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Created April 7, 2013 17:07
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import scala.collection.mutable
case class Step(row:Int, column:Int, char:Char)
object Labyrinth {
private val n = 50 // 行
private val m = 50 // 列
private val labString =
private val labArray = labString.split("\n").map(s => s.toArray)
private val start = Step(0 ,1, 'S');
* 各地点の最小距離を格納したMap、この距離が設定されている場所はもう探索しない
private val minDistanceMap : mutable.Map[Step, Option[Int]] = mutable.Map()
def main(args: Array[String]) {
// 初回探索と次回探索の候補のキュー作成
val queue :mutable.Queue[Step] = mutable.Queue()
val nextQueue :mutable.Queue[Step] = mutable.Queue()
// スタート位置の設定
var distance = 0
queue += start
minDistanceMap.put(start, Some(distance));
distance += 1
* 取得した候補を次のキューに追加しつゴールに達した場合はtrueを返す
* @param next
* @return ゴールに達したかどうか
def addToNextQueue(next:Option[Step]) = {
next match {
case Some(Step(_, _, 'G')) =>
case Some(Step(_, _, _)) =>
nextQueue += next.get
case None => false
// キューにある候補を上下左右に巡回
while (!queue.isEmpty){
val from = queue.dequeue()
val isGoal =
addToNextQueue(up(from, distance)) ||
addToNextQueue(down(from, distance)) ||
addToNextQueue(left(from, distance)) ||
addToNextQueue(right(from, distance))
if(isGoal) {
println("GOAL! distance:" + distance)
if(queue.isEmpty && !isGoal) {
// 今の候補を探索し終えたら、距離を増やして次候補と入れ替える
distance = distance + 1
println("distance: " + distance)
queue ++= nextQueue
def getNextAndUpdateMap(next:Step, distance:Int):Option[Step] = {
minDistanceMap.get(next) match {
case None =>
if (next.char == '.' || next.char == 'G') {
minDistanceMap.put(next, Some(distance))
return Some(next)
} else return None
case _ => return None
def up(from :Step, distance:Int):Option[Step] = {
if(from.row <= 0) return None;
val ch = labArray(from.row - 1)(from.column)
val next = Step(from.row - 1, from.column, ch)
return getNextAndUpdateMap(next, distance)
def down(from :Step, distance:Int):Option[Step] = {
if(from.row >= n - 1) return None;
val ch = labArray(from.row + 1)(from.column)
val next = Step(from.row + 1, from.column, ch)
return getNextAndUpdateMap(next, distance)
def left(from :Step, distance:Int):Option[Step] = {
if(from.column <= 0) return None;
val ch = labArray(from.row)(from.column - 1)
val next = Step(from.row, from.column - 1, ch)
return getNextAndUpdateMap(next, distance)
def right(from :Step, distance:Int):Option[Step] = {
if(from.column >= m - 1) return None;
val ch = labArray(from.row)(from.column + 1)
val next = Step(from.row, from.column + 1, ch)
return getNextAndUpdateMap(next, distance)
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