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Created August 2, 2018 13:12
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Illustrator script : Round Any Corner (for Open Path)

最新のイラレはコーナーウィジェットという便利な機能がありますが、色々な事情でまだ古いバージョンを使っている方には、まだ拙作の角を丸めるスクリプト(角を丸くするplus, Round Any Corner)を使って頂いているらしいのです。



  • スクリプトの最初の FORCE_TREAT_AS_CLOSED_PATHfalse にすると従来の挙動になります。
  • FORCE_TREAT_AS_CLOSED_PATH_ONLY_IF_START_AND_END_POINT_CLOSE_ENOUGHtrue にすると、パスの始点と終点の距離が MIN_DIST 以内の場合のみ、始点と終点を繋いだ角も丸めます。デフォルトは false にしてあるので、始点と終点が離れたオープンパスを処理するとおかしなことになります。


// Round Any Corner (for Open Path)
// rounds selected corners of PathItems.
// Especially for the corners at the intersection point of curves,
// this script may work better than "Round Corners" filter (but slower).
// ## How To Use
// 1. Select the anchor(s) or whole path(s) to round.
// 2. Run this script. Adjust the values in the dialog.
// Then click OK.
// ## Rounding Method
// Basically, the rounding method is compatible with the "Round Corners" filter.
// It is to add two anchors instead of the original anchor, at the points of
// specified line length from each selected corner. So if there're too many
// anchors on original path, this script can not round nicely.
// ## Radius
// Actually, the specified "radius" is not for a radius of arcs which drawn.
// It is for the line length from each selected corner and is for the base
// to compute the length of handles. The reason calling it "radius" is
// for compatibility with the "Round Corners" filter.
// ## Max TextBox
// You can change the max value of the slider by the the "max" textbox.
// Input the value and click "apply".
// Inputed number of digits after decimal point is reflected to the slider value.
// If the max value is "10.00", you can set the value like 8.23 with the slider.
// If it is "10", you can set the value as integer.
// This script does not round the corners which already rounded.
// (for example, select a circle and run this script does nothing)
// ### notice
// In the rounding process, the script merges anchors which nearly
// overlapped (when the distance between anchors is less than 0.05 points).
// This script does not work for some part of compound paths.
// When this occurs, please select part of the compound path or release the compound path and
// select them, then run script again.
// I still have not figured out how to get properties from grouped paths inside a compound path.
// If you prefer the slider interface of the previous version,
// uncomment the lines which marked as "uncomment to use slider-version".
// test env: Adobe Illustrator CC (Win)
// Copyright(c) 2005 Hiroyuki Sato
// This script is distributed under the MIT License.
// See the LICENSE file for details.
// 2018.07.20, modified to ignore locked/hidden objects in a selected group
// 2018.08.01, modified to round open paths
// ...CLOSE_ENOUGH means "distance <= MIN_DIST"
var MIN_DIST = 1.0; // point
function main(){
// setting ----------------------------------------------
// -- rr : rounding radius ( unit : point )
// ------------------------------------------------------
var conf = {
rr : 5,
maxSliderValue : "100",
unit : "pt",
errmsg : ""
var paths = [];
getPathItemsInSelection(1, paths); // extract pathItems which pathpoints length is greater than 1
if(paths.length < 1) return;
var selectedSpec = getSelectedSpec(paths);
var previewed = false;
var clearPreview = function(){
previewed = false;
applySelectedSpec( paths, selectedSpec );
var drawPreview = function(){
if( conf.rr > 0){
roundAnyCorner( paths, conf );
previewed = true;
var getRoundDigit = function( s ){
var n = 0;
if(s.indexOf(".") >= 0){
n = s.replace(/^[^\.]+\./, "").length;
return n;
if( conf.rr > conf.maxSliderValue ) conf.rr = conf.maxSliderValue;
var round_digit = getRoundDigit( conf.maxSliderValue );
// show a dialog
var win = new Window("dialog", "Round Any Corner" );
win.alignChildren = "fill";
win.sliderPanel = win.add("panel", undefined, "radius");
win.sliderPanel.orientation = "column";
win.sliderPanel.alignChildren = "fill";
win.sliderPanel.gp1 = win.sliderPanel.add("group");
/* // uncomment to use slider-version
win.sliderPanel.gp1.radiusSlider = win.sliderPanel.gp1.add("slider", undefined, conf.rr, 0, conf.maxSliderValue);
win.sliderPanel.gp1.radiusSlider.size = [180, 20];
win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox = win.sliderPanel.gp1.add("edittext", undefined, conf.rr);
win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox.justify = "right";
win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox.characters = 8;
/* // uncomment to use slider-version
win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox.characters = 5;
win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox.helpTip = "hit TAB to set the input value temporarily";
/* // uncomment to use slider-version
win.sliderPanel.gp2 = win.sliderPanel.add("group");
win.sliderPanel.gp2.alignment = "right";
win.sliderPanel.gp2.maxValueCaptionText = win.sliderPanel.gp2.add("statictext", undefined, "max");
win.sliderPanel.gp2.maxValueTextBox = win.sliderPanel.gp2.add("edittext", undefined, conf.maxSliderValue);
win.sliderPanel.gp2.maxValueTextBox.characters = 6;
win.sliderPanel.gp2.maxValueTextBox.justify = "right";
win.sliderPanel.gp2.applyMaxValueButton = win.sliderPanel.gp2.add("button", undefined, "apply");
win.sliderPanel.gp2.applyMaxValueButton.size = [60, 24];
win.unitRadioPanel = win.add("panel", undefined, "unit" );
win.unitRadioPanel.orientation = "row";
win.sliderPanel.alignChildren = "fill";
win.unitRadioPanel.ptRb = win.unitRadioPanel.add("radiobutton", undefined, "pt/px");
win.unitRadioPanel.mmRb = win.unitRadioPanel.add("radiobutton", undefined, "mm");
win.unitRadioPanel.inchRb = win.unitRadioPanel.add("radiobutton", undefined, "inch");
win.chkGroup = win.add("group");
win.chkGroup.alignment = "center";
win.chkGroup.previewChk = win.chkGroup.add("checkbox", undefined, "preview");
win.btnGroup = win.add("group", undefined );
win.btnGroup.alignment = "center";
win.btnGroup.okBtn = win.btnGroup.add("button", undefined, "OK");
win.btnGroup.cancelBtn = win.btnGroup.add("button", undefined, "Cancel");
if( conf.unit == "mm" ){
win.unitRadioPanel.mmRb.value = true;
} else if( conf.unit == "inch"){
win.unitRadioPanel.inchRb.value = true;
} else {
win.unitRadioPanel.ptRb.value = true;
conf.unit = "pt";
var getValues = function(){
conf.rr = win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox.text;
conf.rr = convertUnit(win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox.text, "mm", "pt");
} else if(win.unitRadioPanel.inchRb.value){
conf.rr = convertUnit(win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox.text, "inch", "pt");
var processPreview = function( is_preview ){
if( ! is_preview || win.chkGroup.previewChk.value){
win.enabled = false;
if( is_preview ) redraw();
} catch(e){
} finally{
win.enabled = true;
/* // uncomment to use slider-version
win.sliderPanel.gp2.applyMaxValueButton.onClick = function(){
win.enabled = false;
var mv = win.sliderPanel.gp2.maxValueTextBox.text.replace(/[^0-9\.]/g ,"");
if( mv == "" || isNaN(mv) ){
alert("please input a number for the max value");
mv = maxvalue;
} else {
round_digit = getRoundDigit( mv );
if(value > mv) value = mv;
var v = value;
maxvalue = mv;
value = v;
txtBox.text = radiusSlider.value.toFixed( round_digit );
processPreview( true );
} catch(e){
} finally{
win.enabled = true;
win.unitRadioPanel.ptRb.onClick = function(){
processPreview( true );
win.unitRadioPanel.mmRb.onClick = function(){
processPreview( true );
win.unitRadioPanel.inchRb.onClick = function(){
processPreview( true );
win.chkGroup.previewChk.onClick = function(){
if( win.chkGroup.previewChk.value ){
processPreview( true );
} else {
win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox.onChange = function(){
var v = parseFloat(this.text);
v = conf.rr;
} else if(v < 0){
v = 0;
/* // uncomment to use slider-version
} else if(v > win.sliderPanel.gp1.radiusSlider.maxvalue){
v = win.sliderPanel.gp1.radiusSlider.maxvalue;
this.text = v;
/* // uncomment to use slider-version
win.sliderPanel.gp1.radiusSlider.value = v;
processPreview( true );
/* // uncomment to use slider-version
win.sliderPanel.gp1.radiusSlider.onChanging = function(){
win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox.text = this.value.toFixed( round_digit );
win.sliderPanel.gp1.radiusSlider.onChange = function(){
win.sliderPanel.gp1.txtBox.text = this.value.toFixed( round_digit );
processPreview( true );
win.btnGroup.okBtn.onClick = function(){
processPreview( false );
win.btnGroup.cancelBtn.onClick = function(){
win.enabled = false;
} catch(e){
} finally{
win.enabled = true;
// error messasges aren't implemented for now
if( conf.errmsg != "") alert( conf.errmsg );
function convertUnit(n, fromUnit, toUnit){
if( fromUnit == "pt" ){
if( toUnit == "mm"){
n *= 0.352777778;
} else if( toUnit == "inch"){
n /= 72;
} else if( fromUnit == "mm"){
if( toUnit == "pt"){
n *= 2.83464567;
} else if( toUnit == "inch"){
n /= 25.4;
} else if( unit == "inch"){
if( toUnit == "pt"){
n *= 72;
} else if( toUnit == "mm"){
n *= 25.4;
return n;
function roundAnyCorner( s, conf ){
var rr = conf.rr;
// var tim = new Date();
var p, op, pnts;
var op_tmp;
var skipList, adjRdirAtEnd, redrawFlg;
var i, nxi, pvi, q, d,ds, r, g, t, qb;
var anc1, ldir1, rdir1, anc2, ldir2, rdir2;
var hanLen = 4 * (Math.sqrt(2) - 1) / 3;
var ptyp = PointType.SMOOTH;
for(var j = 0; j < s.length; j++){
p = s[j].pathPoints;
op_tmp = closeThePathIfItNeeds(s[j]);
if(readjustAnchors(p) < 2) continue; // reduce anchors
op = !s[j].closed;
pnts = op ? [getDat(p[0])] : [];
redrawFlg = false;
adjRdirAtEnd = 0;
skipList = [(op || !isSelected(p[0]) || ! isCorner(p, 0))];
for(i = 1; i < p.length; i++){
skipList.push((! isSelected(p[i])
|| ! isCorner(p,i)
|| (op && i == p.length - 1)));
for(i = 0; i < p.length; i++){
nxi = parseIdx(p, i + 1);
if(nxi < 0) break;
pvi = parseIdx(p, i - 1);
q = [p[i].anchor, p[i].rightDirection,
p[nxi].leftDirection, p[nxi].anchor];
ds = dist(q[0], q[3]) / 2;
if(arrEq(q[0], q[1]) && arrEq(q[2], q[3])){ // straight side
r = Math.min(ds, rr);
g = getRad(q[0], q[3]);
anc1 = getPnt(q[0], g, r);
ldir1 = getPnt(anc1, g + Math.PI, r * hanLen);
pnts.push([anc1, anc1, ldir1, ptyp]);
redrawFlg = true;
} else {
if(r<rr){ // when the length of the side is less than rr * 2
getPnt(anc1, getRad(ldir1, anc1), r * hanLen),
} else {
if(!skipList[i]) pnts.push([anc1, anc1, ldir1, ptyp]);
anc2 = getPnt(q[3], g+Math.PI, r);
getPnt(anc2, g, r * hanLen),
redrawFlg = true;
} else { // not straight side
d = getT4Len(q, 0) / 2;
r = Math.min(d,rr);
t = getT4Len(q, r);
anc1 = bezier(q, t);
rdir1 = defHan(t, q, 1);
ldir1 = getPnt(anc1, getRad(rdir1, anc1), r * hanLen);
} else {
pnts.push([anc1, rdir1, ldir1, ptyp]);
with(p[nxi]) pnts.push([anchor,
adjHan(anchor, leftDirection, 1 - t),
redrawFlg = true;
} else { // skipList[nxi] = false
if(r < rr){ // the length of the side is less than rr * 2
if(!op && i == 0){
adjRdirAtEnd = t;
} else {
pnts[pnts.length-1][1] = adjHan(q[0], q[1], t);
getPnt(anc1, getRad(ldir1, anc1), r * hanLen),
defHan(t, q, 0),
} else {
getPnt(anc1, getRad(ldir1, anc1), r * hanLen),
} else { // round the corner with the radius rr
t = getT4Len(q, -r);
anc2 = bezier(q, t);
if(!op && i==0) {
adjRdirAtEnd = t;
} else {
pnts[pnts.length - 1][1] = adjHan(q[0], q[1], t);
ldir2 = defHan(t, q, 0);
rdir2 = getPnt(anc2, getRad(ldir2, anc2), r * hanLen);
pnts.push([anc2, rdir2, ldir2 , ptyp]);
} else {
qb = [anc1, rdir1, adjHan(q[3], q[2], 1 - t), q[3]];
t = getT4Len(qb, -r);
anc2 = bezier(qb, t);
ldir2 = defHan(t,qb,0);
rdir2 = getPnt(anc2, getRad(ldir2, anc2), r*hanLen);
rdir1 = adjHan(anc1, rdir1, t);
pnts.push([anc1, rdir1, ldir1, ptyp],
[anc2, rdir2, ldir2, ptyp]);
redrawFlg = true;
if(adjRdirAtEnd > 0){
pnts[pnts.length - 1][1] = adjHan(p[0].anchor, p[0].rightDirection, adjRdirAtEnd);
// redraw
for(i = p.length-1; i > 0; i--) p[i].remove();
for(i = 0; i < pnts.length; i++){
pt = i > 0 ? p.add() : p[0];
anchor = pnts[i][0];
rightDirection = pnts[i][1];
leftDirection = pnts[i][2];
pointType = pnts[i][3];
restoreOpenPath(s[j], op_tmp);
activeDocument.selection = s;
// alert(new Date() - tim);
// ------------------------------------------------
function closeThePathIfItNeeds(p){
var op_tmp = !(p.closed);
var pp = p.pathPoints;
&& dist(pp[0].anchor, pp[pp.length -1].anchor) > MIN_DIST){
// does nothing
} else {
p.closed = true;
return op_tmp;
// ------------------------------------------------
function restoreOpenPath(p, op_tmp){
if(FORCE_TREAT_AS_CLOSED_PATH && op_tmp && p.closed){
p.closed = false;
var pp = p.pathPoints;
var ppa = pp.add();
ppa.anchor = pp[0].anchor;
ppa.rightDirection = pp[0].rightDirection;
ppa.leftDirection = pp[0].leftDirection;
// ------------------------------------------------
// return [x,y] of the distance "len" and the angle "rad"(in radian)
// from "pt"=[x,y]
function getPnt(pt, rad, len){
return [pt[0] + Math.cos(rad) * len,
pt[1] + Math.sin(rad) * len];
// ------------------------------------------------
// return the [x, y] coordinate of the handle of the point on the bezier curve
// that corresponds to the parameter "t"
// n=0:leftDir, n=1:rightDir
function defHan(t, q, n){
return [t * (t * (q[n][0] - 2 * q[n+1][0] + q[n+2][0]) + 2 * (q[n+1][0] - q[n][0])) + q[n][0],
t * (t * (q[n][1] - 2 * q[n+1][1] + q[n+2][1]) + 2 * (q[n+1][1] - q[n][1])) + q[n][1]];
// -----------------------------------------------
// return the [x, y] coordinate on the bezier curve
// that corresponds to the paramter "t"
function bezier(q, t) {
var u = 1 - t;
return [u*u*u * q[0][0] + 3*u*t*(u* q[1][0] + t* q[2][0]) + t*t*t * q[3][0],
u*u*u * q[0][1] + 3*u*t*(u* q[1][1] + t* q[2][1]) + t*t*t * q[3][1]];
// ------------------------------------------------
// adjust the length of the handle "dir"
// by the magnification ratio "m",
// returns the modified [x, y] coordinate of the handle
// "anc" is the anchor [x, y]
function adjHan(anc, dir, m){
return [anc[0] + (dir[0] - anc[0]) * m,
anc[1] + (dir[1] - anc[1]) * m];
// ------------------------------------------------
// return true if the pathPoints "p[idx]" is a corner
function isCorner(p, idx){
var pnt0 = getAnglePnt(p, idx, -1);
var pnt1 = getAnglePnt(p, idx, 1);
if(! pnt0 || ! pnt1) return false; // at the end of a open-path
if(pnt0.length < 1 || pnt1.length<1) return false; // anchor is overlapping, so cannot determine the angle
var rad = getRad2(pnt0, p[idx].anchor, pnt1, true);
if(rad > Math.PI - 0.1) return false; // set the angle tolerance here
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------
// "p"=pathPoints, "idx1"=index of pathpoint
// "dir" = -1, returns previous point [x,y] to get the angle of tangent at pathpoints[idx1]
// "dir" = 1, returns next ...
function getAnglePnt(p, idx1, dir){
if(!dir) dir = -1;
var idx2 = parseIdx(p, idx1 + dir);
if(idx2 < 0) return null; // at the end of a open-path
var p2 = p[idx2];
if(arrEq(leftDirection, anchor)){
if(arrEq(p2.anchor, anchor)) return [];
if(arrEq(p2.anchor, p2.rightDirection)
|| arrEq(p2.rightDirection, anchor)) return p2.anchor;
else return p2.rightDirection;
} else {
return leftDirection;
} else {
if(arrEq(anchor, rightDirection)){
if(arrEq(anchor, p2.anchor)) return [];
if(arrEq(p2.anchor, p2.leftDirection)
|| arrEq(anchor, p2.leftDirection)) return p2.anchor;
else return p2.leftDirection;
} else {
return rightDirection;
// --------------------------------------
// if the contents of both arrays are equal, return true (lengthes must be same)
function arrEq(arr1, arr2) {
for(var i = 0; i < arr1.length; i++){
if (arr1[i] != arr2[i]) return false;
return true;
// ------------------------------------------------
// return the distance between p1=[x,y] and p2=[x,y]
function dist(p1, p2) {
return Math.sqrt(Math.pow(p1[0] - p2[0], 2)
+ Math.pow(p1[1] - p2[1], 2));
// ------------------------------------------------
// return the squared distance between p1=[x,y] and p2=[x,y]
function dist2(p1, p2) {
return Math.pow(p1[0] - p2[0],2)
+ Math.pow(p1[1] - p2[1],2);
// --------------------------------------
// return the angle in radian
// of the line drawn from p1=[x,y] from p2
function getRad(p1,p2) {
return Math.atan2(p2[1] - p1[1],
p2[0] - p1[0]);
// --------------------------------------
// return the angle between two line segments
// o-p1 and o-p2 ( 0 - Math.PI)
function getRad2(p1, o, p2){
var v1 = normalize(p1, o);
var v2 = normalize(p2, o);
return Math.acos(v1[0] * v2[0] + v1[1] * v2[1]);
// ------------------------------------------------
function normalize(p, o){
var d = dist(p, o);
return d == 0 ? [0, 0] : [(p[0] - o[0]) / d,
(p[1] - o[1]) / d];
// ------------------------------------------------
// return the bezier curve parameter "t"
// at the point which the length of the bezier curve segment
// (from the point start drawing) is "len"
// when "len" is 0, return the length of whole this segment.
function getT4Len(q, len){
var m = [ q[3][0] - q[0][0] + 3 * (q[1][0] - q[2][0]),
q[0][0] - 2 * q[1][0] + q[2][0],
q[1][0] - q[0][0] ];
var n = [ q[3][1] - q[0][1] + 3 * (q[1][1] - q[2][1]),
q[0][1] - 2 * q[1][1] + q[2][1],
q[1][1] - q[0][1] ];
var k = [ m[0] * m[0] + n[0] * n[0],
4 * (m[0] * m[1] + n[0] * n[1]),
2 * ((m[0] * m[2] + n[0] * n[2]) + 2 * (m[1] * m[1] + n[1] * n[1])),
4 * (m[1] * m[2] + n[1] * n[2]),
m[2] * m[2] + n[2] * n[2] ];
var fullLen = getLength(k, 1);
if(len == 0){
return fullLen;
} else if(len < 0){
len += fullLen;
if(len < 0) return 0;
} else if(len > fullLen){
return 1;
var t, d;
var t0 = 0;
var t1 = 1;
var torelance = 0.001;
for(var h = 1; h < 30; h++){
t = t0 + (t1 - t0) / 2;
d = len - getLength(k, t);
if(Math.abs(d) < torelance) break;
else if(d < 0) t1 = t;
else t0 = t;
return t;
// ------------------------------------------------
// return the length of bezier curve segment
// in range of parameter from 0 to "t"
function getLength(k, t){
var h = t / 128;
var hh = h * 2;
var fc = function(t, k){
return Math.sqrt(t * (t * (t * (t * k[0] + k[1]) + k[2]) + k[3]) + k[4]) || 0 };
var total = (fc(0, k) - fc(t, k)) / 2;
for(var i = h; i < t; i += hh) total += 2 * fc(i, k) + fc(i + h, k);
return total * hh;
// ------------------------------------------------
// extract PathItems from the selection which length of PathPoints
// is greater than "n"
function getPathItemsInSelection(n, paths){
if(documents.length < 1) return;
var s = activeDocument.selection;
if (!(s instanceof Array) || s.length < 1) return;
extractPaths(s, n, paths);
// --------------------------------------
// extract PathItems from "s" (Array of PageItems -- ex. selection),
// and put them into an Array "paths". If "pp_length_limit" is specified,
// this function extracts PathItems which PathPoints length is greater
// than this number.
function extractPaths(s, pp_length_limit, paths){
for(var i = 0; i < s.length; i++){
if(s[i].locked || s[i].hidden){
} else if(s[i].typename == "PathItem"){
&& s[i].pathPoints.length <= pp_length_limit){
} else if(s[i].typename == "GroupItem"){
// search for PathItems in GroupItem, recursively
extractPaths(s[i].pageItems, pp_length_limit, paths);
} else if(s[i].typename == "CompoundPathItem"){
// searches for pathitems in CompoundPathItem, recursively
// ( ### Grouped PathItems in CompoundPathItem are ignored ### )
extractPaths(s[i].pathItems, pp_length_limit , paths);
// --------------------------------------
// merge nearly overlapped anchor points
// return the length of pathpoints after merging
function readjustAnchors(p){
// Settings ==========================
// merge the anchor points when the distance between
// 2 points is within ### square root ### of this value (in point)
var minDist = 0.0025;
// ===================================
if(p.length < 2) return 1;
var i;
for(i = p.length - 1; i >= 1; i--){
if(dist2(p[0].anchor, p[i].anchor) < minDist){
p[0].leftDirection = p[i].leftDirection;
} else {
for(i = p.length - 1; i >= 1; i--){
if(dist2(p[i].anchor, p[i - 1].anchor) < minDist){
p[i - 1].rightDirection = p[i].rightDirection;
return p.length;
// -----------------------------------------------
// return pathpoint's index. when the argument is out of bounds,
// fixes it if the path is closed (ex. next of last index is 0),
// or return -1 if the path is not closed.
function parseIdx(p, n){ // PathPoints, number for index
var len = p.length;
return n >= 0 ? n % len : len - Math.abs(n % len);
} else {
return (n < 0 || n > len - 1) ? -1 : n;
// -----------------------------------------------
function getDat(p){ // pathPoint
with(p) return [anchor, rightDirection, leftDirection, pointType];
// -----------------------------------------------
function isSelected(p){ // PathPoint
return p.selected == PathPointSelection.ANCHORPOINT;
// -----------------------------------------------
function getSelectedSpec( paths ){
var specs = [];
var j, pp, spec;
for( var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++ ){
pp = paths[i].pathPoints;
spec = [];
for( j = 0; j < pp.length; j++ ){
spec.push( pp[j].selected );
specs.push( spec );
return specs;
// -----------------------------------------------
function applySelectedSpec( paths, specs ){
var j, pp;
for( var i = 0; i < paths.length; i++ ){
pp = paths[i].pathPoints;
for( j = 0; j < pp.length; j++ ){
pp[j].selected = specs[i][j];
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