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Schuyler Ankele shoesCodeFor

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.css-selector {
    background: linear-gradient(270deg, #442466, #24665f);
    background-size: 400% 400%;
    -webkit-animation: AnimationName 30s ease infinite;
    -moz-animation: AnimationName 30s ease infinite;
    -o-animation: AnimationName 30s ease infinite;
    animation: AnimationName 30s ease infinite;
@-webkit-keyframes AnimationName {
    0%{background-position:0% 50%}
shoesCodeFor /
Created August 1, 2024 16:51
Nerd Dictation Installer
# Function to handle errors
handle_error() {
echo "An error occurred: $1"
exit 1
# Install vosk using pip3
echo "Installing vosk..."
shoesCodeFor /
Created April 4, 2024 18:31
WTF is a Runbook? Effective guide to runbook radness!

Runbook Radness

What the French toast is a runbook? A good runbook is a comprehensive, clear, and actionable guide that enables IT and operations teams to manage and troubleshoot systems efficiently. It serves as a critical resource for both experienced professionals and those new to a system, ensuring consistent and effective handling of routine tasks, incidents, and procedures. Here are the key characteristics that make a runbook effective:

1. Actionable

A runbook must provide step-by-step instructions that are straightforward and easy to follow. Each step should build towards achieving a specific outcome, with unnecessary details omitted to keep the document concise and focused on the task at hand[1][6][8].

2. Accessible

The runbook should be easily accessible to all relevant team members. This includes being stored in a location that team members are aware of and can easily retrieve when needed. The runbook should support alerts and be searchable, with metadata such as type, creation

shoesCodeFor /
Created March 8, 2024 19:21
Redis pods backup/killer
# Set the namespace variable
# Get the list of pods
pods=$(kubectl get pods -n "${namespace}" -o | grep "redis-cluster")
# Check if we got the pods
if [ -z "$pods" ]; then
shoesCodeFor /
Last active December 12, 2023 23:31
# Define the network service. Replace "Wi-Fi" with your actual network service name, e.g., "Ethernet", if needed.
# Safe DNS list
shoesCodeFor /
Last active November 20, 2021 00:06
Clean up docker - stop containers, remove containers and purge/delete images
function clean_up_docker {
echo "Stopping all running containers"
docker stop $(docker ps -aq)
echo "Removing all containers"
docker rm $(docker ps -aq)
echo "Remove all images"
docker rmi $(docker images -q)
echo "Doesn't that feel better?! Have a lovely day"
shoesCodeFor / simple_firefox_login.rb
Created April 24, 2019 16:21
Simple Firefox/Selenium Login
require "selenium-webdriver"
# Not quite sure where Selenium think the Firefox binary is by default
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :firefox ""
element = driver.find_element(name: 'q')
element.send_keys "Selenium Firefox Ruby Bindings"
shoesCodeFor / simple_login.rb
Last active April 24, 2019 16:14
Basic Chrome/Selenium login with Ruby
require "selenium-webdriver"
driver = Selenium::WebDriver.for :chrome
wait = => 18) "https://someloginsite.web"
sleep 2
element = driver.find_element(:class, "username")
element.send_keys "SOMEUSER@TEST.COM"
pwd = driver.find_element(:class, "password")
pwd.send_keys "MyPasswords"
shoesCodeFor / aggregate_view_categories.sql
Created November 13, 2018 20:09
GoSpotCheck Coding Exercise
-- Step 6
create view category_aggregate (category, total_places, total_chairs) as
from street_cafes group by category;
shoesCodeFor / 1.png
Created August 29, 2018 20:23 — forked from jeffkreeftmeijer/1.png
Delta-E image diff