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Last active March 21, 2020 21:16
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WARNING: Scan stop failed
WARNING: set rssi scan not implemeted yet
____ _
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2v04 (c) 2019 G.Williams
Espruino is Open Source. Our work is supported
only by sales of official boards and donations:
>ERROR: Wifi: event_handler STA_START: esp_wifi_connect: 12298(SSID is invalid)
>E (6775) event: post event to user fail!
E (9619) event: post event to user fail!
WARNING: Wifi:startMDNS - espressif
loading wifi
ERROR: Connect failed (err 113)
Uncaught InternalError: Unable to create socket
at line 17 col 8
in function called from system
"station": "connected",
"ssid": "Sienki 2.4 GHz",
"bssid": "b0:be:76:0a:09:e1",
"channel": 5, "rssi": -35,
"htMode": "HT20",
"authMode": "wpa2",
"mode": "APSTA",
"powersave": "modem"
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