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#include <iostream>
#include <iomanip>
#include <valarray>
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;
// Function prototypes
void step( double dx, double &x, valarray<double> &Y );
valarray<double> F( double x, valarray<double> Y );
int main(){
int nstep;
double x, dx;
// Set number of variables
int ndep = 4;
valarray<double> Y(ndep);
// Set initial values
x = 0;
Y[0] = 1.0;
Y[1] = 1.0;
Y[2] = 0.1;
Y[3] = 0;
// Set step size and number of steps
dx = 0.01;
nstep = 1000;
// Write header and initial conditions
#define SP << setw( 12 ) << fixed << setprecision( 4 ) << // save some repetition when writing
cout << 'x' SP 'u' SP 'v' << endl;
cout << x SP Y[0] SP Y[1] SP Y[2] SP Y[3]<< endl;
// Solve the differential equation using nstep intervals
ofstream myfile; ("data.js");
myfile << "let data = [\n";
for ( int n = 1; n <= nstep; n++ ) {
step( dx, x, Y ); // main Runge-Kutta step
cout << x SP Y[0] SP Y[1] SP Y[2] SP Y[3]<< endl; // output
myfile << "{\"x\": \"" << Y[0] << "\",\n\"y\": \"" << Y[1] << "\",\n\"vx\": \"" << Y[2] << "\",\n\"vy\": \"" << Y[3] << "\"\n},";
void step( double dx, double &x, valarray<double> &Y )
int ndep = Y.size();
valarray<double> dY1(ndep), dY2(ndep), dY3(ndep), dY4(ndep);
dY1 = F( x , Y ) * dx;
dY2 = F( x + 0.5 * dx, Y + 0.5 * dY1 ) * dx;
dY3 = F( x + 0.5 * dx, Y + 0.5 * dY2 ) * dx;
dY4 = F( x + dx, Y + dY3 ) * dx;
Y += ( dY1 + 2.0 * dY2 + 2.0 * dY3 + dY4 ) / 6.0;
x += dx;
valarray<double> F( double x, valarray<double> Y ){
valarray<double> f( Y.size() );
f[0] = Y[2];
f[1] = Y[3];
f[2] = -Y[0];
f[3] = -Y[1];
return f;
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