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Forked from hadley/s3.r
Created May 7, 2013 15:39
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s3_request <- function(verb, bucket, path = "/", query = NULL,
content = NULL, date = NULL) {
verb = verb,
bucket = bucket,
path = path,
query = query,
content = content,
date = date
timestamp <- function() {
format(Sys.time(), "%a, %d %b %Y %H:%M:%S +0000", tz = "UTC")
"%||%" <- function(a, b) {
if (!is.null(a)) a else b
make_request <- function(request, keys) {
host <- paste0(request$bucket, "")
url <- modify_url(paste0("http://", host, request$path),
query = request$query)
request$date <- request$date %||% timestamp()
headers <- list()
headers$Authorization <- authorization(request, headers, keys)
headers$Date <- request$date
list(verb = request$verb, url = url, headers = headers)
do <- function(request, keys) {
req <- make_request(request, keys)
headers_c <- add_headers(.headers = unlist(req$headers))
if (req$verb == "GET") {
r <- GET(req$url, config = headers_c)
} else {
stop(req$verb, " verb not yet supported", call. = FALSE)
res <- content(r, "text")
xml <- xmlTreeParse(res)$doc$children[[1]]
if (r$status != 200) {
err <- toString(getNodeSet(xml, "//Error//Message")[[1]][[1]])
stop("Request failed with http code ", r$status, ": \n",
paste(strwrap(err), collapse = "\n"), call. = FALSE)
authorization <- function(request, headers, keys) {
if (!is.null(request$content)) {
content_md5 <- digest(request$content, "md5")
content_type <- request$type
} else {
content_md5 <- ""
content_type <- ""
resource_canoc <- paste0("/", request$bucket, request$path)
names(headers) <- tolower(names(headers))
headers <- headers[order(names(headers))]
headers_canoc <- paste0(names(headers), ":", headers, "\n")
string <- paste0(
toupper(request$verb), "\n",
content_md5, "\n",
content_type, "\n",
if (length(headers) > 0) headers_canoc else "\n",
signature <- hmac_sha1(keys$secret, string)
paste0("AWS ", keys$access, ":", signature)
test <- list(
r1 <- s3_request("GET", "johnsmith", "/photos/puppy.jpg",
date = "Tue, 27 Mar 2007 19:36:42 +0000")
# make_request(r1, test)
keys <- list(
access = Sys.getenv("AWS_KEY"),
secret = Sys.getenv("AWS_SECRET_KEY"))
do(s3_request("GET", ""), keys)
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