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Last active September 29, 2021 09:11
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Convert depth map to point cloud in Mujoco 1.50
import numpy as np
def depth2pcd(depth):
def remap(x, in_range_l, in_range_r, out_range_l, out_range_r):
return (x - in_range_l) / (in_range_r - in_range_l) * (out_range_r - out_range_l) + out_range_l
# depth = remap(depth, depth.min(), depth.max(), 0, 1)
# print(depth)
scalingFactor = 1
fovy = 60
aspect = depth.shape[1] / depth.shape[0]
# fovx = 2 * math.atan(math.tan(fovy * 0.5 * math.pi / 360) * aspect)
width = depth.shape[1]
height = depth.shape[0]
fovx = 2 * math.atan(width * 0.5 / (height * 0.5 / math.tan(fovy * math.pi / 360 / 2))) / math.pi * 360
fx = width / 2 / (math.tan(fovx * math.pi / 360 / 2))
fy = height / 2 / (math.tan(fovy * math.pi / 360 / 2))
points = []
for v in range(0, height, 10):
for u in range(0, width, 10):
Z = depth[v][u] / scalingFactor
if Z == 0:
X = (u - width / 2) * Z / fx
Y = (v - height / 2) * Z / fy
points.append([X, Y, Z])
return np.array(points)
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Thanks for this function. It's really helpful. But I think Line 16 should have "fx = width / 2 / (math.tan(fovx * math.pi / 360 ))" and so should be Line 17. Please confirm.

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Mayi ask what need to be the input (depth) shape ? and How to make depth from rgba or rgb image?

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