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<title>Mapbox GL JS debug page</title>
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<meta name="viewport" content="width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=no">
<link rel='stylesheet' href='../dist/mapbox-gl.css' />
body { margin: 0; padding: 0; }
html, body, #map { height: 100%; }
const isPrime = (num) => {
for (let i = 2, s = Math.sqrt(num); i <= s; i++)
if (num % i === 0) return false;
return num > 1;
const func = (A, B) => {
const obj = {};
B.forEach((e) => {
document.addEventListener('click', (e) => {
const color = getColor(e); = color;
const getColor = (event) => {
const {clientX, clientY} = event;
if (clientX % 2 == 0) {
return clientY % 2 == 0 ? "red" : "green";
} else {
function App() {
const [data, setData] = useState({data: []});
const [preparedData, setPreparedData] = useState({preparedData: []});
useEffect(() => {
(async function () {
const data = await fetch();
setPreparedData(data.slice(0, 20));
<div id="div">
function foo(e){
#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <valarray>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
void step( double dx, double &x, valarray<double> &Y );
valarray<double> F( double x, valarray<double> Y );
function calculateDensityInCell() {
for (let i = 0; i < N * (1 / squareSize); i++) {
let tempArr = [];
for (let j = 0; j < N * (1 / squareSize); j++) {
let particlesInCell = particlesArr.filter(particle => {
if (((particle.x > (-N / 2) + j * squareSize) && (particle.x < (-N / 2) + squareSize + j * squareSize)) &&
((particle.y < (N / 2) - i * squareSize) && (particle.y > (N / 2) - squareSize - i * squareSize))) {
return true;
function calculateEnergy() {
for (let i = 0; i < zmienne[1].length; i++) {
let sum = 0;
let kineticEnergy = 0;
let potentialEnergy = 0;
for (let x = 0; x < zmienne[1][i].length / 4; x++) {
kineticEnergy += (1 / 2) * (Math.pow(zmienne[1][i][x * 4 + 2], 2) + Math.pow(zmienne[1][i][x * 4 + 1 + 2], 2));
potentialEnergy += (1 / 2) * (Math.pow(zmienne[1][i][x * 4], 2) + Math.pow(zmienne[1][i][x * 4 + 1], 2));
let t0 =;
let N = 3000; //iteracje
let TAU = 0.01; //TAU
let particles = 10;
let damping = 0.5;
function RK4(tau, n) {
let t0 = 0.0;