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Created July 17, 2014 16:27
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deluged, filebot, and plex integration
import sys
import subprocess
import logging
from os import path
from deluge.ui.client import client
from twisted.internet import reactor
# Customizable filebot and script options. Lines starting with # are disbled. Remove # to enable them.
filebotOptions = [
'--output /media/drive2/media', # where you want to copy/organize you're files i.e: X:/path/to/media
'--action move', # rename action i.e: move | copy | keeplink | symlink | hardlink
'--conflict override', # conflict resolution i.e: override | skip | fail
'--def subtitles=true', # download subtitles i.e: true | false
'--def artwork=true', # fetch artwork/nfo i.e: true | false
# '--def xbmc=hostname', # Tell the given XBMC instance to rescan it's library
'--def plex=localhost', # Tell the given Plex instance to rescan it's library
# '--log-file /var/log/filebot.log' # output log to log file
# '--def gmail=username:password', # Use the following gmail account to send reports
# '--def mailto=email', # Send report to the given email address (email from and to the same account if mailto is not set)
scriptOptions = {
'whitelist': ['Movies', 'TVShows'], # only process torrents with this labels. Leave empty [] if you want to process every torrent
'delete': True, # Delete torrent when filebot completes with success
'deleteData': False, # Delete torrent data (only when torrent is being deleted with above option)
'growlNotifications': False, # to enable growl notifications set this to True and install gntp using pip: sudo pip install gntp
'growlHostname': '', # address of the machine where you have growl installed
'growlPassword': '' # the password you have set in growl preferences after enabling network notifications
daemonOptions = {
'host': 'localhost',
'port': 58846,
'username': 'admin',
'password': 'password'
if sys.argv[1] == 'test':
logging.basicConfig(level=logging.INFO, format='%(asctime)s %(message)s', filename=path.abspath(sys.argv[0]) + 'log')
# register with growl
if scriptOptions['growlNotifications']:
logging.debug('Registering with growl')
import gntp.notifier
growl = gntp.notifier.GrowlNotifier(
notifications=["New Messages"],
defaultNotifications=["New Messages"],
hostname=scriptOptions['growlHostname'], # Defaults to localhost
password=scriptOptions['growlPassword'] # Defaults to a blank password
def notify(title, description, sticky, icon="/filebot.png"):
logging.debug('Growl Notification: %s' % title)
if scriptOptions['growlNotifications']:
logging.debug('Growl Notification: %s' % title)
noteType="New Messages",
icon=file(path.dirname(path.abspath(sys.argv[0])) + icon).read(), sticky=sticky,
# get label from deluge
def on_connect_success(result):
logging.debug('Connected to Deluge')
return client.core.get_torrent_status(sys.argv[1], ["label", "hash"]).addCallback(on_get_torrent_status)
def on_connect_fail(result):
logging.error("Connection failed: %s" % result)
def errorMsg(msg):
def on_get_torrent_status(torrent):
global scriptOptions
# Don't process with filebot if in label blacklist
if torrent["label"] not in scriptOptions['whitelist']:"Not a movie or tv show, nothing to do here.")
elif(call_filebot()): # call filebot
if(scriptOptions['delete']): # filebot success and user chose to delete torrent, so do that very task
client.core.remove_torrent(torrent['hash'], scriptOptions['deleteData']).addCallbacks(printSuccess, printError, errbackArgs = (errormsg))
return disconnect()
# call filebot
def call_filebot():"Starting filebot")
notify("Cataloging", sys.argv[2], False)
errorCode ="filebot -script /root/python/filebot/filebot_scripts/amc.groovy -non-strict --def ut_kind=multi --def 'ut_dir=%s/%s' " % (sys.argv[3], sys.argv[2]) + ' '.join(filebotOptions), shell=True)
if errorCode == 0:"Filebot finished with success")
notify("Ready to consume", sys.argv[2], False)
return True
logging.error("Something happened")
notify("Problems with filebot", sys.argv[2], False)
return False
# close deluge connection
def disconnect(result=0):
logging.debug("Disconnecting from Deluge")
print "disconnect"
return client.disconnect().addCallback(stop_reactor)
def stop_reactor(result=0):
logging.debug("Stoping reactor")
print "stop reactor"
return reactor.stop()
notify("Download complete", sys.argv[2], False, '/deluge.png')"Download complete: %s at %s/%s" % (sys.argv[1], sys.argv[3], sys.argv[2]))
if sys.argv[1] != 'test' and scriptOptions['whitelist']: # connect to deluge if whitelist is defined and torrent ID is not test"Connecting to deluge")
d = client.connect(host=daemonOptions['host'], port=daemonOptions['port'], username=daemonOptions['username'], password=daemonOptions['password'])
else: # if supplied id is test, just call filebot
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