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sidepelican / main.swift
Created September 18, 2023 09:33
Taskはキャンセルされても明示的にtry Task.checkCancellation()などで抜けない限り最後まで走り抜ける
import Foundation
func mySleep(seconds: Int) async {
await withCheckedContinuation { c in .now() + TimeInterval(seconds)) {
sidepelican / main.swift
Created September 18, 2023 09:08
TaskLocalの引き継ぎはasync letやTask {}では行われる
import Foundation
enum MyValue {
@TaskLocal static var foo: Int = 0
func myFunc(@_inheritActorContext _ op: @Sendable @escaping () async -> ()) async {
await withCheckedContinuation { c in {
Task {
sidepelican / main.swift
Created February 22, 2023 02:18
var greeting = "Hello, playground"
print(greeting, ProcessInfo.processInfo.processorCount)
defer {
for i in 0..<30 {
Task.detached {
print("detached", i)
import Foundation
public struct ThreadLocal<Value> {
private let defaultValue: () -> Value
private let name: String
public init(wrappedValue: @autoclosure @escaping () -> Value) {
self.defaultValue = wrappedValue = UUID().uuidString


$ ffmpeg -ss 0 -i mute30.wav -t 16.45 mute.wav


$ ffmpeg -i in.mp4 -i mute.wav -vf scale=886:1920,setsar=1:1 out.mp4
sidepelican / ContentView.swift
Created January 13, 2022 09:12
import SwiftUI
func longlongAsyncFunction() async {
let id = UUID()
print("\(id): start")
do {
try await withTaskCancellationHandler {
try await Task.sleep(nanoseconds: 1000 * 1000 * 1000 * 10)
print("\(id): end")
} onCancel: {
#if !canImport(ObjectiveC)
import Foundation
import XCTest
// INFO:
//typealias XCTestCaseClosure = (XCTestCase) throws -> Void
//typealias XCTestCaseEntry = (testCaseClass: XCTestCase.Type, allTests: [(String, XCTestCaseClosure)])
func testCase<T: XCTestCase>(_ allTests: [(String, (T) -> () async throws -> Void)]) -> XCTestCaseEntry {
let tests: [(String, XCTestCaseClosure)] = { ($0.0, asyncTest($0.1)) }
return (T.self, tests)
import Combine
struct FlatMapBuilder {
static func buildBlock<C: Publisher>(_ component: C) -> C
static func buildEither<F: Publisher, S: Publisher>(first component: F) -> EitherPublisher<F, S>
sidepelican / sheet2.csv
Last active March 25, 2021 02:58
サーバ日付 id value
2021/03/24 11:03:04 testing4 0
2021/03/24 11:03:04 testing1 0
2021/03/24 11:04:07 testing4 1
2021/03/24 11:04:07 testing1 1
2021/03/24 11:04:08 testing2 1
2021/03/24 11:05:11 testing1 2 私物iPadでスケジュール中。電源に接続されたりされてなかったり、他のアプリを起動してたりしてなかったりする
2021/03/24 11:05:11 testing4 2
2021/03/24 11:05:12 testing2 2
2021/03/24 11:05:13 testing3 2 〜ここでバックグラウンドにした〜
import Foundation
public struct Airport: Codable {
let name: String
let iata: String
let icao: String
let coordinates: [Double]
public struct Runway: Codable {
enum Surface: String, Codable {