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Last active September 30, 2016 12:49
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Signal-slot mechanism in Haskell.
-- |
-- Copyright: (c) Tao He 2016
-- License: MIT
-- Maintainer:
-- Signal-slot mechanism in Haskell.
import Control.Monad
import Data.IORef
import qualified Data.IntMap.Strict as M
main :: IO ()
main = do
sig <- newSig
conn1 <- connect sig $ \x -> putStrLn $ x ++ "abcde"
conn2 <- connect sig $ \x -> putStrLn $ x ++ "12345"
_ <- emit ($ "test signal 1 ") sig
block conn1
emit_ ($ "test signal 2 ") sig
active conn1
emit_ ($ "test signal 3 ") sig
-- | Blockable slot type.
data Slot a = Slot a (IORef Int)
newSlot :: a -> IO (Slot a)
newSlot x = Slot x <$> newIORef 0
blocked (Slot _ i) = (> 0) <$> readIORef i
callSlot val (Slot x _) = val x
blockSlot (Slot _ i) = atomicModifyIORef' i $ \v -> let v' = succ v in (v', ())
activeSlot (Slot _ i) = atomicModifyIORef' i $ \v -> let v' = pred v in (v', ())
-- | Signal's internal implementation.
data SigImpl a = SigImpl Int (M.IntMap (Slot a))
-- | Signal type.
type Signal a = IORef (SigImpl a)
-- | Connection type.
data Connection = Connection { block :: IO ()
, active :: IO ()
, disconnect :: IO ()
-- | Create new signal object.
newSig :: IO (Signal a)
newSig = newIORef (SigImpl (minBound :: Int) M.empty)
-- | Connect a signal object with a slot, return a connection.
connect :: Signal a -> a -> IO Connection
connect sig a = do
slot <- newSlot a
atomicModifyIORef sig $ \ref ->
let (sig', i) = addSig ref slot
fdisconnect = atomicModifyIORef' sig $ \ref' -> (delSig ref' i, ())
fblock = blockSlot slot
factive = activeSlot slot
in (sig', Connection { block = fblock, active = factive, disconnect = fdisconnect } )
where addSig (SigImpl i m) x =
let m' = M.insert i x m
i' = succ i
in (SigImpl i' m', i)
delSig (SigImpl i m) x = SigImpl i (M.delete x m)
-- | Emit a signal and return results after apply signal to all available slots.
emit :: (a -> IO b) -> Signal a -> IO [b]
emit val sig = do
SigImpl _ ss <- readIORef sig
go (M.elems ss) where
go [] = return []
go (x:xs) = blocked x >>= \r -> if r then go xs
else do
xr <- callSlot val x
xsr <- go xs
return (xr:xsr)
-- | Emit a signal and ignore results.
emit_ :: (a -> IO b) -> Signal a -> IO ()
emit_ val sig = do
SigImpl _ ss <- readIORef sig
mapM_ (\s -> blocked s >>= \r -> unless r . void . callSlot val $ s) (M.elems ss)
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