- Generate the file:
$ awk 'BEGIN { for(c=0;c<10000000;c++) printf "<p>LOL</p>" }' > 100M.html
$ (for I in `seq 1 100`; do cat 100M.html; done) | pv | gzip -9 > 10G.boomgz
- Check it is indeed good:
$ zcat 10G.boomgz | pv | wc
0 1 10000000000
Put the field in the wwwroot
Hook it up to nginx
server {
# Hi there, looking for some trouble?
if ($http_user_agent ~* jndi) {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /10G.boomgz;
if ($http_referer ~* jndi) {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /10G.boomgz;
if ($request ~* jndi) {
rewrite ^(.*)$ /10G.boomgz;
location ~* \.boomgz$ {
add_header Expires "Sat, 1 Jan 2000 00:00:00 GMT"; # No caching.
add_header Content-Encoding gzip; # Yup, that's a GZIP bomb. I mean, GZIP *stream*, take it.
add_header Content-Type text/html; # Have a nice browser? Let it render stuff.
limit_rate 100k; # But wait, wait! The good part is coming any minute now.
- Test it works
# Estimate: on-the-wire transfer
$ curl -s -L hostname -A "\${jndi:lolwat}" | pv > /dev/null
# Estimate: unpacked contents seen from client
$ curl -s --compressed -L hostname -A "\${jndi:lolwat}" | pv > /dev/null
For "testing":
curl -s --compressed -L example.org -A "\${jndi:lolwat}" | pv > /dev/null
(Taken from @shipilev's Twitter post.)