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Created August 8, 2012 07:24
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Python library for computing islamic prayers schedule
#!/usr/bin/env python
# compatible with python 2.x and 3.x
import math
import re
--------------------- Copyright Block ---------------------- Prayer Times Calculator (ver 2.3)
Copyright (C) 2007-2011
Python Code: Saleem Shafi, Hamid Zarrabi-Zadeh
Original js Code: Hamid Zarrabi-Zadeh
License: GNU LGPL v3.0
Permission is granted to use this code, with or
without modification, in any website or application
provided that credit is given to the original work
with a link back to
This program is distributed in the hope that it will
be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY.
--------------------- Help and Manual ----------------------
User's Manual:
Calculation Formulas:
------------------------ User Interface -------------------------
getTimes (date, coordinates, timeZone [, dst [, timeFormat]])
setMethod (method) // set calculation method
adjust (parameters) // adjust calculation parameters
tune (offsets) // tune times by given offsets
getMethod () // get calculation method
getSetting () // get current calculation parameters
getOffsets () // get current time offsets
------------------------- Sample Usage --------------------------
>>> PT = PrayTimes('ISNA')
>>> times = PT.getTimes((2011, 2, 9), (43, -80), -5)
>>> times['sunrise']
From Khabib Murtuzaaliev(skeeph):
I'm not author of this library, but I have found and corrected a few of errors in this code
#----------------------- PrayTimes Class ------------------------
class PrayTimes():
#------------------------ Constants --------------------------
# Time Names
timeNames = {
'imsak': 'Imsak',
'fajr': 'Fajr',
'sunrise': 'Sunrise',
'dhuhr': 'Dhuhr',
'asr': 'Asr',
'sunset': 'Sunset',
'maghrib': 'Maghrib',
'isha': 'Isha',
'midnight': 'Midnight'
# Calculation Methods
methods = {
'MWL': {
'name': 'Muslim World League',
'params': {'fajr': 18, 'isha': 17}},
'ISNA': {
'name': 'Islamic Society of North America (ISNA)',
'params': {'fajr': 15, 'isha': 15}},
'Egypt': {
'name': 'Egyptian General Authority of Survey',
'params': {'fajr': 19.5, 'isha': 17.5}},
'Makkah': {
'name': 'Umm Al-Qura University, Makkah',
'params': {'fajr': 18.5, 'isha': '90 min'}}, # fajr was 19 degrees before 1430 hijri
'Karachi': {
'name': 'University of Islamic Sciences, Karachi',
'params': {'fajr': 18, 'isha': 18}},
'Tehran': {
'name': 'Institute of Geophysics, University of Tehran',
'params': {'fajr': 17.7, 'isha': 14, 'maghrib': 4.5, 'midnight': 'Jafari'}},
# isha is not explicitly specified in this method
'Jafari': {
'name': 'Shia Ithna-Ashari, Leva Institute, Qum',
'params': {'fajr': 16, 'isha': 14, 'maghrib': 4, 'midnight': 'Jafari'}}
# Default Parameters in Calculation Methods
defaultParams = {
'maghrib': '0 min', 'midnight': 'Standard'
#---------------------- Default Settings --------------------
calcMethod = 'MWL'
# do not change anything here; use adjust method instead
settings = {
"imsak": '10 min',
"dhuhr": '0 min',
"asr": 'Standard',
"highLats": 'NightMiddle'
timeFormat = '24h'
timeSuffixes = ['am', 'pm']
invalidTime = '-----'
numIterations = 1
offset = {}
#---------------------- Initialization -----------------------
def __init__(self, method="MWL"):
# set methods defaults
for method, config in self.methods.items():
for name, value in self.defaultParams.items():
if not name in config['params'] or config['params'][name] is None:
config['params'][name] = value
# initialize settings
self.calcMethod = method if method in self.methods else 'MWL'
params = self.methods[self.calcMethod]['params']
for name, value in params.items():
self.settings[name] = value
# init time offsets
for name in self.timeNames:
self.offset[name] = 0
#-------------------- Interface Functions --------------------
def setMethod(self, method):
if method in self.methods:
#Authors of library used here method[method].params but dictionary hasn't this attribute here must use methods[method]['params'] instead it
self.calcMethod = method
def adjust(self, params):
def tune(self, timeOffsets):
#Here was error of attribute. Authors wrote self.offsets but so attribute didn't exist
def getMethod(self):
return self.calcMethod
def getSettings(self):
return self.settings
def getOffsets(self):
return self.offset
def getDefaults(self):
return self.methods
# return prayer times for a given date
def getTimes(self, date, coords, timezone, dst=0, format=None): = coords[0]
self.lng = coords[1]
self.elv = coords[2] if len(coords) > 2 else 0
if format != None:
self.timeFormat = format
if type(date).__name__ == 'date':
date = (date.year, date.month,
self.timeZone = timezone + (1 if dst else 0)
self.jDate = self.julian(date[0], date[1], date[2]) - self.lng / (15 * 24.0)
return self.computeTimes()
# convert float time to the given format (see timeFormats)
def getFormattedTime(self, time, format, suffixes=None):
if math.isnan(time):
return self.invalidTime
if format == 'Float':
return time
if suffixes == None:
suffixes = self.timeSuffixes
time = self.fixhour(time + 0.5 / 60) # add 0.5 minutes to round
hours = math.floor(time)
minutes = math.floor((time - hours) * 60)
suffix = suffixes[0 if hours < 12 else 1] if format == '12h' else ''
formattedTime = "%02d:%02d" % (hours, minutes) if format == "24h" else "%d:%02d" % (
(hours + 11) % 12 + 1, minutes)
return formattedTime + suffix
#---------------------- Calculation Functions -----------------------
# compute mid-day time
def midDay(self, time):
eqt = self.sunPosition(self.jDate + time)[1]
return self.fixhour(12 - eqt)
# compute the time at which sun reaches a specific angle below horizon
def sunAngleTime(self, angle, time, direction=None):
decl = self.sunPosition(self.jDate + time)[0]
noon = self.midDay(time)
t = 1 / 15.0 * self.arccos((-self.sin(angle) - self.sin(decl) * self.sin( /
(self.cos(decl) * self.cos(
return noon + (-t if direction == 'ccw' else t)
except ValueError:
return float('nan')
# compute asr time
def asrTime(self, factor, time):
decl = self.sunPosition(self.jDate + time)[0]
angle = -self.arccot(factor + self.tan(abs( - decl)))
return self.sunAngleTime(angle, time)
# compute declination angle of sun and equation of time
# Ref:
def sunPosition(self, jd):
D = jd - 2451545.0
g = self.fixangle(357.529 + 0.98560028 * D)
q = self.fixangle(280.459 + 0.98564736 * D)
L = self.fixangle(q + 1.915 * self.sin(g) + 0.020 * self.sin(2 * g))
R = 1.00014 - 0.01671 * self.cos(g) - 0.00014 * self.cos(2 * g)
e = 23.439 - 0.00000036 * D
RA = self.arctan2(self.cos(e) * self.sin(L), self.cos(L)) / 15.0
eqt = q / 15.0 - self.fixhour(RA)
decl = self.arcsin(self.sin(e) * self.sin(L))
return (decl, eqt)
# convert Gregorian date to Julian day
# Ref: Astronomical Algorithms by Jean Meeus
def julian(self, year, month, day):
if month <= 2:
year -= 1
month += 12
A = math.floor(year / 100)
B = 2 - A + math.floor(A / 4)
return math.floor(365.25 * (year + 4716)) + math.floor(30.6001 * (month + 1)) + day + B - 1524.5
#---------------------- Compute Prayer Times -----------------------
# compute prayer times at given julian date
def computePrayerTimes(self, times):
times = self.dayPortion(times)
params = self.settings
imsak = self.sunAngleTime(self.eval(params['imsak']), times['imsak'], 'ccw')
fajr = self.sunAngleTime(self.eval(params['fajr']), times['fajr'], 'ccw')
sunrise = self.sunAngleTime(self.riseSetAngle(self.elv), times['sunrise'], 'ccw')
dhuhr = self.midDay(times['dhuhr'])
asr = self.asrTime(self.asrFactor(params['asr']), times['asr'])
sunset = self.sunAngleTime(self.riseSetAngle(self.elv), times['sunset'])
maghrib = self.sunAngleTime(self.eval(params['maghrib']), times['maghrib'])
isha = self.sunAngleTime(self.eval(params['isha']), times['isha'])
return {
'imsak': imsak, 'fajr': fajr, 'sunrise': sunrise, 'dhuhr': dhuhr,
'asr': asr, 'sunset': sunset, 'maghrib': maghrib, 'isha': isha
# compute prayer times
def computeTimes(self):
times = {
'imsak': 5, 'fajr': 5, 'sunrise': 6, 'dhuhr': 12,
'asr': 13, 'sunset': 18, 'maghrib': 18, 'isha': 18
# main iterations
for i in range(self.numIterations):
times = self.computePrayerTimes(times)
times = self.adjustTimes(times)
# add midnight time
if self.settings['midnight'] == 'Jafari':
times['midnight'] = times['sunset'] + self.timeDiff(times['sunset'], times['fajr']) / 2
times['midnight'] = times['sunset'] + self.timeDiff(times['sunset'], times['sunrise']) / 2
times = self.tuneTimes(times)
return self.modifyFormats(times)
# adjust times in a prayer time array
def adjustTimes(self, times):
params = self.settings
tzAdjust = self.timeZone - self.lng / 15.0
for t, v in times.items():
times[t] += tzAdjust
if params['highLats'] != 'None':
times = self.adjustHighLats(times)
if self.isMin(params['imsak']):
times['imsak'] = times['fajr'] - self.eval(params['imsak']) / 60.0
# need to ask about 'min' settings
if self.isMin(params['maghrib']):
times['maghrib'] = times['sunset'] - self.eval(params['maghrib']) / 60.0
if self.isMin(params['isha']):
times['isha'] = times['maghrib'] - self.eval(params['isha']) / 60.0
times['dhuhr'] += self.eval(params['dhuhr']) / 60.0
return times
# get asr shadow factor
def asrFactor(self, asrParam):
methods = {'Standard': 1, 'Hanafi': 2}
return methods[asrParam] if asrParam in methods else self.eval(asrParam)
# return sun angle for sunset/sunrise
def riseSetAngle(self, elevation=0):
elevation = 0 if elevation == None else elevation
return 0.833 + 0.0347 * math.sqrt(elevation) # an approximation
# apply offsets to the times
def tuneTimes(self, times):
for name, value in times.items():
times[name] += self.offset[name] / 60.0
return times
# convert times to given time format
def modifyFormats(self, times):
for name, value in times.items():
times[name] = self.getFormattedTime(times[name], self.timeFormat)
return times
# adjust times for locations in higher latitudes
def adjustHighLats(self, times):
params = self.settings
nightTime = self.timeDiff(times['sunset'], times['sunrise']) # sunset to sunrise
times['imsak'] = self.adjustHLTime(times['imsak'], times['sunrise'], self.eval(params['imsak']), nightTime,
times['fajr'] = self.adjustHLTime(times['fajr'], times['sunrise'], self.eval(params['fajr']), nightTime, 'ccw')
times['isha'] = self.adjustHLTime(times['isha'], times['sunset'], self.eval(params['isha']), nightTime)
times['maghrib'] = self.adjustHLTime(times['maghrib'], times['sunset'], self.eval(params['maghrib']), nightTime)
return times
# adjust a time for higher latitudes
def adjustHLTime(self, time, base, angle, night, direction=None):
portion = self.nightPortion(angle, night)
diff = self.timeDiff(time, base) if direction == 'ccw' else self.timeDiff(base, time)
if math.isnan(time) or diff > portion:
time = base + (-portion if direction == 'ccw' else portion)
return time
# the night portion used for adjusting times in higher latitudes
def nightPortion(self, angle, night):
method = self.settings['highLats']
portion = 1 / 2.0 # midnight
if method == 'AngleBased':
portion = 1 / 60.0 * angle
if method == 'OneSeventh':
portion = 1 / 7.0
return portion * night
# convert hours to day portions
def dayPortion(self, times):
for i in times:
times[i] /= 24.0
return times
#---------------------- Misc Functions -----------------------
# compute the difference between two times
def timeDiff(self, time1, time2):
return self.fixhour(time2 - time1)
# convert given string into a number
def eval(self, st):
val = re.split('[^0-9.+-]', str(st), 1)[0]
return float(val) if val else 0
# detect if input contains 'min'
def isMin(self, arg):
return isinstance(arg, str) and arg.find('min') > -1
#----------------- Degree-Based Math Functions -------------------
def sin(self, d): return math.sin(math.radians(d))
def cos(self, d): return math.cos(math.radians(d))
def tan(self, d): return math.tan(math.radians(d))
def arcsin(self, x): return math.degrees(math.asin(x))
def arccos(self, x): return math.degrees(math.acos(x))
def arctan(self, x): return math.degrees(math.atan(x))
def arccot(self, x): return math.degrees(math.atan(1.0 / x))
def arctan2(self, y, x): return math.degrees(math.atan2(y, x))
def fixangle(self, angle): return self.fix(angle, 360.0)
def fixhour(self, hour): return self.fix(hour, 24.0)
def fix(self, a, mode):
if math.isnan(a):
return a
a = a - mode * (math.floor(a / mode))
return a + mode if a < 0 else a
#---------------------- prayTimes Object -----------------------
prayTimes = PrayTimes()
#-------------------------- Test Code --------------------------
# sample code to run in standalone mode only
if __name__ == "__main__":
from datetime import date
print('Prayer Times for today in Waterloo/Canada\n' + ('=' * 41))
times = prayTimes.getTimes(, (43, -80), -5);
for i in ['Fajr', 'Sunrise', 'Dhuhr', 'Asr', 'Maghrib', 'Isha', 'Midnight']:
print(i + ': ' + times[i.lower()])
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armo123 commented May 30, 2021

i am using the script
with latest version of python 3.9.5
and i used it for my simple project i created
i had some issues with it , i cant cahnge the calculation and when i use
(.setMethod) it says:

 File "c:\Users\armo\prayertimes\", line 157, in setMethod self.adjust(self.methods[method].params)
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'params'
            methodconfig = config["Settings"]["Method"]
        except KeyError:
            methodconfig = "MWL"

        PT = PrayTimes()

and when i supply the calculation method as a prametre for the praytimes class

            methodconfig = config["Settings"]["Method"]
        except KeyError:
            methodconfig = "MWL"

        PT = PrayTimes(methodconfig)

it does not change the method
please i need your help thank you.

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asslam alykom
gazakm allah khair
how can i get current salah name???
and next salah name

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suhailvs commented Feb 2, 2022

my time zone is 5:30 hrs. so i must give 5.5 right? also my fajr, magrib, isha are not correct.

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i am using the script with latest version of python 3.9.5 and i used it for my simple project i created i had some issues with it , i cant cahnge the calculation and when i use (.setMethod) it says:

 File "c:\Users\armo\prayertimes\", line 157, in setMethod self.adjust(self.methods[method].params)
AttributeError: 'dict' object has no attribute 'params'
            methodconfig = config["Settings"]["Method"]
        except KeyError:
            methodconfig = "MWL"

        PT = PrayTimes()

and when i supply the calculation method as a prametre for the praytimes class

            methodconfig = config["Settings"]["Method"]
        except KeyError:
            methodconfig = "MWL"

        PT = PrayTimes(methodconfig)

it does not change the method please i need your help thank you.

You can try the fix in the comments here

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