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Last active May 23, 2024 00:44
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import Foundation
func brokenTask() async {
await withCheckedContinuation { (c) in
// キャンセルシグナルが握りつぶされていて正しく中断しない処理
Task {
try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(5))
struct TimeoutError: Error {}
class OnceToken {
private var once: Bool = true
private let lock = NSLock()
func run(_ op: () -> Void) {
let ok = lock.withLock {
defer { once = false }
return once
if ok {
struct OnceContinuation<T, E: Error> {
var c: CheckedContinuation<T, E>
let once = OnceToken()
public func resume(returning value: T) { {
c.resume(returning: value)
public func resume(throwing error: E) { {
c.resume(throwing: error)
func runWithTimeout<T>(
timeout: Duration,
_ operation: @escaping @Sendable () async throws -> T
) async throws -> T {
try await withCheckedThrowingContinuation { c in
let c = OnceContinuation(c: c)
let task = Task {
do {
c.resume(returning: try await operation())
} catch {
c.resume(throwing: error)
Task {
try await Task.sleep(for: timeout)
c.resume(throwing: TimeoutError())
try await runWithTimeout(timeout: .milliseconds(500)) {
print("Task begin")
await brokenTask()
// try await Task.sleep(for: .seconds(3))
print("Task end")
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