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Created December 16, 2021 13:16
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// SPDX-License-Identifier: MIT
pragma solidity 0.6.11;
import "./TokenAdapter.sol";
import "./PriceFormula.sol";
import "./../Interfaces/IPriceFeed.sol";
import "./../Dependencies/IERC20.sol";
import "./../Dependencies/SafeMath.sol";
import "./../Dependencies/Ownable.sol";
import "./../Dependencies/AggregatorV3Interface.sol";
interface ICToken {
function redeem(uint redeemTokens) external returns (uint);
function balanceOf(address a) external view returns (uint);
function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint amount, address collateral) external returns (uint);
function underlying() external view returns(IERC20);
contract BAMM is TokenAdapter, PriceFormula, Ownable {
using SafeMath for uint256;
IERC20 public immutable LUSD;
uint public immutable lusdDecimals;
IERC20[] public collaterals; // IMPORTANT - collateral != LUSD
mapping(address => AggregatorV3Interface) public priceAggregators;
mapping(address => uint) public collateralDecimals;
mapping(address => bool) public cTokens;
ICToken public immutable cBorrow;
address payable public immutable feePool;
uint public constant MAX_FEE = 100; // 1%
uint public constant MAX_CALLER_FEE = 100; // 1%
uint public fee = 0; // fee in bps
uint public callerFee = 0; // fee in bps
uint public A = 20;
uint public constant MIN_A = 20;
uint public constant MAX_A = 200;
uint public immutable maxDiscount; // max discount in bips
uint constant public PRECISION = 1e18;
event ParamsSet(uint A, uint fee, uint callerFee);
event UserDeposit(address indexed user, uint lusdAmount, uint numShares);
event UserWithdraw(address indexed user, uint lusdAmount, uint numShares);
event RebalanceSwap(address indexed user, uint lusdAmount, IERC20 token, uint tokenAmount, uint timestamp);
address _LUSD,
address _cBorrow,
uint _maxDiscount,
address payable _feePool)
lusdDecimals = IERC20(_LUSD).decimals();
cBorrow = ICToken(_cBorrow);
feePool = _feePool;
maxDiscount = _maxDiscount;
IERC20(_LUSD).approve(address(_cBorrow), uint(-1));
require(IERC20(_LUSD).decimals() <= 18, "unsupported decimals");
function setParams(uint _A, uint _fee, uint _callerFee) external onlyOwner {
require(_fee <= MAX_FEE, "setParams: fee is too big");
require(_callerFee <= MAX_CALLER_FEE, "setParams: caller fee is too big");
require(_A >= MIN_A, "setParams: A too small");
require(_A <= MAX_A, "setParams: A too big");
fee = _fee;
callerFee = _callerFee;
A = _A;
emit ParamsSet(_A, _fee, _callerFee);
function addCollateral(ICToken ctoken, AggregatorV3Interface feed) external onlyOwner {
IERC20 token = ctoken.underlying();
// validations
require(token != LUSD, "addCollateral: LUSD cannot be collateral");
require(feed != AggregatorV3Interface(0x0), "addCollateral: invalid feed");
require(! cTokens[address(ctoken)], "addCollateral: collateral listed");
require(priceAggregators[address(token)] == AggregatorV3Interface(0x0), "addCollateral: underlying already added");
// add the token
priceAggregators[address(token)] = feed;
collateralDecimals[address(token)] = token.decimals();
cTokens[address(ctoken)] = true;
function removeCollateral(ICToken ctoken) external onlyOwner {
IERC20 token = ctoken.underlying();
for(uint i = 0 ; i < collaterals.length ; i++) {
if(collaterals[i] == token) {
collaterals[i] = collaterals[collaterals.length - 1];
priceAggregators[address(token)] = AggregatorV3Interface(0x0);
cTokens[address(ctoken)] = false;
function fetchPrice(IERC20 token) public view returns(uint) {
AggregatorV3Interface priceAggregator = priceAggregators[address(token)];
if(priceAggregator == AggregatorV3Interface(address(0x0))) return 0;
uint chainlinkDecimals;
uint chainlinkLatestAnswer;
uint chainlinkTimestamp;
// First, try to get current decimal precision:
try priceAggregator.decimals() returns (uint8 decimals) {
// If call to Chainlink succeeds, record the current decimal precision
chainlinkDecimals = decimals;
} catch {
// If call to Chainlink aggregator reverts, return a zero response with success = false
return 0;
// Secondly, try to get latest price data:
try priceAggregator.latestRoundData() returns
uint80 /* roundId */,
int256 answer,
uint256 /* startedAt */,
uint256 timestamp,
uint80 /* answeredInRound */
// If call to Chainlink succeeds, return the response and success = true
chainlinkLatestAnswer = uint(answer);
chainlinkTimestamp = timestamp;
} catch {
// If call to Chainlink aggregator reverts, return a zero response with success = false
return 0;
if(chainlinkTimestamp + 1 hours < now) return 0; // price is down
int chainlinkDecimalFactor = int(chainlinkDecimals + collateralDecimals[address(token)]) - int(lusdDecimals);
if(chainlinkDecimalFactor >= 0) {
return chainlinkLatestAnswer.mul(PRECISION) / (10 ** uint(chainlinkDecimalFactor));
else {
return chainlinkLatestAnswer.mul(PRECISION) * (10 ** uint(-1 * chainlinkDecimalFactor));
function getCollateralValue() public view returns(bool succ, uint value) {
value = 0;
succ = true;
for(uint i = 0 ; i < collaterals.length ; i++) {
IERC20 token = collaterals[i];
uint bal = token.balanceOf(address(this));
if(bal > 0) {
uint price = fetchPrice(token);
if(price == 0) {
succ = false;
value = value.add(bal.mul(price) / PRECISION);
function deposit(uint lusdAmount) external {
// update share
uint lusdValue = LUSD.balanceOf(address(this));
(bool succ, uint colValue) = getCollateralValue();
require(succ, "deposit: chainlink is down");
uint totalValue = lusdValue.add(colValue);
// this is in theory not reachable. if it is, better halt deposits
// the condition is equivalent to: (totalValue = 0) ==> (totalSupply = 0)
require(totalValue > 0 || totalSupply == 0, "deposit: system is rekt");
uint newShare = PRECISION;
if(totalSupply > 0) newShare = totalSupply.mul(lusdAmount) / totalValue;
// deposit
require(LUSD.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), lusdAmount), "deposit: transferFrom failed");
// update LP token
mint(msg.sender, newShare);
emit UserDeposit(msg.sender, lusdAmount, newShare);
function withdraw(uint numShares) external {
uint supplyBefore = totalSupply; // this is to save gas
uint lusdBal = LUSD.balanceOf(address(this));
uint lusdAmount = lusdBal.mul(numShares).div(supplyBefore);
uint[] memory collateralAmounts = new uint[](collaterals.length);
IERC20[] memory collateralTypes = collaterals;
for(uint i = 0 ; i < collateralTypes.length ; i++) {
uint bal = collateralTypes[i].balanceOf(address(this));
collateralAmounts[i] = bal.mul(numShares).div(supplyBefore);
// update LP token
burn(msg.sender, numShares);
// send lusd and collateral leftovers
if(lusdAmount > 0) LUSD.transfer(msg.sender, lusdAmount);
for(uint i = 0 ; i < collateralTypes.length ; i++) {
if(collateralAmounts[i] > 0 ) collateralTypes[i].transfer(msg.sender, collateralAmounts[i]); // re-entry is fine here (?)
emit UserWithdraw(msg.sender, lusdAmount, numShares);
function addBps(uint n, int bps) internal pure returns(uint) {
require(bps <= 10000, "reduceBps: bps exceeds max");
require(bps >= -10000, "reduceBps: bps exceeds min");
return n.mul(uint(10000 + bps)) / 10000;
function getSwapAmount(uint lusdQty, IERC20 token) public view returns(uint tokenAmount) {
uint lusdBalance = LUSD.balanceOf(address(this));
uint tokenBalance = token.balanceOf(address(this));
(bool succ, uint collateralValue) = getCollateralValue();
if(! succ) return 0; // chainlink is down
uint token2usdPrice = fetchPrice(token);
if(token2usdPrice == 0) return 0; // chainlink is down
uint maxReturn = addBps(lusdQty.mul(PRECISION) / token2usdPrice, int(maxDiscount));
uint xQty = lusdQty;
uint xBalance = lusdBalance;
uint yBalance = lusdBalance.add(collateralValue.mul(2));
uint usdReturn = getReturn(xQty, xBalance, yBalance, A);
uint basicTokenReturn = usdReturn.mul(PRECISION) / token2usdPrice;
if(tokenBalance < basicTokenReturn) basicTokenReturn = tokenBalance; // cannot give more than balance
if(maxReturn < basicTokenReturn) basicTokenReturn = maxReturn;
tokenAmount = basicTokenReturn;
// get token in return to LUSD
function swap(uint lusdAmount, IERC20 returnToken, uint minReturn, address payable dest) public returns(uint) {
require(returnToken != LUSD, "swap: unsupported");
uint returnAmount = getSwapAmount(lusdAmount, returnToken);
require(returnAmount >= minReturn, "swap: low return");
require(LUSD.transferFrom(msg.sender, address(this), lusdAmount), "swap: transferFrom failed");
uint feeAmount = addBps(lusdAmount, int(fee)).sub(lusdAmount);
if(feeAmount > 0) require(LUSD.transfer(feePool, feeAmount), "swap: transfer failed");
require(returnToken.transfer(dest, returnAmount), "swap: transfer token failed");
emit RebalanceSwap(msg.sender, lusdAmount, returnToken, returnAmount, now);
return returnAmount;
receive() external payable {}
function canLiquidate(
ICToken cTokenBorrowed,
ICToken cTokenCollateral,
uint repayAmount
if(cTokenBorrowed != cBorrow) return false;
if((! cTokens[address(cTokenCollateral)]) && (cTokenCollateral != cTokenBorrowed)) return false;
return repayAmount <= LUSD.balanceOf(address(this));
// callable by anyone
function liquidateBorrow(address borrower, uint amount, ICToken collateral) external returns (uint) {
require(cTokens[address(collateral)] || collateral == cBorrow, "liquidateBorrow: invalid collateral");
IERC20 colToken = IERC20(collateral.underlying());
uint tokenBalBefore = colToken.balanceOf(address(this));
require(cBorrow.liquidateBorrow(borrower, amount, address(collateral)) == 0, "liquidateBorrow: liquidation failed");
require(collateral.redeem(collateral.balanceOf(address(this))) == 0, "liquidateBorrow: collateral redeem failed");
uint tokenBalAfter = colToken.balanceOf(address(this));
uint deltaToken = tokenBalAfter.sub(tokenBalBefore);
if(collateral == cBorrow) deltaToken = amount;
uint feeAmount = addBps(deltaToken, int(callerFee)).sub(deltaToken);
if(feeAmount > 0 ) colToken.transfer(msg.sender, feeAmount);
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