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Last active December 31, 2022 21:55
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Append a slide with AdWords data to a presentation
// AdWords Script: Add a Slide with AdWords Data
// --------------------------------------------------------------
// Copyright 2017 Optmyzr Inc., All Rights Reserved
// This script takes a Google Presentation as input and appends a slide with basic AdWords metrics.
// Use this to automate creating an appendix of AdWords data to existing PPC report slides.
// The AW data we append is basic but can easily be tweaked to your own needs.
// For more PPC management tools and reports, visit
// Update this line with the presentation you want to edit.
// E.g. this is for presentation
var PRESENTATION_ID = "1RxIzTJC6Jwwd3H5aaRjA-zj3d5IhcG9uOTuOfwk8PUg"
function main() {
var pageId = createSlide(PRESENTATION_ID);
// Get the page element IDs for a basic TITLE_AND_BODY layout
var baseElementId = readPageElementIds(PRESENTATION_ID, pageId);
var titleId = baseElementId + "_0";
var textId = baseElementId + "_1";
// Edit the following with the text for the slide's title
var titleText = "Automatically Fetched AdWords Data";
updateElement(PRESENTATION_ID, titleId, titleText);
// The next line gets text for the body section
var dataForSlide = getLastMonthData();
updateElement(PRESENTATION_ID, textId, dataForSlide);
Logger.log("Done updating slides at" + PRESENTATION_ID);
function getLastMonthData() {
var currentAccount = AdWordsApp.currentAccount();
//Logger.log('Customer ID: ' + currentAccount.getCustomerId() +
// ', Currency Code: ' + currentAccount.getCurrencyCode() +
// ', Timezone: ' + currentAccount.getTimeZone());
var stats = currentAccount.getStatsFor('LAST_MONTH');
var clicks = stats.getClicks();
var impressions = stats.getImpressions();
var text = clicks + " clicks from " + impressions + " impressions.";
function createSlide(presentationId) {
// You can specify the ID to use for the slide, as long as it's unique.
var pageId = Utilities.getUuid();
var requests = [{
"createSlide": {
"objectId": pageId,
//"insertionIndex": 1,
"slideLayoutReference": {
"predefinedLayout": "TITLE_AND_BODY"
var slide =
Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({'requests': requests}, presentationId);
//Logger.log("Created Slide with ID: " + slide.replies[0].createSlide.objectId);
return (pageId);
function updateElement(presentationId, elementId, textToAdd) {
var requests = [{
"insertText": {
"objectId": elementId,
"text": textToAdd,
var result =
Slides.Presentations.batchUpdate({'requests': requests}, presentationId);
function readPageElementIds(presentationId, pageId) {
// You can use a field mask to limit the data the API retrieves
// in a get request, or what fields are updated in an batchUpdate.
var response = Slides.Presentations.Pages.get(
presentationId, pageId, {"fields": "pageElements.objectId"});
var objectIds = response.pageElements[0].objectId;
var parts = objectIds.split("_");
var objectIdBase = parts[0] + "_" + parts[1];
//Logger.log("objectIdBase: " + objectIdBase);
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This makes a call to 'Utilities'. I get ReferenceError: Utilities is not defined when I run this. Am I missing something?

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