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Jared Miller shmup

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shmup /
Last active March 15, 2024 03:40
8bitdo pro 2 quick reminder




shmup /
Created August 17, 2023 00:20
chess things for me to think about

A sort of chess primer

Here's a quick primer on some important strategies and common mistakes to avoid in chess:

  1. Control the Center: The four squares at the center of the board are the most powerful positions. Try to control these with your pawns or pieces.

  2. Develop Pieces, Not Pawns: Your pieces have more mobility and power than your pawns. Develop them early, pawns can wait.

  3. Don’t Make Unnecessary Moves: Every move should have a purpose. Don't waste turns moving the same piece multiple times during the opening.

shmup /
Last active July 31, 2023 04:54
The other kind of DCSS exploration

Manualexplore involves controlling your character's movement using the directional keys, one step at a time. This gives you more control and can be safer than autoexplore in certain scenarios. Here are some strategies for safe manualexplore, particularly for delicate characters like spriggans:

  1. Slow and Steady: When you're manually exploring, you can take your time to assess the environment. You can explore slowly, one step at a time, and carefully check each new tile you uncover.

  2. Corner Strategy: Avoid exposing multiple tiles at once, especially around corners. Instead, move diagonally to reveal one tile at a time.

  3. Retreat Path: Always have a clear path for retreat. If you're entering a new room or area, make sure you have a clear and safe route back to a previously explored and cleared area.

  4. Avoid Doors: Opening doors can reveal a large number of tiles at once, potentially exposing your character to multiple enemies. Unless necessary, it might be safer to avoid doors and explo

Smith-Waite Tarot "Cheat Sheet"

I have no idea what I'm doing

Major Arcana

Number Card Things
The Fool New beginnings, spontaneity, free spirit
I The Magician Power, resourcefulness, high energy
shmup / profile.ps1
Created May 19, 2023 14:37
Powershell profile
set-alias -name fennel -value fennel-1.0.0-windows32.exe
set-alias -name love -value $HOME\Games\love\love.exe
set-alias which -value get-command
set-alias g -value git
function gco {
$branches = git branch --sort=-committerdate
$selectedBranch = $branches | fzf --exact
if ($selectedBranch -ne $null -and $selectedBranch -ne "") {
$branchToCheckout = $selectedBranch.Trim("* ").Trim()
shmup /
Created April 14, 2023 01:05
List of Roland MT 80s Error Codes

List of Roland MT 80s Error Codes

E.02 - write-protect mode, flip switch
E.03 - cannot be formatted, try another disk           _____
E.13 - disk removed during formatting                 |==   |
E.14 - damaged sector, use another disk (also E.23)   |  o. |
E.20 - wrong disk type                                |_[_]_|
E.21 - wrong music type
E.22 - disk removed during reading, insert and try again
shmup / cyclecolors.vim
Created March 23, 2023 22:51
cycle through your personal colorschemes
" cyclecolors.vim
" cycle through colorschemes
function! CycleColors(direction)
let colorschemes = split(globpath(expand("~/.vim/colors/"), "*.vim"), "\n")
let colorscheme_names = map(colorschemes, {_,v -> fnamemodify(v, ':t:r')})
let current_color_index = index(colorscheme_names, g:colors_name)
let next_colorscheme = a:direction == '→' ? current_color_index + 1 : current_color_index - 1
let next_colorscheme = (next_colorscheme + len(colorscheme_names)) % len(colorscheme_names)
execute 'colorscheme ' . colorscheme_names[next_colorscheme]
shmup / 1-BLIT.txt
Created September 8, 2022 15:06
basilisk universe
It was like being caught halfway through a flashy film-dissolve. The goggles
broke up the dim street, split and reshuffled it along diagonal lines: a glowing
KEBABS sign was transposed into the typestyle they called Shatter. Safest to
keep the goggles on, Robbo had decided. Even in the flickering electric
half-light before dawn, you never knew what you might see. Just his luck if the
stencil jumped from under his arm and unrolled itself before his eyes as he
scrabbled for it on the pavement.
shmup / twitch
Last active September 4, 2022 19:21 helper script to stream to external player
#!/usr/bin/env bash
# $HOME/bin/twitch
# fuzzy filtering
# streams via mpv and
# twitch chat via irc
# usage: twitch
shmup /
Last active September 5, 2022 16:50
A short primer on how to play Flesh and Blood (WIP)

Flesh and Blood

Flesh and Blood is a competitive CCG where two heroes face off in a fight to the death. Each player starts the game with their hero, weapon, and equipment set in play. The battle is fought through the strategic use of resources, knowing when to defend, and when to go in for the kill.

Start of Game Procedure

  1. Put Young Hero & Weapon(s) face up onto the Arena.
  2. Put any chosen Equipment face down onto their slot(s).