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Created April 28, 2014 22:03
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Equivalent Perl+Shell and Ruby One-Liners (For learning Ruby)
C=50 perl -plE 's/^[^\[]+//;$_=substr($_,0, $ENV{C});' < fc-solve-pseudo-dfs.log.txt | uniq -c | perl -plE 's/\d\K /\t\t/'
C=50 ruby -lne 'BEGIN{$C=0}; sub(/^[^\[]+/,""); $_= $_[0,ENV["C"].to_i]; $P ||= ""; f = lambda { printf("%10d\t\t%s\n", $C, $P) if$C>0; $P=$_;$C=1; }; if ($P != $_) then ;else $C += 1 end ; END{}' < fc-solve-pseudo-dfs.log.txt
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