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Created December 31, 2020 09:20
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;; grid specification
(def interval 40)
(def nlines 10)
(transform [1 0 0 1
(* nlines interval -0.5)
(* nlines interval -0.5)]
;; circles as controller
(def cs [
(circle [108 31.7872] 114.1578)
(circle [279 236.7872] 133.0601)
(circle [63 290.7872] 103.0194)
;; expansion rate (-1 <= x <= 1)
(def expan_rate 1)
;;- - - - - - - - - - - -
;; circle's center
(defn cc [c] (vec2/scale (vec2/+ (nth c 2) (nth c 10)) 0.5))
;; circle's radius
(defn cr [c] (/ (vec2/dist (nth c 2) (nth c 10)) 2))
;; magnitude of vector
(defn mag [v] (vec2/dist [0 0] v))
;; closest circle(center) from vector p
;; returns: [distance, vector from center to p, circle instance]
(defn closestCircle [p]
(let [ds (for [c cs]
(let [v (vec2/- p (cc c))]
[(mag v) v c]))]
(reduce #(if (< (first %1) (first %2)) %1 %2) (first ds) ds)
(def range1 (range 0,(* nlines interval), interval))
(def range2 (range 0,(* nlines nlines), nlines))
;; generates points for grid
(def points
(for [x range1, y range1]
(let [o [x y]
circle_spec (closestCircle o)
d (first circle_spec)
v (second circle_spec)
r (cr (nth circle_spec 2))]
(if (< d r)
(vec2/+ o (vec2/scale v
(* expan_rate (pow (fit 0 r 1 0 d) 2))))
(background "#fff")
(transform [1 0 0 1
(* nlines interval -0.5)
(* nlines interval -0.5)]
(style (stroke "black" 2)
(let [ps points]
(for [x range2] (apply polyline (for [y (range nlines)] (nth ps (+ x y)))))
(for [x (range nlines)] (apply polyline (for [y range2] (nth ps (+ x y)))))
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