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Last active May 16, 2020 21:22
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## How many new articles have been deposited in biorxiv? When new
## papers get uploaded to biorxiv, this information is sent to
## crossref. So, we can use the excellent rcrossref package from the
## ropensci team to get information.
## Note, this does not include revised versions of papers.
## Thanks to Scott Chamberlain for providing the magic lines of code to
## grab the information efficiently from crossref.
## Note also there is some code below to grab the infomration from
## and on that site you can also generate similar graphs.
res <- cr_prefixes(prefixes = "10.1101", works = TRUE, limit = 1000, cursor = "*", cursor_max = 5000,
filter = list(type = "report"), .progress = "text")
## colours taken from
col1 = '#f1eef6'
col2 = '#bdc9e1'
col3 = '#74a9cf'
col4 = '#0570b0'
## note problem with histogram colour changing...
d = as.Date(res$data$created)
##pdf(file="biorxiv_deposits.pdf", width=7, height=4)
svg(file="biorxiv_deposits.svg", width=7, height=4)
par(mar=c(4.5, 4.5, 0, 0.4), cex.axis=0.8)
hist(d, "months", format="%y-%m",main='',
ylab='First submission', xlab='Date',
col=c(rep(col1, 2),
rep(col2, 12),
rep(col3, 12),
rep(col4, 6) #increase post June 2016...
freq=TRUE, las=2, ylim=c(0,400))
Axis(d,col="black", side=1)
axis(2, col="black", las=1)
### old code below
cr_prefixes(prefixes = c('10.1101'))
cr_cn(dois="10.1126/science.169.3946.635", format="text")
cr_cn(dois="10.1101/045104", format="text")
## graph at:
## screen scrape via:
res <- cr_prefixes(prefixes = "10.1101", works = TRUE, filter = list(type = "report"), offset=1000, limit=1000)
cr_cn(dois="10.1101/012799", format="text")
get_chunk = function(offset=0, limit=20) {
res <- cr_prefixes(prefixes = "10.1101", works = TRUE,
filter = list(type = "report"),
offset=offset, limit=limit)
dois = res$data$DOI
res = cr_works(dois=dois)
l = data.frame(doi=dois, created=res$data$created)
get_chunks = function(offset=0) {
f = data.frame()
limit = 1000
looking = TRUE
while (looking) {
f2 = get_chunk(offset, limit)
offset = offset + limit
f = rbind(f, f2)
if (nrow(f2) < limit) {
looking = FALSE
f3 = get_chunks()
dates = as.Date(f3$created)
hist(dates, "months", format="%d %b")
hist(dates, "months", format="%d %b %y", freq=T)
f2 = get_chunk(offset=3000)
## w3m -dump -cols 999 > o2.txt
dat = readLines("o2.txt")
dat = dat[-(1:6)]
## remove blank lines.
g = grep("^$", dat)
dat = dat[-g]
## find last line "Total Articles, Unique: "
g = grep("^Total Articles, Unique", dat)
## throw away tail.
dat = dat[-(g:length(dat))]
dois = substring(dat, 7, 20)
dates = as.Date(substring(dat, 28, 37))
hist(dates, "months", format="%d-%b-%y", freq=TRUE)
* Application for Frictionless data tool fund
Stephen Eglen, 2020-05-16
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