S. Navy into its lair (c.f. Taiwan’s Strategic Value and US lays out case against ‘unlawful’ China maritime claims), Trump will face the reality of losing the entire U.S. Navy in the South China Sea to China’s superior hypersonic missiles or positioning the U.S. Navy outside the first island chain of SE Asia to blockade China and force them to surrender through loss of trade. But this will boost trade intra-Asian trade and the Silk Road. Tthis would cause shortages in countries that form the first island chain because of the implausibility of coast guards to interdict their millions of poor fishermen (and longest coastlines in the world given their thousands of small islands and islets) who will otherwise be smuggling to China if they too are not also blockaded by the U.S. Navy. That is unless as I posited that China will dominate the South China Sea with their hypersonic missiles enabling trade to flourish into a new Asian economic bloc West of the first island chain which the U.S. Navy can’t interdict, given their loss of the airbases in the Philippines. However, the Philippines for example is currently allied in a bilaterial mutual defense treaty with the U.S., so how quickly could the Philippines politically transition their allegiances to said, posited economic bloc given the widespread pro-U.S.A. goodwill and sentiment among Filipinos who have benefitted from the close ties with the West and the U.S. in particular. The sheer diversity of pandemonium and tumult ahead is bewildering and maybe inscrutable/incalculable.

    Thus Trump will end up in the unenviable situation of having to sever trade with all of SE Asia or lose the war with China. Ultimately the CCP can use the scapegoat of the crime against humanity for attempting to starving billions of people to justify launching their 250 new nuclear ICBMs against the U.S. mainland.

    Russia might prop up regimes in Cuba and Venezuela to turn them into military bases to end the Anglo-Saxon hegemony in the central and South American hemisphere. The U.S. Navy eventually forced to retreat to protect the homeland and U.S. imports and exports with the shrunken manufacturing base that is Latin America as compared with SE Asiaa and only the portion of the Americas that hasn’t realigned with China. The pivotal role may be played by Japan. But if the U.S. is too weak then Japan may not have the means to match up militarily against both China and Russia. Japan is likely to make concessions of out pragmatism. I doubt Japan has the warlike youth it used to have to mount any significant imperialism in Asia at this time. Japan will have its own problems with a shrinking global economy and thus shrinking domestic export economy and thus will have an incentive to make peace to remain integrated with the youthful SE Asian demographics.

    I ponder if this will push Mexico and the U.S. closer together economically and militarily but we have to see. Mexicans are very pragmatic and will go where the profit is. China may once again (as been the case historically) be limited to its sphere in SE Asia. Is it possible that the CCP fall and Shanghai rise in alliance with Taiwan, Singapore and Japan to form the new economic center of the world in an Asia that will grow very fast after this period of meat grinder is completed?

    Nevertheless unless Asia can end its overpopulation, then it will always be relatively poor on a per-capita basis. And the more affluent they become, the more rat infested congestion everywhere. Imagine the 5 million vehicles in the Philippines exploding to 25 or even 50 million. I suppose they will have to move to a bubble cities model with electrified transportation. Massive technocratic transformation of SE Asia coming, but first the world into the meat grinder.

    China (CCP) has been propped up by debt and a predatory (low to no profit) mercantile export model targeted at the Western consumer debt bubble. Asia is going to have to source its own capital, which means it will need clean up its act in terms of having reliable governance so that investors will park their capital there.

    The plan seems to be first tear everything down, so they can BUILD IT BACK BETTER.

    CCP had no means of remaining united without ruining the economy with a debt bubble and a predatory mercantile model of trade, to keep all the corrupt fattened. But now it is imploding. Xi has been busy purging under the guise of cleaning up corruption. Yet ostensibly (according to you and apparent by accelerating world events and recent statements from Xi such as his pleading with the Fed not to raise Fed Funds rates) the problem now is that so many powerful people in China are now presumably angry about the imploding economy and having their power reduced. Perhaps now Xi has no choice but to more aggressively purge and induce sacrifice among the masses. This is why he needs war.

    I conjecture that the global elite overlords who are masterminding all of this want to dump WW3 and the loss of U.S. superpower status on Trump’s MAGA nonsense. The overlords (e.g. Soros, Gates, Klaus Schwab, Rothschild, etc) want to sully the image of conservatives to prepare the U.S. for its lurch into a more socialist/communist form of governance post 2037. Armstrong points out that 2032 – 2037 will be analogous to 1929 – 1934 in terms of a Great Depression and the socialist, totalitarian reaction to it (e.g. FDR’s New Deal). Whereas socialism is on its deathbed in W. Europe (i.e. the EU), its apogee may not been reached in the USSA which will not fully collapse until late in the 21st century. Thus EU will bounce back in perhaps a couple hundred years from now, but the USSA into a 600 year Dark Age later this century.

  • Yes in a Mad Max Dark Age Not Even Gold Has Value

  • Are we Headed into a Mad Max Scenario?

  • The Secret Agenda

  • Is It SHTF Safe While Living Within 50 Miles Of 1-Million People? (latests comments)

    I replied:

    It’s more realistic to employ area than circumference because some people will find what they need or be killed as the spread out over the contained area. In that case it’s radius squared × pi × 5280 feet/mile squared = 878 billion sq. ft.. There’s ~11,000 sq.ft. per acre, so if uniformly distributed there would be 1 marauder on your fourth of an acre for every ~80 million marauders streaming out of the city. Obviously it won’t be uniform as being near a paved road and other factors will have higher density of flow. For each halving of the radius, the math becomes four times worse and vice versa. But clearly one doesn’t need to be that far outside of a major city if they’re off the beaten path and thus not likely to be a known destination for pillage.

    Very little of the USA land area is high density population, c.f. Half Of The United States Lives In These Counties. Given those highlighted counties are ~30–50 miles wide, don’t need to be more than ~50 miles outside them.

  • Safer Survival Distance From USA City Hordes

    The worst case image is 150 miles radius from any city 100,000 or more population, which he admits is too pessimistic.

    And this presumes that they’re in a vehicle. Traveling on foot is a whole different ball game.


    Note: Within some of the zones there are natural obstacles such as mountains, forests, canyons, lakes, etc.. which present barriers even though relatively near population density.

    Note: You might also visualize a 10 mile wide corridor along every main road and highway within your region of interest. Beyond that corridor will certainly be ‘safer’ from an exodus.

  • Excerpt from Irrefutable Controlled Demolitions on 9/11:

    These overconfident fools on Eric’s blog plan to take out the power and food supply of major cities. Understanding the truth of 9/11 is key to understanding what happens next after that.

    If we understand the global elite are determined to exterminate these overconfident “patriots”, and we know the smartest action is to push an object in the direction of its extant motion and inertia, then clearly the U.S. military assets will be turned against the USA as a false-flag. It’s much easier to get a man to destroy himself by fighting for what he believes in when he’s entirely duped by a false-flag. Imagine America’s ICBMs being launched against the USA itself and blamed on Russian hacking. The duped U.S. military will attack Russia with passion and rage in retaliation. In return, Russia will nuke the [dissident] patriots. What is coming is utter chaos, psyops, and mega-death.

    So called “patriots” are outnumbered by ideological Frankenstein “can’t do” Millennials and will kill each other because frankly many men don’t trust intellectuals such as the witless, pointless Eric and his duped sycophants […] A 100 IQ man with a gun can take out his frustrations on a genius (or even to steal food because he’s hungry) when that “genius” isn’t looking. As Dmitry Orlov related in excruciating detail from the Serbian experience, it’s impossible to be permanently vigilant in a civil war.

  • U.S. Government May Legally Manhunt or Assassinate Any American Anywhere in the World

  • LEAVE NOW WHILE YOU STILL CAN by Gonzalo Lira, Oct 2021 from Kharkiv, Ukraine

    Gonzalo was suggesting that all Western nations will suffer leftist takeovers with total loss of freedom. He was expecting an imminent war between China and the U.S.. He was employing these scare tactics to promote Ukraine (and their women) as a location for a prepper, expat community, lol. I warned him that was not wise and he banned me from his Telegram discussion group. Note I have recently appreciated his efforts for exposing the Western media’s lies about the Ukrainian civil war underway. I commented on this video today:

    No f-ing way that happens in the USA. We're armed a.f.. Read Eric Raymond's The Critical Fraction. Armed resistance does not have to be offensive. We can wait for them to come to our homes and attempt to take us out. If necessary we can head into the mountains and form a guerrilla resistance. Guerrillas are never victorious but it can be an existence. More saliently though only the purple haired dikes remain in the military after the recent vaccine mandates. [I presume] Many of the masculine U.S. military will defy unconstitional, tyrannical orders and take up arms against the unconstitutional tyrants.

    The problem with escaping to a third world clusterfuck is that it will likely be overrun by gangs and warlordism, as the economic collapse maelstrom envelopes the globe. And in many of those countries we can’t legally arm ourselves for self-defense.

    And for example in the Philippines where we can operate a AR-15 owned via a Filipina wife, the medical terrorism is pretty severe, much worse than most of the U.S..

    U.S. military rank-and-file will defect on tyrants. [civil war?] Americans read our unique Constitution. Not all, but especially many in the military do. The U.S. Constitution is unlike any other in the world and puts many constraints on our government. Afaik, Gonzalo Lira is not really an American [was born in Chile], although he studied at Ivy League Darmouth. Ostensibly he does not understand our (at least Deep South) culture. As far as I know he is Chilean by birth. He certainly does not look Anglo-Saxon like me. I have dirty blonde hair, blue-grey eyes and clearly am a mix of German, UK, Irish, and French ancestry. I am from the Deep South and am from founding stock of the U.S. being a lateral descendant of Isaac Shelby and my direct anscestors served in the first Mississippi militia.

    Running into the mountains would be a last resort, because I think enough of my ilk will defect from any leftist takeover such that the U.S. will fracture into regions or individual States. If that.

    But if it comes to that extreme and if the government starts to go after us with Apache helicopters and drones, we will have no choice but to become become mountain men guerrillas and survive off wild game or die of starvation but unlike Geronimo I will never surrender. I am a warrior. Been that way since I played American football from age 5 relishing a bloody nose daily. I hope it won't come to that.

    I agree with Gonzalo Lira that if you want your freedom GTFO of all Western nations. Only the U.S. might be an exception [on some facets but still an incoming disaster] because Americans love their Constitution and will fight for it. I feel I have an array of choices accessible to me on this side of the Pacific and Atlantic oceans. The Muslim migration and Putin are going to make a huge mess of Europe. [although we have gang culture Latin American invasion in the U.S. which Biden opened the floodgates to]

    But in terms of food I expect to be able to find it in Mexico even if the U.S. is overtaken by a tyrant who shuts down all farming to create a Holodomor famine. What can you do if unable to escape the isolated “island” continent[penal colony] Australia[Alcatraz] if the tyrants running it shut down all the farms? You have no guns to fight back with. Canada is also displaying some fight against the tyrant Trudeau, and they may actually have access to firearms (they can certainly smuggle them in from the U.S.).

    As for defense against gangs and warlords, I already gave you an answer to that which is essentially become your own manorialism warlord, by forming an alliance with some men. Or hide in plain sight in the city employing surrogates to side-step totalitarian mandates and restrictions.

    EDIT: after observing the use of cluster and vacuum (thermobaric) bombs by Russia in Ukraine, I’m contemplating whether Gonzalo might be correct about the West turning into a penal colony. A problem is that if all the Western defense contractors are in the back pocket of and/or complicit with the Western tyrant leaders, defecting U.S. military will be ineffective against said air superiority. We wouldn’t have the hardware to defend ourselves and we can’t sabotage all of our government’s airforce. And even if we could that would open a power-vacuum for an invading airforce such as Russia.

    Maybe if some entity will supply the resistance with hand-held anti-aircraft missiles (e.g. Stingers) but who would offer that supply?

    I suppose we could hope enough of the U.S. military would defect such that to cripple the remnant military unable to properly function and operate the air force and other advanced weaponry. Maybe the resistance could figure out how to manufacture Stingers — perhaps even Elon Musk or some in his companies would be surreptitiously helping out on their own accord. We must remember that we have a lot of very smart and capable people in America.

    There’s something very ominious looming within this decade.

    Why a Judge Ruled the Police Have NO DUTY to Protect Citizens

  • Zug Izland – SLAM!

    Zug Izland – Cracked Tiles album

  • Onyx – Slam

    Onyx  Slam

  • Daily Mail thinks Fallout 3 artwork is terrorist propaganda

  • The Great Collapse is Coming! Are You Ready?

  • 𝘊𝘰𝘭𝘭𝘢𝘱𝘴𝘰𝘭𝘰𝘨𝘪𝘦, 𝘴𝘶𝘳𝘷𝘪𝘷𝘢𝘭𝘪𝘴𝘮𝘦 𝘦𝘵 𝘢𝘶𝘵𝘰𝘯𝘰𝘮𝘪𝘦

  • In 1972, a Computer Model Predicted the End of the World — And We're on Track

  • Can our society and way of life survive


  • Yep, it’s bleak, says expert who tested 1970s end-of-the-world prediction

U.S. military in societalcide decline?

  • Navy Says Won’t Deploy Warship While Commander Remains Unvaccinated

    The service said an East Coast guided-missile destroyer is “out of commission” after a Florida federal judge ruled that the Navy and Marine Corps cannot remove its officer for being unvaccinated against COVID-19.

    Western society is tearing itself apart at the seams in an internal struggle with the institutional technocratic insanity. AmeriKa can have all the military hardware but end up entirely incapable of deploying it effectively by shooting its feet.

    Potentially worse when conscientious objectors comprising up to 70% of the military protecting the Constitution end up fighting against their own military, i.e. a civil war, if the government “justifiably” orders the blind-allegiance-sieved, militarized National Guard against those (hoodwinked, unarmed sheeppl-idiots) attempting to resist and fight the corrupt, extant, ruling technocratic order. Anyone noticed that both the Pearl Harbor and 9/11 terrorist attacks[false-flags] involved kamikaze military planes intentionally summoned by our own government?

    Anon commented:

    I pointed out a while back on here that you can’t rely on most military people, just like you can’t rely on most cops. They select for servile conformists who will perform for a paycheck. The unconditional right-wing love of the military and the police has to end at some point, or eventually you’ll get a more rude awakening than the one you already got. Vox Day is a dupe, and so are you.

    Since you’re into picture evidence, look at any number of news articles and pics from the last month of unarmed soldiers standing around and sleeping on the nice marble of the capitol, meat shields for 100 IQ gremlins like AOC or Kamala Harris, who by the way are probably laughing at them. Imagine being so cucked. That’s your military.

    BAP’s [Bronze Age Pervert’s] advice on this is trash for the same reason. Tell a bunch of gullible young people to join the security forces, and in a couple decades this will result in…what? Exactly what happened this month. Upper brass are specifically selected for adherence to the uniparty.

  • Tall buildings and the social order published 2014

    It is habitable floors that are hard to do, and habitable floors are what generates the rental income. So, to assess a society’s technological level, count habitable floors.

    By and large, the taller the building, the more the profit.


    In South Africa the upper parts of tall buildings built by whites have become uninhabitable. That the upper part of the skyline has gone dark is the most visible symptom of social decay.


    The twin towers had one hundred and ten habitable stories.

    The top habitable floor of Freedom Tower, the replacement to the Twin Towers is labeled floor 104, but that is fraud, to disguise the fact that we cannot do this thing any more. It is actually the ninety fourth habitable floor […] The Soviet Union fell in part because they could not keep the lights on, and the elite got sick of the darkness.

    I expect that by the second term of Bill de Blasio, the New York night skyline will be showing some dark spots, like the missing teeth of an aging homeless alcoholic. This will be proudly depicted as huge progress in reducing carbon emissions.

  • Technological decline

    If we cannot build high buildings any more, progressives say we are now so sophisticated that we are now superior to status competition based on giant penis substitutes, and status competition based on having a higher corner office than the other business executives.


    But the most important thing about a military aircraft is that it can fly faster, higher, and further than its opponents […] SR 71 Blackbird, first built in 1972, about the time we put the last man on the moon.

    Cruising Speed Mach 3.2 Ceiling 85,000 feet Range 3,200 nautical miles

    Today’s latest and greatest American warplane, the impressively named F-35 Lightning II. Does not that sound so much more impressive than “Blackbird”?

    Cruising Speed Mach 1.6 Ceiling 60,000 feet Range 1,200 nautical miles nautical miles


    OK, so how are America’s enemies doing? China claims to be making impressive progess, Russia is not declining nearly as fast as the US. This is fairly typical of a civilization in decline. The center declines faster than the periphery, and the periphery may continue to advance in important respects even after the center has completely collapsed, or been conquered by one of the peripheral states.

    China promises for 2018 Chengdu J-20:

    Cruising Speed Mach 2.8 Ceiling 60,000 feet Range 1,830 nautical miles

    Since the Chinese are smarter but inherently less creative, they may never surpass America as it was at its height, but they are getting close and still advancing rapidly. Everything Americans once could do, they can copy, and probably over time polish up considerably, improving over the original it in modest ways.

  • Ace commented:

    The fact that our nukes are 30 years past their shelf life is a pretty good indication they don’t work. Russia completely rebuilt their entire stockpile in the last 10 years because they hadn’t built any weapons since the late 80s. We haven’t done the same.

    We’ve been trying to build tritium plants since around 2010 and we continue to fail (expected complete by 2030 now, but much like the SLS, it won’t be).

    (Note there was some pushback on the above comment.)

  • I replied:

    @‍darkh0st: the people may be all dead before any overthrowing takes place. This first salvo towards WW3 in Ukraine was entirely premeditated by our overlords and they do intend to eventually push it to all-out global nuclear war. Our ICBMs in the U.S.A. will probably be mostly duds because since 1988 we have not been able to enrich uranium to for example produce the key maintenance gas tritium. We do not even have the tools (e.g. a special wrench) to maintain our ICBMs.

    I replied:

    @‍dutchrjen: the U.S. has not been able to produce tritium since 1988 and is struggling to supply tritium for its nuclear arsenal among other ridiculous incompetence, Murphy’s law and comedy of errors. Russia is the main source of tritium. The Western technological decline is severe. Tritium is necessary for maintenance as idle nuclear weapons degrade. The U.S. military has been (barely? sufficiently?) sourcing tritium by cannabalizing highly enriched uranium needed for nuclear subs and aircraft carriers, which essentially means they’ve been cutting corners, derelict, don’t even have maintenance tools and sufficient expert manpower. Me thinks our co-opted political societal[sui]cide (societalcide) which has also infected the top military brass, are probably hiding how decadent, defunct and unprepared for a nuclear war is our military.

    Consider the notorious Damascus Incident. Never was there a better example of Murphy's Law.

    A worker was doing routine maintenance at an ICBM silo in Arkansas. He dropped his wrench. The wrench punctured the missile's fuel tank. Fires started and one thing led to another until eventually the missile tried to launch itself. Fortunately only the second stage ignited, which detonated the rocket shortly after liftoff. In this fashion Arkansas failed to incinerate Moscow. However the force of the blast also blew the missile's 9 megaton warhead straight into the air. It landed just outside the base's front gate. Had it exploded it would have irradiated a large part of Dixie. Worse, its impact could easily have led US defenses to believe that an attack was underway.

    A dropped wrench, a computer error, some mislaid paperwork - on a planet packed with 15,000 warheads wired to hair-trigger computer systems, it doesn't take much to bring on doomsday.

    If our nukes will not function, then Putin ostensibly knows he has this ace-up-his-sleeve which may explain why he’s smugly threatening nukes. Westerners who call his bluff might be depopulated by the deprivation and pestilence that follows the total collapse of the economy in the aftermath of nuclear devastation.

  • I replied:

    @‍jack smith: Russia possesses 576 nuclear warheads on submarine-launched ballistic missiles. The new Russian subs can carry up to 160 nuclear warheads. Those subs are surfacing off the coast of the U.S.. One hundred and 60 nuclear warheads per sub positioned so close as to be indefensible, seems quite the threat to our coastline.

    Why are you laughing about up to 576 nuclear warheads positioned right off our coastline? Is that funny to you? Are you missing a few screws in your head?

    Note you have not refuted Russia’s procurement of 30 units of the 100 megaton, 500m high tidal wave nuclear ultra-long-range torpedo [c.f. also and also] which may be capable of rendering uninhabitable the low-elevation Florida penisula.

    Russia has been modernizing and revamping their nuclear arsenal.

    China just constructed 250 new nuclear ICBM silos.

    Overconfident jackasses will reap what they sow.

    The West is collapsing itself by imposing these sanctions on itself. You will learn the hard way.

Archived, archived.

Archived, archived.

Related links:

Archived, archived.

Related links:

Epstein Didn’t Kill Himself

Archived, archived.

Related links:

  • COMEY & the Unconstitutional Antics of the NY Courts

    Audiotapes which revealed the bank’s illegal actions were either deliberately withheld from the government by the receiver to keep his fees going for 20 years, or they claimed they were destroyed in 9/11 World Trade Center event. This is one copy I found in my mother’s basement when I got out […] All phone lines are recorded in financial situations. The receiver threatened all my lawyers to throw them in contempt unless they handed over all the tapes. There were tapes where openly the bankers were asking me to join them on a platinum manipulation admitting that they had paid bribes to Russian ministers to recall the platinum to take an inventory to create a shortage. I stood up and stated that these tapes would reveal criminal activity on the part of the bankers. They somehow were conveniently[intentionally] destroyed in 9/11 to protect the bankers?

  • Why do I Meet With Heads of State

  • Wikipedia is a politically motivated, ‘establishment’ gatekeeper.

  • Abuse of Contempt of Court – Far more Common than People Realize

    • In Fraud Case, 7 Years in Jail for Contempt

    • Economist Martin Armstrong Jailed For Hiding Rare Coins Says They're His Now

    • The Real Deep State

      They took me for a little walk outside the courthouse and said I knew everyone, and that was worth a lot to them. In the same words, this can all go away if I agreed to be an informant inside the financial industry. My lawyer warned me they would do that and said I would be like a dog on a leash for the rest of my life. I also refused their offer.

      Every drug dealer I did meet when I was in contempt said the same thing. If they had $500,000 in cash that was confiscated, their indictment said a standard 50% [i.e. the government goons pocketed 50%]. Their court-appointed lawyer then tells them to keep quiet, for more money would mean more time. Cash routinely vanished and it all goes right into the Deep State — the National Security and Department of Justice.

      I seriously doubt that any president can defeat the Deep State. It will take the army to rise up to defend the people.

    • Civil Contempt of Court

      Like those charged with criminal contempt, the court may order incarceration of people held in civil contempt. However, unlike individuals charged with criminal contempt, people held in civil contempt are generally not given the same constitutional rights that are guaranteed to criminal contempt defendants.

      Those held in civil contempt generally must be given notice of the contempt sanctions and an opportunity to be heard, but usually are not guaranteed a jury trial. Also, their contempt does not need to be proven beyond a reasonable doubt, while criminal contempt charges must be proven beyond a reasonable doubt. Finally, criminal contempt involves a specified sentence (jail and/or fine), while civil contempt sanctions can be more indefinite, lasting until either the underlying case is resolved or the party in contempt complies with the court order.

      I posit this may apply to cryptocurrency project scammers as well. Naive FOMO investors would even in the absence of a rug-pull or blatant fraud, invariably enjoin a class action civil lawsuit to claim willful misrepresentation, inadequate disclosure, front-loaded enrichment and deceit. It would be interesting to see how courts handle the case where recalcitrant promoter ostensibly hides his $millions loot in crypto. How would the plaintiffs collect a judgment? There appear to be cases where civil fraud can lead to criminal prosecution.😲 Elitest scofflaw may think he can employ fraudulent conveyance or always afford to settle legal cases because of his massive crypto hoard, but what if it all goes poof it’s gone.”😉🤞🤣 Yeah bro it’s always a Parade of horribles and never a blackswan has this earth seen.

    • Fraud in the Canadian Courts: An Unwarranted Expansion of the Scope of the Criminal Sanction

    • Federal Judge Orders the Torture of Chelsea Manning – U.S. Violates Human Rights

      [JUSTICE[US]:] The point of this whole exercise is the judge can simply claim he does not believe you. You are not entitled to a trial by jury because they also claim they are not ‘punishing’ you for a crime, they are ‘coercing’ you and therefore since they do not call it a ‘crime’ you have no constitutional rights to a trial by jury. They can keep you there until you die under the pretense it is coercion and not punishment.

      There’s no justice on earth — JUSTICE[US]! Those peddling ‘justice’ are always lying.

  • CIA & Torture – All Americans Are Now At Risk When Captured

    no American is now safe for when captured they will be tortured in retaliation […] Torture does not produce reliable results. Someone will say anything to end the process. They Feds typically threaten your family. That is stage one. It is far too often effective. I myself was confronted with that situation. I then wrote a letter to Dorthy Heyl who was the SEC prosecutor at the time. The previous defendant the SEC used the same tactics removing all lawyers hung himself when he could not take it any more. I wrote to Heyl (who was not responsible for Fisher’s death) that if the government continued to threaten my family I would commit suicide to protect them, but I promised not to go so quietly. She told the others to stop […] The USA routinely tortures people in prison. This is how the Feds get their 98%+ conviction rate. The government tortured Higazy and compelled him to confess to owning the radio they claimed guided the planes into WTC. Higazy was then charged with lying to the FBI and was thrown into solitary confinement where many have committed suicide. The government told Judge Rakoff that Higazy had confessed so once again there would be no need for a public trial. Then, the airline pilot whose radio was left behind in the hotel in a different room returned. Suddenly, it was revealed that radio was not found even in Higazy’s room. Judge Rakoff demanded an investigation into how the government managed to get a confession from an obvious innocent person […] The mainstream media never reports the number of suicides in prison. This too is neatly covered up. It is so pervasive it is inhuman. They threw Bradley Manning into solitary confinement prior to trial. This is all Psychological Warfare that rises to the level of mental torture that is excessive and inhuman treatment. Unfortunately, it is standard torture practices used in the Justice Department to ensure they get their 98%+ plea rate so they never have to go to trial. In my own case, they came out and told me to my face they did not want to go to trial. They offered two deals. I refused, so off to solitary confinement you go. They will do whatever it takes to break people. Solitary is no joke. The United States cannot win a criminal case anymore without torture. The low rate of those who go to trial is stunning.

  • All the Plenary’s Men [2017] - “The Definitive HSBC Scandal Documentary“

  • The Veneer of Justice in a Kingdom of Crime

    A key plank of totalitarianism is the loss of a Justice department. We have already crossed that threshold.

  • When There is no Justice – It is Time To Turnout the Lights

    There is nothing you can do. There is so much corruption in the Justice System it is beyond belief. The ONLY reason I was released was because I had been accepted by the Supreme Court. To prevent them from ruling, the prosecutors had no choice but to release me. They put on a dog and pony show.

    • 76-Year-Old Released from Prison Since he was Innocent Afterall

    • Lanny Davis Makes it Clear The Prosecutor Wrote the Script [same as in my plea bargin case]

      If you do not, you go to prison for most of your life. In the 1970s, the conviction rate was 72%. Today, it is 98.7%. Whatever someone says in a plea deal is NEVER the truth. It is what the prosecutor demands you say. This is no different from the Spanish Inquisition. Over 11 million people are arrested every year and less than 4% of the people in federal prison are even there for violence […] Today, the United States extracts pleas from people with MENTAL TORTURE. You face 100 years in prison or you plead. They subjected people at Guantanamo Bay to “waterboarding” and NOTHING they ever do will any judge call it torture […] The propaganda is always America wears the white hat and would NEVER violate human rights – good one! […] The land of the free, home of the brave, and justice for all is now just propaganda.

    • Legal Reform – Learning From the Mistakes of the Past

      Shakespeare’s famous quote, The first thing we do, let’s kill all the lawyers,” is not actually about lawyers. You have to understand the context. Private individuals were not allowed to have lawyers in those days – only the king could have lawyers. It was not until the American Revolution that the Constitution gave you a right to counsel […] Shakespeare’s phrase […] was about the king’s PROSECUTORS who were corrupt. Jake Cade led the second Tax Revolt in England after the Black Death and the king’s “lawyers” (prosecutors) were the ones who aggressively seized homes and prosecuted people wrongly at that time. Hence, history repeats, and all the Constitutional precautions have been eliminated by the Supreme Court […] Parliament enacted the Writs of Assistance that was challenged in court in Boston, Massachusetts. These were writs that empowered, like the NSA today at their discretion, the king’s agents to search anything they suspected […] I am sure the king’s men also viewed their power as necessary, as the NSA does today […] If you wrote anything derogatory against the king, off you went to prison. This is what inspired the American Revolution and the Fourth Amendment that there had to be a reason to search; not just an arbitrary desire to see what we can find as the NSA and FBI does today.

    • Supreme Court is Once Again Inspiring Civil War

      qualified immunity for government officials is unsupported by the Constitution and was even one of the express complaints in the Declaration of Independence […] There can be no equal protection of the law as long as a government employee is above the law. Both prosecutors and police should be held to the same standards as any citizen. Until that happens, then the Supreme Court has placed the nation in jeopardy of civil war. There are plenty of good police, but they will be gunned down because of the abuses of the bad ones. Protecting bad prosecutors and police puts at risk others in the same field and the nation itself.

    • Immunity Must Be Overruled for Police & Prosecutors to Save Everyone

      The entire system has become so corrupt and this is why the United States has more people in prison than any other nation in the world including Russia […] A prosecutor will not get credit for a conviction unless you go to prison! When I asked a lawyer why no New York banker has EVER been criminally prosecuted, he laughed and said, “You don’t shit where you eat!” We are heading into a civil war because the Supreme Court has held that prosecutors can do anything whatsoever. They can even knowingly seek the death penalty for people they know are innocent because the government should always be above the law […] When the prosecutors finally figured out that the bank lied, they summoned me to a private reverse proffer session where Richard D. Owens admitted they knew I had never stolen anything. Yet he added, they would not drop the charges. They wanted me to plead to a conspiracy with Edmond Safra who was dead. I refused. To prevent me from helping our clients in suing the banks, they then imposed a gag order on me to prevent me from assisting my clients for LIFE! They used the charge of contempt without any description of a crime or any specific order to produce anything to purge the contempt, which is unconstitutional, but law means nothing in New York City. Clients even offered to put up the $1.3 million in cash to end the contempt and the court denied it, resulting in my lawyers simply saying this was just to prevent a trial making it impossible to produce anything. This was all just to protect the bank. What is blatantly obvious is that $1 billion in our notes were sold to the bank to hide our profit. HSBC then redeemed our notes for $606 million, pocketing about $400 profit in foreign exchange so they could hide that from the public. Because of this immunity that the Supreme Court has bestowed on police and prosecutors, there is ABSOLUTELY nothing you can do to defend yourself whatsoever. They are above the law and police have been abusing their position routinely. A friend who knew someone involved at HSBC commented it was a deal “too good to pass up,” which has always stuck in my throat wondering how much was paid back in bribes. Any of the major firms that compete against the bankers in New York are charged in New York, destroyed, and their bones are picked over by the New York bankers – i.e. Drexel Burnham (Philadelphia) and REVCO (Chicago).

  • Conspiracy Theories ← Armstrong slightly rewrote my 2013 email and responded

    REMARKS: I’m amazed that Armstrong doesn’t believe there is a cabal of high-level globalists who sit higher on the totem pole than the dumb politicians […] Carroll Quigley documented this [in Tragedy & Hope…] has he not heard of Rothschilds, Rockefeller, Kissinger, Zbigniew Brzezinski, Soros, the Bilderberg meetings, the Trilateral Commission, the upper echelon of the CFR, etc. I think Armstrong is just speaking matter-of-factly when he says the direction will be the one-world digital reserve currency REPLY: […] These people tried to manipulate markets – not the world. They were all jumping into Russia after they bailed out and sold Southeast Asia. They invited me to the IMF dinner Edmond Safra paid for to try to get me to join them. I told them Russia would fail. When it did, they argued it was me who manipulated the world economy because I had more influence than they did.

    Let’s put this straight. If such groups were all powerful, then why do they go bust with each crash and run to government for bailouts? I do not disagree that there are groups who “try” to control things, but there is no way they can stop anything from happening […] All of that evidence that in a REAL government would have sent them to jail, magically vanished in the collapse of World Trade Center 7 — the building that magically fell by itself in less than 7 seconds and was not hit by anything. CONVENIENT?

    Looks like I’ve since been vindicated on whether globalists such as Klaus Schwab et al are manipulating the entire world.🤔

  • CNN Confirms Soros Lost $2 Billion on Russia

    CNN did quote you back in 1998. They said you beat Soros since he lost $2 billion and you correctly called the Russian collapse and the Long-Term Capital Management collapse […] All the Hedge Fund punters were colluding together on Russia. They were all expecting guaranteed trades. As I have said before, Edmond Safra invited me to the IMF dinner where he rented out the entire National Gallery of Art in Washington. They were trying to get me to join them on Russia and bluntly said the IMF was in their pocket and would keep the loans going so they could get tens of percentage points in interest from Russian bonds. I told them my model said it would collapse. They disagreed because they paid off the IMF and had the “perfect trade” in play. After the London FT put our forecast on the front page of the second section, that started the blame game where I became the target since they all lost.

  • The Club & Why the Majority Must be Always Wrong

    Even the New York Times reported that George Soros lost $2 billion. You were the only one who made money so it made sense that you were named hedge fund manager of the year in 1998 […] This is also why they try to prevent people from listening to me. They are convinced that the reason they lost was that I was too influential and had too many institutions listening to me. That absurdity is what they ran to the government with, so I was then accused of “manipulating” the world economy. They all lost after I warned them and refused to join in their takeover of Russia I believe I was given the nod by the Clintons […] The Russian financial crisis hit Russia on the 17th of August 1998. Our World Economic Conference was held in London that June. Our forecast was then published by the London Financial Times on the front page of the second section.

    They did not give up. After they got the Federal Reserve to bail them out, they then focused on setting up Yeltsin and got him to divert $7 billion in IMF loans. Even CNN reported the money was stolen from the IMF. Edmond Safra’s Republic National Bank ran to the Department of Justice and then reported that a $7 billion money laundering scheme just went through Bank of New York. They attempted to blackmail Yeltsin to step down and appoint their guy; Yeltsin then turned to Putin. It was the US bankers, with the support of the Clintons, who first tried to interfere into Russian elections. This is why Putin was not friendly to Clinton and said Mueller could come to question anyone in Russia he liked, provided Russia could question Americans including Bill Browder who was Safra’s partner in Hermitage Capital.

    While “The Forecaster” was shown even on TV throughout Europe, Canada, and Asia, the question is why was it BANNED in the United States?

    Note the sordid, despicable status quo that the hypocrite, criminal Bill Browder is plastered all over the Ukraine war propaganda news stoking the disinformation and hatred of Putin by hoodwinked Westerners:

    The 2 hour 32 min version of THE MAGNITSKY ACT – BEHIND THE SCENES video which is also essentially banned within the U.S., explicates Bill Browder’s corruption. There’s a concise overview, a bullet-point summary (that fails to note that Magnitsky was murdered), a more detailed summary, and an interview with the film’s director. The Magnitsky Act – Behind the Scenes’ director Andrei Nekrasov Speaks Out summarizing and elaborating on the film’s plot and global implications.

    C.f. also Ptech and IMF’s $7 billion loan-bribe of Boris Yeltsin entrapment in the ‘Related links’ of the §Irrefutable Controlled Demolitions on 9/11. That involves the Money Plane.

  • Supreme Court has Accepted My Petition Against the Government

    At the[my] World Economic Conference, I announced that I had petitioned the Supreme Court after discovering in 2017 that despite the fact that the old company Princeton Economics International Ltd (PEI) had been closed back in 2009, the receivership was covertly continuing to take fees without my knowledge. How can a judge approve fees for 20 years when the bank pled guilty and repaid everyone back in 2002?

  • After 20 Years of Government Overreach and Abuse Will Martin Armstrong Finally Get His Day in Court?

Archived, archived.

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    Zug Izland – Cracked Tiles album

  • The Risk of Violence is Increasing – A Day of Global Protests (c.f. video of America’s Most Wanted billboard painted on side of a bus)

    These people have put themselves out there and just like there were attempts to kill Hitler, there will no doubt be someone or more than one who attempts to kill Gates or Schwab. You cannot turn the world upside down and expect people to accept it. Karl Marx’s idea of you will own nothing and be happy, led to the death of over 200 million people. There have been those who wondered if someone had assassinated Hitler, look at how many others would have survived.

    Even journalists had better think twice about supporting this Great Reset. They too are putting their lives at risk and those of their families. All it takes is one person who has lost everything to go rogue. Now that we entered 2022, the risk of more violence has only increased.

  • Bouchard calls for Fauci to be tried then executed

    After prosecution, the chair, the gallows, or lethal injection?” Bouchard wrote in the post, which was accompanied by an image of Fauci superimposed over a hanging noose […] Bouchard defended his post Friday, describing Fauci’s actions as a “crime on humanity.” He also alleged liberals had evoked similar imagery toward officials like former President Donald Trump.

  • The Total Collapse in Confidence of Government on Every Level

  • Biden’s Spending Spree – The Real Agenda

    Many people have written in asking why are all the government spending like there is no tomorrow? The answer is – there is no tomorrow! This Great Reset is all about defaulting on the national debts and so they are all going nuts spending whatever they like knowing that the end game is the default. There is no longer any pretense of fiscal management. Everything will simply vanish according to the forecasts of Klaus Schwab. This is also why they have been using COVID to enforce lockdowns and terrorize people […] All Western governments are moving as fast as they can to flood the economy so they can just force the fault and suppression of the people.

    It’s also because they need a scapegoat to distract the sheeppl from the insolvency of the decades of kakistocracy, kleptocracy and gorging on debt by (especially Westerners and their) governments. 30 year mortgages pull income forward by 30 years thus making homies 30 times more expensive — only Rothschild wins and we all collectively shoot ourselves in the feet. Welcome to the insanity of democrazy and sheeppl civilization.

  • Why They Need to Destroy Everything

    This entire scheme is because they can neither pay off the national debts nor can they fund the pensions. They know the system is collapsing. This is WHY Klaus Schwab was able to get his foot in the door. They knew the system would collapse. They have intended to end all rights to vote. In Europe, nobody in the European Commission stands for election. All laws are ONLY made by the Commission. They have succeeded in terminating democracy at the EU level. They have decided to burn down the barn and pretend it was someone else.

    This entire Great Reset is the sales pitch to the younger generation, which glosses over the hard facts. Some people are saying there are two resets and call the other the “Direct Reset,” which seems to be a term they are trying to apply for the unspoken details of the Great Reset. I have been warning that Bitcoin was allowed to expand to get the youth involved in surrendering all cash. Nobody knows who created blockchain because it was done for this purpose behind the curtain. Klaus Schwab has been the marketing guru to end all democratic functions by selling cryptocurrency as the future, which is to create total control over our spending. We will not be allowed to buy or sell without the permission of the Deep State. In his open 8 points for the 2030 agenda, he states democracy must be terminated – oh we will keep some human rights. Sure!

    These practice runs for a pandemic and then for hacking everything have all been carried out as part of this agenda. We had [the FUD narrative for the fake virus] COVID [allegedly] released from a lab they selected in China, and once Schwab began warning about global hacking, that too began. All of this ONLY benefits one thing — the surrender of our liberty.

    In less than one year, they have proven that the vast majority will obey blindly. Stanley Milgram’s experiments have shown that people will even torture others if told to do so […] That said, we are also influenced by mob behavior […] Today, the people who were called conspiracy theorists have been proven correct, and once more, we have the majority refusing to look at reality.

Collapse of Western Civilization Underway
my blog on November 26, 2019

The first (i.e. upper) chart above starts from the date of the ratification of the Constitution. The second (i.e. lower) chart above starts from the date of the American Revolution.

And the April 22, 2013 peak was on the exact day that whistleblower Edward Snowden made the final, irreversible move towards releasing the NSA exposé (not the day he released but the day he could no longer turn back or change his mind about being a whistleblower on the run from the unconstitutional use of the law against him). Thus the decline of the U.S.A. is intimately tied to the deep state corruption


Archived, archived.

Related links:

  • Eastern Europe & World War III Posted Feb 8, 2017

    Europe could become the site of a new global war in the East as tensions build there against refugees and the economic decline fosters old wounds […] a meeting between the West and Russia developed in the 1990s with agreements between the EU and Moscow along with several treaties including the USA. Russia was to then enter the G7 […] Obama who did his best to undo all of this.

  • Why Belarus is Constantly Attacking Europe

    Intentionally created migrant crisis.

Thucydides Trap

However, nuclear war between the U.S.A. and China is inevitable and unavoidable.


Archived, archived.

Related links:

  • China’s advance in Panama: An update

    The impact of increased scrutiny from the Cortizo government and its contribution to the slowing down of China’s advances in the country are striking […] due to its geography and importance as a regional logistical choke point, as well as a hub for commercial and banking activities, Panama continues to hold great strategic importance for the PRC. While the combination of the Cortizo government, U.S. pressure, and the COVID-19 pandemic may have derailed some of the most significant Chinese advances, the PRC continues to have a significant and expanding trade, investment, and financial footprint in the country that will only continue to grow with China’s current trajectory.

  • Why Blocking this Strait Will Start WW3

In all nations outside of the hardworking Asian nations, the entitled and ideologically spoiled brats (including boomers who raped the collective such that the U.S. government spends 10 times more on them than the youth) will attempt to fight for their nonsensical notion of “fair share” via the largess and permanent corruption of governance.


Archived, archived.

Related links:

  • Population Crisis

    Yes, I have said there remains the risk of a 50% decline in population as the Sixth Wave of the Economic Confidence Model concludes. This is historically standard.


    Our models on sunspot warn of a prolonged solar minimum which will not bottom until around 2050. As the climate cools, there will be a rise in disease due to malnutrition and crop failures.


    Moreover, we are looking at the collapse of governments on a wholesale level. This is the end of Republics as we have known them. These waves produce complete changes in political systems. Even the last 309.6-year wave led to the collapse of monarchies. This time it will be the Republics and hopefully, we will have a new generation of founding fathers who will turn to direct democracy.


    1723 – Mini Ice Age fall of Monarchy
    1413 – Black Plague 50% death rate & fall of Serfdom with the birth of Capitalism
    1104 – Fall of Byzantium follows the Great Monetary Crisis of 1092 & First Crusades
    794 – Rise of Charlemagne rebirth of empires and nation-states begins & Japan Capitol become Kyoto in 794
    484 – The Huns invade Persia and kill the Sassanian king, Firuz, ending the Sassanid nobility. Rome falls in 476AD

I hope we once again have reminded people that man is not free unless government is limited. There's a clear cause and effect here that is as neat and predictable as a law of physics: as government expands, liberty contracts.” — Ronald Reagan.

Archived, archived.

Related links:

Archived, archived.

Archived, archived.

Related links:

Archived, archived.

Related links:

Overlords Scripting WW3, Economic Collapse and Monetary Reset

China and Russia Forced Into Medical Terrorism and War

It’s useful to note that the Eastern bloc nations won’t be opting out of our overlords’ technocratic enslavement, because for one reason the hyperinflation of investment assets most specifically Bitcoin (aka hyperbitcoinization which gives rise to a two-tiered monetary system instead of hyperinflation of prices) will continue to egregiously outpace the diminishing value of commodities (including gold) and Eastern bloc nations’ billions of blobs of protoplasm — China and Putin’s Achilles heel. This is the theory of power in action as the maximum harvestable value of said protoplasm liability is to enslave them—which can also be understood by the need for Xi and oligarchs in China and Russia to maintain their grip on power.

Scott Alexander wrote in his summary of the history of the politics of China about how Chinese wallow in the clusterfucks of their own making:

(our only consolation is that the father of Chinese Internet censorship, Fang Binxing, keeps shooting himself in the foot and getting humiliated in various ways, eg this story where he tried to give a presentation on his censorship methods, found some of the websites he needed to access were censored, and had to fiddle around onstage trying to set up a VPN to get around it. When he tried to go on social media, “he quickly closed the account after thousands of online users left expletive-laden messages”, and now his name itself is censored as a last-ditch effort to prevent people from saying mean things about him. Self-damnatio-memoriae seems like a fitting punishment)

During earlier parts of his reign, Xi deliberately left a small fraction of the public square untouched; he seemed aware of the “dictator’s information problem” where nobody would tell him when things are going wrong, and he valued public protests as a way to find corrupt officials and other problems requiring his attention. He’s since backed off on this and just started censoring everything.

China relative GDP growth

For example China’s President Xi Begs the Fed Not to Ease Rates. Xi is being forced to aggression by the monetary reset plan of which Bitcoin is a central facet. Xi needs a patriotic diversion from (and a scapegoat to blame for) China’s economic collapse, while also maximizing Stockholm syndrome, Pavlov’s Dogs and Stanley Milgram’s obedience cum capitulation to totalitarian control (i.e. enslaving CBDCs, social credit score, lockdowns, etc) to prevent grassroots rebellion. Thus the intentional deployment of the virtue signaling, patriotic ‘zero COVID’ medical terrorism insanity to maximize stagflation for creating the obedience and UBI dependency, e.g. ‘at least we feed you.’ The Shanghai clusterfuck is amplified by the Asian culture of ‘saving face’ along with political positioning for the power struggle within the CCP for the upcoming epic election.

I replied:

China is notoriously difficult to rule because of its horrible geography in which only the coasts are prosperous. Xi really doesn’t have much choice as the global economic dividend from the fall of the Soviet Union and the global economic debt bubble have exhausted the extend-and-pretend, kick-the-can runway. The Certificate Of Vassal IDentity deprivation wailing by the thousands from the condo balconies in Shanghai this week is a harbinger of dark times ahead for the entire world.

Additionally our NWO overlords intentionally provoked international war in Ukraine which is the first domino in cascade of multipolar, geopolitical-economics that end up in WW3. This is forcing Russia to exert totalitarian control under the color of patriotism and virtue signaling, such as restricting speech, monopolizing mass media and pursuing the medical terrorism Trojan horse as the red-herring for the incoming CBDCs digital panopticon.

Thus China and Russia are fully onboard the globalist Great Reset and NWO agenda. I even read that Russia will continue to service their sovereign debt financed by the Westerns banksters such as JP Morgan.

  • Ah $h*t | A Coming World War 2 Disaster — Charlie Munger

  • Scenarios for the Future

  • PRIVATE BLOG – The West is Pleading For Putin to Invade

  • The West’s Desperate Effort to Switch the Enemy from COVID to Putin

    Meanwhile, the West has been on its hands and knees begging for Putin to invade Ukraine. They know that rarely will the people throw out of power a government during a war. This is what they are counting on and it is why Biden refused any concession to Putin. That was a slap in the face and Europe is so weak it could not muster the strength to defend itself from Russia. But the covert benefit is that the EU will use this to create an EU army [because U.S. can’t, c.f. also] and this solidifies power over all European states. […] Ivan Mazepa was a Ukrainian who supported the Swedish against the Russians. The Battle of Poltava on June 27th, 1709 was a turning point in Russian history. This was a battle, where Peter the Great and the Russians defeated the Swedish army at a turning point in a war with Sweden. Poltava is actually in Ukraine, and Ivan Mazepa remains a Ukrainian hero and a traitor to Russia to this very day. This was the decisive battle that placed Russia as a major power on the European stage of politics. So here we are facing the 309.6-year cycle and we see Ukraine matched against Russia once again.

  • Biden laughed, ignored Putin's 'legitimate' concerns

  • US & NATO Refuse to Grant any Concession to Russia

    It appears that the powers that be, have been wanting Russia to invade Ukraine and are probably going to church every day to light candles and pray for war. They desperately need a war to move on from COVID and the standard belief is that Biden needs to get his polls up.

    Putin demanded a written assurance that NATO would halt its easterly encroachment. Biden refused while feigning that the West was open to a diplomatic resolution, thus intentionally giving Putin no choice but to invade Ukraine. This achieves the goals of creating a diversion from their cerveza sickness scam, and they can blame all the supply chain destruction inflation (that originated from the cerveza pLandemic) on Putin and war.

  • Biden’s Ukrainian Press Conference Surrenders to Putin

    When you listen to a politician, listen closely not to what he says, but what he is desperately trying not to say. Here Biden over Putin a free-pass to enter Ukraine. Yes, he promised sanctions. He did not say that American or NATO troops would respond. He also said that Ukraine would not enter NATO. They need deniability as to why they will not defend Ukraine with military force.

    Note this is also conditioning the American public to re-elect Trump 2.0 in 2024, so he can effectively lead our troops into WW3. We will lose an aircraft carrier to hypersonic missiles in the South China Sea, then U.S. Navy forced to retreat to a blockade of the entire SE Asian first island chain. China constructing 250 new nuclear ICBM silos which I presume they will use in retaliation on U.S. cities when our Navy blockage starves a billion Chinese. Russia also as a nuclear bomb they explode off a coastline to create a 500m high radioactive tidal wave (goodbye Florida) [c.f. also and also]. Russia will be sending their Navy and troops into Venezuela. China controls a lease for ports on the Panama canal.

  • Lawmakers press Biden for ‘harsh’ response to Putin’s troop deployment

  • Biden could have done this to stop Putin: Pompeo

  • Lindsey Graham: Iran, China watching Biden get run over by Putin

  • Who’s Appeasing Putin Now?

    Biden’s failure to forcefully confront Russia on Ukraine and other matters puts Democrats in an awkward position […] Biden still hasn’t used his congressionally mandated authority to send up to $200 million in military aid to Ukraine […] Biden warned Putin that the U.S. would respond if Russian hackers targeted critical infrastructure again, but did not respond to the pipeline hack itself […] Biden also appeased Russia during the U.S. withdrawal from Afghanistan […] tacit acknowledgement of Putin’s claim to hold dominion over the republics that were once part of the Soviet Union […] since Biden came into office, his administration has stopped enforcing major sanctions on Russia’s pipeline to Germany, held off on punishing Russian hacks of critical infrastructure and now seeks to deter a Russian invasion of Ukraine with threats alone […] Some might call that appeasement. Others might say Biden’s presidency so far has been a gift to Vladimir Putin.

    All premediated and by design. Biden works for the overlords. And notice how they’re building the case for Trump 2.0 in 2024 to play the role of war hawk and lead the U.S.S.A. into a devastating WW3.

  • The Real Politics Behind Ukraine & Taiwan (c.f. video Soros Calls for the Overthrow of Xi Jinping) Once again Armstrong doesn’t understand what is really going on. Soros is putting pressure on Xi to force him to choose the war option (Taiwan and U.S.) as the scapegoat to maintain control in China.


    The Russia-Ukraine situation is premeditated by Klaus Schwab et al, to continue the Great Reset by further disrupting supply chains with economic sanctions. And yet even I emailed him many times otherwise Armstrong thought the plebs were winning, when in fact he should realize that the overlords have many tools and plans they can use after their virus scam. They appear to be intentionally fomenting WW3. Also Bill Gates may be creating a monkeypox epidemic in the Congo with his mass vaccination programs, c.f. also India Holds Bill Gates Accountable For His Vaccine Crimes, Fertility-Regulating Vaccines Being Tested in India and Bill Gates Activities In India Exposed By Robert Kennedy Jr (← example of myelitis induced by Gates’ vaccines…giving ‘poliomyelitis’ another name so that ongoing cases aren’t classified as polio enabled polio to be magically cured by the polio vaccine, lol). So our overlords may attempt another round of medical terrorism in the future, perhaps with a monkeypox bugaboo.

  • Removing Russia from SWIFT – The Nuclear Option Killing SWIFT is a facet of the monetary reset plan forcing adoption of Bitcoin as an international settlement and reserve asset, c.f. also, also, also.

  • Putin Could Take All of Europe in the Blink of an Eye – Its Time to be AWAKE – not WOKE

  • Russia’s Stealth Subs – One Can Take Out Most of All the Targets in Minutes

  • Biden Speaks – Nothing but Lies Again to Start WWIII

    Now we hear the very same words over two provinces in Ukraine that have been seeking independence since 2014 and the West has utterly failed to allow those people any right to Democracy or Freedom from oppression that has been waged against them by a comedian who is head of Ukraine – Volodymyr Zelensky.

  • ‘What are you waiting for?’ Zelensky slams world’s ‘appeasement’

    Castigating western inaction, he said, “Ukraine has received security guarantees for abandoning the world’s third-largest nuclear arsenal. We have no weapons. And no security … But we have a right – a right to demand a shift from a policy of appeasement to one ensuring security and peace,” he said. “For eight years, Ukraine has been a shield. For eight years, Ukraine has been holding back one of the greatest armies in the world.”

    He said Ukraine sought a “clear” and “feasible” timeframe to join NATO.

    Western installed puppet Zelenskiy (Зеленский) was forcing Putin to invade with that call for NATO obligation and assistance.

  • Volodymyr Zelensky – The Man Intent on Creating World War III

    Instead of accepting the offer to evacuate and negotiate to appease Putin, Western puppet Zelenskiy (Зеленский) is playing his scripted drama queen role to force Putin into door-to-door, counter-insurgency warfare in Kiev [EDIT: or encirclement, bombardment and starving the cities and troops into surrender]. This forthcoming massacre will paint Putin as an evil person and remove any incentive he has to perpetuate the mask of moderation and empathy [EDIT: although Putin may employ clever propaganda to convince Russians the West provoked the response]. It appears there was popular sentiment driving the 2013 Euromaiden revolution to oust the Russian puppet and former President Yanukovych who refused to push forward integration of Ukraine into the EU, but at least in the Northwest regions, U.S. State Department was meddling with Victoria Nuland was instrumental in guiding the outcome.

  • Is Western Press Egging Putin to Fully Invade Ukraine?

    The danger here is that Germany just may have expanded the war to all of Europe as the US was breaking its neutrality shipping arms secretly to Britain on passage ships – i.e. Lusitania. The German Chancellor Olaf Scholz just announced Saturday that Germany will provide anti-tank weapons and surface-to-air missiles to Ukraine. In matters of war, that now justifies Russia declaring war on Germany since this is now a formal declaration against Russia by Germany.

    They have also avoided mentioning the Minsk Agreement which was supposed to have been brokered by France and Germany since 2014. They are only reporting Western propaganda and not the truth about anything. So far Putin has invaded Ukraine with less than half of his forces. What they are twisting in their reporting is that Putin may not be trying to conquer Ukraine – just to demilitarize as he said. If that is the case, then other than eliminating the government in Kyiv, he does not need to take all the cities. By reporting that Putin is losing, it seems more than they are egging him on to outright destroy Ukraine and occupy it.

    Armstrong conveniently ignores that Putin is only satiated with Ukraine as a failed state. Does Armstrong really imagine that the non-Russian speaking Ukrainians want to live in an impoverished, failed state? Putin miscalculated, as did Hitler.

  • India Journalist States This is a War of the West’s Creation

  • Why India need not toe Western line on Ukraine, former foreign secretary Kanwal Sibal explains

  • Ukraine & Russia Peace Talks End

    The talks between Russia and Ukraine have produced nothing because Zelenskiy (Зеленский) is unwilling to let the two Russian provinces be independent, yet at the same time, he passed the Ukrainian language-only law. Everyone has a right to separate just as Americans did from Britain. That is a human right which in the words of Thomas Jefferson is inalienable.

    Armstrong pulling some duplicitous, hyperbolic nonsense out of his arse. Groups of people aren’t sovereign just because they assert that they are. Armstrong admitted that former Justice Scalia stated that U.S. States have no right to secede, c.f. also. The only means of secession is via war. The Kenyan U.N. representative argues that ethic, cultural and legacy borders are irrelevant as people must learn to live in peace regardless.

    Besides Putin is a hypocrite because he terrorized Chechnya instead of granting independence.

    Moreover that ossified Boomer mind of Armstrong is refusing to acknowledge the holistic analysis which I have emailed him innumerable times. Rothschild et al are sowing war and separatist discord (of which his funding of the creation of the Internet, Wikileaks and smartphones are playing a crucial role) as the means to deprecate the dysfunctional nation-states so as to usher in his NWO and his legacy Bitcoin as John Nash’s Ideal Money which is to enslave the profligate, antifragile nation-states.

    Armstrong continued:

    While Zelensky gets the West to spin this as Ukraine is fighting for freedom, Zelensky refuses to allow the Eastern portion which is virtually entirely Russian ethnically to separate and has allowed shelling of their regions. The question is why is he pushing his country into an obstinate war and refusing any compromise? Is he really being told by Western powers who need war right now as the diversion from [the failing] COVID [narrative and a scapegoat for the collapsing supply chains and inflation our overlords have intentionally induced]? Some are claiming that both Zelensky and Putin are Schwab’s Young Global Leaders. This is not true.

    In 1992, Klaus Schwab and World Economic Forum launched a program initially called Global Leaders of Tomorrow. In 2004, this program was turned into the Forum for Young Global Leaders which was a 5-year program of indoctrination into WEFs principles, Schwab’s authoritarian rule where he himself has a ZERO error tolerance in the WEF, his economic theories and nobody else, and his goals for the end of capitalism as we have known it. However, Schwab is also a marketer. He nominated existing career politicians with originally 43 that including Angela Merkel, He even nominated Putin. But these people DID NOT go through a 5-year indoctrinating process. This has been a marketing ploy on his part and then claims some people are his Young Global Leaders despite the fact they are by no means young nor are they just starting. Neither Zelensky nor Putin have undergone some 5-year program and Putin would never take any direction from Schwab – that I know for a fact. So let us set those rumors aside. Schwab was interested in promoting suitable future leaders for the emerging global society he intended to create. The program has since its inception has included politicians, business leaders, royalty so he could pitch that to young people who would be indoctrinated.

    Armstrong was ostensibly responding to an email I sent him noting that the timing of Putin’s aggression is very suspicious given our overlords needed the imminent sequel to the increasing awareness of, declining compliance with and fear of their cerveza sickness propaganda, FUD scamdemic. The sequel seems to have been planned long ago, but we can ponder if the son-of-a-eugenicist (aka S.O.B.) Bill Gates was given one shot (pun intended) at a “more civil”, sophisticated, high-tech, anodyne, sheeppl-zombie-bot means of depopulation[‘intelligent design’] with DNA altering (c.f. also) vaccines[gene therapy] that increases morbidity analogous to (c.f. also) iatrogenic cancer radiation in a less brute, baroque means to the end than the nuclear holocaust sequel which now seems to be underway. Schwab’s WEF forum had been telegraphing upcoming ‘cyberattack’ on critical infrastructure. They need an excuse to call for “vaccinating” the Internet. NATO General Secretary Stoltenberg stated that a cyberattack on any member of NATO (e.g. spillover from Ukraine into Poland or Romania) would triggered the ‘commitment clause’ and be considered an attack on all of NATO. Someone wrote in my private Telegram group:

    On the other hand, it has been 8 years since the conflict between the Dombass and Ukraine started and several years that the globalists talk about Ukraine's entry into NATO. There was no real significant event justifying the acceleration of a Russian intervention.

    So if Putin is independent, the last thing he should want is to give a diversion to the globalists who were getting bogged down in the consequences of their manipulations. And yet, he chose this precise moment to bring them a miraculous diversion.

    If there were to be a cyberattack that disrupted the banking system or the internet, as simulated by the globalists 2 years ago and a few months ago in Israel, it would obviously be easy to point the finger at the Russians.

    Not to mention the statements of Schwab who as always does not know how to hold his tongue in his pocket and could not help but evoke the presence of Putin in the Young Global Leaders program.

    Armstrong’s rebuttal consists of a strawman focused on whether Putin is young enough to have been indoctrinated by Schwab, which doesn’t address the salient points. The implication is not whether Putin was a young member of the program but whether he’s complicit thus a clandestine member of Schwab’s WEF. Certainly Angela Merkel has destroyed Germany with her policies which seem to have been congruent with the overlords’ objectives.

    While it’s probable that the timing of Putin’s aggression is because the West inflamed the situation recently and cornered Putin in the eye of public opinion forcing his hand or forced his hand economically, one must wonder why is Armstrong always defending Russia and China and painting them in the best light while ignoring the oppression and corruption of their totalitarian regimes?

    @‍dutchrjen commented:

    Ukraine is also entering the "Rasputitsa" or the "Mud Season" of spring so even tanks will have to use paved roads to get around in many areas for the next two months.

    The problem Russia and China have is that their economies are too centralized and structured around the economic goals of the oligarchs in low profit margin commodities and deprecated industrial age industries. The citizenry of both of these nations are (on average) impoverished and in demographic decline, c.f. Why Most Humans Live Inside This Small Circle:

    Of course the West is also decadent and choking on debt and inane/insane societalcide — the world is ripe for a catastrophic WW3 and monetary reset.

    Putin has no interest in conquering Ukraine. He wants to secure the independence of the Russian provinces.

    Bullshit. Putin wants to restore the Warsaw pact borders.

    The present-day excuses and grievances being offered for Putin’s aggression are the fricken, analogous, contemporaneous issues (← very disturbing video) that existed during the era of Bolshevik Lenin and Stalin when the Russians deliberately created the punitive, genocidal, Holodomor famine in Ukraine after they couldn’t force or incentivize Ukrainains to yield their struggle for sovereignty.

    Putin is attempting to be more tolerant of language diversity, but Ukraine doesn’t want to be a Putin’s failed state security buffer zone. Putin’s unrealistic ambitions are causing him to walk into Rothschild’s entrapment analogous to how Hitler’s unrealistic ambitions played right into the Zionist propaganda trap laid out for him. A History of Eastern Europe: Ukraine-Russia Crisis explains Ukraine has always been a contested region which Russia wishes to control.

    Let me explain something here and Ukrainians should remove Zelensky from power NOW! The risk of nuclear war is real, but we are not talking about Hiroshima-type attacks. There are also small-range tactical nuclear weapons. Even the US has had such systems since 1961 known as the M-28 or M-29 Davy Crockett Weapon System which are tactical nuclear recoilless weapons. They are small and intended to be surgical strike weapons.

    Agreed and I have been predicting that for two years and emailing you and only now you mention it publicly. You did nothing to help spread awareness back when we might have still had time to stop it. Now it is too late. Prepare for this horrific outcome.

    Be careful believing anything the media claims or government. There are attacks as hate crimes against Asians all because the press called this the Chinese COVID.

    Of course because our overlords and their Western leader puppets want to manipulate public opinion in support of a WW3. But that isn’t a sufficient excuse or justification for anything Putin or Xi are doing or their raison d’etre. They’re propping up a corrupt oligarchy in their nations, and thus of course they also need WW3 as the scapegoat for their economic pillage and devastation. In some sense we can also argue the West is also run by oligarchs, so I’m also not exusing any of the actions from Western puppet figureheads. I’m just arguing to stop making excuses or justifications for either side as they’re all clusterfucked in the ruthless capture of power vacuums.

    I had to laugh and nod in agreement though at Putin’s response to a Western “journalist” that had the gall to assert that ‘Biden wants stability and predictability.’ Putin rightfully mocks the question essentially implying the reporter is hallucinating on shrooms. Putin is also correct to point out to that inane propaganda hack masquerading as a journalist that there’s no more evidence of Russia committing the alleged cyberattacks as has been presented for the existence of the tooth fairy — although I swear I received $5 under my pillow for each baby tooth I dropped there. Putin points out that NATO has declared cyberspace a battle ground, and the U.S. hasn’t accepted Russia’s offer to coordinate on cyberattacks.

  • Did Harris Set Off the Russian Invasion Telling Ukraine to Join Nato? Well maybe Putin was pushed to invade Ukraine. Kamila Harris said at the Munich conference on February 20, I appreciate and admire president Zelensky’s desire to join NATO.” Ostensibly our overlords who are scripting this from behind the curtain want us to think this all negligence. Is Kamila really that stupid? Well maybe yes, but the decision to send her was made by someone very smart who is scripting WW3 and its role in furthering the forthcoming NWO.

    Kalima’s statement was a breach of the Budapest Agreement in which the U.S. is supposed to remain neutral, although the U.S. has always been meddling in Ukraine. The plausible deniability of this being pure stupidity is ludicrous. This was clearly intentional to push war as the sequel to the cerveza sickness to continue to crash the economy to usher in the Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Form (WEF) (you will own nothing and be happy) Great Reset — analogous to what FDR did in 1933 with the Pearl Harbor false-flag. The sequel seems to have been planned long ago, but we can ponder if the son-of-a-eugenicist (aka S.O.B.) Bill Gates was given one shot (pun intended) at a “more civil”, sophisticated, high-tech, anodyne, sheeppl-zombie-bot means of depopulation[‘intelligent design’] with DNA altering (c.f. also) vaccines[gene therapy] that increases morbidity analogous to (c.f. also) iatrogenic cancer radiation in a less brute, baroque means to the end than the nuclear holocaust sequel which now seems to be underway.

  • Did Incompetence Set in Motion The Ukrainian Crisis?

    German Chancellor Olaf Scholz seems to be the ONLY world leader to speak the truth that Ukraine’s President Zelensky will[should] NOT [be allowed to] engulf the world into a world war by dragging in NATO. The Epoch Times reported:

    […] Scholz said he shares Russian President Vladimir Putin’s security concern and clarified to Putin that Ukraine will not be allowed to join NATO […]

    I have warned that our Model of Ukraine was turning down as of January 6th, 2022. However, in addition to this, we are approaching also the 31.4 years (Pi Cycle) which will be April 6, 2023.


    Henry Kissinger said back in the Washington Post on March 14, 2014, when Russia took back Crimea – The demonization of Vladimir Putin is not a policy. It is an alibi for not having one.”

    Then we have Secretary of State Anthony Blinken claiming he has confidence that Ukraine can defeat Russia. I really do not know what planet he is on. That would be such a devasting blow to Russia that Putin would turn to nuclear weapons. Besides that, he seems oblivious to the alliances that are forming before our eyes. China just entered into a new “friendly” agreement with North Korea


    The Budapest Agreement committed Washington, Moscow, and London, among other things, to respect the independence and sovereignty and existing borders of Ukraine and to refrain from the threat or use of force against that country.


    Despite Blinken’s absurd statement that he thinks Ukraine can defeat Russia without any sense of such repercussions, this statement appears to be using Ukrainians as pawns in an intended war against Russia that will only bring in China and the rest of their alliance.


    Some think Zelensky is being bribed by oil companies to try to get back Crimea where there is a huge gas reserve that would then replace Russia as the energy supplier to Europe. Others think Zelensky is just a puppet of the World Economic Forum to push their agenda upon the world in hopes of defeating Russia. The truth always surfaces but many Ukrainians do not support Zelensky.

    As I had anticipated where I wrote/posited previously that Putin was leaving that huge convoy north of Kyiv as a sitting duck to lure NATO into bombing it, NATO is indeed contemplating escalation to a de facto declaration of war on Russia by helping Poland to send fighter jets into Ukraine to attack that soi-disant “stalled” 40 mile (64km) Russian military convoy. Putin has even told Russian mothers, wives, sisters, brides and girlfriends that their young boys weren’t sent into combat roles and only the professional soldiers are. If the West attacks the young boys then Putin would have a propaganda victory. [Update: for the time being U.S. rejects Poland fighter jet offer for Ukraine.] I replied:

    17:22 it’s not that the Ukrainians don’t want to be part of the Western democrazy when that $100 trillion about-to-implode-debt-bubble-clusterfuck is offering trinkets and materialistic lifestyle, but rather that politically Ukraine has never been sovereign and has always had puppet leadership in the millennia proxy war between world powers. So the Ukrainians have been fooled with the lure of Western trinkets and mass media priests into thinking they want to be part of the West, but the fact is they do not have any choice in the matter and are being used as pawns and fodder for WW3. It’s highly incorrect to insinuate that people can’t be induced to do something they didn’t realize they really want to do. You don’t seem to understand mass psychosis and that all civilizations are run by warriors or priests and priests have more soft power and influence. Most appalling is you’re apparently not aware of how duplicitous the deviant, bankster-Jew-pigeon Zelenskiy has been, including but not limited to terrorist operations in Donbass (c.f. also) and forcing Russia to fight against and inflict maximum civilians casualties and devastation. Zelenskiy (Зеленский) and the West ostensibly want a humanitarian crisis, WW3 and a nuclear holocaust.

    @‍Ivan Snegirev: Russia is indeed employing a siege and capture strategy and they do want to keep the Ukrainian army intact because they will become a de facto branch of the Russian army in Ukraine. They prefer to encircle the Ukrainian army than kill it.

    @‍Grim Alteruism: Spell it correctly Zelenski if he was Polish or Zelenskiy (Зеленский) for the Russian spelling.

    @‍Oleksandr Redka et al: All you hoping to overthrow Putin you would end up with a much worse chaos if so. Besides it will not happen. He still has 60 percent support and Russians understand much better than Westerners do what this is really about and they will become more hardened to support Putin the more the West puts sanctions on effectively itself.

    @‍marhlon sabang: indeed if necessary a false-flag (by either side of the world powers meddling in this proxy war) can be arranged to justify any level of escalation required.

    @‍Brayden Aitkenhead nonplussed and apathetic from the comfort of your mother’s sofa with Netflix. When it turns Mad Max in a nuclear holocaust there won't be any sofa nor Netflix. OMG.

    @‍J WG: elections are for fooling plebs. Voters decide nothing. Those who count the votes decide everything.

    @‍Greg Greg: the strategy is not to occupy but rather to encircle and capture, then reason with the Ukrainians that peace is better than starving to death. Russia is cutting off all supply lines, ports and airports. C.f. Russia's strategy in Ukraine follows Syria model (← very important: This also talks the way the monetary system will be changed w.r.t. SWIFT and gold which Armstrong mentioned. Also says Europe is going dark, but USA will pull through because we still have some independent media. Also explains the Western financial system will be destroyed if they push too far with sanctions).

    Others commented:

    You think that the hole world would be better with democracy... an American trying to apply western ideals on another country.. you do realize there are other forms of governance

    Zelensky seems entitled and resentful towards the EU and USA. First he rather start a nuclear ww3, and then he blames us for “killing Ukraine” if we don’t get involved. I seen a video taken this week on Jimmy Dore showing a Ukraine neo nazi top military guy talking about how they call the shots, They are the ones who are the fighters and who over through the previous Ukraine gov., and how they never plan on being owned in any way even by NATO and laughed about how they will soon have almost the most rockets out of any country and that they work just as good on NATO or RUSSIA anyone. then the guy went on to publicly dog zelensky as an errand boy. They ended it with Ukraine is fighting to protect the white race, and how EU and west should care because unlike Afghanistan these are white blue eyed race

    Mainstream media are so fucked up and they help to create these messes by hiding the truth of everything forever, they are the cowardly scum of the world, I hope if we survive this that all the pseudo journalists are tried under the Nuremburg and Geneva conventions and executed for mass murder....

    Russians are just getting rid of that old equipment. send it in and hope it kills something before its killed. they have a shit ton of armor in russia

    Russia has like 20,000 tanks, so there in no danger running out anytime soon. It's really wierd that this is how russia is fighting a war with in a few hundred miles from there capital [no it’s intentional to capture not conquer, except Zelenskiy (Зеленский) and the West are trying to force Russia to inflict maximum casualities].

    Russia only has 2800 tanks in active service, the rest is in open weather storage and has been for decades. Which means most of them aren’t remotely close to being useable.

    Hospitals and FOBs are western ideas. I don't know what current Russian doctrine is, but Soviet doctrine was that divisions are more or less expendable. The Sov doctrine was to go into combat with about 3-5 days of ammo, fuel and supplies etc and when the supplies ran out the division was replaced with a fresh division if that axis of advance had been successful […] The troops of the used division were more or less on their own after their supplies etc ran out - they looked after their own wounded and “lived off the land” - which was one reason a soviet invasion was so terrifying - just ask the residents of East Germany who survived the Sovs in WWII. After some period of time the remnants of the “used” divisions were rounded up, resupplied and reconstituted and then used again.

    If I remember correctly, it was the Americans who coined the term “collateral damage”. According to the World Health Organization, you have killed about 150,000 civilians in Iraq and now you are trying to teach morality to someone? Really?

    You say: “We wanna punish Russia...” - but who punished USA for Libya? Iraq? Afghanistan? Syria? Yugoslavia?...etc.? It is unseen hypocrisy that USA is punishing anyone with so much blood on your hands.

    putinhead’s tactics: Send your troops in with no water, food or fuel for a return trip and tell them to conquer[capture not annihilate] the country or die. Send the grunts and junk in first to be sacrificed for putinhead’s oligarchs […] putinhead is gaming Wall Street again and making his short positions good […] Putinhead gamed the world’s capitalists again by borrowing money at high interest rates and then hoping to repudiate his debt by being removed from the SWIFT system.

    I was thinking the same about this 40 mile convoy. My main concern is that it doesn’t seem to be what we would expect from modern Russian Forces in 2022, this loitering column of red steel is largely made up of dated Russian kit in the hands of mostly inexperienced troops. Unfortunately for the people of Ukraine I suspect that the plan is now for other Russian units to ramp up human rights atrocities, in an effort bait NATO forces into the joining the fight! For the moment the convoy looks like a line of sitting ducks… are they in fact Putins Suicide squad.. the Kremlin knows that public opinion will be pushing for NATO to take action, after all a short NATO air campaign could rapidly neutralise this threat

    Also, the first skirmishes on the outskirts of Kyiv weren’t about occupying the city. They were about making it impossible to resupply it’s most suitable airstrip for military cargo. The others just had their runways cratered, but the Antonov / Hostomel strip was by far the most repairable / suitable for large airborne efforts to bolster the Ukrainian reserve forces. Key point; reserves. The bulk of the Ukrainian military is to the South East, and is being encircled. A bolstered Ukrainian reserve could probably relieve them, creating a corridor for them to retreat through. But that’s not happening, because Kyiv is also now encircled.

    Helicopter shootdown you shared was CGI.

    Ukraine is not a democracy. They’ve banned heaps of political parties, arrested opposition leaders, killed journalists, are ethnically cleansing minorities (not just Russians; Hungarians, Poles, Greeks & Roma), and have banned non-Ukrainian language media, despite the enormous amount of people who don’t speak Ukrainian there.

    Now we have a plausible reason Putin put that convoy out there like a sitting duck waiting to be attacked from the air, which you might remember I mentioned in past days. This is another evidence that Putin might be entirely complicit with this NWO plan. The Russian army presumably under orders from Putin is/was daring NATO to shoot their convoy so ostensibly the posited premeditated, intentional plan can be escalated to WW3. Our overlords need plausible deniability so the sheeppl remain totally hoodwinked. The puppet (and memebot) masters employ their mass media propaganda to convince (hypnotize) Westerners into the belief that the Russian convoy was stalled by crumbling Russian equipment, Chinese-made tires, Russian logistic/strategic incompetence, valiant Ukrainian fighters that Putin “did not expect,” as if they want us to believe Putin and his military strategists have midwit IQs. Oh how sweet, parochial and emotionally satisifying hitting all those cute-little-bunny-rabbit dopamine receptors in the human brain which most idyuk, sheeppl are addicted to — but it’s just not a credible plausibility.

    And the mass media propaganda has Westerners focused on the military assistance to Ukraine being about “defending innocent civilians” and to prevent Russia from shelling and bombing Ukrainian cities into gravel parking lots (i.e. piles of rubble). Westerners thus aren’t focused on the de facto declaration of war that escalates the conflict to a world war and nuclear holocaust. The pitiful critical reasoning ability of midwit sheeppl is so easy to manipulate.

    Sheeppl don’t realize they are the target of the ‘tugging at heart strings’ propaganda war intended to invoke their ‘crocodile tears’. For example in the following video clip we have a genuine shelling incident against an armed Ukrainian man, but immediately followed by an allegation of the death of four civilians (‘mother, father and two children’) who appear to have no wounds at all.

    Is that a staged photo-op agitprop?

    Possibly the family died from a concussion shock wave? Yet this smacks of the evocative, patronizing but allegedly faked, staged videos about Syrian chemical attacks, c.f. a rebuttal. Note postmortem aka cadaveric spasm are involuntary movements usually associated with violent deaths.

    A Ukrainian womanin Donetsk, the Russian part of Ukraine, claims the Ukrainian tanks committed a false-flag operation in her village. But that area is in a vicious civil war so it’s doubtful the intent was a false-flag to deceive Westerners with propaganda.

    I replied:

    @‍Alexander Marinin: it’s not to claim there isn’t suffering but that propaganda is being employed to push everyone to cheer and/or advocate for provocative NATO actions that will escalate to a nuclear world war finalizing in depopulation and scorched earth devastation worldwide.

    Ukraine has never been independent and sovereign. If you are Ukrainian and have studied history or even recent elections in Ukraine you know this to be a fact.

    @‍Alexander Marinin: the U.S. agreeing to replace the Mig-29s Poland will give to Ukraine is a de facto declaration of war against Russia. As was Kamila Harris’ violation of the 1991 Budapest Agreement with her statement on Feb 20 at the Munich conference stating that she wanted Ukraine to join NATO immediately without delay. That was also a de facto declaration of war against Russia.

    Germany will be dragged into it by the U.S.. And I am American.

    Also the reason to overestimate Putin is because he has subs sitting off the West coast of the U.S. with 160 nukes each. Push him into a corner and repeatedly provoke and declare war on Russia, and see how that works out. 🤦🏻 Anyway I now think Putin may be entirely in bed with the Western leaders and posit this is all scripted to bring about the NWO and Deagel’s 50 – 75% depopulation event.

  • Is War the Ploy for the Great Reset?

    In diplomacy, you NEVER begin by demonizing your opponent […] Graham’s outrageous statement calling for the assassination of Putin simply takes this to the level that there is not going to be an attempt to reach a settlement. Assassinate Putin and you will end up with another Stalin.

    It appears that there is an attempt to escalate this further which is a war that cannot possibly be won. Then in their mind, they get to really Build Back Better [after tearing the world down to scorched earth — Klaus Schwab’s WEF slogan].

    Has the failure of COVID to accomplish the Great Reset been escalated to war?[There was no failure as the COVID scam destroyed the global economy, supply chains, forced the Fed to blow-up their balance sheet on the way to the end of the dollar and the WHO continues to push a dystopian international vaccine passport — even the Rockefeller Foundation’s 2010 Scenarios for the Future predicted war as the sequel to the p(L)andemic.] Seizing assets of private citizens and moving deliberately to burn down the world economy in order to Build Back Better is starting to appear to be an agenda. This [otherwise] makes no sense and getting the press and the people to just demonize Putin ensures there can be no resolution other than confrontation. […] There have been those who think that the current world monetary system and Bretton Woods was achieved only because WWII wiped out the world economy — except the United States’. This is not an opportunity to Build Back Better in the wake of WWIII, which would be far more devastating. The Atomic Bomb over Japan brought an end to the war. But this time, those weapons are standard – not unique to one side.

    A number of emails have come in asking, “Who will benefit?” It seems that this is a desperate idea to redesign the world economy at a tremendous expense.

    C.f. also WHO planning new “pandemic treaty” for 2024 and The WHO as a “Proxy World Government”? Abolition of the Nation State?: WHO reaches for power over the country and the world.

  • Market Talk – February 28, 2022

    China’s refusal to condemn the Russian invasion of Ukraine leaves it in a “lose-lose situation” that will hamper its ambition to expand its economic influence globally, experts say.

    China will be unable to escape the economic and geopolitical necessity of goading the U.S. Navy into WW3.

    Western powers have already agreed to what many have called “the nuclear option” by removing Russia from the SWIFT system.

    Premeditated trap organized by our unseen overlords behind the curtain (e.g. Rothschild, Soros, etc.) to drive the rise and rise of Bitcoin as the next monetary system reserve currency.

  • Dividing the World Economy = Economic Decline

    People are ignoring that the world is dividing. This is creating a dangerous new cold war that can easily turn very hot […] My point is that people are not those who create wars — it is politicians […] I pray that Putin is not losing because it will get very ugly then […] Using the SWIFT option is highly dangerous […] The West has now shown to the entire world that the global financial system is political and not independent. That has been a huge mistake. That will only provide the incentive to push forward China’s alternative SWIFT system.

    Boomers like Charlie Munger, Warren Buffett and Armstrong refuse to comprehend that in the forthcoming broken, jaded world filled with disappointment, cynicism, misanthropy and distrust, Rothschild’s 1988 Economist Magazine cover story Phoenix (aka Bitcoin) will rise from the ashes — because nobody will trust anything else and certainly not any monetary system promulgated by corrupt oligarchs masquerading as nation-states. These Boomer dinosaurs just can’t accept that monetary technology has changed.

  • World War III Beginning Stages Now

    I have been warning the West should not mess with Putin. It is so obvious that the West has made the same fatal mistake as that of Rome. It has weakened its economy […] weakened their entire military establishment demanding vaccines or you are out […] admitted he would stop Fracking on Federal Land, and said he was going to end the oil industry in addition to joining the UN’s Paris accord “to force China to comply” which confirms everything I have been getting from sources that the Globalists needed to remove Trump to use American power against China and Russia […] I have been warning that if China and Russia combined, the West will be defeated. Reliable sources have confirmed that China has entered into a “friendly” relationship with North Korea for mutual benefit. North Korea has one of the largest armies since 2018 it stands at 1,469,000. North Korea has been also demonized by the West so they too have a grudge match that has never been settled. With rising shortages of food, the North has never been the breadbasket of Korea and that also provides an incentive to [the starving N.Koreans to] join a triumvirate against the West with Russia and China […] Putin has just dramatically just upped the stakes ordering Russian nuclear deterrent forces put on high alert today because of the boasting of the West and the “aggressive statements” by leading NATO powers […] Putin […] is encircling it the classic way war is traditionally fought – you laid “siege” to the city by surrounding it, and starvation forces their surrender […] Putin is not seeking to destroy the Ukrainian Army. He wants to capture it and once a new government is installed, they will then become allies […] Moreover, the real concern is that Putin has NOT sent in his hard-core troops. Only about 30% of the troops on the border were sent into Ukraine. The majority of the troops are there to take Europe if they are foolish enough to walk into this mess. Putin is obviously playing chess and he is very good at it while Biden has to change his diapers. Putin’s reputation until this moment has always been as a shrewd ex-KGB man. He understood the Obama game of putting a pipeline through Syria to cut off Russian gas to Europe. He moved decisively into Syria and then escalated forces there shutting down Obama’s strategy. Assad refused it and this has been the entire pretend reason why the Obama Administration wanted to invade Syria.

    Just what Western media propagandists want is a starvation of Kiev (Russian spelling is ‘Kyiv’). That can be propagandizedd to stoke Western sympathy for waging war against Russia. And Putin damn well knows it. Putin also ostensibly wants WW3 because he should not know damn well that the vassal Western puppet figureheads will never stand down and Putin surely knows he is being goaded into WW3. He has even implied that if it is to be his legacy to die as a martyr in (even a first strike!) nuclear war, then he’s just doing his job as the head of the Russian state, c.f. also, ‘Yes, He Would’: Fiona Hill on Putin and Nukes and Duterte: ‘Watch out for Putin, he is suicidal’. He wants to turn back the clock to the Warsaw Pact borders.

    Putin is delusional if he thinks the Northwest Ukrainians want to live in his failed state objective — has Putin forgotten why the Soviet Union broke up because it was an economic failure. The 2013 revolution (which Armstrong pointed to in 2013 as the inception of the current Cycle of War) was to oust the Russian installed stooge President Yanukovych. Those Ukrainians ostensibly want a Western standard life (unless the entire Euromaiden revolution was a CIA plot which Armstrong vehemently denies), not the poverty of being indentured servants of the Russia oligarchs. Maybe that will change when the West collapses economically. Maybe those unwilling to live under Putin’s thumb will emigrate to Poland.

    Armstrong always wants to frame this as the West attacking Russia and China. He never mentions that Russia and China are totalitarian regimes that need the West to attack them to perpetuate their ruthless, corrupt regimes with the scapegoat of war and patriotism as a diversion from the ongoing suffering and poverty of their own citizens at the hands of greedy oligarchs. Has Armstrong ever contemplated that maybe China and Russia were the ones who destabilized the West? And/or maybe it’s the Rothschild, Soros, Schwab crowd who destabilized the West while leveraging China and Russia? And of course the participation of the Westerners in our own massive expansion of indebtedness, socialism and the size of government as a percentage of GDP.

    If we want to compete with hyperbolic claims, the West could perhaps defeat Putin’s Ukrainian ambitions without firing a shot simply by offering citizenship and a job in the U.S. military to Russian military personnel that defect. Heck 150,000 soldiers is nothing when we allow that many illegal immigrants cross the border per month. The West could fuck Putin in the ass if we had leaders who weren’t bribed and in Putin’s (or Xi’s/Soros’/Klaus Schwab’s) back pocket pretending to be against him. Let’s not forget Hunter Biden. This entire WW3 is as scripted as was WW2. How can we learn to stop repeating the mistake if we fail to expose the truth about history?

    It’s hyperbole for Armstrong to say the West can’t mess with Putin. Putin is an atavistic fool for erroneously thinking empire and capturing territory for low-profit margin commodities has any value whatsoever in this Knowledge Age economy. Eventually Putin will end up with is a huge clusterfuck, insurgency and headache which he can’t manage, because the oil and gas revenues he’s snatching will end up in the pockets of oligarchs not the citizenry of the seized territories. The people of the world don’t want to be under the thumb of any Czar — the Internet set them free. There’s no going back. This is Putin’s swan song and Rothschild/Soros/Schwab have laid out the entrapment red carpet for Putin as they ostensibly did for Hitler, so let’s cooperate and give Putin enough rope to hang himself. The West IS messing with Putin and luring him into the NWO trap wherein nation-states will be squashed by John Nash’s Ideal Money manisfesto (i.e. legacy Bitcoin). What do you think the murals on the Denver airport portend?

  • Leaked Media Instructions Show China Is Studying the Russian Invasion

    “In the future, China will also need Russia’s understanding and support when wrestling with America to solve the Taiwan issue once and for all,” the post noted.

    I have been warning for 2 years that China will blockade not invade Taiwan, attempting to starve them into surrender. But the U.S. Navy will then blockade China attempting to shut off China’s trade and perhaps trade to/from outside the entire first island chain. I posit that may force China to retaliate with a nuclear holocaust given the 250 new nuclear ICBM silos that China has been building which Armstrong refuses to report even though I have emailed him this numerous times.

    The U.S. has not been able to produce tritium for decades and thus our ICBMs will probably not function.

  • Belarus Votes to Change Constitution & Deploy Nuclear Weapons

  • Hackers Join the War (c.f. Anonymous video promoting a NWO solution to the crisis)

    Russia’s media has promoted the “military action” in Ukraine as a necessary measure in an attempt to mislead the people from seeing this as an all-out invasion. Russia’s communications regulator (Roskomnadzor) has banned media outlets from using the words “assault, invasion, or declaration of war” to describe the attack on Ukraine. Disobeying could be punishable by a fine of five million rubles ($60,000). Roskomnadzor said that “official Russian information outlets” are the only source for “reliable information.” Numerous social media platforms are now restricted or disabled in Russia in an attempt to shield citizens from the truth.

    Putin is copying what Stalin did to prevent Russians and the world from knowing that the genocidal, Holodomor famine was underway.

  • Who is the Adviser? Death?

    Do you really think that Putin should be defeated? What planet are you on? If Putin is defeated in Ukraine, then the entire fate of Russia hangs in the balance. Do you honestly think he would let the collapse of Russia take place? At that point, any animal will attack if its back is against the wall. If Ukraine were to win, the ONLY option for Putin will be to push the red button. Are you drinking the government’s Kool-Aid?

    We better pray for a diplomatic solution and the world has to stop cheering Zelensky. He has tried to engulf the entire world. He has been asking for jets from everyone. They are wisely standing aside for if any NATO country sends in troops or jets to Ukraine, it is an all-out war.

    Be very careful who you are cheering for. This is not a soccer match or a video game. Zelensky gets billions from all the Russian gas that flows to Europe through Ukraine. He is fighting for revenue. He cut off all the water supply to Crimea while he has been shelling the Donbas. None of this is being reported by the mainstream press. Crimea sits on top of vast gas fields which he wants desperately to compete with Russia.

  • Russian resistance is growing against Putin’s war

    Some hilarious videos of Ukrainian farmers stealing Russian military equipment:


    In all seriousness though cheering for a Ukrainian victory exhibits to Putin how brainwashed Westerners are by our mass media thus further increasing his resolve that the West can’t be trusted to be rational about multipolar geopolitical security realities, for if Putin’s offensive fails Russia’s stature as a feared superpower would be in jeopardy thus forcing Russia to become more desperate and potentially pushing Russia to the tactical nuclear option.

    The video Russo-Ukraine War: What the West Doesn't Understand EP 3 explains that the Western media propaganda isn’t informing us that Putin likely sent in his weakest troops as fodder for the initial softening/inroads, with the hardened and fierce Chechen troops coming now to encircle Kyiv to cut off its supplies and them bombard and starve it into submission.


    My hypothesis is Putin sacrificed these inexperienced troops so that he can stoke the flames of rage for war among Russians. Putin will tell the mothers of these dead and captured young boys that he sent them in as peacekeepers as the soldiers were deceptively told, expecting their “brothers and sisters” in Ukraine to welcome the “liberating” force with open arms. Instead Putin’s propaganda will claim the “Bandera Nazis” slaughtered these innocent, inexperienced Russian troops and has forced Russia to send in the hardcore Chechen troops and fight back more aggressively. Putin will attempt to turn his aggression into a self-defense argument, lol.

  • Let’s be friends by Anatasia the Russian farm girl I commented:

    Nobody wants this war other than the oligarchs and overlords. They are attempting to manipulate us with propaganda. We know the Russians are against this war. All the world leaders are at fault. The truth is stranger than fiction.

  • Ukraine & Reality

    QUESTION: Why do you think that Putin should win? The world seems to be on the side of the Ukrainian people.

    ANSWER: […] vast gas fields under Crimea and [Zelensky] deliberately cemented off the canal to deprive Crimea of water. In the provinces demanding separatism since 2014, he has denied them any right to democracy because that region is also rich in oil. Look at the money and you just may see why Zelensky is putting his entire country at risk to benefit their oil companies so he can compete with Russia and hopes to provide the natural gas to Europe cutting off Russia. This is the same plot that saw Obama wanting to invade Syria to put through the Qatar pipeline to also cut off Russia from supplying energy to Europe. […] This will only lead to World War III. The Ukrainian city of Kherson has now fallen to Russia. This is a vital port city for Ukraine. They cannot win against Russia. This has been a foolish endeavor and the press has not been honest nor investigated why this buffoon is leading his country into a suicide pact all for energy profits the people will never see. […] The winds of war are upon us and the propaganda is far too great to overcome […] all the fools who think this is a soccer or football match and that somehow they can win and defeat Russia and proclaim victory standing on their little hill. There is no victory in this conflict – just profound destruction. […] take screenshots of your accounts for there will be cyber attacks on banks. You better start storing food. A can of food might be worth a lot more than cash in times of war. While you are cheering for Zelensky, keep in mind that about 30% of the world’s wheat supply comes from Russia and Ukraine […] So as you champion “freedom” while denying any democratic freedom to the East of Ukraine since 2014, which was supposed to have been brokered by Germany and France that was ignored for money, remember that even LBJ lied on TV about Americans being attacked by Vietnam. Over 50,000 Americans lost their lives for a lie. Most of my high school friends died for politics – not God, and country. Even Wikipedia reports: In 1965, President Johnson commented privately: “For all I know, our Navy was shooting at whales out there.”

    This is NOT a war anyone will win.

    Our overlords will win their NWO.

  • The Russian Mindset – Failing to Understand (c.f. video of Lindsey Graham’s Ukraine meddling in 2017)

    For them it’s not all about economic considerations, therefore “sanctions” take a back seat to security and strategy which we can’t comprehend […] Our greatest problem is that people have characterized Putin as a madman […] But that is a distraction from trying to understand what is the real confrontation with Russia all about and replacing Putin will by no means be the solution. You may find someone far worse, but historically Russia will never TRUST the West for many reasons. We must understand how Russia looks at this and that transcends Putin. His views of Russian security are not unique and all [their] leaders have taken the same ideas. So a Putin successor is not likely to change the Russian mindset […] There are no mountains in eastern Ukraine, which has made this region the gateway through the great expanse of flatland that is the European Plain that throughout history has been the curse of the Russians. It allowed the Mongols to destroy the Russ in their capital which was Kyiv in 1240. This great expanse has been such inviting territory for the invaders who have attacked Russia from there repeatedly through history. In truth, Russia has never invaded Europe, but Europe has repeatedly invaded Russia as has been the case from Asia.

    Putin, like Russian leaders before him, has always been deeply concerned and has at least tried to control the flatlands to protect Russia’s western front. This geography deeply impresses history upon the Russian mind. Russia sees this region as hard to defend, and where for centuries leaders have far too often tried to extend power into Russia.

    People judge others by themselves. Americans have never had tanks rolling down the streets destroying everything. We do not understand the memories of others for we are human and that means we judge others by ourselves.

  • US Effectively Declares World War III Starting with Russia (c.f. video of NWO operative Lindsey Graham stoking WW3)

    Our world leaders […] have now set us on a course for what our computer has been projecting — inevitable outcome — World War III. This hate and demonization of Putin is [societal[sui]cide and self-inflicted economic collapse]. During World War I, the United States swore it would remain neutral. But [the U.S.] was secretly sending arms on passenger ships to aid Britain. The Germans knew this and even took out an advertisement warning Americans not to sail on that ship for they would sink it. Once more, history is repeating itself [as the U.S. has violated the neutrality it promiseed in the Budapest Agreement…] Lindsey Graham has stated in this video is showing that he and the rest of Congress will unite to create World War III cutting off all Russians now from credit cards and telling them to overthrow Putin. They may replace Putin with someone who is much more ruthless like Stalin who just killed tens of millions.


    Zelensky became President of Ukraine in a landslide victory by promising he would ease tensions with Russia and resolve the crisis in the breakaway republics in east Ukraine that had been taking place since 2014 […] Putin expressed hope that Zelensky would change that policy of confrontation. In truth, Zelensky not merely made no such attempt to keep his promises, but instead, he has done exactly the opposite by shelling Donbas escalating the civil war, and relentlessly provoking Russia by constantly asking NATO to violate the Budapest Agreement […Zelenskiy (Зеленский)] is indeed a puppet and has been promised great personal wealth to steer Ukraine into a position to justify World War III.


    Overthrowing Putin is the next objective and then they hope they will be able to take over Russia for [Klaus Schwab’s] Great Reset. What if we get a real tyrant like Stalin in his place?

    Well, I suppose this is what [our computer model] is all about coming 2032 – a New World Order, but nothing like these [idyuk, sheeppl Amerikaans] expect.

  • Here's The Awkward Moment When Vladimir Putin Got A Puppy As A Gift ← does this look like a madman?

  • Putin Jokes with Russian Fashion Designer: Please, Don't Force Me To Promote Your Clothes ← madman?

  • Putin Stops His Limo To Comfort Crying Girl And Take Photo With Her ← madman?

  • In a rare occasion, Putin talks about his daughters

  • Ingraham: They're selling another war

  • Biden's policy encouraged Putin to invade in the first place: Gov. Ricketts ← truthful until goes off rails calling for a cold war

  • 'West Is Prolonging Ukraine's Agony' West intentionally escalating and dragging the aggression out to destroy the global economy, maximize destruction, maximize hate and stoke the flames of WW3.

    Bill Gates’ bought off WHO is now developing a digital vaccine passport, c.f. also WHO planning new “pandemic treaty” for 2024 and The WHO as a “Proxy World Government”? Abolition of the Nation State?: WHO reaches for power over the country and the world. The fake cerveza sickness scam is continuing. And now our tyrant leaders are pushing us to cheer for nuclear war while pretending it is all the “Putler” boogeyman’s fault. Our mass media propaganda priests never tell you who and what really caused the war.

    I commented:

    @‍FractalSpiral1: stop taking lies from the mainstream media. There is no beating back. They are luring the Ukrainian forces into a pincer entrapment. Also the more the Russian troops are shot at the more their morale to take the fight. Putin has to strategize around morale as well. Putin sent in the young boys first, ostensibly he can claim to mothers that the vicious “Nazis” in Ukraine murdered their sons who were on a peacekeeping mission. To stoke the flames of rage and support for Putin’s forthcoming bombardment and starvation of Kyiv. Don’t forget it is also a propaganda war. I ponder if Putin put his convoy there daring NATO to air strike so he can retaliate to annihilate the West with nuclear strikes, c.f. U.S. military in societalcide decline. Westerners should prepare for deprivation. Deagel was predicting since 2017 for 50 – 75% depopulation in NATO countries by 2025.

    @‍Clifford V commented:

    My concern is that a lot of civilians are going to die. When soldiers [on both sides] see their comrades being killed, they also stop taking prisoners. This is going to get really nasty.

    I replied:

    @‍dutchrjen: The more volunteers arriving from outside Ukraine the more Putin can justify his claim that Western ‘Nazis’ are meddling in Ukraine and he can bring out the cluster and vacuum (thermobaric) bombing and shut down any movement into Ukraine beyond the congested border area. Such artillery and air power can neutralize field infantry attempting to engage the Russian siege cordon.

    @‍Max Hentai: Disagree. The vassal President, been there, done that. Putin invested too much in this already and he will annihilate Kyiv reducing the civic function of it to a pile of rubble after starving out the inhabitants. Putin wants a failed state. He does not want those Western leaning Ukrainians to have anything to return back to. There will be a mass diaspora.

    @‍Reijek: Putin will break the morale of the resistance by destroying their recalcitrant cities and the economy. Hardcore insurgents will remain but marginalized as in Chechnya. If the Ukrainians resist enough Kyiv will end up another Aleppo or Grozny.

    @‍dutchrjen: you had better hope you are wrong [about Russia losing the war], because if Putin loses face in Ukraine he will have to resort to his strong hand of a nuclear tactical or surgical strike to prevent the Russian state and his presidency from devolving. Obviously Putin and the oligarchs perceived they were in an existential threat otherwise they wouldn’t have taken such an egregious escalation risk. And they surely war gamed all the scenarios and Putin has made it very clear he will use any and all options if there is an existential threat. Russia could threaten to blow up nuclear reactors and turn Ukraine into a radioactive wasteland.

    The more that Putin has to rely on non-precision bombing the more devastation for Ukraine, e.g. Aleppo and Grozny.

    It’s too late for Putin to care about how many paper tigers are denouncing him. He made his decision to go all in and there is no turning back now. The Western world has no functional nuclear deterrent anymore. The West’s nukes will not function.

    The worst possible outcome is for Putin to have to take desperate actions. You do not want to corner him, unless you want a nuclear holocaust.

    The more Stingers brought into Ukraine the more aggressive/desperate the Russian military will become with high altitude bombing and/or artillery shelling of all communities/buildings/structures that are reservoirs of resistance.

    The only other option is some diplomatic solution that allows Putin to save face. That would need be a commitment that Ukraine doesn’t join NATO but Ukraine must relinquish the territories that Russia has already conquered which would enable the water supply to flow into Crimea again. But I think the diplomatic option is impossible because this war is really about the gas and oil resources in the south and east of Ukraine which neither the West nor Russia will compromise on.

    I also replied U.S. military in societalcide decline.

    Which continued:

    You do not seem to understand that this war is about if the Western oil companies had developed Ukraine’s gas and oil reserves then Russia would have lost their monopoly in Europe which is a lifeline of their economy and leverage. It is an existential threat and Russia will use nukes if faced with an existential threat.

    You are the madman. Your irrationality is we should push for nuclear holocaust because you think you live in some fantasy world. I hope you can live with yourself after the scorched earth this decade.

    Even if high-altitude bombing is ineffective the Russian military can continue and increase the level of artillery shelling. And just decimate everything. And that seems to be what you want. I hope you don’t pretend to yourself that you care at all about what the Ukrainians want. They do not want this war. They do not want to be stuck in the middle of your Western proxy war with Russia. It is not their war. They want to make peace with Putin and continue about their lives. The West and Nuland et al have been pushing this toxic nonsense in Ukraine. Ukrainians were lied to and told they could have a Western life. Putin will never allow that because it is an existential threat.

    If you continue to force Ukraine to be your proxy war against Russia, then Putin will take the fight directly to you. He has his subs off the coast of the U.S.A. right now. Ready at a moment’s notice.

    Has nothing to do with appeasement. The West was very aggressively taking over Ukraine and forcing Putin’s hand. The Western oil companies were moving in to develop Ukraine’s reserves. Essentially what you are proposing is the destruction of Russia. So be prepared for the dog you cornered to lash out in retaliatory “self-defense” with everything he has.

    The world is run by oligarchs even in democracies. The Western oligarchs are encroaching on the Russian oligarchs. And the Ukrainians are being used as proxy fodder while Western keyboard warriors express their political, memebot support for the Western oligarchs who enslave and use us as fodder anyway — you will be getting a firsthand edification by fire on this soon. We are already living under tyrants in the West, and maybe you will wake up to realize that.

    EDIT: also don’t presume necessarily millions dead if Putin retaliates against the West directly. Perhaps Putin has EMP and cyber attack technologies for example.

    @‍dutchrjen: I had to sleep (old age effect). Just woke up. I continue to work on decentralization technology even though I’m past my career age prime, because I also don’t want to live under the terrorism of oligarchs and tyrants. But please stop idolizing the West as some bastion devoid of tyrants. I’m urging you not to feed the tyrants on both sides your memebot, political support. I will be expounding on this topic more in my Gist such as providing irrefutable evidence that the fake cerveza sickness narrative was entirely premeditated. I hope you realize the WHO is still proceeding on a global digital medical terrorism passport. And our overlords have been calling for cyberattacks so they can “vaccinate” the Internet. This is about enslaving all of us. Bitcoin was intentionally not designed to scale and as Rothschild’s Phoenix it will destroy all the decentralized options and push us to fully permissioned (i.e. centralized) 666 central bank controlled digital currencies (CBDCs) and the end of cash.

    For example, let Russia have the damn oil and gas resources. It is not worth a nuclear holocaust supporting Western oligarchs against Russian oligarchs. That old world economy crap is becoming a smaller fraction of the productivity of the world. Let them have their atavistic resource-based economy. The people of the world move forward in the computer revolution and knowledge age economy.

    Also bear in mind unconventional nuclear weapons such as dirty bombs and Russia’s procurement of 30 units of the 100 megaton, 500m high tidal wave nuclear ultra-long-range torpedo [c.f. also and also]. Do you really want to push Putin to bring this fight to your homeland?

    EDIT: Putin is not a madman. He is managing the power-vacuum of a large nation-state. The madmen are the Western leaders (and in Biden’s case, his handlers behind the curtain) who intentionally provoked Putin by refusing to negotiate on his security concerns and for example shutting off all the water to Crimea. They gave Putin no other choice but to take extreme measures. Your point about muddy Spring approaching may have been another factor in the timing forcing Putin to attack sooner-than-later. The entire concept of a sovereign nation-state is some fantasy world that doesn’t exist. Ukraine is not a sovereign (not even democractic) nation-state because it is a power-vacuum that has never been captured by any independent leader — it has always been a puppet of the West (e.g. Zelenskiy (Зеленский)) or Putin (e.g. Yanukovych). Ukraine throughout its entire history has never been sovereign. Look the world is not what Hollyweird preaches. Grow up and accept the sordid reality of power-vacuums. The people must simply refuse to fight for any side. Lay down their arms unless they are fighting against their own tyrannical government which is the only valid reason to ever fight. The modern age kings (aka ‘priests’) behind the curtain employ propaganda to fool us into fighting on their behalf.

    @‍dutchrjen: Wikipedia says that in Grozny Putin employed mostly artillery and rocket launched weaponry, but also for the terror-effect supplemented with ‘strategic’ (presumably high altitude) aerial bombing of bunkers. Why you do think high altitude aerial bombing is ineffective for turning cities into piles of rubble?

    Unlike in Grozny Putin is facing a much larger Ukrainian army which can presumably disperse over a wider area instead of hunkering down only in the city but will the Ukrainians split up into smaller units and fight guerrilla style throughout the countryside?

    Again the extreme danger is that if the calculus becomes that it is much less costly to escalate to weapons of mass destruction. Which the more I think about it, seems to have been the strategy of our insane Western tyrant leaders to intentionally push Putin to no other option but WMDs — they need a villian for their NWO plans which I detail in my Gist.

    This looks very grim and Deagel may end up being correct in their projections. I hope Westerners will come to their senses and veto this insanity from our leaders.

    I commented:

    not only will Putin not give up (because he can’t as this is an existential threat to the Russian state as I explained), he will likely be forced to lower cost option of WMDs if Ukrainians succeed in guerilla tactics and the West keeps supplying weapons. Putin may be forced to bring the proxy war to the doorsteps of the West instead out of desperation. I explained this in detail in comments under Cranius Dominus' comment threat at the top-level for comments on this video. The actual tyrants are the Western leaders who intentionally pushed Putin into a corner. Again the details are in the other said comment thread.

    @‍Zombie Ep: and that’s the danger. If Russia is faced with an unwinnable war against insurgency then they can not pull back as it is an existential threat to the Russian state. So they will need to escalate, perhaps WMDs. Perhaps take the war to the doorsteps of the West with tactical nukes.

    @‍Arthas Menethil: Russians learned to be ruthless out of necessity from their history of being invaded by cannibal Mongols. An existential threat to the Russian state will be defended against with any and all tactics, including WMDs and nuclear.

    @‍Michelle Brown: you have not read my posts. I am arguing for everyone to lay down their arms and stop fighting on the behalf of leaders who are intentionally creating this war to usher in the NWO.

    @‍esref celik celik: get in touch with reality. Putin has the support of his oligarchs and generals. Everyone in that arrangement knows they all die in the power vacuum chaos if Putin dies. Putin has had decades to weed out the malcontents and worms.

    @‍Zombie Ep: the West started the war […] Putin has made it very clear that if his back is against the wall then he will die as a martyr in Armageddon. Russia has dirty nuclear bombs, it has subs off the coast of the USA with 160 nuclear warheads each, they have a procured 30 units of the 100 megaton, 500m high tidal wave nuclear ultra-long-range torpedo [c.f. also and also] which could render Florida uninhabitable. You people are insane if you continue to push for war with Russia. Sanctions are just going to collapse the West, which is the real intent of our Western tyrant leaders as they clearly forced Putin to do this.

    The U.S. ICBMs will likely not function because tritium is needed to maintain nuclear weapons as they degrade over time. And the U.S. has been unable to produce tritium since 1988.

    You sheeppl need to get your mind out of Hollyweird and wake up to reality. We Westerners (I’m a Anna von Reitz’s aka Anna Riezinger’s free U.S. state national, not a U.S. Municipal Citizen slave) have been lied to by our leaders and mass media propaganda.

    I commented:

    @‍Arthas Menethil: China can’t turn against Russia because they need Russia. China can pay lip service to pretend they are somewhat nonaligned but in the end China and Russia are natural allies.

    Public opinion is not going to stop Putin now. Russia was pushed into an existential threat by the Western tyrants and Putin has vowed to use nukes and Armageddon if he is pushed that far.

    I commented:

    @‍debicadude: the West is on the verge of collapsing economically so that debt-based delusion the West offered Ukrainians is about to poof it’s gone.

    I commented:

    @‍Araval Bourne: look the nuclear reactor quip was just a wild conjecture. The point is Putin has nuclear options if he decides there is an existential threat to the Russian state. And he has strongly hinted that he will not hesitate if so. Whether they blow up a nuclear reactor and blame it on an errant Ukrainian action as a false-flag or increase the use of thermobaric weapons or even escalate to dirty nuclear bombs, I can not really opine on the specific method and timing. I am just opining on the fact that Putin has been pushed into a corner by the West ostensibly to bring about Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset.

    My point to you is let’s stop being silly and bickering over extraneous details. We are staring at a nuclear holocaust if the West continues to escalate. Putin will not back down.

    I commented:

    @‍Ben: EU will freeze and starve if they shut off Russian natural gas. Which seems to the plan. Which is why our Western tyrant leaders pushed Putin into a corner forcing him to lash out. Russia will not back down. They will escalate to WMDs and a nuclear holocaust which is what the Great Reset is all about. We are all being manipulated on both sides. Wake up sheeppl.

    I replied U.S. military in societalcide decline.

    @‍jack smith: And that is precisely why Russia is so dangerous because their conventional forces are relatively weak but their nuclear capabilities are up to 100 times greater than the U.S.A. because if our nukes will not function then Putin ostensibly knows he has this ace-up-his-sleeve which may explain why he’s smugly threatening nukes. Westerners who call his bluff are probably going to be depopulated by the deprivation and pestilence that follows the total collapse of the economy in the aftermath of nuclear devastation.

    What most people do not realize is that the West INTENTIONALLY pushed Putin into a corner because our Western leaders want to force WW3 for Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset plan. This plan was hatched in 2010 as laid out in a Rockfeller Foundation document Scenarios for the Future. This is a master plan for a monetary reset and a new world order with Bitcoin rising as the new global reserve currency Phoenix from the ashes of WW3 as was promised in the 1988 cover story of Rothschild’s Economist Magazine. When you follow all the money and evidence, this is irrefutable. The projections are for 50 to 75% depopulation of NATO countries (including the U.S.) by 2025.

    I commented:

    @‍‍Lost in Ikea: Russia was threatened by a nuclear power. The USA has been running Ukraine. Putin is not anymore depraved than the Western politicians. Putin has warned the Scandinavian countries to remain neutral or they too will become targets. You had better tell your government to get their nose out of NATO’s business and stop being a lackey of the USA (my nation). Some of us in the U.S. understand what is going on and we are against our corrupt leaders. Luckily Deagel was not predicting a 75% depopulation event for Sweden unlike for the NATO countries. Kamila Harris opened her mouth on Feb 20 violating the neutrality and suggesting that Ukraine immediately join NATO. That was the final straw. The Western leaders are pushing Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset agenda which is to burn down the world in WW3 and then Build Back Better.

    I commented:

    @‍Thomas Wilk Why would Putin want Russia to join the $100 trillion debt-bubble West which is about to go poof it’s gone.”

    I replied:

    i constntly wonder if Russia thought it would have more support internationally. They acted rather arrogantly and unlike America in the Iraq war Russia didnt have much of an excuse for war, didnt really try to rally any allies, seemed to act like they just expected their allies to back them and neutral countries to not get involved, and like they expected more support from China. The US already had a dry run at invading Iraq, knew Iraq had tons of enemies and no allies, knew most virtually all western and many non western countries opposed Saddam to some degree, knew most countries would only tacitly oppose a war with Iraq, knew Iraq would act in a way that would alienate potential allies, and knew many American allies would rally around America regardless and that thanks to 9/11 and overall rising Islamic extremism coupled with Saddams sudden turn to pretending he was the new Islamic Pope despite being mostly secular until recently would turn most of the world (including the Islamic world) against him.

    Like you said Russia did seem to act like they still think they're still the Tsar's of the old Soviet Empire, like all their old colonies and allies would just fall in line behind them and rally against the west. Russia also seemed to have fooled themselves into thinking they were in an identical position to America post 9/11 and that they could prosecute a similar invasion with similar results and their overall over confiedence seems to have bit them in the ass.

    @Arthas Menethil: so what you’re saying is the West’s priests constellate more effectively hypnotizing propaganda? Where are those chemical weapons Colin Powell alleged? Proven false. 9/11 is a proven false-flag.

    Instead Russia isn’t about being a paper tiger propped up by $100 trillion in debt and a Minsky Moment that’s about to go ‘boom’. Russia is breaking the West economically by egging these fools on to cheer for sanctions against themselves, lol.

    Russia has not fooled themself. But Westerners are entirely fooled, and have no f-ing clue what is really going on here. Do you believe in the tooth fairy and Dumbo the Flying Elephant also? Continue gloating and your reward is coming soon.

    Russians are self-sufficient people unlike Westerners, c.f. How are RUSSIANS Going To Survive Under SANCTIONS.

    Really Westerners deserve their fate.

    Russia has 2.8 million allies in China and another 1.2 million in N.Korea — troops that is. China will pull the U.S. military into a conflict over Taiwan at the same time NATO will be fighting Russia. Iran will also join the fray. They do not need the West. The West is collapsing.

    It’s very sad that 64% of Westerners are being fooled into cheering for a nuclear holocaust and cheering for sanctions which will destroy the West, all because they have been pumped with propaganda.

    Realize that it is predicted 50 – 75% depopulation of the NATO countries by 2025.

    All of this has been entirely premeditated by Klaus Schwab’s Great Reset. The goal of this WW3 underway is creating a NWO with a monetary reset. Burning down the old order and creating a new multipolar one with nation-states subjugated by Rothschild’s Bitcoin.

    China isn't gonna get involved in this they aren't stupid plus if Russia manages to destabilize itself china stands to gain some of russias territory

    @‍jack smith: China and Russia are natural allies for this decade. China wants to retake Taiwan which they will achieve via blockade. Also Xi needs a scapegoat for the collapsing Chinese economy. During economic collapse all leaders need war to sustain their grip on power. China will lure the U.S. Navy into the South China Sea, sink a U.S. aircraft carrier with hypersonic missiles and then the U.S. Navy will blockade China from the first island chain. This will cause great hardship in China which Xi can leverage for patriotism and justify a nuclear retaliation on the USA. China is constructing 250 new nuclear ICBM silos.

    Essentially what is missing from your mental model is that Rothschild, Soros, Schwab et al are forcing the nation-states into war. That was the entire point of the fake cerveza sickness to collapse the global economy and put pressure on Russia and China.

    All I can say is GAFC dude. Open your sheeppl eyes.

    @Arthas Menethil: the sanctions will starve and freeze the EU, and a collapsing EU economy hurts the U.S.. Also it will drive global inflation crazy. Many of our electronics and manufactured products rely on metals supplied by Russia. Also the West is very near to a Minsky Moment debt collapse and this might be sufficient to push the button on that. And worse than that is this will be escalated because the end goal of those who premeditated it is scorched earth.

    He bombed his own country to seize power there is little he won't do.

    @‍jack smith: The U.S. bombed it’s own citizens in 2001 and numerous other false-flags. I have the [irrefutable proof( about 9/11 in my Gist. Even NIST has been exposed recently — in 2021 NIST officially refused to acknowledge the new formal analysis that proves WTC7 was demolished.

    I replied:

    Putin has always been at war and always will be, no matter the temperature of the guns.

    @‍Lucy: the U.S. military has always been at war also.

    Y’all act like nato is invading and taking over these countries. These countries want to join nato.

    @‍Dominick Williams: Victoria Nuland was meddling in Ukraine for revolution and pushing the NATO membership. Countries are pushed that direction with propaganda, offerings of the Western $100 trillion debt bubble which is about to burst into devastation, etc..

    @‍thekitchenchikens: it is not that Russia wants to steal Ukraine’s gas reserves. They want to prevent the West from developing them and disrupting their monopoly in Europe.

    @‍Tyler Cesarano: An existential threat on Putin is also an existential threat on Russia, because the power vacuum chaos will cascade into absolute devastation within Russia.

    @‍sadlerbw9: not only that but if Putin doesn’t prop up his oligarchs then they do not prop him up and the Russian state comes unraveled in a power vacuum chaos. Ukraine’s gas reserves are an existential threat to the Russian state.

    I replied:

    @‍🌴ViceGuy: if Putin is taken out then Russia would disintegrate in a power-vacuum chaos. The oligarchs will never allow that. Stop wishing for the impossible. Also if Putin was assassinated, the loss of control of Russia’s nukes becomes a significant risk. You could have rogue splintering factions.

  • Will Taiwan be Next?

    QUESTION: Marty, I see your point. Do you think China will go after Taiwan now as the world is distracted by Ukraine?

    ANSWER: […] The timing appears to be more leaning to [Q1] 2023 […] I will deal with that in the coming report on War. The computer is clearly showing this is going to escalate – not subside. The West has demonized Russia and that is what is necessary to support a war effort. They have to get the people to HATE the target.

    What the hell happened to the pacifist Boomers from the Vietnam war era protests? So it never was a philosophical stance against escalation of war but instead a selfish pride about their holier-than-God, political platform, self-flagellation delusion for spreading the power vacuum of democraczy which empowers the filthy corrupt Western oligarchs, their bought off sleazy politicians and mass media propaganda priests. All nation-states are corrupt as hell, so why point the finger at Putin so we don’t have to point the finger at our own clusterfuck and remain in our safe space delusion. Anglo-Saxons are still aspiring to holier-than-God Puritans.

    Eminem said it best in Mosh (Dirty Version) by Eminemjust say ‘No!’ to war!

  • Destroy this mad brute

    Here is one simple way to think about a distant war:

    “So, Ukraine is a country in Europe. It exists next to another country called Russia. Russia is a bigger country. Russia is a powerful country. Russia decided to invade a smaller country called Ukraine. So, basically, that’s wrong, and it goes against everything that we stand for.”

    Brawndo, as you may have heard, has electrolytes.

    If you are a normal American, red or blue, Republican or Democrat, you more or less agree with Vice President [Kamila] Harris’s ELI5 explanation of what “we stand for.” So you are not entitled to mock it.

    Indeed I find it a lovely summary of the conventional perspective at an elementary-school level. It reminds me of the glorious simplicity of classic WWI war propaganda. Kids, I give you democracy in action—here is how the long suicide of Europe began:

    Do you really think the same exact thing isn’t happening right now?


    So, I’m sorry to say this, kids, but it might not be too early to stock up on canned food. Of course, I said the same thing about covid. But of course, I was right. (Kind of.)


    A foreign policy conducted solely in the interest of Americans would not involve intervening in a civil war against a nuclear power on the banks of the Dnieper, for the reason that there is absolutely no resource of interest to Americans, on the banks of the Dnieper, which could outweigh the risk of a global thermonuclear war.


    But of course, America has already conquered the world. We are all Americans now. A different-colored passport is a technicality, a legacy, of no moral relevance at all. Thus, the USG, though funded only by passport-Americans and constituted to protect only them, has become the de facto government of the globe and is duty-bound to police it.


    The best way to design our optimal, altruistic USG policy on the Ukraine is to design its opposite: a pessimal, psychopathic policy, crafted to inflict as much suffering as possible for no conceivable rational reason.

    Yes, this will involve plenty of war porn. But we are not just voyeurs. We are not even nihilists. Our hearts are full of hate. We (secretly) despise the Ukraine and its people. Perhaps our [HATE] motivations are dark, tribal, unknowable

    Yet we’re so deluded that we can’t even honestly look at ourselves in the mirror.

    Our Russian friend said:

    “Difficult to read for myself due to the low language skills, but I am going to get through”

    150+ IQ Curtis Yarvin is even difficult to read for midwit English speakers.

    He is essentially pointing out that Americans are falling in the same trap of being led like sheep into war as from prior world wars. And he says the smart action would be to not fight with Russia for an asset that does nothing for Americans.

    But then he says some Americans think we need to police the entire demo[n]cratic world. He said in this case the reason Americans are embracing hate, is because deep down they really hate Ukrainians and want them to suffer maximally (which is true because this proxy war between the Western oligarchs and the Russian oligarchs is pummeling the Ukrainians and if the Americans said no to war, then Ukrainians would not be fighting and there would be no suffering). And then he insinuates that this hate is a primitive instinct originating from when we were apes.

    Also the title is Russian Civil War which means this is a war of Russians fighting Russians because American priests fooled Americans into thinking they are holier than God, essentially.

    tl;dr Americans are zombifried hypocrites.

    I replied:

    @‍Shelby Moore: it’s about time. No ill will to the Russian people only to Vlad Putain & oligarchs.

    @‍ENF F: sorry to say but you have been entirely fooled with propaganda. Everything in the Western news today is a lie. All of it. I have cited my sources. That includes the maternity hospital attack which was a false-flag perpetrated by Zelenskiy’s thugs.

Cultural Differences

So actually we can understand why the Latin Americans are to some extent copying the Asians in terms of compliance with corralling sheeppl mandates as contrasted with the Americans who have rejected the Certificate Of Vassal IDentity nonsense—because they’re actually all of Asian lineage. And perhaps the colonization contributed to cultivating Stockholm syndrome, conquered vassals.

Country Power Distance Individualism Masculinity Uncertainty Avoidance Long-term Orientation Indulgence
Argentina 49 46 56 86 20 62
Armenia 85 22 50 88 61 25
Australia 38 90 61 51 21 71
Chile 63 23 28 86 31 68
China 80 20 66 30 87 24
El Salvador 66 19 40 94 20 89
Finland 33 63 26 59 38 57
France 68 71 43 86 63 48
Germany 35 67 66 65 83 40
Greece 60 35 57 100 45 50
Hungary 46 80 88 82 58 31
India 77 48 56 40 51 26
Indonesia 78 14 46 48 62 38
Italy 50 76 70 75 61 30
Mexico 81 30 69 82 24 97
Netherlands 38 80 14 53 67 68
Nigeria 80 30 60 55 13 84
Norway 31 69 8 50 35 55
Peru 64 16 42 87 25 46
Philippines 94 32 64 44 27 42
Russia 93 39 36 95 81 20
Spain 57 51 42 86 48 44
Sweden 31 71 5 29 53 78
Switzerland 34 68 70 58 74 66
Thailand 64 20 34 64 32 45
U.K. 35 89 66 35 51 69
U.S.A. 40 91 62 46 26 68
Ukraine 92 25 27 95 86 14

(How much of the Hofstede Insights’ traits are driven by genetics and how much of it is due to circumstance as adapted to environment and culture we grow up in?)

Hofstede Insights: National Culture

Indulgence versus Restraint (IVR)

Indulgence stands for a society that allows relatively free gratification of basic and natural human drives related to enjoying life and having fun. Restraint stands for a society that suppresses gratification of needs and regulates it by means of strict social norms.

One challenge that confronts humanity, now and in the past, is the degree to which small children are socialized. Without socialization we do not become “human”. This dimension is defined as the extent to which people try to control their desires and impulses, based on the way they were raised. Relatively weak control is called “Indulgence” and relatively strong control is called “Restraint”. Cultures can, therefore, be described as Indulgent or Restrained.

This trait of individual freedom of expression, openly expressed emotions, effusive optimism virtually blinded to any negative events, prioritization on leisure activities (i.e. Indulgence in the Hofstede Insights) at the expense of colder, harsher climates’ focus on planning and discipline is most extreme in Latin America and being perhaps a contributing factor in ongoing and periodic chaos. I posit this trait corresponds to abundance of food and security, i.e. non-harsh winter, social security, empire and/or historical insulation from frequent, disruptive natural disasters and invasion (e.g. by the English Channel or the Swiss Alps). Thus tropical Africa, the Americas, the two major British islands (U.K. and Australia), Finland, Netherlands, Norway, Sweden and Switerland all have benefitted from some of the enumerated good fortunes. The Philippines has an intermediate score for this trait presumably because of the bountiful tropical climate. Yet being positioned along the Ring of Fire and the Philippine Trench, the Philippines is prone to natural disasters and the mountaineous terrain is both difficult for agriculture and (along with up to knee deep mud and formerly thick jungles) hosted innumerable combative tribes difficult to conquer and unite as one kingdom.

3D Topographical map of Western Europe

Obviously Asia historically had a problem with food security if they’re eating dogs, fried grasshoppers, sautéed pig penis and grilled mountain rat.


Thus Indulgence is a proxy for a happy, secure and bountiful nation but not necessarily secure from crime at the extreme where Indulgence is prioritized over other traits such as requisite low Power Distance and high Individuality (of the West) that establish a prosperous, large middle-class. Interestingly combined high Power Distance and low Individuality don’t correlate to high levels of (at least not officially admitted, or for example where sanctioned vigilante justice isn’t a) crime in for example (especially North) East Asia because the very low Indulgence correlates to obedience to über-strict authoritarianism. However where the economic pressures for low Individuality and high Power Distance combined with egregious overpopulation and an unfavorable geography are so extreme as to be ripe for extreme dysfunction, crimes such as kidnapping, enslavement and human trafficking can become sanctioned by State as is ostensibly the case in China: c.f. Why a huge missing population in China/hundreds of millions of cameras can't solve systemic problems, ‘one in four’ experience domestic abuse, ‘one victim of domestic violence every 8 seconds’ and How Chinese women are taken advantage of. Note atavistic, misogynistic troglodytes such as James A. Donald would argue that this is just patriarchy “functioning correctly.”

Shocking! This Crime is Allowed in China

When I first arrived in the Philippines in 1990 the government as a share of GDP was roughly 5 – 15% and there wasn’t even a VAT tax so the government was rather ineffective, disorganized and non-threatening. Looking at the contemporaneous madman authoritarian crap the Philippine government did as a reaction to drugs and especially the fake pandemic but which has been somewhat limited by meager government resources. Imagine how horrific the Philippines might become as Asia rises economically and the kakistocracy has more resources. One posited, prescient future is the example of the Freddy Krueger “zero COVID” policy in China which is demonizing, dehumanizing, terrorizing, needlessly incarcerating and starving people because the government doesn’t want to appear to be weak or lose face — which is the outcome of the very low Indulgence and low Individualism scores combined with the aforementioned posited factors for formation of extreme, dystopian outcomes. Filipinos are predominantly descended from the same lineage crossing Siberia as the Chinese, yet adapted to the 7107 tropical islands [tangentially perhaps ditto the Polynesians via South America]. One wonders whether the Philippines would have developed to be even more similar to the Chinese if it had not been colonized by Europeans from the end of the Middles Ages until at least 1991. Let’s not forget it was the U.S. military that squelched coup attempts against former Philippine president Cory Aquino, the product of the peaceful People Power revolution against the martial law dictatorship of Marcos.

People screaming out of their windows after a week of total lockdown


The above Shanghai clusterfuck is amplified by the Asian culture of ‘saving face’ along with political positioning for the power struggle within the CCP for the upcoming epic election.

And if you think the notion of governments killing their own people for political leverage died out in the [Colosseum] games of Rome…” — Incontrovertible

LGUs may suffer the same collective insanity phenomenon as individuals in Asian culture in that at least superficially make it appear they’re cooperating with the group whilst defecting from the clusterfuck by contributing maximum harm and fuckups whilst officially toeing the party line. It’s nearly impossible for a Westerner to understand the motive and logical consistency of such insanity because we Westerners don’t even admit to ourselves that we’re also defecting into group insanity by maximizing collectivized debt bubbles. Note we must be mindful of the possibility that the above videos are exaggerations fed to these two vloggers as propaganda against Xi’s upcoming reelection and/or to turn Western opinion against China to promote the forthcoming WW3. C.f. also Bloomberg’s coverage of these mass protests. Highlighting that for example millions of Chinese are forced into frequent COVID testing should be considered in the context of more than a billion population and in context of the extreme hassle-factor (e.g. long queues) pre-COVID due to overpopulation and concomitant congestion.

I replied on one of the vlogs above:

@‍Masaaki Kihara: Opportunists drink their own Koolaid, meaning Winston is a diehard, simpleton-minded sheepdog defender of human rights ostensibly because of his horrific experience in S. Africa growing up. I understand him to an extent but he is very naive. He doesn’t seem to understand that China is rising and the West is collapsing. He believes all the propaganda about Russia being the aggressor in Ukraine. He believes the propaganda about the cerveza sickness. Note he is somewhat correct about the downsides of Asian culture but that does not mean China will not rise up. And he may end up losing everything if he doesn’t wake up about the collapse of the West underway.

I replied:

@‍Daniel Phillips: until you read the Cultural Differences section of the Gist linked from my About tab on my Youtube profile, your reply will continue to be misinformed. If you are not even going to make the effort to load said document and read a few paragraphs, how can I take you seriously? I am delighted that someone who seems to know Winston so well has replied to my comment. I want to help Winston understand. He has a tremendous responsibility given his large subscriber base to stop promulgating the propaganda that is destroying the West. If you have a way to contact Winston please help me to talk to him on the phone so I can educate him. I am a founding stock American (lateral descendant of Isaac Shelby) and it is appalling to me that he thinks he can speak intelligently about the U.S. and for example about the medical terrorism that he has not properly researched. Our lives are all under attack by a diabolical agenda emanating from Klaus Schwab’s World Economic Forum.

It’s an oxymoron to attribute ‘integrity’ to an ignorant person being controlled by propaganda. How can someone claim to have integrity when they are a puppet on a string? Virtue signaling is the antithesis of integrity but Westerners too often disassociate (unwitting or feigned) emotional intent with reality. This is a form of psychosis (i.e. a mental disease).

Winston is not a bad person but he suffers from the ideological disease that many Westerners suffer which is too much emotional virtue signaling and not enough deep thinking and research to overcome our Western confirmation biases which are being fed propaganda by our corrupt Western media. I actually agree with much of what Winston has to say about China (and have cited him in some cases in my said Gist document), but he ostensibly does not realize is that the Asian culture functions as a survival mechanism for them collectively not individually. It doesn’t matter if a million Chinese die because it will only help China to become stronger as it rises economically while the West is imploding. But humans can’t visualize said implosion because we are entirely incapable of comprehending the exponential function. I explained this by example of the lily pad in my said Gist document. Within this decade the West will decline to a third world status whilst China will rise to be the economic center of the world. Winston laps up all that propaganda about the Ukraine situation and does not understand that the Ukrainian civil war was forced upon Putin because Zelenskiy’s Asov battalion thugs were shelling the Russian speaking Ukrainian citizens since 2014 and violating both the Budapest and Minsk agreements. Even Putin tried to minimize the harm to civilians but Zelenskyy’s thugs have been shooting any civilians (and soldiers surrendering) that tried to escape via the civilian corridors offered by Russia. For example the Asov battalion in Mariupol positioned their armaments in civilian apartment buildings preventing those Russian speaking civilians from fleeing through the humanitarian corridors there so that the lying Western media could accuse the Russians of atrocities that in most cases have been Zelensky ordering shelling of his own people. To find this information requires going directly to [expert] sources on the ground. The entire point is that very evil overlords in the West are in control and are scripting the West towards WW3 intentionally. There are far too many issues that Winston and you are both ostensibly ignorant of that I can’t possibly fit it all in a Youtube comments so that is why I am writing the said Gist.

Problem is that Winston is also hoodwinked and is unwittingly helping to spread the propaganda. Nothing about the Certificate Of Vassal IDentity has ever been about a pathogen. It’s very difficult to take Winston seriously when he laps up the junk science about the cerveza sickness like a Cocker Spaniel. I’m on board with exposing the problems created by the Asian ‘saving face’ insanity culture, but does Winston even understand why that culture exists. Has he even bothered to educate himself properly?

I commented:

[Winston] Yours is analogous to my inspired experience in the Philippines from 1990 to perhaps 2013ish or so. After that I started to get really bogged down in the negatives of Asian culture […] Now that you have decided to make your home in my country of which I am descended from founding stock (laterally Isaac Shelby) it behooves you to properly understand what is going on in your new adopted country from the perspective of a founding stock culture American who is very well researched. I hoping to be one of your adamant supporters if you please can stop being a memebot for propaganda. Both of us really care about doing what is right. Stay awesome!

I replied:

I can only imagine how useful this whole pandemic has been for removing any form off political opposition in China.

Removing political opposition is necessary at this juncture so Asia can rise to be the economic center of the world and defeat the West.

I replied:

I remember in the beginning of the pandemic seeing videos of people’s apartment doors being welded shut with residents inside, the screaming, the starvation, the brutal enforcement of lockdown measures. It was really disturbing.

Disturbing for you as a Westerner but just normal for the thousands of years of being an Asian. They do not value individuality [and trying to force even Chinese plebs to adopt a Western perspective just makes us look dumb as virtual signaling ‘useful idiots’, c.f. also]. It is their form of group survival mechanism [including their periodic megadeath to cull/thinning their overpopulated herd].

Note Australia is also capturing people with manhunts and locking them up in reeducation, internment camps[quarantine centers].😲 Hmm.🙄rolleyes🤨🤯🤮👊🤬

Australian man escapes from hotel quarantine in Perth using rope made from bedsheets

And maybe eventually ditto New York:

The virtue signaling, ideological perspective of the Westerner is that every Asian life is just as precious as every Western life, but unfortunately the reality of Asian culture doesn’t agree. It’s shallow to view as victims those who are participating in their culture which isn’t going to change anymore than Westerners will change and stop defecting on the collective in the different yet still dysfunctional way we do.

Kumusta ka (aking mahal) was the first Filipino love song I heard in a taxi in Manila in 1990 and I bought the cassette tape to bring back with me to U.S.. That was the year my current pinay fiancé was born. This song characterized what I naively thought at the time the Philippines was. I didn’t understand all problems of Asian culture. I had a very romantic and idealized delusion. I would rather to continue to live in that fantasy than in the real shit hole of it as Westerners will come to know if they really expose themselves to it raw as I did (yeah go live in a squalor community as I did and bath at the community water pump, etc). Three decades of experience in Philippines hence when I listen to the chorus of this song, I can still remember my romanticized, idealistic feelings at that time in 1990. The point is Westerners need to stop projecting their cultural idealism on Asia.


Unfortunately this putrid combination of East Asian traits typically results in crab bucket, passive aggressiveness ‘fake nice’, ‘ghosting’ and conflicts/rudeness between individuals although if viewed from the giving index then Indonesia appears to be an outlier in some facets which I currently don’t understand. How regressive is that to restrict travel abroad, restrict domestic mobility, and restrict personal uniqueness but that is what Asian societies naturally gravitate towards which perhaps explains why they end up eventually in Seven Kill Stele. Rote learning can’t compete with individual creativity. Essentially the Asian “saving face” collectivist society rewards pretending to be dedicated of the group regardless of the abhorrent and dysfunctional outcomes (e.g. the insane “zero COVID” policy of China on “saving face” autopilot to the kafkaesque, absurdness of absolute failure), so the only way to be an individual is passive aggressively refuse to help others such that all cooperation is feigned or must be managed top-down which is thus dysfunctional! At the extreme for example in China there’s rampant, senseless, random stabbings of children as a revenge against society.

Revenge Attacks! China's Mass Stabbing Crisis!.

Shocking that Japan ranked dead last in the world in terms of helping others as measured by the giving index. Yet I think the surveyed China are lying. The claimed 49% of Chinese that helped a stranger is probably a conveniently interpretation of in the function of their job, not what it is intended to mean which is helping someone in distress along the side of the road which afaik from videos the Chinese do not do?

Why Japanese are the Most Unwilling to Help Others in the World

You might note the infographic above isn’t so much different than currently being promulgated by Klaus Schwab’s totalitarian government agents such as Canada’s Young Leader Justin Trudeau, AmeriKaans’ Czar Brandon-the-handsy-scent-stealer and Cocodile Dundee Nazis Daniel Andrews cum Scott Morrison. Will Westerners fall for it? We certainly have a lot of collectivist minded idiots in the West nowadays.

Low Indulgence combined with low Individuality devolves into a form of collectivism where the individuality is expressed negatively instead of positively!

Individuality expressed positively or negatively

Also rice cultivation produces much more yield per acre (or hectare) to provide more food security than wheat or corn but unlike the latter which are watered from the sky, rice cultivation requires intensive irrigation which depends on group cooperation. Why Most Humans Live Inside This Small Circle:

An extreme example of Asian suppression of individuality is Japanese React To Ponytail Ban In Schools | Asian Boss Street Interview wherein students are forced to die their hair black even if it’s brown so no lady stands out causing arousal of the male students, lol.🤐🚷🎎

It’s the end of the 1980s MTV generation Western romantization of Asia. It’s the end of the 1980s MTV generation Western romantization of Asia.


Ah the 1980s … in the Philippines, Hong Kong, Thailand, China, etc.. A non-stop menagerie collision between Western and Eastern.


Move on… dream on… (‘move on’ is a typical cynical phrase in the Philippines)


Whereas, Latin Americans are more likely to respond to murders and crime with a celebration of death as natural as life given they even have a patron saint San La Muerte and Santa Muerte, Asians prefer strongman leaders who promise them law-and-order which devolves into totalitarianism as the Asian leader has to save face and not appear to be weak thusly for example starving people for the aforementioned “zero COVID” insanity. Ostensibly stereotypically Asians as a whole (i.e. no stereotype applies universally) learned nothing from the wisdom of Christianity and 1 Samuel 8, although CHRINOS (Christians in Name Only) aren’t all together grokking it either.

I experienced this in the Philippines where for example my gf was afraid to speak English with me if in the presence a large group in a public setting because their jealousy (of her relationship with me) would cause so many to mutter insulting remarks (not to be heard but to be felt in the collective aura). And when the bad boys hanging out in front of the police station in Angeles City repeatedly and facetiously catcalling to my pinay wife (in the Filipino language which I didn’t understand well in 1999) that she was too ugly for me (so she was flipping them off in return because my ex is a fighter). Those boys subsequently blugeoned and blinded my right eye in the walking street in front of the police station and even I didn’t even know what was going on between them and my ex. Another example is outright rudeness of Filipinos that I experienced in Davao City, Mindanao in which for example teenagers would insult me from across of the road or from a window in a building, ‘hey joe fuck you’ and ‘daddy give me your money’ which seems to be worse in Davao presumably as a ramification of the ultra-strict Duterte clan combined with the historic violence and insecurity of Mindanao (not even the Spanish colonized it). Although the verbal slurs seem less common in other places in the Philippines, a universal trait throughout the Philippines is complete absence of any ‘have a nice day’ or other cordial greeting to strangers, as well rude skipping in line and belligerent, sly cutting off in driving lanes.

Another example is when Filipinos observe a foreigner (all foreigners and especially those not slim are considered handsome in the Philippines even if they’re ugly in their home countries) with a Filipina of the lower-class meaning brown skin, non-aquiline or bulbous nose, looking more like a “monkey” or “annus of the pig” than European (not my characterization), often the gossip will be that the foreigner must be too cheap or nearly homeless otherwise why would he be with her. Foreigners who reside in the Philippines not in a high status purpose (e.g. employment such as a consultant for a major corporation, religious missionary, etc.) and/or means (e.g. living in a mansion), are of lower status than foreign tourists who do not reside in the country, which can result in being looked down upon (‘ubus’ in Cebuano) and/or silently rejected aka ‘ghosted.’ This is because we’re expected to be something higher than the locals. Asian culture is typically very judgemental and not open-minded. I remember when I was in my late 20s interviewing Filipinas on dates I would ask them their attitude or character, they expressed disinclination or at least regurgitated the cultural posturing against ‘liberated’ and ‘open-minded’ which were associated with disrepute and sexual promiscuity. Whereas in Latin America even though many still honor traditions of their elders such as no sleeping over with boyfriend until married (although that doesn’t necessarily mean no premarital sex), they’re sexually unprententious even in their style of dancing, color-blind (e.g. many negros in relationships with whites in Colombia) and less swayed by status than by personal charm, enthusiasm and respect for the equal the essential human rights such as health, happiness, freedom of movement, etc..

The passive aggressive, ‘ghosting’ and other negative ways individuality expressed in Asian collectivism is the antithesis of an honor culture practiced by for example those born in the Deep South of the U.S. such as myself. A word of honor is not focused on the outcome but whether someone did their best effort to keep their commitments. Asian “saving face” is groupwise defection by pretending to be cooperating while actively minimizing cooperation to the least common denominator. Asians are only able to release their repression (and the honesty may blurt out as well) when they’re inebriated. Perhaps that’s why Adam Smith and Britian were able to easily to convert nearly the entire southern Chinese population into opium addicts to steal their silver back from China.

China is a Restrained society as can be seen in its low score of 24 in this dimension. Societies with a low score in this dimension have a tendency to cynicism and pessimism. Also, in contrast to Indulgent societies, Restrained societies do not put much emphasis on leisure time and control the gratification of their desires. People with this orientation have the perception that their actions are Restrained by social norms and feel that indulging themselves is somewhat wrong [or a waste time which could be directed to work].

Greece has an intermediate score of 50 on this dimension, so no clear preference between Indulgence and Restraint can be established.

With a very high score of 97, Mexican culture has a definite tendency toward Indulgence. People in societies classified by a high score in Indulgence generally exhibit a willingness to realise their impulses and desires with regard to enjoying life and having fun. They possess a positive attitude and have a tendency towards optimism. In addition, they place a higher degree of importance on leisure time, act as they please and spend money as they wish.

The United States scores as an Indulgent (68) society on the sixth dimension. This, in combination with a normative score, is reflected by the following contradictory attitudes and behaviour: Work hard and play hard.

Even Einstein was critical of the repressed thus purposed-driven rather bland, inartistic “art” and vapid, menial labor, all capital devoted to feeding humans and isolationism features of Chinese society.

South America Economically and Politically On Fire

Yet in Latin America despite their high Indulgence scores, there have also been periods of oscillation between authoritarian regimes (e.g. Peron in Argentina, Pinochet in China and Fujimori in Peru) and Marxism. Even this week El Salvador declared a state of emergency and cracked down severely on gang members reminiscient of “Dirty Harry” Duterte’s drug war in the Philippines.

However, note these were a battle for human rights. El Salvador’s president reacted to a slaughter of 67 people in a single day by arguing that the right to life for the righteous in society justified the extreme measures. And he arrested them did not encourage shooting them. And the marxist reactions to Latin America’s dictators were to fight against the idea of capitalists controlling all the resources and suppressing the bountiful natural conditions that provide for Indulgence.

Vade Retro Satana (@‍pope_head) tweeted (unrolled):

The day that white rural Americans realize they have way more in common with border state Mexican diaspora then they do with white coastal elites is the day the Satanic American empire topples.


An unapologetically christian populist front would uproot everything. This is what we need


The American south in particular has more in common with Latin America than Europe.

The U.S. and the Latin American Caribbean are also culturally influenced by descendents of African slaves, c.f Jay - Z - Big Pimpin (Ft. UGK) Dirty and Boosie Badazz – ‘Thug Life’. I’m not racist and I enjoy black culture so include me in those influenced.

Jay - Z - Big Pimpin (Ft  UGK) Dirty

Boosie Badazz – ‘Thug Life’

Jacob Siegel wrote about Yarvin in The Red-Pill Prince:

They point to a handful of his statements from a decade ago, including one in which he argued that certain races were better suited to slavery than others,

The Philippines

In addition to hosting the alleged perpetrators of inane QAnon psy-op, the Philippines was also the former base of criminal enterpise (including developing Iran’s weapon systems) mastermind Paul Le Roux’s criminal network. Some speculated that Le Roux might have been Satoshi Nakamoto but I don’t think so, although aforelinked speculation includes the obviously intentional “mistake” by Craig “Fatoshi” Wright in naming Le Roux — another plank in my belief that Faketoshi is a puppet of Rothschild and his upcoming plans for Bitcoin.

Le Roux Solotshi

Before reading the following critique of the Philippines, please note that I have a strong attachment to and shared history with the Filipino people after living in the country for half of my 56 years, starting in 1990. I have two adult children (now living in the U.S.) who were born in the Philippines to a Filipina mother. Also in addition to distributing many $1000s of donations to typhoon Yolanda victims in 2013, I recently organized and donated more than $2500 to Provide Funding for Biliary Atresia Surgery for Infant. Unfortunately even though I learned the local language, I was never able to completely become a Filipino in terms of attitude that can accept what I as an Anglo-Saxon perceive as abusive and unfortunate — but this is not a condemnation of everything about the Filipino because there are facets of the Philippines and its people which are dear to my heart and memories. The section explores differences, history and hypotheses in an attempt to both characterize my experience and argue for improvement.

Philippines ignominiously hosts (despite recent disingenuous, useless lip-service) the inhumane snake-rat-infested, scabies-skin-diseases-endemic, shoulder-to-shoulder-sleeping-on-the-floor Bicutan Detention Center. The above-the-law Bureau of Immigration kidnaps and indefinitely incarcerates for an unproven fabricated crime, someone else’s crime, trumped up charges or unproven domestic allegation upon which you will rot away the rest of your life unless you can pay a huge bribe for the privilege of “upgraded” accommodations and/or being deported.


Let me expound a bit on my personal experience and observations. I had a very relaxed, congenial attitude about the Philippines Bureau of Immigration and never expected them to treat me the way they did in January 2020 when my flight out of the country was canceled by the eruption of the Taal volcano which caused me to be unable to fly out before my expiry of stay, c.f. also I had to pay a bribe to leave the Philippines. I am very wary now of the totalitarian attitudes of Asians. The government bureaucrats really do not care at all. We are just another of the billions of blobs of protoplasm. There is no sanctity of life in Asia. Life is not precious nor respected. Or replace ‘life’ with ‘human rights’ which manifests at least in the ‘Indulgence’ Hofstede Insights trait (i.e. that Latin Americans value themselves higher than dirt or a slave cog in a group discipline, rice production wheel).

My rose colored glasses fell off my face and shattered on the concrete. I hope readers are not naive and perhaps I am overreacting because of my PTSD which I am still suffering due to my decades of experiences in the Philippines.

(Note there’s also kind people working in government offices in the Philippines and to the B.I.D. personnel at the Intramuros branch who were kind to me, I am grateful. We need more of you and less of the other types in public service.)

So a huge factor for me for example is the fact that I do not need to report again to the Mexican Migration department for 3 years and they have been so respectful, humane and decongested facilities. Maybe that’s only because I choose the Ensenada branch office which is not a tourist zone and not in the hardcore mainland. Whereas, the government orifices in Manila either the resemble the gallows or a livestock processing center. Thailand has a residency that can be prepaid for 4 to 20 years in advance, and they are claiming to offer VIP processing on entry/exit.

East Asians do not fight back against abuse — observe their 90+% Certificate Of Verified[assal, Great Harlot] IDolatry compliance. Some 33 – 40% percent of U.S. residents resist the tyranny and do not comply (aka civil disobedience which can if pushed to extremes escalate to armed resistance or even armed rebellion), enough so that much of the vax crap was vacated in the red states as early as Q4 2020.

Also foreigners (even S.E. Asians outside their home country) can purchase land in their own name in nearly every country in the American continents. Not so in (at least in East) Asia. Thus jurisdictional arbitrage options are reduced. Human rights are much less respected in general in East Asia. Latin Americans are proponents of human rights or lax discipline as a priority over iron-fisted law-and-order unlike Asians who believe group discipline is paramount (this difference probably stems from rice production which requires collective irrigation versus corn which grows from rainfall enabling independence from community), although their Hofstede Insight traits which are similar to Asians (c.f. below) enabled them fall into compliance with the COVID scam and unwittingly subjugate their own collective human rights.

OTOH Asia will be on the rise economically. The West on the waterfall collapse decline. Mexico somewhere in the middle perhaps?

And crimes against individuals tends to be much lower in East Asia because of the priority on strict law-and-order, although the police and vigilante groups can become the terrorists (c.f. below). And the law-and-order in China tends to periodically devolve into Seven Kill Stele, Pol Pot-style Communist megadeath. Indonesia hasn’t been immune to riots and megadeath as the outcome of persistent and past starvation caused graft, mismanagement, war and insufficient cereals. Whereas crime is widespread in Latin America, exacerbated by it effectively being a crime to defend yourself with lethal force — the antithesis of the Castle doctrine — another manifestation of their ‘Indulgence’ or sanctity of life which seems to be adopted from the Spanish.

Also at Bicutan the usual, corroborated, little-Hilter-government-orifices-bureaucrats-and-goons encouraged and emboldened to impetutious, wanton, justified-as-no-worst-than-other-hitlers’ “collateral damage” by the tyrant-in-chief’s warped/victimized/intransigent/intolerant/vindictive/simple-minded, holier-than-thou righteous,context, also heavy-handed, shoot-to-kill-first, extra-judicial injustice.

  • Another video is in Tagalog not bisaya so I only understand fragments of it.

    I know all the mentioned places, including the old Miseng hotel. I think I have seen before in Davao that Davao Death Squad (DDS) guy in the video. Of course I saw the assassinated boys along the side of the road often in Davao. I met a member of the Davao Death Squad (DDS) in 2003 or 2004 at a vehicle customizing shop that used to exist along Mamay Rd. across from what is now Yellow Cab Pizza. He showed me his gun and assured me I was safe in Davao.

    Originally the DDS assassinations were targeted only to the criminal elements and the drug pushers who were always given three warnings so they could opt to leave Davao if they were unable to reform themselves — met teenagers in Butuan City who said they had left Davao City after being so warned. Yet ostensibly this morphed into killing rivals and such. Paolo Duterte (son of the President) is implicated in the video.

    In 2019 I saw with my own eyes Paolo’s corruption south of Dahican beach and he has a goon stationed there that became belligerent at me when I slowed down in front of his illegal construction along the beachline. I was told a foreigner lady is banned-for-life from re-entering the Philippines after she posted photos of it to Facebook. And I was told if I decided to buy beachfront land on that penisula there I could also be so “accommodated by” (i.e. I could bribe) the Department of Environment and Natural Resources (DENR) to receive an exemption from the legal restrictions along the shoreline. I was also told that said politician is involved with plans for a huge resort development there with all sorts of backroom deals cut between the various government agencies such as the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH). I remember I had visited that penisula in 2003 and there was nothing there not even a paved road. The Philippines is developing but of course the main beneficiaries are the politically connected family dynasties. Nothing is ever done about the root problems such as the egregious overpopulation problem.

  • 6:02 lampoons his discussion with Trump. Duterte justifies collateral damage of innocents by comparing to U.S. military injustices. Claims Trump agreed. He is setting an example for that goon who impetuously shot with impunity a mother and son.

massacred Moros

Since the turn of the century I naively supported Duterte’s law-and-order policies in Davao City because indeed as he points out I had observed that Davao was generally more orderly and safer than when former City Administrator and then Vice Mayor Benjamin de Guzman was Davao City mayor and less sketchy than my other explorations around all of Mindanao — I’ve seen every cubbyhole of Mindanao including for example I know where Duterte’s mother’s ancestral house is in the mountains. Yet the tyrant’s mental state has ostensibly blown up into a Dunning-Kruger megalomaniac, drunk on his own Koolaid. As a small example in 2017 when he banned all nighttime driving privileges for anyone blind in one eye (as I am after being attacked by a gang in the Philippines in 1999) because some Filipino had plowed into students in Calinan along the insufficiently lit rural highway. Poverty and lack of funding (e.g. for proper lighting and crosswalks) is always the excuse for stampeding on human rights yet the cost of rehabilitating the emotional trauma to the children of their assassinated breadwinner is ignored. Is overpopulation the excuse for Filipina in Dubai hits ‘slow service’ at DFA Manila as mother queues for more than 36 hours?

DFA-overnight DFA-queue

The Filipino youth seem to understand well the faceted dimensions of the problem and they recognize that the drug menace will always exist as long as the root problem of poverty persists. And potentially more damning is that fostering a vigilante and police inpunity culture is a form of power and all power is abused because altruistic minimization of power is always weaker and subsumed (i.e. captured) by corrupt, maximization of available power. Duterte has potentially (if the PNP and Philippine army is not a 100% restrained, professional policing force which seems unlikely in the Philippines) brought back the heavy-handed, arrogant tactics of the Spanish colonizers and the Inquisition, which might instill an authoritarian culture which could become ingrained beyond his term of office. For example, Philippines man dies after doing squats as punishment for breaking COVID curfew. Power corrupts absolutely without fail. Police can become intertwined with the drug business, police can become paid assassins for any retribution or reason, and it can become mafia wars on the streets. Mexico and Chicago being examples, and frankly I had experienced such a culture in the early 1990s in Manila with corrupt police driving around tourist districts aiming to plant drugs on unsuspecting foreigners to frame and then extort money from them.

  • I met Benjamin de Guzman in Davao City Hall in 1994 and he proudly opened the accounting ledger for Davao City explaining to me that the annual tax revenues had boomed into the single digit millions of pesos — it’s now in the tens of billions of pesos.

Indeed there’s a nasty drug menace in the Philippines and if I may wax facetiously that the unrealistic “solution” is to kill all the motherfucking dynasties and corruption that robs the people of the chance to prosper. Instead this dynastic Duterte kakistocracy is about to win another 6 year term in Malacañang. I’m not a yellowtard. I originally supported Duterte because I witnessed first-hand how incorrigible, hard-headed and barbaric some Filipinos can be, but “Dirty Harry” has since demonstrated that he’s not astute and his lack of research and awareness is leading to a heinous, enslaved outcome for the Philippines. I wasted half my life in the Philippines for this outcome? Former president Fidel Ramos promised progress and the Philippines 2000 utopian goal — all I received in 1999 was a blinding incident as the people were so pissed off ostensibly due the deprivation of the Asian Crisis and former, impeached president Joseph Estrada’s gross mismanagement.

The Philippines drug war is a war on the poor instead of a war against poverty. The festering pit (which I experienced!) of duplicituous, irrational, primitive, uncivilized, crab bucket mentality, low-trust society, clan-based, tribal warfare/emotions and squalid, subsistence-level poverty pushed to the breaking point by overpopulation, is the root cause; because the raping of the economy by the aloof-stonehearted-pachydermatous elite, politically connected and those in positions of authority, can’t be resisted and overthrown by a citizenry enslaved by the vulnerability of living hand-to-mouth.

Filipinos are worried about keeping themselves fed if the lockdown is imposed any longer. The Asian Development Bank found that around half of Filipinos, if they lose their income, could only make ends meet for up to two weeks.

And also enslaved by the lack of overwhelming participation due to the low-trust society and lack of holistic cooperation amongst tribalistic, clan-oriented Filipinos (← turn on Closed Captioning (CC) on Tagalog videos for translation). Only 15,000 of 500,000 united as warriors whilst (and perhaps because) their own Castilan-Filipino elite were trying to pacify and divide-and-conquer them:

The Huks were closely identified with the emerging Pambansang Kaisahan ng mga Magbubukid (PKM — National Peasant Union), which was strongest in the provinces of Pampanga, Bulacan, Nueva Ecija, and Tarlac and had as many as 500,000 members […] led many farmers to support the Huks, and after that date there were between 11,000 and 15,000 armed Huks […] atrocities perpetrated by individual Huks. Their mistreatment of Negrito peoples made it almost impossible for them to use the mountain areas where these tribespeople lived […] Many Huks degenerated into murderers and bank robbers.

Drug use is still and will remain rampant regardless of the nonsensical rationalizations by the current myopic, tyrannical, kakistocratic kleptocracy (that’s also been profiting off the Great Reset’s medical terrorism); eventually to return with a venegeance due to the demand from the poverty-stricken market fostered by overpopulation. Assassination isn’t an inefficient means for the needed megadeath. So go directly to the point and either sterilize the population and/or attempt some technological paradigm-shift of the captive labor problem, else admit Filipinos aren’t capable of a solution and stop hoodwinking the citizenry with myopic bravado, useless/incorrect holiness and duplicitous and/or unwitting self-imolation in the Great Reset.

Government classroom setting education isn’t the viable solution because the government can never fully fund it to the extent necessary to be truly disruptive of the status quo inertia and impediments, and there won’t be enough traditional jobs (even if Philippines were developed as a tourist mecca which since 2020 seems even more unlikely) because of the impending collapse of the West, competition with billions in Asia and technological unemployment[creative-destruction transformation of vocations]. Instead the Philippines must immediately put broadband, reliable Internet everywhere (c.f. Elon Musk’s Starlink might enter the Philippines soon), unleash virtual learning from the regressive, stranglehold of the Department of Education (DepEd) formerly named Department of Education, Culture and Sports (DECS), and in every way get itself and the (e.g. telcom) oligarch dynasties the fuck out the way of technological adaptation. Bong-Bong Marcos and Sara Duterte — the current projected winners of the upcoming 2022 Presidential election — are incapable of leading the Philippines in this urgent direction. Neither of those two can distinguish their revolutionary arsehurl from the orifice from which they spew their regurgiated memebot vomit — both incapable of independent skepticism and research so as to not be manipulated by those who have always and will always enslave the Philippines (and all people of the world as well). I believe the father-daughter Duterte tandem are sincere in their belief that they are doing the best and correct actions for their country. I emphatically disagree that they will achieve their undeserved beliefs. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions wrapped in ignorant hubris. A good, ignorant person can do much harm when put into a position of authority, as the tyrant-in-chief has clearly demonstrated.

Asians have a slave mentality. Look what happen to Davao City under Sara’s dic[k]torial rule, so strict forcing everyone to take death jabs because Sara is too ignorant to know what is really going on with the medical terrorism. Sara is an idiot and I will never live in Asia again because Asians do not seem to think properly. Sorry to say. Asians just follow and do what they are told to do. I will never follow nor do what some idiots tell me to do. Why should I inject myself with cancer? Duh.🤦‍♂️🤮

Duterte: Wearing of face shields still mandatory indoors, outdoors

Note the president’s victimization psychology, ‘if you destroy orient[al] children, I will kill you.’ And as if being offended by memebot verbiage from the mercurial U.S. political process is relevant to clear thinking and decisions Duterte quipped, ‘please do not be too discourteous.’ And his ignorant delusion that the Philippines is sovereign, ‘I carry the burden of sovereignty.’ Hoodwinked, delusional, ignominious, halfwit, political dynastic tyrant-in-chief Duterte is ignorant of that fact that anthropogenic climate change is a politicized, junk science fraud and so he blames the West for the poverty in the Philippines, while feigning the nearly ubiquitous victimization card psychology of the Filipino.🤦‍♂️ Capable people make non-emotional, well reasoned decisions that maximize their outcomes instead of blaming their continued failure on the cards they were dealt — even Americans have been manipulated (and effectively enslaved) by the same powers-that-be which colonize and enslave the Philippines.

Duterte and children

Duterte thinks the Philippines would have been better off if the U.S. had never invested heavily in for example the education system of the Philippines after WW2 which provides the ongoing adoption of English language skills that (were languishing but have been revamped due to recent job opportunities in call centers) have enabled so many Filipinos to prosper in the world economy (e.g. the $27 billion, 9% of GDP, million employees BPO outsourcing industry) and the U.S. ostensibly preventing a power vacuum that could have otherwise devolved/regressed backwards into the primitive, pre-Spanish tribal warfare savagery. Romanticizing about the tribal past is as silly as blaming the Spaniards for conquering the Aztecs — the same Aztecs who had enslaved the Mexican tribes and used their children as sacrifices on their altars. Or ditto Datu Lapu-Lapu who had conquered neighboring tribes around Cebu. The theory of power and conquest has been a constant throughout the history of human civilization.

The self-aggrandizing, megalomaniac “protector” of the Philippines against colonialism, has some unwillingness, cognitive dissonance and/or blindspot that impedes recognition of the existence of the powers-that-be and the role of a pawn the Philippines is stuck in. And since 2020 said soi-disant “protector” of sovereignty has unwittingly turned the Philippines into a subservient colony of the Great Reset’s medical terrorism.😖 His accomplishment is 82% of Filipinos rate themselves as poor or borderline poor in 2022. Mission accomplished!👎🖕 He thinks the 1951 Mutual Defense Treaty with the U.S. is useless because the U.S. will not be able to defend his country. Well yeah that’s an outcome of kicking out the U.S. military bases in 1991 thus weakening the U.S. military’s capabilities to fight in the “South China Sea” theater where China now has land bases on isles. The Visiting Forces Agreement (VFA) which the pugnacious Duterte also threatened to but ultimately didn’t terminate isn’t a fraction of the lost bases capability.

All peoples all around the world, including Americans, are are both duped and (even they don’t realise it) oppressed by the powers-that-be who actually control the world and who were responsible for the colonial actions of the impostor, legal fiction United States of America, Inc. which disbanded (via the perpetual martial law of the Lieber code) the legitimate States of the Union upon and since the first U.S. Civil War (c.f. Related Links below). Duterte has a simple-minded comprehension of the reality of the world he lives in. American people only want the best for the Philippines and the Filipino people. For example clearly Spain never cared about their vassals because there’s very little genetic mixing as compared to Mexico and when the 1074 ‘Thomasites’ American school teachers launched the education system for the common Filipino they had first attempted to employ Spanish language textbooks only to discover that most Filipinos weren’t able to read Spanish because ostensibly Spain had no interest in integrating the “savages” as anything more than subservient, slaves. Note, whiteness in Philippines mostly genetic mixing with Chinese although I read there’s 700,000 offspring of American soldiers in central Luzon (some of them from an African-American father). Filipinos are predominantly descended from the same lineage crossing Siberia as the Chinese, yet adapted to the 7107 tropical islands [tangentially perhaps ditto the Polynesians via South America]. Note Quora censored one of my linked posts above and banned me for two weeks:

By alienating the caring, good intentioned American people (as distinct from the illegitimate United States of America, Inc. “government”), Duterte is exhibiting his irrationality and lack of due diligence — a laziness and habit which has lead him astray from the hidden truth of the diabolical Great Reset to which he has regretfully subjected his countrymen.

Related links:

  • The U.S. interest in the Philippines was that the States of the Union had been dissolved by Abraham Lincoln’s Civil War Lieber code martial law which was never formally renounced. A Scottish corporation transitioned into a Vatican legal fiction United States of America, Inc., which has enslaved the Americans and Filipinos ever since. The gold which was allegedly looted from Fort Knox by the interlopers was stashed in the Philippines. The gold which we Americans probably (even if indirectly) ‘stole’ from the Aztecs which the Aztecs probably confiscated from their vassals, etc.. The merry-go-round of slavery and conquest is eternal.

    But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.” — Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 7 July 1775

    Anna Marie Reizinger aka Anna von Reitz wrote that most of the gold that was hidden in the Philippines had been stolen from the United States:

    By 1898, they [i.e. the impostor Scottish corporation predecessor to the legal fiction United States of America, Inc. which had presumed control under the pretext of the martial law imposed by Abraham Lincoln’s Civil War Lieber code never being vanquished by a formal peace and restoration of the proper functioning of the bona fide Constitutional States of the Union government comprising the U.S. territorial land jurisdiction and its bona fide residents] had run up unimaginable amounts of debt against us and against our States of the Union and were running scared and looking for ways to finish bilking us and run.

    So they bought the Philippine Islands — the actual land mass of the Islands — with our money, and took over the Philippines, literally. This happened in 1898 and we have the proof.

    They then began building bunkers and shipping our gold to the Philippines, where it remained in storage while the “government” — that is, the Scottish commercial corporation went bankrupt in 1907.

    The next interloper, “the” United States of America, Inc., sponsored by the Roman Catholic Church as a ‘religious non-profit’ in 1925, had a hit-and-run program of its own, designed to collapse the American Stock Market, which happened in 1929 and which left us to sort out the bankruptcy of this second usurper in 1933.

    In 1934, to keep the scent off the gold in the Philippines, the [legal fiction, interloper] “Municipal Congress” voted to create an “independent government” for the Philippines. This was done so that the [imposed] Philippines “Government” could act as the trustee over the American gold in storage there and the creditors of the second fake USA couldn’t attach it.

    Enter World War II, and the Japanese took the Philippines.

    They discovered the American gold stashed there and began distributing it to Hellandgone all around the Pacific and even to Nazi Germany and Switzerland.

    This is what General Douglas MacArthur was on the spit for, and why he was so desperate to regain the Philippines and also why he was later murdered by the Cabal. Ditto George S. Patton, who also knew what was going on.

    This is also how we wound up with Ferdinand Marcos and the Green Hilton Agreements and the Bilateral Minefields Agreements and JFK trying to clean this unholy Mess up.

    And this is still part of what we have to clean up.

    Not all of the gold stored in the Philippines is American, but a great deal of it is and always was. It’s not “abandoned” though certain people and institutions have claimed and wished that it was.

    The Scottish Government and the British Monarch of the United Kingdom of Great Britain is liable for it being there, the Municipal United States Congress is liable for it being there, the Popes and the Holy Roman Empire are responsible for it being there, the Philippine Government is responsible for not sorting this out a long time ago, the US Military is responsible for being corrupt and expediting and covering up for all of this.

    The actual American People and the States who are owed back their purloined gold, plus all the interest on it, are still here.

    False-flag launched the Spanish-American war

    The Spanish-American War was conducted under U.S. President William McKinley […] At first, like most Americans, he didn't even known where the Philippines was […] The Spanish-American War should be called Spanish-American-Cuban-Philippine War because Cuba is where much of the action took place and the Philippines was affected the most by its outcome. Spain was pushed into the war after the sinking of the U.S. ship the Maine in Cuba, which killed 260 officers and men, but the Spanish actually had nothing to do with. Among those who reported on the war were Mark Twain, who “expertly excoriated” it […] Later investigations revealed that more than five tons of powder charges for the vessel's six and ten-inch guns ignited, virtually obliterating the forward third of the ship.


    The Spanish-American War was pushed by Assistant Secretary of the Navy Teddy Roosevelt and Senator Henry Cabot Lodge, who were intent on making the United States a world power. Roosevelt evoked a “superior people theory” to justify American incursions in Cuba and the Philippines and said “the most ultimately righteous of all wars is a war with savages” […] Roosevelt called the Filipinos “Tagal bandits, Malay bandits, Chinese half-breeds,” and “savages, barbarians, a wild and ignorant people, Apaches, Sioux, Chinese Boxers.” Other American leaders called the Filipinos “a drunken uncontrollable mob” with “the minds of children” who were “waging a war not against tyranny, but against Anglo-Saxon order and decency.”

    If Jose Rizal wasn’t actually a protégé of the international banksters which I believe I read somewhere but haven’t been able to dig up again, at least his hero status was fabricated as a plot to cover up the coup d‘etat against the American and Filipino/Bangsamoro people. Pacifist, Castilian-Filipino Jose Rizal was ostensibly elevated to martyr, hero status to pacify the pinoy and dissuade the warrior-minded (masculine!) Filipinos from fighting against the Castilian-Filipino merchant class and landed elite.

    Names and Brief History of the Philippines

    The roots of the disparity between the affluent and the impoverished lie in the structure established under Spanish rule […] Over the centuries, these orders acquired huge landed estates and became wealthy, sometimes corrupt, and very powerful […] Although a massive United States-sponsored popular education program exposed millions of Filipinos to the basic workings of democratic government, political leadership at the regional and national levels became almost entirely the province of families of the sociocultural elite.


    Jose P. Rizal, an international scholar, writer and poet is probably the most important national hero. Although a pacifist, he was arrested for complicity in the revolutionary movement and executed in 1896. This sparked off a violent revolutionary independent movement, which collapsed at the end of the Spanish American war of 1898 with the Americans taking over as the colonial power. Although Rizal was already a national hero, the Americans were particularly anxious to highlight Rizal’s non-revolutionary pacifist credentials and his reputation has grown steadily ever since.

    Jose Rizal’s Philosophies in Life

    Pitiful social conditions existed in the Philippines as late as three centuries after his conquest in Spain, with agriculture, commerce, communications and education languishing under its most backward state. It was because of this social malady that social evils like inferiority complex, cowardice, timidity and false pride pervaded nationally and contributed to the decay of social life. This stimulated and shaped Rizal’s life philosophy to be to contain if not eliminate these social ills.

    The Castilian-Filipino elite colloborated with the powers-that-be (c.f. also) to fool the Filipino peasantry because it was in their business interests. Thus I am disgusted that the DepEd/DECS requires this continued idolization of Rizal, who was elevated to hero status ostensibly to pacify the peasants and divert attention away from the nasty truths (i.e. damned facts) I’m revealing. Jose Rizal is a paper hero constructed to enslave and discourage the Filipinos from uniting as warriors in a war for their sovereignty.

    Why do you think the Castilian-Filipino merchant and landed classes (who are still enslaving the Filipines in present day) elevated the pacifist Jose Rizal to underserved hero status? And why did the Americans go along with it? To prevent the Filipinos from realizing they’re being enslaved by a higher power. Just another variation on handing a native a mirror in exchange for all his ancestral land. Fool me once, fool me twice, fool me forever.

    Yet note Filipinos have always found a way to be free spirits regardless of their material situation. And the mountain dwelling indigenous ‘lumads’ are still free but difficult life. Duterte once remarked that the reason for overpopulation was the lack of electricity and TV to entertain Filipinos at night before sleeping.🤣

    Duterte was supported by the Chinese-Filipino merchant and landed class in Davao, as well the genuflecting, docile Visayans. They supported his efforts to break the back of the tribal warrior spirit and individualist machoism of the Filipino. Funneled the macho Filipinos into the military to harvest it for enslaving the Filipino. Yet of course most “educated” and domesticated Filipinos support their own enslavement because savagery is regressive to them.

    Huk Rebellion

    Tensions grew as landlords who had fled to urban areas during the fighting returned to the villages in late 1945, demanded back rent, and employed military police and their own armed contingents to enforce these demands. Food and other goods were in short supply. The war had sharpened animosities between the elite, who in large numbers had supported the Japanese, and those tenants who had been part of the guerrilla resistance. Having had weapons and combat experience and having lost friends and relatives to the Japanese and the wartime Philippine Constabulary, guerrilla veterans and those close to them were not as willing to be intimidated by landlords as they had been before 1942


    Aguinaldo was told bluntly by the Americans that his army could not participate and would be fired upon if it crossed into the city. The insurgents were infuriated at being denied triumphant entry into their own capital, but Aguinaldo bided his time. Relations continued to deteriorate, however, as it became clear to Filipinos that the Americans were in the islands to stay.

    Inventing a Hero: The Posthumous Re-Creation of Andres Bonifacio

    Andres Bonifacio, the leader of the Philippine Revolution of 1896, has become one of the country’s great national heroes. He is celebrated in history textbooks read by millions of young Filipinos. His image, cast in bronze and cut into stone, stands on plazas across the archipelago. But what do we really know about him? As succeeding generations of historians have re-created his legend, has the real Bonifacio been lost to us forever?

    In this carefully researched work, Glenn May sifts through the slender documentary legacy that Bonifacio left behind after his execution in 1897. Through a close reading of these texts, he uncovers a history of mythmaking in the service of nationalism. Our contemporary image of Bonifacio is the sum of unreliable personal testimony and dubious, possibly doctored, documents.

    Veneration without Understanding

    Rizal’s omnipresence and colossal stature have always cast a shadow over the Philippine Revolution. As a result of Rizal’s refusal to engage in the Revolution and subsequent condemnation of it, public perception of our revolution is not as favorable as it should be.

    Such an appraisal carries the risk of being used to exonerate those who betrayed the Revolution on purpose, as well as dampening the morale of those who might be called upon to support another great nationalist undertaking in the future to finish the anti-colonial struggle. Despite the fact that Rizal condemned the one act that truly embodied our nationalist aspirations, we regard him as a nationalist leader


    Many factors that makes Rizal accepted as the official hero of the Filipinos to the Americans. To begin with, he was already dead when the Americans launched their attack. He should never be held responsible for insulting anti-American remarks. Furthermore, as a result of his dramatic martyrdom, Rizal had already become a symbol of Spanish tyranny. Focusing attention on him would not only concentrate Filipino rage toward their former oppressors, but it would also soften their feelings against the new conquerors, who were still facing organized resistance at the time. The American pulled off a brilliant move with his decision. Rizal made feel honored bestowing and accepted by the Filipinos and were really proud of it.

    Rizal’s position as a reformer rather than a separatist was emphasized by the Americans. As a result, he was unable to participate in discussions about Philippine independence. He couldn’t possibly serve as a rallying point for the invading forces. At the same time, the emphasis on Rizal pushed other heroes into the background, heroes whose revolutionary example and anti- American proclamations might have bolstered Filipino resistance to the new conquerors.

    Rizal had the credentials to assert immortality, despite the fact that he benefited from imperial patronage and became a popular copy for propagandists. It must be admitted, however, that the study of his life and works has devolved into a cult, distorting Rizal’s role and place in history. Although such strategies can work for a short time, they cannot guarantee immortality if there is no solid foundation for it.


    This represents the divide between the educated and the rest of the population. It may seem surprising to say that Rizal was a proponent of a mendicant strategy, but the truth is that the propagandists chose Spain as the battleground for such reforms rather than operating among their own people, educating and learning from them, assisting them in realizing their own situation and articulating their aspirations. In reality, when it came to the colonizing forces, the ilustrados of the first propaganda movement used the same tactics and had the same general attitude as today’s mendicants and pseudo-nationalists. Since the ilustrados represented the Hispanized segment of our population, they attempted to demonstrate that they were as Spanish as the peninsulares. They wanted to be referred to as Filipino-Spaniards, as Rizal put it. They’re no different than modern-day mendicants who want to show that they’ve been Americanized, or that they’re Filipino Americans.


    The revolutions of today will go beyond Rizal’s understanding, whose Castilian orientation had to limit his horizon even for that period — Today, we need new heroes who can help us solve our pressing problems — We can’t depend on Rizal alone — The true hero is one with the masses

    Again I say that Bong Bong Marcos and Sara Duterte can’t lead the revolution that is needed! The American people are not your colonizers — rather the powers-that-be which are manipulating the situation including ostensibly hoodwinking current President Duterte. Come on Duterte stop being a fake and get your country off that Great Reset bullshit!! Fuck.

    Ez Mil - Panalo [Unofficial Music Video] Bonifacio, Heneral Luna, Goyo


    Goyo - Ang Batang Heneral | Official Trailer | Jerrold Tarog | Paulo Avelino | TBA Studios

  • Philippine president Duterte signs controversial anti-terror law

    Philippines is being converted into a gulag:

    The Philippine president on Friday signed-off on a widely-opposed anti-terror law which critics fear could be used to target human rights activists[anyone they think will pay a bribe to be released from government sanctioned kidnapping…this is a license for authorities to kidnap-for-ransom].

    President Rodrigo Duterte signed the controversial Anti-Terrorism Act after it was approved by Congress. Among other things, it allows Duterte to appoint a council that could order warrantless arrests of people it deems as terrorists.


    The law also allows for suspects to be detained for weeks without being charged. The government insists this is necessary to combat communist and Islamist insurgencies [oh and this authorization will never be abused in a country rife with corruption and abuse of authority 💩].

  • ABS-CBN franchise shut down

    TV station ABS-CBN permanently shut down by Duterte in spite of 75% of Filipinos wanting the network back on air.

  • Philippines’ Richest Man Manuel Villar Takes Over ABS-CBN’s TV Channel Frequencies

    Advanced Media Broadcasting Systems—controlled by billionaire Manuel Villar—is taking over the television broadcast frequencies previously used by ABS-CBN, which was once the Philippines’ top media company until the government forced it off the air two years ago.

    Villar—a former lawmaker, who once ran for President—is adding the media business to his sprawling real estate and retail business empire. He is an ally of Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte, who vowed to force ABS-CBN off the air after the network failed to broadcast one of his ads during the 2016 presidential campaign. His wife Cynthia Villar is currently a senator, and their son, Mark, is also running for Senate after quitting his job as head of the Department of Public Works and Highways.

  • Human Rights Watch: Philippines

    Duterte sought to silence his critics via various means. His most prominent critic, Senator Leila de Lima, remained in detention on politically motivated drug charges. In May, the Philippine Supreme Court took unprecedented action to remove Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno, apparent reprisal for her criticism of Duterte’s “drug war” and other abusive policies. In September, Duterte revoked the amnesty given to Senator Antonio Trillanes IV, another Duterte critic, by the previous administration


    Masked gunmen taking part in killings appeared to be working closely with police, casting doubt on government claims that most killings have been committed by vigilantes or rival drug gangs.

    Duterte has vowed to continue his anti-drug campaign until his term ends in 2022. In July 2018, he again pledged to continue the “war on drugs,” saying “it will be as relentless and chilling as on the day it began.”


    The Philippine Drug Enforcement Agency (PDEA) announced in June that it was seeking to impose annual unannounced drug screening tests on teachers and schoolchildren starting in the fourth grade. PDEA sought to justify the move as an attempt to identify 10-year-old potential drug users so they “can get intervention while they are still young.”

    Imposing drug testing on schoolchildren when Philippine police are summarily killing alleged drug users endangers children should they fail such a drug test. Mandatory testing may also violate children’s right to bodily integrity, constitute arbitrary interference with their privacy and dignity, and may deter children from attending school for reasons unrelated to any potential drug use.

    Police have killed dozens of children since the start of the “war on drugs” in June 2016, deaths which Duterte has dismissed as “collateral damage.”


    The Duterte administration ratcheted up its attack on media freedom in January 2018 by threatening the closure of, an online news outlet critical of the “war on drugs.” In November, the Department of Justice indicted Rappler and its editor and founder, Maria Ressa, for tax evasion. This followed months of attacks and harassment of Rappler by the Duterte government and its supporters.

    New draft regulations by the Philippine House of Representatives in May would allow Congress to ban reporters who “besmirch” the reputation of lawmakers from covering the national legislature. Journalists and some members of Congress have denounced the proposed rule as dangerously ambiguous and stifling.

    The killings of journalists continued in 2018, with six murdered by unidentified gunmen in different parts of the country.


    Asian governments have expressed implicit or explicit support for the anti-drug campaign. The Indonesian government in February awarded then-Philippine National Police Director-General Ronald dela Rosa its highest honor, the Medal of Honor, for his “rock star-like inspiration to the Indonesian national police and the Indonesian people on how to fight the war on drugs.”

    • I replied to Monica Quintana’s comment under Isaiah Pablo’s answer to What similarities do you find between Filipino and Mexican cultures?:

      Hi, it’s not that both cultures have similarities, it’s that your country was ruled through Nueva España (Mexico) so your country has Mexican influence even in the words you use. In Mexico, to be honest, people don’t ever hear about the Philippines, because it didn’t influence our culture at all. Most Mexicans have a big proven Spaniard heritage, that doesn’t only come with our last names. Many Spanish last names you have were just given by the Mexican colonizers, which I find very unfair to your culture. I got to know philipino people when I moved to Canada and noticed they know a lot about Mexico but they think we have the same story but we don’t. We were directly influenced by Spaniards, while the Philippines were mainly influenced by La Nueva España (Mexico) which makes it a very different story. Not better or worse, just very different. Don’t get me wrong. I am not proud of how my country was stolen from their original culture by the Spaniards. The whole story is so messed up and sad 😞

      There was presumably much more easily accessible gold to loot in Mexico and Peru, unlike Philippines was mostly a key Chinese silk trading point and produced abaca fiber for the ropes needed for sailing vessels. The story is about power and power corrupts absolutely. And power is real and you can not wish it away with feelings nor morals nor ethics. Before the Spanish it was the Aztecs enslaving the other Mexican tribes and before Magellan it was Lapu-lapu enslaving the other tribes. Power is a constant throughout human civilization.

      And it continues to enslave us yet surprising how many Mexicans obey now which for me is the really depressing fact. One of the key differences between Anglo-Saxons and Mexicans (Asians, Russians and East Europeans) according to Hofstede Insights is that the former (i.e. we/me) have very high Individualism which Mexicans and Asian do not. That’s why many of us are anti-vaxx but I can go in Walmart in Arizona where masking is not mandatory and every single Hispanic is masked even though it has been admitted (even by Fauci et al) that masks are entirely ineffective. The masks are there to exhibit who are the enslaved sheep. Sorry to say it, but truth. I was told by a Mexican-American (lived her entire life in Mexico and married a Mexican) that Mexicans respect doctors and government as if they are infallible. Good slaves is what I see. Stockholm Syndrome? Did Mexicans not learn anything from the Spanish colonialism, that the power elite are always enslaving everyone. The Chiapas indios apparently understand — they ostensibly resisted and were never conquered (maybe because they had no gold?). They even distrusted me when I visited them in 1993 before their uprising (which I had nothing to do with btw).

    • Inside the Video Surveillance Program IBM Built for Philippine Strongman Rodrigo Duterte

      Jaypee Larosa was standing in front of an internet cafe in Davao City, a metropolitan hub on the Philippine island of Mindanao, when three men in dark jackets pulled up on a motorcycle and opened fire. That summer evening, Larosa, 20, was killed. After the shooting, according to witnesses, one of the men reportedly removed Larosa’s baseball cap and said, “Son of a bitch. This is not the one.” Then they drove off.

    • After warrantless arrest over Twitter threat vs Marcos, Grab driver to be charged in court

    • Duterte wants cops to bar the unvaccinated from leaving houses

    • "Shoot them dead": Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte orders police and military to kill citizens who defy coronavirus lockdown

    • Philippines' Duterte threatens vaccine decliners with jail, animal drug

    • How this Mexican city celebrates its Filipino roots | Balitang America

      Although not many Filipinos migrated to Mexico and Philippines was influenced more heavily by Mexico than the other way around, they did at least give Mexico tuba.

      This video gives me a good feeling. It's wonderful to see the cultural exchange and the Filipinos happy.

      I wish I could speak to Sara Duterte. How I wish Philippines could work on reducing overpopulation and develop closer ties to their Latin American heritage. Don't go Chinese please.

      An attorney in Manila replied after reading the above to tell me his opinion that Sara and her handlers are beholden to China.

Russia’s Ukraine Ambitions

The West sees the 130,000 Russian combat soldiers and their equipment on Kyiv’s eastern frontier as “threatening the sovereignty of Ukraine,” […] Moscow considers the problem as one of maintaining the security of the “Motherland” and preserving Russia’s development geopolitically and economically. Establishing and sustaining territorial security for Putin means ensuring that NATO does not encroach on Russia’s border in the west and specifically that Ukraine does not become a member of the alliance.


Chief among the Russian president’s pain points was his contention that the U.S. and NATO do not give the Kremlin’s “security needs” the deference they deserve. According to The New York Times, the Russian chief executive “accused the United States of trying to goad his government into launching a conflict to create a pretext for tougher Western sanctions against Russia.” The comment is consistent with Putin’s previous inferences that America’s “most important task” is to limit Russia as a developing nation and that the West is using Ukraine to accomplish that end.

Related links:

  • Minsk Peace Process the Only Way Forward! Putin CONCERNED By Zelensky’s Recent Flip-Flopping!

  • Russia's Putin: The US is parking missiles “on the porch of our house”

  • On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians by Vladimir Putin

    First of all, I would like to emphasize that the wall that has emerged in recent years between Russia and Ukraine, between the parts of what is essentially the same historical and spiritual space, to my mind is our great common misfortune and tragedy. These are, first and foremost, the consequences of our own mistakes made at different periods of time. But these are also the result of deliberate efforts by those forces that have always sought to undermine our unity.

    Bwahaha.🎉 Was the West undermining this ‘shared spiritual space’ 🤮 when Bolshevik Communists 👹 and then Stalin 🧟‍♂️ punitively starved 25% of Ukraine’s population to skeletons and death 🦴 in a deliberate democide ☠️ to sanitize and annihilate Ukraine’s inherently non-communist (i.e. capitalistic) nationalism and preference for the Western-style, individual property rights, non-Marxist economy?💩🤥🤦🏻🤔

    There was a fundamental difference between the widely distributed, decentralized Ukrainian farms and the highly centralized serfdom of Russians — the antithesis of a ‘shared spiritual space.’ Ukraine is an intensely fertile plains the size of Texas (the ‘bread basket of Europe’) and also had a culture of fiercely independent Cossaks which are reminiscent of the cowboys of the American Wild West.

    In January 1654, the Pereyaslav Council confirmed that decision. Subsequently, the ambassadors of Bohdan Khmelnytsky and Moscow visited dozens of cities, including Kiev, whose populations swore allegiance to the Russian tsar. Incidentally, nothing of the kind happened at the conclusion of the Union of Lublin.

    In a letter to Moscow in 1654, Bohdan Khmelnytsky thanked Tsar Aleksey Mikhaylovich for taking ”the whole Zaporizhian Host and the whole Russian Orthodox world under the strong and high hand of the Tsar“. It means that, in their appeals to both the Polish king and the Russian tsar, the Cossacks referred to and defined themselves as Russian Orthodox people.

    Another lie by Putin. The Cossaks had no affinity to the Russian Tsar and were squeezed between world powers thus forcing them to agree to a treaty with the Czar who proceeded to attempt to curtail their independence and partition their lands between said world powers. Russian leaders always assumed the ‘little Russians’ in Ukraine (aka Malorossia and Crimea which Catherine the Great labeled Novorossia meaning ‘new Russia’) would meld into Russian serfdom and were frustrated with the fierce independence, capitalism and Western leaning of Ukrainians. How dare those independent farmers defy subjugation by oligarchs! Ukrainian books and language were banned and intellectual leaders persecuted.

    In 1954 on the anniversary of the 1654 treaty the leader of the Soviet Union Nikita Khrushchev returned Crimea to Ukraine as gesture of appreciation and solidarity.

    The name ”Ukraine“ was used more often in the meaning of the Old Russian word ”okraina“ (periphery), which is found in written sources from the 12th century, referring to various border territories. And the word ”Ukrainian“, judging by archival documents, originally referred to frontier guards who protected the external borders.

    Correct, and I think this is crux of why Putin doesn’t want those border lands to fall into non-Russian control. Russia has historically been threatened by invasion across it’s open plains, lacking the natural borders of the oceans that protect the major coasts of the United States. There’s also the shale oil and natural gas resources discovered in Ukraine, as well as a drought in Crimea after Ukraine shut off the water supply. C.f. Why Russia is Invading Ukraine (←important), Why is Russia So DAMN BIG?,The origins of Russia - Summary on a Map and my 2018 blog Geographical Cultural Ethos. Perhaps also Russia’s oligarchs want to parasite on Ukraine’s economic potential?

    The incorporation of the western Russian lands into the single state was not merely the result of political and diplomatic decisions. It was underlain by the common faith, shared cultural traditions, and – I would like to emphasize it once again – language similarity.

    Buuuutttt, Ukraine with a distinctly different, more autonomous economy, and more historic exposure to East-West cross-currents of human migration and autonomous trade and enterprise. And oligarchs can’t allow that!

    The 2014 plebiscite for Russian annexation in Crimea was a farce and the so called new Republics in the East were derided as republics of ‘random little green dudes.’

    For those who have today given up the full control of Ukraine to external forces, it would be instructive to remember that, back in 1918, such a decision proved fatal for the ruling regime in Kiev. With the direct involvement of the occupying forces, the Central Rada was overthrown and Hetman Pavlo Skoropadskyi was brought to power, proclaiming instead of the UPR the Ukrainian State, which was essentially under German protectorate.

    Bandera had to ally with Germans because Ukrainian independence is always being squeezed by world powers and in recent decades even internal corruption, which is at the behest of world powers including Russia and the West. Ukraine is imagining the American Wild West but with world powers meddling and partitioning it. It’s true that Ukraine is a clusterfuck that’s probably not self-governable. And this is the sordid plight of Europe — world war returns again. Thanks Putin!

    I can’t blame Putin nor Hitler for that fact that all regimes are power vacuums. Both of them being sucked into their demise by the need to overextend themselves or lose control of the power vacuums overtaken by the inexorable trend of maximum entropy.

    They began to mythologize and rewrite history, edit out everything that united us, and refer to the period when Ukraine was part of the Russian Empire and the Soviet Union as an occupation. The common tragedy of collectivization and famine of the early 1930s was portrayed as the genocide of the Ukrainian people.

    Wtf!? Is Putin claiming the Holodomor was not a punitive and deliberate democide? And you expect Ukrainians to trust you when you resolve conflict by invading instead of trade? In fact you route your Nordstream pipeline away from Ukraine to bankrupt your neignbor while losing massive profits from the unprofitable, punitive venture. Seems nothing has really changed since the time of Stalin has it.

    Regarding Putin’s further complaints about Western meddling and the discrimination against Russian language and what not, maybe he has a point. I’m sympathetic. And it’s clear that the West refused to negotiate and dragged Putin into the early stages of WW3 of which Putin is ostensibly a very willing participant. The generative essence problem is that power vacuums will swallow Putin also. This is why I’m blackpilled. Clusterfucks seem to have no solution, but creating a WW3 isn’t going to help!

  • The REAL Reason Putin is Invading Ukraine

    it’s like the gf who broke up with her bf and the bf refuses to let her go

The Nord Stream pipelines provide another example of Russia forgoing economic logic in the name of political expediency. Nord Stream 1 (NS1), which went into service in 2011, is a 760- mile sub-sea natural gas pipeline that connects Germany to Russia via the Baltic Sea. According to some analysts, NS1 has been an economic disaster for Russia: transit costs are equal to or greater than the cost of transporting gas across Ukraine, and capacity increases have been minimal as gas transited through NS1 is just diverted from pipelines that cross Ukraine (before NS1 opened, as much as 80 percent of Europe's gas imports from Russia were transported through Ukraine). As a result, Ukraine's transit revenue has declined from approximately $4 billion in 2013, to some $3 billion in 2014, and an expected $2 billion in 2015. Gazprom has treated the pipeline as ‘a stranded investment which never makes the promised return on capital,’ in the words of one analyst. But NS1 has given the Kremlin increased leverage over Ukraine and entangled Germany as a principal hub for Russian gas in Europe. NS1 has also advanced the Russian government's goal to ‘divide and conquer’ the EU with its energy supplies.

Even though NS1 only runs at about 50 percent capacity, the Kremlin has assiduously pursued the construction of Nord Stream 2 (NS2), which it aims to put into service by 2019 and would double the capacity of NS1 by laying two new pipelines parallel to the original pair. The $11 billion project would also give Gazprom a stronger ‘strategic foothold’ in Germany, which would become the main hub for transit and storage of Russian gas exports to Europe. The geopolitical rationale for the Kremlin is clear: if both the Turkish Stream and NS2 pipelines are built, the Russian government would have the transport capacity to fully divert all Russian gas supplies that currently transit Ukraine, thereby depriving the government of Ukraine of billions of dollars in transit fees that are essential to its budget. An analysis published by the Atlantic Council in May 2017 concluded that NS2 ‘is a politically motivated project that presents a major challenge to European law and EU principles, and jeopardizes the security interests of the United States and its EU allies.’ The U.S. State Department's former special envoy for international energy affairs said in 2016 that NS2 would put an ‘economic boot’ on the necks of governments in the Balkans and Eastern Europe.

On August 7, 2008, Georgian forces launched an artillery attack against positions in South Ossetia’s capital, Tskhinvali. Claiming that two of its peacekeepers had been killed in the attack, Russia immediately launched an offensive in South Ossetia before crossing the border with Georgia proper and advancing toward Tbilisi, the capital. Georgia and Russia disagree on the precise cir-cumstances that led to the start of the war, with Georgia arguing that Russia had started moving offensive forces into South Ossetia prior to its attack on Tskhinvali. The outcome of the war was largely positive for Russia, which solidified its positions in both South Ossetia and Abkhazia and made clear to Georgia that Russia could intervene at will on Georgia’s territory and crush its military. Since then, Moscow has been slowly pushing the South Ossetian border farther into Georgian-controlled territory, an action described as “creeping annexation.” The apparent red-lines here were the Georgian offensive in South Ossetia—in other words, an attack against a territory that Russia con-sidered to be within its sphere of inf luence—and the deaths of two Russian peacekeepers. Yet these were only the prox-imate causes of a conf lict that was, essentially, about pre-venting Georgia from joining NATO.


Similarly, Ukraine represents an example of Russia deciding to obstruct political developments in a country that it wanted to keep in its sphere of inf luence. The 2013–2014 Euromaidan revolution was sparked by pro-Russian Ukrainian president Viktor Yanukovych’s decision not to sign an Association Agreement with the EU, which Ukraine was widely expected to sign. Protests ensued, eventually leading Yanukovych to f lee to Russia while a pro-EU government, led by President Petro Poroshenko, took power in Ukraine. Russia refused to recognize the new government and invaded Crimea in March 2014 before deploying its own conventional forces and sending military support to pro-Russian militias in parts of southeastern Ukraine.


Another reason for Russia’s lack of consistency in responding to perceived threats or offenses might be due to leadership personality factors. Several authors have underlined how Putin might not be much of a strategist, being instead a good [but overconfident/brazen!] tactician able to seize opportunities and act boldly when they arise.

Related links:

  • Putin is a driven man focused on his legacy, unperturbed by threats Former Ukrainian President argues that Putin wouldn‘t be satisfied with a security buffer in the Baltic and eastern Balkan states instead aspires to recapture the entire former Cold War Soviet Union border that existed when Putin started in the KGB. He may be yet another Western puppet attempting to goad Putin into a wider war than he intended, analogous to Western powers goading Hitler to invade Poland.

  • Gen. Jack Keane: This is Putin's Achilles heel
    Putin is going to get his ass handed to him if he attempts to occupy non-Russian speaking areas of Ukraine. Thousands of Ukrainians would eventually take up arms against any Russian military occupation. Obviously Putin’s strategy is only to destroy the Ukrainian economy (e.g. capture/destroy ports, airport) to leave a failed State in the wake of this aggression.

    I think the overlords’ plan is to frustrate Putin pushing him to escalate impulsively. Our overlords want WW3 on Trump 2.0’s watch from 2024 – 2027. I think Putin has committed a huge blunder, because he may never be able to stop this war without walking away with his tail between his legs which would have enormous political costs and stain his narcissistic legacy. This could be Afghanistan or Chechnya 2.0 if Putin attempts to occupy Ukraine against the wishes of the people for a Western form of government. Guerrillas could launch strikes then retreat to the Carpathian Mountains repeatedly if Putin’s military attempts to occupy the northwest.

    Chechnya […] was a devastating conflict that dragged on for years, with two rounds of war after a brief truce, and tens of thousands of military and civilian casualties. The regional capital of Grozny was leveled. The casualties were predominantly ethnic Russians and Russian speakers. The Chechens fought back, and this became a military debacle on Russia’s own soil. Analysts called it “the nadir of the Russian army.”

    In terms of the public relations war, this isn’t the same isolated Ukraine that Stalin starved to death in the Holodomor, because it will be visible real-time for the world to see. Putin can’t confiscate every mobile camera. The world has changed but Putin hasn’t adapted. Look the atavistic fool apparently wants to back his ruble with gold perhaps to create a two-tier currency (i.e. international ruble not exchangeable for gold), lol. As if gold smugglers won’t find opportunity in that. Hello, we have Bitcoin now. Putin may be playing chess, but Rothschild is playing 4D chess!

Russian officials have made clear that they are not interested in proposals focused solely on strategic stability or on military exercises, or even on a moratorium on NATO membership for Ukraine. Russian President Vladimir Putin seeks nothing short of the complete dismantling of Europe’s post–Cold War security architecture and a rollback of fundamental international agreements governing states’ rights to self-determination—an outcome the United States and its partners and allies will never accept.


there are three scenarios that could play out. Which one comes to pass will depend in large part on how Putin decides he can best achieve his ultimate goals: crippling Ukrainian military capabilities, sowing turmoil in the Ukrainian government, and, ultimately, turning Ukraine into a failed state—an outcome that Putin seeks because it would bring an end to the threat of Ukraine as an intractable adversary and increasingly serious security challenge. Putin loathes the prospect of a thriving and prosperous democratic model in the cradle of East Slavic civilization, a development that could provide Russian citizens with an increasingly palatable and inspiring framework for a democratic transition in their own country. Faced with declining influence and control over Ukrainian domestic and foreign policy, the Kremlin can achieve its objectives only with military force.


A second scenario would involve a limited Russian offensive, with limited airpower, to seize additional territory in eastern Ukraine and in the Donbas, perhaps as an extension of recognition or full annexation […] This would also require seizing and holding contested terrain. Russia would be forced to engage in a costly effort to occupy major Ukrainian cities, exposing its forces to difficult urban warfare, a protracted military campaign, and a costly insurgency. Moreover, seizing and holding terrain for a long-term occupation would weaken Ukraine, but would not result in a failed state.

Therefore, the third and most likely outcome is a full-scale Russian offensive employing land, air, and sea power on all axes of attack […] These forces could advance on Kyiv to hasten the Ukrainian government’s capitulation.

A long-term occupation would be unlikely in this scenario. Storming and pacifying major cities would entail a level of urban warfare and additional casualties that the Russian military probably wishes to avoid. Russian forces would be more likely to capture […] then withdraw after obtaining a favorable diplomatic settlement or inflicting sufficient damage. Ukraine and the West would then be left to pick up the pieces. This operation would focus on punitive strikes on the Ukrainian government, the military, critical infrastructure, and places important to Ukrainians’ national identity and morale. Russia would aim its bombs, rockets, artillery, cruise missiles, and short-range ballistic missiles at targets such as the presidential palace, presidential administrative buildings, the Verkhovna Rada (Ukraine’s legislature), the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the Ministry of Defense, the Ukrainian Security Service headquarters, and Maidan Nezalezhnosti (the central square in Kyiv and the site of multiple pro-democracy revolutions), among other notable decision-making organs and landmarks. Cyberattacks would hit critical infrastructure, such as Ukraine’s power grid, which could further paralyze the Ukrainian state.


These strikes would inflict tens of thousands of casualties and trigger a humanitarian catastrophe, inducing chaos within the civilian and military chains of command and possibly decapitating the Ukrainian leadership. If all went according to Russia’s plan, the attacks would cripple the Ukrainian government, military, and economic infrastructure—all important steps toward the goal of rendering Ukraine a failed state.


That said, without transatlantic unity and cooperation from the EU, sanctions will be far less meaningful and effective—and Washington’s European allies are wary of the potential for sanctions to harm their own economies. Based on Biden’s comments during his recent press conference, it appears that Washington may be struggling to marshal a unified response to Russian aggression


Russia may cut off its energy supplies to Europe, which would exacerbate the existing European energy crisis and threaten transatlantic unity.


The world is on the brink of the largest military offensive in Europe since World War II.

Putin’s spiritual destiny: Neoreactionary, Dark Enlightenment vs. The Knowledge Age

The religious president wants to rebuild Christendom […] When the Byzantine empire fell, the Russians saw themselves as its natural successor. They were a “third Rome” [c.f. my blog §Russia Adopted Asian-like Patronage Mixed With European-like Monotheism …] Soviet Communism tried to crush all this — but failed. And in the post-Soviet period, thousands of churches have been built and re-built. Though the West thinks of Christianity as something enfeebled and declining, in the East it is thriving. Back in 2019, Patriarch Kirill, the head of the Russian Orthodox Church, boasted that they were building three churches a day […] Many people don’t appreciate the extent to which the invasion of Ukraine is a spiritual quest for [Putin]. The Baptism of Rus is the founding event of the formation of the Russian religious psyche, the Russian Orthodox church traces its origins back here. That’s why Putin is not so much interested in a few Russian-leaning districts to the east of Ukraine […] He was born in Leningrad — a city that has reclaimed its original saint’s name — to a devout Christian mother and atheist father. His mother baptised him in secret, and he still wears his baptismal cross. Since he became President, Putin has cast himself as the true defender of Christians throughout the world, the leader [czar?] of the Third Rome. His relentless bombing of ISIS, for example, was cast as the defence of the historic homeland of Christianity […] Putin regards his spiritual destiny as the rebuilding of Christendom, based in Moscow […] Into this religious intensity we can add some angry church politics. In 2019, the Ukrainian arm of the family of Orthodox churches declared its independence from the Russian Orthodox Church […] In the post-Soviet era, the Orthodox Church was handsomely rewarded, not just with a grandiose state-backed church building programme, but with involvement in lucrative business operations including the import of tobacco and alcohol worth $4 billion […] The Western secular imagination doesn’t get this […] “Ukraine is an inalienable part of our own history, culture and spiritual space” Putin said.

Relevant links:

  • Was Vladimir Putin's mother Jewish?

    There is a document - an application for issuing a new passport of Russian citizen Putin Vladimir Vladimirovich of December 30, 2000, which indicates the citizenship of the parents. According to official data, Father - Putin Vladimir Spiridonovich - Russian, and mother - Shelomova Maria Ivanovna - Jewish.

  • Putin, a Dangerous Friend to the Jews

    Some believe it is due to the fact that growing up in Saint Petersburg (then Leningrad) he had many Jewish friends and never developed the atavistic anti-Semitism so prevalent among many Russians. Others say that as a young KGB officer he formed the view that the Soviet Union’s persecution of its Jewish minority was one of the reasons for its decline and downfall and that the subsequent emigration of two million of the best and brightest Russian Jews, the moment the Iron Curtain went up, was a further blow to his country’s prosperity. Many Russian Jews have told me that their current favorable status in Putin’s Russia is due to the respect in which Israel is held, particularly its military successes (the Russians lose no sleep over the Palestinians’ rights) and technological prowess.

  • Putin's Jewish Embrace: Is It Love or Politics?

    “Putin has been facing international criticism for a long time now over human rights issues,” said Roman Bronfman, a former Israeli Knesset member who was born in the Soviet Union. “He needs a shield, and that’s the Jews. His warm relations with Russia’s so-called official Jews are instrumental.”

    In recent weeks, Putin has positioned himself as a defender of Jews as part of his effort to discredit the revolution that ousted his ally, former Ukraine President Viktor Yanukovych. During a March 4 news conference, Putin called the anti-Yanukovych protesters “reactionary, nationalist and anti-Semitic forces.” […] Putin traces his earliest connection to Judaism back to his early childhood in Leningrad, now St. Petersburg, when he befriended a Jewish family that lived in his apartment block. In his 2000 autobiography, Putin wrote that the unnamed family loved him and that he used to seek its company.

  • A nationalist streak runs through Putin’s love for Jews and Israel

    Experts say pragmatism and an understanding of Russia’s multi-ethnic indigenous culture drive the Kremlin’s close ties with both rabbis and Jerusalem […] “In Putin’s view, the Bolsheviks made a serious mistake in destroying these cultural artifacts,” which the authors said otherwise could have been “useful history for binding all the different groups together and creating a common heritage.”

    Putin’s nationalism, unlike its Soviet predecessor, incorporates and claims ethnic minority groups, including Jews, weaving “ours” into the narrative governing Russia’s history and future in an effort to unite the Russian people and restore the former empire.

  • Putin holds up Israel as a model of unity for Ukrainians and Russians

    Essentially he suggested that Slavic peoples take a cue from Israelis and unite as one people despite different ethnicities, origins and maternal languages.

  • Putin and the Jews

    Anti-Jewish paranoia resonates deeply within Russian society. In the pre-Soviet era, it was based on medieval Christian – particularly Russian Orthodox – notions about purported Jewish perniciousness and power. By the late 1940s, after the creation of the State of Israel, and in the early 1950s with the onset of the Cold War, the Jews began to be seen by the Soviet leadership as an ethnic diaspora potentially loyal to a hostile foreign state. Their disproportionately high representation in the upper echelon of literally every sphere of Soviet cultural, scientific and industrial life began to be seen as a threat. Stalin’s purges, which resulted in the assassination or imprisonment of thousands of Jews, were often openly anti-Jewish.

    After the collapse of the Soviet Union, Russian nationalist accounts of history seek to delegitimize Bolshevism by equating it with Jewishness and portraying it as an alien assault on the Russian people and culture. Alexander Solzhenitsyn famously urged Jews to accept “moral responsibility” for those of their kinsmen who “took part in the iron Bolshevik leadership and, even more so, in the ideological guidance of a huge country down a false path.”

    Stalin didn’t necessary hate Jews but he had no choice but to halt the left singularity.

    • History interpreted as left singularities

      That trend, from 1400 AD to the present, has in large part been driven by what I call left singularities. Leftism enforces ever greater leftism, so society moves leftwards ever faster, until things blow up.

      Leftism is Phariseeism. A leftist is supposedly holier than you are, and so you should obey him. Leftists then compete each to be holier than the other, so Leftism’s religious roots are swiftly left behind, as leftism becomes ever more extreme. […] Similarly, leftist Czars succumbed to a left wing movement of their own creation that led to their own overthrow and execution, eventually resulting in Stalin, who halted the ever leftwards movement, announced that utopia had arrived, and there would be no further movement leftwards or rightwards.

      If Stalin had not put a stop to it, Russia probably would have gone all the way to Pol Pot style socialism under Trotsky. […] Anglosphere leftism originated from the Puritans, and was heading into a left wing singularity with the civil war, the commonwealth, and the execution of Charles the first. Oliver Cromwell took fright at the sight of the levelers and, like Stalin, froze things, heading off the looming chaos. After Cromwell’s death, General Monck reversed the left wards movement, creating a theocratic monarchy based on latitudinarian (tolerant) Anglicanism. […] Under this excellent system (theocratic monarchical latitudinarian anglicanism) British colonialists, pirates, merchants, slavers, and adventurers conquered most of the world, and Britain created the scientific revolution and the industrial revolution.

      Then in the late Georgian or early Victorian period, the ever leftwards slide resumed […] The ever leftwards movement eventually killed off science shortly after World War II, replacing it with state sponsored religion dressed in lab coats. Peer review and consensus means that instead of the experimenter telling the scientific community what he sees, the scientific community tells the experimenter what he sees. As with Wikipedia, believing one’s own eyes constitutes original research, and we should supposedly leave original research to the trained professionals.

      Technology continued to advance, but after 1972, in ever fewer areas. In one area after another, the advance in technology has come to a stop. Last man on the moon, 1972, tallest buildings in the west, 1972. Coolest muscle cars around then. Progress continues in some areas, most strikingly in computers and telecommunications, but in one are after another, progress stops […] we will probably be conquered by a Caliphate or China, or just overrun by bandits, pirates, and adventurers like the Roman empire in the West. I think that Europe will mostly go Caliphate, parts of the US will create reactionary regimes, and the rest of the US will resemble Latin America. If we are lucky, parts of the US will resemble the wild west.

      In the collapse scenario much of the world will become protectorates of the new Chinese empire, as is already happening in Africa. The rest will be patchwork of monarchies, aristocracies, good anarchy, bad anarchy, and general chaos. Russia will chart its own path. At present, Russia is not a favorable environment for high technology despite the abilities of many Russians, and it has a rather long history of not being a favorable environment for high technology.

      This is a dark age scenario, or mostly dark age scenario. […] General Monck’s program rested on an influential class of well armed and respected gentlemen with extensive family connections. By and large, today, family, the fundamental building block of society, has collapsed. We should perhaps think about ways of establishing order from the bottom up, following a total collapse during which the overclass/underclass alliance manifests as both blacks and police looting anyone sinful enough to look after himself and his family, as after the Katrina disaster, rather than Moldbuggian fantasies of restoring order from the top down.

      I commented on Naomi Seibt’s The Left would rather “Eat the Rich” than feed the poor.

      The left would rather eat anyone who is not left of themself — the virtue signaling holiness spiral holier than thou. The left devours itself until something (often totalitarian) steps into the power vacuum before it devolves to Holodomor and/or warlordism.

      Leftists imagine they’re superior. They’re motivated as a tribe only when they can cooperate to ridicule and erase deplorables. The ever leftward Overton window forces them to devour each other as their nature requires they’re superior to someone.

      Also commented on The Left claims that Conservatives use female influencers as “poster girls”. And yet they also claim that the patriarchy prevents women from being successful?

      They still won’t comprehend even after supposedly reading what you wrote. Yuri Bezmenov’s aspiring ‘useful idiots’ social engineers find out too late that the leftist holiness spiral is winner-take-all [or mutual annihiliation].

    • Technological decline

      I have regularly remarked on America’s inability to produce tritium. All existing nuclear weapons require tritium to juice their detonation, and without tritium, would produce a low yield explosion. Tritium decays over time, and so fresh tritium continually needs to be added. The US is out of tritium, has repeatedly attempted to produce more, and repeatedly failed. […] Existing nuclear weapons have not received maintenance for a very long time, and it is unclear whether there is anyone with the relevant skills to perform maintenance and adequately test them for readiness. […] The US used to build fast neutron reactors, but all recent attempts to build a fast neutron reactor in the west have failed, and all existing fast neutron reactors in the West have stopped working. The only existing fast neutron reactors that are working well enough to produce significant amounts of plutonium are in Russia and China.

      If all existing fast neutron reactors have ceased to work, if all our existing isotopic enrichment plants have ceased to work, should we really believe that our existing nuclear weapons will work? […] Nuclear weapons were produced by western civilization, and since 1972 the core project of our universities has been “Western Civilization has got to go.”

      Science requires a level of trust and trustworthiness that a diverse society is incapable of, and a level of truth speaking that a progressive post christian society is incapable of.

    • Science and Christianity

      You always have a state religion. If your state religion is easily falsified by the empirical facts of this world, then your state religion is going to be inherently hostile to science, technology, and industry. […] You should not confuse real science, the science of the Royal society from 1660 to 1945, with the post 1945 peer review “science” of Harvard, which has murdered science […] Science was possible because a gentleman and a nobleman should speak the truth, and because truth speaking was a sign of being a gentleman or a noble.

      Compare and contrast with the Harvard self esteem culture, where speaking the truth shows you are a deplorable and an oppresser of the holy masses.

      Judaism is inimical to science. Orthodox Jews don’t do science or technology. Judeo Christianity did not do science and technology. Christianity did science and technology. Not the enlightenment, and not Jews.

      Progressivism and progressive Judaism is not inimical to science on an individual level. Individual progressives and individual progressive Jews individually do lots of good science, but their collective behavior is inimical and hostile to science and the scientific method, rewarding unscientific and antiscientific behavior, because progressivism rejects truth speaking. Atheist Jews do lots of good science, a quite disproportionate amount, and usually support the scientific method (not counting progressives as atheists, because they believe in “the arc of history), but the trouble with their atheism is that they don’t have a moral basis to defend the behavior on which the scientific method depends, and so their defenses of the scientific method address the individual, rather than the scientific community. They are disarmed before progressives, who do have a moral basis for attacking science and the scientific method, who attack it as hurtful to oppressed holy victim groups and damaging to the earth.

      The proposition that our society is not religious is obviously false. The solution is to replace a state religion which has equality as its key belief, with a state religion whose key beliefs are less easily falsified by empirical data about the world.

    • Not the Zionist Occupation Government

      In Moldbug’s account: the Puritans started off holier than thou, then became […] holier than Jesus, then the Unitarians, who were holier than Christ, and finally the progressives who are holier than God. And here we are while they get holier still. While Jews are overrepresented among progressives […] from which throne they venomously condemn Christianity, the crusades, white history, whites and white culture, while considering themselves nonwhite.

      Is this because the Cathedral is a Jewish plot using non Jews of tools, or is it a ruling class plot using Jews as tools? Historically rulers have routinely used Jews for various objectionable activities, and then, when these activities attracted too much heat, proceeded to throw the Jews to the wolves […] the war on Christmas was a traditional Puritan activity – Jews never cared much about other people celebrating Christmas one way or another until they signed up with progressivism.

    • God is dead

      The original sin that led to modern Christianity/Progressivism was the Puritans lust for power. The Puritans believed, as their successors the modern progressives believe, that being holier than thou, they were entitled to exercise power over thou

    • Cladistic analysis of neoreaction

      The Dark Enlightenment is libertarians mugged by reality, a libertarian who realizes that the eighteenth century was right about women, and Bull Conner right about blacks.

      An anarcho capitalist favors a free market in law and defense agencies, defense agencies that are in many cases the private property of individuals and small groups. A neoreactionary is an anarcho capitalist who thinks that a monopoly defense agency that is the private property of one man (monarchy) or a cartel of defense agencies that are the private property of a few men (feudalism) is not so bad after all. Hence, throne conservatism.

    • The Cathedral and the Holiness Spiral

      Rule by priests tends that way, because warriors prefer a clear chain of command, with a single man able to give command, while priests like to work by consensus. And consensus tends to madness.

      Priests want to develop a shared story, so that people hearing the story from multiple seemingly separate sources will be more inclined to believe it, so naturally tend to develop their story by consensus. Warriors want a clear decision to deal with some external problem.

      We are always ruled by priests or warriors, or some mixture of both, and when too many priests acquire too much power, they butt into the affairs of warriors and merchants, where consensus is a really bad way of making decisions. […] Thus competition to join the group, and to rise within the group, results in ever more extreme demonstrations of holy faith, which is apt to result in manufacturing more ever extreme things to be holy about, in order to promote oneself and one’s faction, and cast out other factions, and competitors within one’s own faction, as insufficiently holy. […] Chile has returned to the the Holy Faith of Progressivism, and Indonesia is well on the way. Duterte is only having limited success […] Communism never came back after Suharto killed them all, but the universities of Indonesia are now full of cultural Marxists, many of them childless women.

      I prefer Thinking-Ape’s conclusion that Political Ideology/Regimes aren’t Antifragile. Even the world’s greatest warrior Genghis Khan had to circle back to conquer China twice because while he left it unintended the parasitic priests sprouted up and the leaders mismanaged it. The ultimate warrior would want to exterminate the human species which seems to be the only solution — yeah I’m increasingly blackpilled but not entirely.

  • Ukrainian Jews Angry and Appalled at Putin's 'Denazification' Claim

  • Putin Won’t Have It! WWII Was West’s Fault! Hitler Was Created and Pushed to Attack Russia! Putin’s perspective appears to be that the Western powers-that-be created Hitler with the severe WW1 reparations that bankrupted Germany thus fomenting the rise of a Hitler as the reaction to the sordid plight of Germans. So by the ‘fascists’ (c.f. terrorist operations in Donbass) I initially though Putin may be referring to the Western powers-that-be and not necessarily directed at Hitler’s initial noble aspirations and accomplishments before he was goaded into attacking Poland by said powers-that-be. Russia initially allied with Hitler in the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact for conquering Poland. Russia was also being manipulated by those powers-that-be who financed and fomented the Bolsevick Revolution. Putin seems to be of the opinion that Hitler was an inept stooge. Yet Putin: Hitler’s Plan Was to Deport Jews to Africa, Get a Statue In Warsaw For His Efforts! is propaganda, so either Putin isn’t an accurate historian or he’s an intentional propagandist. Putin Brings the FACTS! Europe Made Deals With Hitler But Now Wants to Blame Russia For WWII! implies that Russia was coerced into the Molotov-Ribbentrop Pact, i.e. to capitulate to a non-aggression pact because other Western nations had already done so, but then what is Putin’s excuse for Russia invading Poland? I elaborate in §The Holocaust Didn’t Exist. The Kenyan U.N. representative argues that ethic, cultural and legacy borders are irrelevant as people must learn to live in peace regardless.

    In his On the Historical Unity of Russians and Ukrainians Putin expressed disdain for Stepan Bandera who allied with Hitler for Ukrainian independence and (allegedly?) for deportation of Jews.

  • Separation of Church and State has failed catastrophically.

    Same problem as anarcho capitalism. The vacuum is apt to be filled. And today it is filled with an official government belief system that daily becomes more extreme, and is enforced more coercively […] Ann Coulter famously said “Kill their leaders and convert them to Christianity”. Predictably, the US government adopted a policy of killing their leaders and converting them to progressivism

    James A. Donald (aka Jim) — the “misogynist”, homophobic former prominent thought leader in the neoreactionary Dark Enlightenment and the first person to respond to Satoshi Nakamoto on the mailing list — also promotes empire building and a delusional reboot of traditional marriage and nonsecular Anglican, Victorian era England as a reaction to the forthcoming Endarkenment — in defiance of the Lord’s admonishment not to do so in 1 Samuel 8. I wrote:

    The people were warned by the Lord in 1 Samuel 8 to not have a government to rule over them and lead them into battles, but the people have refused to heed that warning. And so they are going to get the 1 Samuel 15 result that the Lord promised. The translation of Romans from original Greek to King James Bible was corrupted — Paul was critical of governance.

    Governance is the problem. We were admonished in 1 Samuel 8 to be more independent and rely directly on the Lord. Jesus is the lamb for the slaughter and we are to follow his example instead of valuing surety and safety so much that we can be enslaved by our need for it.

    I urge asceticism and getting back to basics as a means of being resilient and close to the Lord. To the extent we can apply technology and industry without exposing ourselves to the will of the deluded majority, then we should incorporate it. We must also be astute about the limits of our capabilities going forward in this Great Reset.


    God gave us a government we deserve. It’s true. We sin. But that doesn’t mean we should disobey 1 Samuel 8 and idol the institution of government.

    The government is our punishment for disobeying. And then you choose to disobey more by embracing government or violating the Ten Commandements?


    The Byzantine Empire solution was not a resolute success for the empowerment of truth and enlightenment, because for example it was actually a scheme to steal assets from pagans under the virtue signaling of Christianity. And all it accomplished was to give Jews a monopoly on usury in Europe, c.f 1, 2, 3, 4, 5.

    Jim denies that 9/11 was a false-flag [Note: I was posting as @X and Jim deleted my follow-up posts to the prior debate about melting steel with office fires] and he refuses to acknowledge the future of a global NWO lead by our overlords, with a high-tech, manorialism-esq decentralization being our only salvation. I recently wrote about the natural reason for the deprecation of marriage and the nuclear family, c.f also, also, also:

    Political Ideology/Regimes aren’t Antifragile

    Apex minds are more interested in ideas than sex, and might even consider women a complete waste of time.

    Reality of Sexless Japan

    Thinking-Ape claims that man and woman have nothing in common, and can not be friend; aritficial womb is the future… he devalues female relationship, and thinks male friendship is important.


    This may be your magnum opus post to my Telegram group. Kudos. Well done to dig this up!

    THIS IS WHAT MARTIN ARMSTRONG DOES NOT UNDERSTAND. In fact, very few humans understand what is about to slam into them like a brick wall. This is why Klaus Schwab at the World Economic Forum and Bill Gates are winning and will win.

    Note I was essentially telling my mother these things yesterday and that I was realizing that being a nerd is more important than females.

    In the new world that Rothschild is gifting us with Bitcoin the females may attempt to sell their eggs to the highest bidder (note: this is already a booming industry in Ukraine and Brazil at least). Perhap that will be the best metric they have of genetic suitability if alphamales have some use for their eggs. And could be the means to finance their aspirations since females don’t compete in STEM fields. The beta male (wittingly or unwittingly) paying for the upkeep of the alphamale’s offspring his ‘wife’ procreated is being deprecated by technological unemployment, i.e. the mechanized world to which you speak such as robotics and AI. The technologically employable males will decline marriage, as you coherently elucidated in your prior video(s). Yet the economically relevant males in this new Knowledge Age economy (which btw I first wrote about in 2012, c.f. the Economic Devastation thread on the Bitcointalk dot org forum), would seem to have no utility for offspring unless they can breed selectively for high IQ. It seems IQ may not be as inheritable as thought to be, at least for the outliers such as apex intelligence. You say you want females to be free but it seems to me the ultimate outcome of that is they become deprecated because the apex intelligence will be attempting to create technology to reproduce with control over IQ perhaps eventually just merging biology with the AI or some technology will deprecates the role of female hypergamy instincts in species evolutionary resilience. So it seems by making females free we are destroying them ultimately. Also it’s not self-evident to me at least that if men forsake all their desire for ‘love’ that they will not become sociopathetically driven. There’s dopamine involved, etc.. Clearly the memetic force of intellectual men will dominate the changes in civilization. It is not self-evident to me at least that this will be the utopian outcome you envision though. Will all men become homosexual or asexual.

    The nascent development of the Internet was ostensibly directed by a cabal that has captured the government. A cabal that needed it for it aims including a global control grid for aims such as depopulation, so still consistent with privatization just obscured. Libertarianism is the reality, just obfuscated. Also Jamaicans don’t possess more of the ACTN3 athletic gene than West Africans — they just have more focus on sprinting than for example Nigeria. The preponderance of the gene appears to have been an evolutionary defense against malaria. Memetic evolution is now dominant. The 180 IQ Freeman Dyson explained this when he ridiculed and obliterated Richard Dawkins’ Selfish Gene nonsense.

    Here's another semi rhetorical question: Why would the common man want to advance civilization, in whatever form - how does that project yield him access to greater material benefit, social status, sexual opportunity etc. today?

    Indeed only apex alphamales are relevant to civilization advance.

    War of attrition


    Disagreement with me is okay. Guys shouldn’t be shy to speak up here and offer their thoughts.

    Each person may have a different perspective. And letting go of the traditional roles in civilization is going to be difficult for many/most people to accept and adapt to.

    But nearly everything Thinking-Ape said were thoughts I had around age 16 fully developed into my 20s. But I was conflicted and didn’t have holistic intellectual support — Internet as we know it didn’t even exist yet.

    Actually running away to the Philippines was my attempt to hold onto traditional family, gender relations, but in hindsight it was an unspeakably pitiful waste of my most productive years.

    The men who forsake long-term relationships (LTRs) with females entirely are going to be much more productive, waste less, and dominate the economics of the world. Those men[mill-horses/traditionalists/fogeys/fuddy-duddies/troglodytes] who marry and have kids are going to be eviscerated. I knew this and I had been fighting acceptance — but his exposition is a slam dunk.

    The mainstream civilizations, mass/social media mind control, divorce court, the State taking ownership of everyone’s offspring (e.g. mandated, State regulated education[indoctrination] and vaccines) will totally enslave men who participate in traditional civilization. This is what Klaus Schwab, Bill Gates, Soros et al are bringing to fruition and they have many tools, not just vaccines and fake viruses. They have females unwittingly on their side, for the reasons the vlogger enumerated. Our overlords have democrazy in their back pocket, they can instigate international war at-will, e.g. Ukraine. Etc, etc, etc. Armstrong is a naive fool if he continues to preach his normalcy bias. Civilization is never going back to any form of “normalcy.”


    You are still so indoctrinated by historic Chinese culture and decades of CCP propaganda. You expect for civilization to behave. You want order. But nature wants disorder — the Second Law of Thermodynamics dictates that entropy (i.e. disorder) trends inexorably to maximum. Westerners are adept at decentralized individualism, free-thinking and misbehaving.

    “it's a bit late”

    It it’s late for you in your 30s, then it’s impossible for me in my 50s? I refuse to accept that.

    Asian culture values youth and the norms are university is for the youth. But the Knowledge Age which I have been writing about since 2012 (and earlier actually) doesn’t entirely care about youth other than that fluid IQ tends to peak and start to ossify in our 30s and I am definitely noticing my brain is not as fluid as it was.

    “if ccp leaders misbehave too much in the future, there can be global anti-chinese movement”

    Latinos will not care. If you have money, they will service you. They may also kidnap you but that applies to anyone with money, not just Chinese.

    “China might also be blamed for creating the virus.”

    There is going to be some geopolitical scapegoat for launching the WW3 scapegoat. I have explained this numerous times. Many people in the world will hate other peoples. This is normal when the economy collapses, there must be scapegoats.

    I will be living in a rural setting well armed. And certainly not in China, where you are not allowed to own high powered munitions.

    It seems you are still mind-programmed to attach your fate to that of the herd. I don’t. I am as best as possible formulating a stratagem to detach my fate from that of the sheeppl idyuks.

    I ridiculed the neediness for city conveniences and being married under the skirt of a lower IQ female producing lower IQ offspring […] Yet I’m becoming convinced I was correct […] Although apparently IQ is not reliably inheritable, at least at the extremes.


    Yet before I was contemplating how to create a better society, how to ameliorate the bad effects (that stem from beta males whoring themselves in worshiping pussy — the vlogger says beta males are pussy sycophants). I even sought out Christianity and some higher ethical standard such as how Jesus said in Matthew 19 that once bonded in the flesh man and woman are married for life. And in Genesis, Omar was put to death for spilling his semen on the ground instead of impregnating his brother’s widow. I literally stopped myself from having sex because of the thought that I was supposed to be married to each and every one of them. Also STDs and GI infections caught from Filipinas had contributed to my health devastation.

    But there is continuing wisdom in that scripture which is that involvement with females (as it was for Adam and Eve) is always a time waster for males — Jesus said it’s better to not marry for those men who can do it. However, I no longer believe we are married to every female we engage in sexual encounters most especially if those females aren’t virgins and aren’t in a traditional role (i.e. strict patriarchy control and the female’s desire to adhere to her parents’ guidance on marriage). Once a female is lost to the R-strategy hypergamy […], then she is fair game for non-committal short-term sexual encounters.

    And now I have concluded that the only path forward is to destroy civilization as we knew it. I’m getting fully onboard now with Rothschild — I realize our overlords are correct. I am (Dark) enlightened.

    The model for the future are males cooperating in a Knowledge Age, deprecating vaginas and inane civilization such as democrazy. My intuition had long since predicted that the reactionary-paradigm James A. Donald (alias Jim at and the first person to respond to Satoshi Nakamoto on the mailing list) was incorrect about reverting to patriarchy and controlling females as the path forward for civilization. Jim had often ridiculed blackpilled males — the Thinking-Ape vlogger is promoting blackpilling. Civilization as we knew it is a lost cause. Technology will roost and not just SpaceX low-orbit satellite broadband connectivity but also more robust anonymity technology.

    Yet I am still conflicted about what is the role for the female gender in this future? But nature will figure that out. I need to apply some more thought into this question. For the meantime we still need (at least the eggs and wombs of the) females for continuance of the human species, but we may not need the nuclear family and marriage as the model for raising the offspring because it’s the atavistic/antiquated/archaic/soon-to-be-obsolete/antediluvian/old-fashioned/traditional civilization model anachronism which is being deprecated (aka phased out).

    In the meantime before males innovate technology to recreate female biology in the lab, females will ostensibly increasingly sell their eggs and wombs. Which is essentially what has been happening with marriage and divorce in the West. But (especially young and Japanese) men are declining marriage and traditional family because the females have too much leverage with democrazy.


    Jim wanted to restore monarchy to enforce strict patriarchy which is of course utter nonsense — there’s no going back.

    Females serve also a nurturing role for infants. And they seem to be more motivated in that vocation when its their own familial genetics. Yet they’ve become so distracted by ‘mechanized society’ that they are frequently derelict in that role as well. They readily turn their offspring over to indoctrination by the State (which Jim thinks is solvable by making the State religion compatible with strict patriarchy which Thinking-Ape explains is antithetical to science because religion must defend falsehoods), because those they appraise/assess to be alphamales running the society have told them to do so. Females are entirely incapable of decentralization except in their mindless R-strategy hindbrain hypergamy.

    Jim is incorrect about nonsecular Christianity being compatible with science for the reasons Thinking-Ape explained that vested interests must always deny scientific truth (and construct junk science propaganda) when it conflicts with their vested interests. Secular (i.e. decentralized) Christianity and manorialism — the decentralization principles Jesus espoused by fighting the Pharisees and praying in your closet in Matthew 6:5 — is compatible with science. Also the Lord’s admonishment in 1 Samuel 8 to have no government, lest be enslaved.

    Jim presumes decentralization can’t work, thus he desperately defaults to what didn’t work as his alternative. It’s no wonder then that he was pursuing proof-of-stake for an altcoin design, lol. Idyuk.

    I told all of his blog readers in 2019 that Trump 1.0 would be upended by a premeditated economic collapse. I predicted in 2016 that Trump would be installed by Rothschild and his control over Wikileaks. How many more times will I need to be correct before that hard-headed fool will learn to respect? And he is still wrong about 9/11. He denies facts that invalidate his reactionary model of civilization.


    Marriage is highly correlated with affluence. Marriage has been the motivator for the beta male to work hard. But the divorce and family law changed radically towards the last decades of the 20th century enabling divorce rates to skyrocket.

    As beta males become technologically unemployable and the global debt collapse eviscerates affluence in the developed nations — combined with the horrific state of family law — men are going to increasingly blackpill. Marriages fail at a much higher rate when the family’s finances falter in an economic recession or depression. In such an economic collapse, disgruntled females will be suing for divorce and taking nearly everything and putting men on the hook for ongoing child support and alimony in these socialist/leftist clusterfuck States and family law.


    Women always need money. The more money they waste, the more they develop a clusterf*ck lifestyle that requires more money […] Females have no self-discipline nor control over anything they do. They can be easily influenced or directed. The only thing driving them is their need for emotional whims and their hindbrain instinct to seek alphamale dick.

    The wealthy can either be perceived by females as alphamales or beta supporters for their financial needs.

    Keeping a fertile age female focused in a position of responsibility such as motherhood is challenging and typically requires a lot of family pressure. It also helps if that female does not perceive herself as highly desirable to males. If she has been rejected numerous times by males that helps to moderate her calculus.

    Women typically shit test males to detect and maintain their calculus on which males are worthy by passing their shit tests. A shit test is an attempt to test whether the male will be subordinate to the female and unable to control her. A female instinctively knows she needs to be controlled like livestock. Maybe there are outliers as nothing is nature is entirely stereotypical.

    The entire exercise of rearing offspring and nuclear family is dysfunctional a.f. especially if we’re operating in the realm outside of a strict patriarchy and nonsecular merging of church and state — what James A. Donald wants to turn back to. But we can’t go back, because of the Internet and mechanization of society which Thinking-Ape pointed out. I was told by my 70 year old Belgium friend that during his youth the local politician and bishop were aligned in a power structure and they would force men to marry and produce offspring for the Church. This is one reason Europeans have rebelled against Christianity. The beta males are always enslaved in every societal paradigm. And Thinking-Ape correctly points out that such vested interests power structures are antithetical to objective science, reason and logic.

    The future is blackpilled and the astute men will get there first and the rest will more or less crash and burn along with Western civilization and democrazy.

    The only reason at all for a futurist man (e.g. myself) to take any interest in females, is purely for strategic and efficient means of satiating the archaic male instincts, i.e. we know we need to be blackpilled but we still have dopamine receptors in our brain. High IQ and over achievement motivation often are accompanied by athleticism, high testosterone and libido (e.g. myself when healthy). But there is no point at all of getting involved with females (other than maybe a fling or test drive) if they will not be controlled and be exposed to society-at-large where they will of course be able to shit test even the most powerful men using their power in society-at-large to rebel against being owned by a man. Uncontrolled females are rudderless wrecking balls.

    Those [atavistic, antediluvian, backward, throwback, retrograde] Chinese oligarchs that purchase months of a female’s time are also cucked by those females. A sovereign individual never pays anything to a female and she can be controlled to pay for him (e.g. a pimp or the one who has her on bootycall on Tinder).

    Also we may desire to experiment with IVF and surrogate wombs to procreate high IQ son(s) who can walk in our footsteps to continue/further our legacy, although this is really a random process to a large degree, especially for the outliers w.r.t. which men will become overachievers.

    Rural chinese women may be traditional in their patriarchal traditional society, but urban Chinese women are often childless in their 30s. It is the same effect as taking place in Japan and the West.


    Women don’t want to help other women. Females are egregiously territorial and uncooperative with other females in general. Women didn’t organize the current outcome of society, rather it was organized by the overlord alphamales who are pushing the memetic future you espouse — they’re deprecating the beta males.

    In following video Thinking-Ape postulates that the 7 year itch is because prospects for further procreation have waned, thus no mutual incentive since procreation is the ONLY thing the genders have in common.


    The Romantification Of Romance

    The sexbots seem to be progressing. It is an time of great technological and thus also sociological change. I am hoping to live long enough to see it through.


    Emulating Female Behavior a Question of Discernment

    Disagree at least in part. Men must cooperate because knowledge is accreted on the shoulders of the efforts of other men. Ruthless self-interest is counter-productive for men. It’s also questionable whether emulating female fastidious focus on health maintenance is an appropriate priority for men — it may be for those apex intellectuals who are not expendable and replaceable. I had argued in my aforementioned (on your other video) 2012 essay Demise of Finance, Rise of Knowledge, that specialized knowledge and ideas would become non-fungible capital, thus making men much less a substitutable (aka replacement) good than they were in the menial, mundane labor of the prior agricultural and industrial revolutions.


    I happy for those who have a happy nuclear family. It may still work for some people. I guess society will still need some of that.

    It seems we are heading into the Great Diversification.

    Yet I stand by my point that apex intellectuals can’t waste their time on females. This is one reason I have not achieved my career potential so far in life.


    Men who remain in the traditional nuclear family will be eviscerated by the bankrupt socialism. They will be fleeced of everything.

    That happiness (dopamine) we feel when we think we are loved by a female and that she wants to build a family with us, is deceptive. It exists to fool the man into being a beta provider which the female may lose interest in as her procreation goals with him are sufficiently consummated and depleted.


    Ultimately there’s no way to deal rationally with fertile age, beautiful females other than if they were born and raised ignorant of the world in a rural, disconnected setting. That was where we used to find the marriagable girls. As the world becomes entirely urbanized that will cease to exist.

    Females are programmed by nature to do what they do.


    I am Dark (blackpilled) enlightened by Thinking-Ape. I understand we must accelerate the demise of traditionalism. I was attempting to hang on to traditionalism which was antithetical to success, science and reason.

    Actually running away to the Philippines was my attempt to hold onto traditional family, gender relations, but in hindsight it was an unspeakably pitiful waste of my most productive years [c.f. Thinking-Ape’s Traditionalism’s Last Hope].

    You see I tried to go back to traditionalism, and undo what the Boomers hath done to destroy the nuclear family.

    But now I realize I was wrong. I may be one of the few Gen X who is abandoning the Titanic and enjoining the Millennials and Gen Z, which is strange because born in 1965 — that is the cusp demarcating Boomers from Gen X. I always tend to be several years ahead of everyone else.


    Three major driving factors, at least the first mentioned by Thinking-Ape:

    1. Modern society has more distractions that compete with fornication and child rearing activities. Philippines president Duterte once quipped that people in the mountains fornicate at night because they don’t have electricity and a TV.

    2. Offspring aren’t the economic necessity and retirement insurance they were in the agricultural era.

    3. Massive debt bubble has sustained the industrial age vocations since the 1970s default on the gold standard. These vocations are probably uneconomic (e.g. real estate, travel, hospitality, etc) and unneeded (e.g. robotics and AI) after the imminent monetary reset.

    The industrial age radically changed society. This was what the Boomer generation wrought by employing democrazy+socialism, U.S./Western hegemony and then the debt bubble to kick-the-can to further maladaption and delay the eventual adaptation to the Knowledge Age, c.f. also, also.

    Difficult economic periods were historically correlated with delaying marriage and offspring, at least West of the Hajnal line. Apparently Caucasian females (unlike African, Asian, Middle Eastern and Islamic) would prefer to work (e.g. manorialism) than get knocked up at a young age and raise offspring in abject poverty.

    Those young men who aren’t wary of the divorce and family law will end up financially eviscerated. So the survival-of-the-fittest will be those who are wary. Females are motivated to marry men who can contribute stable finances. If the men who survived financially intact are anti-marriage (i.e. blackpilled) then what options do females have in aggregate?

    Afaics females will go where the money is, i.e. selling themselves as escort rentals to highest bidder because those fewer number of men who are solvent (financially viable) and many of which are blackpilled, can’t marry all the women. Females will pursue vocations in which they excel, which is not STEM where ostensibly most job growth will be[1] in the Knowledge Age. Selling sex or their verbal skills,[1] is the only thing I can think of other than crime or servant occupation for the ugly and vapid:

    The return of the servant problem

    Only a few years later social scientists began noticing that assortative mating among the new meritocratic elite was a thing. What this hints at is that meritocracy may be driving us towards a society that is not just economically but genetically stratified.

    [1] Eventually presumably there will be decentralized social media and the verbally skilled will find fame and fortune but how well distributed will this be in the aggregate without a debt bubble, advertiser funded and socialism to prop it up uniformly!

  • Future of DECENTRALIZED Currency Is Not Bitcoin

The following is apparently all propaganda:

Russian media not using the word invasion. After all the heated rhetoric about the threat from Ukraine, now it feels like they’re downplaying the magnitude of this attack.

Because they know many Russians will be horrified at what is happening.

Russia's internet censor is threatening to block and fine media who report on the war in Ukraine citing anything other than official Russian sources.

"Only official Russian sources have and spread accurate and up-to-date information."


Russian soldiers dead and injured - Is THIS the war you wanted Putin?

Ukraine invasion - TANK crushes civilian car in Kyiv but driver is miraculously rescued alive

Ukrainian woman offers seeds to Russian soldiers so ‘sunflowers grow when they die’

Ukrainian soldier ‘blows himself up to destroy bridge’ to stop forces storming in from Crimea (youtube)

Short video clips mocking world leaders. The long table and mocking social distancing.





Great Reset

But a Constitution of Government once changed from Freedom, can never be restored. Liberty once lost is lost forever. When the People once surrender their share in the Legislature, and their Right of defending the Limitations upon the Government, and of resisting every Encroachment upon them, they can never regain it.” — Letter from John Adams to Abigail Adams, 7 July 1775

Metaphorically the Great Reset is biblical Revelation’s Great Harlot:

Babylon, the Prostitute on the Beast

One of the seven angels who had the seven bowls came and said to me, “Come, I will show you the punishment of the great prostitute, who sits by many waters. With her the kings of the earth committed adultery, and the inhabitants of the earth were intoxicated with the wine of her adulteries.


Then the angel said to me, “The waters you saw, where the prostitute sits, are peoples, multitudes, nations and languages. The beast and the ten horns you saw will hate the prostitute. They will bring her to ruin and leave her naked; they will eat her flesh and burn her with fire. For God has put it into their hearts to accomplish his purpose by agreeing to hand over to the beast their royal authority, until God’s words are fulfilled.” — Revelation 17:1-2;17:17-18

So the nations will be enslaved because the people w(h)or(e)ship the prostitute. But the Great Harlot system and all those who participated it will eventually (by 2050?) be thrown in the finality of the proverbial lake of fire by jealous Satan because Lucifer (both being metaphorical abstractions of the theory of power phenomenon) controls their hivemind and souls.

Interim the 1984 dystopia will soon be fully achieved by our overlords. This section will explicate in detail how and why you’ll soon be locked down forevermore in individually assigned (Certificate Of Vassal) IDentity, centrally controlled, fully tracked, electronically-freezable-seizable-by-the-authorities Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) as the sole means of commerce. Cash transactions will be verboten.

Then it compels all, small and great, rich and poor, free men and slaves, to receive a mark […] The purpose of this is that no one should be able to buy or sell unless he bears the mark of the name of the Beast or the number of its name.” — Revelation 13:17

This section will delve deeply into the evidence of pre-planning and timeline going forward. Evidence of the pre-planning for the pLandemic hoax foisted on humanity to grease the transition to 666 enslavement includes for example, the World Bank issued pandemic bonds in 2017 and the Lock Step pLandemic (and forthcoming Hack Attack) predicted in Rockefeller Foundation’s Scenarios for the Future document which was published in 2010, c.f. also WHO declares pandemic before June 2020 deadline to legally keep pandemic bond investor’s money.

Oversimplified Summary of the Diabolical Agenda

But first here’s a quick video overview of some facets of the planned agenda. At least we’re armed to the hilt, which might give us a fighting chance [c.f. Lose your property for growing food? and SWAT Team Like Raid by Ohio authorities on a farm house in LaGange] if/when the government tries to force us off the rural lands into enslaved, bubble cities for Agenda 2030 [← important video].


Possible Leaked Roadmap for the Next Phase of the Agenda (website, youtube)

Seems obvious that the Great Reset will involve impoverishing most so they can force them onto UBI delivered via CBDC. They will eliminate cash and force all Mom-and-Pop retail to take only CBDCs. How can anyone even in Florida possibly resist this? Most are entirely incapable of resisting what is coming — they prefer to not starve. They will simply comply. They are not planning how to opt-out, nor will they. Thus I prefer the options that give me both the largest pool of potential take-my-gun-from-my-cold-dead-hand staunch Constitutionalists, do-anything-for-profit opportunitistic Latin Americans and a vast supply of subsistence farmers in rural Latin America.

(Mexico News Daily, no HFCs)

World Debt Reset pogrom psy-op or apposite warning:

In exchange for acceptance of this total debt forgiveness (mortgages, loans, credit cards, etc) the individual would forfeit ownership of any and all property and assets forever. The individual would also have to agree to partake in the COVID-19 and COVID-21 [i.e. Q1 2022 as COVID-19 was Q1 2020 or upcoming 2025 SPARS pLandemic?] vaccination schedule, which would provide the individual with unrestricted travel and unrestricted living even under a full lock down (through the use of photo identification referred to as Canada’s HealthPass).


Several committee members also questioned what would happen to individuals if they refused to participate in the World Debt Reset program, or the HealthPass, or the vaccination schedule, and the answer we got was very troubling […] And that over a short period of time as more Canadians transitioned into the debt forgiveness program, the ones who refused to participate would be deemed a public safety risk and would be relocated into isolation facilities. Once in those facilities they would be given two options, participate in the debt forgiveness program and be released, or stay indefinitely in the isolation facility under the classification of a serious public health risk and have all their assets seized.

Official Timeline

We’re just waiting for the next manufactured crisis as the governments are already officially scheduled to roll out 666 central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in all G20 nations between 2023 and 2025 to electronically dole out poverty level universal basic income (UBI) to the bankrupted ‘you will own nothing’ plebs analogous to the trial run of inefficiently mailing stimulus checks (and extended unemployment benefits) during 2020. This will enslave the populace in the encircling technocracy wherein unelected technocrats (e.g. Dr. Anthony Fauci, Bill Gates, the WHO, etc) will control the government by way of for example the perpetual pandemics and seasonal vaccines (note the latter cause the former) combined with newly proposed WHO vaccine passport and pandemic treaty to be ratified by all nations replacing their Constitutions and rendering the elected officials entirely impotent.

What the cryptocracy are really orchestrating is pulling down the veil of faux sovereign nations and fake democracies, under the guise of fictional catastrophes, to insert the global, biometric ID, vax credentials, digital currency and social credit, slave system.

Under this system there will be forced medical treatment and forced vaccination. People’s bank accounts can be wiped or frozen, if they don’t get the next depop shot.

Once it’s automated, there’s no turning back. Once we can only purchase food using cards (how easy and dangerous was swiping and tapping??), can’t use cash, we are in an AI prison grid where an algorithm can literally decide who lives and who dies on a daily basis by switching off our ability to access to our money, jobs, food, fuel or shelter. There’s nowhere to run under this system. It’s global.

There are more faux pandemics planned. The temporary relaxing of the lockdowns, and vax passports is a ruse.

The banking-merchant-military cartel have the infrastructure in place where the SMART health card, already rolled out, will morph into your global digital, banking bio-ID.

All that needs to happen next is pull down the internet and the banking system. Once the internet goes down, they can claim they need everyone to sign onto the web using a certification system such as the Qcode on the SMART card or vax papers, or your credit card or Facebook, Apple, Google account to access the web.

Then once the banking system is pulled down in an orchestrated crisis; through a faux market crash or faux cyber pandemic, they can replace cash and currencies with the Central Bank Digital Currency, that links up your Health SMART Card and the Vaccine Credential Initiative.

The infrastructure has already been built. They have simply used the last two years to traumatize and indoctrinate people into complying with their planned, multiple depopulation mechanisms, economic warfare, and global land grab of all property and assets, through the digital technocratic slavery.

The Great Cull has been planned since the 1930’s. Before they orchestrated WWII. It isn’t a new plan.

A point of clarification is the powers-that-be don’t want the Internet offline being that is their surveillance, mind control and paralysis grid. Until they can force most routers and end points to require some identification field on packets coupled with global blacklists and/or whitelist of allowed ids which is a tremendous coordination task that will probably take years to implement, they can only force such control on our ISP accounts. It’s unlikely we lose access to the Internet soon.

It’s useful to note that the Eastern bloc nations won’t be opting out of this technocratic enslavement.

BlackRock and Going Direct Reset

The “novel” coronavirus pandemic marks the greatest turning point in U.S. monetary history since the creation of the Federal Reserve in 1913. In large measure, the “novel” coronavirus pandemic narrative serves as a convenient cover story that distracts from and even masks the Federal Reserve’s unprecedented maneuvers in 2020—maneuvers that happen to have been planned [by BlackRock] and discussed in August 2019 [with the Fed] some four months prior to the first mention of any “novel” virus in Wuhan, China.

BlackRock instructed the Fed to violate its ‘split circuit’ charter and create money in the actual stock markets (aka M2 or monetary base) but only for certain targeted beneficiaries such as BlackRock, instead of quarantining QE within the commercial bank reserves which is otherwise limited to stimulating the economy only through lowering of interest rates:



But there is something else about the Fed’s actions in 2020 that makes them independently remarkable in a truly breathtaking way: while the Fed insisted throughout this episode that the extraordinary actions it took were all emergency measures necessitated by the onset of an alleged virus pandemic beginning in December 2019 […] What’s more, this plan was presented to the Fed by BlackRock, which the Fed later appointed to assist the Fed in executing the $3.5 trillion plan. To put it bluntly, the actions taken by the Federal Reserve starting in March of 2020—actions that represented a massive departure from the Fed’s responses to crises before that time, as we have just seen—are exactly what BlackRock told the Fed to do in Jackson Hole, Wyoming over half a year before the World Health Organization (WHO) declared a pandemic.


In a nutshell, the arrival of the 2020 pandemic was about as accidental as an assassination. The pandemic narrative is nothing but a cover story to conceal from the public what in reality is the biggest asset transfer ever.

Maybe one could argue that the Fed was avoiding the zero or negative interest rate trap that befell the ECB. But this alternative concentrates all the wealth and thus control of the economy in crony entities. And they weren’t very transparent about it, even discontinuing the weekly M2 series in a public relations stunt to attempt to convince the public that the hockey stick M2 isn’t a concern.

I commented:

Martin Armstrong claims in his public blogs in 2020 and 2021 that the Fed was just returning to its original function of directly buying commercial paper, i.e. corporate debt. You may want to explain how this is different from that original function. Seems to me the key difference is that the non-bank financial entity (a corporation yet financial one which is not the spirit of the original Fed function) is not issuing debt but instead trading a debt-based asset for cash enabling it to inject that cash into specific investments that benefit cronies.

John Titus (also on Odysee) published an excellent video that explains the mechanism visually.


Even more damning Titus explained that the since 1971 the Fed has been violating the Federal Reserve Act which only allows it to create liabilities. The dollar was redeemable in gold before Nixon closed the gold window 50 years ago, which was the only form of dollars the Fed is authorized to create. When the Fed creates unbacked dollars out-of-thin-air this is equity known as seniorage, but in a legal fiction the Fed books them as liabilities to pretend it’s in compliance with its charter. Yet bank money in the retail markets are liabilities of the commerical banks thus the Fed has no legal authority to ‘go direct’ to a CBDC without enabling legislation from Congress. This means MMT is illegal. Fed Chairman Jerome Powell ostensibly confirmed the problem of legality and observe in the video with Powell the tense nail-biting of “El Profesor Chiflado” Agustín Carstens, general manager of the Bank for International Settlements (BIS) who is one of the outspoken proponents of enslaving CBDCs.


Wow this is continuance of the scams such as looting the gold from Fort Knox carting it off to the Philippines at the beginning of the 20th century and (starting with the Civil War occupation) disbanding the legitimate State governments, illegimate [thus non-]ratification of (thus invalid) Constitutional admendments and fooling us into being claimed as vassals of the legal fiction United States, Inc. as the main goal of the 1865 Civil War—not for sole purpose of ending slavery which was just the convenient excuse. But wait if all the commercial bank reserves are being booked as liabilities instead of equity does that mean that when the Fed is liquidated that the commercial banks are going to receive all the assets which include Treasuries and (the financial weapon of mass destruction which BlackRock’s Larry Fink pioneered) mortgage backed securities (MBS)? So is the upcoming monetary reset going to make commercial banks the owners of most homes? And aren’t the depositors at the commercial banks such as the non-bank financial entities which comprise BlackRock able to liquidate the commercial banks and take all those assets? So will BlackRock soon own the entire U.S.? Would this ‘debt forgiveness’ be the aforementioned World Debt Reset pogrom? 😱 Is Titus also unwittingly explaining how the interlopers plan to “legally” keep the gold they stole from us? So is the plan to cause everyone to default on their mortgages then the debts will be forgiven in exchange for giving up all private property rights (i.e. everyone will rent everything they use in Klaus Schwab’s ‘you will own nothing and be happy’) and BlackRock et al will hold all the MBS.

The answer may be:

The records indicate that BlackRock has additionally functioned as an insurer for both the Federal Reserve and the IMF, and as these banks are bankrupted, Black Rock as the insurer becomes responsible for both their debts and their assets---functioning as a de facto bankruptcy Trustee, selling off assets to pay down debts, restructuring loans, ranking creditor interests, reviewing stock portfolios, selling some stocks, buying others, and so on.


So, short version, BlackRock now controls all the assets of both the US, Inc. and the USA, Inc. and thereby controls the economy and the monetary policy of this country and there is nothing standing in their way --- except a few pesky details, and they are:

  1. The US, Inc. and the USA, Inc. have both violated national and international law via their practices and BlackRock, Inc. is subject to the same laws as an incorporated entity and is prohibited from acting as an accomplice to or a party profiting from the criminal activities of these corporations and their banks;

Paper Monsters

Those hired and subscribed under Oath to serve the people have instead oppressed, cheated, enslaved and betrayed them. They have taken the saying, ‘The master is the servant.’ and turned it on its head: ‘The servant is the master.’

And they have tried to excuse their actions by saying, ‘We are a corporation and can't be held accountable for our actions.’ Oh, yes, they can.

Moreover in what has been described as the cryptocracy, mafiacracy or mafiocracy, Titus explained and explained that as early as 2009 the Fed was already aware that to launch CBDCs they would effectively be taking over the function of the Treasury department and issuing equities which are backed by the full faith and credit of the U.S.. Ostensibly the entire ruse of the Fed has been the a long-range plan to privatize the U.S. government thus Armstrong’s criticism of the book The Creature from Jekyll Island is misguided, c.f. also.

A timeline of the months leading up and into the pLandemic implicate all the usual suspects plus there was insider selling and CEO resignations.


It Was Just Time by Shelby Moore (that’s me) in 2009

I don’t know if anyone else has commented already, that Martin Armstrong’s “It Is Just Time” prediction made back in October 2008, for a major turn event on March 19, nailed the exact day (after) the Fed announced to start buying government bonds directly.


Unlike the prior swap programs shell games, which gave money to banks who had not loaned it back out, this direct monetization of Treasuries, apparently puts money directly into the economy and seems to cement an exponentially accelerating decay to complete destruction of the world's financial system.

We are now in the 29 or 30th day of the exponential effect of change, as illustrated by the Water Lily.

I think most people (even most gold and silver analysts and enthusiasts) are still stuck on trying to figure out how to cope or ride out the current system, as if there will be a system. I suggest reading Armstrong's latest predictions about complete failure and return to brutality of the Dark Ages.

What can we collectively do to stop this? Nothing.


Remember the people were instructed to come out of Egypt into a place where they were trapped, but Moses opened the sea for them. But I will let the reader decide if they want to pursue the Bible. That one pathway is to come out of the system entirely. The only way for an individual to come out of the Great system, is to go back to a very simple life of self-sufficiency, as devoid as possible of any material want or need. Your gold and silver may not be that useful.


The Great system has a plan to stop self-sufficiency.

How can one survive without the permission to plant and harvest food? I think there are no jungles in USA, perhaps one could move quickly to place with them. Small cohesive communities will be disbanded. The flat lands of the USA are sitting ducks for roaming marauders. Seek the mountains, and the most difficult terrain. Seek not to resist and make war, but to come out entirely in a peaceful condition of separation. Seek terrain where helicopters can not easily drop defoliating chemicals on your gardens. Remember the Great system will be promoting and instigating all sides in the coming civil disorder, so trust no human leaders.

I understand math. I understand exponential change better than most analysts. I understand a Geometric Series. I have done numerous calcuations.

It was just time. Don't be too late to come out of the system. The clock is ticking, there isn't much time remaining.

There will come a new dawn after this mess plays out […] This is orthogonal to the need to come of the current system, while one still can. Such a globally systemic transistion is not smooth and predictable by any man, nor likely favorable to masses who have tried to game the system. The truth lies outside the Great system […] No part of the system is safe from raping […] Perhaps the new dawn will come quicker this time, as time tends to accelerate. My point is to think how to disengage from the system […] It wasn't my preferred choice. I tried in vain to search for a smooth transistion solution-- there is none, only fantasies or denial of truth. I can not stress enough that the highest priority is to remove what has been your life, from your life. Make yourself independent as possible from the Great system of money. For once...

BlackRock Is Bailing Out Its ETFs with Fed Money and Taxpayers Eating Losses; It’s Also the Sole Manager for $335 Billion of Federal Employees’ Retirement Funds

During the last financial crisis of 2007 to 2010, the Federal Reserve gave BlackRock no-bid contracts to manage the toxic assets held in three programs known as Maiden Lane, Maiden Lane II and Maiden Lane III.


Today, BlackRock has been selected in more no-bid contracts to be the sole buyer of corporate bonds and corporate bond ETFs for the Fed’s unprecedented $750 billion corporate bond buying program which will include both investment grade and junk-rated bonds […] BlackRock is being allowed by the Fed to buy its own corporate bond ETFs as part of the Fed program to prop up the corporate bond market.


To make matters even more egregious, the stimulus bill known as the CARES Act set aside $454 billion of taxpayers’ money to eat the losses in the bail out programs set up by the Fed. A total of $75 billion has been allocated to eat losses in the corporate bond-buying programs being managed by BlackRock.


This raises the question as to what extent BlackRock might be influencing stock market moves using federal employee money to buy futures on the Dow Jones Industrial Average or S&P 500.


Those calls and meetings included the following according to the BlackRock Transparency Project:

“More than 220 meetings and phone calls between BlackRock CEO Larry Fink and senior government officials; 98 meetings between Obama White House officials and BlackRock executives; 185 meetings and phone calls between senior BlackRock executives and Treasury Secretaries spanning the Bush and Obama Administrations; 37 meetings and phone calls between BlackRock and senior officials at the Federal Reserve.”

The contact logs reveal that between August 17, 2007 and December 27, 2007 (before the American public knew just how severe the financial crisis was) Larry Fink conversed with U.S. Treasury Secretary Hank Paulson 21 times – twice a day on multiple occasions.

Vade Retro Satana (@‍pope_head) tweeted (unrolled):

Okay lets start by examining the founders of Black Stone. Peter Peterson, aka Rock Rockson […] American investment banker who served as United States Secretary of Commerce from February 29, 1972, to February 1, 1973, under the Richard Nixon administration.


Peterson was instrumental in Nixons eventual decision to upend the Bretton Woods agreement. The severing of the U.S. dollar’s ties to gold. Since then, the world’s monetary system has consisted of (mostly) freely floating currencies.


and thus Peterson takes over the Council on Foreign Relations (CFR) from Rockefeller.

It’s our fault because we embraced their debt trap thus empowering the global elite with control over our money system (as explicated below) and thereby relinquishing control over our government. Now the big swinging dick of the Great Harlot system has a stranglehold on the multitudes...

Is BlackRock’s Aladdin actually sentient and prescient (💩🙄rolleyes), or is it just the “good fortune” that results from a monopoly where the game is rigged? It’s ostensibly not AI that’s providing the “success”, but instead a complete subsumption of the sovereignty of our government.

In the Bloomberg article Elon Musk and Cathie Wood Say Passive Investing Has Gone Too Far in Twitter, Elon Musk and Cathie Wood point out that the concentration of funds under management by BlackRock gives them too much influence over publicly traded corporations while depriving those investors’ of access to outperforming stocks before BlackRock buys in.

BlackRock and the Vanguard Group Own Big Pharma + Big Media + Big Tech + Travel Industry



  • Drug companies are driving COVID-19[Certificate Of Vassal IDentity] responses — all of which, so far, have [provably] endangered rather than optimized public health — and mainstream media have been willing accomplices in spreading their propaganda, a [provably] false official narrative that leads the public astray and fosters fear based on lies.


  • BlackRock and Vanguard form a secret monopoly that own just about everything else you can think of too. In all, they have ownership in 1,600 American firms, which in 2015 had combined revenues of $9.1 trillion. When you add in the third-largest global owner, State Street, their combined ownership encompasses nearly 90% of all S&P 500 firms.

  • Vanguard is the largest shareholder of BlackRock. Vanguard itself, on the other hand, has a unique structure that makes its ownership more difficult to discern, but many of the oldest, richest families in the world can be linked to Vanguard funds.


As reported in the featured video:

The stock of the world’s largest corporations are owned by the same institutional investors. They all own each other.


Or, as George Carlin said, ‘It’s a small[big] club and you ain’t in it.’


Wikipedia, again gives us the answer. They say that about 90% of the international media is owned by nine media conglomerates.


As you are watching millions fall into poverty because of the corona measures of the past year, even if the greatest economic crisis in history has not affected you yet, it will only be a matter of time until the rippling effects will hit you, as well.


Bloomberg calls BlackRock ‘The fourth branch of government’, because it’s the only private agency that closely works with the central banks.


To clarify the picture, I have to explain briefly what non-profits actually are. These appear to be the link between companies, politics and media. This conceals the conflicts of interests a bit. Non-profits, also called ‘foundations’ are dependent on donations they do not have to disclose who their donors are they can invest the money in the way they see fit and do not pay taxes


In other words, these two investment companies, Vanguard and BlackRock hold a monopoly in all industries in the world and they, in turn, are owned by the richest families in the world, some of whom are royalty and who have been very rich since before the Industrial Revolution.

While it would take time to sift through all of Vanguard’s funds to identify individual shareholders, and therefore owners of Vanguard, a quick look-see suggests Rothschild Investment Corp. and the Edmond De Rothschild Holding are two such stakeholders.


The video above also identifies the Italian Orsini family, the American Bush family, the British Royal family, the du Pont family, the Morgans, Vanderbilts and Rockefellers, as Vanguard owners.


Considering BlackRock in 2018 announced that it has “social expectations” from the companies it invests in, its potential role as a central hub in the Great Reset and the “build back better” plan cannot be overlooked.

BlackRock CEO Larry Fink’s Family Tree Was A Mystery Until Now

So from all this digging we get a portrait of a the typical upwardly moble Jewish family of the second half of the twentieth century. Where it diverges is where Larry and his brother get connected to the likes of Michael Milken, Lawrance Rockefeller, Larry Elison, the World Economic Forum, and the Council on Foreign Relations. Somehow the juice was provided to propel Lawrence Fink from a failed bond trader at First Boston to running a three trillion dollar investment firm with controlling interests in most major US corporations, that has been given extraordinary power and infuence in engineering US financial policy—to the detriment of its own citizens.

‘fink’ definition

Should we villify Larry Fink as a wolf-in-sheepskin or is he just a chirpy, innocuous, blameless capitalist seeking free-market profit?

Larry drinks his own Koolaid because he and our global elite have no other choice—they don’t want a free market economic collapse that would creatively destroy them with bottom-up rejuvenation so they must continue their top-down morass by any means no matter how dystopian. Larry ostensibly founded BlackRock to develop better investment uncertainty (aka risk) management ostensibly, as a reaction to his huge losses in his prior investment role. He probably sought an idiotic Holy Grail in AI but all he found that really works is to charge risk to the public backstop. Now he’s selling it as a some insight into social progress when in fact all these global elite are doing is attempting to “pretend and extend” to forestall the necessary economic collapse by strangling the free markets. The economic collapse is necessary because society is so maladapted to the $trillion debt bubble. Of course they will tell themselves that it’s not the case and they are the wiser ones who can lead us through a massive technological unemployment transformation as if technological advance (not be confused with the complicit, corrupt Big Tech) is the problem—which it’s not. Recently I expounded (in my Telegram group chat) on my 2013 essay about Kuzweil’s nonsensical A.I. Singularity thesis:

A.I. is a tool. And it can’t defeat human ingenuity. Upthread I had some posts about how dumb A.I. is because it only knows about what it has seen in its training regimen and its creativity is nil. Don’t be fooled with propaganda. The [analog] entropy of the human species can’t be captured digitally.

A.I. can mimic its training set. A.I. may hopefully defeat/fool some human stupidity and that culling is a desirable event for species resilience.

A.I. can not defeat human ingenuity. It is an issue of entropy. The analog entropy of humans is not quantifiable.

The arrogant attempt by humans to think they can digitize nature. I think someone (not you) forgot about the Heisenberg principle and Boehm’s hidden variables. Or quantum entanglement and quantum decoherence.

Yes they are retarded and will be culled and I argue that is good thing. Less of them and proportionally more of us.

We just have to figure out where to hide out in the interim.

What we don’t want to do is burn out our energy on (trying to stop, fix or prevent) the idiocy movement.

Power thrives on energy. We must withdraw/conserve all our energy.

Do Markets Like Totalitarian Governments?

“Markets like totalitarian governments”. It makes sense if by “markets” we really mean the collection of mega-wealthy managers and banks that control much of the world’s finance and money and then trade these paper obligations in the casinos and semi-rigged markets called “stock exchanges”, “funds”, and “banks”. The things that the media refer to when they say “the markets did such and such today”. It makes sense because such “investors” really crave certainty about the future and they abhor risk. Risk means uncertainty. In this sense totalitarian governments are a boon for such investors. Totalitarian governments are more predictable, more amenable to whatever the mega-investors desire, and more controlling.


For most of us regular folks, getting richer means producing more and more valuable goods and services for the market. But the reality is that for the very elite, very wealthy, it’s not really about how to produce more. First, wealth is relative. They already have most everything they can want in terms of goods and services. It’s now about status and ego. For that, absolute wealth is not important. Relative wealth is. And there’s two ways to increase your relative wealth: make yourself richer, or ensure that others get poorer. The other major objective of these very wealthy is protection of what they’ve got […] Of course, totalitarian governments in real-life tend to be very predictable for long stretches, but the end is always unexpected and unpredicted.

Agreed but there’s more to it than that. The masses are also invested in usury on the debtor and on the fixed income pension side. Usury being an insidious, exponentially invasive paradigm is eventually incompatible with free markets because it infects the entire society until it’s too big of a threat for the vested interests inertia to allow to fail.

Westerners protesting against the usury trap they laid in. Did they expect the outcome of their borrow-into-oblivion to be a bed of roses? Larry Fink is able to do what he does because everybody has a retirement investment account directly or via their pension! Duh.

The economy is bankrupt so our overlords deem they need to tag, track and control us so (← Larry & Carstens’ Excellent Pandemic) they can prevent uncertainties. They can enforce rationing and predatory taxation for example via some Chinese-like, but Western-style totalitarian social credit score. This will eventually end up in the direction of China’s ‘zero COVID’ insanity.

Make sure to also read the sections Insane Clusterfuck of the Collapse of Rule-of-law, Eventually to Imprison Most Westerners and Trillionaire Fund Manager Martin Armstrong Was Framed By Our Corrupt Government.

Related links:

  • Biden’s Spending Spree – The Real Agenda

    Many people have written in asking why are all the government spending like there is no tomorrow? The answer is – there is no tomorrow! This Great Reset is all about defaulting on the national debts and so they are all going nuts spending whatever they like knowing that the end game is the default. There is no longer any pretense of fiscal management. Everything will simply vanish according to the forecasts of Klaus Schwab. This is also why they have been using COVID to enforce lockdowns and terrorize people […] All Western governments are moving as fast as they can to flood the economy so they can just force the fault and suppression of the people.

    It’s also because they need a scapegoat to distract the sheeppl from the insolvency of the decades of kakistocracy, kleptocracy and gorging on debt by (especially Westerners and their) governments. 30 year mortgages pull income forward by 30 years thus making homies 30 times more expensive — only Rothschild wins and we all collectively shoot ourselves in the feet. Welcome to the insanity of democrazy and sheeppl civilization.

  • Why They Need to Destroy Everything

    This entire scheme is because they can neither pay off the national debts nor can they fund the pensions. They know the system is collapsing. This is WHY Klaus Schwab was able to get his foot in the door. They knew the system would collapse. They have intended to end all rights to vote. In Europe, nobody in the European Commission stands for election. All laws are ONLY made by the Commission. They have succeeded in terminating democracy at the EU level. They have decided to burn down the barn and pretend it was someone else.

    This entire Great Reset is the sales pitch to the younger generation, which glosses over the hard facts. Some people are saying there are two resets and call the other the “Direct Reset,” which seems to be a term they are trying to apply for the unspoken details of the Great Reset.

  • German Inflation 22.6%

    This is the highest increase since calculations ever began in 1962. In February, the rate was already high at 16.2% […] Our models are pointing to serious trouble ahead for Germany and this poking Russia is all intended as a diversion from the collapse of the European economy that is underway. The negative interest rates since 2014 have wiped out the pension funds and proven that the central bank can no longer control the economy. Add to that, the braindead COVID restrictions which have dealt a serious blow through the heart of the supply chain, and we have a recipe for total economic disaster which is being reflected in the inflation rates which then leads to civil unrest […] Germany appointing [conniving activist and child abuser] Jennifer Morgan in charge of [exploiting the malleable icon Greta Thunberg (who now says ‘shove your climate crisis up your ass’) to push] their [inane] environmental policies and the intent was to make her their Secretary of State is just astonishing […] These climate zealots have managed to destroy the world economy in just two years […] They should admire their heads in the mirror every day, for if history repeats, they will be dragged from their palaces and their heads might be adorning spikes with cheers of vindication […] Ever since COVID, we have witnessed a rising trend of civil unrest politicians have been working hard to deliberately create war with Russia all cloaked in their real objective of controlling the planet. Ever since this intended war to poke the Russian Bear, there’s been an acceleration of every conflicting agenda on the world stage.

  • We are on the Verge of a Very Profound Systemic Global Meltdown published 2012

    I have never been one to yell fire in a crowded movie. But this is getting absolutely ridiculous. The global economy is in such a tailspin and there is nobody with a solution no less even a hint of what is developing so rapidly before everyone’s eyes, it appears just hopeless to save society.

    The HYPERINFLATIONISTS, presume that government will continue to just print, for they cannot see that government is turning aggressive against the people for the bondholders will not tolerate such a policy and demand austerity with higher taxes. This is a Mammoth battle that is being waged and then they fail to grasp that state and local governments cannot print money and are becoming very Draconian raising taxes and prosecuting anything they can to raise money. The federal governments are not coming to the rescue of state and local

Great Clusterfuck?

Catherine Austin Fitts posits that the Titanic, totalitarian globalist plan will hit an iceberg of human nature:

Six months into the Covid-19 lockdowns, we have a world divided into a handful of players who can print currency versus the rest of the world—caught in the “mother” of all debt entrapments and left with sovereign bonds of questionable worth. Are we headed toward the “mother” of all debt/equity swaps, with taxpayers’ real estate and other assets on the hook? The private entity—BlackRock—that has been given free rein to reengineer the global economy (including “managing” vast sums of money for the Fed and various government pension funds), conveniently, is beyond the reach of FOIA or any other mechanism to ensure transparency.


The “magic virus” has managed to create a projected $500 billion deficit for U.S. state governments (an amount that matches up neatly to the increased wealth of U.S. billionaires), and Covid-19 is also being used as the advance cover story for an emptied-out Social Security Trust Fund later this decade. In addition, the push to get local police out of the way—against the wishes of at least 86% of Americans—is conveniently timed to make it easier for corporations to steamroll over local laws and reengineer places via Opportunity Zones. Thus far, mind control, entrainment, and divide-and-conquer appear to be working rather well—especially with the concurrent shuttering of churches and cultural institutions—but the hypermaterialist model never adequately accounts for the fact that all humans and all life have a spiritual component.

The globalists created a new church of disinformation, addiction, demoralization and virtue signaling. I suppose that’s what the Metaverse will be for to replace the emptiness that humans would sense if they weren’t otherwise totally addicted and consumed.

Unfortunately, Mr. Global has been busy mobilizing vast sums of taxpayer money to create a dangerous contact tracing army that will be empowered to enforce quarantines and seize children. The individuals promoting this agenda—ranging from the Queen of England to WHO officials to Epstein Air’s "frequent flyers"—are highly placed, and the American people need to face up to the risks. However, when you try to take away people’s children, you could be playing with fire.

Agreed Floridians are fighting back for example. And Americans are armed to the hilt.

The “Going Direct” plan—the central bankers’ push to preserve their global currency position by controlling everything directly without intermediaries—is not subtle. In the short term, Covid-19 has helped Mr. Global put the small-business economy and most of the planet into a debt trap while increasing key corporations’ market share. However, we need to remember that the new system is “in the invention room.” Many variables are at play, and many factors—including cyberwarfare and the “Midianite thing”—could interfere with the creepy plan to manage seven billion people with cloud-based injectable credit cards.

Is she positing that nations and corporations will sabotage each other’s satellites?

Building out a global financial mechanism means not only controlling the sea lanes but controlling space, which includes not just satellites but weaponry. The problem with space is that it is “winner-take-all”—the player who dominates space can control everything on the planet […] From the perspective of those outside the U.S., a major problem is that the U.S. is not “agreement capable.”


There are many signs that the space race is heating up, including Japan’s talk about space-based "rod of God" weaponry and India’s continued launching of large numbers of satellites. In the U.S., contrary to most other countries, the private sector is the dominant player in space, which gives the corporations a lot of power.

In the video A walk with Catherine Austin Fitts | Planet Lockdown, she pontificates that the globalists such as BlackRock want to build a prison planet not a human civilization, which is counter to laws of nature. She posits in the light of transparency they’ll backstab each other as did the Midianites in the biblical story of Gideon.

I mostly agree but with an important quibble or point of clarification. She is describing the bizarre abject chaos ahead. This is the end of the sixth 309.6 year wave. There will be war, fighting, struggle and collateral damage everywhere and in many facets of life. BlackRock will harvest those defaulted mortgages (as MBS) that she alludes to. Eventually a new bedrock is reached and we-the-awake rebuild ex nihilo. There is already the Bitcoin escape valve frontier for the faction of human nature (i.e. the global village of the awake that Fitts mentions in her video) that is capable of rejecting the CBDCs. Bitcoin ultimately leads to the end game of Revelation (by 2050 or 2100+?) but in the interim it will be the fulcrum on said bedrock. Yet most of humanity is not capable of resisting and have ostensibly lost their soul already, so I expect they will embrace the CBDCs. Remember most people need to be lead by priests. Who will those priests be if not our globalists? Indeed the battle is spiritual. This is the coming Great Bifurcation—those with and without a soul. To have a soul one must at least understand everything written in this Gist. Empathetic, high IQ individuals such as Fitts probably have a bias to underestimate how vapid, apathetic and incapable of abstraction most people are, because it comes so effortlessly to the mentally adept that it’s damn near impossible to imagine how difficult it is for most people to think. Literally from experience I being (only) Mensa-level confirmed that within 3 minutes of reasonably straightforward verbiage will induce mental exhaustion (and a nap) in a midwit repeatedly without exception. I’ve read that typically a gap or two or three standard deviations (SD) in IQ is an insurmountable gap in communication range, in which the less adept will distrust the more adept, perceiving them as whacko, little green people speaking gibberish.

Where is the empire in Fitts’ prognosis? Human civilization requires empire. And in a multipolar world with the chaos of mutually assured destruction of space assets the empire can only be a globalist NWO.

Fitts is correct (as stated in her video) that the technology has changed and our village-of-the-awake synergy is geographically distributed over the globe, thus precious metals are deprecated. And thus in most cases we’re outnumbered politically in any physical jurisdiction such as in terms of home confiscation via taxation, Civil Asset Forfeiture, eminent domain—thus my conclusion to boondock. Florida may be an option for civilization at least until the chaos of the looming economic collapse. Our enslavers’ trump cards and the Achilles heel of Ron DeSantis might include rigging elections, importing migrants and moreover the number of voters that will be surviving on UBI doled out by CBDCs, at which point the politics and economics of Florida may crack and/or segregate with gentrification? Perhaps this strategic need to bankrupt Westerners explains why our overlords are cultivating maximum stagflation with medical terrorism (even in China and Russia) and intentionally provoked international war in Ukraine which is the first domino in cascade of geopolitical-economics that end up in WW3. And our NWO overlords have a diabolical plan to kick the plebs off of Bitcoin and imprison us in a two-tier monetary system. Fitts seems to not appreciate the critical importance of monetary economies-of-scale and the impoverishment that would accompany any barter or physical local scale money system.

Despite my nostalgic, bucolic, retrophiliac, Water sign romance with the terrestrial beauty of life on Earth, I appreciate the insight of Fitts’ point that our overlords are preparing humanity for an interplanetary system. Thus Earth needs a global government to represent it in the future extraterrestrial federation. And transhumanism is probably necessary for time travel and other ostensibly multiverse feats of the purported UFOs that seem to defy classical physics. The recent UFO propaganda may also be intentional H. G. Wellsian demoralization, to prep for false-flags and/or a Wellsian scapegoat applied to Fitts’ looming war in space.

Humans that don’t meaningfully contribute to the technological leap ahead into an intergalactic species may be deprecated in the theory of power perspective, as they no longer have any harvestable economic purpose other than as fodder in the machinations required to proceed to the next stage of human evolution.

I replied to the proposal for secession:

And when the seniors lose their Medicaid/Social Security, state citizens are banned from the U.S. dollar financial system and from travel to the other states, banks stop loaning to Floridastan, interest rates skyrocket to 18%, mortgage market collapses, etc? The southern states tried to secede preceding the Civil War and were militarily defeated. Is Floridastan’s military any match for the U.S. Air Force and nukes?

No state can unhitch until the abject collective collapse is worse than the alternative, which is projecting several decades out from now.

I replied in the affirmative:

Indeed the U.S. is not in the stage of its cycle wherein the vested interests of various sectors of the populace have sufficient incentive for a full power restart—both secession and full power restart are onanistic fantasy. Russia was at that stage when Putin seized power after the IMF’s entrapment of Yeltsin. Russia isn’t a dynamic enough juggernaut to resist the globalist NWO empire which is rising to supplant the U.S. empire and whose theory-of-power raison d’être will include restoring order to the multipolar power vacuum and forthcoming war in satellite space.

Whereas upwards of 15% of the colonists fought in the Revolutionary War—not the oft-claimed 3%.

That rebellion to tyrants is obedience to God.” — Benjamin Franklin

Technological Unemployment

New World Order (NWO)

If voting made any difference they wouldn’t let us do it” — Mark Twain

We can hardly expect the nation-state to make itself superfluous, at least not overnight. Rather what we must aim for is recognition in the minds of all responsible statesmen that they are really nothing more than caretakers of a bankrupt international machine which will have to be transformed slowly into a new one. The transition will not be dramatic, but a gradual one. People will still cling to national symbols.” — Archetypal CFR Insider and former FDR Secretary of the Treasury Henry Morgenthau recognized the need for the step-by-step approach

Jacob Siegel wrote about Yarvin in The Red-Pill Prince:

What Yarvin is, if one wants to be accurate, is the founder of neoreaction, an ideological school that emerged on the internet in the late 2000s marrying the classic anti-modern, anti-democratic worldview of 18th-century reactionaries to a post-libertarian ethos that embraced technological capitalism as the proper means for administering society. Against democracy. Against equality. Against the liberal faith in an arc of history that bends toward [illusory, delusional] justice[JUSTICE[US]].

Shadow of Power The Council on Foreign Relations And The American Decline by James Perloff

Dr. Coleman asserted that it was (as admitted by Secretary of State Hillary Clinton) the Secretaries of State controlled by the globalist elite Committee of 300 cabal—not the U.S. presidents—who controlled the above cited the intervention against Taiwan’s attempts to prevent China from falling to communism.

The theory of power is such that society moves by Adam Smith’s ‘invisible hand’ in the ruthless direction that maximizes the harvesting of power, which has nothing to do with any ethical consideration. The only hypothetical means for ameliorating the harvesting of power is to make the energy and (human and other forms of) capital unavailable not even via Coasian economic theory substitutable transfer effects — which as best I can ascertain would require everyone walk with nothing (not even a bag) from town-to-town emulating Jesus. Human civilization requires empire.

Those who nourish the hope that it will be possible to keep central government free of the corrupting tendencies of power and to staff it with a freedom-loving elite, overestimate the virtues of both the electorate and the elected, and underestimate the normative power of structural processes even over well-intended functionaries.” — Robert Nef

I commented:

JC, I disagree with the cute phrase the powers that shouldn’t be.” The collective resource is a power vacuum that MUST be captured by the most ruthless and powerful. This is a fact of nature. They absolutely SHOULD be.

The powers-that-be are entirely natural.

Current Membership List of ‘Committee of 300’

The claim for a Committee of 300 ostensibly originated (c.f. also 1, 2 and audiobook) from Dr. John Coleman who provided no verifiable documentation other than his claim to have done extensive research. He mentioned that Walther Rathenau was the original source of the existence of the supranational committee. The claim is that said elite amassed their wealth from the opium trade—they’re peddelers of human addiction and suffering. Adam Smith and Britian were able to easily to convert nearly the entire southern Chinese population into opium addicts to steal their silver back from China. The U.S. Constitution, states’ rights and the large U.S. middle class was the last remaining obstacle for this cabal to achieve their NWO and reduction in half of the global population by 2050—peasant, hand-to-mouth classes readily succumb to totalitarianism. TODO: Dr. Coleman is hookwinked about the virology junk science, so I need to rememeber to correct him that here when I write the section on virology.

Ballmer, Steve
Blair, Tony
Bloomberg, Michael
Brzezinski, Zbigniew
Buffet, Warren
Bush, George HW
Clark, Wesley Kanne Sr. (General)
Clinton, Bill
Draghi, Mario
Gates, Bill
Gorbachev, Mikhail
Gore, Al
Hildebrand, Philipp (BlackRock)
Juncker, Jean-Claude
Kerry, John Forbes
Kissinger, Henry
Krugman, Paul
Murdoch, Rupert
Peres, Shimon
Powell, Colin
Rice, Susan
Rockefeller, Nicholas ← he told Aaron Russo about the plan to ‘microchip’ everyone
Rothschild, Jacob – 4th Baron Rothschild
Rubin, Robert
Schwab, Klaus
Soros, George

  1. One World Government/New World Order with a unified church and monetary system.
  2. Utter destruction of all national identity and national pride.
  3. Destruction of religion, except theirs.
  4. Control of individuals via mind control, Brzezinski’s techonotronics and a system of terror.
  5. Post-industrial zero-growth society.
  6. Legalize addictive drugs and promote pornography.
  7. Depopulation of large cities Pol Pot style. Pol Pot’s genocidal plans were drawn up in the US by Club of Rome.
  8. Suppress all threatening scientific development.
  9. Depopulation of 3 billion with limited wars in the advanced countries, starvation and diseases in the Third World, by the year 2050.
  10. Mass unemployment and perpetual crises for demoralization resulting in annihilation of the family unit.
  11. Total collapse of the world’s economies and total political chaos. Foster terrorists and warlordism (e.g. drug cartels).

Musk’s Battle to Save America From Absolute Tyranny



George Soros has come out and said “America is the gravest threat to world freedom.”



It was on Jupiter Island the the servants of the Committee of 300 restructured and reorganized the U.S. government on British instructions following WWI, and began the march away from constitutional law under a Republican form of government.” — Dr. John Coleman / [presumably only in the rare 452 page 4th edition of] The Committee of 300

I wrote in the BlackRock and Going Direct Reset section:

Ostensibly the entire ruse of the Fed has been the a long-range plan to privatize the U.S. government thus Armstrong’s criticism of the book The Creature from Jekyll Island is misguided, c.f. also.

Anna Von Reitz wrote in A Tale of Two Islands and a Brief Explanation [links in the text were added]:

Not everyone is as familiar with Jupiter Island, the HQ for what is more popularly known as “the Bush Cabal.” The Bush family has a long and varied history, some of it very good, some of it very bad, and Jupiter Island has figured in most of it. This is the nexus, the Think Tank.

Does Martin Armstrong realize that his prediction for a 50% decline in global population by 2050 due to the Maunder Minimum and Sixth wave turning, concurs with the Club of Rome’s diabolical objective? Note from the’s 2025 Forecast for 50 – 75% Depopulation of NATO Countries section:

  • Population Crisis

    Yes, I have said there remains the risk of a 50% decline in population as the Sixth Wave of the Economic Confidence Model concludes. This is historically standard.


    Our models on sunspot warn of a prolonged solar minimum which will not bottom until around 2050. As the climate cools, there will be a rise in disease due to malnutrition and crop failures.


    Moreover, we are looking at the collapse of governments on a wholesale level. This is the end of Republics as we have known them. These waves produce complete changes in political systems. Even the last 309.6-year wave led to the collapse of monarchies. This time it will be the Republics and hopefully, we will have a new generation of founding fathers who will turn to direct democracy.

TODO: insert Clinton body count


Mark Gorton has advanced a theory [Fifty Years of the Deep State] that the perpetrators of the JFK assassination formed a group which is still in active operation, which he terms ‘the Cabal.’ He suggests that not only is this cabal a potent force in U.S. politics but that that they continue to commit high crimes such as election fraud or mass murder as well as using assassination to remove their opponents and those who try to publicise their existence.

Fifty Years of the Deep State

Instead, the need to cover up past crimes has motivated them to commit more crimes in a never ending cycle that continues to this present day. I have tracked this criminal network through time, and I have learned that this cabal has been the most significant political force in the United States for the last 50 years. Yet most people don’t have any idea that it exists.

My research project has grown to be a major interest in my life. I have a total of 180 books on the topics of the JFK assassination and the ensuing actions of the criminal cabal that seized control of our government. 70 of these books I have read cover to cover, and the rest I have either read a particular section or skimmed. I have dozens and dozens of books on my “to read” list, as I am continually researching different strands of government criminality. In addition to reading books, I have spent countless hours doing research on the internet.

I now have a profound understanding of the dark forces that control how politics in our country really work. 50 years ago a network of criminals took control of our government, and they have not let go until the present day. I cannot passively accept living in a country where the democracy has been overthrown, yet I cannot help but feel helpless against powerful forces that have been systematically killing their opposition for decades.

[…] (click to read more)

Premature deaths associated with the Coup of ‘63 and the JFK assassination numbered certainly 50 and more likely more than 100 people_’. During George H. W. Bush’s tenure their Enterprise rubbed out 400 of their own operatives, including 21 before they were to testify during the Carter administration)’s congressional hearings and CIA purges.

Scenarios for the Future
by Rockefeller Foundation dated May 2010

LOCK STEP: A world of tighter top-down government control and more authoritarian leadership, with limited innovation and growing citizen pushback […]

the pandemic that the world had been anticipating for years finally hit. Unlike 2009’s H1N1, this new influenza strain — originating from wild geese — was extremely virulent and deadly. Even the most pandemic-prepared nations were quickly overwhelmed when the virus streaked around the world, infecting nearly 20 percent of the global population and killing 8 million in just seven months, the majority of them healthy young adults. The pandemic also had a deadly effect on economies: international mobility of both people and goods screeched to a halt, debilitating industries like tourism and breaking global supply chains. […] However, a few countries did fare better […] The Chinese government’s quick imposition and enforcement of mandatory quarantine for all citizens, as well as its instant and near-hermetic sealing off of all borders, saved millions of lives, stopping the spread of the virus far earlier than in other countries […] During the pandemic, national leaders around the world flexed their authority and imposed airtight rules and restrictions, from the mandatory wearing of face masks to body-temperature checks at the entries to communal spaces like train stations and supermarkets. Even after the pandemic faded, this more authoritarian control and oversight of citizens and their activities stuck and even intensified. In order to protect themselves from the spread of increasingly global problems — from pandemics and transnational terrorism to environmental crises and rising poverty — leaders around the world took a firmer grip on power.At first, the notion of a more controlled world gained wide acceptance and approval. Citizens willingly gave up some of their sovereignty — and their privacy — to more paternalistic states in exchange for greater safety and stability. Citizens were more tolerant, and even eager, for top-down direction and oversight […]



By 2025, people seemed to be growing weary of so much top-down control and letting leaders and authorities make choices for them. Wherever national interests clashed with individual interests, there was conflict. Sporadic pushback became increasingly organized and coordinated, as disaffected youth and people who had seen their status and opportunities slip away — largely in developing countries — incited civil unrest […] Even those who liked the greater stability and predictability of this world began to grow uncomfortable and constrained by so many tight rules and by the strictness of national boundaries. The feeling lingered that sooner or later, something would inevitably upset the neat order that the world’s governments had worked so hard to establish.


HACK ATTACK: An economically unstable and shock-prone world in which governments weaken, criminals thrive, and dangerous innovations emerge

Devastating shocks like September 11, the Southeast Asian tsunami of 2004, and the 2010 Haiti earthquake had certainly primed the world for sudden disasters. But no one was prepared for a world in which large-scale catastrophes would occur with such breathtaking frequency […] Not surprisingly, this opening series of deadly asynchronous catastrophes (there were more) put enormous pressure on an already overstressed global economy that had entered the decade still in recession. Massive humanitarian relief efforts […] more and more nation-states lost control of their public finances, along with the capacity to help their citizens and retain stability and order. Resource scarcities and trade disputes, together with severe economic and climate stresses, pushed many alliances and partnerships to the breaking point; they also sparked proxy wars and low-level conflict in resource-rich parts of the developing world. Nations raised trade barriers […] in the face of global food and resource shortages — to reduce exports of agricultural produce and other commodities […] the global coordination and interconnectedness that had marked the post-Berlin Wall world was tenuous at best.

With government power weakened, order rapidly disintegrating, and safety nets evaporating, violence and crime grew more rampant. Countries with ethnic, religious, or class divisions saw especially sharp spikes in hostility […] overtaxed militaries and police forces could do little to stop growing communities of criminals and terrorists from gaining power. Technology-enabled gangs and networked criminal enterprises exploited both the weakness of states and the desperation of individuals […] Technology hackers were also hard at work. Internet scams and pyramid schemes plagued inboxes. Meanwhile, more sophisticated hackers attempted to take down corporations, government systems, and banks via phishing scams and database information heists, and their many successes generated billions of dollars in losses. Desperate to protect themselves and their intellectual property, the few multinationals still thriving enacted strong, increasingly complex defensive measures […] The positive effects of the mobile and internet revolutions were tempered by their increasing fragility as scamming and viruses proliferated, preventing these networks from achieving the reliability required to become the backbone of developing economies — or a source of trustworthy information for anybody. […] In 2025, it was de rigueur to build not a house but a high-walled fortress, guarded by armed personnel […] With opportunity frozen and global mobility at a near standstill — no place wanted more people, especially more poor people […] the collapse of state capacity led to a resurgence of feudalism. In other areas, people managed to create more resilient communities […] By 2030, the distinction between “developed” and “developing” nations no longer seemed particularly descriptive or relevant.

Parts 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8.

FDR was fully aware of the attack and had lured the Japanese in, ostensibly in order to create a provocation and political justification to overcome American isolationlism and disinterest in pursuing an offensive stance in the WW2.

Related links:

Click here to read Part 2 of this document.

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shelby3 commented Mar 8, 2022


My eyes glazed over.

Significant updates to this Gist document hence detailing the truth about the maelstrom our overlords have unleashed on us.

OTOH, if BTC does ever get back down to 20K (which Gareth Sulloway has called for, several times), I might take a small nibble, just to have one toe in it.

You will probably get the opportunity to buy in the low $20000s or maybe as low as $18k this May or June if I am correct in my prognostication. But make sure you sell $100k and get out in 2023.

Thanks for all your interesting comments on YT, about philippines. Saved. Alan

In my small private Telegram group we have discussed where to live in more detail. If you email me I can give you an invite link to join. The Telegram app installs on your phone and/or computer.

See also what I wrote about SE Asia in the section’s 2025 Forecast for 50 – 75% Depopulation of NATO Countries of this Gist document. My opinion has shifted slightly although I doubt I will be going back to Asia until after WW3 completes middle to third quarter of this decade. You may also want to search this Gist for Gonzalo Lira’s warning to leave all Western countries immediately.

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