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Created August 29, 2021 08:38
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Rust version of "Containers From Scratch" by Liz Rice,
use std::env;
use nix::sched;
use nix::sched::CloneFlags;
use nix::sys::signal::Signal;
use nix::sys::wait::waitpid;
use nix::unistd;
use cgroups_rs as cgroup;
use cgroups_rs::{Cgroup};
use cgroups_rs::cgroup_builder::{CgroupBuilder};
fn run(args: &[String]) {
println!("Running run {:?} as {}", args, unistd::getpid());
let clone_flags = CloneFlags::CLONE_NEWUTS | CloneFlags::CLONE_NEWPID | CloneFlags::CLONE_NEWNS;
const STACK_SIZE: usize = 1024 * 1024;
let stack: &mut [u8; STACK_SIZE] = &mut [0; STACK_SIZE];
let proc = sched::clone(
Box::new(|| {
return 0;
Some(Signal::SIGCHLD as i32),
.expect("Failed to create container process");
waitpid(proc, None).unwrap();
println!("Finishes run ...");
fn attach_to_cgroup() {
let hierarchy = cgroup::hierarchies::auto();
let cg: Cgroup = CgroupBuilder::new("example")
// add current task to this cgroup
cg.add_task(cgroup::CgroupPid::from(unistd::getpid().as_raw() as u64)).unwrap();
fn child(args: &[String]) {
println!("Running child {:?} as {}", args, unistd::getpid());
let unshare_flags = CloneFlags::CLONE_NEWNS;
let exitcode = std::process::Command::new(args[0].as_str())
.expect("Failed to execute container command")
match exitcode.code() {
Some(code) => {
if code != 0 {
panic!("Exit with code {}", code);
None => ()
println!("Finishes child ...");
fn main() {
let args: Vec<String> = env::args().collect();
if args.len() < 2 {
panic!("Require command to run")
match args[1].as_str() {
"run" => run(args.get(2..).unwrap_or_default()),
"child" => child(args.get(2..).unwrap_or_default()),
cmd => {
panic!("Unsupported command: {}", cmd)
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Depends on

cgroups-rs = "0.2.6"
nix = "0.22.1"

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The original Go version can be found at

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