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Get alerted when keywords or product groups are spending too much today with few conversions
function main() {
var currentSetting = new Object();
// what do you want to check?
currentSetting.entityToCheck = "product groups"; // valid options: keywords, product groups
// How much cost is allowed before we alert?
currentSetting.maxCost = 1;
// Fewer than how many conversions before we alert?
currentSetting.MinConversions = 2;
// who should get email alerts?
currentSetting.emailsToNotify = [""]; // comma separated list, e.g. "", ""
// what date range do you want to check?
currentSetting.dateRange = "TODAY"; // usually 'TODAY'
// add links to help fix alerts by setting the following 3 values.
// Load a page in your AdWords account and copy the numerical values for each of these these parameters
currentSetting.customerId = '__c from the url'; // grab the URL from a page in your AW account and look for the numbers behind __c=
currentSetting.effectiveUserId = '__u from the url'; // grab the URL from a page in your AW account and look for the numbers behind __u=
currentSetting.ocid = 'ocid from the url'; // grab the URL from a page in your AW account and look for the numbers behind ocid=
// --- Advanced users can change the AWQL queries used to find alerts ---
var costToCheck = currentSetting.maxCost * 1000000;
switch(currentSetting.entityToCheck) {
case "keywords":
currentSetting.reportType = "KEYWORDS_PERFORMANCE_REPORT";
currentSetting.metricsColumns = ['Criteria',
currentSetting.whereConditions = ['WHERE',
'Cost', '>=', costToCheck, 'AND',
'Conversions', '<', currentSetting.MinConversions ];
case "product groups":
currentSetting.reportType = "PRODUCT_PARTITION_REPORT";
currentSetting.metricsColumns = ['ProductGroup',
currentSetting.whereConditions = ['WHERE',
'PartitionType', '=', 'UNIT', 'AND',
'Cost', '>=', costToCheck, 'AND', // cost is in micros so multiply the currency amount by 1,000,000, e.g. $1 -> 1000000
'Conversions', '<', currentSetting.MinConversions ];
// --- Most people will not want to change the code after this ---
var columnsUsedArray = currentSetting.metricsColumns;
var columnsStr = currentSetting.metricsColumns.join(',');
if(currentSetting.whereConditions.length > 0) {
var whereClause = currentSetting.whereConditions.join(" ");
} else {
var whereClause = '';
var reportText = "Alert for " + currentSetting.entityToCheck + " " + whereClause + "\n";
reportText += "During " + currentSetting.dateRange;
reportText += "\nResults:\n";
// Pull the report with the options defined
var query = 'SELECT ' + columnsStr + ' ' +
'FROM ' + currentSetting.reportType + ' ' +
whereClause + ' ' +
'DURING ' + currentSetting.dateRange;
//Logger.log("query: " + query);
var report =;
var reportIterator = report.rows();
var numResults = 0;
var row =;
reportText += numResults + ". ";
for(var i = 0; i < columnsUsedArray.length; i++){
var key = columnsUsedArray[i];
var data = row[key];
//Logger.log("data: " + data);
//Logger.log(key + ": " + data);
reportText += key + ": " + data + " | ";
case 'keywords':
reportText += row['Criteria'] + "(campaign: " + row['CampaignName'] + ") (ad group: " + row['AdGroupName'] + ")"
var deepLink = ""
+ row['CampaignId']
+ "&adGroupId="
+ row['AdGroupId']
+ "&channel=1"
+ "&ocid=" + currentSetting.ocid
+ "&__c=" + currentSetting.customerId
+ "&__u=" + currentSetting.effectiveUserId;
case 'product groups':
reportText += row['ProductGroup'] + " (campaign: " + row['CampaignName'] + ") (ad group: " + row['AdGroupName'] + ")"
var deepLink = ""
+ row['CampaignId']
+ "&adGroupId="
+ row['AdGroupId']
+ "&channel=3"
+ "&ocid=" + currentSetting.ocid
+ "&__c=" + currentSetting.customerId
+ "&__u=" + currentSetting.effectiveUserId;
reportText += "\n" + deepLink;
reportText += "\n";
Logger.log(numResults + " matches found\n");
if(currentSetting.emailsToNotify) {
sendEmailNotification("", currentSetting.emailsToNotify, numResults + " AdWords Alerts", reportText);
function sendEmailNotification(from, to, subject, body){
var remainingQuota = MailApp.getRemainingDailyQuota();
if(remainingQuota > to.length && to) {
MailApp.sendEmail(to, subject, body)
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