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Sherry Ummen sherry-ummen

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<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
<bpmn:definitions xmlns:bpmn="" xmlns:bpmndi="" xmlns:dc="" xmlns:xsi="" xmlns:di="" xmlns:camunda="" xmlns:zeebe="" xmlns:modeler="" id="Definitions_0fvm0fn" targetNamespace="" exporter="Camunda Modeler" exporterVersion="4.8.1" modeler:executionPlatform="Camunda Platform" modeler:executionPlatformVersion="7.15.0">
<bpmn:process id="Process_v1" name="Process_v1" isExecutable="true" camunda:versionTag="v1.1">
<bpmn:sequenceFlow id="Flow_0qy1fsn" sourceRef="StartEvent" targetRef="Activity_0g8pgyr" />
<bpmn:endEvent id="Event_0oyurq3" name="End&#10;&#10;">
This might be a very opinionated blog post, because the subject itself is very opinionated. But I feel this is why leaders fail, because they do not possess the below traits.
- Temperament
Categorization of Temperament based on colors. A very Nice article about it in Michigan State University Extension .
But let me summarize it. Human temperament according to this theory is categorized into 4 colors Blue, Green, Orange and Gold
- **Blue**
sherry-ummen / PY0101EN-5-2-Numpy2D.ipynb
Created February 7, 2019 07:52
Created on Cognitive Class Labs
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sherry-ummen / PY0101EN-5-1-Numpy1D.ipynb
Created February 7, 2019 06:53
Created on Cognitive Class Labs
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sherry-ummen / PY0101EN-4-2-WriteFile.ipynb
Created February 6, 2019 19:40
Created on Cognitive Class Labs
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sherry-ummen / PY0101EN-4-1-ReadFile.ipynb
Created February 6, 2019 19:26
Created on Cognitive Class Labs
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sherry-ummen / PY0101EN-3-1-Conditions.ipynb
Created February 6, 2019 17:21
Created on Cognitive Class Labs
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sherry-ummen / PY0101EN-2-4-Dictionaries.ipynb
Created February 6, 2019 17:05
Created on Cognitive Class Labs
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sherry-ummen / PY0101EN-2-3-Sets.ipynb
Created February 6, 2019 10:06
Created on Cognitive Class Labs
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