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Created November 1, 2021 10:43
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trajopt example run
roslaunch moveit_tutorials trajopt_example_launch.launch
... logging to /home/sis/mikado/logs/a80e3f82-3aff-11ec-8553-6d17cb1a77ac/roslaunch-sisPad2-23484.log
Checking log directory for disk usage. This may take a while.
Press Ctrl-C to interrupt
Done checking log file disk usage. Usage is <1GB.
started roslaunch server http://sisPad2:33497/
* /rosdistro: noetic
* /rosversion: 1.15.13
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/goal_pos/first_timestep: 49
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/goal_pos/last_timestep: 49
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/goal_pos/name: goal_pos
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/goal_pos/term_type: 2
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/goal_tmp/first_timestep: 19
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/goal_tmp/last_timestep: 19
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/goal_tmp/name: goal_tmp
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/goal_tmp/term_type: 2
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/middle_pos/first_timestep: 10
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/middle_pos/last_timestep: 10
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/middle_pos/name: middle_pos
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/middle_pos/term_type: 2
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/start_pos/first_timestep: 0
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/start_pos/last_timestep: 0
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/start_pos/name: start_pos
* /trajopt_example/joint_pos_term_info/start_pos/term_type: 2
* /trajopt_example/problem_info/basic_info/convex_solver: 1
* /trajopt_example/problem_info/basic_info/dt_lower_lim: 100.0
* /trajopt_example/problem_info/basic_info/dt_upper_lim: 2.0
* /trajopt_example/problem_info/basic_info/n_steps: 50
* /trajopt_example/problem_info/basic_info/start_fixed: False
* /trajopt_example/problem_info/basic_info/use_time: False
* /trajopt_example/problem_info/init_info/dt: 0.1
* /trajopt_example/problem_info/init_info/type: 1
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/cnt_tolerance: 1e-3
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/improve_ratio_threshold: 0.005
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/max_iter: 100
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/max_merit_coeff_increases: 5
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/max_time: inf
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/merit_coeff_increase_ratio: 10
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/merit_error_coeff: 10
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/min_approx_improve: 1e-4
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/min_approx_improve_frac: -inf
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/min_trust_box_size: 1e-4
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/trust_box_size: 1e-1
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/trust_expand_ratio: 5
* /trajopt_example/trajopt_param/trust_shrink_ratio: 0.01
trajopt_example (moveit_tutorials/trajopt_example)
process[trajopt_example-1]: started with pid [23498]
[ INFO] [1635763134.359033059]: Loading robot model 'panda'...
[ WARN] [1635763134.361046178]: Link panda_leftfinger has visual geometry but no collision geometry. Collision geometry will be left empty. Fix your URDF file by explicitly specifying collision geometry.
[ WARN] [1635763134.361105097]: Link panda_rightfinger has visual geometry but no collision geometry. Collision geometry will be left empty. Fix your URDF file by explicitly specifying collision geometry.
[ INFO] [1635763134.461380240]: Starting planning scene monitor
[ INFO] [1635763134.462600499]: Listening to '/planning_scene'
[ INFO] [1635763134.462646483]: Starting world geometry update monitor for collision objects, attached objects, octomap updates.
[ INFO] [1635763134.463698171]: Listening to '/collision_object'
[ INFO] [1635763134.466495495]: Listening to '/planning_scene_world' for planning scene world geometry
[ WARN] [1635763134.467448050]: Resolution not specified for Octomap. Assuming resolution = 0.1 instead
[ WARN] [1635763134.467498574]: Target frame "world" specified but no TF instance (buffer) specified. No transforms will be applied to received data.
[ INFO] [1635763134.467876009]: No 3D sensor plugin(s) defined for octomap updates
[ INFO] [1635763134.476946612]: Listening to '/attached_collision_object' for attached collision objects
[ INFO] [1635763134.488809260]: end effector name panda_link8
joint names: panda_joint1 panda_joint2 panda_joint3 panda_joint4 panda_joint5 panda_joint6 panda_joint7
You can set logging level with TRAJOPT_LOG_THRESH. Valid values: FATAL ERROR WARN INFO DEBUG TRACE. Defaulting to ERROR
[ INFO] [1635763134.495285262]: ======================================= initialize gets called
[ INFO] [1635763134.495314326]: ======================================= group name: hand, robot model: panda
[ INFO] [1635763134.495354920]: TrajOptPlanningContext is constructed
[ INFO] [1635763134.495381509]: TrajOptInterface is constructed
[ INFO] [1635763134.495406496]: ======================================= group name: panda_arm, robot model: panda
[ INFO] [1635763134.495416724]: TrajOptPlanningContext is constructed
[ INFO] [1635763134.495429668]: TrajOptInterface is constructed
[ INFO] [1635763134.495442161]: ======================================= group name: panda_arm_hand, robot model: panda
[ INFO] [1635763134.495452490]: TrajOptPlanningContext is constructed
[ INFO] [1635763134.495465845]: TrajOptInterface is constructed
[ INFO] [1635763134.495482075]: Using planning interface 'TrajOpt'
[ INFO] [1635763134.497824731]: ======================================= joint position at goal: 1.19428
[ INFO] [1635763134.497870345]: ======================================= joint position at goal: -0.107883
[ INFO] [1635763134.497888278]: ======================================= joint position at goal: -0.398759
[ INFO] [1635763134.497902885]: ======================================= joint position at goal: -2.27507
[ INFO] [1635763134.497918695]: ======================================= joint position at goal: -0.18253
[ INFO] [1635763134.497941046]: ======================================= joint position at goal: 2.64035
[ INFO] [1635763134.497958047]: ======================================= joint position at goal: -1.37274
[ WARN] [1635763134.999184939]: Topic '/display_robot_state' unable to connect to any subscribers within 0.5 sec. It is possible initially published visual messages will be lost.
[ INFO] [1635763135.225971891]: RemoteControl Ready.
Waiting to continue: Press 'next' in the RvizVisualToolsGui window to start the demo... continuing
Waiting to continue: Press 'next' to see the collision object
... continuing
[ WARN] [1635763171.255028208]: The complete state of the robot is not yet known. Missing virtual_joint
Waiting to continue: Press 'next' do the planning
[ WARN] [1635763171.255392721]: Empty quaternion found in pose message. Setting to neutral orientation.
... continuing
[ INFO] [1635763184.762480493]: ======================================= getPlanningContext() is called
[ INFO] [1635763184.762548709]: ======================================= collision detector is set to Bullet
[ INFO] [1635763184.770554150]: ======================================= context is made
[ INFO] [1635763184.770725256]: The timeout for planning must be positive (0.000000 specified). Assuming one second instead.
[ INFO] [1635763184.770885962]: solve is called
[ INFO] [1635763184.782616306]: Extract current state information
===>>> from interface upper:): 0 -0.785 0 -2.356 0 1.571 0.785
[ INFO] [1635763184.782795998]: ======================================= Extract start state infromation
[ INFO] [1635763184.782869574]: joint position from start state, name: panda_joint1, value: 1.184915
[ INFO] [1635763184.782890562]: joint position from start state, name: panda_joint2, value: -1.636251
[ INFO] [1635763184.782913044]: joint position from start state, name: panda_joint3, value: -1.454372
[ INFO] [1635763184.782931077]: joint position from start state, name: panda_joint4, value: -1.853625
[ INFO] [1635763184.782951274]: joint position from start state, name: panda_joint5, value: -1.863911
[ INFO] [1635763184.782967985]: joint position from start state, name: panda_joint6, value: 1.662081
[ INFO] [1635763184.782983945]: joint position from start state, name: panda_joint7, value: 0.797858
[ INFO] [1635763184.783033135]: ======================================= Create ProblemInfo
[ INFO] [1635763184.786017452]: ======================================= Populate init info
[ INFO] [1635763184.786114812]: ======================================= Create Constraints
[ INFO] [1635763184.786132725]: ======================================= Cartesian Constraints
[ INFO] [1635763184.786196372]: ======================================= Constraints from request goal_constraints
[ INFO] [1635763184.787961369]: Goal joint position is: 1.19428
[ INFO] [1635763184.788009247]: Goal joint position is: -0.107883
[ INFO] [1635763184.788026669]: Goal joint position is: -0.398759
[ INFO] [1635763184.788048770]: Goal joint position is: -2.27507
[ INFO] [1635763184.788064429]: Goal joint position is: -0.18253
[ INFO] [1635763184.788079126]: Goal joint position is: 2.64035
[ INFO] [1635763184.788096077]: Goal joint position is: -1.37274
[ INFO] [1635763184.788145889]: ======================================= Constraints from request start_state
[ INFO] [1635763184.789039107]: ======================================= Velocity Cost, hard-coded
[ INFO] [1635763184.789061078]: ======================================= Velocity Constraint, hard-coded
[ INFO] [1635763184.789079282]: ======================================= Collision Cost, hard-coded
[ INFO] [1635763184.789109808]: ======================================= Visibility Constraints
[ INFO] [1635763184.789154240]: ======================================= Construct problem
[ INFO] [1635763184.789302564]: ======================================= problem_description: limits
[ INFO] [1635763184.789326047]: joint 0 with lower bound: -2.897300, upper bound: 2.897300
[ INFO] [1635763184.789344260]: joint 1 with lower bound: -1.762800, upper bound: 1.762800
[ INFO] [1635763184.789360601]: joint 2 with lower bound: -2.897300, upper bound: 2.897300
[ INFO] [1635763184.789377672]: joint 3 with lower bound: -3.071800, upper bound: -0.069800
[ INFO] [1635763184.789394203]: joint 4 with lower bound: -2.897300, upper bound: 2.897300
[ INFO] [1635763184.789411074]: joint 5 with lower bound: -0.017500, upper bound: 3.752500
[ INFO] [1635763184.789426733]: joint 6 with lower bound: -2.897300, upper bound: 2.897300
[ INFO] [1635763184.790398486]: problem description: the name of the cost: joint_velocity
[ INFO] [1635763184.790811929]: problem description: the name of the cost: collision
[ INFO] [1635763184.982347970]: problem description:: the name of the constraint: goal_pos
[ INFO] [1635763184.982699478]: problem description:: the name of the constraint: start_pos
[ INFO] [1635763184.982856999]: num_cost 50
[ INFO] [1635763184.982876104]: num_constraints 2
[ INFO] [1635763184.982885582]: ======================================= TrajOpt Optimization
[ INFO] [1635763184.984203814]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.984242876]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.984342079]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.984372335]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.984458003]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.984474924]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.984557697]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.984582422]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.984676476]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.984690672]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.984783594]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.984803130]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.984874141]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.984907041]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985026963]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985049284]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985137026]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985147235]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985218757]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985227863]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985316858]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985338067]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985434966]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985447138]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985527266]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985536403]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985616340]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985632961]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985704363]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985713590]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985781916]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985790792]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985857545]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985866943]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.985938545]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.985947962]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986009926]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986019604]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986098259]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986115832]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986188506]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986197693]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986268974]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986277761]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986348301]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986357207]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986421816]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986430903]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986498628]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986508276]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986576943]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986585749]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986650839]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986659886]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986725978]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986734984]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986803040]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986811766]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986876796]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986885302]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.986951223]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.986960370]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987025040]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987033966]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987105278]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987114665]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987181288]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987190114]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987256406]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987265122]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987330072]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987338568]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987404079]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987413356]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987480290]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987489026]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987554256]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987562712]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987628633]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987637319]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987704153]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987713039]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987776897]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987786034]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987854179]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987862685]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.987928476]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.987956909]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.988026818]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.988036055]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.988117936]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.988142742]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.988248687]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.988263745]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.988338834]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.988348802]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ INFO] [1635763184.988416697]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link0
[ INFO] [1635763184.988426255]: Contact between: box1 and panda_link1
[ERROR] [1635763184.988516011]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988534344]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988552678]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988561484]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988609182]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988618440]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988628899]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988637334]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988659495]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988668512]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988679232]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988687106]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988704448]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988713024]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988723403]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988730957]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988748490]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988757296]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988767575]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988776211]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988794484]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988803200]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988813249]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988822186]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988842032]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988850858]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988860767]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988869112]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988888548]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988897444]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988907433]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988914947]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988934272]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988942487]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988952266]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988960731]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988986569]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.988995355]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989005364]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989014430]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989032604]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989041480]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989051509]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989060295]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989078248]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989086844]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989096792]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989106109]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989123992]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989132117]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989142336]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989150461]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989172352]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989181408]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989191607]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989200494]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989219108]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989227954]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989237943]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989246298]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989265544]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989274300]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989284288]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989292934]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989310827]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989319533]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989329922]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989338358]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989356832]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989365538]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989374765]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989382600]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989400833]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989409209]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989419077]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989427783]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989445225]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989454101]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989464581]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989472305]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989491531]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989500187]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989510746]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989519412]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989545911]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989554727]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989564966]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989573392]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989592747]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989601453]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989612894]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989621080]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989642900]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989651406]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989661504]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989669269]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989687141]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989696228]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989706818]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989714342]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989734439]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989743105]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989753564]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989761599]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989782668]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989791224]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989800611]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989809587]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989828232]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989837158]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989845864]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989854290]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989872544]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989881640]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989891479]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989900565]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989917386]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989926303]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989937343]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989946019]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989968951]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989977658]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989987926]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.989996302]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990013584]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990022059]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990032088]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990039792]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990059118]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990067704]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990078454]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990086899]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990106054]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990114410]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990125210]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990132994]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990154273]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990163601]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990174711]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990183137]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990201180]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990209435]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990218572]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990227729]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990245081]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990292468]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990302888]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990312215]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990333915]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990342010]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990353932]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990365864]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990396090]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990407390]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990423821]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990431735]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990459236]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990467682]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990477901]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990488871]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990512895]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990521050]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990530668]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990541788]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990570431]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990584257]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990595137]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990602621]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990621005]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990630031]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990640471]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990648806]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990666739]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990675165]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990685363]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990693949]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990715499]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990722943]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990733853]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990741267]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990759821]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990768026]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990778856]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990786199]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990803141]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990811696]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990821505]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990830671]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990846591]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990854936]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990865305]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990873671]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990893007]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990901212]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990912082]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
[ERROR] [1635763184.990921038]: Link name 'panda_link0' does not exist in the chain 'panda_arm' or is not a child for this chain
ERROR in LDL_factor: Error in KKT matrix LDL factorization when computing the nonzero elements. The problem seems to be non-convex
ERROR in osqp_setup: Linear systems solver initialization failure
ERROR in osqp_solve: Workspace not initialized
[ERROR] convex solver failed! set TRAJOPT_LOG_THRESH=DEBUG to see solver output. saving model to /tmp/fail.lp and IIS to /tmp/fail.ilp
[ INFO] [1635763184.994442856]: ======================================= TrajOpt Solution
[ INFO] [1635763184.994493590]: num_rows 50
[ INFO] [1635763184.994503168]: num_cols 7
[ INFO] [1635763184.994528194]: ======================================= check if final state is within goal tolerances
[ INFO] [1635763184.994552649]: joint_value response: 0 goal: 1.19428
[ INFO] [1635763184.994562778]: joint_value response: -0.785 goal: -0.107883
[ INFO] [1635763184.994572045]: joint_value response: 0 goal: -0.398759
[ INFO] [1635763184.994581252]: joint_value response: -2.356 goal: -2.27507
[ INFO] [1635763184.994590298]: joint_value response: 0 goal: -0.18253
[ INFO] [1635763184.994598534]: joint_value response: 1.571 goal: 2.64035
[ INFO] [1635763184.994607179]: joint_value response: 0.785 goal: -1.37274
[ INFO] [1635763184.994628399]: index 0: jc.configure(constraint)=> 1, jc.decide(last_state).satisfied=> 1, tolerance 0.001000
[ERROR] [1635763184.994638317]: Goal constraints are violated: panda_joint1
[ERROR] [1635763184.994676077]: Could not compute plan successfully
[ INFO] [1635763185.006884463]: Stopping world geometry monitor
[ INFO] [1635763185.008165136]: Stopping planning scene monitor
[trajopt_example-1] process has finished cleanly
log file: /home/sis/mikado/logs/a80e3f82-3aff-11ec-8553-6d17cb1a77ac/trajopt_example-1*.log
all processes on machine have died, roslaunch will exit
shutting down processing monitor...
... shutting down processing monitor complete
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